• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 4,397 Views, 92 Comments

Of Strawberries and Lemonade - Sam Cole

Twilight and Rarity try a spell to find their special sompony, then try everything to change the results

  • ...

20/ 20/ 21 Hours to Go! I Wanna Be Sedated!

Chapter 3: 20/ 20/ 21 Hours to Go! I Wanna Be Sedated!

“Miss Rarity,” Fancypants asked as he laid out the blanket for a star lit picnic, “Your meal, awaits.”

“I- Thank you sir,” Rarity mumbled, taking her seat on the cloth.

“Are you alright my dear?”

“No. I’m afraid my friend is developing feelings for- for somepony she really should not. Somepony that could never treat them like they deserve to be treated,” Rarity confessed, believing her actions tonight showed she didn’t deserve the lavender mare. She just let Twilight run away. How could anypony in love do such a thing?

“Ah. Am I to guess this is Lady Twilight?” Rarity nodded to affirm the notion, “Then if she always seeks you out, she will be just fine.”

“I’m not so sure though,” Rarity said, looking away from the colt.

“My dear, you doubt yourself. You are her rock. I’ve seen the way you two act with each other. You two are the best of friends I have ever seen.”

“I- Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled. “Fancy, do you believe in destiny?”

“Not in the slightest,” Fancypants nodded. “I believe each pony makes their own. It is always a choice, never a path.”

“Always... a choice...” Rarity repeated softly, then looked to see the drinks Fancypants was preparing. A tall glass of lemonade stood on Rarity’s right, and on her left...

“Is that... strawberry wine?” Rarity asked.

“Yes. I found a local vineyard here in your lovely town, and popped in for a bottle to go with dinner. Is there a problem?” Fancypants asked, taking note of Rarity.

“Strawberries... or Lemonade,” Rarity muttered to herself. “Choose your own way, hmm? I think it’s time I did just that.” Rarity smiled, picking up a glass, and holding it up for a toast. “To the power of choice, darling.”

Twilight had no words when she got home, she had nothing left. Everything in her heart was let out on the way here. She was heartbroken, but happy at the same time. She was letting go of who she wanted right now, to make them happy. It was odd, but Twilight felt right. As long as Rarity was happy, she would be happy. Twilight made it all the way up stairs before her exhaustion washed over her, and let the poor mare slip into a deep sleep like none she had felt before.

Tonight would be a dreamless night.

“Ugh,” Twilight groaned as the morning sun washed in and flooded her room. “My teacher, the alarm clock.”

“Morning Twilight,” Spike greeted from the foot of her bed. “Sleep well? You just passed out last night.”

“Yeah, I slept fine,” Twilight yawned as she stretched. “Why are you awake?”

“Cause it’s 11:45.”

“What?” Twilight snapped, dashing over to her clock. “Spike, why did you let me sleep for 14 hours?”

“I tried to wake you up at 7, but you wouldn’t budge.” Spike noted. “I know a thing or two about sleeping in, so I figured you could use a little more time.”

“But, the library...” Twilight protested.

“No pony stopped by,” Spike shrugged. “It’s a work day Twilight, so you’re good.”

“Great, I don’t know what I should be angry at now. Me for sleeping in, or a whole town that thinks they can go a whole day without reading.”

“So what’s on your agenda for today Twilight? Still playing with that spell Cadence cast on ya?” Spike asked as he followed Twilight downstairs.

“No Spike, I think I’m done with that spell,” Twilight said gingerly as she opened the cupboard. “I think I’ll just try my old way.”

“Uh-huh, so nothing?” Spike corrected.

“Shut it reptile,” Twilight playfully joked. “I have a loaf of bread here and am not afraid to use it.”

“If you’re gonna use it, could I recommend a couple of sandwiches?” Spike implored. “It may be your breakfast, but it’s time for my lunch.”

“Sure thing Spike,” Twilight laughed. The pair ate happily, and got about work in the library as if it was just another day. But certain things kept playing at Twilight’s mind. She had questions, and more correctly, she had regrets. Twilight was cut off by a knock at the door, followed closely by two of her friends, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “Sup Twilight.” They greeted in unison.

“Hey girls, what can I help you with?” Twilight asked, looking between them and their odd smiles toward her.

“Well, a certain mail mare dropped these off for ya today,” Rainbow smiled as she pushed forward some random mail, along with the box Twilight knew to contain something very important, and straight from Canterlot.

“The elements?” Twilight questioned, throwing open the box and checking for a letter as to why she had them now.

“Awe yeah. Epic adventure time!” Rainbow cheered, pumping her hoof in the air.

“It’s always loads of fun to get to use these bad boys,” Pinkie smiled, grabbing hers and throwing it on.

“No,” Twilight protested, reading the elusive letter, “The Princess wants me to watch over them is all. She believes with our ties to them, we should have ready access in case we need them that much sooner.”

“So, no epic monster smashing adventure?” Rainbow pouted.

“Nope, just a change in holding place is all,” Twilight smiled.

“Oh, okay. Can we each keep our own?” Pinkie asked excitedly. “I like to use mine to heat up pastries. Watch,” Pinkie cried as she made her element spark, then throw out a large beam of hot blue magic.

“What?! How did you? When did you? No, if you’re going to treat it like a toy then you can’t keep the elements,” Twilight protested, taking back the artifact from the now sad pink maned pony. “I’ll keep them here. I can be trusted to not misuse them, I think.”

“Okay,” Pinkie sniffled, and Twilight sighed in defeat.

“Alright Pinkie, one more,” Twilight smiled.

“Yay!” Pinkie cried as she put the element back on, and let the hot blue magic loose again. Twilight was never happier that she had fire proofed the books now. Though really that should have been her first step years ago. After all, her number one assistant is a fire breathing dragon.

Twilight smiled as she glanced through the remaining letters, and found the one she had not been expecting, a reply from Cadence already. Twilight dropped everything as she ripped open the letter, her breath catching in her chest. Had she been right all along, or was she being had?

Dearest Twilight,

I’m happy to hear the spell works. In all honesty, I knew it had, because you two are so easy to read. Remember, the spell cuts through all influences, so I knew you weren't drunk after that kiss- Twilight snorted in anger. She had been known all along after all- But yes, you’re right as well. There is no such thing as destiny. The spell reacts to one whom you are willing to open your heart too. One you could love, or one you already do. A friend would not be strawberries because there are things you do not share with a mere friend. But one whom you are willing to give yourself too completely, they are one you could learn to love. They would be your soulmate. While it’s true that is just a word, it’s the weight the pony gives it that has value. And I know deep down you and Rarity’s worth in each other is more worthy than it’s weight in gold, purer than the skies of Cloudsdale, and rarer than a fire ruby. Between you two, I see the potential for true love. Though you two coming together was not my plan, I am now filled with glee and joy for you Twilight.

Your’s in keeping, Princess Mi Amora Cadenza.

P.S. Shiny says bad Twily for drinking so much. He’s threatening to move there to make sure you don’t do it again... Sorry for telling him. Bye!

A letter was all Twilight needed. Her sister’s words steeled her, and so with her two friends in tow, Twilight was ready to see Rarity. To see if she had been wrong last night. She trotted happily down the lane, right past the boutique, picked up speed, and ran crying into the thickest part of Whitetail Woods, with Rainbow and Pinkie close behind.

“Twi, what’s wrong?” Pinkie asked as Twilight finally came to a stop, crying and gasping hard.

“I can’t do it,” Twilight sobbed. “I- I think- I think I love her! And now I’ve gone and screwed it all up!”

“Who?” Rainbow asked.

“Rarity. It’s a long story,” Pinkie supplied. “Are you okay? I thought you two were so close last night to saying it to each other.”

“No, I was. But I decided to let go. She deserves better than me,” Twilight cried, burying her head in her hooves.

“Wow, I’m so sorry, Twilight,” Pinkie sniffed, and began to cry as she hugged the librarian.

“Oh geez,” Rainbow scoffed. “So you started to fall for her, but then decided to do what you thought was right. Good job Twi, but now you need to stop.”

“What?” Twilight asked in a rare mix of hurt and angered.

“You let her go, but now you wish you hadn't, right? Well, if she’s happy right now, you made the right call. If not, you hurt her more by this, and need to go apologize,” Rainbow explained.

“Wow, thank you Rainbow. I-” Twilight began.

“Cool it,” Rainbow dismissed, then smiled. “Hey wait, this means I know more about something than Twilight!”

“Oh knock it off,” Twilight muttered happily. “But seriously, thanks. If Rarity is happy now, then I can be happy for her.”

“Yay, good for you Twilight,” Pinkie smiled. The pair helped Twilight get up, and get ready to face her friend again. This time, nothing stopped Twilight as she marched straight up to the door, and knocked away. Nothing in Equestria could stop her, so she knocked again. And again. And again...

“Twilight, I don’t think she’s home...” Rainbow finally said.

“But where could she be?” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Maybe she stayed with Fancypants last night. They are old friends after all,” Pinkie supplied.

“Hmm, well, if they had anything to drink... Oh who am I kidding, it’s them. They’re probably still sleeping it off at the Inn. Come on girls,” Twilight said as she lead the way to The Stable Inn to see if Rarity had crashed out with Fancypants. And once at the Inn, they were delighted to hear that Fancypants was staying there, though less so that he was trying to work off a massive hangover from the sounds of things.

“Hello girls,” Fancypants greeted as he opened the door. “So... so good to see you.”

“Are you alright Fancypants?” Twilight asked gently.

“I’m afraid I had a bit much to drink last night after my date,” Fancypants sighed.

“After?” The three mares asked.

“Yes my friends, after. Miss Rarity said she valued my friendship too much to ever risk it on a romantic excursion.” The colt snarled. “I’m afraid your thoughts of her and I were a bit ahead of themselves, Lady Sparkle.”

“Sorry... So you and Rarity...” Twilight processed. “Where is she now then?”

“I haven’t the slightest clue. After that fiasco, I went to a friends for a sporting game of cards, and proceeded to loss 500 bits and my self control,” Fancypants groaned. “Damn that Bunny.”

“What are you- No, I’m smarter than this,” Twilight breathed to calm herself, “So is there anyway we could help you right now?”

“Unless you know how to make pounding headaches go away,” Fancypants smiled.

“Drink water. You’re hurting right now because of dehydration,” Pinkie supplied. When her friends turned their eyes on her, she blushed. “What? I am the party mare of Equestria.”

“She has a point,” Twilight conceded. “Well, thank you Fancypants. I hope you feel better soon.”

As the three mares walked away, the questions began to mount for one brainy mare. Where was Rarity? Why had she declined Fancypants? What the hay did he mean by ‘Damn that Bunny?’

“So I was thinking,” Dash finally said to interrupt Twilight’s train of thought. “Maybe Rarity went over to your place while you were in Whitetail Woods.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Twilight smiled. “Come on girls.”

“Actually, it’ll just be you and Dashie. I have to get back to work Twilight,” Pinkie offered with a smile and hug. “Hope everything turns out for the best.”

“Thanks. And thank you for not hounding me with ‘Can I throw you two a party?’ questions.”

“Oh please, why do you think I’m heading home,” Pinkie scoffed.

“Of course. Thank you Pinkie,” Twilight smiled as she and Rainbow Dash took off for her home, desperate to find the mare of Twilight’s dreams.

“Spike!” Twilight called out as she burst into the library, “Spike, is Rarity here?”

“No, I haven’t seen her all day. Why?” The small dragon replied, a touch confused.

“I just need to find her,” Twilight panted. But a hoof on her shoulder gave her pause, as she looked to the multi colored mare.

“Twilight, does he know?”

“I- no, no he doesn’t. You’re right Rainbow,” Twilight sighed, “Spike, come here please. There is something I need to tell you.”

“I’ll leave you two to this,” Rainbow nodded solemnly.

“Hey, how are you so smart at relationships?” Twilight asked before Dash stepped out.

“I’ve been picking up the pieces from my brothers relationships for years now,” Dash laughed.

“You have a brother?” Twilight and Spike asked.

“Brothers. I have 3,” Dash smiled. “Two live in cloudsdale, the third is in prison. Man, that was a fun night,” Rainbow smiled as she walked out, leaving behind her two very confused friends.

“I don’t wanna know,” Spike finally muttered.

“I feel I’ve been saying that a lot lately,” Twilight nodded. “But Spike, there is something I need to talk to you about.”

“Oh, what is it Twi?”

“I accidentally kissed Rarity the other night, while under this spell, and I got a positive,” Twilight forced herself to say. She expected a harsh outcome, a questioning of some sort, but it never came. Twilight opened her eyes to look at a rather passive dragon, who only shrugged.

“Okay. So?”

“So? Spike, I know you just had a huge crush on her, and maybe still carry the embers of that flame, so I wanted to make sure that my actions would not hurt you.” Twilight explained.

“Twilight, while I did love Rarity greatly, the key word is did. I’ve moved on,” Spike shrugged. “Now I like Sapphire Shores! She’s Sensational!”

“Spike, never say that word again,” Twilight ordered.


“But you would have no problems if I started dating Rarity?”

“Why would I? She left me feeling pretty good about where we stand. And if you two make each other happy, it’s all good. I can be a grown up about this,” Spike smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do.”

“Thank you Spike. Is there anything my big grown up dragon would like?” Twilight asked sweetly, smiling at her amazing little friend.

“A new blanky would be nice,” Spike nodded. “... Wait, no, I mean quilt. Only babies use blankies.”

“One new ‘quilt’ it is then. I love you, Spike,” Twilight giggled as she hugged the dragon and made her way out into town to find Rarity.

Twilight felt every inch of her search in her poor aching hooves now, but she was determined to find Rarity, if it was the last thing she did. She searched everywhere she could think of. The town hall, the fabric store, even the sofa and quill store, which was happy to offload 50 new quills on Twilight somehow.

“Maybe, no,” Twilight argued, thinking back to everything Rarity had said to her lately about where she might be. Twilight stopped at the town dentists office, thinking she heard Rarity mention a check up here soon. It was a long shot, but Twilight was getting desperate.

“Hey Twilight,” The local dentist Colgate smiled, “What can I help you with?”

“I was looking for Rarity actually, have you seen her?” Twilight blurted out, then blushed. “If, if you can talk about that, I mean.”

“No, I haven’t seen her here today, though she does have an appointment tomorrow,” Colgate nodded, making Twilight slap her face. One day off. One day! “But if you’re going to see her, could you run her this appointment card?”

“Sure,” Twilight smiled, and made the poor Colgate gasp.

“Holy hoof grenade! Look at that,” Colgate squealed.

“What? What’s wrong with my teeth?”

“Not a damned thing. Look at those bicuspids. And those incisors! Your teeth are perfect Twilight!”

“Really?” Twilight blushed. “Thanks. I don’t do anything special...”

“Can I get a mold of them?” Colgate squealed. “To make a model for the dentistry school?”

“Um...” Twilight paused. One the one hoof, time was of the essence. On the other, it was to help teach and educate, and how could Twilight refuse that, no matter the topic. “Oh okay. But please make it quick.”

“You got it Twilight,” Colgate smiled as she lead Twilight back and set her in the chair. No pony could ever be said to be happy about sitting in a dentist chair, but this somehow felt different. Like something bad was about to happen. Twilight’s fears of that came true when the tell tale sounds of Colgate’s Omnidrill fired up behind her. Twilight screamed as she magically whisked herself away, leaving behind a laughing pony and her assistant.

“Oh Sweet Luna, that never gets old!” Colgate laughed heartily. “Oh goddess, I’m a horrible pony.”

“I almost thought you wouldn’t get her in the damned chair,” Nurse Sweetheart laughed. “Oh goodness, that one was priceless!”

“Holy hay,” Twilight gasped, leaning against the mailbox to catch her breath. “This whole town is crazy!”

“Hey Twilight, what’s up?” A familiar voice greeted from next to her. Twilight looked up to see Miss Derpy Hooves standing there with a concerned smile.

“Bad dentist visit,” Twilight said.

“Bad- Nevermind,” Derpy shook it off, “I was afraid you were late on another Friendship report.”

“Why does everypony keep saying that,” Twilight groaned.

“Twilight, none of us can forget that,” Derpy nodded. “So what’s up, cause you are not looking your normal self here.”

“I’ve been running all over town looking for Rarity,” Twilight chuckled. “It’s like fate doesn’t want me too-”

“Oh Rarity, she’s at her folks place right now,” Derpy smiled.

“What?!” Twilight demanded.

“Yeah, she was just getting there as I was continuing on my rounds,” Derpy explained.

Twilight looked at the sky, afraid that soon the spell would be up. With everything that had happened between her and Rarity now, everything might be different. But Twilight still had to give it a try. She just had to. With thanks to the mail mare, Twilight was dashing off again like her courageous friend, renewed in her resolve to find her love.

“Rarity,” Twilight yelled as she pounded on the door of the windmill, hoping she was still here. It was barely dusk now, but Twilight feared she was too close for comfort. There was no answer, no movement inside. Twilight’s heart sank, as she feared that once more, she was too late.

“Well hey there Twilight,” The folksy tone of Magnum called out from the side of the home. “What’s up hun?”

“Oh, hello Mr Grace,” Twilight smiled. “I was told Rarity was here?”

“Oh yeah, she’s out back,” Magnum chuckled. “Come on, we’re having a cookout.”

“Thank you,” Twilight sighed in relief, letting the homeowner lead her out back. Her heart soared when at last, after the longest day of Twilight’s life, she laid eyes on the white mare that had been circling her mind. “Hey Rarity...”

“Oh hello darling, what are you doing here?” Rarity asked, laughing as she and Sweetie made the punch.

“Oh, just needed to talk with you, I guess,” Twilight smiled, though inside she was freaking out. She walked proudly over to the white mare, and put to use, for the only time, the technique she and Rarity had made yesterday. Twilight was on the return of her kiss, and just letting it brush that white fur, when she noticed a hoof on her head, holding her there, and making her give the cheek a real kiss, not just a brush. Twilight started to pull back when the white mare pulled her back, meeting her lips for a short but poignant kiss.

“I was wondering when you would come around,” Rarity chuckled as she let Twilight go.

“You- You like me too?” Twilight stammered. “But, but-”

“All of our work to see otherwise? I think we were a tad-”

“The spell wore off,” Twilight finished. “I didn’t taste anything...”

“Oh. Well, I know what I would have tasted,” Rarity smiled. “I’m making it my choice, not my path.”

“Wow,” Rarity’s mom, Pearl began to chuckle. “I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said she had feeling for her friend, huh baby?”

“Nope. I think these two will be just fine.” Magnum smiled.

“So Rarity, where were you all day?” Twilight asked, ignoring the imploring parents.

“I was having trouble deciding how I felt about everything, so I went to Applejack’s,” Rarity explained.

“Applejack’s! Oh horsefeathers, I forgot to check Applejack’s,” Twilight groaned as she brought her hoof to her face.

“Oh darling,” Rarity chuckled. “No offence, but that’s why I went there. No pony would bother me, and I could sort this out. And decide I liked you too.”

“Rarity, I-” Twilight began, but was silenced by a white hoof.

“I like you. Don’t ruin it by apologizing for your blunder last night,” Rarity ordered.

“Okay then,” Twilight smiled. “Then I would like to ask you out on a date.”

“No,” Rarity said with a small amount of flair. “You are the actual lady of the two of us. Let me ask you.”

“No fair,” Twilight laughed. “Okay, you may take me on a date.”

“Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled.

“So wait, you two are dating now?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking between them very confused.

“Well, yeah, I guess...” Twilight smiled nervously.

“Why didn’t I ever think of that!” Sweetie cried, making everypony take a step back. “That would so increase the number of ponies we could have set Cheerilee up with.”

“Sweetie, we talked about this,” Magnum snorted.

“I’m not doing anything,” Sweetie retorted. “I was-”

“You were doing nothing of the sort,” Pearl interrupted. “I swear, when this one gets a thought in her head...”

So Twilight and Rarity, along with the Grace family, enjoyed the night, and afterwards, two mares made plans for a first date, as odd as it was for them.

When the two mares reached the town library, they were in for quite the shock. Namely, all of their friends sitting there with smiles, ready to greet them.

“Alright Twilight!” Rainbow shouted, pumping her hoof in the air, making the poor mares blush.

“Way ta go Rares,” Applejack smiled. “After ya left the farm today, Ah figured Ah’d round up the gals, wish ya well.”

“You mean kick my flank if I backed down,” Rarity sassed at the work pony.

“Same thing.”

“Well, thank you darling,” Rarity smiled.

“So are you two in love now?” Fluttershy asked, making them blush all over again.

“No, I wouldn’t say that,” Rarity chuckled nervously.

“We’re just testing the waters,” Twilight smiled. “But yes, we are going on a date tomorrow.”

“Alright!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing into the air. “I’m soooo happy for you two!”

“Thank you darling. Hello Spike,” Rarity smiled. “I wanted to know how you feel about all-”

“I’m glad for ya,” Spike interrupted, holding up his claw. “But there a few thing I need to make clear. No keeping Twilight out past her bedtime, no more drinking as much as you did the other night, no hanky panky with me in the room, and no more love spells.”

“My, what grown up requests,” Rarity laughed. “And I am more than happy to agree to the latter most of them.”

“Thanks. But seriously, congrats Rarity. And you too Twi. It’s about time you were happy,” Spike smiled, then yawned. “Speaking of bedtime...”

“Come on Spike,” Twilight chuckled, leading her friend to his bed. “And I promise, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

After the others were seen off, and many more thank yous and congratulations said, four mares met in the Sugarcube Corner, ready to cut to business.

“Ah don’t wanna see this end badly for those gals now,” Applejack sighed starting things off.

“Me either. I wish we could help them,” Fluttershy nodded.

“Well, why don’t we then?” Pinkie shrugged. “Tomorrow, let’s make sure their date goes off without a hitch.”

“How?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Leave that to your Aunt Pinkie, Dashie.”

“Pinkie, I’m older than you too,” Rainbow corrected.

Author's Note:

I couldn't resist the chapter title. I love that song.