• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,007 Views, 104 Comments

Research About Fluffy Ponies - Axel Azabash

Fluffy Ponies! No abuse and no 'me and my lovely pony' things... so, what's the point? SCIENCE!

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5- Research about fluffy bath

23/April: More and more fluffies:

Today was going to be a normal day. Came back to home, took a look at Twiley and her new friends, watch TV or something, but no...

The green fluffy mare gave birth. Yes, three more balls of fluff to take care of. I spent all the evening cleaning up the room and making the babies comfortable. At this point, the herd started to call me "daddeh". I corrected them saying "I'm not daddeh," and I'm not going to take care of them.

Twiley was in her corner, looking curious at everything, frowning when a fluffy calls her "Stiwnky big fwuffy". I think she hates that.

Ok, the experiment is over. I wanted to see Twiley's reaction to other fluffies. She doesn't attack other fluffies, only humans, and she looks angry when a fluffy pony calls her stinky. The problem here is that she maybe hates humans. I didn't need all those balls of fluff anymore; I want them out of my house... when that green fluffy recovers...

I was too busy to pay more attention to Twiley, it was a long evening and I was so tired, so, that was all for today. Dr. Mike Hastell, going to bed.

24/April: My free day! Or maybe not:

I woke up late, at 11:30, it was a wonderful day. I went downstairs to check everything was alright. I replaced the bowls of food and water, cleaned the sand box, and cleaned up the room. Twiley didn't try to attack me this time; she was thoughtful, looking at nothing.

I had an idea. Why not to build some kind of doghouse... or fluffyhouse out there? The fluffies will be sheltered and the room free of them. I want them out of my home, it's not like I'm worried about them being sheltered...

I spent the afternoon building it. A simple but big doghouse made out of some clapboards and plastic to make the ceiling waterproof. I took the entire herd to my backyard again.

Finally, I went in to take a look on Twiley. She was in her corner, frowning at the floor. Why was she angry now?

"Hello, Twiley. Whats up?" I greeted her. She sniffed her own coat and looked at me with sad eyes.
"I no wan stinky." She said, and looked away.
"What?" I asked her.
"I wan cwean." She answered.
"Oh, all this time, all those fluffies were calling you stinky and you are sad about it." I tried to comfort her.
"Yes... I wan cwean..." She looked at me with those 'It's not like I want you to give me a bath' look on her eyes.
"Do you want me to clean you?" I asked, and she nodded slowly.

I thought it was a great idea. I went to the bathroom and took away everything that could be broken if Twiley tries to attack me again. I put on my science armor and opened the door. Twiley stared at me and rolled her eyes.

I picked up the chains and she walked slowly near to me, surprisingly peaceful, I took her to the bathroom. The tube was full of warm water and I was protected if she tries to do something stupid again. Nothing could go wrong, nothing at all... that was what I thought...

I slowly picked her up in my arms, trying to not get her scared. I failed. She started to squirm until she fell on the floor again. I tried to catch her again, but she stomped one of her hard hooves to one of my feet. The flexible rubber boot didn't protect me from this and all the energy from her stomp went straight to my toes. I groaned in pain and took a step back to avoid another stomp. After some seconds of dancing to avoid her hits, I managed to grab her again in my arms.

Twiley squirmed again, but this time, I didn't let her go. I waited until she stopped moving. I could feel her fast heartbeat and was panting heavily. That was it; it looked like she finally gave up.

I put her slowly in the tube, and she stood on all fours. After that, I released slowly my grip on her and pushed her rump down, she sat on the tube. I poured warm water on her. She lied down on her belly, only her head and neck out of the water and closed her eyes.

"It's not that bad, isn't it? Do you like it?" I comforted her. She moaned a little in response.

I poured some shampoo on her. I rubbed and scratched until all the grime went out. She stayed there, angling her head to get more scratches with her eyes closed. I rinsed her and took her out of the tube. She groaned and frowned at me, this time not like an angry beast; it was more like a frown from a pouty little girl who doesn't want to come out of the water and play a little.

I dried her with a towel, and brushed her coat and mane. When the brush touched her coat, all her muscles tensed. The brush ran through her coat, she sighed deeply and relaxed again. After some minutes brushing her mane and coat she looked now quite better. Her clean fur was now silky and extra fluffy, with a fresh lemon aroma. She muzzled her own coat and giggled, enjoying being in her own fur. Yes, she giggled, for the first time in all those days, she looked happy.

"Do you like it?" I asked gently.
"I... wike it... now cwean, no stinky." She giggled again.
"When you are dirty, you take a bath and you are clean again." I tried to explain to her.
"I wike how you cwean me." She said, looking at me.

Back in the laboratories, they use a hose to wash her; maybe a hot water bath was new for her. Maybe the problem is that she hates humans because humans back in the lab were rude to her and considered her a research object more than a living being. The new experiment, now that she is relaxed, is to be gentle with her, maybe I could make her behave in a different way.

"Do you want to take a look at my house?" I stroked her mane.
"A wook a wouw house?" She answered, looking confused.
"Yes, you were in that room all the time... I don't know, it's quite boring, like being in a jail."
"Bowwing? Jail?" She said, looking more confused.
"Ok, anyway... let's go." I picked up the chains.
She was very peaceful and relaxed. I took her upstairs and show her all the rooms. She was especially interested in the window, from where she took a look at the street. I stroked her mane again and we came downstairs. I show her the kitchen, where I got the food, and then, back to her room. I chained her again to the bars of the window.

I brought her some food. Spaghetti, I know she loves it, and this was a special day for her. I want to be kind and gentle... you know... for the experiment, that's it... it's not like I like fluffy ponies or something like that.

I took off my armor, it was becoming really hot in there and I was sweating heavily. I prepared the food and came to her room. I carefully put the bowl where she could take it, but I remained out of her reach. She suddenly got up and ran to take her food, she startled me doing that and I took a few steps back. I wasn't wearing the armor now and she could hurt me easily.

She stopped just in front of her food, looking at how I just reacted to her. She stared at me, looking confused, and then, something made 'click' in her brain. She looked sad at me, with her ears flat. I have no idea why, but she is sad now. Was it something I did?

"I'm... sowy..." She said. Tears ran down her cheeks.
"Sorry? About what?" I asked, this time, really confused about her reaction.
"I... huwt you. But you no huwt me, you awe a good hooman. Sowy... I'm sowy..." She sobbed.
"Oh... " I couldn't say anything.
"I no huwt good hooman anymowe, I'm sowy. I no wike huwt, I dun wan huwt hooman, i..."
"Ok, Twiley, everything is ok, don't worry." I leaned closer and stroked her mane again.

After some minutes, she recovered and started to eat. The experiment was successful. The problem was that back in the lab, people did horrible things to her, no one paid attention to her, she probably felt alone and defenseless. She was scared about everything, especially humans, she hated all of us.

No more cruel experiments for her. I have finished my research. And now what do? Take her back to the laboratories? They will kill her, but I don't want a pet to take care of, and having a talking pet is quite creepy. Yeah, some parrots can talk, but this is different, fluffies actually know what they are saying. Fluffy ponies are creepy; I would prefer a cat or a dog. Every time I think to take her back to the labs, I feel a sting of guilt about her.

Dr. Mike Hastell, going to bed.

Author's Note:

Ok, exams and stuff, this one took forever.