• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,008 Views, 104 Comments

Research About Fluffy Ponies - Axel Azabash

Fluffy Ponies! No abuse and no 'me and my lovely pony' things... so, what's the point? SCIENCE!

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2- Research about the origin of the fluffies

I wake up. Today is my free day, and I'm going to spend it visiting the Fluffy Corp and those labs, and most important, I'm going to see one of the first specimens of Fluffy, which is mentally unstable, and maybe I will discover something about how those scientist managed to write on that thing's mind.

I drive to the labs, were I ask for Dr. Jacob, we meet at the reception and he takes me to visit the installations. It's quite fun to see all those things. He show me everything that he can, from some of the labs were they did the first steps to make a Fluffy to the training and test rooms, were they did all those experiments and tested all the performances of the fluffies.

Training and test rooms don't look like that; it looks more like a bunch of play rooms, with a lot of toys, balls, games and stuff. They tested how they will do as a pet, so, there are a lot of pet things.

After some happy rooms and some awesome equipment, he takes me to a simple room, there is only a table with a computer and a chair, and there is a locked door in the end of it. That door looks more like a jail door.

"Ok, Mike, here we are. It's not the best part of the lab, but you were so interested in it that I decided to allow you to see it." Jacob says.

"Well, actually it's what I came to see, I knew more or less how the rest of the lab was." I answer.

"Well, you are lucky, we are going to give it 'forever sleepies' next week, we can't use it anymore" Jacob tells me, getting closer like it was some kind of secret.

"Use it?" I ask, quite shocked.

"It was one of the first models, so, we learned a lot from our mistakes in order to make a finished product. Now that we have the product and a complete report about all the fails we did with this specimen, keeping it alive is senseless." Jacob answers, shrugging.

"Well, but is quite sad... Maybe it could live somewhere..." I say.

"Mike, this thing is a product of bio engineering, it's a biologic machine, a defective unfinished product, it's not even an animal, remember, and it's completely crazy, seriously, it's dangerous." He replies.

"Hey, If you are going to kill it, you wouldn't mind to give it to me, would you?" I ask Jacob.

"You don't want to have something like this in your house, believe me... Since I knew you were going to come to see it, I chained it safely." Jacob replied, with a serious expression on his face.

"Wow, it's so dangerous?" I ask, quite surprised.

"Yeah, quite dangerous, those hooves are quite hard, and this model is twice as big as a normal fluffy pony, maybe three times, and it's stronger. Maybe it wouldn't kill you, but it can hurt you. Don't get very close and there wouldn't be any problem." He answers.

After that, he opens the closed door slowly and looks into the next room, then looks back at me and says "Ok, I think you can get in."

I entry the room and find it. In the end, there is a purple coated fluffy pony, with dark blue mane and tail, with a horn, about three times bigger than a normal fluffy. Oh, shit... a Twilight wannabe...

Her hooves and neck are chained, and she is resting on her belly. She doesn't look very well, her coat is dirty, her mane is crazy, and has some scars and some bits of burned coat. She is awake, frowning at the wall in front of her and flicking her ears to each sound in the room.

Well, even being three times bigger than a normal fluffy, it's not so big, she would be about one meter tall and about forty or fifty kg of weight. It's not so scary.

I get closer slowly in order to not scare her or something, she continues frowning at the wall, flicking her ears to each step I take. I look back at Jacob, and he simply shrugs at me. I get close to take a look about her. She looks a lot more accurately to a pony from the show, but still, her coat is slightly fluffier.

The smell is quite awful, the room is grossly untidy. The sandbox is flipped and there is sand everywhere, broken toys and other... gross things. They should take a little more care about it. I know, it's a broken unfinished product, but... well, it looks and smells awful.

The door opens slowly. One of those humans peek his head and looks at me. Now, I'm awake and scared, my body is paralyzed in fear, I don't dare to look at what they are going to do with me this time. There is another human, it's new for me; I have never seen him before. New humans take fewer precautions about me; he isn't even holding that hurting machine they usually do.

He is slowly getting closer. I can hear his steps, he comes near to me; he crosses the line of toys that I put to know how far I can reach with those chains. I'm not staying here to discover what they are going to do with me this time...

Something takes me out of my thoughts. A chirpy scream, a purple flash, followed by a strong knockback and suddenly I'm lying on the floor, trying to block her hooves with my hands. That thing is on me, trying to hit my face with her hard hooves. I manage to block them with my arms. After a few hits, I grab her hooves, but I have to let one of them free when she tries to bite my hand, closing her yaws a few centimeters away from my fingers with a loud 'clap'.

I push her back and kick her in the belly; I stand up from the floor and take a few steps back, out of her reach. Jacob comes to the room, holding a taser, but it's too late, the fight is over, and the freaking thing is back in the corner of the room, panting and frowning at the wall, ear twitching.

"Oh shit, oh shit! I forgot the taser in the other room! Are you ok, Mike?" Jacob asks, really nervous about the situation.

"Oh, yeah, I'm ok. My clothes are the only that got hurt... Oh, I'm stinky now after falling to that dirty floor..." I reply, panting and looking at my clothes.

"I told you to not get very close. It usually doesn't attack like that, but sometimes it does, that's why I chained it." Jacob scolds at me.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, but she didn't look so aggressive at first..." I said in my defense.

"Anyway, we are not going to need it anymore, we are going to sacrifice it next week. I hate working with it. It even doesn't let me to clean up the room." Jacob continued angrily.

"A fluffy capable of defend all by itself... an aggressive fluffy that could attack and hurt an enemy. That is just what the regular fluffies can't! That's why they die so easily! I got it!" I think out loudly, maybe with my eyes sparkling in emotion. Jacob gives me a weird stare.

"Oh... I'm happy that you found out something so interesting. We made fluffy ponies defenseless to avoid this kind of situations." Jacob says, quite annoyed at the obvious point.

"Can I keep it?" I ask Jacob with my best puppy face.

"But... You want this gross freaking thing? I'm not responsible of the damages or injuries that this thing could do. Ok... we are not going to make experiments and tests with it anymore, so... But promise me that you will take precautions and have it chained the whole time." Jacob answers.

Yes! My own investigation specimen! So much fun! I'm going to study everything about it. After a bunch of warnings, Jacob turn off that poor thing with his taser, leaving a mark of burned fluff on her coat. I feel bad about that, but he insists that it's necessary in order to immobilize her.

After putting on a muzzle on her, and a lot of leashes that make her almost impossible to move, he gives her to me. A stinky hulk of leashed purple fluff... Ok, that's doesn't sound very well.

I drive to home, after a few minutes, it wakes up in the back seat. It looks quite terrified, but it can't freak out so much, it can't move. It's about lunch time when I arrive home, but I can't endure that smell anymore, so, I let her on the floor and prepare the bathroom. I put away everything that could get broken and I fill the bathtub with warm water. It's bath time!

It tries to resist a little, but resistance is futile, it can't do anything, and it relaxes a little with the warm water. It's mane is still crazy, and all those bits of burned fluff still remain, but it smells much better.

I prepare a relatively empty room for it. The room is where I usually keep my homemade experiments, so, it's quite easy to prepare it. It has a window to the backyard with iron bars, perfect for tie the leash.

I tie it's leash to the bars and slowly take out all it's boundaries. I put a plastic plate with water and another one with some canned fluffy food. She only goes to a corner of the room, lies on her belly and starts to frown at the wall, with her ear twitching. Oh, boy, I know where is this going, so, I slowly go away and close the door. Too much adventure for today, I forgot to take care of myself. I need to eat something and to take a bath, clean my clothes... you know, the boring part of the adventures.