• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 36,280 Views, 2,154 Comments

Celestia's Tiny Student - CommanderX5

Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.

  • ...

Ch16 - Princess, I Broke My Parents

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter - 16

Princess, I Broke My Parents

Twilight Velvet and Night Light came out of the bathroom, their mane and fur once again presentable as they tried to cover any evidence of their panic attack. Hearing the entire truth from Steel Blade and lecturing their daughter had proven very stressful, but it was over with, and they could perhaps begin relaxing for the rest of the day.

“Hello!” White Path asked eagerly, startling the two adults with his sudden appearance. “So you’ve finally decided to join us? I was wondering if you would come at all.”

Night Light cleared his throat, recovering from the surprise. “We... had to calm ourselves down after learning that our daughter had so many friends.”

Unknown to both parents, Twilight snuck quietly behind them and give a signal with her hoof. White Path gave a barely noticeable nod, and began advancing on the two. “Really? Did Twilight tell you about the time we played together? How we built two forts out of books and played a war game? Did she tell you about the snowball war she played with the princesses, guards and a few friends. I wanted to join in on that, but they wouldn’t let me—I mean, they said that I’m too small for such an intense game, but it’s still unfair. Twilight was, and still is, so much smaller than I am and yet she was still allowed to participate...”

Velvet gave him a hesitant grin, retreating to put a little distance between her and the overenthusiastic colt. “That’s—that’s very nice dear, but could you...” she said, making another step back, only to realize that she’d stepped on something. She quickly turned, raising her hoof in surprise, gasping as she saw her daughter lying flat on the floor.


Velvet jumped to the side in a hurry, body checking Night Light into the wall as she crouched down to look at her very flattened daughter. “Twilight! Speak to me! Oh, what have I done!” she shouted in panic, only to stare in confusion as the tiny mare sat up, sweeping off her fur with a hoof.

“Sorry, mom! That was my fault. I almost tripped you because I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I’ll be more careful next time.” Twilight said apologetically before shifting her attention to White Path, who had surreptitiously winked at her. “Hey, White Path! I have an idea; would you like to play a game of tag?” Twilight asked, before running up to him and bopping him on the muzzle. “You’re it, by the way.”

White Path grinned while he watched Twilight speed away as if nothing unusual had happened at all. “I won’t be it for long!” he shouted, leaving both Twilight Velvet and Night Light alone again, looking between themselves and the rapidly retreating form of their daughter and her friend.

Twilight and White Path rounded the doorway where Overwatch was standing, skidding to a stop as the guard mare snuck a look around the corner. “Eyes are opened… Seeking confirmation...” she muttered, before she turned back to the two behind her. “You’ve definitely shaken their beliefs a bit, so I’d declare Operation Stomp a success,” she said as Twilight and White Path bumped hooves. “Now it’s time for part two.”

Twilight Velvet and Night Light walked into the living room, expecting to rejoin the party, only to find that the party had moved outside and that it now included sharp, pointy objects. Fleur de Lis was dueling against Shining Armor, wielding a fencing foil in her magic against his sword. Both wore white protective clothing, designed to cover the breast and shoulders of each combatant. The weight of Shining’s weapon, combined with his training and magical power, placed him on the offensive in this duel, forcing Fleur to play defensively. Still, despite her disadvantages, Fleur’s foil flew swiftly around Shining’s blade, fluidly deflecting and parrying most of his attacks.

Noticing that Fleur was beginning to get winded, Shining Armor made a lunge, hoping for a game winning strike. However, his sword was knocked askew as Fleur made a riposte, returning the lunge. The blades met and moved past each other, causing both ponies to get nicked in their shoulders and drawing a bit of blood, even through the cloth.

Velvet raised her eyebrows in concern. “T-those swords are real?”

Shining Armor shrugged. “While this weapon isn’t exactly what the Royal Guard would use in a real battle, the training sword can still be a bit hazardous,” he said, before wiping off his sword before turning to Fleur. “Are you alright?”

Fleur looked at the wound, rolling her shoulder experimentally before shaking her head. “I’m fine,” she said. “My white fur makes the color of blood look more severe than it actually is, but I’ll just do what I’ve always done when I get injured.”

“And what’s that?”

“A bit of healing magic and some makeup and my fur will look as good as new,” she replied, smiling. “Not even a scar.”

Shining Armor nodded, returning her smile. “I see. It’s no wonder you can match a trained guard if you can shrug off injuries so easily. You must take fencing quite seriously.”

Fleur shook her head, before moving to put up her weapon. “Not really. Fencing is just a hobby of mine along with ballet, dancing and yoga lessons. Trust me, fencing and ballet can be a dangerous combination.”

“S-still,” Velvet stammered, “that cut still looks bad. We have a few bandages in the house; perhaps you two would like to stop for a while and tend to your injuries?”

Shining Armor began shrugging out of his protective clothing. “Yeah, we’ve been at this long enough. I’m starting to get hungry. What’s for dinner?” he said as he entered the house again, the rumbling noises from his stomach encouraging him to hurry up. He neatly folded his cloth armor, placing it on the back of a chair in the dining room before he noticed a few new arrivals from the kitchen.

“Hey everypony!” Spike said as he entered, holding a stack of bowls and spoons. “We made vegetable soup for all of you!” he continued, drawing attention to the heavy pot waddling along behind him, hot steam rising from the delicious food inside.

“Now now, Twilight,” Velvet said as she approached her daughter under the pot, “Why would you try to carry this on your back?”

Twilight continued towards the dining table, straining to keep the contents of her load from spilling. “Well, levitating became too easy for me, so I began doing things manually. It helps with keeping me in shape for more difficult levitation exercises.”

Twilight Velvet lowered herself beside Twilight as she reached the base of the table, reaching for the pot. “But still, Twilight, why would you do something like that? Just look at how heavy this pot must be...” she said as she touched the pot, quickly yanking her hoof back with a yelp.

“And how hot it must be!” Velvet cried as she quickly levitated it off Twilight’s back to the table, turning back to her daughter urgently. “Why would you do something like that, Twilight? Are you hurt?” she lifted Twilight up against her will, examining her carefully.

Night Light approached the pot himself, testing it with a hoof before flinching in turn. “Twilight, I thought you’d have the sense to wait until this could cool down! This thing could have crushed you or burned you!”

Twilight raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Really? It was hot? I didn’t feel anything at all.”

Velvet put Twilight onto the table, looking at her as if she was insane. Twilight approached the pot and lit her horn, levitating a ladle over to dip into the soup before levitating it to herself and taking a sip from its still steaming contents.

Twilight frowned. “I should have tasted it while it was still in the kitchen. Could use a bit more salt.”

“Really? I thought you had better attention to detail than that,” Blueblood said before taking the ladle and filling a bowl for himself. He took a delicate sip before he yelped, swallowing with a pained expression on his face. “Twilight, while I have no issues with its flavor, I’m slightly offended that you would try to murder the royal tongue with this scalding soup.”

“Pfffftttt,” Shining Armor scoffed, before levitating the bowl over to himself, “You’re just too much of a softie. It can’t be that—okay nevermind, it can be that hot.” He slowly put the bowl back on the table before moving to the kitchen to grab a few ice cubes.

Night Light turned towards Twilight hesitantly. “Do... you need some water, dear? I’m surprised your back wasn’t burned by holding the pot, but that soup was incredibly hot.”

Twilight shook her head, even as Shining Armor nonchalantly pressed an ice cube to her hot back. “Not really. My body is still under the effect of the princess’ protection spell, so it’s going to take more than a hot soup to hurt me. I’ve even taken a few accidental fire spells without really getting hurt.” Twilight said, putting on a fake smile as she turned back to the kitchen. “I think I left something still running back in the kitchen. I’ll be back soon, so enjoy yourselves!”

Overwatch sat waiting for her in the kitchen, handing her a small glass of ice cold water that Twilight quickly downed. “Muuuuch better,” Twilight said in relief, sighing deeply. “I know I didn’t lie about the fire spells, but acting like the protection spell makes me invincible is a lot more difficult than I expected.” She turned towards Overwatch as she placed a piece of an ice cube on her tongue. “Did it work?”

The guard once again leaned stealthily around the corner, taking a few moments to look carefully at the two parents before turning back to Twilight. “They’re testing the pot often, so I think they’re still in a bit of a shock and disbelief, but besides the normal signs of anxiety, I’m pretty sure it worked. That means it’s time for part three, eh?”

Twilight nodded firmly, before she ran back into the dining room, grinning. “Hello everypony!” she said, before hopping to a nearby chair and then onto the table. “I just remembered; now that we’re all here, I can finally show my parents exactly how much I’ve learned under Princess Celestia’s tutelage, so if you could please take your bowls to the living room, we can get this show rolling!”


With a simple flourish, Twilight bowed to her attentive spectators from her spot on the coffee table, though Steel Blade looked noticeably down, as if he wanted to sink into the couch. “Now, I would like to start with the basics, so could I get a few volunteers?” she said, to which everyone except the stallion guard raised their hooves.

Twilight gave a contemplative hum as she looked over her audience, before raising a hoof to point at her chosen few. “Overwatch, Cadence, and Prince Blueblood? If you could come up, please?”

The three rose from their bowls, Cadence and Overwatch waving their hooves to the crowd before them, though Blueblood kept his attention pointedly focused on his little friend.

“We will start with a little levitation spell,” Twilight said, lighting up her horn before she paused and hopped down from the coffee table to a more open area. I’d better spare the table the pressure. I doubt my parents would be happy if it broke.

The tiny horn lit up with a bright magenta flare as it wrapped around the ponies in front of Twilight. Slowly, but surely, she raised her volunteers, her hooves trembling with the weight and her teeth grit in concentration as she attempted to compensate for Overwatch trying to push herself into a backflip in midair.

“Twilight, dear,” Velvet said worriedly, looking from the three floating ponies to her much, much smaller daughter, straining under the effort. “Please stop. You're hurting yourself.”

“Listen to your mother,” Night Light pled as he stood and approached Twilight. After it appeared that Twilight did not hear them, Night Light captured the levitated guests in his own levitation field and he set them on the floor, effortlessly breaking Twilight’s magical aura.

Twilight shook her head, breaking out of her concentration to look at her parents, a pout on her face. “But mom, dad, I could keep them in the air for minutes; why didn’t you let me keep them up for even half that time?”

Night Light opened his mouth to reply, but Shining Armor beat him to it, “I agree with Twilight,” he said, “levitating us is like a walk on the park for her.”

“She really doesn’t have any issues with this level of magic,” Overwatch cut in, slightly peeved that her air time was interrupted. “You should see some of the other things she’s been lifting as part of her training. I’m seriously jealous of how easy it is for her.”

Night Light and Velvet exchanged a wary glance before Velvet spoke up. “Alright then, I suppose, but perhaps we can move on? We’ve already seen a portion of your levitation’s strength, and with the glowing praise from your friends, I don’t think you’ll need to continue this part.”

With Twilight’s reluctant acceptance, Night Light and Velvet sat back down as their daughter hopped back onto the table and moved on to many of the other spells in her repertoire, demonstrating the theory and practice she’d mastered over the years, and the two parents began to relax and marvel at the progress that Twilight had made.

Well, for a little while, at least.

“Now, with this demonstration of my magic out of the way, I will need another volunteer for my next performance. White Path, if you could please step forward?” Twilight said excitedly as the colt jumped up, shooting her a wink as he stepped forward and hopped onto the table with her.

Twilight shot him a grin, before closing her eyes and lighting up her horn again, causing a magenta-colored wave to pass across the colt’s body. “Very good,” she said, opening her eyes again. “My scanning spell tells me that the pressure your four hooves are putting on the table is around fifty kilograms.”

White Path raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Wow, I had no idea you can scan someone’s weight like that.”

Twilight gave a small chuckle. “There are hundreds of scanning spells out there and they can all give different information. This one in particular helps me to track the progress on my training.”

White Path nodded his head. “So... what now?”

Twilight turned back to the crowd. “Now I will show exactly how far my physical training has come. White Path, if you would please put your hoof on my back.”

The colt followed her instructions as Twilight widened her stance, steeling herself for the next step. “Good. Now lift your second foreleg.”

Before Velvet and Night Light could protest, White Path had quickly put half of his weight onto Twilight, causing the mare to once again grit herself in concentration. With a small shriek, Velvet quickly levitated the colt off of Twilight, ending her struggle shortly after it started. She opened her eyes to see her friend being levitated back to the couch as two worried parents looked down at her disapprovingly.

She sighed. “Not again...” she said, sitting down on her rump before looking up at her parents. “Can’t I just lift him for half a minute? Please?”

Velvet lowered herself to look into her daughter’s eyes. “Twilight, dear, you’ve already subjected yourself to the pressure from levitating three rather big ponies, but now you’re skipping the middle step and went straight to carrying ponies with nothing but your back!”

“But mom, a demonstration of magic or strength isn’t impressive if it doesn’t last more than few seconds. I just want to do my best,” Twilight answered, though her mother simply shook her head, pointing at her legs.

“As much as I admire your determination, you are overestimating yourself. Your legs are so thin, and I would not forgive myself if they snapped like matches,” Velvet said firmly.

She felt a hoof on her shoulder and she turned to find her son standing there. “Mom, Dad,” Shining Armor began, before turning from her to Night Light and back. “Twilight has spent many years training more than just her magic. She’s willingly put herself on a very strict physical training regimen, and she’s been lifting much heavier weights because she believes that they will allow her to train her magic even further.”

“But Shining,” Night Light interjected, pointing his hoof at Twilight, “unicorns are not earth ponies; the weight she tried to lift—”

“Was a weight she’s lifted pretty much every day. She’s used to it,” Shining Armor finished, much to his parent’s shock. Noticing their expressions, he sighed and continued. “I understand that you worry about all the hardships that Twiny has had to endure, but she’s endured them all, thanks to her protection spell and some very hard work. She’s gotten used to taking care of herself, even without the help of her magic, and she deserves a chance to prove herself to her own parents.”

Twilight brightened up, hope warming her as her brother took her side. She quickly focused her attention back on her parents. “So umm… can we continue? The talent show isn’t over yet.”


Night Light and Twilight Velvet looked at each other nervously, once again settled into the couch as their daughter prepared for the next part of her show, no doubt as nerve-wracking as the last.

“Now that I’ve proven my magic and physical strength, though I wish I had a tad bit more time to do so, I’m going to show my improvements in agility and flexibility, and for this, I will need your assistance, Fleur de Lis,” Twilight said, prompting the mare to trot gracefully towards her.

Fleur shot Twilight a sly grin. “Let me guess, Twilight. You wish to show what you’ve learned during your dancing and fencing sessions with me,” Fleur said, a cheerful cadence to her voice.

“She did what?” Twilight Velvet exclaimed in disbelief, though she was quickly calmed by Shining Armor before anything escalated.

Twilight gave Fleur an apologetic smile before replying. “As much as I would, I’d like to try something else,” she said, before jumping up onto Fleur’s back and climbing up to her head. “Could you please take a pose? Anything will work as long as your head is straight.”

“Of course my head will be straight! Poise is quite important for success,” Fleur said, smirking, before she reared back, balancing on the tip of a hoof like a ballet dancer. With a quick glance at her pose, Twilight climbed up onto Fleur’s horn, balancing on the tip before striking the same pose.

The two ponies held their position for the whole of ten seconds, drawing out a small applause from the audience and an energetic cheer from Cadence, before Twilight's horn lit up and a fleet of bowls rose up from the table. “Now it’s time to take this up a notch!” she said, lighting up in a wide grin.

Fleur maintained her balance, though the sight of the bowls and a cup full of tea levitating around her was hardly unnoticeable. “Twilight, ma chère, may I ask what you mean by ‘taking it up a notch?’”

“Well, the concept is very simple; I need you to levitate these bowls like stepping stones for me to jump across, just like that exercise we did a couple days ago,” Twilight said, before turning the bowls over to Fleur’s soft lavender glow. “I expect an exciting ride, Fleur!” she cried, jumping to the closest bowl.

Fleur shot her a smirk, maintaining her stance as bowls began to fly around the room. The tiny mare jumped smoothly from bowl to bowl, performing backflips and other acrobatic moves in midair, even as the bowls began to accelerate, forcing Twilight to forsake style in favor of simply dodging the ceramic projectiles as they sped by.

“Mrs. Fleur,” Night Light said calmly, barely resisting the urge to shout even as his heart pounded in his chest, “could you please be a bit more careful in your performance? You almost hit our daughter a few times.”

Fleur turned her head towards the worried parent, breaking her posture, though not her concentration. “I understand your concern, dear, but Twilight and I have been practicing this exercise many times, and I believe that she’s become too proficient for me to even think of hitting her.”

Night Light and Twilight Velvet gave her a hesitant grin, though their eye twitch came back in full force as images of their daughter trying to avoid being stomped flashed through their minds.

“Wait a second now,” Overwatch cut in, tapping a hoof to her muzzle. “Didn’t Twilight mention something about fire spells earlier? I guess it’s no wonder she’s asked Fleur to help her out on her speed over the weekends,” she said. “Still, maybe she should get in on some of the guards’ combat simulations. We need someone to teach them how to move; they’ll never woo a mare as they are now.”

Overwatch shot a quick amused glance over at the two parents, whose breathing had shifted steadily towards hyperventilation as they began to imagine their daughter training her agility by dodging fireballs shot by the princess herself.

Twilight kept jumping from bowl to bowl until, with a quick estimate of distance, she jumped back to Fleur, landing with a hoof on the pale mare’s horn as she levitated a tea cup onto her hind legs. She put her best effort into maintaining her balance, but the sloshing liquid quickly tilted her to the side and caused her to fall, though her descent was quickly arrested by Fleur’s lavender aura.

Fleur sat as she levitated Twilight closer to herself, smiling in delight. “I must say, ma chère, you’ve made a wonderful progress. I take it that you’ve practiced your balance on your own?”

“Yep! I’ve had a tad bit of practice when I was younger, balancing tea cups and books on my head, so I guess it’s much easier to get into a routine of training my stability in addition to my studying,” Twilight said, blushing. “I’ve had a bit of help from Princess Celestia and Overwatch as well.”

Steel Blade let out a snort of laughter, straightening slightly from his huddled position on the couch. “If you can call it that, then I suppose so. Don’t worry, it’s good practice for her if she has to stand still every time you want to try balancing on her horn.”


Overwatch rolled her eyes at the statement before sneaking a surreptitious look at Twilight Velvet and Night Light, who were making very unsubtle suggestions that Twilight’s next performance be her last for the evening. It would be their last chance to convince her parents that being Celestia’s student was not as dangerous to her as they suspected, so she was going to have to play her ace.

“For the grand finale,” Twilight announced, spreading her forelegs wide, “I am going to show you one last thing I’ve improved during my harsh training, thanks to the rather... unpleasant events that my parents have already found out about.”

Shining Armor and Cadence turned their heads quickly towards Twilight Velvet and Night Light, staring shocked at the two ponies. “You... know?” Shining Armor asked nervously.

His parents nodded, a disappointed look on their faces. “You and Twilight have never told us anything, so we had to find out the hidden truth on our own,” Night Light said firmly. Shining Armor exchanged a look with Steel Blade, who gave him a sheepish smile. The lieutenant simply nodded in understanding.

Twilight cleared her throat with a hoof. “As I was saying,” she said, waiting for their attention, “as much as all those experiences were unpleasant and painful, they’ve also greatly improved my endurance, and I am going to prove it,” Twilight said firmly, to which her parents quickly stood to protest. Shining Armor shot his younger sister a what-the-hay-are-you-doing facial expression, sweat forming upon his brow.

“For this, I would like to invite Princess Cadence to come up,” Twilight asked, prompting her foalsitter to walk towards her, a confused expression on her face. Spike and Overwatch, after nudging Steel Blade into action for Twilight’s sake, did their best to convince Night Light and Velvet to give their daughter a chance.

Twilight gestured Cadence closer with a hoof as the foalsitter lowered her head, allowing Twilight to whisper a few words into her ear. Cadence’s eyes went wide, turning her head sharply towards her little charge. “Twilight, you can’t be serious. I can’t do that to you.”

Twilight sat back, placing her hooves together as she give Cadence a pleading look, causing her to bit her lip. “Twilight, please,” she said, doing her best to resist the wide, pleading eyes of the young mare. “Do not ask this of me. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Twilight shook her head. “Would you prefer I ask somepony else then? I can ask Blueblood or Fancy Pants... or even Fleur instead,” Twilight said, gesturing to the crowd before her. “Please Cadence, it has to be you.”

Cadence sighed, before looking back down at Twilight wearily, keeping her ear close. “Why are you doing this? You know your parents are going to die of heart attacks from watching your performance.”

Twilight gave a frustrated pout before leaping up to latch onto Cadence’s ear, much to her surprise. “Because if I don’t do this, I’m not going to be Princess Celestia’s student anymore,” she whispered, her desperation evident in her plea. “My parents want to stop me from staying in the castle and they’re even going to ask that the shrinking spell be dispelled. I just need to convince them that the protection spell makes me indestructible, even though it technically doesn’t, so I need your illusions to make this happen. Please.

Cadence took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. “You know that this is a very bad plan, don’t you?” She asked. Twilight simply nodded, dropping down to the floor, and Cadence let out another sigh. “Fine... let’s do this then, but I’m going to hate myself once this is all over.”

Twilight gave a curt nod, and Cadence straightened back up. “First off, I would like to prove to everypony in this room of my durability, such that I am tough enough to endure being stomped by other ponies. Cadence,” Twilight said, making a few steps towards the audience, the giant alicorn standing right behind her. Cadence maintained a stoic expression, even as she poked her hoof at the floor nervously.

“T-Twilight?” Velvet stammered out, watching as Cadence lifted a hoof over her daughter. “A-are you sure about this?”

Twilight failed to respond, her attention focused solely on the alicorn above her. “Go ahead when ready,” she encouraged as she steeled her legs, prepared for the moment of truth and placing her complete trust in Cadence.

Velvet looked quickly between Twilight and Cadence’s hoof, increasingly distressed as the moment wore on. “T-Twilight? Could we perhaps talk about—”

Suddenly and without hesitation, Cadence dropped her hoof like an anvil, pinning Twilight down. Thankfully, due to the size of Cadence’s hoof and the relative weight and strength between the smaller alicorn and Celestia, Twilight’s head was left free and she was holding steady against the pressure forced upon her. “As you all can see,” she said, her voice strained as she continued to hold against Cadence, “outside of a little discomfort, my life is no longer in danger thanks to my training and the protection spell.”

Velvet and Night Light stared at their daughter speechlessly. They shot a dangerous glare at Cadence, but immediately noticed her somber expression and realized the guilt that the foalsitter must certainly be feeling now. They looked at each other in dismay before turning back to their daughter.

Twilight grit her teeth, harnessing all the strength she could muster in her legs to slowly lift the giant hoof up a touch. She wriggled slightly to the side before completely freeing herself from under Cadence’s hoof, springing up with her forelegs in the air. “Tada!”

She turned back to Cadence. “Now let’s step this up a bit!” Twilight shouted enthusiastically, inadvertently causing her parent's hearts to beat at twice their speeds. Cadence subconsciously attempted to avoid eye contact with her charge in front of her, but could not help but listen as the little mare politely requested for her to “Hit me as hard as you can!”

Cadence may not be a great athlete, but she was certainly no pushover. Years of working alongside fellow ponies under her illusion spells greatly improved the earth pony magic she had as alicorn. She looked warily at Twilight, tears threatening to form in her eyes as she raised own hoof.

I can’t believe I’m doing this. Oh Twilight, the things you ask of me...

Cadence shut her eyes, clenching them tight as she smashed the tiny unicorn into the floor with a single powerful strike, blowing up a substantial cloud of wood dust from the hoof shaped crater in the floor.

“Twilight!” Velvet and Night Light screamed, jumping up to rush to their daughter. As soon as Cadence thought the parents were no longer paying attention to her, she lit her horn, bathing Twilight in an illusion spell to make her look as good as new, even though she could not get the healing spell off in time before the dust cleared.

Night Light quickly levitated the tiny unicorn up from the hole, examining her frantically for any sight of injury. “Twilight? Please, speak to me!”

Twilight gave a few coughs before replying, attempting to conceal her pain. “I’m fine, I’m fine. To be honest, you guys should probably worry more about the floor than me.”

“But but but you—” Night Light stammered out, failing to form a comprehensive statement.

“Princess Celestia’s protection spell keeps me safe, dad. My life was never in danger,” Twilight stated, hoping to make the half-truth convincing.

“Twilight, why are you pulling all those stunts?” Twilight Velvet asked in desperation. “Do you want to give us a heart attack?”

“I’m just trying to prove to you that I can take care of myself, so that you won’t take me away from my mentor and my studies,” Twilight replied sternly as Velvet and Night Light stared at her in shock. “You didn’t even ask for my opinion as you were lecturing me; you simply decided for me.”

“So that was what this was all about?” Velvet said worriedly. “Honey, we just want what is best for you.”

“And your mentor doesn’t even see the progress you’ve made. You can control your magic perfectly and yet she still refuses to lift that awful curse from you,” Night Light said, a cheerless expression on his face. Twilight turned away, not wanting to look her father in the eyes.

“Lift a curse?” Fancy Pants interjected, approaching the two parents. “You mean, remove the effect of the shrinking spell?” At Velvet’s and Night Light’s nod, he burst out in laughter. “Twilight passed her final exam a long time ago,” he chuckled. “Princess Celestia can turn her back to normal any time Twilight wishes to. You didn’t know?”

“What? No!” Twilight Velvet and Night Light shouted, giving their tiny daughter an accusatory glare.

Twilight gave her parents a sheepish smile. “Well... it’s kind of a long story...” she said, though the expressions on her peeved parents demanded explanation. With a sigh, she continued, “Alright, alright, please sit down. I will start from the beginning.”


“Oh dear, we… we had no idea that you felt that way, Twilight,” Twilight Velvet said apologetically, her head bowed in discomfort.

“We should have listened to your opinion before we made such a big decision like taking you away from your mentor,” Night Light continued solemnly. “You’re a grown up pony now, and we should be treating you as one. Will you ever forgive us?”

Twilight looked at her parents briefly before taking a deep breath. “Of course I forgive you... as long as you will forgive my own cowardice.”

Velvet and Night Light blinked, staring at their daughter in confusion. “Cowardice?”

“Y-yes. I… specifically asked my brother not to mention the… low points in my studies, and I didn’t even inform you of my decision to stay small. I was afraid you would take me away or force me to become big again. I was afraid when I should know better. Can you both forgive me?” Twilight said, looking shamefaced at the ground.

With a quick movement, Velvet swept her daughter up in a tight, very unexpected embrace. Twilight took a moment to come out of her shock before returning the embrace, even nudging her father closer to join in. “No more secrets?” Velvet and Night Light said.

“No more secrets,” Twilight replied, before her mother loosened her hug to look at her. “Can I stay tiny then? Can I still be Princess Celestia’s student? Please?”

“If… if this makes you happy, then yes. Just promise that you won’t give up your life to search for knowledge and adventure,“ Velvet replied, the entire party silent around them.

“I promise.”

“Are you alright, Cadence?” Shining Armor asked, noticing the trembling hoof of his special somepony. “I know what Twilight asked you to do had to be very hard for you, but she’s strong enough to handle her pain, and you know it.”

Cadence nodded. “I know, Shining, but it doesn’t make hurting her any less difficult for me. It’s one thing to see her getting hurt or hurting herself, but it’s quite something else to hurt her myself. I’ve foalsat her for only a few years and she’s already like a little sister to me,” she said, giving a nuzzle to Shining Armor before looking into his eyes. “We should tell them.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow at her “But after everything that’s happened,” he said hesitantly, “we... should really give our parents some time to calm down. Please, I’m not sure if they’re ready for this yet.”

Cadence shook her head. “No Shining,” she said firmly. “You saw how much grief Twilight caused by keeping secrets from them, and I am not going to make the same mistake.” With that, Cadence began to push Shining Armor towards his parents with her head, even as he attempted to stall by planting himself to the floor.

“Twiny,” Cadence said, grunting slightly with exertion as they approached in starts and jerks, “would you let us talk with your parents for a moment? We have something important to tell them.” With a nod, Twilight gently freed herself from the embrace before slumping down on the floor nearby, finally taking a break from the day.

Night Light and Velvet shifted their attention to Cadence, who had stopped pushing Shining Armor along the floor to join his side. “What is it, Cadence?” Night Light asked firmly.

“Yes, is something the matter?” Twilight Velvet added before giving her son a suspicious look, “This better not be bad news. I’m not sure my psyche can handle it at this point.”

Cadence shook her head. “No, it isn’t. Or, at least, I hope it isn’t.”

Shining Armor took a deep breath before speaking. “I... we... um… Cadence is my very special somepony.”

Night Light’s eyes went wide “You’re dating Twilight’s foal-sitter,” he said hesitantly. “Who happens to be a former princess?

Shining Armor took a step back. “Umm…. yes?” he said, giving his father a weak smile.

Night Light exchanged a look with Velvet, shifting their gaze to their little daughter before once again turning to their son and alicorn princess. With a grin, he said simply, “Best of luck to you and your special somepony, then.”

“Just do not forget to tell us about the wedding. Don’t think I don’t know you, Shining; you always forget to check or send letters,” Twilight Velvet said calmly, wrapping her son in a hug before making eye contact with stunned alicorn. “Please, keep an eye on him. He’s very brave and kind, but he tends to do stupid things, and despite what he may say, he might need somepony to help him out of whatever shenanigans he gets into.”

Cadence gave a short giggle before looking the somewhat astonished Shining Armor in the eyes, “Your family is incredibly welcoming, Shiny. All this time we were worried for nothing,” she said, before she turned her attention towards Velvet, giving her an apologetic look. “Thank you very much for giving me a chance, and I am deeply sorry for hurting Twilight.” She sighed and lowered her head in shame. “I understand that it may be hard to forgi—”

Velvet put her hoof gently on Cadence’s mouth, cutting her off before slightly raising her head, “Don’t apologize. We can see that you care a great deal about our daughter and value her happiness above all else, and I trust that you wish the same for our son.” Cadence and Velvet exchanged a warm smile, a silent exchange that warmed Twilight’s heart to see.

Shining Armor walked towards his father, who had remained fairly quiet through the conversation. “Dad, I can’t believe that you and mom would take this so lightly. Are you really okay with this?”

Night Light turned towards his son, jolted out of his contemplation, before giving a hearty laugh and shaking his head. “Shining, let me tell you something,” he said amusedly. “Today, your mother and I met with some of the most important ponies in Equestria because our daughter had made friends with them during her studies. We forced a royal guard to spill his guts about Twilight’s painful experiences and circumstances, and for the next hour, we have seen our daughter try to convince us that she’s completely safe by hurting herself over and over in front of us. We have listened to a story in which our little Twilight enjoys being... what was your nickname for her? Oh yes. Twiny. She enjoys being Twiny, putting herself at risk for the sake of adventure and self improvement.”

Night Light took a deep breath before continuing, unknowingly drawing a crowd to his thoughts, “Just moments ago, my wife and I gave our daughter permission to exhaust and hurt herself every day for what will most likely be the rest of her life just because it makes her happy. Compared to that, I find it amusing that you think dating a alicorn and a former princess is something serious.”

Twilight Velvet gave a soft nuzzle to Night Light before turning towards Shining Armor. “I can easily say that today was both the best and the worst day of our life, and I doubt that we’ll be more proud and terrified than we are now. I’m sure the two of us could use the number of a famous psychiatrist sooner or later, but I doubt they’ll believe us when we tell them about what transpired today.”

Night Light snorted in amusement. “Indeed, but for now, could you please excuse us? I think the two of us could use a long break before we go clinically insane. Best of luck on your date, son. Hopefully one day, you’ll make us proud with a foal of your own... and maybe a kingdom alongside your lovely princess,” he said, chuckling.

Velvet lowered herself down to look at her confused daughter. “And best of luck to you too, Twilight, but please, be a dear and don’t let other ponies squash you more than ten times a day. If you save the world, don’t forget to write a letter about your adventure to us,” Twilight Velvet said before departing with her husband upstairs.

For a few minutes, everypony sat in an awkward silence.

“So…” White Path murmured. “Is this a happy ending or not? I can’t tell.”

Spike put his hand on White Path’s shoulder. “I’m not sure. I mean, Twilight is still Princess Celestia’s student, and Shining Armor now has his family’s blessing on his relationship. On the other side, Twilight broke her parents.”

Twilight sat silently, looking down red-faced on the floor. She felt the giant soft hoof of her foalsitter stroke her back gently, the same hoof that had not so long ago dented her into the floor. Twilight lifted her head to look up into her foalsitter’s eyes, a kind smile on the alicorn’s face. “I know how you feel, Twiny,” she said soothingly, “but please, don’t be sad. You’re not the only one who has broken other ponies; I do that all the time - whenever I drop my disguise.”

Overwatch smiled in delight, glad that Twilight at least had Cadence there to help cheer her up. There was little need for bad emotions nowadays and the fewer there are, the better.

She looked over at Steel Blade. The stallion was still clearly shaken up by his perceived betrayal of his charge, even despite the happy ending Twilight had gotten. His ears drooped down as he stared gloomily at the floor, separated from the rest of the group likely of his own will. Though some emotions wear out over time, the last thing she needed was a depressing pony to stand watch with for the next few weeks. With a sigh, she rose and walked over to him.

“You all right there, Steelie? I’m not sure what happened earlier, but you don’t need to feel guilty about anything.” she said, giving him a warm smile.

The guard stallion raised his head, looking mournfully into Overwatch’s eyes. “Really now? If it weren’t for the words that came out of my mouth, none of this would have happened. Twilight wouldn’t have felt she needed to put herself in danger if her parents never knew about the dumb things that have happened to her in the castle.”

Overwatch snorted. “That’s one way to think of it, but that sort of ‘if only’ mindset is both depressing and nonproductive. Think about it another way. Because of what you told Twilight’s parents, things are now better than they ever were before.”

“Really? I find that hard to believe.”

The charcoal mare frowned before nudging Steel Blade in annoyance. “Oh stop that. You realize that at the end of the day, Twilight’s parents have now accepted their daughter’s decision to stay tiny and furthermore, your superior officer now has his parents’ backing on a relationship he was afraid to share with them.”

“And what about Night Light and Velvet? Does that result justify having to smash Twilight into the floor and traumatize her parents?”

“Twilight has gone through much worse than that, and you know it. As for her parents, I highly doubt that they’re as insane as you think they are, even with what we’ve subjected them to. They’re strong individuals, and I’m certain that their words during that final conversation were as sincere as you could get,” Overwatch said sternly, before her features softened and she nuzzled Steel Blade up into a standing position. “Don’t be so depressed all the time. It’s no fun being sad, you know.”

“I suppose so then,” he murmured, before giving her a weak smile.

Overwatch immediately perked up, smiling happily. “Excellent! Now let’s grab something to eat. I have the rumblies that only delicious chocolate-chip cookies will satisfy. C’mon Steelie! I’ve been told by Cadence herself that they’ve been made with looooove.

White Path trotted over to a smiling Shining Armor and poked him in the foreleg, capturing his attention. “May uhhh… may I ask you a question, Commander Armor?” he asked hesitantly.

“Sure, little guy. What is it?” Shining Armor replied encouragingly.

“Your very special somepony, Miss Cadence, is an alicorn,” White Path stated. Shining Armor simply nodded, and the colt continued. “So that means she’s could have been alive for over a millennium and can live for thousands of years more… are you okay with dating somepony that old?”

Shining Armor opened his eyes wide. The age of his special somepony had never really come to mind before, and with her lifespan, she would no doubt outlive him, forever young as he grew old and died. He would cause Cadence much grief because of his love, and she will simply move on, the memory of Shining Armor as a small splash in the experiences she would accumulate.

He turned back to White Path with a smile. He and Cadence were happy in the present, and thoughts like those should be left for the future. “Yes, she is far older than I am… but I guess that in terms of love, age doesn’t really matter anymore.”

White Path took a moment to absorb what he was hearing, before turning to trot towards Twilight, smiling cheerfully as Shining Armor’s eyes followed across the room. “Hey Twilight!” White Path called, capturing the tiny unicorn’s attention.

She stood and turned towards him, looking into the eyes of the younger, but still far larger, colt. “Hey, White Path! What’s up?”

“Well, since your brother’s dating a thousand-year old goddess and he says that age is not an issue in their relationship,” White Path started, “would you be my marefriend?”

Everypony in the room who happened to be drinking something very quickly expelled the contents of their mouths in a sudden spit-take.

Overwatch wiped off the juice that was unceremoniously spewed in her face, grimacing. “Y’know, I think it’s rather fortunate that Twilight’s parents were upstairs. I don’t think they would appreciate a final performance of how well each of you can spray your drink everywhere.”

Author's Note:

Sub author:
Kydois - High Quality editing, 100% of the chapter.

kingtiger666 - Quick basic editing, 30% of the chapter.

Rated PonyStar - Advices