• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 36,280 Views, 2,154 Comments

Celestia's Tiny Student - CommanderX5

Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.

  • ...

Ch10 - Student on the run

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter 10

Student on the run

Two days later.

"Doctor? I think she’s waking up," an unknown female voice declared as Twilight slowly opened her eyes. The blur in her vision took a moment to sharpen as she blearily examined her surroundings, soon noticing that she was in her tiny doll-sized bed, lying on very small pillow, with thin, miniature cables connecting her to the machines monitoring her condition. On her left, she noticed several gifts, bouquets of flowers, and a multitude of postcards with ‘Get better soon!’ wishes on them. From her surroundings, it didn't take her long to recognize her location.

Again? I must have pushed myself too hard during my exam.

This was not the first time Twilight had ended up in this room. She overdid her training often, and magical accidents, in addition to her new physical regimen, were often much more threatening to her due to her size. Due to the frequency of Twilight’s visits and the difficulty of treating such a tiny mare, Princess Celestia organized a special room for her in the Royal Hospital with equipment specially made to attend her.

Twilight gasped, sitting up in her bed. "The EXAM!" Twilight shouted in panic. Did I pass? I hope I passed. I did not have a single magic surge, so I think I passed. But I also passed out during the exam. What if Princess Celestia docks off points for sleeping during the exam and decides that I’ve failed? Twilight thought as a nurse and one of the doctors who had taken care of her in the past years moved to her side.

The stallion in the white coat perked up at her conscious state. "Welcome back, Miss Sparkle. How are you feeling?" He was trying to sound professional, but the young student talked with him enough over the years to sense the relief in his voice.

"I... feel fine. I guess, the last thing I remember was using my magic to levitate a boulder, and then I’m waking up here," Twilight replied hesitantly, giving an awkward chuckle.

"Are you sure you’re fine? You exhausted yourself quite badly this time, far more than you usually do, to be honest." Although the doctor would never say so out loud, Twilight knew he was less than pleased about her stressful activities.

"Yes, I feel fine. I just needed a bit of rest," replied Twilight cheerfully.

"Oh yes, your two-day rest this time was quite a short one," the doctor stated with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yes, it really... TWO DAYS!" Twilight exclaimed, jumping from her bed and already pacing around in panic, "I’ve overslept! I’ve been asleep for two days during the final exam.” She took a moment to gasp. “I’M TARDY!" she wailed.

"It’s hardly your fault, Miss Sparkle. Your so-called 'final exam' forced you to work far beyond your limits, and I am very impressed by how short your ‘rest’ was, considering the extensive damage you’ve done to yourself this time," the doctor stated.

"But what about my exam? Did I pass or did I fail? Is the princess going to punish me for falling asleep?" Twilight asked impatiently, her face curling into a pout.

The doctor chuckled, waving off his patient’s rapid-fire questions. "You always worry about nothing, Miss Sparkle. From what the princess has told me, you passed with flying colors."

"I passed? YAAAAAAY!" screamed Twilight as started to jump around his hooves in circles, completely ignoring the tiny cables monitoring her condition losing their grip on her body, "I passed, I passed, I passed..."

The doctor looked down amused. Just two days ago, this mare was in a very bad condition. Her magic was exhausted, and she was completely drained of her stamina. Already, she’s jumping around like nothing happened, though considering her lifestyle, it’s perhaps not quite as surprising.

"Calm yourself, young lady," commanded the doctor as he levitated Twilight back to her tiny bed, much to the chagrin of the mare.

"S-sorry," Twilight replied apologetically, bowing her head slightly before continuing. "Still, I should go and visit my mentor. Because of my tardiness, I’ve missed around four hours of studying with her, maybe six if I miss today too."

The doctor just laughed again before answering. "That won't be necessary. I can send an assistant to Princess Celestia to inform her of your recovery, and she’ll be over to visit you in no time. So for now, I would suggest that you rest up and be a patient patient," the doctor said, giving a professional smile.

"Oh, but I’m sure she’s going to be busy. Maybe I’ll just go back to her bedchamber and wait for her there. I can read some books and train my magic. I certainly don’t want to waste the princess’ time," Twilight mumbled to herself with a nervous fidget. It was bad enough that she took an unscheduled two-day nap. It wouldn’t do for her to introduce a new conflict into the princess’ schedule at this rate.

"Well, if you wish, I can bring you a book or twelve to read. Besides, I don’t believe there’s a need for you to practice your magic any further at this point," the doctor stated confidently, leaving Twilight confused and unsure of what she just heard.

"Um... excuse me, what you mean by, 'there’s no need to practice your magic any further?' After all, my mentor is teaching me magic. I am still her student, right? Right?" Twilight asked, terrified. Her mind provided her with an all too literal image of her being thrown away by her mentor, an impassive look on her face as she trotted back to her Royal duties.

The doctor gave a short chuckle before continuing. "I can assure you that you are still her student. However, by passing your exam, you have proven that you are capable of controlling your magic. Therefore, it will no longer be necessary for you tolerate the inconvenience of your size. Once Princess Celestia arrives, she will dispel the shrinking spell and return you to your original height."

Twilight blinked, her mouth agape. How could I forget? The princess said that she would keep me small until my magic no longer posed a danger to anypony around me! She gave a quick smile. This is great news! I can finally return to a life before I became small and rejoin the world of ponies as an equal!

The edges of her smile faltered. So why do I feel like something’s missing inside me?

The doctor continued, oblivious to the conflicting feelings in his patient. “That’s right. You were forced to endure a life full of dangers, but your work has finally paid off. Despite your powerful magic, you can enjoy a normal life like other ponies. Princess Celestia reassured me personally that your training regimen will become much less stressful after this change," the doctor proclaimed cheerfully, feeling genuinely happy for young mare he had to heal so many times over the years.

Finally noticing that Twilight was deep in thought, he decided to leave her alone, saying, "I’ll go send my assistant to inform the princess right away, so please, be patient," before he turned and left the room. Twilight resurfaced from her thoughts. She opened her mouth and raised a hoof to stop him from leaving, but the door shut right behind him, and she was left alone to her thoughts. Twilight lowered her tiny head and dropped her raised hoof with a light thud on the bed, her ears drooping as she looked down at her own tiny forelegs. So it’s over. I’ll be a big pony again. From now on, everything will be normal again, like before the princess shrunk me.

Twilight’s eyes scanned the room from her spot on her miniature bed, as if looking at it anew. She saw the massive door in front of her. She saw the ceiling, high above her head. Next to her were her giant gifts and the giant monitoring machine, all situated on a giant table with her special healing equipment on it. Twilight came to the conclusion she made nearly a decade ago: this room was big. It would take her several minutes to walk around the perimeter and at least another one if she wanted to climb onto the table or monitoring machine. It would be a challenge to lift her gifts with her hooves and even opening the door would still require quite a bit of effort.

She pondered the door for a short while before turning between it and the gifts beside her, mentally stacking the gifts to the side of the door so that she could reach the handle. Simply going through the motions she needed to go through just to open it.

Twilight gave a mournful sigh. Soon, an action like reaching a door handle would become so simple. This room would shrink before my eyes and the act of climbing onto my bed would become so effortless. A couple days ago, it took a six-hundred kilogram boulder before I reached the extent of my magical ability, but what about when I return to normal size? What kind of weight would I need to levitate before I even begin to grow tired?

She rested her head on her crossed hooves as she laid down. For this last decade under my mentor, I’ve been training my magic as hard as I could to make the princess proud of me. I needed to prove myself, despite my size. After I met White Path, I began to train myself physically, and the snowball fight only served to emphasize that I need to focus on both my physical and mental abilities, to challenge my strength when magic became too easy.

A single tear flowed down from her eye as a warm smile stretched across her muzzle. But there’s something more to it than just the motions, isn’t there? I’ve never realized it before, but…

I enjoy this.

I enjoy the challenge of channeling intense magic through my horn. I love practicing my spells just as much as learning new ones. I relish the feeling of pushing my magic and my body to their limits, knowing that they’ll be stronger when I wake up tomorrow.

She glanced outside the nearby window, seeing the pristine, blue sky and the fluffy, white clouds beyond. Is that what I’m going to lose? I can still learn from the princess when I return to my original size, but her lessons will no longer be as strenuous as before. Everything will become so small, so alien compared to the world I spent my life living. The garden will no longer be the jungle of my foalhood, nor will the castle continue to be the colossal temple filled with nooks and crannies to explore.

Twilight wrestled with the broiling emotions inside her, oblivious to the passage of time until the light clop of hooves outside her door alerted her. If the princess finds me, all this will be over. I want to be tiny, but the princess would be so disappointed if I don’t let her turn me back. Oh, what should I do, what should I do? She looked around urgently before lighting up her horn in panic.

"Miss Twilight, the princess is already on her way, and…”

The doctor looked around the empty room, frowning. “Twilight? Twilight, where are you? This is not the time nor the place to play hide and seek."

After a few minutes of scanning the sparse room for his patient and checking the meager number of hiding spots in the it, the doctor trotted outside the room and shot a quick question to one of the guards standing there. “Excuse me, sir. Did Twilight leave her room while I was gone?”

“Negative sir. I was keeping watch over the hallway the entire time,” the white pegasus guard replied, before raising his eyebrows in realization. “She’s gone missing, hasn’t she?”

The charcoal unicorn guard on the other side of the door gave a groan as the doctor slowly retreated back into the room, giving a weak smile. He shut the door behind him and reconsidered the situation. She didn’t leave the room through the entrance. I can’t really see her climbing into the ventilation and there’s few other places she could hide.

He trotted over to the window and gave it a push, but it refused to budge. Window’s locked too. How did she get out of—

He frowned and quickly cast a scanning spell, one that every professional unicorn doctor knew inside-out, and he discovered something that he did not expect.

The remnants of a teleportation spell.

"How is my student feeling?"

The doctor almost jumped in panic as he looked at the now open door, framing the elegant, white alicorn. Her face was calm and statuesque, perhaps a welcome sight if he wasn’t so suddenly stressed.

"Y-your Highness," doctor started, bowing in respect.

"Where is my student and how is she feeling?" Celestia asked curiously, scanning the suspiciously empty bed and the detached cords scattered on the tiled floor.

"S-she... is feeling good. Yes, good. Her magic has fully recovered and she is strong as ever," the doctor replied, beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. "As for her location..."

"Yes?" asked the princess expectantly, casting what appeared to be an intimidating look upon the doctor.

"I don’t know," the doctor quickly finished.

"I don’t know?" Celestia gave a low groan, suppressing the urge to massage her forehead. Today, she was going to return her student to her normal size, and the last thing she needed was for something to happen to Twilight while she was resting up. She took a deep breath before continuing, in an authoritative tone. "Please, explain."

"Well, uhhh... she teleported," doctor replied meekly, giving a pleading smile.

"Teleported?" Celestia asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty... when she woke up, I informed her that you will visit her right away. I had told her to wait while I sent my assistant to inform you about her condition, but when I came back, I couldn’t find head or tail or her anywhere,” the doctor explained, almost rambling under what appeared to be the imminent wrath of his princess about to descend on him. “I had asked the guard outside of the room if he saw her, but he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so I cast a scanning spell and detected magical residue from a teleportation spell."

This time, Celestia raise both of her eyebrows in surprise. She teleported, but why? "Perhaps she is simply afraid to face me after falling asleep during her final exam, perhaps incorrectly assuming that she had failed. She tends to worry a lot over nothing," Celestia suggested.

"I don’t believe that’s very likely, Your Majesty. When she woke up, I made sure to inform Miss Sparkle that she had passed your test and that you will turn her back to normal once you arrive."

"Hmm... what could be the cause, then, for her disappearance,” Celestia pondered. “Whatever the reason, I had better go find my faithful student. She should not be far," Celestia stated calmly before trotting out to the rest of the castle, leaving the doctor to recover from his near-panic attack.

Celestia began rallying the guards to search for her student, absent-mindedly waving them off as she continued the search herself. Why would you run, my little pony? You were so close to being free of the limits forced upon you, so why, Twilight, why? Celestia brooded as she walked briskly back to her bedchamber, determined to remove the shackles that she had restrained Twilight with for nearly a decade.

With a flash, Twilight popped back into existence, falling with a light plop on her pillow back in Celestia’s bedchambers.

Twilight breathing began to quicken as she started habitually pacing back and forth. Calm down, Twilight. Think. Think. There has to be an acceptable solution to this.

If Princess Celestia finds me, she will dispel the shrinking spell. The problem is that I like being small, but if I tell my mentor that I don’t want to be big again, she’s going to be disappointed that she wasted her precious time on me in the first place, and she may refuse to keep me as her student.

Twilight stopped in her pacing, suddenly thoughtful. What if she will never shrink me again. If I can find a way to cast the spell myself, It would make every pony happy... but what if shrinking spell works only once?

The thought put a small smile on her face, but she quickly deflated as a new problem presented itself. I don’t even know how this shrinking spell works. Researching it would take years, but I can’t even waste a day to find a solution.

“Okay Twilight, to make plan of action, we need a checklist. First, I can’t let my mentor find me until I can find a solution and learn more about the spell. Second, the princess is going to send out her guards to come find me, and I’m sure she’s going to be along with them. Finally, I need to find a place to hide so that I can figure out how I’m going to make this all work out,” Twilight stated aloud, creating her mental checklist as she went along. She gave a frustrated growl. “This would all be easier if I knew how this stupid shrinking spell worked, but how am I going to find anything on—”

She suddenly gasped, struck by an insight. Cadence! I almost forgot about her. If she knows about illusion spells and age spells, maybe she’ll know something about the shrinking spell! If I can learn how to cast it, I can use it without bothering the Princess, but where am I going to find her? Twilight quickly began making adjustments to her mental checklist.

Twilight stood resolutely on her pillow, a plan formed in her head as she lit up her horn and disappeared again.


The soft clank of steel armor alerted the tiny mare to the approach of another search party, and she quickly held still behind a pillar. Satisfied that the guards had passed her, Twilight quickly teleported to the next pillar and continued her own search, moving cautiously on the tips of her hooves as she snuck around the castle.

The little unicorn quickly dove behind a pillar as a light plodding echoed from around a corner, but as the sound became louder and more familiar, she leaned from around the pillar to get a closer look at the culprit, spotting a small, purple dragon. Spike! Maybe he can help me figure out where Princess Cadence is!

“Spike! Over here!” Twilight shouted in a loud whisper as she used her telekinesis to tug at Spike, grabbing his attention. A quick magic seal shut Spike’s mouth before he could call out her name as she began signalling him towards her. “Come closer!” she called, and the dragon quickly joined her in hiding behind the pillar.

“What is it, Twilight? I thought you were still in the hospital. Are you feeling better?” Spike asked cheerfully, excited that his pony-mother was back on her hooves. “When I heard about what happened, I couldn’t believe that the princess would force you to hurt yourself so badly.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’m alright Spike. You should know that Princess Celestia would never let anything bad happen to me. As you can see, I am as fine as ever.”

“I still think that Celestia is pushing you too hard, but I think the question here is: why are we hiding behind a pillar, and why are you whispering?” Spike asked, curious and very interested as to what prompted Twilight to begin stalking the corridors of the castle like a spy.

“I’m just trying to find Princess Cadence so I can ask her some very important questions before my mentor finds me!” Twilight said quickly.

“And why are you hiding from Celestia? Is something wrong? Come on, Twilight, whatever you did, she is not going to banish you or throw you into the dungeon,” Spike crossed his arms, somewhat exasperated. “You do remember how you ran screaming out of her bedchamber when you dropped a teacup on her, right? You were shouting things like, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t throw me in the dungeons!’ and, ‘Please don’t banish me from Equestria!’ before you found out that Princess Celestia wasn’t even a little angry at you.”

“But I spilled hot tea on my mentor! Why wouldn’t she be angry at me?” Twilight replied with a pout, crossing her own forelegs defiantly.

“Because an alicorn princess who can raise the sun and the moon every day clearly can’t handle a little hot tea every now and then.” Spike rolled his eyes before looking back at the panicking Twilight. “Come on, Twilight, she stepped on you by accident and you still forgave her, right? I bet she would forgive you just as much, even if you decided to crash half of her tower down on her head,” Spike retorted, to which Twilight could only respond with a blush.

Spike took a deep breath, exhaling with a small huff. “Whatever you did, Twilight, I’m sure the princess would forgive you, so tell me, what happened? I’ll do my best to help.”

“Well, it’s not that I did something wrong, it’s that… did Celestia ever tell you what I was doing before I ended up in the hospital?” Twilight asked with a meek smile as she thought of how to explain the situation.

“Yeah! Celestia said you were taking some sort of important test, and you passed it, so what’s the problem?” Spike asked, both confused and curious.

“Well, it turns out that that was the test to determine whether or not I can control my magic, and since I passed, the princess is going to return me to my normal size,” Twilight spoke quickly.

Spike flashed a huge smile. “That’s great, Twilight!” he exclaimed.

“Ssshhh… not so loud! Someone could hear you!” Twilight hissed as she looked around cautiously, leaning around the edge of the pillar.

“Uhh… sorry, but is that not great? You’re going to be normal again. Isn’t this what you’ve been working so hard for? I mean, most of your life has been reading and training, and even though you spend some time playing with me and Cadence every now and then, your life has been like one neverending marathon towards this one goal, right?” Spike whispered, frowning as he attempted to understand Twilight’s motives.

“Spike, I didn’t work hard just so I can be big again; I did it because I enjoyed it, and when the doctor told me that my mentor is going to make me big again, I started to realise what exactly that means,” Twilight began, slowly gaining momentum as she continued to reveal her feelings. “I worked so hard this past decade because I enjoyed it. Because of my size, I could learn and use my magic to my limits, able to make an adventure out of anything.”

Twilight took a deep, calming breath. “Sure, it was exhausting and painful, but at the same time fun and exciting. But once I become big again, when the world becomes tiny to me, I won’t have many more chances to use my magic to my full potential,” Twilight finished, drawing circles on the tile with her hoof and she looked down mournfully.

“Wow, I had no idea,” Spike replied, surprised by Twilight’s explanation.

"Neither did I, at least not until today," Twilight spoke, sadness prevalent in her voice.

After a moment of awkward silence, Spike decided to speak up first, “So… ummm... what’s the problem? Can’t you can just ask princess to let you stay small? I’m sure she’ll understand.”

“No, Spike. She took me on as her student so I can learn how to control my magic so she can return my size back to normal without endangering her subjects. If I refuse, it will be like all those years she’d spent to teach me were wasted. She may not listen, or be so disappointed that she won’t let me be her student any longer,” Twilight explained, still staring at the floor.

Spike opened his mouth to retort, but soon shut it, stymied as to how to respond to Twilight’s fears.

Another moment of silence passed before Twilight spoke up again, “So do you know where Princess Cadence is? I need to speak with her.”

Spike thought for a moment before answering. “I saw her talking with Blueblood a few minutes ago. Come on, I can lead you there,” Spike stated confidently before he turned and emerged from behind the pillar, striding towards Blueblood’s room as Twilight quietly teleported from pillar to pillar beside him, carefully watching for pockets of guards.

“Hey Blueblood, have you seen Cadence anywhere?” Spike asked as he pushed open the door and entered.

Blueblood gave a start of surprise before turning towards the intruder, “Yes I have. She went to attend the small party being held in the ballroom. Aunt Celestia has informed me that Twilight is going to make her first public appearance, so I organized a party for this special occasion. By the way, always knock before you enter, little dragon. It would do you good to learn proper etiquette,” Blueblood replied, turning his nose up at the rude dragon.

Twilight’s eye twitched. “Public appearance? Party? Me!

Blueblood turned towards the door, his ears pointed towards it as he listened intently. “Whoever you are, do you not know that peeking into others’ rooms is ill-mannered? Enter and apologise.”

Twilight creaked the door open with her magic, walking in hesitantly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

The tiny unicorn was suddenly jerked off her hooves by a glow of telekinesis. “Ah, Twilight. Perfect timing! You’re just in time for your party,” Blueblood declared somewhat excitedly before placing the mare into a small pocket on his suit.

Twilight looked around confusedly from her new position. I was hoping to find Princess Cadence, but as much as I don’t want to get anypony’s attention, I cannot disappoint the princess even further by refusing to show up at my party.

She gave a defeated pout, before brightening up somewhat. That’s right! Princess Cadence will be attending that party, so I can talk to her, meet a few of the other ponies present, and then hide before Princess Celestia finds me. With a grin on her face, she sat idly as Blueblood trotted smoothly to the ballroom, Spike keeping pace in the back with an eager look on his face.

“Greetings, fellow nobles! I would like to introduce you all to the guest of honor, Princess Celestia’s student, Twilight Sparkle,” Blueblood announced, playing high and mighty in front of the crowd as he levitated Twilight out of his pocket and placed her carefully on the floor.

In a moment, the many nobles in the room formed a small crowd around Twilight, carefully watching her every step. “H-hi…” Twilight said hesitantly, looking uneasily at the multitude of stares she was getting.

“What did she say?”

“I’m not quite sure, lad. It sounded like a mouse squeak.”

“Quite so. Now that you mention it, she bears more of a resemblance to a purple mouse.”

“Is this the pony we have been waiting for? What a waste of time.”

“Perhaps the rumors about her being Celestia’s toy must be true after all.”

“Enough! All of you,” Blueblood shouted authoritatively. “Is this how you show your respect to a superior unicorn?”

The nobles around Twilight went silent under the sudden assertiveness of the prince, until a single voice spoke up, “But just look at her! The princess probably took her from low-class for her own entertainment.”

Blueblood facehoofed at this statement. He took quite a bit of effort to get rid of the many nasty rumors about Twilight in past two years, but to see them to start all over again…

Blueblood’s face became stern and determined. If that’s how you want to play, then so be it.

He gave a derisive huff. “I cannot believe that you all are so blind as to not see the truth behind Twilight’s importance.” Blueblood gave an arrogant smirk as the other nobles fell into silence again.

“The reason why the princess kept Twilight away from us,” he continued, “is because we are not worthy to meet a pony of this position and talent. Twilight is Celestia’s personal student, a very prominent position that allows her to stay close to the princess at all times. The very idea that Lady Twilight Sparkle would lower herself to meet unimportant ponies like you is appalling.”

Twilight opened her mouth to deny that she was an important pony, but was easily beaten out as Blueblood drove on. “Besides Princess Celestia, the only company that Twilight has kept includes both me and the esteemed Lady Cadence. You should be humbled to be in the presence of a pony of such high importance.”

“Of course! Being taught by the princess personally... it’s a very high honor indeed!”

“And to think that princess has finally decided to share her biggest treasure with us,” another noble chimed in, much to the bewilderment of the purple unicorn on the floor.

“Yes, I knew from the start that this pony must be very important.”

Twilight swiftly brought her own hoof to her face as she watched the scene before her unfold. To be able to change their opinions so quickly after hearing a few words said little for the personality of the nobility.

Blueblood, a triumphant smile on his face, levitated Twilight closer to his nose and whispered, “I’ve warmed them up for you. All you need to do is show your magic, and they’ll be kissing your hooves.”

Twilight grimaced at the ‘kissing her hooves’ image, but Blueblood had already begun speaking again before Twilight could get a word in. “Now I want all of you to be silent as Twilight will now give you a demonstration of her power as gratitude for organizing this charming party in her name.”

He once again lowered the mare to the ground, giving her a word of encouragement as she looked nervously back at him. “Go ahead, Lady Sparkle, we would be honored.”

Twilight sighed in defeat before lighting up her horn in preparation for her most basic spell. Her magenta aura wrapped itself around the closest four nobles and lifted them slowly into the air, choosing carefully not to extend her six hundred kilograms limit, a surprising feat even for a normally sized unicorn. Her display captured the attention of the few other ponies in the room not gathered around Twilight, a few Wonderbolts among them, and the mare’s audience swelled even further.

Wiping the growing sweat from her brow, she lowered her subjects to the ground and began her next spell, choosing at random from her large repertoire of magic. Drawing on the extensive illusion magic she’d learned from Cadence, the coats of the nobles turned into an alabaster white. In the next moment, the jewelry turned into a shiny gold color. She went from illusions to conjuration to enchantments and even a basic summoning spell before the nobles in front of her could even fully comprehend the difficulty of her spells. Before their eyes, an illusory dome formed around the group, displaying a beautiful, flowing picture of the twilight just after the sunset. With a final flash, everything went back to normal, and the ponies gather there began gawking at Twilight as one.

A thunderous applause began, and Twilight could only smile weakly as she rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, embarrassed that she’d received such an overwhelming response to the magic tricks she’d learned over her years of diligent studies.


As Blueblood took Twilight into the sea of nobles, completely disregarding her embarrassment from being lauded by the group at hoof, Spike’s attention turned from this little sideshow to the main event.


While he couldn’t see any delicious gems anywhere, the tables piled high with cakes and donuts provided plenty to dig in to. Without hesitation, Spike jogged over to the closest table, gathering more than a few curious glances as he passed the dispersing group around Twilight.

Despite his size, Spike easily climbed on the eating table, grabbing a plate and already stacking a few donuts on it. However, as he reached for the serving knife for the seven-layered centerpiece cake, a magical aura moved the entire treat away from him, revealing a scowling unicorn noble.

“Hey! What’d you do that for?” Spike exclaimed indignantly.

The noble gave a haughty huff. “Well, I say. The princess’ pet lizard should not eat from the same table as civilized ponies,” he remarked, distain evident in his voice as he pointed to the exit. “You do not belong here. If you are hungry, I’m sure you can beg for some like the animal you are.”

Spike’s face twisted into an angry scowl and more than a few flames flickered from his nostrils. “Take that back, you jerk,” he growled, a low, warning tone in his voice.

“How dare you speak back to me,” the unicorn said, clearly annoyed. “apologise and leave at once before I call for the Royal Guard to put you in your pl—”

A sudden flash deposited a suspicious Twilight right on the nobles snout. “Is there a problem with Spike, sir?” she asked cautiously.

“Oh, so this is the shrunken mare this party is dedicated to.” The noble huffed in amusement, smirking. “Hmph. What a waste of time,” he remarked, before attempting, and failing, to tilt the mare off of his nose. Annoyed, he continued, “Why do you even care about this overgrown lizard anyway? There is no place for a pet like him in a party reserved for the nobility of Canterlot.”

Twilight stomped a hoof hard on the noble’s nose. “First off,” Twilight started as the noble’s nose twitched from her strike. “He is not an overgrown lizard; he is a baby dragon. Second,” Twilight narrowed her eyes at him, scowling, “he is not a pet. Apologize.”

Noble looked back into Twilight’s eyes defiantly, “Not a pet? Pfft. If the princess continues to keep him around, he is most certainly the princess’ pet and I am not going to apologise for stating facts, especially to a tiny abomination like you.”

A murmur flowed through the crowd and more than a few gasped at the statement as Twilight’s eye twitched, her mane beginning to adopt a fiery appearance. Twilight said firmly and coldly, “He is not the princess’ pet nor he is mine. I hatched him myself from his egg with my magic, and I request that you apologise to him now.”

“Ha! Way to go, Twilight! You show this jerk his place,” Spike added, pumping a fist into the air.

“Oh no, the tiny abomination is trying to stand up for her overgrown lizard. I am so scared,” he said in a sing-song voice. “If you ask me, you and that lizard are nothing but the princess’ playthings, kept for her own deranged amusement.”

Twilight mane quickly burst into flames. The noble’s eyes widened and his magic gripped the closest object to him, a serving knife, and smacked the flaming ball of a mare right off his nose, causing her to land several meters away in a heap. He doused his nose with a cup of water as the assembled nobles quickly turned towards the motionless Twilight in the middle of the room. He finally shook off his shock, noticing what exactly he’d done. “Uuhhh, she’s alright, isn’t she?”

Spike smirked before he took a dramatic pose, pointing a claw at the fallen mare, “Look at what you’ve done!”

Sweat formed on the unicorn noble’s brow as murmurs of the ‘dungeon’ and the ‘Princess’ wrath’ filled the air. He leaned closer to the fallen mare, asking worriedly, “I hadn't killed her, had I?”

Spike gave the noble a condescending glare before pointing a claw accusingly at him,
“I would worry about yourself rather than her if I were you.”

The unicorn noble looked at Spike uncomprehendingly for a moment before he was suddenly arrested by a magenta aura and forcibly driven into the floor, pinned and helpless as Twilight climbed back on his nose, still smouldering in anger, “You’re going to apologise. Do I make myself absolutely clear?

The noble struggled fruitlessly and had even lit up his horn in panic before a quick shot from Twilight stopped that plan. He looked unsteadily at the mare on his nose. “Alright then, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”


“For disrespecting you and hitting you with the serving knife.”


“I’m sorry for calling the liz—dragon a pet and for acting rudely towards him.”

The magenta aura let up and Twilight hopped down. “Now see, was it that hard to apologise?” she said before trotting over to Spike. She shot a final look back. “I forgive you, but I don’t want to catch you being mean to Spike again, alright?”

With a nod, the noble stood and stumbled slowly back into the crowd, which parted as further murmurs about the entire scene began to predominate.

“I say, that was indeed an impressive display of power and talent, especially considering your size disadvantage. It was an honor to be able to witness it personally, even if you’ve scared a few of the other nobles in the process,” a voice called out from the crowd. Turning around, Twilight was quite surprised to see a familiar monocled face approaching from the crowd. “It’s an honor to meet you again, Lady Twilight Sparkle,” Fancy Pants said, bowing slightly in respect.

Watching as Twilight Sparkle gallop energetically to greet Fancy Pants, Blueblood stood peacefully at the back, grinning maniacally. This is just perfect. After my monologue and Twilight’s rather overblown display, she won’t have problems with the nobility ever again, and Fancy Pant’s praise at the end was just the cherry on top that seals the whole deal. And my reputation can only grow through my part in this! Oh, Blueblood, you’re such a genius!

At that moment, the doors to the hall opened as Princess Celestia made her entrance, flowing in easily despite the almost unnoticeable concern in her face. Blueblood turned eagerly back to find Twilight in the crowd, but could only find Fancy Pants alone, the tiny mare nowhere to be seen.


Fancy Pants walked briskly to the corner of ballroom, excusing himself from the party as he made his way to a more secluded area of the ballroom. Twilight emerged slowly from his pocket, looking around to ensure that Princess Celestia was not in sight. “Phew, that was close,” she said, breathing out a sigh of relief.

“Now then, what is it that you wish to talk about with me in private, young lady?” Fancy Pants asked politely.

“I… I need to talk with Cadence, it is very important,” Twilight whispered.

“Lady Cadence left this ballroom not ten minutes ago, I’m afraid. I think she went to visit you in the hospital.” He paused, raising his eyebrows in amusement. “Oh, I say… it appears that you’ve passed by her on your way to see her,” Fancy Pants said, chuckling lightly.

Twilight stared at Fancy Pants, stunned. “Just my luck,” she groaned. “Can this day get any worse?”

“Good morning Fancy Pants. As always, it is a pleasure to meet you,” a powerful melodic voice greeted.

Twilight gagged in disbelief before she dove back into Fancy Pant’s pocket, pleading, “Please don’t tell Princess Celestia I’m here. Please.

Fancy Pants looked confusedly at where Twilight had disappeared before remembering himself and turning to face the princess. “The pleasure is all mine,” Fancy Pants replied as he bowed and politely lifted one of Celestia hooves, kissing it lightly. Celestia gave a nearly imperceptible start of surprise, smiling awkwardly as she seemed to zone out for a moment.

The awkward smile was quickly replaced by the one of authority. “I would love to talk with you for a bit, but I have very important matter I need to attend to at the moment. I am trying to find my faithful little student,” Celestia stated.

“My my, your student has gone missing? Did something happen between the two of you?” Fancy Pants asked, a hint of curiosity seeping into his voice.

“I’m not quite sure. Two days ago, I tested her control over her magic. Today, I had originally planned to dispel the shrinking spell and return Twilight back to her normal size, yet when I arrived at her hospital room, I find that she had teleported away,” Celestia explained, her voice tinged with disappointment.

“I see,” Fancy Pants replied passively, sneaking a quick glance at the pocket Twilight was hiding in.

“I’ve been told by some of the nobles that Twilight was quite the center of attention here a few minutes ago, and that she was last seen speaking with you. Do you perchance know where she’s gone to?” Celestia asked hopefully.

A moment of silence passed before Fancy Pants finally spoke up. “Why yes, princess, I know of Lady Sparkle’s whereabouts,” he said slowly, fully aware of the trembling form in his pocket.

Celestia’s face lit up in a smile as she asked cheerfully, “You do? Could you tell me where she is?”

Fancy Pant shook his head. “My deepest apologies, Your Highness, but I cannot answer your question,” Fancy Pants replied, his face an emotionless mask and his tone carefully neutral.

Celestia reeled back slightly in surprise, stunned at the response. “You won’t? Why? Did something happen?”

“Lady Sparkle is not ready to speak with you, Your Majesty, and she has asked me specifically not to reveal her location to you. My deepest apologies,” Fancy Pants replied apologetically, bowing his head.

Celestia blinked. “I see… in that case, would you be so kind and tell my student that when she is willing to talk with me, I will be waiting for her in my bedchamber. Please tell her that whatever she fears, or whatever I did wrong, I am sorry,” Celestia replied sorrowfully, before bidding a brief goodbye to Fancy Pants and departing.

Twilights slowly emerged from her hiding spot, looking around guiltily, before hopping onto a nearby table. “T-thank you,” she said hesitantly.

“My my, Lady Twilight Sparkle, I think I deserve an explanation. Why would you run away from your mentor?” Fancy Pants asked, raising an eyebrow.

Twilight’s face curled into a gloomy pout, before she took a deep breath and began.


Twilight began to fidget as Fancy Pants simply gazed at her, impassive and silent. Several moments passed after the end of her story before Fancy Pants finally broke the silence. “You have quite the dilemma there, Lady Sparkle, but you know that you will need to confront your mentor about it sooner or later, yes?” he said understandingly.

“I know,” Twilight replied, hanging her head, “but I had hoped that Princess Cadence may know something about shrinking spell, or give me some advice about what to do. I don’t want to go back to my original size, but I also don’t want to disappoint my mentor.”

“Is being small really so important to you?” Fancy Pants asked, carefully stroking Twilight’s mane with a hoof to calm her down. She simply looked back up at him and nodded.

“Well then, young lady,” he continued, “Would you be so kind as to show me why it is so important to you? All I wish is a small demonstration of the perks of your present diminutive stature.”

Twilight was caught off guard by the request, but accepted the challenge. “Of course I can do that, just give me a moment.” She looked around the ballroom for inspiration, and in mere moments multiple ideas came to mind.

“Do you see that sugar cube on the table over there?” Twilight pointed with her tiny hoof at one of the buffet tables while Fancy Pants looked and nodded.

“Do you see those nobles dancing next to it?” Twilight asked again, and Fancy Pants once again nodded in response.

“I will try to slip past those nobles, get a sugar cube, and return the same way, using only my own skills. No magic at all, outside of one spell, that is.” Before Fancy Pants could reply, he saw Twilight cast a spell and become completely transparent.

“Why did you—” Fancy Pants started to ask, but Twilight had already jumped down to the floor and dashed towards dancing nobles. After a moment’s thought, he quickly put the pieces together.

The invisibility spell is not perfect. Any pony affected by the spell is just transparent, and can be seen with a little effort. However, Twilight’s small size will mean she’s practically undetectable.

Twilight ran into the dancing mob of nobles with little hesitation. As she expected, the nobles’ dancing was rather slow and predictable. While they moved slowly, there were rather more than a few ponies, and so Twilight had to dodge their steps to not get stepped on. She continued towards the table’s direction, feeling a little as if she were on an obstacle course. Thanks to her reflexes and agility, Twilight managed to slip past the dancing mob unnoticed, thankful that the nobles were far too busy or not perceptive enough to notice the tiny transparent unicorn running around their hooves.

Once Twilight was in front of the buffet, she focused all of her strength in her hind legs and managed to get on top of it with one solid jump. From there, she was only a few steps away from her target, and in moments, the chunky lump of sugar was firmly placed on her back. Strangely, she felt a sense of déjà vu for some reason.

Twilight’s decision to not use magic prevented her from using magic ropes, which was only going to make the next part of the challenge harder. A quick jump off the table to the floor below tipped the unbalanced sugar cube off her back, and scooping it up one hoof once she stood back up, she regarded the ungainly lump of sugar and considered just how awkward it was to carry.

Well, I did want a challenge.

Holding the sugar cube in one hoof, Twilight charged back into the dancing mob of noble ponies, her evasive obstacle course made even more difficult on three hooves.

Unluckily for Twilight, running with three hooves proved much more difficult, resulting in several noble shoes landing on a resilient transparent unicorn instead of a solid floor. However, in comparison to being stepped on by Celestia’s golden shoes a few years ago, the impact of the nobles’ hooves was relatively easy to endure. It only took a moment to recover every time she was stepped on, struggling back to three hooves and checking her fragile sugar cargo, ensuring its safely over her own as she managed to keep the delicate cube intact throughout the ordeal.

Once Twilight managed to get past the dancing mob, she quickly picked up speed in a final dash towards Fancy Pants. With two solid jumps, she landed on the table in front of him, holding the undamaged sugar cube in her right foreleg. It was a little strange for Fancy Pants, seeing the sugar cube move over to his tea without any magical aura, but he avoided commenting until the precious cargo was dropped into his tea and the little unicorn shimmered back into visibility when she dismissed her spell.

Sweat dripped off Twilight as she panted, watching Fancy Pants try to suppress his grin and failing badly. A grin of her own formed as she called up to him, “Would you like another lump, sir?”

Fancy Pants laughed a little despite himself. “Oh, no! One was quite enough, young miss, and quite a show!” Taking a sip of his tea, he nodded at the little sweaty unicorn with a serious expression and gestured to her impromptu obstacle course.

“Lady Twilight, you must ask yourself, was it really worth it? You put quite the effort in getting just one sugar cube for me, and could have even hurt yourself badly in the process. Is this really what you want out of life?”

Twilight’s smile did not vanish as she yelled cheerfully, “Yes I do! The challenge of getting this sugar cube was the real goal. I don’t mind a little pain, really!”

Fancy Pants rolled his eyes at the words ‘little pain’ before giving Twilight a serious stare and continuing. “I see, though I must ask you a question. Why would returning to your original size change anything? You can surely find exciting challenges without resorting to those kind of extreme measures.”

“To be honest, this was just one of the many ideas I came up with. Challenges like that is how I can push myself, in this room alone. When I’m this size, I can challenge my strength and magic much more easily and at any time I want. Even tiny, I still have a hard time finding any challenges where I can push my magic to its limits. I’m afraid that once I am returned to normal size, it will become almost impossible to push my limits like I can now.”

Well, she certainly has a point there. Even the Royal Guard may not have the equipment necessary to train a unicorn with her raw potential, Fancy Pants thought as he considered Twilight’s words.

He nodded with an air of finality. “I must thank you for answering all my questions and for entertaining me during today’s party, but I believe you wished to talk with Princess Cadence, and I’ve kept you here far too long,” Fancy Pants said, opening his pocket with a hoof.

With a smile, Twilight hopped smoothly into the offered seat, settling comfortably in its depths as Fancy Pants departed the ballroom for the hospital.

Cadence trotted hastily down the hallway of the hospital wards, her expression showing her agitation clearly as she looked closely at the various nooks and crannies as she passed them. Too closely, in fact, as she collided straight into a very surprised Fancy Pants as he rounded the corner, placing both of them on the floor unceremoniously.

Fancy Pants was the first to stand, offering a hoof to Cadence. “Oh, dear. My deepest apologies, Princess!”

“Oh no, the fault is all mine,” Cadence replied apologetically, accepting his hoof and allowing him to help her up. “I’m sorry for bumping into you, but I’m in a bit of a hurry. Twilight Sparkle’s gone missing. Oooh, the poor dear must be lost and terrified.”

Wasting no time, the unicorn in question jumped out of her hiding spot, running swiftly up Fancy Pants’ back before making a huge leap from his head to her foalsitter’s. “Cadence!”

Cadence jumped back in surprise, only to wrap Twilight in a tight hug, “Where have you been? I was so worried about you! First, I find out that you were hospitalized for two days because of your exam, and today I find out that you’ve disappeared from the hospital wing! What happened?”

Twilight sighed, allowing her foalsitter to vent her relief through her embrace. “I-It’s... a l-long story,” she said, her voice a bit strained from the rather bone-crushing hug she found herself in, “a v-very long s-s-story.”


“Oh Twilight, I had no idea that you felt that way,” Cadence said sympathetically. “Indeed, returning to your original size would be a huge change of environment, but I had no idea you would miss being so small and fragile.”

“I thought I had already proven that I could take care of myself to you,” Twilight said, pouting in annoyance.

Cadence smiled apologetically. “Yes, Twilight, you did, but I still don’t want you to hurt yourself... but if you say that you’re happy, then I’m happy for you too, although...“ Cadence paused, her tone switching to one of worry, “all of your potential and power will be wasted. While it is true that you have incredible raw power, at your current size, you can hardly perform any task that an average unicorn could easily complete. Would not you want to use your talent to help Equestria? It sounds a bit selfish that everything you’ve learned under Celestia will remain at such a small scale because of your own ambition.”

Twilight smiled guiltily, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof. She had a point. No matter how hard I train, and no matter how powerful I become... what’s the point of my potential if I’m still the size of rat?

“Indeed it does, Cadence, but...” Twilight said slowly, looking downwards in embarrassment. However, she quickly perked up. “I don’t feel ready to be a big pony yet; there’s so much I can learn if I remain small, and when I feel that I am truly ready, I will gladly return to my original size. Until then, I would wish to remain like this,” Twilight replied, radiating confidence.

“I see… Well, you’re still Celestia’s student, and you are still learning, even if you’ve made wonderful progress in this past decade. I’m sure another year or two wouldn’t hurt,” Cadence nodded in agreement, smiling.

Twilight returned the smile, before turning morose again. “Still… what should I do? I don’t want to disappoint Princess Celestia with my decision,” Twilight said dejectedly, her ears folding back on her head.

“Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. As always, you worry too much. The very first thing you have to do is to tell her how you feel. She’ll understand. Come, let’s talk with her,” Cadence said enthusiastically as she levitated Twilight onto her back and began walking towards Celestia’s bedchamber.

Twilight was at first horrified at the prospect of confronting her mentor, but a few choice assurances and reminders that such a meeting was inevitable from her foalsitter quickly shut down her protests, and she simply went along to her fate.

Author's Note:

Sub author:
Kydois - High Quality editing, 85% of the story.

Ultra1437 - Quick basic editing
Hereward - Quick basic editing
Georg - High Quality editing 15% of the story

Rated PonyStar - Advices