• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 5,744 Views, 298 Comments

Spellbound Apples - Silentpegasus

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies and what will happen when a pony from his past returns?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Illusions

Chapter 2


Hex woke up in the early hours of the morning with a yawn. He looked out the window and out onto the street’s of Ponyville. The stallion got to his hooves and let out a sigh as his horn flared and the stove ignited. He simmered a pot of oatmeal and levitated a book over to his side. As he served himself some breakfast he started to read the old book. Hex stared washing the dishes when he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to see a cream colored mare with a grey mane and glasses on her nose.

“Can I help you Miss?” He asked as he yawned.

“Yes, I’m the mayor for Ponyville.” She said as she adjusted her glasses.

“Nice to meet you. What can I do for you?”

“You can move your wagon away from city hall for starters.” She said in a flat tone.

“What’s wrong with it?” He asked.

“Well, no offense sir, but it doesn’t look good in front of the building and you need to purchase a permit to stay within the town limits.” She said with a sigh. “I’d be more than happy to give you the paperwork.”

“How much is this permit?”

“Two hundred bits. With it you can set up anywhere in Ponyville.” She said with a smile. The blue stallion gulped.

“Could you hold on a second while I go get my bits?” The mare nodded as he went back inside his carriage. The stallion trotted over to his coin pouch and saw that it was empty. Hex let out a sigh and faced the mare again. “I’m sorry ma’am, but I’m broke.”

“I see. I’m sorry sir then you’ll have to leave.” She said in a reluctant tone.

“I understand.”

“For the record I hate this part of my job.” She said with a sigh.

“It’s okay. I’m a traveler so I’m used to it.” He said as he walked back inside. He looked at the floating crystal and saw that it was still blinking red. Damn, it’s not charged yet. He thought to himself. Looks like I’ll have to do things the old fashioned way. He thought as his horn glowed and a harness popped out of the end. The stallion walked out of his home and hitched himself up.

Hex walked down the street with the cart in tow and started to make his way out of town past Sweet Apple Acres when he was stopped by a trio of fillies. One was a white Unicorn filly with a purple and white mane. Another was an orange Pegasus filly with a deep purple mane. The last was the yellow filly from yesterday. “Hey it’s you!” The Earth pony said with a smile.

“Applebloom right?” He asked.

“Eeyup. What brings you out here Mr. Hex?”

“You can just call me Hex and I’m leaving town.”

“But ya just got here and-” The yellow filly was cut off as a familiar orange mare trotted down the road towards the group of ponies.

“There you three are.” The mare then noticed the blue stallion. “Howdy Hex. What brings ya here?”

“I was just leaving.”

“Already? Why?”

“Can’t afford the permit to set up my carriage.” He said with a shrug. “Oh well, what can you do? Nice meeting you all. Hope to see you again.” Hex said with a smile. The orange mare put a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment.

“Hang on a second.” The mare said as she raised a hoof. “If you need money then-”

“No. I won’t accept any charity from your family.” Hex said in a stern tone.

“Ah was gonna suggest that you come and work on the farm for a bit and then we can pay ya.” She said with a smile. The stallion scratched his chin as he rolled the idea around in his head.

“You sure? I don’t know anything about farming.” He said with a shrug.

“Ah figured as much. Don’t worry Ah’ll teach ya.” She said with a smile.

“Lead the way boss.” He said as he turned the cart around and followed the farmer. The blue stallion hadn’t seen much of the plantation during his last visit and was awe struck at the vast amount of apple trees in the orchard. “Wow. That is a lot of apples.”

“Eeyup. Our pride and joy.” She said with a smile. “You can park yer cart next to the barn. The meet me around back afterwards.”

“Sounds good to me.” Hex pulled his cart over to the barn and set the locks in place. The blue stallion quickly trotted inside and withdrew his hat. Hmm, I should probably look the part. He thought to himself. His horn flared and his top hat morphed into a dark brown Stetson. The stallion walked out of his carriage and headed towards the barn.

Applejack was leaning against the red barn waiting for the blue stallion to come out of his cart. She looked over to see him approaching with a dark brown Stetson sitting on his light blue mane.

“There you are. Where’d you get that hat?” She asked.

“Oh this? It’s the hat I was using on stage yesterday. I can change it to several different hat styles.”

“So why’d you chose that one?”

“What? It’s a Stetson. Stetsons are cool.” He said with a grin. The orange mare giggled and rolled her eyes.

“C’mon show off. We’ve got apples to buck.”

“Huh?” Hex said as he followed the mare.

“Just follow me.” She said in a flat tone. As the stallion followed the farmer he couldn’t help but gaze as the bright sunlight hit her coat making her shine like an orange comet. His eyes started to drift from her bright mane across her back and down towards her fla-

SMACK. The stallion quickly slapped himself in the face brining him back to reality.

Keep it together! Besides, if her colt friend sees me then I’m dead!

“You okay?” She asked as she cocked an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Is your coltfriend helping us out?” He asked. The mare looked at him in confusion.

“Colt friend? Ah don’t have one.” She said in a low tone.

“Then who was that red stallion I saw yesterday?” The mare looked at him and fell on the ground in a fit of laughter.

“That’s my brother Big Mac and he’s plowing the South field.” She said as she got to her hooves.

“Face meet hoof.” He said as he face hoofed. The mare giggled at the action and shook her head.

“C’mon over here she said with a smile. We’re gonna be apple bucking.”


“Just watch and learn.” The orange mare stopped in front of the large trees and brought her back hooves up. As her two hooves connected with the trunk of the tree several apples fell from above. Hex’s jaw dropped in amazement.


“Eeyup. Now it’s your turn.” She said as she pointed at the adjacent tree. The stallion walked up to the large tree and gulped. “Just like I showed you.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier if I used magic?” He asked.

“Sure, if ya don’t want to do it the right way.” She said as she narrowed her eyes.

“Okay never mind then.” He said as he took his position. Hex let out a sigh and gave the tree a hard kick. The stallion felt the shockwave travel up the trunk. The only apple that fell from the tree landed on the stallion’s horn. “Ow.” He said as Applejack keeled over in a fit of laughter.

“Oh Celestia. You just keep shooting yourself in the hoof don’t ya?” She said as she got up.

“Ha ha. I’m new to this.” He said as he pulled the fruit off his horn. “Let me try again.” The mare shrugged at the words. The stallions horn flared and he used his back right leg to kick the tree. The mare’s jaw dropped as his hoof broke through the bark.

“What in the name of Celestia did you just do?” she asked.

“I focused my magic into my back leg increasing it’s strength and power. Looks like I used too much.” He said as he looked behind him.

“Well just get it out of there so we can work.” The mare said as he tried to move his hoof he found that it wouldn’t budge.

“Um....I’m stuck.” He said in a hushed tone.


“I’m stuck. I can’t move my hoof.” He said as he dug his hooves into the ground and tried to pull himself out.

“Oh for land sakes.” The farmer said as she trotted over to him and started to pull on his leg. The two tried to mage the extremity budge. As his hoof came loose Applejack forgot to let go and she toppled over, on top of the stallion. Hex opened his eye lids to see a pair of deep emerald green eyes staring back at him. Hex felt their noses touch and felt the mare’s warm breath on his lips. Their faces both turned bright red and seemed to be frozen in place until Hex broke the silence.

“Um AJ. Could you get off me?”

“S-sure thing.” She said as she backed away from the stallion. The mare quickly pulled her hat over her face to hide her bright red cheeks. “J-just try to be more careful okay.”

“Got it boss.” The stallion said with a gulp. The stallion then looked up to see two Pegasi charging towards them. Hex recognized one as Rainbow Dash. The other had a snow white coat, his mane and tail were black with red tips and his cutie mark was a red wing with the tips wrapped in black flames.

“Howdy Rainbow, Storm.” AJ said with a nod.

“Sup?” The stallion said as he looked at the Unicorn. “Who’s this?” He asked.

“This is the guy I was telling you about.” Rainbow said as she glared at the stallion.

“So he made you cough up a card?” He asked.

“Yup.” The mare said with a smile.

“What’s your name again?” Storm asked.

“Hex Swirl, what can I do for ya?” He asked.

“I’d like it if you didn’t make things come out of my mare friend’s body.” He said in a flat tone.

“Right, I suppose that’s your job after all.” Hex said with a smug grin on his face.

“Exact- HEY!” Storm yelled as he blushed.

“Calm down I’m just kidding.” Hex said with a laugh. Applejack and Dash both let out a giggle. “Anyway’s it was just part of the act and she did volunteer to help me out. Besides it was only a card, nothing dangerous.”

“Like?” Storm asked getting annoyed. Hex grinned and opened his mouth. He stuck his hoof inside and started to feel around. As he withdrew his hoof he pulled out a long metal sword.

“Like this.” He said with a smile.

“How did you do that?” Dash asked.

“Magic.” He said as his horn flared and the weapon vanished. “Anyway’s I won’t use Dash for anything like that okay?”

“Fine by me.” Storm said as he rolled his eyes.

“Did you two need something?” Applejack asked.

“Oh right! We wanted to see if you wanted to hang out.” Dash said with a smile.

“Can’t ah’m working.” she said as she walked over to another tree and started to kick the trunk.

“Mind if we help?” Storm asked.

“Sure, faster we get done sooner we can chat.” The farmer said with a smile. “Storm why don’t you go with Hex, he’s a rookie at this and could use a hoof.”

“Ugh, fine.” He said as he trotted away with the blue stallion. As soon as they were out of earshot Rainbow grinned at AJ with a sly smile across her face.

“Why are you looking at me like that Dash?”

“I saw you two five minutes ago.” She said as she waggled here eyebrows. The orange mare felt her face heat up.

“That was an accident. He got his hoof stuck in the tree and when we pulled it out I accidentally landed in top of him.” She said as her cheeks turned bright red.

“Sure Applejack. I totally believe you.” Dash said in a sarcastic tone.

“Dash I’m serious!”

“Fine fine, I’ll leave it alone.....for now.” She said as she walked over to a tree and kicked it.

In the West orchard the two stallions were hard at work and kept quiet. Storm decided to break the silence. “So you’re a performer then?”

“Yup. Been one my whole life.” Hex said as he made a few apple fall from the tree.

“So did you really remove your head?” Storm asked.

“No, it was just an illusion.” He said with a shrug. “So, you and Dash eh?”


“She seems nice. A little hard headed and quick tempered.”

“Trust me, you have no idea.” Storm said with a grin.

“So you know all of their friends?”

“Yeah, why?”

“What can you tell me about Applejack?” Hex asked as he blushed.

“Not much, she’d hard working. Loyal and strong.” He said as he scratched his chin. “Oh she can’t tell a lie to save her life. Why?” He asked as he glared at the blue stallion.

“N-no reason. Just want to know a bit more about the pony I’m working for.” He said with a blush.

“Dude, don’t try to lie. Dash and I saw you before we landed.” He said with a grin on his face.

“That was a fluke! My hoof got stuck and she helped me pull it out.” He stammered.

“I know. I saw it happen.” He said with a smirk. The two stopped chatting and continued to work in silence. As noon crept around the four ponies trotted back towards the farm house. The two were then joined by the two mares.

“Hey you two, how’d you make out?” Applejack asked.

“Good, we got the West orchard done.” Storm said.

“Thank ya kindly.” The farmer said with a smile. “How’s about we head into town for some grub.”

“Sounds good to me.” Hex said with a grin. The four ponies made their way off the plantation and back into the street’s of Ponyville.

“So Hex, how long have you been a magician?” Dash asked.

“Since I was around ten.” He said with a shrug.

“You’ve been traveling like that all this time?” Applejack asked.

“Yup, it’s always how I’ve done things.”

“Don’t ya ever get lonely?” Applejack asked.

“Sometimes. But I’ve got the carriage, so I’m not entirely alone.” The ponies looked at him in confusion as they entered the establishment. The ponies mad their way over to where Twilight and Rarity were sitting.

“Hey guys.” Dash said as she sat down next to her colt friend.

“Hello darling.” Rarity said with a smile. Her gaze then shifted to the orange mare and blue stallion. “What brings you here Hex?”

“Well, I was working with Applejack in the orchard when Dash and Storm came along to give us a hoof.” The white mare felt a small smile creep across her face.

“So you’re working with Applejack?” Twilight asked.

“Until I can pay for a permit that allows me to perform in the town, yes.” He said as he sat back.

“What’ll happen after that?”

“I wait until my gem is fully charged and then I keep moving.” He said as Pinkie came out with a few menus.

“How long will that take?” Storm asked.

“I’d say, two to three weeks.” He said with a shrug. Rarity noticed that Applejack’s expression turned a little sad.

“That long?”

“Well, it needs to charge once a year. So I look at it as a type of vacation.” He said as he looked at the menu. “I’l have a dandelion sandwich with a side of hay fries.” He said as he handed Pinkie the menu.

“Okey dokey Loki.” She said with a smile.

“So Hex, what kind of magic can you use?” Twilight asked.

“My specialty is illusion. Like that severed head thing I did yesterday. I’m also skilled with pyrotechnics and a few others.”


“Yes, I’m able to trick your mind into seeing something that’s not really there even though it seems real.” He said as his food arrived.

“Yeah right, like that’d work on somepony as awesome as me.” Dash said with pride in her voice. The stallion’s horn flared and dimmed. The mares looked down to see that his sandwich had grown legs and started to crawl around the table at a fast rate. “What the hay is with that sandwich?” Dash yelled.

“Dash what in the hay are you talking about?” Applejack asked.

“The sandwich that just climbed on top of Pinkie’s head.” She yelled.

“Dash, did you get heatstroke while working?” Storm asked as he put a hoof to her forehead.

“No I-” She then looked at the blue stallion who had a smirk on his face. Hex’s horn flared and the sandwich vanished from sight. “You!”

“Won’t work on you huh?” He said as he levitated his food to his mouth. “That was a low level illusion trick.” He said with a smile. “You see illusion is just obscuring the body’s five senses; sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Among those sight and hearing are the easiest to manipulate and when you’re dealing with a pony that is quick tempered and jumps to conclusions, fooling them is a trivial task. No offense.”

“Why you-” Dash started to say but was held back by her colt friend.

“Now let’s say I was trying to fool a mare like Twilight, who’s intellect is far greater than my own.” Twilight blushed at the compliment. “I would need to be able to trip up at least four out of her five senses in order to get her lost in the illusion. However, that takes a lot of concentration and power. Both of which I can’t use on a moments notice.” He said as he sipped his drink.

“Wow, you certainly know a lot about magic.” Rarity chimed.

“Thank you. I can’t take all the credit however, I have several books passed down from generations of my family.” Twilight’s eyes gleamed.

“Just how many books are we talking here?”

“Last time I did an inventory check it was around.....2,000 books.” Twilight clapped her hooves together in excitement.

“Oh I have to see this!” She yelled.

“Feel free to swing by my carriage. I’d be more than happy to give you all a tour.” The ponies looked at him in confusion.

“But, I saw that thing parked beside AJ’s barn. It can’t fit all of us.” Dash said.

“Trust me sugar cube. It will.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Sounds like fun!” Pinkie said with a smile.

“Sweet, how about we all head over there?” Storm said.

“Okay, let’s get going then.” Hex said as he got to his hooves. The group of ponies followed close behind the blue stallion. Twilight trotted up next to him and the two continued to talk about magic. Rarity trotted up next to the farmer and nudged her shoulder.

“What’s up Rarity?” The farmer asked.

“Don’t play dumb Applejack. I saw your face when he talked about moving on.” She said as she waggled her eyebrows. “Did something happen in the orchard today?” The farmer blushed at the words.

“Ah ain’t got the slightest idea what you’re talking about.” The mare said as she puckered her lips and adverted her eyes.

“Oh come now dear, you can’t lie to save yourself so stop trying.” The Unicorn said as she glared at the mare.

“Ah don’t know what yer talking about.”

Rarity kept staring.

“Nope, that won’t work on me.”

The mare kept glaring at her friend.

“Rarity stop it!” She yelled.

The Unicorn kept up the stare.

“Alright fine you win! Just make it stop!” The farmer yelled as she laid on the ground with her hooves over her head.

“Works every time.” Rarity said with a smirk. “So what happened today?”

“While I was showing him how to apple buck he got his leg caught in the trunk.” She said as she got up.


“When I pulled him out. Ah landed on top of him in a.....weird position.”

“Define weird.” Rarity said as she raised an eyebrow.

“We were face to face and our...noses were touching.” The white mare squealed in delight as the farmer’s face turned bright red.

“Oh how cute!” She cooed.

“It was an accident! That’s all!” She stammered.

“Your blush says otherwise.” Rarity said as the farmer pulled her hat down over her face.

“We’re here!” Hex said as the group stopped in front of the bright blue wagon.

“What a marvelous color!” Rarity said.

“Just wait till you see the inside.” Hex said as he opened the door. “C’mon in!” He said as he and Applejack walked inside.

“How are we supposed to fit in there?” Dash asked.

“Only one way to find out!” Pinkie chimed as she entered the cart. The ponies shrugged and trailed after her. The pink mare let out an audible gasp at the interior. The lavender mare’s jaw dropped at the size. The pink mare ran outside and ran outside the cart and circled it twice.

“It’s....It’s...” Pinkie tried to form the words.

“Go ahead say it. Everypony does.” He said with a smirk.

“It’a smaller on the outside!” The blue stallion gave the pink mare a confused look.

“Okay. That’s a new one.” Hex said in surprise. Twilight walked up to the stallion in bewilderment.

“How did....Is this....dimension magic?” Twilight asked.

“Correct! Spacial dimension spell.” He said with a smile. “Come along.” The ponies hesitantly followed the stallion to a large dark wooden door. The stallion’s horn glowed and the doors opened to reveal hundreds of coulombs filled with books. Twilight’s jaw dropped and started to salivate. “Twilight you’re drooling.”

“Sorry. It’s just......There are no words!” She said as she started to look around.

“Yup I’ve got books that no one else has. Untouched by time.” He said as he looked around the book shelves. Twilight had a massive smile spread across her face. The ponies started to walk around the massive collection. The lavender mare was nose deep in an old book while Dash and Storm were looking up old Wonderbolt moves. The farmer was walking down a coulomb when she saw something catch her eye.

At the end a gold encrusted case shined like a star in the hallway. The mare approached it and saw a portrait of an old stallion with a long grey beard. Applejack looked down at a golden case and reached towards it. Her hoof was then grabbed by a familiar blue stallion. The mare’s face turned crimson at the contact with the stallion.

“Sorry AJ, but this is something that needs to be kept hidden.” He said as he made the case vanish. Twilight hurried up to the stallion with a large stack of books.

“This place is amazing! So much magic, so much to learn!”

“Feel free to borrow them. Just be sure that they find their way back here.” He said with a smile. The lavender mare nodded and trotted away from the stallion but soon stopped. “Need some help getting out?”

“Yeah.” She said as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Come along everyone. It’s getting late.” He said as the ponies regrouped behind the stallion.

“This place is awesome!” Dash yelled.

“Thank you.” Hex said as he led them out. As the ponies left the orange mare stopped for a moment.

“Hey, if you want a proper bed.” The mare said with a bright blush on her face. “I’d be more than happy to let ya have the guest room.”

“No thanks AJ. This cart is comfy enough.” He said with a smile.

“Ah get it. See ya tomorrow.” She said as the stallion closed the door. As the mare walked back towards her home she was stopped by the white mare.


“Well, what?” Applejack asked.

“Did you tell him?”

“Tell him what?” The white mare face hoofed.

“Oh come on dear! It’s obvious that you like him.” The farmer let out a sigh as she tried to think of something.

“Ah haven’t the slightest-” She was cut off as the mare glared at her. “Truth be told Rarity. Ah don’t know. He’s funny, smart and ain’t that bad to look at.” The white mare smiled at the response. “But ah don’t know enough about him to know if I can think of him like that.” She said with a sigh.

“Thank you for being honest with me and I respect your decision. It’s very lady like of you.” She said as she put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Just...don’t wait to long. A stallion like that in this town will not stay single for long.” Rarity said with a sigh.

“Ah know. Ah just need to get my thought’s together is all.” As the mare turned to leave Applejack tapped her on the shoulder. "Promise me you won't tell anypony?" The mare made the zipper closing motion over her mouth. "Thanks...it's just...ya know with Dash and everypony else." She said as she rubbed her right arm.

“I understand and don’t hesitate to come to me for advise on the subject.” She said as she trotted back into town. The orange mare let out a sigh and trotted back inside her home. The mare trotted upstairs and laid down on her bed as she stared up at the ceiling.

What am ah gonna do?

Go and get yourself a stallion!

Ah just met him! Ah know nothing about him!

Only one way to fix that.

Ah’ll think about it.

Back outside in the stallion’s carriage. Hex walked towards one of the book cases connected to the far wall and pulled a book with a red spine. The whole bookcase moved to the left to reveal an odd symbol on the ground. Hex set the small box on the seal as his horn glowed. The circle followed suit and the box vanished in a flash of light.

“Back where you belong.” He said as he moved the bookcase back over the seal. The stallion made his way out of the room and towards his bed. As he laid down to rest he couldn’t push the smell of apples out of his mind.

Author's Note:

That's right! Storm Chaser is back! I've decided to start a series of stories coinciding with one another. The first one being 'The Dreams We Share.' Read that to get more backround info of Storm Chaser.