• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 5,744 Views, 298 Comments

Spellbound Apples - Silentpegasus

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies and what will happen when a pony from his past returns?

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Chapter 12: Reconciliation

Chapter 12


Applejack, Hex and Trixie made their way back towards the library. The light blue Unicorn had turned back to her original body earlier that morning. The three stopped as they arrived at the library.

“I mean it Trix. No mouthing off.” Hex said in a rough tone.

“Trixie understands that she was wrong to say those things. You don’t have to keep treating me like a kid.” The mare spat out.

“You’re my little sister. What else am I supposed to do?” He said as he walked into the library. The three saw that the other mares were all waiting for them. The three sat down across from the cyan mare and her colt friend. Dash’s body was back to normal, but kept her hooves crossed and glared at the blue stallion. “When did you turn back?” Hex asked.

“About five in the morning.” She said with a grunt.

“How about we get down to business?” Rarity suggested.

“Right.” Hex said with a gulp. The room became quiet and a thick layer of tension fell over the group. The blue stallion bit his lip looking for where to begin. Twilight got to her hooves and hung her head in shame.

“I’m sorry!” The ponies all saw a few tears fall to the floor. “I never wanted to hurt any of you,” She then looked towards the orange mare. “especially you AJ.” The orange mare had a sympathetic look on her face. Applejack let out a sigh and trotted up to the lavender mare. She wrapped her friend in a tight hug and rested her head on her shoulder and gulped.

“Twi, you cause us all a lot of heart ache. Mostly to Hex and me.” She said as she broke the hug.

“AJ I-” She was cut off as the mare raised a hoof.

“Let me finish. Ah’ll forgive you, but my trust is something yer gonna have to earn back.” Twilight looked at the mare in surprise and a smile grew across her face.

“How can you forgive me just like that?”

“Ah’m the element of honesty and ah can see that you were tearing yourself apart over what happened.” She said with a weak smile. “Plus, we're best friends.” She said with a smile. Twilight hugged her friend tightly and cried in her shoulder. Applejack patted the mare on the back and smiled. “But, try it again and ah’ll kick ya straight back to Canterlot.”

“Noted.” Twilight said with a smile. Rarity summoned a handkerchief and blew her nose as she cried. Dash discretely wiped a few tears away.

“Darn it! Now you’ve got me started!” Storm rolled his eyes and put a wing around his mare friend’s shoulders. Trixie then trotted forward and sighed.

“Trixie feels most guilty about what she said.” The mare said as she removed her hat.

“It’s okay Trixie. You were just trying to protect your brother’s name.” Twilight said with a smile. “I probably would have done the same thing.” Trixie smiled and shook her hoof. “Mind if I ask what that spell was?”

“Care to explain Hex? You’d explain it better than I would.” Trixie said as she looked at her brother. The blue stallion sighed and got to his hooves.

“Trixie used her Devil Eye on you.”

“Devil eye?” Twilight said in confusion.

“It’s a very old and powerful type of illusion magic.” He stated. His eyes then shifted red and an odd design was around the pupil. “She trapped you within two illusions and made you see one of your worst fears.”

“Two illusions?” Dash said. “Is that even possible?”

“If you’re strong enough, yes.” He said in a flat tone. “I can do it too.”

“What about this Devil eye thing?” Storm asked.

“The devil eye as I call it, is a magical technique that resides in the users eyes.” He said as the pupils shifted back to normal. “There are a few who can activate this magic, but there’s a...special requirement.” He said in a low tone.

“Which is?” Dash asked. Trixie then lowered her head.

“You have to see somepony you love die.” The group all put a hoof to their mouth in shock. “Trixie and I unknowingly activated it when we saw our mom die.” The group all gulped. Applejack put a hoof on the stallion’s back.

“So what else can this magic do?” Rarity asked.

“It’s different for each pony who activates it. I once met a mare who’s ability was x-ray vision.” He said with a shrug.

“That is so awesome!” Dash said in a fangirl tone. “So what does yours do?”

“Mine can take things from my imagination and bring them into reality.” He said with a smile.

“No way!”

“You saw the crow right?” The ponies all nodded as they remembered the massive bird. “That’s what I did.”

“This is amazing!” Twilight said.

“Yeah, but you can’t use it too often.” He said in a flat tone.

“Why?” Applejack asked.

“Using it puts an extreme amount of strain on the optic nerve and could make you go blind if you use it for too long at one time.” The ponies all gulped. “Not to mention that it uses up an immense amount of magical energy.” He said with a sigh. “I heard that a stallion kept using it for twenty minutes at a time and drained his magic level to zero.” The ponies all gulped at the stallion’s words. “It’s categorized as forbidden magic for that reason.”

“Forbidden magic?” Twilight said in shock.

“Yes,” Hex said with a nod. “Starswirl the Bearded was the first outsider to learn this magic.”

“Learn it? From who?” Twilight asked.

“No pony knows who first discovered this ability. The farthest I’ve been able to track back is to Starswirl and then the trail goes cold.” He said with a sigh. “I even got special permission to dig through the Royal Canterlot archives and I found nothing. Not even Starswirl’s wing had much on the technique.”

“How did you get inside the archives?” Twilight asked. “It’s the most heavily guarded library in Equestria.”

“I said please.” He said in a flat tone.

“That’s it?”

“I can be very persuasive.” He said as his eyes tinted red.

“You broke in?” The mare yelled.

“No, a guard led me in while he was under my illusion spell.” He said with a smirk. “I took nothing and merely copied the information and put the originals back where I found them.”

“But you have all those other books on him.”

“Yes, I even have his personal journal and he’s mentioned nothing about it. It’s like it just appeared out of nowhere.” He said as he scratched his chin. “Anyway, Trixie had no right to use that on you Twilight and I’m sorry you had to see whatever you saw.”

“It’s okay.” She said with a smile.

“Trixie?” He said as he looked at the azure mare. Trixie let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. “Trixie!”

“Fine, I’m sorry. Just keep your hooves off my brother.” She said in a flat tone. Hex groaned and face hoofed.

“Okay Trix I’ll bargain. What do you want me to do so you can forgive Twilight?” Trixie let out a sigh and looked at her brother.

“Talk to Nightshade.” Hex’s eyes shrank.

“Out of the bucking question!” He yelled. “No way am I talking to that plot hole.”

“Who’s Nightshade?” Storm asked. Hex let out a sigh and looked at the group.

“He’s my plot hole of a father.” The group gulped. “When my mom died, the orphanage contacted my father to come and pick us up. Instead he gave us up and left us there without a word of goodbye.”

“Jerk!” Dash yelled.

“Needless to say, I don’t want to talk to him.” He said with a groan.

“He’s still your family.” Applejack said as she put a hoof on her colt friend’s shoulder.

“I appreciate the kind words AJ but-”

“You gave me a second chance.” Hex felt his throat go dry at the words. “For me?” Hex bit his lip and rolled the idea around in his head. The stallion let out a sigh and looked at the blue mare.

“He comes to me and this is his only chance.” He said in a serious tone. Trixie smiled and hugged her brother. “I mean it Trix. He get’s one chance and that’s it.”

“I got it.”

“Where is he?”

“Last time I checked he was in Trottingham.” She said as she trotted towards the door. “ Trixie will let him know immediately.” As she reached for the door a thought came to her. “Oh, Trixie almost forgot. Do you have any books on exorcisms Twilight?”

“I don’t think so. Why?” The blue mare then walked over to the orange farmer.

“Trixie is under the impression that spirits have taken refuge in Applejack’s home.”

“What makes you say that?” Applejack asked.

“Trixie heard several shrieks and moans coming from the walls.” The orange farmer’s face grew bright red. “I also heard loud banging noises coming from the wall.” Hex’s face turned bright red. Dash looked at the couples faces and tried to hide her laughter. “I hardly think that this is a laughing matter Rainbow Dash.”

“Um Trixie.” Dash said as she tried to control herself. “Which wall were the noises coming from?” She said with a giggle.

“The far left.”

“And who was on the other side of that wall?” She said as Storm was struggling to keep a straight face.

“I believe it was Apple-” Trixie’s eyes shrank in realization and looked at the two guilty ponies. Dash keeled over in laughter and Storm was right behind her. Rarity’s face contorted in disgust and gasped. AJ pulled her hat down over her head to hide her blush. “Th-the great and embarrassed Trixie, has to go and....get a bucking drink.” She said as she galloped out the door.

The group then converged on the blue unicorn and orange farmer. The couple gulped as Dash threw a smug grin on her face.

“Sound like somepony started apple bucking season early.” She said as she waggled her eyebrows.

“Rainbow Dash! Show some decency!” Rarity said. “One’s personal relationship should not be the subject of ones entertainment.” The white mare said with a groan.

“Oh lighten up Rarity.” Storm said with a chuckle.

“Should we reminisce about the time I saw you in a dress Storm?” Both Pegasi immediately clammed up and bit their tongues. “That’s what I thought.” The group then turned back to the couple only to find the space they once occupied was now empty.

Big Mac was out working the South field when he saw a flash of blue light fill his vision. The light vanished. Mac saw Hex and Applejack standing there with with looks of relief on their faces.

“Howdy you two.” He said with a smile.

“Hey Mac.” Hex said with a pant.

“What brings you here? Ah thought you were going to talk with Twilight.”

“We did.” Applejack said.

“Are ya’ll okay?” The red farmer asked.

“We came to an understanding.” The orange mare stated.

“Ah’m glad that ya worked things out.” He said with a nod. Something then occurred to the blue stallion.

“Speaking of working things out.” He said as he grinned at the red stallion. “You still owe me.” Mac gulped and looked at the stallion. “It’s nothing too bad Mac, you just have to be my assistant for the show I’m doing this evening.”

“But ah gotta-”

“It’ll be at night. After you’re done with your work.”

“Ah’ll be too tired to-”

“You won’t have to do any heavy lifting.” Hex said with a smile. “Just show up and I’ll take care of everything.”


“Oh quit belly aching. You got a debt to pay and yer gonna pay it.” Applejack said as she put a hoof on her brother’s chest. The red stallion looked at his sister who was boring holes through him with her emerald eyes.

“Yer right sis.” He said with a sigh. “Where is it?”

“I gotta go set up,” he said as he looked at his cart. “I’ll probably set up near Town Hall or something like that.” He said with a shrug. The red stallion nodded and continued to work. Applejack trotted up next to her colt friend and grinned.

“Yer gonna buck with him aren’t ya?”

“Big time.” He said with a grin.

Hex waited for in his carriage and double checked himself in the mirror. His hat was in place, his mane was combed and his cape was on. A knock at the door made the stallion smile. He walked over to see a less than enthusiastic Big Mac waiting for him.

“Mac, so good of you to come!”

“Let’s just get this over with.” He said with a groan. Hex rolled his eyes and walked on stage behind the curtain. He poked his head out and saw that a large number of ponies had gathered. Hex walked over to Mac and smiled.

“Relax, you’re the last act.”

“Ya haven’t even told me what ah need to do yet!” Mac protested.

“Mac relax. Just come out on stage when I call you.” He said as he put a hoof on his shoulder. “I’ll take care of everything.” Mac grunted and hung his head in defeat. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to start the opening act.” He said before trotting out of his carriage and onto the stage.

As he took his position on stage the crowd simmered down and watched with anticipation. “Good evening folks. For those of you that don’t know my name is Hex the Mysterious.” The ponies clapped for him. “Okay, let’s see what strange and unusual things I have in my hat today!” He said as he put his hat on stage with the opening facing up.

As he looked at the hat a grey blonde maned Pegasus mare with off center golden eyes poked her head out of the opening. Hex raised an eyebrow in confusion as the head looked around.

“Hey! This isn’t the muffin empire!” She said before pulling her head back inside the hat and vanishing. Hex looked in the hat and then back to the audience.

“Okay, now if that wasn’t strange and unusual to you ponies then I don’t know what is.” The ponies all shared a chuckle. The remainder of the act was spent on illusion magic and old card tricks. Soon the show started to wind down and Hex saw that several ponies were nodding off.

“Well folks, it’s been fun, but it’s time for the finale!” He aid with gusto. The tired ponies shrugged and fought to stay awake. “Now for this one I have an assistant. Mac, you’re on!” The ponies looked to the fr right to see the red stallion slowly and reluctantly make his way to the center stage. “Mac here was kind enough to volunteer as my assistant.” The red stallion grunted at the word ‘volunteer.’

Hex’s horn flared and a large box stood on end next to the stallion. “Now Mac all I need you to do is go in that box.” The stallion glared at him. He then felt his sister giving him the death stare. The stallion sighed and hesitantly got in the box. Hex’s horn glowed and closed the box shut.

“Now what should I do? The good old saw in half trick?” He said as he summoned a saw. The ponies all gulped and heard a nervous groan come from the box. “Nah, to easy.” He said as he made the saw vanish. “Thousand needles?” He suggested as the area around him was occupied by easily one thousand needles. Mac again yelped at the words. “No, not good enough.” He said with a sigh. Hex put a hoof to his chin and thought for a moment. “Oh I know!”

Hex’s horn glowed a bright blue and the box was surrounded by a bright aura. He smirked as he levitated the opening. The box seeped out a light blue smoke and the ponies heard some coughing coming from it. What they saw next made the gears in their brain stop. Instead of the hulking red stallion they saw enter the box, a slimmer red Earth pony mare stood before them. “Goodbye Macintosh and hello Macareina!

“What in tarnation?” She said in a high pitched voice. Rainbow Dash was immediately on the floor in a fit of laughter. Soon, the entire crowd was in a similar state.

“That’s our show folks! Goodnight!” Hex said before vanishing in a puff of smoke. The red mare then ran behind the curtain where Hex and the other group of friends were. Applejack walked up to her former brother and giggled.

“This ain’t amusing!” He yelled.

“Oh hush now big broth..sister.” She said with a laugh. Mac hid his face in shame.

“Um Storm, what’s with your wings?” Pinkie asked. the group turned to see that the white stallion’s wings were standing in the air.

“Storm!” Dash yelled.

“Um....I gotta go feed my...plant.” He said before rocketing off into the sky. Mac walked up to the blue stallion and scowled.

“Fix this now!”

“I would if I could Mac.”

“Say what now?” The red mare yelled.

“These type of spells act on a timer and since you’re bigger than most ponies, I had to use a bit more magic than usual.” Hex said with a smirk. “So it’ll last longer than most.”

“How long?”

“Two days...month tops.”

“What?” Mac yelled.

“I’m kidding.” Hex said with a chuckle. “It should only last a few day to a week.” Mac scowled at him. “Hey, I I tried to break the spell then it might become permanent.” Mac gulped and hung his head in shame.

“Oh this gives me an idea~” Rarity said in a sing song voice. “I shall gather my supplies and be at your farm tomorrow!” The white mare said as she charging off towards her home. Mac shuttered at the thought of being at the mercy of the fashionista.

“Did you plan that as well?” Thered mare asked.

“No Mac, I may be crafty, but I’m not cruel.” Hex said with a smirk. “See ya tomorrow!” He said before vanishing in a flash of blue light. The red mare hung her head as she made her way back to her home with a giggling Applejack by her side.