• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,643 Views, 144 Comments

Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 25: Not the Best Party Venue

“These come with Pumpkin’s best wishes, Crimson.” High Flyer smiled as he laid a big tray down on the counter beside the window. “She was thrilled when we told her there was no reason you couldn’t have cupcakes. She made more than enough for the entire floor, and refused to take a single bit from us. It’s her gift to you.”

I smiled like an idiot and shook my head. “Sweet Celestia, how does that old mare stay in business? She does this kind of stuff for the whole town!” I looked at my parents and asked, “Can one of you go to SugarCube Corner and thank her for me? Like, right now?”

Mom nodded and gave Dad a little shove. “You go. If I leave the two of you alone, half of these will be gone when I get back. And don’t even try to tell me I’m wrong,” she said with a smirk and a raised brow. “Give Pumpkin our best regards and thanks.”

Dad sighed and let out a cough that echoed throughout the room. “You know me way too well, dear,” he said with a smile as he started for the door.

I chuckled to myself. “Thanks, Dad. See you in a bit.”

“Be back soon, buddy.”

After Dad left, I turned to Mom. “Ma, is Dad okay?”

“He’s alright, sweetheart. He usually gets that kind of cough this time of year, remember? It’s his allergy season. I had that for a while, too. It’s a pity it happens when the weather gets nice. Rather helpful that we’re in the hospital, actually; his doctor is right downstairs if he needs anything.”

“Yeah, but he’s been going downstairs kinda often…” I rested my head in my hooves. “He can still have a cupcake with me, right?”

Mom chuckled. “Yes, sweetie, I’ll let him have a cupcake.” When I sighed, she walked up to me and said, “Relax, Crimson. Your father will be fine. Today is a day for you to celebrate! Pumpkin’s gift to you was a great way to start it, wouldn’t you say?” I nodded in response.

It’s not the first time I’ve had to celebrate a birthday in the hospital. My transplant happened around my birthday when I had it four years ago, and they didn’t let me do nearly as much then as they are now. At least this year I get cupcakes. Definitely a step up from stale rice cakes.

I glanced at the calendar— Friday, a school day, so nopony will get here ‘til later. I had decided to have what I guess you could call a party. It’s only been about two months since I last saw them, but Inkwell and Joy promised to stop by again. Amy and Rose told me they would come, too. Obviously, Starry and Tesla would be here— Tess told me so yesterday. Gramma also planned to come; she said she would stay for the weekend.

Considering that Miss Pumpkin had made more than enough cupcakes for the whole floor, I figured it would be a good idea to get the sharing process started. “Hey Mom, can you count out, I dunno, fifteen cupcakes, and put ‘em over there? Let’s give the rest to High Flyer to hoof out to the other foals.”

“Fifteen? How many do you plan to eat?”

“Moooooom, I mean for everypony else! You, Dad, Gramma, Inkwell, Joy, Amy, Rose, Tesla, Starry, and me, of course.”

Mom paused for a second before she smiled, walked over to me, and poked me in the ribs. “That’s still only ten, you little pig.”

I giggled and responded, “What, I can’t keep a few extra? It’s my birthday, you know!”

Mom sighed. “Fine, smart aleck. I’ll keep them over here on the counter. You want yours now? You had lunch, so I’ll allow it.” She smiled.

“Can I have another one when everypony else shows up?”

She smirked and raised a brow at me. “Fine, but no more than that for today, got it?” I gave her a really fast nod. “Maybe I’ll let you have another one tomorrow. Maybe…” She chuckled. “Need anything else?”

I thought for a second before I answered, “Yeah. When you’re done, could you go out and get High Flyer for me? I don’t wanna hit the call button or they’ll think something’s wrong.”

“Good thinking. I’ll be right back.”

Mom counted out fifteen cupcakes and levitated them off the tray, setting them on the counter. She kept one in her aura and rolled the overbed table in front of me. Walking to the door, she placed the cupcake on the table and gave me a stern look. “Now don’t eat too fast, birthday colt.”

I glanced at the ceiling and responded, “I won’t…”

She glared at me and walked out the door. I carefully unwrapped the paper around the bottom half of the cupcake, and when I was sure Mom was out of sight…

I shoved the whole thing in my mouth in one shot, the way SugarCube Corner cupcakes are supposed to be eaten.

“…Make a wish, it’s your birthday party!”

After everypony finished singing, I blew out the lone candle lit atop the cupcake in front of me. As the smoke dissipated, they all stomped their hooves and cheered. Everypony had arrived just after dinner—which they serve way too early—so we decided to get the ‘party’ started.

As Mom plucked the candle out of the cupcake, I looked around the room. “Okay, everypony ready?” There were nods all around— some reluctant, some willing, and one that I had to stop. “Sorry, little guy. I don’t think you can handle a whole one yet; you might choke. Mom, can you split his in half?” Sitting on the end of my bed, Inkwell pouted as Mom split his cupcake in two and set one of the halves aside. “Okay, that’s better. Alright, time for the ol’ Sugarcube Corner tradition. One, two, three!” At that moment, everypony took their cupcakes and stuffed them into their mouths whole. Everypony around the room smiled as they chewed their cupcakes, except for Gramma, Mom, and Joy, who stared at each other with a raised brow. I don’t think any mom in Ponyville has ever liked this tradition. Party poopers…

After a minute of letting the cupcakes settle, everypony watched as Inkwell downed the other half of his cupcake, softly stamping their hooves on the floor again when he finished. He got up and hugged me from behind, saying, “Happy birfday, Crimmy!” Everypony else chuckled as Gramma, Mom, and Joy each let out a small ‘awwww.’ I laughed as well, as I reached behind me and ruffled the back of his mane. When he started tapping my head again, Inkwell said, “Hey, Crimmy…” He rubbed one of his forelegs around my head in a circular motion. “…you feel fuzzy!”

I’d had a scan about a month ago, with good results, so the doctors hadn’t given me any chemo since then. They still didn’t want me to leave yet, though. One of the things I hadn’t even thought to do was check my head. I brought a hoof up and checked myself, and sure enough, I felt a bit of fuzz. “Hey, you’re right, buddy! I think my mane’s growing back!”

Everypony made a different remark of congratulations as Inkwell hugged me again. Dad came up to rub my head himself. “Look at that! We might have to bring your hairbrush back here soon.” He coughed for a second and gave his chest a soft pound. “Woah, maybe I shouldn’t be gulping those cupcakes down anymore. Looks like it’s giving me heartburn.”

I winked at him and said, “Oh, come on, Dad. You can’t suck it up for one day?”

He snorted and replied, “Geez, you’re as bad as me with those puns, buddy.”

“Where do you think I get it from?”

“Touché, Crimson. Touché.” He smiled and gave me a soft noogie.

Gramma chimed in, “Well, there’s your birthday present, sweetheart! See, you can’t escape them!”

I had made it a point to tell everypony not to bring me birthday gifts. I just couldn’t think of anything to ask for, and I didn’t want to put everypony on the spot. Dad told me about a few games he was working on, but they weren’t going to be available for a while. Even though I had a feeling Gramma would give me a check, I didn’t want to just ask for bits— I wouldn’t be able to go out and spend them anyway. I just asked to nix the presents altogether. Maybe when I get out of the hospital I’ll think of something, but I have enough stuff as it is.

“Well, there you go, buddy!” Dad rubbed my head again and chuckled. “Happy birthday!”

After the official birthday traditions were over, the room split up and different conversations started. Joy asked for advice from Amy and Rose about second transplants. Gramma and my parents sat amongst themselves, talking about who knows what. Starry, Tess, and I sat down to keep Inkwell occupied. I wouldn’t call it a conversation, but it was certainly entertaining for us. Inkwell is a hoofful.

Once late evening fell, Inkwell and Joy had to leave to put the little guy to bed, but not before Inkwell got a chance to rub my head again. Amy and Rose went with them, since they live close to each other. Tess and Starry stayed for a little longer, but they eventually left, too. After they did, it was the ideal time to go to sleep early. I felt exhausted from the party.

As I lay my head down on my pillow, Dad came up to me. “You tired, buddy? You gonna hit the hay early tonight?”

“Yeah, I think so. I’m kinda tired from everypony being here.”

Mom came over, too. “I’m not surprised. Inkwell can certainly do that to you.” We all laughed.

Dad rubbed my head. “Sounds like a plan. We want to talk with you tomorrow, though, okay? And don’t worry, nothing’s wrong— we just want to talk.” I was curious at first, but too tired to care. “So despite being in here, did you have a good birthday?” I smiled and nodded as I snuggled into my sheets. Dad smiled back and said, “Good. See you in the morning.” He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, a gesture Mom and Gramma copied in turn. Surrounding my bed, they all smiled, looked first at each other, then back to me and said in unison:

“Happy birthday, Crimson.”

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