• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,642 Views, 144 Comments

Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 17: Assurance

“So what’s been going on with you, dude? I haven’t seen you in a few weeks.” Blackhawk and I were playing cards in the PonyLife room.

“I know. They’ve been trying new chemotherapies and a bunch of other junk on me. All of them have made me feel really crummy. I haven’t wanted to leave my room or do much of anything lately.” He leaned on one of his hooves with a sigh. “The doctors finally gave me a break, so I got back to doing a little reading. Thanks a lot for getting those comics for me, by the way. You didn’t have to do that.”

I smiled. “I had a bunch of stuff to do in my room. I couldn’t think of anything for my gramma to get me when she offered, so I figured I’d have her get something for you instead.”

Blackhawk responded with his own grin. “Well, thanks. I just finished the second one.” His smile quickly faded. “You can tell I’ve been in a slump. I still have another three comic books left, and you know I’m a fast reader. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve done anything.” He sank in his chair.

“Yeah, wow. It’s really been that bad?” I tried as hard as I could to keep the fear out of my voice, but I don’t think it worked.

“Yeah, but I’m up at the REALLY intense treatments now. I don’t remember exactly what they called the one I’m getting now, but the doctors said it was the last one they wanted to try before going to their last resort. You’re nowhere near that level, so don’t worry about it.”

Despite his assurances, I was still worried. Aside from the potential of getting that chemo myself if things didn’t go well, the fact that Blackhawk was so far into his treatments scared me. Lately, every time I’d asked if I could see him in his room, the nurses said he was having tests done, which I totally understood. I didn’t think much of it, but with what he was telling me now, I was getting nervous.

Blackhawk brought me out of my thoughts when he leaned over and whispered, “Hey, you didn’t have your granny get Stripes something, did you?”

I shook my head with a frown and said, “I couldn’t think of anything for him. I knew you liked comics, but Stripes never mentioned anything about his hobbies. Why?”

“Didn’t wanna say anything in front of him,” he replied as his eyes shifted to the right.

“Hey! It’s been ages! Where’ve you guys been?” Stripes plopped himself down at the table as he gave me a hoof-bump. He attempted the same with Blackhawk, but was greeted with a glum look. “You okay, B?”

Blackhawk sighed as he leaned over onto the table. “Meh. They’ve got me on this ‘Trotsel-something’ junk. The side effects have been coming up now and then— I feel like a freakin’ mud puddle.” I stared at him with wide eyes; he seemed alright just a second ago. When Blackhawk saw the look I was giving him, he shrugged and said, “Sorry, Crimson. It just kinda hit me. Don’t worry about it— it’s not the first time this has happened.”

Still laying over the table, Blackhawk smiled at Stripes. “You’re looking pretty good, though. How’re things going with you?”

With Blackhawk’s slight change in tone, Stripes smiled back. “Not bad, actually. The last chemo seemed to help a bit. Still waiting on the bone marrow, but it shouldn’t be that much longer, and at least I don’t feel as crummy… for now.”

Hearing that lightened the mood for me a bit. “Nice! Hey, you guys wanna get some Patan going?”

Blackhawk sighed with a small smile. “I think I can manage that. Maybe it’ll help me forget the side effects.”

“Sounds good to me,” Stripes replied.

“Alrighty then. I’ll get the box.”

Finally, some more chill time, just the three of us.

“So things are still pretty uneventful over there, huh?”

“Well, kind of. Now that Boulder’s finally chilled out, it’s been pretty smooth. Miss Turner pointed out to us that you’ve been doing a good job keeping up with the homework. She said if you can do it, we can, too. It’s kinda been the push I’ve needed.”

“Well, glad I could help, I guess.”

“No, seriously, thank you. This might sound weird, and probably mean, but here goes: Thanks to you being here, things have been looking up for me. I’m finally in with the right crowd, my grades are picking up, and my brother has a good friend. I’m sorry you’re sick, I really am, but it’s made me a better pony.”

I tried to wrap my head around that. “Umm… you’re welcome?”

Brick rubbed the back of his head and looked away. “…Shoot. I knew that’d sound weird. Sorry.”

I waved a hoof at him. “Nah, it’s okay, I get it. It actually kinda supports something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but I won’t get into that.”

He sighed, “Okay. Thanks, I felt bad there for a second.”

As he started for the door, Brick turned around and said, “Hey, Crimson? Thanks for, well, everything.”

I smiled. “No problem.”

“Keep keepin’ an eye on him for me, ‘kay?”

“Will do.”

Brick smiled and said, “Thanks,” then he walked out the door.

The past couple of weeks had been interesting. I’d seen a lot more of Brick than I expected— likely because Brick was seeing a lot more of his ‘brother.’ The last few times Blackhawk and I had seen each other, Brick had always been mentioned at least once.

I had originally thought about using the knowledge of Brick’s vulnerable side against him for revenge… somehow. After all the times he and Boulder had teased me, Tesla, and Starry, I felt like he kinda deserved it. But the conversation with my dad about strength, and the multiple chats with Blackhawk, had changed my mind pretty quickly. I realized I didn’t have the right to slander Brick any more than he’d had the right to tease me in the first place. Besides, as far as I could tell, he had left the dark side and joined the light. Every time Brick had come to the hospital to visit Blackhawk, he had come to see me, too. Even Tesla, who had been coming every day like she promised, finally welcomed Brick’s visits. He had developed this new ‘bad-guy-gone-good’ reputation, and it suited him well. From what I heard, even Boulder saw him in a new light. He eventually stopped teasing the other kids and started following Brick’s example.

Like he said, things clearly were looking up for Brick, at least on the school front. On the family front, I couldn’t tell. Brick had been seeing his ‘brother’ fairly often, but it seemed to me that he wasn’t really aware of how sick Blackhawk was. Clearly Brick didn’t know some of the things I knew about Blackhawk’s condition… but it wasn’t really my place to tell him.

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