• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,620 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

Rainbow Dash was bored tired right now. The meeting concerning weather patterns for the coming week and what areas they'd have to work in order to compensate for the warmer southern air moving in had been a real snooze fest to sit through, and that speaker they had just droned on and on in a monotonous tone that practically sapped all energy from her pegasi frame. It was as if the stallion's words were crafted in such a way that they were designed to slowly but surely suck the life force out of everypony present and leave behind nothing more than withered husks; that was certainly how she felt right about now.

"Stupid warm southern air," she muttered only to be overtaken by a yawn. An incredibly loud, drawn out yawn that nearly sprained her jaw. Stupid air currents, stupid meeting, stupid boring speaker, stupid spreadsheets and complex charts, stupid everything!

All she wanted to do right now as she arrived back in Ponyville was grab the first stray cloud she saw, drag it over to the park and take a much deserved nap until dinner time, then grab something to eat and promptly go back to bed again. That was all she wanted to do. Was that seriously asking too much?

Considering all the commotion that was going on down below and interrupting her rest she certainly believed it was. She wasn't even halfway to her favorite napping spot when she became aware of the crowd down below. Normally a crowd wouldn't bother her, she always loved receiving the cheers from the masses and seeing their adoration for what she could do.

But this time was different. This crowd wasn't here for her but somepony else. Somepony was down there and hogging all the glory for themselves. She scowled. Her nap could wait as this intrusion meant business. The last thing she wanted was another Mare Do Well-type incident to be rearing its ugly head. Jumping off her cloud perch, she glided down, circling the perimeter before touching down on the soft grass and looking for a way to get through the crowd and get to the center of whatever was going on here.

"Rainbow Dash!"

She turned and looked down at the source of the voice, already knowing it was her number one fan. Somehow Scootaloo being present didn't surprise her any.

"Hey squirt!" she greeted back, "what's going on down here anyway? I'm away for one day to attend a weather conference and just about half the town is gathered in the park like I just did something awesome. I don't get it."

"Well something definitely awesome is going on, take a look up front with Twilight and the others, you aren't gonna believe it otherwise," Scootaloo responded as best she could.

Well this wasn't going to get her anywhere fast. She was wasting good napping time on this investigation. Shrugging she stepped forward to see just what the big deal was about, muttering apologies as she bumped and brushed against the various ponies to get through the crowd and wanting to flap her wings to drive them back and clear a path.


That pretty much summed up everything as she saw it. Short, simple, and straight to the point. Just plain old whoa. No other words were sufficient for this situation.

The conversation with the unicorn Vinyl Scratch had been long and tedious. Her absence hadn't been long enough before she returned with several cases of various instruments in an attempt to find one or more he was good at and could use in something she called a "jam session." He saw absolutely no use in it and hadn't even bothered trying to imitate the manipulations of the strings on a guitar when she was giving a demonstration of how to play it.

"I have no interest in music whatever," had been his response. Apparently to this pony that was a crushing statement and left her spirit deflated and motivated her to leave once again, much to the relief of his ears and his nerves. Some ponies were more trash than others.

"That really wasn't necessary," Twilight commented as she watched Vinyl Scratch leave the area, the musical instruments in tow.

"It was an honest and accurate statement," Ulquiorra responded, no longer paying any attention to the crowd. He would rather be left alone to contemplate his observations instead of answering more questions and entertaining foolishness. However there was a disturbance in his pesquisa that interrupted that. "There's a strange reiatsu approaching fast."

Almost as if on cue another pony made their way forward, a mare pegasus of cyan blue coloring and a hairstyle that seemed unnatural even for here. Polychromatic streaks to her mane and tail, a butchery cut and styling to it that made it look like she'd flown too close to something sharp. Based on hair coloration alone it would appear safe to conclude that this was Rainbow Dash and the final bearer of one of the mysterious Elements of Harmony.


Dumbstruck. It was a reaction he'd become accustomed to encountering during his time here. And if she was dumbstruck now then what he was about to do would easily drive the point homeward.

"Am I correct in assuming your name is Rainbow Dash?" he asked, causing her eyes to go wide in surprise. He was fully prepared to launch into a series of pre-formed answers to some of the various questions he'd been asked up to this point to leave her with little in the way that she could ask. However before he could open his mouth Twilight Sparkle was already talking to the latest arrival.

"Glad to see you could make it Rainbow Dash!" Twilight stated. "How'd the weather conference go?" she asked as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Uh..." Rainbow Dash paused and tried to properly structure her thoughts. Right now her mind was completely disorganized and normally that was just fine for her, but these were unusual circumstances and she almost found herself wishing she had a mind like Twilight's. "You know how they are, boring and lame," she finally replied before turning her attention back to Ulquiorra. "What's shakin'?"

An unusual choice of banter for an introductory statement. Somewhat appropriate for such an unusual world filled with unusual beings.

"At present time I possess no knowledge relating to any seismic disturbances that would lead to ground tremors and cause objects to begin shaking unexpectedly," Ulquiorra replied without even blinking.

Rainbow Dash's face was blank at first, and then filled with confusion as she scratched her head with her hoof, before finally turning to look at Twilight as if she had answers to everything. Considering what he'd learned about the lavender unicorn in the last 24 hours it didn't seem out of the realm of possibilities that she really did.

"Twi' what's going on here? Who -and what- is this...thing?" she asked, gesturing with her hoof, "and why's he talking all Eggheadian and whatnot?"

"First off that's not even a real word," Twilight replied flatly with a frown. "Second that's rather rude. Third this is Ulquiorra Cifer and he hails out the way from a far off land called Hueco Mundo, far beyond the boundaries of Equestria proper. He's never heard of Equestria before and he's here to learn about our land and the ponies that live here. And Princess Celestia said Ponyville was the perfect place to start," she explained.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash stated and beat her wings to bring her hovering up to eye level with Ulquiorra before addressing him again. "Princess Celestia was right, you couldn't find a more awesome place than Ponyville to start learning about Equestria, we've got everything that's cool right here, including yours truly. The fastest flyer in all of Equestria, master of the Sonic Rainboom, Element of Loyalty and future Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash at your service. Put 'er there!" she finished and extended her hoof.

Just as Rarity being the one who represented generosity was a mystery, so was how Rainbow Dash represented loyalty. She seemed quite full of herself in her belief that she was somehow the best around.

"All self appointed I assume," he replied and didn't even bother to remove his hand from his pocket. He'd engaged in enough physical greetings for the day as far as he was concerned. Her arrogance certainly didn't help matters any.

Rainbow Dash frowned at being snubbed and insulted right off the bat. "I'll have you know my achievements have been recognized! I'm the Iron Pony! There's not a pony around who could hold a candle to me," she stated and retracted her foreleg to fold them both across her chest in indignation.

"Oh fer the sake o' peat moss, not this "iron pony" nonsense again, it's been two years," Applejack muttered as she pulled her hat down.

Ulquiorra chose to ignore Applejack and instead focus on Rainbow Dash currently. "Simply because you currently hold a title doesn't mean you have either earned it or deserve it."

Rainbow Dash was hovering close to his face and growling now, bearing her teeth in an aggressive manner suggesting she was looking for a fight. Ulquiorra remained unfazed by the sudden display of hostility and merely made observations. Out of all Twilight Sparkle's friends this one appeared to have the most control over her reiatsu. Comparatively speaking her reiryoku was somewhere around Applejack's level, but the pressure being exerted was of considerably greater density, as if she was familiar with her own limited magic and fully knew the extent of it and how to use it properly.

"You show up here brand new to Equestria, you don't know anything about what goes on here and you're passing judgement on us? You're really a jerk you know that!?" she shouted and narrowed her eyes at him.

There was something about this pony that annoyed him greatly. Something that reminded him of...


Throughout Hueco Mundo the Espada were the most feared and revered of all Hollows. Every Hollow believed that they had what it took to become one regardless of what the facts said to the contrary. Unlike so many others they held the honor of being the current manifestation of the group; an honor they had held for barely a month. The Shinigami known as Sosuke Aizen had apparently seen much potential in them and hand selected them to be his Espada and ranked them accordingly to all the available information, from Primera Espada Coyote Starrk to Diez Espada Yammy Llargo.

"What's up, Ulquiorra?"

However simply because they were ranked according to the will of Aizen-sama didn't mean that all of them were happy with their placing. The current Sexta Espada Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was proof of that. He hadn't taken kindly to his relatively low rank and made no effort to hide his disdain from his fellow Espada; especially those that outranked him.

"What do you want, Grimmjow?" Ulquiorra asked as he stopped his pace in the hallway, his direction opposite from the path his fellow Espada had been headed.

"Betchya think you're something special don't ya?" Grimmjow asked rhetorically, a snide grin on his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Ulquiorra replied and resumed walking.

A quick exercise in sonido later and Grimmjow was now standing in front of him, blocking his path. "Don't gimme that shit! Little fucker! How did an effeminate thing like you get to hold the rank of cuatro? What the fuck makes you so much better than somebody like me?!" he yelled angrily.

"Aizen-sama has made his decision on the matter. We've been assigned our parts and our roles according to his wisdom. It's not for us to question his decision," Ulquiorra replied calmly. "The simple fact that you hold the rank of sexta rather than cuatro is more than enough to suggest you are an inferior specimen or you would be ranked higher."

He moved to leave but was cut off again, Grimmjow punching the wall with his fist and cracking the stone used in its construction.

"How's about I shove your head up your ass!? I bet Aizen'd make me Cuatro Espada for sure then, seeing his little bitch bent like a pretzel!"

He was growing annoyed with Grimmjow. The only reason he didn't kill him was because he believed his continued existence was necessary to fulfill Aizen-sama's ultimate goal. The Sexta Espada didn't seem interested in simply letting the argument go nor releasing him to go about his business. Without a word he turned around and proceeded to walk back the way he came, deciding to take an alternate route rather than continue this senseless discussion.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me you little fucker!" Grimmjow yelled and roughly grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Much to his surprise he was greeted by the back of Ulquiorra's left hand on the spin around, hitting him with enough force to daze him.

"I have no time for this discussion," Ulquiorra replied simply and walked right past Grimmjow as he held his struck cheek.

It took him a minute to realize just what transpired in the space of a few seconds, replaying the events he'd experienced. Finally the realization hit him like a ton of bricks all at once; he'd just been bitch slapped!

"You little fucker!" Grimmjow roared and spun around quickly, drawing Pantera from its sheath and swinging at Ulquiorra's neck.

There was a loud clang as events unfolded. Ulquiorra had turned and easily intercepted the crudely launched attack, stopping Grimmjow's blade with nothing more than his index finger, easily keeping the blade at bay as if it were nothing.

"I grow tired of your arrogance, Grimmjow. Aizen-sama has made his decision and declared your place. Nothing you can do will change that fact. Your should know that none of your attacks will ever be able to harm me no matter how hard you try. It's a useless endeavor and you should simply give up while it's still your choice," Ulquiorra explained calmly.

Grimmjow apparently had other ideas, using his free hand to charge his cero to launch an attack.

The next second unfolded faster than his mind could properly process, only becoming aware of an aching pain in his head and a lot of darkness. Then he realized what had just happened; Ulquiorra had slammed his head right through the fucking stone wall and left him there!

"Damn you, you little fucking girly bitch! When I get free I'm gonna kick the piss outta ya and shove your head right up your ass for this!" Grimmjow yelled as she struggled to pull his head free, only to feel the fractured stones in the wall pressing against his neck with each movement he made and holding him in place.

Ulquiorra was through with Grimmjow's shenanigans. With the trash currently dealt with he continued walking along, ignoring the howls of protest and the threats involving his liver being cut out and feasted upon. He had nothing to fear.


"Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez..." he thought.

How had he not seen it before? This Rainbow Dash seemed to embody a great number of Grimmjow's less than savory qualities of personality. She was loud, boastful, rude, brash, impulsive and certainly more violence-oriented than her friends and comrades.

"I am merely making an observation based on what I know," Ulquiorra replied simply. Rainbow Dash muttered something unintelligible before finally turning and hovering off.

Under normal circumstances Ulquiorra would have simply let Rainbow Dash leave, having no interest in such trash. But this pony was different. This pony reminded him of one of his fellow Espada. She reminded him of the one Espada he had reason to dislike nearly as much as he did with Nnoitra Gilga. Something within him, buried deep, deep within, couldn't simply let her go after what had transpired.

There was a booming echo of static as Ulquiorra appeared in front of Rainbow Dash and blocked her retreat as he stood in the middle of the currently assembled -and now currently disassembling- crowd. "Simply because you presume to be spectacular at something doesn't mean that you truly are," he stated as he stared her in the eyes.

Rainbow Dash came to a sudden halt just short of crashing into him. How had he gotten there so fast? Turning back around she saw that he wasn't next to Twilight anymore but really in front of her. She hated to admit it but that was fast!

"Generally those that brag the loudest about their own sense of greatness are those most insecure with themselves," Ulquiorra continued.

Rainbow Dash blinked. He hadn't seriously just gone there had he?

"And I suppose you think that you're something special?" Rainbow Dash asked him.

"My own personal opinion of myself and my abilities is of no importance. I possess no insecurities that would encourage me to brag about my accomplishments and ambitions and appear arrogant to others. I am simply what I am, nothing more and nothing less," he explained calmly and evenly, his collected nature only seeming to infuriate her all the more.

"Maybe havin' RD meet that Mr. Cifer fella wasn' such a good idea afterall," Applejack commented from where she stood. Right off the bat the two had been involved in a disagreement with Rainbow Dash's temper flaring and Ulquiorra remaining as calm as ever as they traded statements back and forth.

Twilight felt inclined to agree with Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Ulquiorra were direct opposites not just in style and personality but even basic color schemes. Rainbow Dash was loud, proud, hotheaded and polychromatic, Ulquiorra was quiet, withdrawn, calculating and monochromatic. She couldn't see anything they had in common but she'd hoped they could at least get along somewhat.

However her thoughts were interrupted by the strangest sound she'd heard in a while. It was like a really static-y boom taking place and in the blink of an eye Ulquiorra was no longer standing where he had been for the last hour.

"Good gracious what was that!?" Rarity yelled in surprise, caught off guard at the sudden display.

"That was sonido," Spike spoke up, bringing Rarity attention to him. "Ulquiorra did the same thing back in town when Derpy dropped a package that was gonna hit Twilight. It's like high speed running rather than teleporting," he explained, remembering the conversation that'd taken place earlier.

"Ah don' know how he does it but if ah could learn that trick it'd really help when it comes ta applebuckin'," Applejack commented.

Twilight was inclined to agree. She hadn't really seen sonido performed yet but the mechanics behind it seemed fascinating. High speed physical movement had to have numerous useful applications and she'd love to study it and see if she could learn how to do it herself. It went without saying that Rainbow Dash would love to learn that trick too, seeing as she was all about speed.

Pinkie and Fluttershy were keeping quiet as they watched everything. Just about everypony present was getting uncomfortable and upset as Ulquiorra and Rainbow Dash maintained their back and forth banter with Rainbow Dash's voice seeming to grow in intensity and volume while Ulquiorra's couldn't be heard from this distance. The townsponies that'd shown up were slowly backing away and putting distance between themselves as the volume grew. So far they seemed to be the only two who were aware of this fact, the rest of their friends absorbed in their own little worlds.

"-then I'll show you awesome!" Rainbow Dash yelled, the first part of her statement going undetected before she took to the skies at high speed.

Ulquiorra glanced upward momentarily before calmly making his way back to where he'd been standing previously.

"Wha' jus' happened?" Applejack asked.

"Your friend doesn't seem to respond well to criticism of her personality. She's determined to show me "awesome" and intends to perform something she calls the "Sonic Rainboom" and claims to have mastered," Ulquiorra replied calmly before turning his eyes to the sky again, not noticing as all the other ponies did the same.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy whispered.

"Woohoo!" Pinkie cheered and bounced excitedly.

"Well this is probably something you'll want to see. I'll guarantee you Hueco Mundo doesn't have anything like this," Twilight stated and looked upward. Truth be told the Sonic Rainboom was something she did enjoy seeing whenever it was deployed.

Even at this distance Ulquiorra could still make out Rainbow Dash's position. By now he was seeing the mach cone beginning to form directly ahead of her and indicating high speed travel. But what was of more interest was the intense fluctuation in her reiatsu and reiryoku, the latter being diverted to different areas of her body while the density of the former was increasing greatly.

There was a sudden booming noise in the sky and an explosion of colors. The crowd down below cheered with excitement at the display as the multicolored shock wave traveled outward from its point of origin, a wave of vibrant colors zooming across the sky at high speed.

Ulquiorra remained silent and only blinked. The mechanics of achieving a sonic boom weren't that great of a mystery. However the fact that a living being could do such -and survive- was a matter of interest. Of greater interest was how the polychromatic spectrum had been accessed in such a display and with such uniformity, all six colors being equal. Whatever the mechanics behind this "Sonic Rainboom" were, it would seem Rainbow Dash did have extensive control over them. Deploying her reiryoku to her wings to generate greater speed, increasing the density of her reiatsu to protect her body and keep her flesh from peeling right off her bones, and withstanding the concussive impact of the air at the breaching of the sound barrier...he wouldn't admit to the display being "awesome" but it had certainly been intriguing in nature.

Perhaps even pieces of trash still possessed some measure of probative value.

"So what'd you think of your first Sonic Rainboom?" Twilight asked as she turned her attention back to Ulquiorra.

"An interesting display if nothing else," he replied as he finally turned away from the sky, following the now evaporating color trail as Rainbow Dash was making her way back to the crowd and hovering in front of him, a dopy grin on her face as her wings continued to flap.

"So how awesome was that for ya?" she asked as she caught her breath.

"The fact that your body managed to hold together speaks favorably for your ability to perform such a technique. However I don't see how you would be able to do that again," Ulquiorra commented as he studied her.

"Say what!?" Rainbow Dash yelled in surprise.

"I possess the ability to see the amount of mana all living beings possess and how it is utilized in the performance of certain tasks. So far yours has been the most unique; diverting mana to your wings in order to fly faster and harder, concentrating mana into your skin to provide a protective area in order to avoid being disintegrated by the forces you have to oppose in order to break the sound barrier. I will admit that you're capable of achieving speeds that exceed anything I could perform. However the costs to do such are considerable. Your display has consumed more than half of the mana reserves you possessed when you first arrived. You simply don't have what it takes to do that more than once at any given time," he explained.

It was a logical and reasonable explanation of what he'd observed. He'd been concise and straight to the point but hadn't been rude in his explanation of her limitations. But regardless of that fact his explanation just seemed to anger her further.

"Oh yeah!? You don't know what you're talking about! I could perform Sonic Rainbooms all day long!" she stated.

Ulquiorra remained unfazed by her tirade and continued talking. "There are two types of techniques in this world. Those that can't be performed after a certain point of exhaustion has been reached. And those that can continue to be performed until the user dies from exhaustion. Seeing as you claim to have mastered the "Sonic Rainboom" technique it stands to reason that you're aware of the fact that yours is of the former rather than the latter," Ulquiorra pointed out, his explanation seeming to reach whatever part of the pegasi's mind dictated logic. "Judging by your posture it's reasonable to assume you're already feeling the exhaustive effect of expending more than sixty percent of your reserves. Even you must realize that your technique is limited in application."

Rainbow Dash remained silent, her expression becoming sullen as Ulquiorra laid out the facts of the situation with a calmness that annoyed her to no end. More annoying was the fact that he was right. She'd performed the Sonic Rainboom enough times to know how taxing it was on her own body and how she couldn't do it more than once a day at most. But that didn't mean she didn't resent the fact that he was so freely pointing out her limitations for everypony to hear. This was so gonna bring down her coolness rating.

To Ulquiorra this pony was indeed like Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez in many ways. The density of her reiatsu had been enough to rival the strength of Grimmjow's hierro, surprising in and of itself. But unlike Grimmjow she at least seemed aware of her own limitations and shortcomings. She didn't continue to protest the fact that she couldn't perform her technique in a consecutive manner or fly into a rage-induced tirade when the facts were laid out for her. Rather she seemed to silently accept the fact that she wasn't as great as she made herself out to be. Perhaps there was some hope for her afterall.

"Did it at least look awesome?" she asked as she looked down.

And then again perhaps not.

"I have little concept of what amounts to "awesome" and cannot comment on such. However the mechanics behind the display were most unique. At the very least the "Sonic Rainboom" warrants further study."

Rainbow Dash really didn't understand what he was saying but to her it at least sounded like a compliment. Unique was good, but awesome would be much better. If she was gonna wow this...whatever he was...she was just gonna have to try harder the next time.

She was going to put a shocked and awed expression on his pale stone face if it was the last thing she did!

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