• Published 13th May 2013
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HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Filler - Hollow victories, purple ponies, green bugmen and... oh to hell with it! #Cellgames

"Alright. I think it's time we stop, take a breath, and reevaluate the situation here."

Perfect Cell, better known as Mister Perfect Cell -and woe be unto anyone who addressed him differently- stood in the center of his arena, contemplating the recent events he'd found himself in the middle of. Ever since he'd announced his Cell Games -presented by Hetap!- and how they'd be held in one week, he'd been besieged by numerous challengers coming in to face him early.

Granted it was better than just standing around and waiting for the week to pass in complete silence. But the novelty of it was quickly wearing thin. Those that hadn't chickened out at discovering just how hopelessly outclassed they were, were easily bested by him, and it didn't even require using even a fraction of his superior strength.

There were still three days left before the tournament officially started. Meaning there were three more days for any number of surprises and disappointments to show up and annoy him.

"So what've we learned here? First, I was far too generous in giving this pathetic world a week to prepare! Second, I really should've made it by invitation only to keep out the riffraff. I mean, seriously, where do all of these deplorables come from? Did somebody move a rock or something, and out they all popped? Were they all left in a basket on someone's doorstep?" he asked himself, frowning in memory of that one particular asshole. "Third, I really should've put an age limit on this thing; there's way too many kids showing up to challenge me! But then again if I did that, that'd mean Gohan wouldn't be there, and I'd hate to miss the look on his face when I kill Goku and the rest of his friends..."

He really didn't want to go that route. He wanted to see that look for himself. Maybe he'd even put off killing Gohan until last, just to savor the turmoil he'd be causing him, by forcing him to watch as everyone he knew was killed off one by one right in front of him, while he just watched on helplessly.

"I suppose putting up with these children is the price that has to be paid with such. Still, being sponsored by Hetap, probably not a good idea to just let everyone in just because they show up. Maybe I should go with a height requirement instead," he muttered as he rubbed his chin in thought. "But then again if I go that route, that's going to exclude Gohan, Krillin, Chaotzu, and even Vegeta from the fun. So again, back to the matter of missing that look on their faces when I crush them. Although seeing Vegeta's face when I tell him that he's too short to get on this ride, that would certainly be something! Hmm..." he muttered again in thought, trying to formulate a way to go about keeping his sanity intact for the next three days.

"I suppose I could always..." he started, but stopped in the middle of talking to himself as he observed someone new approaching the arena. "Ugh. Here we go again. Oh well. Might as well roll out the welcome mat, and... just what the hell is that thing?"

He had faced down men, women, and even animals coming to challenge him. Martial artists, children armed with playing cards, girls armed with magical instruments, a bald man that looked like a mannequin and his cyborg sidekick, a moody high school student with a cursed notebook and god complex even worse than his own, and kids who were messing with wild animals they should be kept far away from! But this was a pair that was certainly up there in the weirdness department. One was a person dressed all in white and carrying a sword at his side, all while looking like he really didn't get enough sun. The other was... wait, was that a unicorn? Was that a purple ****ing unicorn coming this way!?

"Alright, now they're just trolling me!" he growled, feeling tempted to just blow them up where they were and be done with it. Best to wipe them out now, before that one particular idiot in black and red spandex showed up to ride the one off into the sunset, which was currently a good six hours away, give or take.

But he didn't do that. He wanted to, but he didn't. Unlike everyone else who'd showed up, these two didn't appear to be in any hurry to actually make it to the arena. They were walking like they didn't actually have any interest in meeting up wit him, and were instead simply enjoying the scenery.

What, were they actually going to wait for Goku to show up, before actually approaching him? Sure, he'd taunted Vegeta with such, but he hadn't meant for it to be taken quite this seriously!

For all the faults and shortcomings of the others, at least they'd been in a hurry to meet with him. But as for these two, they were walking so slowly, and so aimlessly, it'd be three days before they even made it to the arena at the pace they were going.

"Seriously, I'm starting to feel like I'm stuck in a mandatory side-quest or something," he commented. Who even designed these things anyway? "Hmm, I wonder what the Konami Code would get me in this situation..."

As he waited for the inevitable meeting, he realized something peculiar; they weren't moving any closer to the arena. It wasn't that they were moving away, but they weren't moving at all. They were just standing still, and conversing amongst themselves. That was just messed up.

Messed up, and very frustrating.

"If you're not going to hurry up, I'm just going to blow you up where you stand right now!" he yelled loudly.

It was only then, after actually being threatened with death, did they appear to even look in his direction. Messed up and inconsiderate all at the same time. He wouldn't even have to try if he wanted to really kill them. Hell, he could blow up the entire planet without breaking a sweat anymore; who couldn't really?

Well, other than Krillin anyway.

Finally, after what seemed like the passage of eternity, the newcomers had finally entered the ring. And now that they had, he couldn't help but note that they were even weirder looking up close than he'd first thought.

"Yep. Definitely should've made it invitation only," he muttered, before deciding to address his latest guests in a more cordial manner. "So! How can I help you today?"

"For starters, you can refrain from any further threats of killing us for whatever reason," the pale one stated in what had to be the most lifeless of tones imaginable. "You can further assist by refraining from any further interruptions, as the work we're doing is quite important. If you can't cease making a nuisance of yourself, I'll simply have to kill you."

That was easily one of the coldest, most emotionless responses Cell could remember hearing in recent history. Second only to that delivered by the... on second thought he didn't want to think about that right now! He'd focus more on the new stranger he was facing. No hesitation, no repressed anger, no overflowing of misplaced overconfidence, just a statement delivered with all the zest of one commenting on the current weather they were experiencing. Honestly, it would be much more impressive and intimidating, if it wasn't so hilarious!

"Ulquiorra, don't."

And then the purple unicorn started speaking. Still not the weirdest thing he'd encountered yet. But it was slowly starting to get up there. What was he going to encounter next, a talking dog perhaps?

"I'm really sorry about that. I apologize for my friend here, we've had quite the experience so far. We're currently lost, and trying to find our way back home, before we miss our current window of opportunity to do just that," the unicorn explained.

"Oh really now?" Cell asked, to which the unicorn nodded. "So you're not here to fight me?" he asked further. That was... disappointing to hear really.

"What? No! Why would we do something like that?" the unicorn asked, aghast at the very idea of such an unsavory course of action being undertaken. "Um, out of curiosity, just who are you anyway?"

This meeting was getting even weirder with each passing minute. These two honestly didn't know who he was? Even after advertising this event on national television? They must've been really lost for that to be the case!

But he'd humor them, if for no other reason than to pass the time, and break up the monotony of waiting for the main event to start.

"Of course, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Perfect Cell! You can call me Mr. Perfect Cell!" he stated.

"Huh. That's certainly an interesting name," the unicorn mumbled. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend, Ulquiorra Cifer," she said as she gestured to each of them in turn.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Cell asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he did. "That's a cute name. Should I assume you're some sort of vampire pony? Should I call your "Bella" for short?"

It was at this point that Cell saw the first hints of what could be described as life from Ulquiorra. Hints that consisted of giving a look of disbelief, before face palming and shaking his head.

Twilight, however, scowled and glared in response, with all the intensity of one trying to set another on fire with nothing more than the power of their mind.

"Out of basic politeness, I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear you actually say that," she stated darkly. "This time."

"Oh? Did I perchance touch a nerve just now?" Cell asked as he grinned in amusement. She'd started off sounding so polite, and now she sounded like she wanted to murder him. He couldn't help but wonder just how far this little pony could be pushed, before she actually tried to undertake such a course of action.

"You have no idea," Ulquiorra commented dryly as he withdrew his hand from his face. "Twilight Sparkle, don't allow yourself to be goaded into acting in an irrational manner. Whoever this individual is, he's obviously looking to start something through whatever means necessary."

Despite the oddity of the entire meeting, Cell couldn't help but give an amused chuckle. "Well now, my pale friend, that's quite a vicious little pet you've got there. But I'm curious as to how you concluded what I was up to. And accurately might I add."

"One, you and I aren't friends," Ulquiorra stated, completely monotone as he spoke. "Two, Twilight Sparkle is no pet. Third, even if she was, she isn't my pet. Fourth, the existence of this area in such a remote location, indicates that some sort of activity is going to be occurring in this particular area. Fifth, your presence in the area, along with that of the arena itself, suggests that you are in some way connected with whatever activity is going to be occurring. As such it's safe to conclude that you're deliberately trying to provoke her into acting in an aggressive manner."

"Well now, those are mighty impressive analytical skills right there! Even more impressive is the fact that you're absolutely right! Where you're standing is the sight destined to hold the Cell Games! Presented by Hetap!" Cell stated proudly.

Twilight blinked in response, her hostility temporarily forgotten as curiosity set in. "What exactly is Hetap? And while we're on that, who exactly is getting tapped, and for what?"

Now it was Cell's turn to blink, dumbfounded by the response he'd just gotten. "W-wait, you seriously don't know about Hetap?" he asked. How was that possible?

Twilight frowned in response, glaring at Cell in a manner that screamed "really n***er" so eloquently, it practically conveyed Samuel L. Jackson's voice in the process.

"If I knew, I wouldn't have been asking in the first place, now would I?" she asked, her voice making it clear that the question was entirely rhetorical. "Never mind. I'm assuming this "Hetap" is some sort of corporate sponsor for this event you referred to. And since it has your name in the title, it's safe to conclude that you're in some way responsible for organizing and executing whatever event warrants an arena being made available for use."

"Well now, color be impressed, and give that pony a cigar," Cell practically chuckled. "You're absolutely right, little pony. The Cell Games are something of a martial arts tournament, you could call it a successor to the defunct Tenkaichi Budokai."

"No, I don't think I could," Twilight replied and shook her head.

Cell paid the comment no mind as he continued speaking. "It's an open invitation for anyone and everyone to come and challenge the perfection that is me! Mr. Perfect Cell! Although considering all of the encounters from folks showing up early, I probably should've been more strict with the rules," he stated, mumbling the last part under his breath.

"Oh? That's quite interesting!" Twilight replied, finding herself quite intrigued by the prospect of such. "So what exactly does the winner of this tournament event get?"

"A lifetime supply of Hetap," Cell replied, "plus the honor of knowing that they saved the world from total annihilation at my hands."


"I'm... sorry, could you repeat that? I think I misunderstood that last part," Twilight stated.

"I'm going to blow up the planet if I win," Cell elaborated.

"You... you can actually blow up the planet? You have that sort of strength!?" Twilight asked, unable to hide the duality of fear and amazement in her words as she spoke.

"Oh please! I'm easily a dozen times stronger than what it'd take to pull of a feat of that piddly little magnitude! Even Freiza could do it!" Cell stated.

"Why would you blow up the planet!? That would kill millions! Billions even!" Twilight screamed.

By now Cell was having a hard time not succumbing to hysterical laughter. He was amused to no end at just how horrified the pony was reacting to such casual conversation.

"If they can't stand up to the likes of me, they're not fit to even be tread on. As a broken man once said, you're either perfect, or you're not me, there's no in between."

"Do-" Twilight sputtered, "do you really believe your own hype that much!?"

Now Cell really was laughing. "Oh, my little pony, I am the hype..."

"**** off!"

"Uh... what was that?" Twilight asked, horror giving way to curiosity as to where the voice in the distance had come from.

"Oh, nothing at all," Cell replied dismissively, all the while trying not to laugh further.

"I don't suppose you could actually be talked out of blowing up the planet?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"Hmm..." Cell mumbled as he rubbed his chin in mock thought. "Nope! Short of someone actually ringing me out, or killing me, this planet and everyone on it is going to be dust in three days! And no amount of talk is going to be stopping that from happening."

"Oh..." Twilight replied slowly and turned to look at her companion, "Ulquiorra-"

"Don't tell me, let me guess. You want me to stop him from blowing up the planet, because it's the right thing to do," Ulquiorra replied, already seeing where this was going.

"Oh **** no! I was going to ask you to let me deal with this one! I didn't even get the chance to spit in Nightmare Moon's face, I'm not about to miss out on this opportunity! You hang back, I'll deal with him this time around," Twilight stated.

That had done it. That was the comment that made Cell lose it, and reduce him to unrestrained laughter. This polite speaking unicorn had it in her pointy head, that she could take him on? This was rich! this begged being seen!

"That's just precious!" he barked with laughter. "And what do you think that you can do against the likes of me, the most perfect being to ever be created?" he asked.

"One more glittery vampire-related joke, and you'll find out," Twilight stated plainly.

It was at this point that Ulquiorra began walking towards the edge of the arena.

"Oh really now? Now I really have to see this for myself! So then, little vampire pony, are you on Team Edward, or Team Jacob?" Cell asked. "How's that? Is that good enough to stoke you for whatever you're going to do?"

"Good enough," Twilight replied and nodded, before taking a calming breath, and exhaling slowly.

And then all that calmness went straight to hell as a massive shock wave of force erupted outward from her body, sweeping across the entire area, even rattling the pillars of the arena in the process as it collided.

"Well holy shit!" Cell stated in surprise as he felt it impact against his carapaced body. He really hadn't been expecting that just now. At least when it came to Vegeta and Trunks demonstrating their power, he had some idea of what he was in store for; they were Super Saiyans after all! But this was just one little pony whose ki was so pitiful that he couldn't even sense it enough to read it. Where was this demonstration of power coming from!?

"I've gotta say, little pony, you actually impress me! Here I thought you were just going to talk me to death or something, but you're actually getting serious about stopping me! Bravo!" he stated.

"You think this is something? You haven't seen anything yet! This is just the warm up! Watch this!" Twilight stated.

Cell did indeed watch, as he saw Twilight's eyes start glowing with bright white light. She then threw her head skyward as she unleashed a roar/howl unlike anything he'd expected to be possible from such a little equine. This was a deep type of roar that would be more appropriate for a giant monster rampaging its way through the heart of Tokyo right now, unleashing all manner of mayhem and destruction.

She was really, really going all out in conveying the notion that she was powerful. She was hitting all of the standard theatrical tropes used to demonstrate the overwhelming power of a particular character. Glowing eyes, inhuman/inequine roaring that far exceeded the lung capacity and capabilities of the one issuing it, causing the entire ground to tremble violently, a raging battle aura of deep purple light, winds that came out of nowhere and blew the hairs of her mane and tail about in a tempest of fury... there was even a column of purple light shooting clear up to the sky. Even the ambient music was fitting, and could motivate chills running along the spine.

If he had actually possessed a penis, he would be so hard right now!

"Bravo, little pony, bravo indeed! But I'm afraid there's only one "holy shit" issued per customer, and you've already used it! You're not going to get me anymore impressed!" he stated as the roaring ceased, and she turned her focus back in his direction.

"Then I won't waste my time trying! Instead I'll move straight for the kill!" she practically howled as the glow around her body ceased, and flowed directly into her horn, giving it such a white hot intensity that little lavender sparks were beginning to fall from the tip.

"Oh that's just so precious!" Cell stated, amused to no end at how much of a theatrical approach she was going with. This was, by far, the most entertainment match he'd had since he'd played Trunks. He couldn't wait to see her face fall when she went with whatever attack she was planning, and he actually dodged it. The despair she'd be experiencing was going to be epic!

What he hadn't anticipated occurring, was Twilight completely disappearing from view. Nor had he anticipated her reappearing directly in front of him, with her horn pressed right up against his midsection, and carrying with it all the heat of a plasma cutting torch.

"Oh shi-"

Ulquiorra had learned early on that when Twilight Sparkle was in one of her moods, the wisest decision available was to get the hell out of the way, and give her room until she sufficiently calmed down. What he was witnessing now simply reinforced that particular lesson. She had been quite serious about dealing with this "Mr. Perfect Cell" by herself, and hadn't held back in unleashing the depths of her fury on him. The amount of reiryoku poured into her attack demonstrated that fact perfectly as it tore through her opponent's midsection, completely engulfing his upper body in the process as it passed through him.

Just as swiftly as the assault had started, it concluded and cut out. As expected Twilight Sparkle collapsed in a crumpled and exhausted heap, panting from how hard she'd exerted herself.

What hadn't been expected was Cell's entire upper body being vaporized, leaving nothing but his smouldering lower half remaining, which toppled over backwards and fell to the floor of the arena.

Once he was certain the danger had passed, he stepped back into the area, and walked over to check on his companion's current state.

"Are you alright?" he asked as she began sitting back up again under her own power.

"That was oddly satisfying," Twilight commented in between breaths. "How was that? Did I do alright?" she asked as she looked up at him.

"Heavy on the theatrics, but the end results are hard to argue with," Ulquiorra replied as he looked back down at the smouldering remains before them.

"Yeah, kind of hard to argue when you don't have a mouth," Twilight agreed and nodded. "So it looks like I win then. The world is saved, billions of people won't be dying at the hands of an egomaniac, and I get a lifetime supply of Hetap. Whatever that is," she stated.

"So it would appear," Ulquiorra replied.

"Alright. Now that that's done, let's get back to looking for our window so we can return home again," Twilight replied, ready to put the whole ugly incident behind them.

"Agreed," Ulquiorra replied as he turned to leave. There had been far too many weird meetings, with far too many weird beings as far as he was concerned. Equestria might've been a sugar bowl compared to other places, but it was something he was familiar with, and familiarity was preferable to all of this.

Before that as a viable option, however, Cell's lower half had leaped back to its feet, and was currently standing up under its own power.

Twilight just stared, dumbfounded and disbelieving. She'd completely atomized everything above Cell's waist, and his lower half was still moving about?

"Well. This is gonna suck," she muttered.

Not two seconds later, she was proven correct as they watched Cell's lower half twitch about, before his upper half violently erupted from the stump, leaving him soaked in some kind of green goo, but otherwise looking unharmed. Unharmed, but wide-eyed and gasping for breath.

"Gah! ****ing shit!" he screamed with his newly formed mouth. "Do you have any idea how much something like that stings!?"

"Not in firsthoof terms, but I do have a theory," Twilight replied, "how did you even do that? Regrowing your entire upper body from just a stump? How is that even physically possible?"

Despite his fury at being blown up, Cell could at least take pleasure in the fact that his opponent was dumbfounded by his superiority. That just tickled him in all kinds of impolite ways.

"Because, little pony, just like my arena, I'm the most perfect being this planet has ever seen!" he stated in response. "And now that I've seen what you can do, it's time for me to show you what I can do..."

Twilight could feel the malice in Cell's voice as he spoke, indicating that he was intent on returning the favor for what she'd put him through. This wasn't going to be good at all!

"W-wait! Waitwaitwaitwait! There's still one more thing! I still have a coup de gras that I haven't used yet!" she protested quickly, all the while backing away from Cell as she spoke. "You should see it! It's way better than what I just used against you!"

"Oh really now?" Cell asked, finding himself intrigued by the prospect of such. If blowing him in half hadn't been all this little pony could do, what else did she have. "The thing is, I know that you're playing me, but you're right. You've managed to pique my curiosity, little pony. What else have you got in stock for me?" he asked.

"Well, you obviously take a lot of pride in yourself, and your work; take your arena for example. Twenty four tiles long, twenty four tiles wide. But unlike you, your arena isn't perfect; certainly not square anyway! Your arena... is oblong!" Twilight stated.

That... was it? That was this pony's supposed coup de gras against him? Insulting the perfection of his work in such a lame and underwhelming manner?

Cell's entire body shook with laughter at this point.

"That's the best you can do? My arena is oblong? Oh that's rich!" he laughed. "Sorry, Bella, but I'm not falling for that one. This arena was expertly made by myself, there's no possible way it could be anything less than perfect!" he stated.

Twilight frowned in response, which was only deepened by the name he'd used for her.

"Your arena is as lopsided as one of Filthy Rich's business dealings, and I can ****ing prove it!" she stated, a tape measure heeding her call of appearing before her. "Observe!" she said as she pulled it out and laid it against one of the tiles in front of them. "See for yourself. Each and every one of these tiles is twenty four inches long. But when it comes to width... they're twenty four and a half inches!"

Cell's amusement hadn't abated even a bit. She was certainly dedicated in trying to make her point, even going to far as to bring visual aids into the matter to prove herself right. But there was simply no way that such could be possible. He'd made the arena himself, cut to his own specifications, and every single tile had been twenty four inches by twenty four...

... and a half inches...

He looked down just to smirk at her, but in doing so had seen the readings of the tape measure for himself. There it was, starting him in the face as plain as day, twenty four and a half inches from seam to seam.

"No! he protested. That couldn't be right, it had to be a trick! It was a rigged tape measure, that was it!

"Yes!" Twilight stated as she flipped the tool around to demonstrate the unevenness of the tile, showing that it was indeed shorter than it was wide. "Pick a tile, any tile, measure for yourself! Your ring is oblong!" she declared.

"There's no way! There's just no way!" Cell protested furiously, snatching the offending tool up to verify it for himself. He'd show this arrogant little purple unicorn that she was wrong! He was perfect, his work was perfect! She had made the error here, not him!

But that wasn't how things played out. Measuring an entirely different tile for himself, he saw that it was indeed oblong by half an inch. He moved to another tile on the other side of the area, it was oblong as well!"

"No! No! No! No! Does not compute! Does not compute! Does not compute" he yelled, frantically zooming around to find at least one tile that was perfectly square. But now matter which one of them he measured, they were all the same. Each of them oblong, each one of them as imperfect as the last.

He had ****ed up. He had put out an imperfect product, and hadn't even realized it!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!" he yelled furiously, the tape measure being crushed in his hand during his anger-fueled tirade! "Does not compute! Does not compute! Does not compute!" he howled.

All the while, Ulquiorra simply stood by, stoic as all get out, watching the meltdown occur as the supposed perfect being threw a temper tantrum much like a spoiled toddler not getting his way.

Author's Note:

Sorry that I didn't have this uploaded in time for the anniversary. It took a whole long longer to write than I thought it would.

Ulquiorra's part comes next.

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