
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Book is live and done! Press release finalized book signings....not so much. · 5:14am Oct 23rd, 2016

Every week is the same thing. Get up turn on PC see what's going on in the world... not liking what I'm seeing. Check email, turn off PC go to kitchen eat breakfast, do dishes (think up ideas while I'm standing there) go walking around the park 5+ times think even more, come home get ready for work, go to work, vacuum second and fourth floors or first and third floors (depends on the day) walk back home complain about the do nothing drunk that "works" with me, play an hour or two of Destiny,

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Report Poetic Brony · 273 views · #mundane life

Uhh... I can explain... · 11:00pm Oct 29th, 2021


On the Mundane · 2:02am Nov 13th, 2021

A long time ago, well, a couple years, but basically forever ago when going by my FiMFiction, I wrote a story.

Nothing surprising, hell, I’m working on a long one right now (and that one is turning out to be quite long). But following The Endless Cycle, I wrote a story called Sitting on the Dock of the Bay, inspired by (Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay, which is a song I love a lot. The story itself, is nothing spectacular, I was still finding my voice.

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The Civilization Problem, or Why I Don't Love Equestria Anymore · 11:14pm Jun 18th, 2017

One of my problems with FIM as it is now is Equestria itself. As much as I hate to echo the sentiments of a certain infamous author here, I do feel that the show has suffered from the shift in how it's presented Equestria as a setting; in Season 1 in particular, it came off as more of an ambiguous fantasy world with a few unique locations and ill-defined geography. There were references to places like "Los Pegasus" and such, and quite a few anachronisms, but those were done either for a quick

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when it was ten days until bitchmas ice star gave to me an update blog w/ some important (probably!) shit · 2:02am Dec 16th, 2018

Gather 'round followers. I can't remember the last time I've made one of these, so it must have been a considerable amount of time since I last made an actual update blog, I've watched too many Kalvin Garrah videos and lost track of time, or both. Anyway, I thought I should say a few things. This includes the status of Enemy of Mine and its update, some important confusion I thought I should clear up, and just general things. Find them all below the horse image.

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The Changes No One Wants..... Part 2: Emojis (and their usage under my fics/blog entries/userpage) · 6:07pm Jun 6th, 2017

So, let’s talk about some more stuff that got added here with the last update: The emojis one can use now.
I need to address this..... “feature”, because it will bring a little change with how I handle comments that get written under my fics/blog entries and on my userpage. To make this as short as possible:

Please don’t use any emojis when you leave a comment anywhere on my account.

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results