
Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results

I’ve Been on this Site for a While · 7:24pm Apr 9th, 2022

This is my fourth year of being on FiMFiction. This may not seem like a big deal, but when most of your friends have younger accounts than you, you start to feel like an older presence.

I also have 99 blog posts, and I wanted to do something special for my 100th. I know 100 blog posts don’t mean much, but all FiMFiction numbers are arbitrary, really, and I wanted to discuss this.

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“Racist” · 10:57pm Apr 23rd, 2021

This will not be about the BLM protests. This is not about the reports of police brutality that seem to be getting more and more frequent with every passing day. I don’t want to come out of here with opinions on that stuff all high and mighty saying “They should do this”. I’m white, so I can’t speak for how the black community is feeling about all the recent events. That’s not my place to talk.

I instead want to talk about what I feel like the word ‘racist’ has become.

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Describing my Beliefs · 5:18pm Mar 25th, 2021

I’m already making use of this one.

In America, a Libertarian is described as socially blue and economically red.

I describe myself as a Left-leaning Libertarian. In other words, that’s a Libertarian who strongly supports Democrats on social issues, but supports Republicans less on economic issues.

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So, Army Ads · 2:11pm May 27th, 2021

So, there’s been a massive argument on Twitter recently, I know that happens monthly, but bear with me here. Someone took a Russian army ad and compared it to a US army ad. Later on, on YouTube, someone took a Chinese army ad and compared it to the other two, which is the version I’ve seen after seeing this on AllSides.

I’m awakening from my far too long slumber because it’s finally something I actually want to talk about, and I now have all the time I can use today to do it.

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Report DashieTalks · 119 views · #Army #politics #Dashie04

Trans Rights · 3:53pm Apr 13th, 2021

I know I haven’t posted a new blog post in a while, I try to avoid news over extended breaks because I tend to want to enjoy them and not constantly be barraged with news. Not having social media helps me with that.

I’m right off the heels of Spring Break, and I’m noticing a couple articles that are really not making me feel good.

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The Border Crisis and ‘Gag Orders’ · 1:37pm Mar 30th, 2021

I’ve been putting this off for a while— this news is basically old hat at this point. This is mainly because I feel like people on this site lean left more than they lean right (that’s often the case with most sites). However, I still feel it important to say that if Republicans or Democrats are doing something perplexing or concerning, I will usually talk about it.

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Behind the Story: Amethyst · 9:57pm Dec 27th, 2021

So, I’m back with these blog posts, not only out of a presumed obligation (don’t worry, I’d stop if I hated doing this), but also because I really like talking about my influences. This is mainly because Amethyst has an origin story that I love, which eventually disappointed me because I couldn’t replicate that feeling.

But let’s start earlier, shall we?

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Announcement (ish) · 4:36am Mar 6th, 2022

I’m mainly writing this so I don’t forget it, but I’ve noticed recently that everybody seems to have a Discord server. There’s nothing wrong with having a Discord server, and I’m in several, but a lot of them are just friend circles and whatnot. However, I’ve also been watching a lot of smaller channels, channels like French Baguette Intelligence and MissieMae, and even despite being a small channel, the FBI server is so argumentative and active that I had to leave so my mental health wouldn’t

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New Fic Reading · 10:18pm Jan 9th, 2022

I have done a new fic reading, this one’s on Intricate Feeling, by Silver Mint. She has less followers than me, and is a friend of mine, so I’d really appreciate it if you gave her some support. There’s no reason why my 5-month old story should outlast her brand new on in the popular box.

Meanwhile, you can listen to the video here and find the original story here.


A Big Pet Peeve of Mine · 7:35pm Mar 17th, 2022

Okay, so this is basically just going to be me ranting here. Just a fair warning. Also a little NSFW.

Okay, so a few of you may know that there was a classic cartoon x MLP crossover contest going on. I don’t know if it’s over, but I do know that it has happened. I know someone who entered it, and I glanced through the ruleset. It seems like an interesting concept, one that has interestingly not been tried much, and I think it’d be fun to participate in.

I didn’t write for it.

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My Influences · 3:59am Nov 10th, 2023

“Good artists borrow. Great artists steal.”

This quote is often cited as being said by Pablo Picasso. The quote itself is often used to describe that art is derivative, and that sometimes the best pieces of art are doing what’s been done, but doing it even better. After all, Super Mario Bros. is not considered the best 2D platformer, as people often consider World or 3 to be better anyways.

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Sort of Self-Promo · 3:56pm Apr 14th, 2021

If you want a community where you can post non MLP related stories, I’d like tp do some (kinda) self-promo.

I’m a moderator on a dying wiki called Author’s Academy and I’d appreciate if you joined it. More users would be nice.

Here’s the link

I know that this is a silly blog post, but I very much enjoy the wiki and want to see it survive.

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Behind the Story: For You... · 12:03pm May 28th, 2021

I haven’t had a late night upload receive this universal of a response since Reinventing Music, honestly. Thank you, everyone who read it.

But enough of about that, what about the story?

When you hear the inspiration behind this story, you’re probably going to accuse me of not writing what I know, but I just felt like I needed to write For You... for myself as well as for other people.

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On the Mundane · 2:02am Nov 13th, 2021

A long time ago, well, a couple years, but basically forever ago when going by my FiMFiction, I wrote a story.

Nothing surprising, hell, I’m working on a long one right now (and that one is turning out to be quite long). But following The Endless Cycle, I wrote a story called Sitting on the Dock of the Bay, inspired by (Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay, which is a song I love a lot. The story itself, is nothing spectacular, I was still finding my voice.

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I’ve Come to Realize… · 11:31am Apr 1st, 2022

I’m not particularly happy about it, but I have come to realize that I may not be trans after all. She/her doesn’t give me that rush of euphoria anymore. I think I may have outgrown it, if only Christian grade school hadn’t taught me about that darned ‘gender being a social construct’ nonsense.

Detransitioners are so rare, but you know, every teen trans person has to be one. Them’s the rules. It must be all that damn transgender media that clearly exists.

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Does Realism Belong in Escapism? · 6:18pm May 12th, 2022

I’d presume, that for most of us, MLP is an outlet of escapism. It’s a way to get out of life and take solace in something more colorful, something that appears to have a better condition of life and other various things.

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New Audio Reading! · 7:23pm Nov 27th, 2021

I have uploaded a new audio reading onto my YouTube channel. It’s a reading of Keeping With Tradition by applejackofalltrades.

Here’s the YouTube link, you can check it out if you feel like it.


The Summer of ‘21 · 6:16pm Aug 2nd, 2021

School starts back up in 9 days. I don’t know what’s in store for me this year, but I know it’s obviously going to take up a long period of time every day.

So, I wanted to write this little thing, just a little something about my FiMFiction profile.

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What I’ve Been Up To (And Thanks) · 9:42pm Apr 30th, 2023

Believe it or not, I am still alive, I haven’t written any blogs or stories recently, but I am alive. I had a whole idea for a March story, and while that’s something I’m happy to release, don’t expect it anytime soon.

Don’t expect anything for April either.

In fact, don’t expect another story from me for a bit.

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I’m Not a Technical Writer · 6:17am Jan 2nd, 2022

…And that’s not entirely a bad thing.

So, I was thinking to myself earlier today (or well, late yesterday, given it’s 1 AM and I can’t fucking sleep), after posting a simile I thought was bad in a Discord chat.

You see, I though the simile was a lacklustre simile; however, I got a collection of people telling me that the simile was perfectly fine and I was making it out to be worse than it was.

The simile in question was akin to, “The lava bubbled like boiled oatmeal.”

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results