More Blog Posts91

  • 24 weeks
    Merry Christmas, all!

    My track record with Christmas releases is no longer perfect, but I do try! Only one 5k chapter of Sharing the Nation this year, though I'm hoping to have 5k more out before the new year. To make up for it, though, I've also brought out the Harry Potter crossover that's been languishing in

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  • 128 weeks
    Nothing this year, sorry

    Man, this has been… a year. Shortly after my last blog post, I had some (non-covid) medical issues that somewhat took over my life for a while, and while that's all in the past now, I'm only back where I was beforehand—completely unproductive. I was determined to get back into things at NaNoWriMo, but work steamrolled those plans and I just haven't been able to find the words to write something

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  • 168 weeks
    More burned out than I thought

    Jeeze, it's been four months since I decided not to force myself to generate updates for the sake of Patreon and gave myself the freedom to write whatever I wanted… but I haven't really written anything. I've done a thousand words or so here and there to play around with other fandoms, but nothing of significance.

    Shocking, I know.

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  • 181 weeks
    Tis the season for status updates. Not as much the other kind of updates as I would like, though

    It wouldn't be Christmas if I hadn't been completely incommunicado for at least a month or two beforehand, right?

    Unfortunately, I don't have chapters of Sharing the Nation to post for Christmas this year. I do have some Equal Opportunity Ascension chapters that only Patreon has seen, and I'll post those, I guess, but it's clear this… isn't working.

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  • 233 weeks
    Christmas Updates!

    Merry Christmas!

    As I've done every year since I started writing, I have updates here for you on Christmas day.

    ( It might look like there's a missing one, but the chapter for Sharing the Night that year was taken down and reposted)

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Sharing the Night Chapter 19 to be posted tomorrow (now with bonus self deprecation) · 2:29pm Sep 29th, 2018

tl;dr: Chapter 19 of Sharing the Night will be posted tomorrow and I am bad at life

Ugh, there is so much I could say about how and why this happened, but I really, really don't want to get into a whole blow-by-blow account of the last two and a half years. Suffice it to say, they have not gone as planned. People have mismanaged things, promises made to me have never fulfilled, and, in essence, I have been living in relative squalor treading water for the last two and a half years with no improvement in sight.

I hate to admit it, but I am just not a highly motivated individual. I would make a terrible protagonist in a story; when faced with a bad situation, I'm much more the type that makes do rather than getting fired up to make things better, and living this way just… hasn't been conductive to writing; an understatement if ever I saw one.

There are no real excuses I can make. The fact is, with Patreon, actually writing would have helped things immensely and yet history speaks for itself. This is not a plea for more patrons, as obviously I can't even be bothered to write when money is offered to me. As disappointed as I know people must be for the lack of updates, it's always even worse for me, and this situation is no exception.

I'm… going to be a little more honest here than I probably should be. Other than having rent and utilities covered by doing relatively light work on the farm here, I have not actually had an income for the last six months. What little I have has been going to food, and yet still… still it took me this long to actually write something. I have no words, in more ways than one, and I'm more sorry than I can express.

Hopefully I will be able to make myself continue posting chapters… both for your sakes and mine; I need to do something. Of course, Sharing the Night is almost done with anyway, so there's a good chance Patreon is a limited resource regardless.

(Again: Please, please do not take this as soliciting patrons. I just wanted to sort of vaguely explain things… and wallow in self-pity a bit, I guess. I'm not in a situation where I couldn't just leave and find work elsewhere; it would just mean giving up on a lot.)

(That said, if you are a second-tier patron, you can go read the chapter right now)

(I'm going to go look at the backlog of comments and PMs now… ish. Later today, at least. I'm sorry if I haven't responded to anyone who expected a response; there's a certain critical mass of shame that makes it difficult after a while.)

Comments ( 10 )

Here is hoping things will start looking up for you.

I'm really sad to hear things haven't been great for you, and I am very, very glad that you still graced us with an update on this story.

* hugs * Well, already a patron, so I'm happy a bit of money will go your way. Life is real and unavoidable. Stay safe and my patronage isn't for just this one story. May you find joy in continued writing.

Ah, I'm sorry you've been having such troubles. I'm glad things aren't worse, at least, and I hope they improve. Thanks for updating us, and for doing what writing you do.

God, I feel this so much. My life has been in much the same state, not really being conducive for writing or creating in general. That you got anything out is a win, dude. I hope you're able to take it as positively as that, right now. Keep on keeping on. Plain ass survival is an under rated skill these days.

I hope things improve.

Au contraire! You are the most common kind of protagonist: the kind that is stuck having to deal with all the craziness that life/the author throws at them.:trollestia:
That said, two things: one, this is your journal. Surely you can be honest here, and write whatever you want to write! Besides, if it's important enough to you that it demands to be written, then it's important to you to get it down on paper, regardless of who may or may not read it. Catharsis is therapeutic and all that.
Two: You take care of you. Depression (and that is what you're describing) is not conducive to creativity (quite the opposite, really--it saps away all your energy). But it sure isn't helped by dwelling on all the stuff you have not accomplished. Instead, set small little goals that you CAN accomplish. "I'm going to write a rough outline of that one scene" :twilightsmile: or "this weekend I’m going to focus on milking the south fruit baler instead of writing" (I have no idea how farming works :facehoof:) or "I’m going to make eye contact and say 'hi' to at least three ponies before I leave this store, even if I have to do it in the checkout line.":derpyderp1:
Third: *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggs* We believe in you! You can do iiiiit!:heart::heart:
Fourth: Counting is haaaard. :applecry:
I think we're all more concerned about you than the stories, (though we really, really love the stories, too!) so be safe and healthy!

As Fuzzy said, this is also my life. Unfortunately, it's with a little thing called College; which I'm paying for.

Yeah... I'm trying to not let that continue.

Sorry to hear life's been rough:pinkiesad2: Hopefully things will take a turn for the better:twilightsmile: Can't really give anything but my well wishes:pinkiesmile:
Been enjoying your stuff since the early days. Thank you for the great stories you've written so far! :pinkiehappy:

Bro, real life and sustaining yourself takes precedence over everything else.

Once again i'm reminded that these stories come from real people with shit going on in their lives.

you don't owe anyone here anything, but i'll still read your stuff years down the line.

please be safe.

Well, now I hope you can find a way to write more not just as a fan but because it sounds like writing more might get you more money with which you could improve your living situation. And improving your situation might make you feel better.

But I know it can be difficult to struggle with motivational issues, so I just hope that you can get succeed despite yours.

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