More Blog Posts91

  • 24 weeks
    Merry Christmas, all!

    My track record with Christmas releases is no longer perfect, but I do try! Only one 5k chapter of Sharing the Nation this year, though I'm hoping to have 5k more out before the new year. To make up for it, though, I've also brought out the Harry Potter crossover that's been languishing in

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  • 128 weeks
    Nothing this year, sorry

    Man, this has been… a year. Shortly after my last blog post, I had some (non-covid) medical issues that somewhat took over my life for a while, and while that's all in the past now, I'm only back where I was beforehand—completely unproductive. I was determined to get back into things at NaNoWriMo, but work steamrolled those plans and I just haven't been able to find the words to write something

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  • 168 weeks
    More burned out than I thought

    Jeeze, it's been four months since I decided not to force myself to generate updates for the sake of Patreon and gave myself the freedom to write whatever I wanted… but I haven't really written anything. I've done a thousand words or so here and there to play around with other fandoms, but nothing of significance.

    Shocking, I know.

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  • 181 weeks
    Tis the season for status updates. Not as much the other kind of updates as I would like, though

    It wouldn't be Christmas if I hadn't been completely incommunicado for at least a month or two beforehand, right?

    Unfortunately, I don't have chapters of Sharing the Nation to post for Christmas this year. I do have some Equal Opportunity Ascension chapters that only Patreon has seen, and I'll post those, I guess, but it's clear this… isn't working.

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  • 233 weeks
    Christmas Updates!

    Merry Christmas!

    As I've done every year since I started writing, I have updates here for you on Christmas day.

    ( It might look like there's a missing one, but the chapter for Sharing the Night that year was taken down and reposted)

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Tis the season for status updates. Not as much the other kind of updates as I would like, though · 7:58am Dec 24th, 2020

It wouldn't be Christmas if I hadn't been completely incommunicado for at least a month or two beforehand, right?

Unfortunately, I don't have chapters of Sharing the Nation to post for Christmas this year. I do have some Equal Opportunity Ascension chapters that only Patreon has seen, and I'll post those, I guess, but it's clear this… isn't working.

"This" mostly being Patreon, or at least my approach to it.

It's been… two years, I think, since I decided to make my Patreon income a part of my normal budget and set a goal to get at least a chapter a month out, and for the most part, I've at least managed that, on average.

I'm really, really bad at it, though.

I can't say how much I appreciate all the people who have contributed to my Patreon, since they've made a huge difference to me personally for the last two years, but I'm just not a social, self-promoting kind of person. I stopped sending updates to Equestria Daily because I'd just forget half the time, and I haven't been much better at fulfilling my duties to my Patreon reward tiers.

On the other hand, it has been the kick I needed to actually get back into the habit of writing. I've written a lot of words that might not have otherwise been written thanks to the pressure of getting out at least a chapter a month. Some of those words weren't great. A lot of them have been stressful. Writing is always going to be better than not writing, but I also don't feel like I'm getting better at the feat of producing words on demand. It's kind of a wash.

All of this, and of course, all of the other things that have been going on in the world this past year, has brought us to a place where I can no longer really call my Patreon an income for my purposes. It could still be, if I could dedicate myself to two chapters a month from now on, and 700 words a day really isn't too much to expect. I did 1200 per day in September, after all, and it was entirely doable… at the time. I just don't always have that in me.

Again, I blame no one but myself, and certainly not the people who had to withdraw their support due to the pandemic.


That said, I am going to have to look elsewhere to make up the loss. This may mean fewer chapters, or at least more irregular chapters. It may also be a good thing. Maybe a little less pressure is what I need in order to get it right. I still want to finish my stories. We'll just have to see what happens.

Sorry :unsuresweetie:

Despite my self-deprecation, I'm not actually closing my Patreon or anything, and anyone who does decide to contribute will have my gratitude. I might have to just get rid of the tiers, though… Even the $3 nothing tier is probably doing more harm than good at this point.

Report Cast-Iron Caryatid · 582 views · Story: Sharing the Nation ·
Comments ( 2 )

Whatever you decide on or need to do, your writing has always been top-tier and engaging. I wasn't even going to do it this time, since this year has been what it is, but your Christmas presents to your readers are a consistent source of delight. I hope things get better for you. Merry Christmas.

Ah, I'm sorry you've been having difficulties there. Good luck to you, however you decide to proceed!

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