• Member Since 28th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2023


If you find an instance of me being wrong, that's non-canon.

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  • 161 weeks
    Lunar Guardsman update.

    New chapter out. The next one is almost ready as well, and another one kinda half-written, and that's the end of the 3rd arc.

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  • 250 weeks
    It's a-me, Crimmar!

    *peeks head out*

    Hey there! Check me out. Not dead!

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    8 comments · 1,080 views
  • 331 weeks
    New chapter out? What is this mad madness?

    So, I just published the latest chapter of The Lunar Guardsman. It only took me two months.

    Now, put down the knives and we can talk this out. I do have actual reasons it took me so long! No, just drop them on the ground, don't throw them

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  • 361 weeks
    No sleep for the wicked

    I am not a technical reader.

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  • 373 weeks
    I am now without a job. Possible delays in updates incoming.

    Well, I've actually been without a job for a week now. I just wanted to make this little announcement (little!) because there might be delays to my rate of posting (if you don't read The Lunar Guardsman or The Twilight Years you may disregard this. Apparently I'm super bad at posting anything other than that, like new stories perhaps, though I am trying to fix that.)

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Lunar Guard OC's · 2:16am Jan 18th, 2017


And boy, was that hard! I mean it, I had a really hard time choosing OC's. I even made a spreadsheet in my attempt to cut down the number. Guys, I was thinking I needed four or five. I ended up choosing FOURTEEN, and that's without one or two of them that might not be Lunar Guards proper but will probably be in the fic nevertheless. A certain old geezer comes to mind. You know who you are. Too many OC's and too good. What was I supposed to do?

If your OC didn't make the cut that means that your OC didn't make THIS cut. I do want to make references down the road to more joining in, and... well, I am thinking of a sequel when it's all done and over with, and a small story involving the wedding, but that is all down the road. Point is, I'm saving a lot of them for later! There's a time skip coming, and there will be another one later on, and I could refer to the rest then. Or not. Let me see if it swells too much now.

I am going to be making some changes to a few of them, some small, some large, so they can fit the theme of the story. It is unavoidable, and a thousand apologies if I miss the mark on the vision of your character. Think of it as an AU for your creation or a different take.

Many thanks to those who offered their creativity, and inspiring me to make changes or add more scenes. I know that some readers might not be crazy about reading about "random" OC's but I'll try to make it fun for all involved. I don't know if you want me to outright say who's made it on the "team" or if you'd prefer to be surprised. I'd rather stick with the surprise myself, but let me know in the comments what you prefer.

Once again, thank you all. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to make a couple of drawings for the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Character who made it in the first wave.
Gobren Grasstalon by SirReal
Sea Breeze by Spooky Moon
Stalwart Shield by Ancient Chronicler
Tidal Wave by Lord Demolitions
Blank Slate by Mobile SAM
Red Dawn by TheHiddenBrony
Sunrise Storm by That Hooded Fella
Trailblazer by Oak_Splitter
Short Order by LordGraygem
Limit Breaker by Hywther
Snared Wish by Vwyx
Shaded Swirl by Vwyx
Steel Edge by ihatehaters1994
Raven Moon by Wolf Blood

Entered the fic as a character but not a Lunar Guard
Captain Stampede by Shinji

Considered for second wave.
Snow Dove by Bloody_Tofu
Phantom Quil by Loveless2012
Low Key by Gearshifter
Fast Track by Syroc
Stone Mason by Explosions
Arcane Quil by Wolf Lord Eric Longtooth
Gaea Shield by iakovi
Plantstorm by Mattgenesis
Speedy Chariot by Mal Masque
Anvil Block by Neratur
Onyx Shadow by Lunar Sentry

Might be used in a small arc
Flaming Hat by Artuynh
Chopper by SAKONAGA1
Staunch Resolution by Catch-Twenty-Two

Considered for sequel (not necessarily as Lunar Guard exactly)
Ancient Lore by Wintermoon
Stitch Heart by Vamba

If your OC is not on any of the lists, fret not. They might still be there in some capacity. Brain needs some time to cook, you know?

Comments ( 36 )

I'd love to know, but not all would, so I say make a blotted out post with Something like "SPOILER-IFIC LIST OF THE FIRST GEN OC'S WHO MADE THE CUT! DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!" or something like that, making damn sure that those who dont want to know stay away. But its up to you of course, the surprise element is making me antsy, i saw a lot of good competition out there. Some of them looked as if they could have a story of their own.

And GG to those who did make it!

I think that a surprise of which OCs made into the story would be nice.

Wow, FOURTEEN chosen few! Well, goes to show how much people enjoy your story. If my OC didn't make it, well, it was good practice for the future. Best of luck on making the changes, and I eagerly await to see what lay in wait!

4386720 4386735 I'm sorry to say that neither of you made it... in the first wave. Both of yours were two of those I dearly wanted in and part of the reason I will have a second wave afterwards. Some of the characters I chose for the first wave were done so not for being better than others but for the interactions possible between them and the already present characters or a part of their story inspired me or fit too well with what I had already planned and needed to have them in.
But what do you care? Your OC's will make a show, no worries! :pinkiehappy:

4386753 Well, thank you for the confirmation. It was no doubt difficult to choose from such a large bracket, but the second wave sounds perfect, just knowing that you considered Speedy Chariot is enough to make me happy. Best of luck in your writing, I cannot wait to see where things go for the Lunar Guard!

4386753 Cool, do you have the description and stuff stored or shall I keep a copy safe?

so happy I was noticed :D

Shame Midnight Hammer didn't make it in, but what can ya' do? It's whatevs. I'm interested in seeing these new characters though. Keep up the good work with them chapters, Amigo. :ajsmug:

4386761 No worries, I've kept everything :D

Man these spoiler tags are keeping me on the edge of my seat. Like to find out who did a great job on their OC's.

First time doing that second string isn't that bad

Thanks a lot for picking Trailblazer, it means a lot.

Now, seeing as I'm only on chapter 22, I've some catchup to work on

Considering the list of characters. I'm going to be really excited for the next few chapters. I can already see interesting scenarios with a few of them.

Quoting from an ambiguous character in a video game.

"We will be watching."
Mysterious councilmen of the X com project.

So is it K if I make a story about Flaming Hat? That way if you decide to make an arc with him you'll have a somewhat good understanding of his character.

Woo, I "r" pony-fic famous!

Well, sort of, in a !ittle way, off to the side over there where I won't trip anyone passing by.


4386933 Well, duh! He's your character, I'm just borrowing him. If you wish to, when I have something solid I can show you what I got with him to make sure he's done right and proper. Since he'll probably end up being on the opposite side of the "heroes" I think it's better that I do that. Still working on it, but the main idea I'm currently working on with him is a kind of antagonist in the vein of Trixie so to speak, but a bit different and with a scheme. Nothing solid yet, but I have this scene in mind where he's in a magical duel a la Twilight Vs Trixie style.

4386754 Lucky you.

Well that sucks didn't even make it in any of the lists.

Small question: You're very consistent with your updates and show no sign of losing steam soon. You've written a very well-received story that has amassed hundreds of fans. How exactly do you keep it up with such stunning enthusiasm?

On an unrelated note, we should all be ashamed if we made it on the list since, reading over the entries, they were more or less all the same, bar one or two. "Obligatory" tragic backstory involving the death of family? Check. OC was unjustly wronged in some way? Cheque. OC is some special snowflake with abilities granted to them naturally? Chex Mix. OC has some sort of defect or characteristic that makes it seem as though they're screaming "Hey, look at me, I'm an out of place character insert and thus all attention must be placed on me!"? Checkaroni and cheese. The list goes on and on.

4387474 It's very fun, and I enjoy it beyond words can convey? I guess the suggestion "write the story you want to read" has turned out well enough for me, and I often feel not so much as writing as discovering. Sharing my enjoyment helps a lot as well, no question about it. Time is limited, and that you all are using part of yours to read this, what I made? That's an honor. One that makes me giddy.

Well, generalize and it all looks blunt. Heck, Luna herself fits those generalizations pretty well. It's how you run with them and the special voice you give the characters that separates them. One of those defects for instance can cause extreme changes from character to character.

Let's take three of them. Leaf Stream, and two of the coming OC's, Gobrend Grasstalon and Sea Breeze, and how I see their defects shaping their character. All of them have lost something that defines them as a "race". Leaf Stream and Gobrend have lost their ability to fly, and Sea Breeze her horn and magic. Leaf Stream has turned to bitterness and mean, sarcastic comments to hide her hurt. Gobrend has made peace with it and indeed doesn't seem to mind almost none at all, but it's only a part of the charade he plays as he really sees it as one more misery life has thrown on him and leaving him with no other choice but to endure it, thus not acceptance but resignation. Sea Breeze's loss of magic has left her in search of the missing "mystical" link that she felt she was a part of, a notion reinforced by her Zebrican studies, and has now let her superstitious side get a solid grip on her in an attempt to fill the void and somehow be able to retain some control over her life and the any other events that might befall her, even if that is only as much control as throwing a pinch of salt over her shoulder may give her.

Everyone can be folded down to a boring template, but a little work and love, and you can do some very fun stuff with them! And hey, there are also the interactions between each other, and the events that occur. I'm excited about all of them, and I hope I'll be able to make a spot for every one, even if it is as a small in-and-out. I will agree that OP, "super", or piles of advantages and natural talents are a pet peeve of mine. It's why I hated Naruto (Rock Lee and Gai should have been the stars), and love Berserk (one broken man against powers that can shape destiny itself).

4387566 I appreciate you taking the time to give such a constructive response. It's refreshing. Small gestures like that go a long ways with readers. Good luck with your future endeavors, both in writing and in life.

And don't get me started on Guts, please. He's what I feel so many people try to replicate (even when they've never even heard of Berserk) when it comes to creating a badass anti-hero. The only thing they don't remember in such a quest is that Guts isn't defined by his muscles or his giant sword. That was most stock 80s protagonists anyways. What made him special is how he was defined by the fact that he faced so many horrors and hardships and still continued ever onward. He laughed, he brooded, he loved and he cried. He changed in ways that make him more alive than most protagonists in general can ever hope to hold a candle to. Also, fuck Griffith.

Concerning the OCs, I feel everyone is falling for that aforementioned "Berserk" trap; when they want a character to stand out, they don't make your average Joe who's worried about the horrors of existentialism and society - thinking that will make them dull and lifeless - when, ironically, a character is far more likely to become one-dimensional if they are only defined by their scars or their toughness. In short, they took the Black Swordsman Arc and ran with all the wrong ideas, namely reveling in the tragedy alone instead of focusing on what makes someone human. At least a character who is thought of as "normal" can get away with adding twists to their perception of everyday things, since it's not really expected of them to upset the status quo. This can be rather compelling when done correctly. But I digress. I'm excited to see you breathe life into these OCs (you hit the nail on the head pertaining to most of Gobrend's personality, although he is still a dick and a hypocrite no matter how much he tries to hide it). I can't speak for anyone else, but you already seem to have put more thought into my creation than even I have. I'll have to go add a few details to flesh him out just to balance that out.

Thanks, man!

My character was considered for a future sequel? Awesome! I wonder what role could that be.
In any case, thanks for taking my OC into consideration. Keep up with the good work. :yay:

I'm curious about one thing. Are these OCs going to start appearing next chapter already? I'm excited to see how you handle them :pinkiehappy:

4387726 A chronicler of sorts. Nothing's set in stone yet, but I think of him as a character that might enable me to revisit parts of this story in a way that keeps the same stuff fresh, yet will allow new viewers not have to necessarily read The Lunar Guardsman.

4388048 No, next chapter is done, just waiting for editing to worm out the typos and grammar mistakes, as well as some drawings. They're going to appear in the chapter afterwards and then have quite some presence from that point on. (On a sidenote, that chapter may be a little late. I really want to make sure I internalize all the characters and quirks, and there are a LOT of them to do so in a small amount of time). They're not going to sideline the characters already there, but always be present to freshen things up, and each offer their own unique personality and fun. Take Captain Stampede for instance, the over 100 year old retired captain. I have something planned for him(which is only a section of how I'll use him) that will either make you gag or choke laughing when we get to Ponyville.

Probably both.

Damnit! My schedule fucked me over. Le sigh. Next time, my precious, next time

Heh, perhaps i shouldn't offer things that tend to the fantastical. Regardless, i can't wait to see what people came up with.


Cool, I like the sound of that :pinkiecrazy:

Ah.. this is apparently what I get for not having a followed Author list. No chance for me to make an oc to submit @_@

4440569 Hmmm. I thought that If I tagged the blog post with the Lunar Guardsman story per the option Fimfiction gives it would let this show up on whoever follows the story. Apparently it doesn't. Well, don't fret too much. At least you can take solace in knowing that there's a reason that I made Cradle Song as a bearded, red maned thestral :raritywink:

Huzzah, we art pleased! :D
No really I doubled back and was like, 'How did I miss this?'

As for the tags its probably because I am always on the mobile version and the notifications are buggy on it. ~_~

Now I wish I found the story earlier, I would have submitted Midnight Eclipse. Hopefully another submission post will open up again in future.

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