• Member Since 28th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2023


If you find an instance of me being wrong, that's non-canon.

More Blog Posts17

  • 161 weeks
    Lunar Guardsman update.

    New chapter out. The next one is almost ready as well, and another one kinda half-written, and that's the end of the 3rd arc.

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    4 comments · 819 views
  • 250 weeks
    It's a-me, Crimmar!

    *peeks head out*

    Hey there! Check me out. Not dead!

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    8 comments · 1,080 views
  • 331 weeks
    New chapter out? What is this mad madness?

    So, I just published the latest chapter of The Lunar Guardsman. It only took me two months.

    Now, put down the knives and we can talk this out. I do have actual reasons it took me so long! No, just drop them on the ground, don't throw them

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    11 comments · 972 views
  • 361 weeks
    No sleep for the wicked

    I am not a technical reader.

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    30 comments · 781 views
  • 373 weeks
    I am now without a job. Possible delays in updates incoming.

    Well, I've actually been without a job for a week now. I just wanted to make this little announcement (little!) because there might be delays to my rate of posting (if you don't read The Lunar Guardsman or The Twilight Years you may disregard this. Apparently I'm super bad at posting anything other than that, like new stories perhaps, though I am trying to fix that.)

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    29 comments · 758 views

I am now without a job. Possible delays in updates incoming. · 3:44am Apr 18th, 2017

Well, I've actually been without a job for a week now. I just wanted to make this little announcement (little!) because there might be delays to my rate of posting (if you don't read The Lunar Guardsman or The Twilight Years you may disregard this. Apparently I'm super bad at posting anything other than that, like new stories perhaps, though I am trying to fix that.)

If you're wondering what happened, it's simple enough. I've been working as a graphic designer ever since... 2005 I believe for the same employer. Never had an education actually, family needed a source of income or starve, and I had to learn the job as I went, as well as the tools and programs required, all on my own. After all these years you'd think I'd have a pretty good relationship with the guy, and in truth I did. Only that about a few years ago he started abusing it. My salary was being less and less on time, I've often had to borderline beg for him to understand that I needed my pay, and surprise, surprise, I started getting owed money. No problem, we will catch up he assured me. Long story short, by the time I told him I had it, after repeated attempts to explain how unacceptable it was to work for free under the guise of, "the economy is rough, you have to buckle down and take it," while at the same time I had to help him backup his photos from vacations in Mykonos and travels to other countries so he could watch soccer and basketball games, I told him last Monday to f:yay:ck off and find another moronic victim. This one had enough.

By that time I had been paid a sum of two hundred euros in the last forty five days and I was owed over six thousand euros in back-pay. I will only briefly mention the promised-but-never-delivered bonuses for extra hours or demands that I work extra just because he wanted me to.

And now I'm broke! Well, I am getting the money I'm owed one way or another, though not all of them at once or extremely soon. My patience has ran out so much that if he tries to f:yay:ck me one more time, Raegdan would go, "damn!" when I'm through.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. It's just that it's been on my mind a lot this last week, you know? Back to the point now.

I already have a potential something lined up for tomorrow, but this might not pan out. Thing is, I might have to spend a lot of time job-hunting, and maybe making a brand new portfolio from scratch if I want to work as a graphic designer. I've been using this one week to relax a bit and vent out mostly, but this could very possibly come to a stop soon. Even if I get a job tomorrow, it might have to take priority for a while until I'm comfortable in my new role. That means that writing could take a step back. I'll try not to let this happen, but it's something that might, and it really hits me hard because I'm getting to a very good point in The Lunar Guardsman. This arc and the next one are wonderful in concept for me and I want to write them so much. If delays do happen, and chapters might go from a timescale of weeks to month or, heaven help us, monthS, I'm sorry.

On a good side of news, I got the next chapter all ready, as well as TWO interludes. One of them is Luna of course, and it's nothing you might not expect, but still will give you more insight into her. The other one. Oh, boy. The other one!
Maniacal laugh! Maniacal laugh! Maniacal laugh! Maniacal laugh!
Do you know this moment when someone opens up a box expecting to see shoes and its nothing but scorpions? Just saying.

Again, sorry for the rant. Just had to type that crap out, get it out. I'm gonna give out the chapters for editing and have them ready for you to read as soon as possible.

As always, thanks for reading.

Love you guys,

Report Crimmar · 758 views · Story: The Lunar Guardsman ·
Comments ( 29 )

You'll find a good paying job. We all believe in you.

Good luck with the one tomorrow. I'm sure others will agree, real life comes first. Sucks that you had to deal with that, but hopefully this will give you a chance to move into something better. Sounds like what you had isn't much better than no job anyway. Besides, you can't be much worse than some of the other stories I follow. Though, Handyman did just post an update for his story, so maybe he'll get back into a flow.

Anyway, good luck, and I'll look forward to new chapters, whenever they make it out.

Good luck I say concentrate on your life first for obvious reasons. Stay safe and try to be happy man.

Shit man that's rough I really feel for you and I wish I could help you. Unfortunately the only job opportunity I could possibly offer you is Yacht building in Washington State. USA. Beyond that obviously you are number one in your life. So take all the time you need to figure your money situation out. I'm pretty sure I'm not only speaking for myself when I'm saying we will totally wait for you as long as it takes to put up another chapter. Good luck on the job hunt.

May the Force be with you.

Personal stuff always comes first. We fully understand.

hope evrything gets better soon

Hope you find a job fast... With it being euros I'm wondering where your from in Europe

I would suggest opening up a Patreon to get some support. I know I would support it as I love your fics

Damn, sorry to hear. My father is actually a graphic designer as well, and he quit his job right before the economy went to shit. He's doing free-lance at the moment, which is something I very heavily suggest. Make sure to hound your employer about pay, though. I recommend advertising for local businesses (flyers and such). There should be a healthy amount if you live in an urban area (which many people do), and going freelance isn't as dependable, but hey, it keeps the lights on. I have no doubt that you'll be back on your feet in no time.

I myself was without a job for a long while, and only recently did I consider Trader Joe's (which, I believe, is exclusive to the States). It's not too shabby for a grocery-store job; people are friendly, extra food is donated, and the pay is generous. You'll be alright, I think. Take your time and remember that writing here is a hobby, not an oath taken under the blood moon at the eleventh hour. Take care, my man.

you mention peograms... if so try working with arquitects, civil engeneers: they are great with math and material handling but usualy suck at making something realisticly pretty to sell their product. use a combination of programs to dedicate to certain aspects (photoshop/lighting, autocad/dimensions, unity/texture-handling; hell i even use solid works for structural simulations on metal structures.) and give that unic extra that others dont offer. Go cheep at first but state that its only temporary? I dont know if your location is graphic design dead(nobody knows or cares) or if its something very used. In my case it was the former one. But i started working with engeneers and i get well payed fo the renders they show to the investors and bank clients. They say it contributes nicely to convincing them to invest on the company projects.
(man im talking like if it was were i live when i realy donk know shit about how it is were you live. )

I guess take it if it aplies or dont if it sounds crazy/stupped:derpytongue2:
At anny rate i sincerely wish you the best of luck. And a big YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!:flutterrage: / give the universe a big "fuck you" by suceden in life no matter the odds:pinkiecrazy:

My parents tought me from their experience to never get attached to the company you work for because as soon as something as big as redundancy gets involved, they can screw you over before you know it.

Even if I get a job tomorrow, it might have to take priority for a while until I'm comfortable in my new role. That means that writing could take a step back.

Do it dude. We'd all rather you didn't starve to death either.

isnt there a law in america or something that says that employers cant lower wages less than for an example 10 dollar per hour?

4500363 4500369 4500372 4500377 4500379 4500386 4500422 4500566
Thank you all. I'm actually keeping my spirits up and not driving myself crazy yet. I'm keeping positive.

I'm Greek. If that doesn't make you shiver a bit, then I don't know what will :pinkiecrazy:
I think patreon is kind of out. Leaving aside the fact that I am the very picture of amateur yet with not even a handful of stories out, it would feel awkward to turn this outlet and enjoyment into a job of sorts. But your support is noted and greatly appreciated. I went pretty "d'awww" when I read that. :raritywink:

Freelancing is something I've got in the back of my mind if nothing pans out.
For now, I just returned from a preliminary interview of sorts. All seems well so far, and the only fear is that my former boss might be out there in the job market and slandering me so I might have a fight of sorts in my hands as to how to handle that, but I'm keeping positive. After all, he's known for lying, I'm know for being honest.
If this does pan out then I'm getting a fine job indeed. From what I get my duties may include: Graphic design as needed for many things (websites, posters, flyers, and others), 3D modelling, working with Unity3D to help make games, web hosting, tech support, translation and interpreter with hosting visitors from other countries, GOING to these other countries, and... teaching kids how to make and program robots.
Very excited, even if it sounds exhausting!

4500663 Damn, that shit's tight. Fight the good fight, man, and don't let that cunt drag your name through the dirt.

4500663 nothing wrong with Greek one of the places haven't been in europe
as for patreon, I manage a patreon for a writer and i support 11 writers at the moment
the fact that you are a new writer is not relevant, you make stuff, people like your stuff
i have a very simple view on this, i consume a product that you make, i like to support you so you can make more of it, the same way i have neflix for example, yes i download stuff i can also go without paying them, i do so in the hope of getting more content, and they do make it. patreon doesn't need to be your job, is just a way of us the readers to support and thow an extra bit to the tip jar, we don't have to do it, we do it because we like what you do and if the 1$ extra that some can give you might in some way help you then why not

Threaten to sue him, I'm pretty damn sure that what he's doing is very illegal.

Anyway, if you want a new job, try going into online freelance websites and mixing them with your "main job" if you ever find one again. You have the experience so it should be little problem for you with doing freelance.

Also, I have a few questions as a fledgling Designer myself, you don't have to answer them as I know that you've been going through a bit. But people advice me to ask others who have seniority experience over me.

- How long did it take ya to find a gig like that asshole?
- Have you tried applying for Graphic Design firms or big companies like Adobe, Google or Game Developers?
- What are your specialties? (Vector art, Photo retouching, Web Design, Typography or etc.)

Man that has got to suck. Though my dad is Greek(he just sold his home on Rhodos after being back and forth for years), I'm not really up to date with the situation, I just know its bad. I really hope things go well for you. You write one of the absolute best fanfics on this site.

Problem is he's got a lot of connections, friends in high places, etc. On the other hand, he as been taking advantage of everyone ever since he figured out he could that in a short few years he has driven his rep to the ground. Still, time will show. Worse comes to worst, I happen to know a few people that are in low places. They don't slander. They just break legs :pinkiecrazy:

- How long did it take ya to find a gig like that asshole?

Do you mean the one I had or the one I'm possibly getting now? The one I had, well, they asked at a computer degrees school for someone who could do that stuff. I may not have any education, but my older brother had one there, so I went instead, learned the job, yada dabba doo.
The one I might get now? Well, you work for a notorious guy for over a decade, and while he gets his rep in tatters you keep your head down and try to do right by the customers and do your best, word gets out. The people who might hire me just told the guy they heard from that I was now out of there to get in contact with them asap. In fact, I got yelled at a little for not going to them by myself immediately. Karma, I guess :D

So, no time at all in both cases. Pretty much had them handed to me in a way.

- Have you tried applying for Graphic Design firms or big companies like Adobe, Google or Game Developers?

No. I am quite good, in fact I know that I'm extremely good for a self-taught guy. I have on occasion done work for much larger graphic design businesses because they were reaching a deadline and needed the work done well and super fast. I had a few colleagues, that have been schooled and all, call bullshit on me since they claimed that kind of work needed days, not hours.
But still, haven't applied nor do I think I will in the foreseeable future. My spirit might not be broken by the derision and insulting work environment I was in, but it's definitely cracked. I don't feel good enough. Kinda like depression but not really, but as hard to counter. So keep that in mind for your own future. Never swallow too much. It tarnishes you.

And a random piece of advice. Make sure you keep backups of the stuff you've done before you leave your job or you might find yourself with a completely empty portfolio. Just saying.

- What are your specialties? (Vector art, Photo retouching, Web Design, Typography or etc.)

I'm more of a general guy to say the truth. I've had to dab into everything. Heck, I even did a few TV commercials as well, out of nothing but radio spots or a single photo as my resources (don't ask how I managed that). I suppose I'm best at photo manipulation(due to, "can you take this car out of the pic and add twenty people I want, make it night, and turn the lights on," kind of requests) and vector art. I'm also extremely proficient at vectorization, Logos as well. It was a pretty normal event to be told that a client would be over in two hours and I should have 5 or 6 logos at least to give him a choice out of. If it's something I'm not good at because I'm haven't had the practice it's web design.
Mostly what I'm good at is taking a whole office's workload of whatever on my shoulders and still making it. What I'd recommend is getting a solid grip on as much as you can. Learn, learn, and then learn some more. Don't stop, and on the way find out what you're really good at and focus more on that since it's where you'll shine. It might be either because you have a talent for it or simply like it, but find out what it is. But have a good, solid foundation on as much as you can.

Anyway, learn from my mistakes and experiences if you can.
- Most people, especially 'professionals' of other fields don't think too much of graphic designers or artists in general. They see all we do as drawing, or say something like, "use something green," and then take credit for your work because you, "did what they told you." Don't let them deride you or your field like that.
- Keep a personal backup of everything.
- Keep evolving. Always aim for better than the last one, less time, different.
- Put the customer's satisfaction as your priority, no matter what unless you're just being taken advantage of for free.
- Try to love what you do. You won't be able to do it every day, but when you manage it you will get your best work out and feel amazing for it.
- Be your own critic. Don't rely on second opinions too much, rather learn to find out as many of the faults on your own. Also, be wary of who is your second opinion. Some people won't hesitate to claim most of the work as theirs simply because you asked if a part is too blue and they suggested something squiggly to be put somewhere. It's good to have some help, but don't let it be a crutch. The most severe critic must always be you.
- You WILL do mistakes. Typos, a layer you didn't delete or hide, an accidental movement. Your eyes will not see it, no matter how much you try. A second pair of eyes to catch the glaring mistakes before you send your work out is a godsend. (not to be confused with a second opinion like above; you simply ask for a look, not their grand wisdom).
- Master your tools. There's always one tutorial out there of something you don't know, a technique you didn't think of, a cool idea you hadn't imagined.
- What you do is art, but it's not art you can do when your spirit's broken. Keep yourself up at all times, and if things get bad don't wait until they get absolutely worst to finally get some sense into you.

Hope some of that helped.

I THINK it's better than it used to be, but I'm not the best one to ask. At least I don't have to pay rent, and my needs are absolutely minimal. Other people, not so much, especially if they have kids.

That has to suck for your dad as well. It must have been a painful choice. Tell him hi for me. Maybe a fist bump as well for his strength. I look up to people like him. I can't imagine leaving Greece like that. There's a little voice inside everyone to stay, not to go and forget their little, humble home. It takes a kind of inner steel to go ahead and do that, because I don't think that little voice ever stops. I'm sure your dad can explain it better.
Maybe he'll tell you that voice sounds like the clearest blue.

Thank you for your words and support. I always say that, and I always mean it. It makes me smile.

4500886 I'm gonna copy and paste this in a storage place... This is some golden wisdom.

I'm glad to see that things are working out for ya as well and the guy is getting Karma'd. I suspected that things would be hell, but it's eye-opening to hear it from a person who's experienced it themselves.

Really, thank you for the wisdom, this helped a bunch :twilightsmile:

But if it isn't a oath then why do I have a few souls in my possession?


That has to suck for your dad as well. It must have been a painful choice.

You make it sound worse than it actually is. Although most of his family lives in Greece, He came to Denmark when he was very young with his mother, father and elder sister. He sold the house, but he isn't an actually a citizen anymore. Still He has been back and forth for years trying to fix up his childhood home. In the end I think he was glad it was over, since he has suffered quite a bit under Greek property law.

I'm sure your dad can explain it better.
Maybe he'll tell you that voice sounds like the clearest blue.

Its funny. When he talks about his home, that's always the feeling I get.

Anyway I really hope things work out for you, Crimmar.

Wow, I just saw this mate, I've been off the site for the past 3 months as around that time Im usually concentrating on finishing various costumes for the biggest anime con in the US. Have you found a job yet? And have you considered Patreon? I've never used it before but if you make one you can have the honor of being the first I'd donate for.

Yeah, pretty fast as well. This workplace is actually really neat. It's a developmental center that undertakes EU Projects so my job entails learning the skills and getting certified for them that are required so we can do these projects. So, I get to learn a lot of stuff. And when I mean a lot, I mean a LOT. I'm quite swamped actually. I had to teach myself how to build a site in a month, and do it as professional looking as possible. Still, love it so far. Heck, at one point I'm might actually be required to teach. That will be hilarious.

I don't quite like the idea of Patreon, at least not yet. I'm not THAT hard pressed at the moment, and 1) I do this because I want to, 2) I don't consider my output great enough (I could do better I believe; whether that's true that's up for debate), and 3) I worry it might warp the joy I get out of it if it starts feeling like a job. Still, this is something that I might reconsider in the future, as me and my family are currently also supported by some help programmes which might either be discontinued or we might soon not be eligible for because I got this job, and me being the sole source of income for a family (which is low income so far) might neccesitate to go for it then. But I will hold off until then. Still, the sentiment is greatly appreciated. You have no idea, man. Thank you.

Nice, I kinda expected you would have gotten a job relatively quick as at least over here in the states while a degree does look good on paper verified experience in an actual working enviornment holds a little more sway. And honestly some people do better learning on job than in school, I tried college but it just never held my interest moreover the cost of 2-4k a semester is not something I was able to commit to without working full time.

As for Patreon I kinda feel the same way but honestly its probably half me being an old man, "These darn whipper snappers and their fidget spinners getting famous on youtube fer twerkin'!" I feel you could do a disclaimer and say something like, "This won't speed things up but it will help me out." or you could be like, "Give me your OC and Ill let Raegdan break his legs."


Or you could succumb to the cloppers and write brain melting Raegdan x Leaf Stream side stories. Muhahaha


Or you could succumb to the cloppers and write brain melting Raegdan x Leaf Stream side stories. Muhahaha

The most Epic of Hatefucks.

I am considering a short clop story. I might just take a day and write it out when the muse really hits me.
The protagonist will be Granny Smith.
My goal to make you all weep.

Whether tears of laughter or of regret remains to be seen.


The most Epic of Hatefucks.

Haha... yeah but it's not like Crimmar would ev---

I am considering a short clop story.


Wait! He's considering? Crimmar is Considering? No... he's just considering it's not like he would actually write it dow--

I might just take a day and write it out when the muse really hits me.


He might write it!? He'll write it.. I mean, it's not like I'm some horse fucker but if Crimmar spends time writing it then of course I would have to read it...

The protagonist will be


Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan and Leaf Stream Raegdan a---

Granny Smith.
My goal to make you all weep.

Mission already accomplished :applecry:


Here Lies Crimmar
Died to a blog post
"Who wrote that on the marble?
That's a filthy lie.
Fat bastard died of a heart attack!"

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