• Member Since 28th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2023


If you find an instance of me being wrong, that's non-canon.

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  • 161 weeks
    Lunar Guardsman update.

    New chapter out. The next one is almost ready as well, and another one kinda half-written, and that's the end of the 3rd arc.

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  • 250 weeks
    It's a-me, Crimmar!

    *peeks head out*

    Hey there! Check me out. Not dead!

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  • 331 weeks
    New chapter out? What is this mad madness?

    So, I just published the latest chapter of The Lunar Guardsman. It only took me two months.

    Now, put down the knives and we can talk this out. I do have actual reasons it took me so long! No, just drop them on the ground, don't throw them

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  • 361 weeks
    No sleep for the wicked

    I am not a technical reader.

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  • 373 weeks
    I am now without a job. Possible delays in updates incoming.

    Well, I've actually been without a job for a week now. I just wanted to make this little announcement (little!) because there might be delays to my rate of posting (if you don't read The Lunar Guardsman or The Twilight Years you may disregard this. Apparently I'm super bad at posting anything other than that, like new stories perhaps, though I am trying to fix that.)

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The Lunar Guard needs you! · 1:34am Jan 16th, 2017

(Health plan included.)

I need volunteers to sign up.

With the advent of the Lunar Guard and Princess Luna's presence becoming more accepted, or at least able to see the benefits of, there is going to be a slight influx of members. Of course, any such volunteers would have to be accepted first, and there's no guarantee they will be able to proceed through their training or not simply jump ship when they fully realize what they signed in for. C'est la vie.

While I have the important ones settled in mind (or at least have a direction for what they will do) I still need to fill up the ranks. While the Lunar Guard will in no way swell up to the hundreds of the Solar Guard, there are going to be about twenty or so for starters. Right now I have about twelve, not including Luna and Raegdan themselves. So, I decided to enable a little bit of participation.

Create an OC of your own and have him/her sign up! There are no guarantees of course that I will be using them or not make a few changes to fit the part, but there's no reason I won't either if they are interesting. I could come up with a few on my own, make a few backstories and characters, but I would like to see what you can make and what they'll inspire me to add or change in the story! Shake things a little and make them more exciting for me as well. You can either post your OC in a comment below or sent them as a PM, whatever you prefer.

What do you need to have in order for your OC to be eligible? Not much.
Name. Obviously
Description. What do they look like?
Cutie Mark/Talent. Keep in mind that a cutie mark or a talent doesn't have to be something powerful, useful, or not much more than an extension of their character. Cheerilee's Cutie Mark means nothing more than just being good with kids and having a predisposition to becoming a teacher.
Character. This is the most important one in my mind. Make your OC interesting, and different that what is already there if you can, and chances for entering the fic become much higher.
Backstory. Where's your guy/gal from and what did he do before? What have they experienced?
Reason for joining. The Lunar Guard is headed by Princess Luna and the less known Raegdan, who haven't exactly have the best PR. Why did your OC join nevertheless?
Various. Things that might not fit in the other categories. Maybe a few tricks they know, injuries, articles of clothing they like to stick with, accents.

A sample of a scene or conversation that might flesh out the character more won't go to waste either, but it's not a prerequisite at all.

Here's an OC (two actually) created for this by Mr-Dr-Prof Sweetness when approached about the subject.

Name. Tick Toe and Tack Toe (twins)
Age. 22
Gender. Female
Race. Earth ponies
Description. Brown coat and dark-chocolate hair. Both twins have white markings, Tick on her whole muzzle, Tack has "socks".
Cutie Mark/Talent. Tick's CM is a blue circle, Tack's CM is a red X. It refers to the counter play to each other. Twins with different personalities, seemingly at contrast with each other, but this is what actually makes them work together so great. Like tic tac toe. You can't play it with just the X's. So they are very tag team oriented
Character. Tick is vocal (thinks out loud), is eager to try anything exciting (usually dangerous. I swear, she's like an adult CMC), is the more active twin, and is fast to make friends. Trusts to her sister's judgment. Kinesthetic learner.
Tack is... tact, socially and spatially aware, prefers not to do anything physically dangerous, often reigns in her sister from saying or doing something out of line, and is the critical thinker/tactician of the two.
Backstory. Dock workers at Baltimare, loading cargo onto ships and the like. After the Leviathan's kaboom they sent a letter to Princess Luna, "thank you for saving our town. We heard you have a Lunar Guard and we want to join." But the letter was buried under all the other mail, and was missed.
Reason for joining. One twin bored to tears of loading/unloading, and one missing the dull safety of it. Entangles with their backstory and is explained further in the character fleshing.
Various. Tack is the oldest of the two by about 30 seconds. The twins are always seen together. Both of them are quite strong, not at Big Mac levels, but a weaker version. Though both of them know how it is most often Tick that will burst into a storm of swearing like a sailor though it is very rare.

"Hey, let's try out as Lunar Guard. Can't be that different from the Royal Guard, they train with weapons, how to fight, and wear helmets instead of hardhats." Tick Toe suggests eagerly.

"Yeah, but those minotaurs Princess Luna has with her makes me think we'll be fighting big monsters." Tack Toe cautions.

"Boxes and barrels can big, too. C'mon, let's see what happens?"
Two mares scream as a manticore chases them, one with laughter, the other with terror.

"This is like a very fast barrel!" Tick shouted, full of excitement and energy.

Comments ( 51 )

Well, I'm gonna need to think on it

Comment posted by King Leoric deleted Jan 16th, 2017

Name: Tidal Wave
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Unicorn
Description: Green coat with Blue Hair
Cutie Mark: A Wave
Character: Very Quiet and seemingly depressed. Only seems to talk to superiors and those that can get close to him.
Backstory: A Dishonorably Discharged Lieutenant of the Royal Guards. He was the top of his class, was a born tactician and a powerful unicorn who had the ability to summon powerful water-based spells. He beat up a noble who tried to rape his sister Avant Garde. The Noble accused him of beating him without provocation and he was put on trial. His sister was to be a key witness in the trial but to his distraught, his sister was found murdered in her home. Since there was not enough evidence to back up his claims, Tidal Wave was found guilty and was sentenced to 5 years in the dungeons. He expected his fellow guards to back him up, but they turned their backs on him. Out of sympathy, Princess Celestia released him after 2 years and tried to convince him to come back to the Royal Guards. In a fit of rage, he yelled at Celestia and cursed both her and her guards. She let him leave and made a living as a Freelancer.
Reasons of joining: Tidal Wave was trained to be a guard and he seemed to embrace the military life. He felt maybe the Lunar Guards and Princess Luna would be different than Princess Celestia and her guards. Also, he believed this would be his best chance at finding that Noble who ruined his life and kill him.
Various: Tidal Wave always kept a Teddy Bear that once belonged to his sister with him. Since they never knew their parents and were orphans, Avant Garde was his only family. Other than that, he had a scar on his chest from an altercation with a Griffin criminal he and some guards were pursuing.

Well not sure if it will be useful but here's an OC I use in a small rp game with my friends.

Name: Snow Dove

Age: 18 (or whatever the minimum age to join is)

Gender: Male

Race: Gyphon

Description: Oddly enough for someone trying to join the night guard Snow is an albino. His pure white feather and fur are off set buy his deep red eyes and off white talons. He is a bit of a runt being shorter than an average pony and looking almost gaunt with his wiry muscle and raptor build.

Cutie Mark/Talent: Snow Dove is a hunter/tracker with a keen sense of smell and motion vision. He also made a living before applying to the night guard selling claw carved wooden items. Combs, statues, etc...

Character: A bit of a subdued personality with strangers Snow wants to find friends who can accept his predatory side. While hunting or with those he knows well he changes becoming fiercer and a bit daring. He's looking for a mare who could love him.

Backstory: Raised by pony parents snow had to grow up fighting the guilt he felt for hunting and eating living creatures while living with herbivores. His mother, a pegasus named Flawless Dawn, taught him to fly feice and free. To live life like it might end tommaorw and to ignore the opinions of others. His father, an earthpony named Rocky Road, taught him the value of hard work helping others.

Reason for joining: If asked Snow would say he's sensitive to sunlight so the nights make sense. He might talk about a sense of duty and pride in helping others. He might talk about the bad rep the night Princess gets for all the hard work she dose. Snow might even talk about wanting to do more than eek out a living selling his carvings. What he would never admit to is hoping the uniform helps get him laid.

Various: Snow is of average strength despite his smaller size. His speed and dexterity however is where he shines not so much in a race or areal acrobatics but from tree to tree. Cover to cover. Fighting him in an enclosed space is not recommended. He prefers to deflect an opponents attack rather than take it head on and has no qualms about ending a fight buy being sneaky.

Snow dove sends about half of what he makes back to his parents who have never been well off and whom he wrights regularly. the area under where he folds his wings are insanely tickelish and he dreads anyone finding out about it.

A sample of a scene or conversation that might flesh out the character more won't go to waste either, but it's not a prerequisite at all.

** running out of time will edit this latter**

Comment posted by Gearshifter deleted Jan 16th, 2017

Eh, why not?
EDITED ― (*) next to updates (8.26.18)
Name. Gobrend Grasstalon

Age. 29

Gender. Male

Race. Gryphon

Description. A scrawny little bugger with a standard gryphon coat and a torn wing, rendering him unable to fly effectively. He has dark, brown eyes, and it is often said that they carry startling intensity.

Cutie Mark/Talent. He's no pony, and therefore has no mark, but he knows a thing or two about sleight of hand, manipulation, and he even possesses a rudimentary bit of medical knowledge. Chiefly, though, he is a writer and researcher.

Character. Gobrend is a wanderer who has trouble forming meaningful relationships because of his social hang-ups and asociality, caused by one too many emotional investments in people and things that have ended with failure on a grand scale. On the surface, he's perfectly polite―if sarcastically dry and pretentious―and can be charming as a pretense that he is someone who should have faith placed in them. He isn't. In truth, Gobrend's calm, soft-spoken demeanor masks an aloof, deeply pessimistic personality, and there is far more to him than meets the eye.

Backstory. Gobrend had a claim to a rather large plot of land as an inheritance, but he was cheated out of it by a noble family whilst he was away from home on an extended trip into the Everfree to document its odd flora and possibly find a way to cure his ailing father's sickness. Raised a single child, his father, Turivald, was rather distant and stern, but never overly harsh. He rarely ever spoke of Gobrend's mother. Unfortunately, his father succumbed to his condition during Gobrend's expedition; him being unaware of such for the better part of six months allowed the opportunistic family to snatch his birthright away from him, leaving him without home or coin upon his return. His studies forgotten, and unable to publish his research, he took oddjobs for the better part of a decade, some being more focused on quick cash with no questions asked in return for being "morally flexible", before his aimlessness left him aching with a cold emptiness. Having immigrated to Equestria, he decided to search for his purpose by serving more than himself. He wanted to serve an idea. And that is when he set his eyes to the Lunar Guard.

Reason for joining. Gobrend couldn't care less about the Lunar Guard, or Equestria in general; he simply wishes to live a fulfilling life and reawaken his drive to be an upstanding member of society (difficult a task as that proves), and perhaps carve out his own little niche in the world so that his name may be remembered. The paychecks don't hurt either. Life on the road, exciting as it may be, doesn't allow for larger aspirations to be realized. After all, he's earned some time to rest his paws and possibly publish that book of his.

Various. Taking up residence in the Everfree, ill-advised as it is, tends to mean a few run-ins with the local wildlife. A close call with a Manticore left Gobrend with a lame wing, and he jokingly calls himself "Grasstalon" because he holds no claim to his old title and now cannot even leave the ground. Additionally, he is quick of wit and resourceful, necessities when trekking the untamed forest and roaming as a vagabond for so long.

>Possessed of an almost violent hatred of Diamond Dogs, as he's bumped into them while on the road more than once and despises their slave networks; He's been forced to mine for gems or do other laborious, back-breaking tasks by them in the past. Furthermore, he is condescending toward ponies as he finds their heavy reliance on magic to be pitiful. Gobrend also surprisingly has a soft spot for children despite his prejudices, though he doesn't enjoy being around them. On a similar note, he quietly respects those who are independently-minded and self-aware of their shortcomings.

>Gobrend has an embarrassing collection of Daring Do novels and fashion magazines, and he spends more time than strictly necessary grooming himself when greeting a new day. He has a sweet tooth when it comes to red velvet cake and an ear for classical music.

>He knows how to use a crossbow, this being how he hunted small animals in the Everfree. He's not that good of a shot when it comes to pinpoint accuracy, but he's competent enough to hit a target that is a reasonable distance away. He's received no formal training in handling bladed weapons (he used knives primarily to skin game and sharpen branches into makeshift spears, not to kill), but he would likely gravitate toward a weapon that would allow him breathing room and not require years of practice to properly wield. Like a spear.

>Blew up a Diamond Dog mine, unconcerned about the prisoners held within, in order to get revenge against his captors.

Character Discussion: He's used to being the underdog who lacks control over things, and is usually willing to allow whatever happens to happen without much complaint because of that. Nonetheless, he is a ruthless opportunist who takes every chance he can get to up his social standing.

>Gobrend is not a stable individual, as implied from his experiences and his outlook resulting from them. Someone who willingly travels alone into the Everfree―a forest reputed to be one of the most dangerous environments this side of the hemisphere―with no guides, armed with but a knife and a crossbow, and decides to live there, is either suicidally overconfident or dangerously shortsighted. Chalk it up to fortune or versatility, but it is nothing short of a miracle that Gobrend lived to tell the tale. Darwinism is a strong part of his philosophy for these reasons, and he sees himself as a force to be reckoned with because of his perseverance.

>In D&D terms he is Chaotic Neutral when on his own and free to roam, but makes a leap to Lawful Evil when in a group and forced to stay in one place. His chaotic neutrality takes hold when he needs only to worry about his research and his well-being, and in this situation he does not concern himself with the problems of others for the most part. He shifts toward lawful evil when he is in a group because their safety means his safety. In society, one must follow strict codes, while everything is fair game on the road. His Darwinistic, selfish mentality feeds into both mindsets.

"That human... if I didn't swear off alcohol after that warehouse explosion incident, I'd gladly share a drink with him."

"We have all kicked the standing notion of 'morality' aside for our own convenience at some point during our lives. Some more than others. Look at the poor fools with delusions of grandeur that surround us for evidence of that. Most of us would be better fit to serve this nation in the dungeons, chained up like beasts. We don't deserve trust, nor do we deserve respect. Not us, and certainly not that pony princess who would have shrouded the world in a never-ending night a thousand winters ago.

We are not 'justice', for we have consciously chosen to ignore the concept. No, we are what resides within the darkest recesses of others' minds. We are what make the hairs of the common folk stand on end. We are veiled threats, harsh whispers that grate against the ears, weapons that happen to be pointed toward a mighty foe in a righteous cause. We are the Lunar Guard. No one here is without their flaws, and therein lies our beauty. That being said, your presence sets me ill at ease. Away with you."

On the Everfree:

"See, in the ancient game of survival such inconsequential things as one's name, race, and history―all factors that make us individuals―are forgotten. We all become cogs in the greater machine of Nature, and we are not judged by our social status or our moral values, but by our might.

This system, simple enough to grasp even by insects, is nondiscriminatory. You'll be hard-pressed to find a more fair environment. Nonetheless, the Everfree, with all of its baseness, became the closest thing to a home this tired gryphon had. If I wanted something, I'd go and take it! The forest's womb was that of a mother who was both impassive and compassionate beyond all bounds."

On the mysterious Green Springs:

"Her name was Green Springs. She was just a filly, and they... that was the day my dislike for Diamond Dogs swelled into a seething hatred."

"Who is Green Springs, you ask? She is just a memory now; she no longer carries any relevance."

To Raven the Diamond Dog:

"Why did you save my life? I can guarantee, had the roles been reversed, I would not have done the same for you."

"Surely you've seen, dog, how they exclude the likes of us even in their speech. 'Everypony', 'nopony', pony this and pony that! Pfeh! It is obvious this is an equine's guard. We're here only until we have outstayed our welcome and can be replaced."

"You are the one mutt of the lot I can tolerate. At least you concern yourself with basic hygiene and decency. I cannot say the same about the rest of your kind, though."

”You don’t like being called dog? Well, what the Tartarus else am I to refer to you as, hm? Duck? Gopher? Cragodile? Oh, don’t be wrath with me! Would you prefer I go back to simply saying mutt or hound?”

"All of that coiled muscle, along with those sharp teeth and dirtied clothing makes for a rather rough exterior. But one look into your eyes, so guarded and tired, so... innocent, was all it took for me to understand."

*"What is it, Hagle― I-I mean Raven. Yes. Raven..."

To Limit Breaker:

"That youngling, Limit Breaker. A more pure soul I've never encountered. He reminds me of myself at his age. But don't let his appearance fool you, for there is something terrible within him: a raging flame waiting to be unleashed so that it may scorch us all."

"Have you looked into his ancient eyes? It takes but a glance to realize that he is very capable, and very dangerous. A primal, passionate creature that will destroy all that threatens those whom he holds close. And he holds everyone here close. I am loathe to admit, it is for these reasons that I fear the time when he is faced with true loss."

"Remember this, youngling. There shall come a day where you will not be able to save everybody. We have all accepted service in the Lunar Guard knowing the risks; yet I hope you are prepared for the day one of your friends must make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of everyone."

"You mistake hubris for heroism, Limit Breaker. Your selfish obsession with martyrdom will be our destruction if left unchecked. It is our duty to fight and live, not to search for death! What good is a guard who is more concerned with sacrifice than self-preservation?"

*"They are dead and that's that. You can't save everyone."


"I beg your pardon? I'll have you know I am a very interesting gryphon! So interesting, in fact, I study pathology for the fun of it! What's more interesting than that!?"

"Right, hobbies. Hobbies, hobbies, what are my hobbies...? Aha! During my sojourn in the Everfree, I learned how to properly skin game, and... What? Ugh, you ponies are too soft. Fine, how's this? I also enjoy reading, travelling and, uh... a-and mane-styling...

Oh, piss off, ya bloody mongrel! I learned it only because I was forced to! I lost a bet to an old friend and it was either help her with her pony friends or be stuffed into a dress and pampered for a weekend. It isn't my fault I find it satisfying!"

"You realize that I am a noble, right? I've taken the criticism of the elite on the beak for some time, but clearly very few of you appreciate the value of your aristocracy. I forgive your ignorance.

"Granted, not all nobles are particularly noble—something you lot, who stand as extraordinary pillars of frugality and rectitude, can without a doubt morally contest—but the connections they build through networking and the reforms they push for are what drives the economy and society at large. You move carts; we move mountains!"

"By definition, nobility cannot be taken away from you. I was born a lord, and so shall I die a lord."


"My father always was a stubborn old codger. He once told me a true gryphon never gives up in pursuit of his dreams. 'Gryphons are fighters to the bitter end!' Heh. That stubbornness is what killed him as well, I reckon; yet I imagine he fought tooth and claw regardless, just to see his son one last time... He was my wall, and it was my duty to help him in any way I could when he was at his weakest. I braved Tartarus to save him, to make him proud of his son―his son who was never as strong or charming as the others of his age, but made up for his shortcomings with gumption and wit. Yet I failed."

"I was to be wed to a young beauty by the name of Taliana Mistral. She was a frail, soft-spoken mistress with a constitution of grit and ice. But most significant of all she was entirely devoted to me. She gave me her heart, and in turn I gave her mine. Our union would have given the Oakfeather name quite the sway in the state, but alas, this never came to fruition."

"The world of politics is much like the untamed wilderness of the Everfree. One error, one slight misstep, and the wolves will tear you limb from limb."

"You will not so much as breathe the name Leonalt Oakfeather! That gryphon was left to rot in the wilderness. What stumbled out was most certainly not who went in."


"Alas, the greatest casualty was that poor pony's cabbage stand."

"By my own feathers, have you seen that cake!? What wonderful deity has blessed me with such a fine delicacy!"

"Hah! So I am a criminal, then? Prove it. Try as you might, you can only speculate about my past; I am an enigma! For all you know, or ever will know, I paraded around drunk off my tail-feathers in a circus for a decade."

(Upon his collection of Daring Do novels being discovered.) "Erm... do try to keep this between us, would you? Pretty please?"

"I am no fool. I understand that every time someone helps another, it is with an expectation of being rewarded. So, what will it be, then? A favor? Bits? Come, come, don't be bashful."

"Superstition is the fruit of ignorance."

"You are free to take. And take. And take! That is the mark of power."

"I am overqualified for this."

"How can creatures accustomed only to violence ever hope to bring about peace?"


"Mister gryphon, why don't you want to stay with us? Mom and dad said they'd let you live here for as long as you wanted after you helped nurse my sister back to health. You could be a part of the family!" exclaimed the young colt, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

In truth, the prospect of simply settling down was immensely tempting for the tired gryphon. But he took one last look toward the stars and realized that he still was not yet ready. He hefted his bag over his shoulder. "You and your sister have your entire lives ahead of you. I was simply passing by and did what anygryphon would have done."

A tear fell to the colt's face. "B-but what about your stories? What about mom and pa? How're we going to show you just how much we appreciate your help!?"

"Hey, hey, you've helped me more than enough. Your hospitality is more than I deserve, to be frank. But, perhaps, when you grow just a tad bit older, we may run into each other again. I could come and visit."

"Y-You promise?" the colt asked, choking back a sob as he stared hopefully up at the gryphon whose name he didn't even know.

Gobrend offered a small smile, holding his hand over his heart. "Promise." And after the colt jumped up to hug him and bid him farewell, the stranger was gone. The colt may not have known his name, but he would never forget what he did for his family.

And it was the last time he ever did see him.

Apologies for the length of these scenes.

There you go. If they have dental insurance, count me in.

Name: Ancient Lore

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn


Cutie Mark/Talent: Book and quill representing his knowledge of history.

Character: He is an introvert pony by nature, quiet and likes to spend time alone, hence the traveling around the world to find ruins and lost lore. He can be friendly once they get to know him, which is not that hard, it just requires a little patience. Ancient likes to read a lot, but his favorite topics have to be those books about ancient equestrian history, he could talk for a long time with anyone about topics like the Unification of the Tribes, the reign on the two sisters, and such. He holds loyalty and honesty in the highest regards, betrayal would be the last thing he would do, and even then he would have to think hard about doing that. Ancient has a good head on his shoulders, he is good with planning ahead of time.

Backstory: Ancient Lore is just one of many archaeologists around Equestria, one who was born in the city of Manehattan, he travels all around the world searching and studying both lost and current history. He came to learn about the mysterious Raegdan from one of his fights against the Solar Guard, the consequences were severe in those fights, he showed a disrespect for the ruler of the Sun never seen before, and a loyalty to the Moon like no other. This new individual would be worth knowing about, even the birth of a new legend in equestrian history could be in the making. Ancient thought long and hard when the notice that the Princess was working to create a Lunar Guard, he wanted to join. Perhaps it was time for a change in Equestria, and that change would come from the Princess of the Night herself.

Reason for joining: Ancient has an interest in the person known as Raegdan. He has seen what he can do, how strong he can be. It is no secret that the Sun holds more authority over the Moon. And with current events it is noticable that change is needed, Ancient thinks that the Princess of the Night and her Lunar Guard will be able to bring that change to Equestria.

Various: He sometimes think about a situation as a game of chess, which he loves to play, he likes to plan ahead for any possible outcome, a tactician of sorts. Is a proficient user of spells to avoid sound, useful when sneaking around. Wears his cloak most of the time. Has suffered from a few injuries while running from looters and thieves in old ruins.

----------Scene Sample-----------
"That which was taken will soon be returned." Ancient Lore said to the mare in front of him as he moved a chess piece. "Because this thing is no mere trinket."
Said mare, one under the alias A.K. Yearling, thought her move for a moment.
"Impressive." She said as she moved her queen, "That sounds like a very fine prize indeed."
Ancient looked at the board, thinking about the next move. He then realized something.
"We must keep relics like those from falling on the wrong hooves," Ancient said with a smile, "Don't you think? Checkmate, by the way."
Yearling looked between the board and the stallion in front of her before she sighed.
"Alright, you got me," she said calmly, "Same time next week?"
"There is some time left before my train arrives," He replied, "How about another game?"

Name: Sea Breeze

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Description: a simple light blue coat with a teal mane, her eyes are blue, and is average height whilest her horn is rotten all the way through.

Cutie Mark: A bubbling cauldron with a breeze behind it

Character: A happy go lucky mare who is headstrong and blunt, she will watch her tongue around her superiors or those who are in a bad spot. She doesn't think before acting which is a habit she is trying to break

Backstory: A cook by trade but an alchemist at heart, Sea Breeze originally was a cook on a merchants vessel at the age of 18 before the vessel was destroyed by a hurricane a mile off shore of Zebrica. She and the surviving crew members had to wait a hour holding onto the floating wreckage before they were picked up and dropped off in a simple port town on the edge of Zebrica. Stranded in Zebrica, she went traveling before coming across a group of Zebra traders at 20, desperate for a job she managed to convince the Alchemist of the group, a Zebra Stallion by the name of Najee to take her on as a apprentice. For the next 10 years she stuck with Najee and the rest of the Zebra's before they went to Equestria to have a try at selling their goods there. 3 years after arriving in Equestria they were attacked on a road by Timberwolves, they barely managed to get away with their lives but as a result they were heavily wounded. With the closest hospital being on the other side of the Everfree in Ponyville and not having enough supplies to go around it they had no choice but to go through the Everfree. It took them one week to get through it compared to the three weeks to go around it, but half of their group had either succumbed to their wounds or were picked off by the predators of the Everfree. Sea Breeze and the two other unicorns got a nasty case of Horn Rot due to the overuse of their horns in the Everfree, and as a result of that can no longer use her magic. Once the survivors had their wounds healed they all agreed to go their separate ways. With Najee dead, and the group split apart she went to Canterlot and began to sell her potions.

Reasons for Joining: She knows just how bad the monster attacks can get and how common they are and feels like Celestia and her guard doesn't do enough to deal with it. After hearing rumors of how Luna and her new Lunar guard were going to put a end to the monster attacks, she packed up shop and decided to join up.

Various: Sea Breeze is highly superstitious, and will throw in her thoughts on the current situation even if it wasn't asked for. Due to her traveling she knows two different languages one of which is Zebrica. She absolutely despises ponies making comments on her horn and has gotten into many fights over them making fun of it, which ended up with the guard forcing her to give a antidote to whatever type of infliction she caused her opponent

Name: Phantomquill
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Griffin
Cutie Mark/Talent: Scouting and survivalist. Hand to hand combat.
Description: Black with green tipped feathers. Navy blue fur. Unable to speak because of scar on her neck near the larynx (voice box). Blue eye's. Wing span above average for a griffin.
Character: Never backs down from a challenge if and when she knows she can win. Prefer's the night over day.
Backstory: Used to be part of a joint pony/griffin scouting party of six until a tatzlwurm came around and killed off two, crippled another three and left Phantomquill unable to speak after escaping it.
Reason for Joining: Her family has been in the military for ten generations and feels like this will give her chance at redemption.
Various: Has a pair of goggles on her at all times. The goggles are black with tinted safety glass to make her less visible in the dark.

Comment posted by loveless2012 deleted Jan 16th, 2017

Times like this i wish i was more creative. Love the story so will offer what i can. based on others submissions we could use a earth pony with blacksmithing or construction related. perhaps saw luna and reigan injuries after the water beast and wishes to armor them. Luna had a heck of a piece missing afterall. A builder may also be able to use reigans knowledge to help fabricate new things. Flamethrower, electricity, even morse code via radio is possible with spark generator. Crude non audio radios are also possible with just wire and electricity and magnets.

Name. Ghost Reaper
Age. 21
Gender. Male
Race. Bat pony
Description. Black pelt with a red and white mane Mohawk. His eyes are silver.
Cutie Mark/Talent. Reaper's cutie mark is that of a scythe which shows that professionalist scythes and other long range blade weapons.
Backstory. Reaper was one of the few bat ponies whose family wasn't captured and kill by the solar guard after the war between celestia and nightmare moon. He grew up in isolation with his parents and later started to show proficiency with long ranged blade weapons. He also later learn he was a shadow walker. A rare form of bat pony that can use shadows to travel quickly.
Reason for joining. He believe Luna could help protect the bat ponies and help them get reintroduced to pony society and get them rights. So he took his scythe and made his way to canterlot to join the lunar guard
Various. Reaper's scythe name is nightmare. He also keeps a katana named joy. They are named after the type of dreams he has.
Character. He is slow to trust and very critical thinking about people. He can also be kinda of a smartass at times. He is very loyal and will stop if order or if he dies.

Dear mom and dad.

I have just learned that princess Luna has returned and is looking for able soldiers to join her lunar guard. I am leaving to request the ability to join so that I may try to help what is left our race be reintegrated thy e newer pony society. I am sorry but I must try for the improvement and chance of survival of our race. By the time you read this I will have already be gone. Goodbye.

Singed your son
Ghost Reaper

name: Low Key

age: 23

gender: Male

race: Hippogriff

description:Large with brown feathers with a yellow crest, pony half is black with black cropped tail.

Cutie Mark/Talent: Wilderness survival, lockpicking/lockmaking, and hunting(not sure if Hippogriffs can get cutie marks but it would be padlock if anything)

Character: Very prideful, very respectful of others if show respect in kind. Is very loyal to those who gain his respect. Very mischievous if angered.

Backstory: Raised in a interspecies household with a griffin mother and unicorn father, Low Key grew in culturally rich house hold. His mother taught him to hunt, fight, and survive in the wild and how to act arround griffins while his father taught him his locksmithing craft and proper pony etiquette. After his parents deaths a couple of years ago he moved to Baltimare to work as a fisher and the occasional locksmith jobs.

Reason for Joining: After the death of the Leviathan's death in the Baltmare Bay the fishing business was shot, while his locksmithing jobs paid well they were few and far between. Remembering how his mother and father told him of their military service he decided it was time to leave Baltimare and continue his families legacy. After witnessing the lunar princess and her knights victory he felt it was right to join their cause.

Various: Low crops his tail due to a brief stint as a farmhand and he grew to like it short. He enjoys puzzles of all shapes and sizes. Foxes are his favorite animal and has never killed one because of this. His mother would always call him by his full name(Low key= Loki) since it reminded her of home.

Comment posted by Caesar Salad deleted Jan 16th, 2017

Name. Blank Slate

Age. 19

Gender. Male

Race. Pegasus/Thestral crossbreed

Description. White coat, steel gray mane, left wing is a regular pegasus wing the right is the wing of a thestral, Cyan colored eyes, ears have slight tufts of hair at the tips but not as much as a normal thestral.

Cutie Mark/Talent. Blank Slates cutie mark is one that is depicted as a blank white square, some have assumed that he is blank flank as it can be missed if one does not look. It represents his willingness to work in multiple jobs, while not an expert at said jobs, he can get the job done. Provided that he is properly equipped.

Character. While he is not anti-social, he tends to keep to himself while maintaining a blank look on his face. However, once he opens up, many are surprised how pleasant he is to be around. He is also not afraid to volunteer for any job that may come across his plate. While he prefers to just “get the job done” he can be patient and observe a situation before taking action. Blank will do whatever is asked of him, but if there is a task that seems redundant he will most likely skip it unless asked by a superior to do it. Hard to anger

Backstory. During his life, Blank has often been ridiculed for having “defects” in his wings and had taken up wearing a vest to keep them concealed. Originally from Vanhoover, Blank has travelled between many cities finding and doing any job he can find, as long as they don't force him to take off his vest and expose his wings. Throughout it all he has never really found a group that he felt like he belonged either because they shared different interests or found him dissatisfying for various “reasons”. He was at Baltimore during the leviathan incident hoping to score a job at the docks, and got caught up in the panic at the docks. It was then he saw a Lunar Guard for the first time. It appeared to be what looked like a pegasus mare,lacking all but the stumps of her wings, giving out orders to evacuate the port. At that moment he thought if they took in a pegasus lacking wings surely they could have a place for him.
Reason for joining. He is simply looking for purpose and a group that will accept him and end the loneliness. Also healthcare, free food and housing.

Various. Allergic to bananas .

Hope this guy helps, he's a half-assed thought up OC of mine back when I had a few buds wanting a - and I quote - "Unique" character in their group.

Name. Midnight Hammer

Age. 28

Gender. Male

Race. Kirin (Dragon/Pony Hybrid)

Description. Midnight is of a large stature, bordering the limits of what it means to be considered a "pony" in both height and appearance. Standing on all fours at an astounding '5"5 inches tall, those that have seen him clearly think he's something else. That on its own may be attributed to his dragonic heritage. A leaf green coat dominates the stallion's body, from head to tail, save for the strange pattern his fur seems to take on - namely, what may be considered as scales. A wild mane of orchid-colored hair cascades down from the stallion's head, flowing like the flickering flames of a withering campfire. Two brilliant hues of gold sit on the stallion's rugged features, their slitted pupils reminiscent of the thestral guards under the Mistress of the night. Above a pair of pink eyebrows sits a gnarled, broken horn. Unlike a unicorns, which basic use is for magic, Midnight's was seen as a symbol of his heritage and strength. Much like an actual dragon, horns are considered a form of masculinity and power among male drakes and most likely a weapon to gore others upon. The broken thing atop Midnight's head was certainly something used in combat, if the blade-like shape it held was an indication. How he lost 3/4th's of it however is a mystery. Now it simply sits upon his crest like the hilt of a broken sword. Furled against his girth-some withers are a pair of leathery bat-like wings easily twice his size. When unfurled, each wing nearly extends 3.5 meters in length. Strong enough for him to launch himself off the ground whilst stationary. Nearing his flank, a long scale-riddled serpentine-like tail extends outward, extending a good foot or so longer than he is tall. Thin green fur seems to sprout in between the brilliant jade-colored scales of his dragon tail, ending in what could only be considered as an organic mace. The end of his tail ends in a bulbous knot of flesh, which from said tail tip extends a good array of thorny bones. The length of each of course differs here and there, but it certainly seems quite dangerous.

Cutie Mark/Talent. Midnight's Cutie Mark is a hammer and anvil with a dark backdrop. His talent of course is metalworking, more specifically in the weapons and armor section, but that doesn't mean he can't craft/mend anything else! After all, living in Griffonstone most of your life, you'd learn a thing or two from griffins who seem to admire the concept of war.

Character. Midnight is a generally quiet individual, instead suiting to watch and listen. That doesn't mean he cannot speak however, it's just that prefers not too, unless spoken to directly. He's a pony watcher, as some would call it. You can learn quite a lot from watching somepony after all, from mannerisms to small quirks. It's all quite amusing at times. To those he gets to know extensively, he's not that bad of a pony. A little more on the serious side sadly, but he knows how to relax and have fun and isn't afraid to "Get down and dirty." interpret that however you want.

Backstory. A strange inhabitant of Griffinstone, this strange hybrid of a pony was a taken in by an old Griffon by of the name of Nereus. 'Course, he wasn't taken in for free. He was taken as a apprentice by the old coot helping him fix and craft all things metal to make a living. Folks around Griffinstone didn't quite like him, save for his caretaker and even then that might've been somewhat of a stretch. He was a lot more cheerful as a foal, more expressive than most would've liked in Griffinstone. That easily changed with time, melding his expressive muzzle into an almost permanent stoicism. Could've been the the scraps he got in as a foal, or even perhaps the way those griffons talked about him behind his back, but It had a gradual effect on him. For better or worse, who knows? He was for a time stuck in a routine: Fix this, craft that, etc. It wasn't until his twenty-first birthday that he felt something needed to change. Of course, Nereus by that was much more brittle than he used to be, but still a tough bastard nonetheless. Nereus wasn't a rather emotional person, so the goodbye itself felt a little hollow, but Midnight knew that's just how the place was. For a good seven years, Midnight traveled the world, taking on jobs here and there just to make ends meet. It wasn't until he found an odd curiosity in the work of mercenary's that he gained a taste of a better life. Perhaps it was the boiling blood of his draconic ancestors in his veins that yearned for battle, the euphoric ecstasy pumping through his heart at the moment just before a kill, but he found it easy to take another creatures life when it meant surviving. He was surprisingly good at killing and it helped him secure a lasting relationship with the Steelbane for seven years. Until that is, Princess Luna had returned. Now, he looks to join the night guard, for his admiration for the night is boundless.

Reason for Joining. As an Advent lover of the night, who wouldn't want to serve under the very princess who controlled it? It would certainly put some form of meaning into the young stallion unlike his years as a mercenary. From working for pay to working for a purpose. A better change in his perspective, if anything.


-Although Midnight has a pair of wings and a horn, his internal magic is very weak, surprisingly so in fact. The reason being that his dragon blood, much like dragons themselves have a resilience to magic in general. To make up for this, he had to become much stronger, so that he could efficiently keep himself aloft in the air. Unlike the comically small wings pegasi have, his wings are much more realistic in terms of flight, in that muscle shows results.

-The broken horn on his head resembles the one Sombra had, although of course, no magic. This is purely used for combat, but due to it's nature currently, it's quite useless.

-Midnight is able to breathe fire like a dragon, albeit not as much as an actual dragon, even for a drake, who can spew a continuous stream of fire for as long as they can exhale. Midnight can achieve this stream of fire, in quite a large cone as well, but it usually leaves him exhausted and hungry. The reason being of course, is what he calls the fire bladder. An organ which stores the fats ingested and turns it into an oily substance called Foua. When exposed to oxygen, it sparks into flame much like a chemical reaction. Exhaling of course gives the infamous stream of flame. However, one can shoot gouts of flame, much like a fireball, but this requires Midnight to literally hock a chunk of the substance at enemies, effectively turning it into a small ball of napalm at best.

-Due to Midnight's line of work, he's gotten quite a collection of small and large scars along his body, as well as small holes or tears in his expansive wings.

-Midnight is an omnivore.

-Midnight has a budding drinking problem.

-Although a kirin, Midnight does not take any inspiration from eastern-style dragons, but more so on western ones.

-Ironically, Midnight is adept at using a large two-hoofed hammer.

-ALSO! Meat is the best food. Carnivores4lyfe

"So, you're leaving the SteelBane for good, huh?" Asked an aged stallion, his mane graying much like his once vibrant orange coat.

"Yea." Simple, short and straight to the point. That was Midnight.

"Tell 'em Sandy Spur sent ya', otherwise they'll think 'yer green behind the ears." A grin nearly split those orange cheeks of his, a small wink thrown into the mix. It nearly made Midnight smile, with the memories the two had, but sometimes you just gotta move forward.

Hmmm... let me think about it.

Name: Red Dawn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus

Description: Light red, but dark enough not to be mistaken as pink, with a white mane that he try's to keep short, but occasionally lets grow out. Tall for a pony, though not so tall as to rival Princess Luna or her sister, but just enough to overshoot Big Macs height. On the thinner side, but with enough muscle to generally take care of himself. His wings are very sleek, allowing him to glide along air currents faster than many others of his race, though Rainbow could probably beat him quite easily.

Cutie Mark/Talent: His mark is and crossed fork and knife, symbolizing etiquette, which he uses in his workplace and to smooth things over with those he meets and talks to.

Character: A smooth talker and natural flirt, though he doesn't realize it. Dawn has gotten into trouble plenty of times with other stallions by being too friendly with their mare friends without realizing what the issue was, even after it has been resolved. He tries to be friendly to every pony he meets but can also be very cold to those he feels have deserved it. Often described as distant, he can easily stay silent and lost in his own thoughts when by himself or if a group loses his interest. All except the closest to him would say he is a kind and gentle pony but when his temper flares, he has the habit of lashing out with words. When pushed much further, he has physically attacked objects in these rage moments, the objects aren't normally in working condition after the fit. Although, he has never attacked another living creature. Dawn harshly criticizes himself whenever he has an 'episode' as he calls it, since they happen so rarely that he feels he should just be able to control it. Fiercely loyal to his closest friends and colleagues, though he try's not to show it outright as some may take advantage and abuse that loyalty. Try's to think out every possible outcome in a situation before making a choice, though this has led to self doubt issues that often plague him when making big decisions. Dawn is able to hide his emotions well under most any circumstances, though occasionally he fails tremendously in doing that, which leads to uncomfortable situations.

Back Story: Born and raised in an out of the way village, his name comes from his red coat and that he was born at dawn. As soon as he was able, he left his village and moved to Cantorlot, as he was bored of the same day to day, becoming a server at a low end restaurant. His co workers quickly noted his polite yet sarcastic manner, being able to work with some of the stingiest customers they would see, and still get a decent tip.

Reasons for Joining: After Princess Luna's return, most notably the formation of the Lunar Guard at the arena, he found himself very interested in her and Raegdan. Actually finding himself in awe at Raegdans utter brutality, though admittedly a little unsettled as well. As time went on he found himself more intrigued by the pair and their followers as news of their deeds slowly made its way back to Cantorlot. He eventually decided that he would drop everything and do whatever it takes to join and to be a part of such and elite group, if they ever returned to Cantorlot.

Various: Has a few scars here and there from accidents as a young colt, most notably a small one that stretches across his maneline on his forehead.

Name: Fast Track
Age: youngish
Gender: female
Race: pegasus
Description: mottled light blue with white spots
Cutie Mark/Talent: A curved arrow. Fast Track's talent is to see where she would shine best
Character: Fast Track is always on the lookout to get ahead, whether it's in a race, her professional career or in life. This doesn't always make her the friendliest of ponies and it has caused her problems in the past, but her ambition is to succeed at whatever she endeavours has also led to her excelling where others would falter.
Backstory: hailing from a podunk no-name town that she refuses to acknowledge for fear that it's obscurity would somehow infect her, Fast Track took the first opportunity to leave. She tried to join Celestia's Royal Guard, as it seemed the best way to both familiarise and ingratiate herself with the court and politics in general, but she was refused admittance due to her selfish tendencies. She has since then tried a variety of other jobs, but while her work has often been exemplary she has nevertheless caused problems by not cooperating well with others.
Reason for joining: To advance her cause, and to show everypony her worth.

Name. Shadow Frost




Description. Coat Color:midnight black 3 claw marks on my right side

Mane Color:Snow White

Eye Color:dark green Scar over right eye

Cutie Mark/Talent. Manticore claw

Character. :Very loyal, observant and cautious but very friendly and very protective to friends, can be down right scary if he has to be.

Backstory. I lost my family when i was a foal and was raised by a Manticore, i don't know why she toke me in. I learned a lot of the different things from the Manticore, I learn how to hunt even though i don't eat meat, it does not matter what Species you are and how to fight. I learned magic by accident i was in the middle of running way from some creature i don't know it was but it was big. Then i came to a blocked path i had no where to run to I was trapped. I made a loud roar hopping that the Manticore could hear me. The Manticore found me I was happy hoping together we can beat it but i got cocky it hit me with one of it big paws leaving 3 claw marks on my right side, i got sent flying into a stone wall I black out. I woke up the first thing i seen was the Manticore she was using her body protecting me. She was all mess up missing patches of fur cuts all around her body i got up i was angry at myself for being cocky and angry at the creature for doing this to her i did not notice my horn glowing, I ran at the creature my front hooves collided with the creature I kept hitting and hitting it i did not stop till i was getting tried , the creature was down it was dead i look at my hooves had a black like blade of ice on it. I calmed down the blade of ice cracked and felled off my hoof i went to the Manticore I nuzzled her she looked at me she said she was dyeing but she was happy that she could protect her little Shadow Frost. I sat down next to her crying she said don't cry when you look at the stars in the the night sky i will be up there watching you , she then said where a village of Ponies was. I walked alone to the village, I made to the edge of the forest where i past out ,I woke up in some house and met a Unicorn by the name of Twilight Memory she healed me up and took me in and raise me.

Reason for joining. The Lunar Guard is headed by Princess Luna and the less known Raegdan, who haven't exactly have the best PR. Why did your OC join nevertheless? I was a monster hunter when I learned about the Lunar Guard, I like the night and when I heard about Raegdan will to do anything to anyone who hurt someone he cares about I felt that is someone i could trust to get things done unlike the Royal Guards who will use there power for themselves and only help the nobles.

Various. Things that might not fit in the other categories. Maybe a few tricks they know, injuries, articles of clothing they like to stick with, accents. Ice magic, can talk to animals, hunting, tracking, knowledge of plants, basic medical training, studies Astronomy, wears Manticore's fang necklace.

I expect Union Regulations to be observed, ne?

Name. Sunrise Storm

Age. 25

Gender. Female

Race. Earthpony

Description. Sunrise has a light tan colored coat, with a short, brown mane that fades ever so slightly at the ends and stands about half a head taller than the average earthpony; she possesses a pair of piercing blue, almost crystalline, eyes.

Cutie Mark/Talent. A sword, blade facing downwards, with a detective's hat hung on the hilt.

Character. A rather analytically frank and pragmatic pony, Sunrise believes that a life well lived is centered around benefiting society in an impactful manner; for her, that meant getting out of the highlife of Baltimare and enlisting in the Royal Guard at 20. Normally cordial and friendly around civilians and strangers, her more deadpan and straightforward approach to life tends to show when around her colleagues and friends. (As a psychological side note, Sunrise is prone to obsession when it comes to matters of unresolved justice after a prolonged period of focus on a single case, as well as being known to take things into her own hooves if she feels the system has failed in some way.)

Backstory. Born into one of the few noble Houses still residing in Baltimare, Sunrise Storm was the middle of three; she and her younger brother, a pegasis, were the only non-Unicorns of her family. Unfortunately, this meant she and her younger brother were ostracized by the majority of her family, extended and otherwise, for being non-Unicorn. At the age of twenty, Sunrise left Baltimare and enlisted in the Royal Guard with her younger brother; after basic, her younger brother was assigned guard duty over their family back in Baltimare, while she had the opportunity for further training as a Royal Detective. During her training, an assassination was successfully pulled off against her House, killing her brother and the rest of her family; she graduated not long after and was denied her request to join the investigation. So, for three years, Sunrise did her own investigation while also taking formal cases; she became known for her cold efficiency and ruthless behavior towards both suspects and convicts alike. Her methods were often called into question and she was reprimanded many times by her superiors, but none could deny her results; eventually, Sunrise resigned from the Detectives and the Guard altogether, choosing instead to search for her brother's killer fulltime.

Reason for joining. Having spent the last two years fruitlessly searching for her brother's and House's killer, Sunrise Storm believes joining the ranks of the Lunar Guard may yield some new lead she's overlooked thus far.

Various. Various small scars adorn her body, mostly from close calls during her short time with the Royal Guard, but are often covered by her armor or any clothing she wears.

I'll be back to this tomorrow. I have to sleep for now and it will give me time to make a fully fleshed out character idea, all I have for now is a biped.

I've got some good ideas for this one, but I am a bit tired. I'll be back tomorrow, but do you require we write this in your exact format? I'd like to modify it to allow for public/private traits.... That is character traits that are visible to all, and character traits that few if any know, even the character might not know

4384632 No worries, add on or makes changes as you need. That's an example of how to do things, not a holy scripture :raritywink:.

Name: Trailblazer

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Description: Taller than average, with a lean and muscular build, and a royal blue coat. Crimson eyes, and a windswept mane of dark orange with yellow highlights

Cutie Mark/Talent: A Flaming Arrow

Character:Blaze streak is a brash and somewhat cocky individual, but that mainly comes from his time on the streets. Years of having to survive what he can find or get off others has led to him usually acting confident in order to get by with little trouble. He's also a fast talker, and knows how to say the right thing in order to make sure he gets what he needs. Because of these street smarts he's picked up, he's usually a lot more aware of what's going on around him, and he's remarkably perceptive. However, his time on the streets have also had a negative effect on him. He can be a little paranoid because of his upbringing, and has a hard time trusting other ponies. He often deflects others with biting sarcasm or dry humour, and he's more often than not sceptical of most things.

Backstory: Trailblazer didn't know either of his parents, having abandoned when he was just a foal. Growing up on the mean streets of Detrot, Blaze quickly found himself doing all he could to survive, including pickpocketing and theft. When he was a teen, he encountered a younger foal trying to pickpocket him, but making a clumsy job of it. Blaze was all ready to beat the kid down, as he had been done to him many times, until he saw the look of fear and desperation in the young colt's eyes. This colt was just as clueless and scared as he was when he was starting out. Blaze didn't have it in him, so he instead took the colt in and began training him in how to be a better pickpocket. Soon enough,he was running his own thieves gang throughout the city. Their crime spree soon got the attention of Princess Celestia, who personally went down to Detrot herself along with the Royal Guard to stop it. Imagine her surprise when all they found of the notorious group of thieves was a group of young colts and fillies, with one brave young stallion fighting off multiple guards to protect them. Although Blaze was eventually subdued by the older and stronger guards, Celestia saw the compassion and courage that he showed in taking care of all the younger ponies. Instead of sending him to prison. She instead offered him a position of training to be part of the Royal Army. Blaze agreed on the condition that the colts and fillies he had took were taken care of, to which she heartily agreed.

Reason for joining: Trailblazer has spent 2 years training in the Royal Guard, during which he's had to deal with many of his fellow guards distrusting him as a former criminal. He decided to apply for the Lunar Guard in order to start somewhat fresh, since he was pretty sure The Solar Guard were naver going to let him in.

Various: Trailblazer specialises in archery and fire magic, as well as having an innate magic ability to find his way wherever he goes, and ts lost. As such he's become especially good at scouting ahead on training exercises.

Name: Flaming Hat A.K.A. The mad magician( Due to his excessive use of non magic controlled fire in his tricks)

Real name: Fire Dust ( All records of said name were lost due to a mysterious fire that only burned the orphan files in the orphanage)(Said fire happened soon after he got his cutie mark)

Age: 30

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Male(Could be Female since the 2 characteristics are magic and deception)

Cutie mark: A top hat on fire (He actually caries a worn out top hat that hides his horn that looks like that hat)

Description: Grey fur( Actually dark orange but its really dusty all the time) Dark mane/tail(But he uses magic to make it look fiery since it helped distract his audience from him robing them)

Character: Very rude but usually wont start anything unless you get in his business, He is also secretive about everything he does and is decently good at changing the subject or deflecting questions.

Backstory: Orphaned young due to his parents not wanting him he grew up in a Horseshoebay orphanage. One day as a foal he found his top hat in the dumpster took it as it made him feel like those rich snobs that had bits to spare. He later discovered that he had a knack for slight of hoof and made a name for himself as a traveling show pony.(Pretending to do magic tricks while doing slight of hand and simultaneously robbing ponies blind).
He gives a small amount of what he steals to orphanages but doesn't want anyone to know since if the guard knew they might take the money from the orphanages or shut the places down .(At least that's what he thinks)

Reason for joining the guard: With the high demand for new guards he figured he could weasel his way in with a bribe or two and once inside can rob the princesses blind of their precious vases and silverwear while on the job and more than make up for his losses. (His plan was to steel enough from the castle so he could retire and live his life in luxury like the snobs of canterlot)

Name: Raven Moon

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Wolf (Sub Species of Diamond Dog)

Description: Black fur with Silver trible mark on forehead going down to in between his eyes. Streak of silver runs down his back. Average but athletic build. Raven's eyes are a piecing ice blue and stands like a Diamond Dog. Wears dark blue pants with a dirty white shirt and a dark dirty and torn hooded cloak.

Talent: Stealthy, quick on his feet/paws, knows parkor, tough, can take a beating and can handle torture, heightened senses and has light fingers.

Character: Loyal but likes to work and sit alone, antisocial. Doesn't take shit from anyone even Raegdan, Luna and Celestia. But willing to follow orders as long as the plan doesn't badly affect anyone permanently or gets them killed. Likes to know details before jumping into something dangerous. And he absolutely hates it when someone calls him a dog or a mutt.

Backstory: Grew up in the slums of the Diamond Dog kingdom. Made a rough living stealing from the rich Diamond Dogs and tourists. All the money went to support some of his friends and neighbours. But mostly for his family of four younger brothers and sisters (three female and one male) and sick mother. His dad died in the Diamond Dog mines three years ago due to a cave in, which is the result of his need to know what's going on before jumping in. Wolves are normally looked down upon by Diamond Dogs. So this makes it hard to find work and why many wolves live in the slums. And if seen on the streets many Dogs would take pleasure in beating the tar out of wolves. If any wolves were to fight back. The Diamond Dogs just have to cry help and guards would come running. And when captured the wolves are deemed feral. Then sentenced to death ASAP. One day while Raven was out gathering food and money. There was an order for a purge of the wolves in the slums to decrease their population. When Raven returned he found his home burned down and his family lying dead in the mud in front of his home.

Reasons for Joining: Overheard from some ponies about the Luna Guard recruiting. Also hears that they're a bunch of misfits and monster's. So Raven figures he'd fit right in and decides to join. He knows of the dangers but he has no home or money. Also no one left to call family or care about him.

Various: Has a few scars hidden beneath his fur from taking beatings from Diamond Dogs. There's a large one going down his side from being stabbed by a knife. There are a few small ones on his chest and back from being pelted by rocks. Prefers clothing that's functional and light. Nothing that makes him stand out.

"And make it easier for those butt sniffing flea bags? Ha! The only time I'll allow myself to die, is if someone has the stones to put me down!" Raven challenged while getting into Raegdan's face while bearing his teeth almost as if he was hungry for a fight.

Name: Iron Forge
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Build: Bigger than average
Fur: Olive green
Mane and tail: Short Cut, Charcoal
Eye colour: Teal
Cutie Mark: An orange tipped tong and hammer resting on a black anvil
Residence: Canterlot lower district

Early life: Iron Forge grew up in the lower districts of Canterlot, as a Colt he always got bullied by rich unicorn foals in school and in the streets. Because of this upbringing he dislikes unicorns in general. When he came of age he joined the black smith business, and he took a liking to forging weapons. He often practice with all sorts of weapons in the smith in his spare time.

Reason of joining: After years of the same work routine he got bored of the smith business, so he decided to join the local guard and use his built up skills for the betterment of society. One day he heard about the formation of the Lunar Guard and the stories of its fearsome biped and Princess. He then joined the Lunar Guard to put his skills to use.

Personality: Iron Forge is loyal to his friends and comrades, he tries to lighten up the mood whenever he can usually with witty comments. He will often take the blow for them or even take the blame for their wrong doings. But he doesn't take betrayal well and won't stop until he gets his revenge, usually involving public humiliation. Not to mention he's very vocal with colourful language and tends to hold grudges.
Often being bullied by unicorns in his youth, Iron cares little for unicorns and rather stick with Earth Ponies and Pegasi. When he has free time Iron will either spar to keep his skills sharp, or sometimes go to the local taverns with the few friends he has.

Various: Iron favours claymores for range their large blades provide.

Being a bigger than average pony Iron can take more punishment than your average pony, but is less mobile as a result.

Irons favourite drink are old types of ale.

Iron tends to wear a long grey trench coat that covers most of his body.

Iron has long scar stretching from his right cheek past eye to the middle of his forehead, he got in a hectic bar fight one year ago.

He likes medieval South Eastern European music

Scenario: Iron Forge took another swig from his mug as he sat on the on stool in the lively tavern that smelt of alcohol, fried food and sweat. He looked around the tavern eyeing all the rich unicorns with disgust, seeing that his mug was empty he turned to the bar keep. “Hey can I have another mate?”

The bar keep nodded and gave him another. As Iron took another sip he could hear some ruckus behind him. A young Earth Pony mare was getting harassed by a bunch of unicorns, and she looked frightened in her position. The unicorns looked like spoiled nobles living off their parents riches.

With his hate of unicorns getting to better of him he left the stool and approached the nobles with malice in his eyes. “Oi you bloody horn headed mongrels!” He shouted to the group “Can't you see the young mare ain't interested in you pricks,” The room fell silent, all heads in the tavern turned to him as he continued. “You runts better leaver her alone, or you all are going to gripping your nut bag and be twitching on the floor very soon.”

One of the unicorns, one who looked the oldest of the group stood up and glared at Iron. “Oh yeah you filthy mud pony, do you know who I am?” He questioned in a typical Canterlot pompous tone.

“No and I don't give rats arse!” Iron fired back, anger building up from the way the unicorn spoke. The crowd began to shout “fight, fight, fight!"

“Yeah come on, you can easily topple this mud pony,” one of the unicorns underlings shouted.

Before the leader could respond Iron grabbed one of the mugs of the table and smashed it across the unicorns face, he then turned to the bar tender. “Put this on my tab?” He shouted. The bar tender only gave a nod. Then the fight broke out.

Name: Stone Mason

Age: 23

Gender: M

Race: Minotaur

Description: Grey Fur as primary; Short, purposefully stubbed horns; Brown eyes; Traditional
Minos Tribal tats adorning his arms.

Cutie Mark/Talent: He is good with stone working and building.

Character: Is a hot-headed, and competitive braggart when it comes to competition (also a sore loser), but will mind his manners in any other situation. For instance, if he were to play horse-shoes, he would be loud, and profane. If you put him in a war room however, he would stay silent not butting-in or speaking unless spoken too. He is also fairly stoic when unnexcited, not showing unhappiness or emotion in general. A mosh of different personality traits, but I hope it provides enough for you to work with.

Backstory: Stoney is from a small village in the western portion of Minos, named Azdagva (Ah-z-dag-vah). Before signing up for the Lunar Guard, Mason served in the Militia of his hometown, until it got raided. The raid was generally his fault, for he decided to try to woo some lass, taking her far from the town to "get it on". When he returned the village had been burned, and the few survivor banished him, forcing him to leave in shame. After that he traveled to the capital of Minos, with the goal of education, but his own education was too limited, and his pockets were too empty for any school to allow him enrollment. So he traveled on, taking on odd jobs to scrape by with what litttle he had available.

Reason for joining: When Stone heard of The Lunar Guard, an idea of redemption snuck its way into his head, and now he remains convinced that The Lunar Guard is his only way of perhaps being allowed home. Being from a small town, he hasn't heard any of the rumors surrounding The Lunar Guard, so he's blissfully unaware of what he's signing up for. Plus, a stable sallary and guarenteed meals are nice bonuses.

Various: He wears the missing parts of his stubbed horns on a necklace, as is custom, to display his shame. Another part of his shame means that he must remain chaste. Also, in his travels, Stone Mason learned minor wilderness survival skills, and due to his poor education, remains a jack of all trades, not quite specializing in anything. Has a gruff, thick Minotauran (I'd imagine its similar to scottish) accent.

Dialogue: "Hah! You call that a throw, do ya lassie? If thats a throw, then I must be launchin' my Horseshoes to the bloody moon!" or "You got to eat your meat, if you want to hav any puddin'! How can you have any puddin', if you don't eat your meat!" (please get the reference), and finally "What the hell is "Morning Star"? We call them "Maces" where I'm from." To otherwise demonstrate Mason in his calm state, just imagine a normal conversation with anyone ever.

I hope this is enough to work with, if you need me to expand at all I can. Thank you for this oppurtunity. :D

Name. Gene Split (was called Grey as a slave)
Age. 57
Gender. Male
Race. Unicorn/Hippogriff

Description. Unicorn head, feathered back and tail, eagle like forelegs, back half equine with feathered patches. Most the fur on his body is a light grey, but there are a few pinkish patches on his chest. His feathers have the same pale pink as the patches on his chest, but are twisted and useless for flight. Contrast to the dull colors of his feathers and fur, has eyes are a vibrant amber color. the right eye has a few pink streaks in it, coming out from the bottom center going almost half way across the iris. Similar to a griffon, he has 6 canine teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom) and a few molars in the very back, but the rest of his teeth are tapered incisors. His left foreleg is bulkier then the right and denser in all aspects the right one. He has a small brand of a bird holding a pine branch on his lower neck.

Cutie Mark/Talent. His talent is for biotransmutation, and he has used it in both medical and cosmetic/survival trait alteration. The Cutie mark is a short double Helix with three connecting base pairs and two broken pairs pointing outwards instead of inward.

Character. Though free from his early past, he has had several trait literally beaten into him. He prefers to keep quiet unless spoken to or feeling he has something to offer, and is quick to submit to his superior's demands. Also thanks to his past as a slave and the deprivation of education it brought, he has a near insatiable hunger for knowledge and power, so that he may never be subjugated against his will again. Past events have left him with a few phobias; Monophobia, Thalassophobia, and Claustrophobia. He developed his Monophobia upon realizing just how easy it would be to die or be taken when alone. This has led to a strong preference to be close to others and he becomes increasingly agitated when alone, eventually leading into a state where sudden loud sounds or movement at the edge of his vision can trigger a panic attack. During which he will make strangled gurgling noises in an effort to stay quiet and not cry out.

While he can find it difficult to trust new people, once he has built a bond of trust with a person he holds a fierce loyalty to them, for anybody willing to become friends with him is precious and must be protected. Due to his experience with the Zebrabwean elders he feels a sense of comfort around older mares, and finds them easier to talk to. While finding dishonesty, intimidation, and other negative means distasteful, he recognizes them as tools to be used. The same goes for questionable magics; while he doesn't know much about them, he sees necromancy and other such magics as tools like any other. No tool is inherently good or evil, and the amount of harm or help that comes of them is entirely dependent on the wielder.

Backstory. Originally from Greyveile, a large settlement on the southern end of the continent west of Equestria, he was born into slavery and was branded with the mark of his owner. For years he was a kept as a trophy because of his rare breeding and bizarre visual traits. After an escaped attempt that ended in failure, he was forced to fight other slaves in the hope that he would die and get stuffed. After a later attempt to escape which ended in success, he was forced to flee the continent due to his status as a slave and stowed away on a trade ship heading east. The Ship however was caught in a storm in Seadragon Deep, and he was thrown off ship when the boxes of cargo (dried fruits unique to his country of birth) he had been hiding in broke free and tumbled into the sea. Dragged along by the currents, he washed up in Zebrabwe. He was found sick and dehydrated by a group of zebras and was nursed back to health. He spent years with the zebra tribes learning to read, write, heal, protect, craft, and cast magic as the zebra do. After learning of the magic ponies in the north held he decided to travel to Equestria to further improve his abilities. Although mostly shunned for his alien appearance, he had managed to find a few kind mages who would teach him the art of unicorn magics. In his mid-thirties he found yet another teacher in the form of a doctor specializing in healing magic. As he learned healing magics, the doctor learned what he could about the bodies of hippogriffs. During this time he discovered his own fascination with the physical body, and began to use his knowledge of healing magic and scrying to look further into his own body and others. Upon discovering the various functions of what made his body, and the small 'cells' that he was made of he figured out a way to slow his aging, as well as the cutie mark he had been uncertain of ever getting.

Reason for joining. After hearing from a pair of off-duty solar guards that a lunar guard was forming, but was likely to end in ruin due to no sane pony wanting to work for nightmare moon, and that everybody in it was either a monster or insane, he finds an opportunity to study magics and skills currently unknown to him. Also unable to find reliable work in any environment that may have children or weak willed ponies due to his 'offending' appearance, he finds that joining the lunar guard will be his best chance at having a normal job and earning his place in the world.

Various. Combining his knowledge of Equestrian and Zebrabwean magic, he has taken to writing several magical tomes for his more complicated spellcasting. He has found that while Biomancy has many potentially wondrous possibilities, many of them are far to complex to be reliably cast by mortals while still retaining a diverse arsenal of spells. So combining the advanced spellcrafting of modern Equestria, the spell runes used in Zebra rituals and totems, and the old tradition of keeping spellbooks for quick reference, he has been able to write out spell scripts that can act as a perfectly cast spell, they need only a source of power and a conduit to work through. He also speaks Equestian Common, as well as 3 out of 16 Zebrabwean languages fluently, though he can only read and write Equestrian and Shoneigh. Along with his tomes, he has a necklace with several different claws, teeth, and stones hanging from it, three carved bone quills, a pair of think gold hoop earrings, a single earring on his left ear made of a few of his feathers bound together with several long, black and white hairs from the mane of his Zebrabwean teacher's mane (symbolizing their bond and loyalty to each other), and a blessed dreamcatcher enchanted to hover over a sleeping individual's head while they sleep.

Gene sat in the back of a quiet bar sipping at a mild ale. He had earned three free beers for curing the bar owner's daughter of the feather flu. He had asked if he could stick around for the afternoon to write in relative peace, and the owner agreed. She told him to stay as long as he wanted, and that she had let slip that he was a dear friend to one of the rowdier patrons to make him settle down. Speaking of, she was approaching with his last free beer.
The bar owner was an well aged pegasus mare, likely in her late sixties. She had a neat braided mane and tail, both were surprisingly thick, and were a light green in color. Her pelt was a wonderful pale yellow that edged itself towards the orange, and had white dapples on her further asset. Her eyes were lively despite her approximate age, and shown with an amber mirth much like his own eyes. Her cutie mark was a wooden flagon with an Amber oval- same color as her eyes- sticking out of the top.
"I'd like to apologize for using your appearance to cow that guy like that," she said with a guilty frown. "It was rude of me."
"That's alright little dame, y' didn't mean to offend and no harm came from." He spoke with a soft voice, almost unfitting with his appearance. "I'm well aware that i'm what most would describe as ugly. I bet i look like a monster come to life to most of these folk." She looked almost angry when he said that. "You are not ugly! You're just different is all. Well..... you do look kinda intimidating, not that it's a bad thing! It can be nice to have a tough looking stallion around the place."
"I thank y' for the kind words little dame. Tell me; what's your name?" He asks with a warm look and the little dame gives a happy smile. "Amber Drip"
"A lovely name to match the mare, i'll be glad to remember one such as this." She looks at him with coy features, "Gonna remember me huh? Is that how the young folk flirt nowadays?" Amber let out a good natured laugh. "Maybe little dame, maybe," he laughed. "i wouldn't know what the young folk are up to though, I'm no spring chicken." She stared at him with a look of bemusement, "Come now, you can't be past your mid thirties" I belted out a decent laugh by my own quiet standards, "Little dame, that is one of the best compliments to my looks i'v ever received. Truth is i'm 57 cycles old, and unless you just like older styles i'd place you around your mid to late sixties. If you do just like the older styles i'd place you at a good 42. I'd say we both aged like wine, and we're all the sweeter for it." It was nice to talk to such a lively lady, and one so nice too.
"And i'd say you're a shameless flirt, teasing an old lady like myself," she tittered in delightful mirth. "If you really are 57 years old then you're the most well preserved pony i'v ever met. I admit you do have a certain charm about you that the younger ponies don't seem to have, so perhaps what you say is true.
"Say Amber, those two guards that were in here earlier said that there is a new guard forming. Might you have any information on that?" She rubbed her chin in thought," I think i remember seeing that in the newspaper, i can get you a copy if you want. But why do you ask, you aren't thinking of becoming a guard are you?"
"That i am. My talents word wonderfully as a doctor and i'm sure that a guard that is as active in the field as i heard could use someone with experience in the healing arts."

Here you go,
Name. Arcane Quill
Age. 23
Gender. M
Race. Unicorn
Description. Dark blue fur with a silver tail and mane. Light blue eyes. Slightly unkempt mane style, and a silver Petite Goatee (small beard that elongates the chin). A small nick in his left ear from a spell accident.
Cutie Mark/Talent. An arcane rune ontop a piece of parchment.
Character. A nerdy but determined pony that will never abandon those who earned his trust.
Backstory. Most ponies leave the realm of consciousness when night falls, but Quill prefers to study and work while watching the great works of art that the stars are. His job as a scholar for the magical pursuit of runic spells allowed him to be proficient with many offensive and defensive spells, but his talent lays with runes. If you wanted to make something more permanent than an enchantment, he was the one to go to. Unfortunately, after a few nobles noticed his nocturnal habits, they 'removed him' from his standing. (*cough cough* framed him *cough cough*) After this he became a lowly peasant in a small cottage near the White Tail Woods.
The reason for joining. His career ruined he decided to (hopefully) pursue a job employed under somepony who shared his interest in the night, although he was hesitant due to the Nightmare Moon issue, after a while he was able to begin to see past the superstition and fear around Princess Luna and her... 'friend', so he applied.
Various. Arcane Quill is emotionally attached to a necklace that was given to him by his (Late) parents.
Is this alright? Let me know if you want me to add/change anything.

Short Order.
Kelly green fur--marred by a number of scars--with seafoam blue mane and tail, both trimmed to regulation Guard length and going grey. Body is average height for a unicorn, and on the lean side as well. However, there is plenty of muscle in his build. Wears a patch over his right eye, which he !ost to a Diamond Dog during a raid on a den to recover pony mineslaves. Extensive scarring around the patch makes it pretty clear that the Diamond Dog wasn't using a weapon or its claws on Short Order's face.

Cutie mark is a set of three kitchen blades--paring knife, carving knife, and cleaver--fanned out and set against a cast-iron skillet. He's a darn good cook, ab!e to whip up tasty meals out a variety of ingredients, including field expedient ones, in very little time at all. He'll never be feeding the customers at a fancy restaurant, or a noble party, but his efforts will fill up and nourish hungry guardponies at base or in the field alike. However, he can be quite dangerous in a fight too. Though he lacks more than the basics of Guard magic, he can easily manipulate dozens of items simultaneously, and do so with incredble precision and no conscious direction. And his blades, of which he has a start!ing number for just kitchen use, are all discretely balanced for throwing. His assorted pots, pans, and skillets are all suspiciously heavier than they should be as well, as though they were reinforced for some reason.

Short Order applied to the Lunar Guard because serving Princess Luna serves Equestria; he doesn't have much opinion one way or the other regarding Luna personally (though he acknowledges that she is a Princess of Equestria, and consequently has zero tolerance for disrespect leveled at her). Plus, he's a dedicated lifer who's getting closer and closer to mandatory retirement. Every year, the required fitness testing gets a little harder to prepare for, is a little harder manage, and takes a little longer to recover from. He figures that the Lunar Guard might willing to give a seasoned NCO a bit of consideration in that regard. Finally, he sees Princess Luna as the more proactive Diarch, willing to seek out and handle potential threats before Equestrian bodies start piling up, which he very much approves of.

Short Order doesn't talk much about his foalhood beyond mentioning that he lived in Manehattan and was an orphan who ran with a local gang before getting his cutie mark. Sometime very soon after his mark appeared, he joined the guard and advanced steadily through the lower ranks until making W-4 (or pony equivalent). Much of his military career was spent on Equestria's borders, dealing with the sorts of problems that prefer an environment far from a strong central authority--bandits, hostile monstrous creatures, and the like. Only after getting his face chewed did he return to the more civilized parts of Equestria for duty. And he utterly hates it, to be honest. He considers the realm's interior guard units soft and lazy. He has a box full of commendations for valor, but also a few disciplinary actions as well, the most notable one being hamstringing a superior officer found to be conspiring with the very Diamond Dog pack that cost him his eye. (Tthe incident was written up as Short Order having used excessive force in preventing an attempted escape. The truth was, he dragged the crooked bastard some 30-odd miles into the scrubland, lamed him, and left him to die there. The pair were found before anything more could happen, and the details covered up.)

Name: Onyx Shadow
Aka: Nix, softy (due to soft scales)
Age: 103
Gender: male
Race: dragon (southern hemisphere)
Weight: 197 pounds (very light)
Total length(tail to maw): 14.3 ft.
Biped stance length: 8.2 ft
Quadruped stance: 4.2 ft
Wingspan: 15 ft

Pitch black scales small and numerous with no shine making a skin like effect. Leathery underbelly. Thin body with strong lean muscles built for speed and agility. Thinning whip like tail that ends with a vertical flame shaped blade. Silver white claws blunted on all legs. Leathery black wings with joint silver white claws covered by leather gauntlets with razor diamond tips. Thin sharp head with thick forehead scale plate. 3 silver white spikes on each side on the back of his jaw, two silver white horns nicked and notched jutting out of his skull growing straight back ending in an offset curve growing up. Sharp hazel draconic eyes that hide behind pitch black scleras during excessive light(daytime).

master of stealth even for his size. Agile flier, mastered biped combat stance and tallon gauntlet strikes, body requires allot less oxygen due to dragon sub-race: allowing him to fly at extreme high altitudes. Juri rigs anything made of glass and metals. His flame is small but burns almost to plasma.

unlike other dragons onyx is usually quiet, patient, and observant: he speaks only when absolutely necessary but subconsciously loves to give body language hints and signals on his feels. He also chooses a companion to which he will stick around most of the time. Unbeknown to most he is the touchy type: hence his blunted claws. Lighthearted in his relaxed own way likes to keep his company in optimal moral state by making subtle gestures and jokes or just standing close by making presence. He is good at tinkering with metal and glass hence his long range monocular. During mission/battle: he loses al playful and lighthearted semblance for a cold calculative mind. If put under command by someone he respects and trusts he obeys unquestioningly no mater the circumstance. O and he has a thing for equine ears and will lick/nibble them if given the chance; will do it sporadically to his preferred companion if such possesses long ears.
Body Gestures:
Happy/calm: scleras lower almost halfway, stretches wings so that the wind plays with them.
Happy/playful: smacks friends behinds with the flat of his tale-blade or, deems himself someones shadow and imitates subject as quiet as possible until discovered.
Irritated or mildly threatened= tail blade vibrate-taps on ground and all knees bend slightly.
Stressed/unsettled = tung tastes air in rapid motions(serpent like) and wings shift as if not settled comfortably. Goes biped stance and waddles back and forth
Sad/Hurt = in company he lays close to someone and buries his head under that someone. Alone he takes to the air as fast and high as he can were nothing can touch or find him.
Battle stress = mind grows cold and collected, adopts a suitable battle stance and waits the perfect moment to retail preferably using the enemy's momentum in his favor.

"Hey, names Onyx from Shadow clan. Or at least thats what father used to say before he passed. Heh, you must think I'm a freak never seen a lizard this black before have ya. Well, let me tell you a little story. About a certain hatchling that was hatched under the mutilated corps of his own mother: only the halve bottom tail and back legs were left with a mutilated wing nearby. The entire dragon camp had been obliterated leaving only bloodied gruesome evidence of the massacre of an entire dragon sub-species... except not all of it. An egg cracked ending the silence of death and giving hope to shadow spirits. The chorus of cracks ended with a new cry of defiance against the wild unjust universe which was answered by a passing caravan of gryphons hearing the cry.
One of those gryphons piker the little runt from under the mutilated corps and took him to under his wing. It was said that shadow dragons became endangered if not extinct since such clan was most unified and secluded on the fare south. It was a wonder a caravan had been avoiding a storm and detoured close to dragon clan territory only to find recent delivered death by unknown cause.
The gryphon unable to sell the black runt because that pitch black was a bad omen among most settlements grew frustrated until one day he got attached to the little runt and named it himself, went back to gryphonia and settled there as a blacksmith were the small Onyx grew until he first spewed flames most peculiar blue burning so hot it melted the strongest of metals. Small concentrated lick blue flame rendering as a plasma cutter. Helping his gryphon father in the shop and practicing the combat arts given by the same. The little black dragon learned to fend himself unarmed, with mace, battle axe, short sword and longsword but most efficiently with claw battle gauntlets... except he wilded them on his wing barbs instead of front paws. Most efficiently so due to his ever growing wingspan advantage the griffon grew old and the dragon boy had bearly developed into a teenager. Onyx loved his mentor as much as he loved him for he was taught everything the old bird could teach; means of defense, read, blacksmith craftsmanship, manners, chivalry fit for a knight of griffin order. And respect for your fellow fly mates. All valuable lessons... until one day Onyx came home from a 4 day journey to turn in a commission for a new knight of the order only to find his village, his home destroyed. He had seen the black smoke rising for the last 3 miles and flew double time only to find what now and forever haunts his dreams. The memory of the village... nay, massacre grounds covered in gore with innocent bloodshed and at the edge of the clearing a navy-blue quadruped silhouette disappearing... couldn't be a pony, it was too big: mind playing tricks he guessed. The memory rattles him even now a battle hardened soul that has seen similar cases over the ages as a mercenary monster hunter. The old bird had adopted him while at age of 17, at age 50 he could fly no more so scaly boy had to deliver commissions, old bird turned 68 and "the massacre" happened... he was 51 but young as ever, peculiar thing that dragon aging. Now that little runt doubled his age plus one... and Im strong as ever... with a few scars here and there but all in all still in one piece, unlike the rest of my 5 past companies. Still remembers their names and faces... all of them; from the be-headers company to this last Havoc squad. Heh, still got the uniform. Im Onyx Shadow: the wiredo, bad omened, merc dragon that wont get along with his brethren dragons because they are a bunch of dicks. So now I'm hiding here at night in a bush... in some fancy castle courtyard waiting for a convoy of...umbral guards? I don't know, my contact just said that they were recruiting here and that there was a monster in black armor and a certain moon princess supposedly killed a leviathan, and now they were searching badasses to fight this monsters that seem to come from nowhere... well i want in so now i wai- HOLLY FUCK thats a huge mace!!!!

Reasons for Joining:
Main reason is to keep doing what i do best: Hunt abominations.
Then there is revenge and redemption, and last but not least...answers.

1. jar of charcoal soot
2. replacement diamond razor tips
3. Vest mounted mono-scope x10-x50
4. Spit balls (4/8) (Onyx own liquid flame gland catalyst... highly flammable and explosive)

1)leather wing barb diamond razortip gauntlets
2)uncut diamond stunted leather vest covered in charcoal soot.
3)pops lucky feather necklace
4)vials leather belt of 8 pockets (charcoal soot covered of corse)

i just typed this on my phone so sorry for the typos or lowcap "i"s.
Hope that this jury rigged character finds you in good health and or sparks ideas for your OCs
I will send you some pics and as soon as i get the chance.

Crap pretty sure those spots got covered.

Name: Rilyn

Age: 23 ( in pony years if you do that human to pony time stuff)

Gender: Male

Race: Bat Pony

Description: dark gray fur and wings. With two silver eyes that are hidden by his blue-silver mane.

Cutie Mark: a Astrology Chart

Character: thoughtful and respects those who deserve it. he is protective of those put in his care and trys his best to follow orders. Can sometimes come across as uncaring.

Back Story: Rilyn was born in a small Bat Pony tribe out in the bad lands and was trained for combat since he was old enough to comprehend the art of war. As a solder of his tribe he fought the terrors in the night so his tribe might survive. He got his Cutie Mark of a Astrology Chart but wouldn't tell his tribe how. After that he decided to study the stars so he left his tribe and went off into the bad lands on his own looking for the knowledge he was looking for.

Reason for Joining: Rilyn sees the lunar guard as a way to get closer to the stars and a way to pay his respects to the one I that everyone has forgotten aka Luna.

Various: Rilyn has been known to hold grudges and if you make it on his "bad list" you will find something equal to what you did to him happen to you.
Others have heard Rilyn say a few times that he wouldn't mind seeing the world burn for the crimes that it has committed on it's self.

"why should I sacrifice my self for your own mistake? You anger powerful ponies only to cry and beg for forgiveness when the whip comes to bare?"

"Why are you always hide in the shadows Mr?" A filly once asked Rilyn.

"It is how I was raised, and the sun hurts my eyes. Now I have a question for you. Didn't your mom tell you to not talk to strangers?"

Welp, I was a bit inspired, so there you go!
Name: Limit Breaker

Age: 16 (He will try to get in anyway even if he’s too young)

Gender: Male

Race: Earth Pony

Description: Maroon coat, copper red mane and tail with honey gold eyes. Scrawny and short, with slightly toned muscles. Medium length, curly mane and tail. Has random small spots on his coat. Has a foalish look that makes him look younger and innocent, always smiling with his big, bright eyes.

Cutie Mark/Talent: Flaming, bright crimson aura. His talent is to overcome his limitations, be when in a pinch, like getting an upsurge of power when someone is in danger to protect them, or getting stronger each time he learns from practical experience. The surges are purely on reaction and uncontrollable, but they are extremely effective. Sadly these bursts are temporary, but with each experience his raw might increases, more so if its from a near-death experience.

Character: Go-getter and happy-go-lucky, Limit Breaker follows his heart whenever it carries him. His smile only goes away when his determination kicks in, and only death would stop him from reaching to where he puts his eyes on. He has a strong sense of justice a still has a pretty innocent view of the world. Learns better with practice, and while clumsy and air-headed he is surprisingly smart.

Backstory: Born and raised at the countryside, he had to work harder than most earth ponies around him. A congenital mutation left him with the body of a pegasus, some feathers on his withers and all, but no wings. That didn’t deter him to advance in life and managed to get into one of the most prestigious schools of Manehattan by his own merit at the young age of 8. Still, bullying was a staple on his life ‘till he managed to fight back when a schoolmate was injured by his inaction, getting him his cutie mark. He found then that he wanted to protect others and tried to go for the Royal Guard. He was rejected for lack of an adequate physique and being too young (being 12 years old at the time), but that only made him take the route of ‘amateur vigilantism’ with moderate success (A youngster helping bystanders was not of concern of the guard and was left by his own devices since he didn’t get into fights and the like). He was satisfied with just getting by and performing small heroics for a living, training on his own.

Reason for joining: When he heard about the Lunar Guard he couldn’t contain himself. It was another opportunity to help and protect people! The princess and Raegdan were surely slandered by the press many times, but their heroic acts speak for themselves. Maybe he could become a real hero that way!

Various: His most beloved possessions are a pretty old comic about superheroes and a small emblem of his favourite superhero. He has a pretty big medical record for his age since his act of vigilantism made him get many injuries, big and small. Even got some scars under his fur, but they are indistinguishable at a glance. His favourite food is everything and he likes to just nap or read comics during his free time.

Example Scene:

It was in that moment, blood dripping from that kids nose, that he had to do something.

“Leave him alone, you punks!” he yelled at the two bullies.

“Stay out of this, Broken. Or do you want some of-”

He couldn’t end his phrase as Limit Breaker tackled him, punching him with a strength he didn’t knew he had.

“You bastard!” the other bully said, bucking him in the head and getting him off the now shocked pony. Limit Breaker’s head was throbbing and the pain fogged his senses, but the picture of his friend bleeding fueled his anger, getting up and bucking the other bully while he was trying to help his downed friend.

“Leave now!” he yelled, but fell on deaf ears as the bullies charged to him. He readied himself with a determined frown on his face,

The scuffle was short, but messy. The bullies overpowered Limit Breaker, but he just got up again and again, and while they were getting tired it seemed that the little tyke was just powering on, tireless and unrelenting. Finally and after very long minutes the bullies left the scene with a broken pride and a lot of bruises, but Limit Breaker was in no better condition. His face was swelling in several parts and he couldn’t see very well from one eye, and that’s not even counting all the bruises he had all around his body. Still, he marched towards his friend and helped him towards the infirmary with a gentle smile on his face.

The nurse was confused as to why the worse of the two insisted that the other was one treated first, but Limit Breaker wouldn’t budge. He sat with a smile on the waiting room. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he said with a smile. When it was his turn, the nurse thought the foal had a concussion or even brain damage, as he was unconscious, just sitting on the bench with a smile. But it was far from the truth, for he was smiling because for the first time in his life, he felt good about himself. He felt like a hero. A hero that jut earned his cutie mark.

Maybe I'll drawings in the near future :twilightsmile:. Sorry for the big post. As I said, I was a bit inspired hehe :twilightsheepish:.

(Sorry for the long read, but I love the story and want to support if I can!)(also sorry for changes, missed one section)
-Name: Staunch Resolution
-Age: 21
-Gender: Male
-Race: Unicorn
-Description: Tall, light brown coat, strong but thinly built, grey eyes, dark black shaggy mane
-Cutie Mark/Talent: a gear split down the middle, the left side loosely colored red with a paintbrush mid-stroke, the right side an outline ending in a quill mid stroke
-Character: slow to accept new ideas, and his mind is very difficult to change once he accepts something. Very intelligent, often reads any books he finds. Never gives up, and always finds different ways around a problem until it's solved. Very defensive when critized, but internally very self critical. Looks down upon louts and liars with disgust.
-Backstory: From a small mining town neighboring Appleoosa, born to earth pony parents and hard work, disrespected around town for his preference of spells over hooves-on labor and his fondness of design. Staunch took up an apprenticeship for leather work and smithing in Appleoosa, and finds the lack of creative freedom miserable. Three months away from finishing his practice and joining an artisans guild, and he finds a ripped poster for the lunar guard. He sneaks into the town guard post at night, steals several rations, and sneaks onto a gem train headed for canterlot.
-Reason: After his mother died of sickness, his father left Staunch for the guard, and only further disgraced his family in the eyes of the town. Not a month later he died in a training accident, the details the guard still withholds from Staunch. He still despises the guard for taking his father away and not telling him why or how. He wants a more active and just guard, and to find some place to focus his life on.
-Various: A slight limp on the right from a poorly medicated mining injury of years past. Knows how to use magic for mining lasers, adding/absorbing heat to melt & cool metal, heavy-weight levitation, and a mineral/metal detector. Keeps a leather-bound journal, A Stetson hard-hat, and his grandfathers fleece lined leather longcoat and hunting knife. After years of sneaking around town, he's learned to tread very quietly, and years of rock inspection, a keen discerning eye. Slight southern twang.
-"Hey Strong Back! If ya care to tell me what you've done with my jacket? I'm going home early!" With a noncommittal grunt, he threw it off the table to me. "That iron shipment ya ordered is out back, if'n you want to use it today. I know you've been eatin your hat in anticipation for it, impatient and all. Have yourself a mighty good weekend." And with the last time I ever saw the bastard, I walked away, a grin on my face and a poster in my pocket.

Name: Stalwart Shield

Age: 28

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Cutie mark: Dented kite shield with a downward facing sword. Shield background is blue while the sword is silver. Got his cutie mark while trying to stop two bullies, got the living crap kicked out of him.

Character: A stallion of few words. Is often serious and by the books to strangers and superiors. Opens up more to friends and colleagues by sarcastic remarks. He is a quick learner picking things up after the third or fifth try.

Description: Above average height. Short silver messy mane and tail. Gray fur. Sky blue eyes.

Backstory: Stalewart Shield is considered to be a minor noble. His family owns a number of blacksmiths that help supply the Equestrian military with basic equipment and armament. In fact he suppose to be the head honcho after his parents died In a tragic accident. He just graduate high school. After grieving over his parents, he renounced his claims as leader of the Shield family and sought out to join the royal guard. During basic he became fast friends with Shining Armor and worked numerous times with the aspiring guard as he rose to Captain status while he arose to that of a Sergeant. In fact he has met the infamous Raegdan during one of his Night shift patrols. When patrolling the library he came across a sleeping filly aged Twilight sparkle. Deciding that a pillow would be better than a book to rest upon he considered fetching a cushion or something for the filly. But as he turned around to do so he came face to face with Raegdan, thus prompting him to pissing himself and screaming like a dying helium balloon out of the library. Ever since then he's done his best to avoid him at all times and warn all new recruits to avoid him at all possible.

Reason for joining: Ever since Luna's return he has grown fascinated that there was a second princess of equestria. In fact he would of tried every trick in the book to be a guard for the princess if it wasn't for Raegdan and the horror stories spreading through the barracks. Not only that he was frustrated at the daily routine of the Royal guard and wanted to challenge himself to that of a Solar guard. But then the announcement of the Lunar guard made him reconsider. Struggling on whether to join the solar guard or lunar guard he flip a bit to decide. Heads solar, tails lunar. He wasn't sure either to curse destiny or praise it.

Stalwart Shield is a talented Unicorn with an above average use of offensive and defensive spells. One in particular is using shield spells offensively, often at times in creative ways. (Why block a beam when you can contain it around the horn.) Despite being a Unicorn he prefers to fight in close combat and can match any Royal guard earth pony in close quarters. His fighting style is a mix of quick magic spells and blades.

His fascination with the Lunar princess is actually his growing perspective that Princess Luna is a Goddess. As he first joins the Lunar guard it's just a mild interest of what the other half of the diary is, later on it can reach into zealous reverence unless theirs an intervention.

Finally he has something akin to a "spidey sense" that makes his ears twitch whenever he's about to die. When asked about the strange occurrence his respond was. "Destiny has seen fit that I've yet to fulfill my role in life."


"Sir permission to detain Drum beat for jinxing us all with Murphy's law."

"Ma'am is he really going to make us go training in the Everfree forest?"

" I'm afraid so Sergeant Shield."

"Permission to bring my own gravestone?"

well, i have only OC, just needs some adjusting to fit your verse from his original one (and others hes in)

Name Gaea Shield
Age ~30
Gender Male
Race Pegasus
Description Big bulk pegasus (think big mac) with long mane, gray coat with gray/brownish mane. usually with sun glasses (depending on the fic they are used for better night vision)
Cutie Mark/Talent a hammer behind Kite shield with a red eye with changeling wings (the wings might not fit, but he has them for defending a changeling)
Character Silent type with his own moral code, get things done sometimes against the rules becuase he understands that somethings need to be done even you have to brake the rules to get the result you need. while not talking to much to the general pony, friendly and warm to his friends with zeal to defend them from harm, the changeling wings of his mark are from defending a changeling (in the fic he is in the empress but thats a different story) because he was his friend without caring that he isn't a pony, made him a bit of an outcast due to the uniqueness of his mark. isn't afraid to do the dirty job him self (the hammer part)
want's you join your verse's lunar guard (is in other fic) due to being an outcast due to his mark and questionable (to some) moral code

Sorry my bad english :derpytongue2:
Name. Stitch Heart
Age. 25-27
Gender. Male
Race. Earth pony Unicorn
Description. Grey coat with darck grey mane and tail. His horn very small and hiding in unkempt medium long mane. To skinny for earth pony, but quite strong for unicorn. Bloodshot green eys.
Cutie Mark/Talent. Bleeding heart with bandage. His talet is soothe pain, both for body and emotional.
Character. First impression - sharp-tongued, tippler, hothead, jerk. But deep in soul he is loyal, generous and compassionate. Good team worker. Skilled paramedic and hoof fighter.
Backstory. Born in Manehattan. Father (earth pony) guard, mother (unicorn) doctor. Child years spend on grandfathers (former guard) farm, cause parents were always at work. Said grandfather taught him how to fight and how to swear. After reciving cutie mark studied in school for unicorns but was bullied by other foals for small horn and lack of magick strength. In term of year was excluded for constant fights. Continued education in rural school near grandfathers farm. At the age of 16 gone to Manehattan. Mother get him a job in hospitall, where hi pulled аmbulance chariot. Watching by older paramedics he in field learned how to patch ponies. But polished this skills was in underground fight clubs, in wich he makes some money for first aid and taking part in brawl. Was at same club with Luna and Raegdan (Luna broke chair on him).
Reason for joining On his own words simple - money. In truth - money for helping parents, passion for good tussle, and following for his cutie mark. All males in his fathers bloodline was guards. Deeply shoked by Night Lily's history of death.
Various. Strong as earth pony, useless in magick. Can drink pure alcohol without frowning. Giving first aid by hoofs and mouth. Hate sweets. High pain threshold.
"-I know you need me! I can't stitch head to body, but i can win some buking minutes for injured!"
"Strike first, and strike where it hurts most!"
"I'm tear your dick off and stitch it to your nose!"
"I'm a JERK, and pround of it!"
"Kid, this kind of pain is sucks. Dont hold it, tell me what's wrong?"
"Oh mare crying because i am jerk, AWESOME(sarcasm)!"

I was going to post my OC, but it seems that you have more than enough candidates as it is, so I'll hold back. Plus I still haven't fully fleshed her out anyway, and I'd probably get annoyed at myself if I offered a subpar character, such is the perfectionist in me. :twilightsheepish:

Good luck either way though!

4385246 I asume every bit counts, gives crimar more inspiration to work with so he can pump out chapters a bit faster with his desired quality.:derpytongue2:

Sorry for the long post, but I hope this helps.

Name. Bass Crescendo
Age. 31
Gender. Male
Race. Unicorn
Description. White coat with a black mane and tail. Teal eyes.
Cutie Mark/Talent. A bass clef inside of three circles. A talented up-and-coming singer turned herb and tonic salespony
Character. At first glance, he seems to be your average, run-of-the-mill stallion, but once you get to know him, it's a completely different story. To strangers, he comes of as distant, not wanting to make any connections. But deep down, that couldn't be more untrue. Although blames himself for the death of his parents causing him to be wary of getting too close to others, believing that they too would be killed by his decisions, he still likes to be in the company of others. He cares deeply about sentimental value and dislikes selfishness and acts of greed. He will act out in fits of rage to those that abuse the ponies he considers to be friends and those that are bent on destroying a family.
In the coastal town of Tall Tale, just south of Vanhoover, lived a young, happy colt by the name of Bass Crescendo. Bass, although younger than most of his peers, had shown a strong talent for singing. Every day, he would go out to his backyard and sing just about anything that came to mind. Whereas most would've sang songs that they've heard before, he would come up with things nopony had heard before on the spot; and his parents, Tenor Cantabile and Sweet Serenade couldn't have been more proud of him.
On his 8th birthday, they announced that they entered him into a local music competition much to his surprise and joy. Although he faced off against many talented artists, bands, and other singers, he managed to not only get the blue ribbon, but also his Cutie Mark, a Bass Clef. While Celebrating his victories with his family, he was approached by one of the judges of the competition, a stallion by the name of Golden Note, who congratulated him and gave him an unbelievable offer; he could turn him into a musical sensation throughout Equestria! While he would've jumped at the opportunity, Bass actually gave the stallion a sad smile and declined. With shock and surprise on his parents faces, Bass explained to them that he didn't feel ready yet and wanted to life his life before agreeing commitment so great. With an understanding nod, the judge gave them his business card and said to keep in touch so that when Bass was ready, he knew where to find him.
Many years down the road, Bass had grown into a fine, upstanding stallion. Unsurprisingly, his singing prowess had only increased over the years, even though his vocal range decreased to a more refined, well, bass. Once his schooling was finished and had many more music competition victories under his proverbial belt, he and his parents decided that he was finally ready. Over the course of many months of back and forth letters to Golden Note, who had become a friend to the family, Bass' parents made an arrangement to move to Canterlot to be closer to his soon-to-be manager. So, with all their things packed, they made the big move east to Canterlot. But sadly, the experience would change the then 23 year old forever.
As it was making it's approach to Canterlot, the train careened off the tracks and landed in the river, carrying him, his family, and the other passengers off to parts unknown and knocking him out in the process. When he came to, he found himself in a dark and oppressing forest the likes of which he'd never seen before. Around him lay the bodies of other ponies that had either drowned or succumbed to their wounds caused by the crash. After a quick prayer that the powers above would guide him to his parents location, for better or for worse, he picked a direction and started walking.
After many hours of careful travel, he finally found them much to his and their joy, only to be pursued by a pack of timberwolves. Eventually the trees and foliage gave way to a great cliff leading down into a rushing river heading south. Surrounded and out of options,
the family fought with magic and hooves as best as they could given the situation. For a while, the battle seemed to be going their way until one of the wolves caught Bass by surprise and tore into his neck with reckless abandon. As he was being thrashed about, he quickly lost conscience and entered the black void.
He came to consciousness once more, but this time, in a more friendly environment; a hospital. When he opened his mouth to ask the nurse that was taking care of him where his parents were, knowing full well that they would want to know that their child was conscious once more, only silence met his ears. Finding that odd, he tried once more only to be met with the same result. Eventually he got the message across and received news that he never wanted to hear. He was one of nine survivors of the crash; none of which were his parents. Coupled that with his new status of being mute, drove him into a state of depression that seemed to never end. Once he was released from the hospital, Bass was taken to where Golden Note lived, being the only pony he knew in the area.
Knowing full-well that Bass couldn't continue his singing career, Golden Note offered to support him regardless of what he chose to do from this point. Although reluctant, Bass chose to become an herbalist, having a minor in herbalism helped in that decision. Even though he was happy that Bass could move on, Golden Note sill lamented in the young stallions loss. So, after he acquired the proper permits and resources, he open a small store named Centered Blend with Bass' approval first.
Bass, unbeknownst to Golden Note, had been practicing how to fight with a Pegasus technique, being the only one he was comfortable with, when he wasn't working at the store. Eventually thinking himself ready, he started to venture back into the Everfree Forest where his parent had died to start collecting more exotic herbs. After a particularly rough encounter with a mud golem, Bass made a stop at the local blacksmith to see what his options were.
After much perusing, he found a peculiarly old flanged mace in a box as if discarded. After an inquiry on the maces history, the smith said that an equally old stallion brought it in telling tales of how the weapon could wield the very power of thunder. Finding the tale fantastical, Bass made an offer on the item only to be told that he could "just take it" for free. With a nod and a wave goodbye, he picked up the mace in his cobalt colored magic and carried it away.
Once back at the store he placed the mace on the counter to examine it further. Touching it with a hoof to turn it over, he jumped back in surprise when he felt a rush of energy enter his body. Once he realized he was fine and unharmed, he picked up the mace again and felt that same rush of power from earlier. Giving the mace an experimental swing, Bass accidentally knocked it into the front counter causing it to explode in a shower of wooden splinters as a boom sounded shattering all the windows in the building. With a smile, he came to the realization that that old man was right.
Now, whenever he makes trips into the EverFree with the need for herbs and tonics on the rise, the sound of thunder could be heard echoing from within, even with no clouds in sight.
Reason for joining. After many years of requesting the Solar Guard to increase security around places known to harbor dangerous creatures to protect innocent ponies rejected, being claimed as the crazed ideas of a madpony, he was about to give up and lose hope in his government's military at the same time. But once he caught word of Princess Luna's creation of the Lunar Guard and destruction of the giant monster in the Horseshoe Bay caused by her hoof, he thought that instead of just asking for somepony else to do it, he'd do it himself. And with that idea burned into his mind, he gathered some supplies, strapped Thunder's Beat to his side, and closed the store determined that, come Tartarus or high water, he'd join the Lunar guard and help those that couldn't help themselves.
Various. Mute, "speaks" through a telepathy spell. Wears his mother's blue scarf around his neck to hide a gnarled scar across his throat. Created his own fighting style called Lightning Arpeggio and uses an enchanted flanged mace he named Thunder's Beat. Lightning Arpeggio is a fast paced style with lots of movement which keeps the opponent guessing where he'll strike next. Thunder's Beat is enchanted with a spell that when struck against an opponent, creates a cacophonous sound akin to a thunderclap, disorienting them and throwing them a short distance. When pushed to extreme measures, he can use The Storm Duet. For two minutes, he can move faster than the eye can perceive and coat himself with arcs of electricity which can be used for many different applications. It renders him exhausted, unable to move and cannot use magic after its deactivation or when the time limit runs out. Takes an hour to move again and another two to use magic. Can only be used if he has Thunder's Beat within 15 feet of him. Has a fear of drowning and, by extension, larger bodies of water (lakes, rivers, pools, oceans, etc.)

I have three minuets till I need to head to work.... Challenge accepted.

4389055 Kaio-what?

4389055 He doesn't turn into a Super Neighan-jin tho :trollestia:

Walks in dsigused as a bat pony, "Hi there,..." Gets discovered due to forgetting to change tail, makes a run for it.

Aw man I'm sad I missed this

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