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Chapter 13

"How efficiently inefficient of you." - Typoglyphic

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Cleaning out my drive! · 5:30am Jul 4th, 2014

Well, I decided to finally go threw the random crap I've written, and see if anyone here likes it. Feel free to continue or do anything with these idea's/stories. All I ask for is credit. Also, tell me what you think of them. Enjoy!

~ Chapter: 13

By the Light
By: Michael A
Chapter 1: Lost, alone, forgotten

Lightning Dust stood near the edge of the large clump of cumulus. Her fur was matted and unkempt, her main in an even worse state. Her eyes were bloodshot, and tear stains ran down her cheek to the end of her muzzle. But no tears fell down her face now, she had given up on crying, and had no more tears to shed. She had made up her mind, she decided to end it all, to get rid of all of the pain.

Her mind was as much if a mess as her appearance; thoughts and memories flew through her head, causing even more damage to her already broken self esteem. She felt lost... With her dreams crushed, she had no way of knowing what to do, where to go. It was like her entire purpose in life had been taken away in one simple action, one simple, stupid decision that had shattered, no, pulverized her entire world. She had been kicked out of the Wonderbolts Academy by none other than the idol that had inspired her.

You are a disgrace to this academy and a disgrace to the Wonderbolts! Get out!

A single tear fell down Lightning Dust's cheek. She took a step towards the edge of the cloud. As her hoof made contact with soft cloud mass, a memory ran through her head.


Lightning Dust had arrived at her parents house, her chest still heaved from physical exhaustion. She had flown straight from the academy, this was the only place she could go. Because of her intense training habits and strict schedule, Lighting hadn't made time for friends and consequently never had any. So her parents were the only ponies she could talk to. She barged through the door to cloud house, the soft cloud smashed with so much force that it disintegrated.

"Mom! Dad!" Lightning screamed out into the house.

A few moments later a light blue Pegasus stallion popped his head out of a doorway. His face holding no surprise or happiness, only annoyance. "What do you want?!" he yelled in annoyance, "I thought you were suppose to be at the academy?"

"I-I," Lightning stuttered, tears fell freely from her eyes, "I got kicked out!"

Lightning's father deadpanned, his face showing no emotion. "What?"

"I-I'm s-sorry! It w-wasn’t my fault!”

Lightning’s father paid no attention to her words. “You got kicked out! Do you know how much that cost me! You ungrateful brat! Get out of my house!” With that, he pushed Lightning out of the doorway with his hoof. He was about to slam the door shut, when he realized that there wasn’t one anymore. Throwing his hooves up, she stamped out of the room, leaving Lightning alone on the front porch… Alone.


You are not welcome here anymore, get out!

The words of her father echoed through her head. After that day, he had refused to talk to her, even acknowledge her existence! Now, she was truly alone. Lightning took another step towards the edge of the cloud, only one more step before she would fall off… and all of this would be over.

- each feeling she gets closer to the edge
- she falls/jumps
- explain about falling being a significant way of suicide for Pegasus

Possible ending:
~ Lightning Dash felt her vision turn complete rainbow, she could feel herself... Wait?! Rainbow?

Fallout Equestria: Ghosts

I'll update this when I find out where I put it...

The Price of Loyalty
By: Michael

Beep...beep...beep...The steady beep of the cardiograph was the only sound that filled the small hospital room. Rainbow Dash had originally found the sound to be annoying, but never wished for it to stop. After several weeks of hearing it's steady rhythm, she had found that it’s steady beat had become almost hypnotic. More than once she had found herself falling to seep to it’s steady lullaby. For seven weeks, she had heard that steady sound.
Seven weeks... It had been seven weeks since the incident that had caused Fluttershy to fall into a comma. And for seven weeks Rainbow Dash had stood her ground besides her fallen marefriend. The only time she her been more than a few feet from Fluttershy had been where left for few minutes at to go to the bathroom or take a shower, but she was always back soon afterwards. Some of the nurses had gotten into the routine of bringing Rainbow some sort of food for her to eat. They had wanted to kick her out for her sake, but nopony at the hospital had the heart to do it. So they decided to help her out. But it wasn’t just the nurses that were worried about Rainbow's health. Her friends had made countless attempts to get her to leave...but all in vain. At this point, Rainbow was getting more visitors than Fluttershy....
Rainbow continued to talk to Fluttershy, expecting her to one day talk back. She had remembered watching a movie where a pony woke up from a comma because she heard the voice of somepony who cared for them. So that's what she did; night after night, day after day, she talked.

Here is rising star DJ PON-3 with her latest mix…

The hit new artist strikes again with another chart topper…

And another amazing performance by Vinyl Scratch…

...and she climbed the later becoming one of the top musicians in canterlot




Octavia woke with a start, her head banging the stone wall besides her as she jolted out of her sleep. “Celestia damnit,” she moaned, rubbing where she had been hit with her hoof. Octavia continued to rub her head, waiting for the pain to subside to a reasonable amount. When the pain has subdued, octavia got up on all hooves, pushing away the newspaper she had used as a makeshift blanket the previous night. Her head hurt, but the growing pain in her stomach soon made her forget about her head wound. She clamped her stomach, trying to will away the pain. Urg, stupid stomach, she thought to herself as she began to trott...

The lost Sister
By: Michae Abell

Twilight Sparkle walked along the dark surface. Turning her head from side to side, she look for any form of light. Only minutes before, she had tried use her illumination spell. But, for some currently unexplainable reason, it failed to cast, and no other spell she had tried since had worked. The area surrounding her wasn’t just black, it felt as if there was nothing. She felt like she was in some sort of void, where the blackness represented nothing. She trotted firmly, but her feet felt no contact from any tangible floor. Twilight tried to remain calm, and use logical reasoning to figure out what was going on. But this…Place? Didn’t seem to have any logic.

Her train of thought was cut off when quiet, and seemingly distant, voices seemed to ring out from all directions. She looked around to find the source, but all she could see was the unchanged void…

“H-Hello?” Twilight called out, “is anypony there?”

But instead of getting an answer, the voices seemed to get louder. Each one of the voices seemed to belong to a different individual, and there seemed to be thousands of them. Each one talking over the other, but they didn’t seem to be talking to each other. She tried to make out anything, but they all seemed to mash together.

The voices began to grow louder, and louder. And soon it sounded like thousands of ponies were all in her head, screaming to nopony in particular. Twilight put her hooves to her temples, desperately trying to muffle the screams. She closed her eyes and soon she found herself screaming, “STOP!!!!”

Her head rung, and felt like it was being inflated. She curled up into a ball and kept her hooves at her temples and ears. She began to cry as the screams started to cause extreme pain in her head. Her mind soon filled with thousands of images, all flashing only seconds apart. None of these images she remembered seeing before. Each image was of a pony, or group of ponies, doing something. Then the few that followed seemed to mimic the first, but details were different. Each image after the first had a different outcome when the others came along. During this, the screaming didn’t stop, and twilight continued to cry. She screamed for them to stop, and nearly begged them to do such. But they didn’t listen.

Just as twilight was about to scream again, she saw something. Opening her eyes more, she saw that it was some sort of large, black alicorn that stood about 10 feet from her position. The alicorn had back fur with random streaks of white throughout it’s body. As it stood there, it’s whole body seemed to shift in every direction, but remained intact enough to show the same basic form. Twilight, with her hooves still on her ears, called out, “Help me!”

The alicorn looked at her with it’s black hole-like eyes. At the same time, a more clear voice echoed through twilight head. It seemed to be separated from the others, but still seemed to comprise of several different voices, but these all seemed to originate from the same voice, but garbled up and distorted.

“Focus on this… This voice alone… Tone out all the others, and just focus on this…” the voice kept repeating.

Twilight didn’t question, and did as the voice said. Focusing, she concentrated on the single tone, the single voice. As she continued to do this, the other voices seemed to fade out, and began to get quieter and quieter. Before long, all that remained was the alicorns voice.

Twilight gave herself a minute to compile herself, before getting up and facing the alicorn. She looked back into the alicorn’s black eyes and said, “Thank you.”

The alicorn nodded in reply, but didn’t say a word. She just stood there, not saying anything, looking back at twilight with her back, empty eyes.

Twilight went to speak, but her vision seemed to flash...no, the whole void flashed. As she stared at the alicorn, the area around her began to flash white and back, streaks of either color flashed back and forth, almost locked in an intense battle. The alicorn began to flash as well as her form shuttered and morphed.

Suddenly, the visions returned, and twilight began to have flashes of not random things and ponies, but her and her friends. Each image was of something she remembered her and her friends doing, but each time something was different, and it always ended differently. Then, the images began to shift into her friends being killed, time and time again, each time differently. Then there was a shift of Celestia laying dead in her chamber, the next was of nightmare moon on the thrown. The images continued, each one a more twisted version of her reality, things happening that never happened, but coulda happened. As this continued, a voice mad it's way I to her head and spoke, "Two are known and one forgotten...find that which has been lost. Find the forgotten sister." Then, everything went black...


Twilight shot up from her sheets. Her body covered in sweat and her heart races. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath. Twilight looked out a nearby window and up at the moon that remained high in the sky . "It...it was just a dream..." Twilight Whispered, "it was just a bad dream..."

Twilight got out of bed and made her way down her stairs and into the main library. Even thought it was just a dream, something deep inside of her beckoned her to find this "lost sister."

Pinkie jumps threw her door and plops on her bed. The many stuffed animals that covered the bed spring up from their places before descending back down. Pinkie let's out a large sigh as the lies in her stuffed animal tomb. Burying her head in her pillow, she let out a loud scream. The pillow does it's job and muffled her wail. After letting all of the air escape her lungs, she turns over and stares up at her ceiling.

Gummy, who had witnessed the whole thing, slowly waddles over to pinkie, a small rubber football squeaky toy clasped between his gums. He climbs up the edge of the bed, using his small legs to grasp the bed sheet, and then onto Pinkie’s belly. He stares at her face, which currently shows almost no emotion. Pinkie looks back, but doesn't say a word. Gummy squeezes his jaw a little, producing a small squeak from the toy in his maw. Pinkie does not smile, she doesn't laugh, all she does is look emptily at her toothless pet.

Sighing, she finally responds to gummy's unanswered question, "No, Gummy, Momma's not in the mood to play right now." And with that said, she places gummy back onto the ground and cocoons herself in her blankets, where she remains until morning…

These are just some of the random thing's I've done. Again, I hope you enjoy!

~ Michael A.

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Comments ( 2 )

By The Light sounds good. I'll see what I can do.

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