• Member Since 20th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 6th

Chapter 13

"How efficiently inefficient of you." - Typoglyphic

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Symphony Of The Damned - Short · 10:00pm Apr 25th, 2016

To those who don't know, I co-author a story called, Symphony of the Damned. This is a little tidbit that I wrote that didn't quite make the cut. It's semi-cannon, and can be taken however you choose. It's just something I wrote that I didn't want to completely scrap. Anyways, unless you've read the story, this won't really make any sense.

I hope you enjoy, and 'til next time!

~ Chapter: 13

SotD - Death of a Martyr

By: Chapter: 13


Word Count: 1,032

It was as if reality had ceased to exist.

Lost in the music, she had been oblivious to the lurking danger that hid behind the curtains.

It’s all your fault!

She heard the music stop, then the scream—a cry of pain that would haunt her nightmares for the rest of her life.

You didn’t save her!

She was quick to react, an eternity of practice had honed her reaction time to a mere instant. Before even her guards could move, nor for anypony to react, the Princess’s horn ignited and her body dissipated into a field of magic, reappearing beside the bleeding mare with a knife still sticking from her back.

You were too slow.

She saw the life drain from those eyes; the essence that grounded us to this world fading away. Her focus was so strong that she almost didn’t notice the screams. Almost.

Cries from the crowd echoed through the theater, but they all fell meaninglessly upon the princesses ears. Her eyes burned, her soul on fire. The monarch of the day’s head rose to view a single figure, the one who had committed the deed.


Her magic was instantaneous, his body lifted into the air, then thrown directly into a neighboring wall. Celestia was quick, her form a meer beam of light as she was beside him before could even hit the ground. The ambient temperature began to rise while she looked down upon the horned stallion.


“Please, have mercy!”

A beg from the assassin croaked words spat through the pain of at least a single broken rib.

“You deserve no mercy… You deserve no sympathy,” Celestia muttered, her words a harsh calm, but her face reflected the rage that it failed to hold.


The stallion lit up with the enraged alicorn’s magic. His body was once again lifted into the air, then dragged along the polished floor, held beside the princess as she trotted closer to the body of the departed. With a flick of her horn, the stallion was lifted from the floor. She twisted his body and held him above the corpse of the departed musician. She then held open his eyes so he could not avoid a clear view of the result from his actions

“You showed her no mercy... You showed you no sympathy.”

The stallion screamed as he was lifted once again. This time turned to face the owner of the magic that held him at mercy’s end. He cowered and desperately tried to avoid a gaze that held the fury if the sun itself.

“Tell me, now,” Celestia began, then inched closer to whimpering stallion. “Why should I spare you? Why should I not send you down to the depths of Tartarus where you belong or smite you down without a second though like you did her?”

“Please… I don’t… I don’t want to die.”

Celestia continued her burning gaze. “You did not answer my question…”

The stallion gulped, then stuttered out: “I d-don’t know!”

He whimpered, cried, and continued to beg for mercy. Celestia paid these cries no mind. She leaned forward a bit more, her muzzle just inches from the stallion’s as she looked him dead in the eyes.

“Because I am not you…,” she whispered gently, a harsh contrast to her body language.

Not today.

The stallion gulped, then opened his mouth to speak, only to be thrown with a flick of the mighty alicorn’s powerful horn in the direction of her guards. They reacted swiftly and pinned him to the ground and held him in place.

“See to it that he is brought to prison,” Celestia muttered softly.

The guards did as told and dragged the stallion from the theatre. Once they were gone, and the room was left in peace with its sole occupant, Celestia let out a gentle sigh. She didn’t move, her eyes glued in place as she stared at the still open curtains. The trotted forward slowly and only looked down when her failed charge was at her hooves.

You failed.

She removed the knife from the mare’s chest and threw it aside. Celestia looked past the blood, past the death, and she imagined that the mare was sleeping softly.

“I am sorry…” she muttered sadly. “I… I should have been more prepared, added more guards. I should have saved you.”

No tears fell. She had seen worse, far worse. Years had earned her a resolve of steel, hardened by moments not much different than now. Despite this, it still hurt. It always hurt. She had failed, and her failure leads to the loss of one of her citizens. Gently, the princess sat on her haunches next to the still warm corpse. Her hoof rose and she gently ran it through the departed mare's hair.

“I’m sorry.”

Hooves approached that broke the silence. A guard with a face that held sadness soon stood by his commander's side.

“Princess… I believe it is time for you to go,” he muttered while he tried to avoid the sight of a mare who had, only weeks ago escorted home from the castle.

Celestia was silent, her face stoic and emotionless. After a waiting silence, she let out a sigh and shook her head. “Yes, Vigilant, I do believe it is time for me to go.” The monarch rose to her hooves and gave one last look to the departed. It was solemn but powerful. She then turned and exited the theatre, her faithful guard remaining close by her side.

“Make sure that her family is given the funds for a proper funeral, Vigilant,” Celestia spoke mid-stride.

“Yes, your majesty,” Vigilant responded with a nod, then added, “If I may inquire… what do you plan to do now?”

The princess was silent, her face locked forward—expression emotionless. The silence was broken when she pushed through the doors of the theatre and exited into the warm breeze of the summer wind.

“What must be done, Vigilant… I will do what must be done.”

Comments ( 8 )

Why does it say that Symphony of The Damned doesn't exist?

4490629 Heh?

~ Chapter: 13

4493745 I clicked on the link, and it said story does not exist. I tried looking in my Favs, and then my top 10 list, and using the search bar, but couldn't find it.

(It says there are 10 stories in my top 10 list, but I only counted nine, and I KNOW I put Symphony of The Damned on that list.)

4494296 Crap, my coauthor took it down. This is news to me. Worry not, I'll see what I can do to get it back up.

~ Chapter: 13

4494555 :scootangel:pls do. One of my favorite Fanfics on here. At the time of reading, I put it under 3 others: Fallout Equestia, Fallout Equestria Project Horizons, and Past Sins, and still do.*

*May not be entirely true, but I don't have time to binge-read my favorite stories and compare them

Any news one that's? (I.e. Why your co author took it down in the first place, can it be reuploaded, etc)

4586220 He decided to put this part of his life behind him buy deleting it. Mods won't let me repost. At least, not yet. I'll see if I can rewrite and then repost. Got some changes I always wanted to make. It was my idea to begin with, but he helped me finally get it down. It didn't quite follow my road map. A major part was changed and is my biggest regret since posting.

Maybe, I'll do more. Maybe. I'm grown now, but, unlike my friend, I never delete the past. I've had too much fun to forget.

It’s on FiMFetch, so while it’s unfortunately rather unlikely to get much attention, you can still read it.

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