• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


30 years old closet brony from the center of Europe. Just happily doing my thing in my corner of the internet.

More Blog Posts14

  • 408 weeks
    Fifty-two stories...

    I used to write a blog post every ten stories. It was kind of a little treat, a tiny reward for myself for having reached sort of another milestone and take a moment to reflect on what had happened, what I had done right, what I had done wrong, or simply what I had done.

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    2 comments · 375 views
  • 456 weeks
    Night Star's dramatic reading


    I'm making this post to propose to you to go take a look at Night Star's youtube channell where she does dramatic readings. There are two reasons for that.

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    0 comments · 409 views
  • 496 weeks
    Two years and forty stories, a look back

    I've been very reluctant to write those words. Only the knowledge that I will certainly come back in a few month, or maybe a year, to look back on that moment convinces me to do it. [edit: and here I am...]

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    4 comments · 444 views
  • 501 weeks
    Building and "correcting" stories - Because it is right

    That story is a bad one. I like it paradoxicaly, but it is objectively weak.
    [edit: yeah... I sort of changed my mind since I wrote those words.]

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    0 comments · 516 views
  • 514 weeks
    Building stories - For the eyes of a sentry

    Boy did people dislike that story. That didn't happen since... wow, since the very beginning. Yay ^^ for memories.

    It has been a crazy week. First sort of vacation in a long, long, very long time and I finally could take a little more time than usual to practice my hobbies.

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    4 comments · 587 views

Thirty stories, a look back · 1:15pm May 16th, 2014

Okay, I did it, reached that little goal of mine. It might have taken me 8 months to write the first twenty stories and about as much time for the last ten, but I did it (counting "Twilight doesn't like books" and therefore not "The Spike")... At some point, I thought I couldn't. In a way I may have been right.

So... I've been waiting to come to that point in forever, almost dreaming to finally be allowed to write that post and feel free from that need to reach the goal, and now I've got no real idea what I want to do with it.
Actually, I know one thing I've always wanted to do...


Dear princess Celestia,

It has been a little more than three years since I've discovered the magical land of Equestria and even if it didn't create any epiphany or me, as I had already lived it five years previous from that, it certainly finally went along my new vision of the world, one that I couldn't find anywhere else. It took me a long time to realize that the passion I have for your little ponies wasn't caused by something very complicated. To be completely honest, the adventures about ponies were the only one giving at the same time a non violent environment I was craving for and animated stories doing pretty much none of the errors I could see everywhere else. In other words, if there had been another show non violent show doing things right, I might have watched it instead.
But there wasn't. Physical violence, psychological violence. It was like the whole world was incapable of feeling anything else than either sadness or anger. Ponies seemed to be the only creatures capable of a genuine and not ethically wrong smile.

It has not much to do with the topic I want to talk about, but I wanted to take that out of my system. And also explain to myself a tiny part of why I came to the point of writing fanfiction, which I usually considered as the worst kind of litterature possible due to the stereotypes I had developped.

Because you see, princess Celestia, I've been writing fanfiction for about a year and a half now. Not really fanfiction depending on the definition used, but at least stories taking place in the universe of Equestria and using your subjects as characters. I guess four of the stories are actual fanfictions, but that's beside the point. The point is, you see, that I wrote the final word of the final of thirty stories just yesterday, and now I would like to share with you the experience that is faking being a writer, while having neither the talent nor the maturity to do it. It happens to be a very weird and sometimes confusing and frustrating illusion.

To go straight to the point and letting you go back to your own adventures, I feel like Scootaloo, having no real special talent, wanting to write more than anything since I was very young, having tried times and times again and knowing that no matter how hard I try, it will never happen. Now the good thing is that contrarily to Scootaloo, I'm not a child anymore and it certainly doesn't prevent me to be happy. In a way, I'm more mature because I've realized I should stop trying and just do my thing in my corner for my own enjoyment. In another way, I've regressed because I've given up on a dream to make my life easier in the short term.
But I would have to be very blind to ignore how bad I am with words and also stories. Even if all your subjects tend to make the illusion stronger than it has any reason to be.

It is, I think, the biggest point. You see, I used to write in french with friends of mine and it took us a long time to figure out how we could handle our mutual feedback. At the beginning, we were probably too harsh with each other, litterally calling out every single mistake of the story. Then we adapted our tone and found a way to be both constructive and critical at the same time. Positive criticism in a way, at least to the best of our capabilities. But when it comes to your subject, I would say that kindness has taken the best of them and in a way it is both incredibly great and terribly problematic.
You see, your subject will only tell each other what is good if they find something good, and stay silent if there is any problem, probably because they fear that they would appear mean or even condescending. I experienced it from both side, as a wanna be writer and as a reader.
I read quite a few stories around and at first thought I would comment each and every one of them. But it quickly appeared that half of those I was telling something would react in a pretty harsh manner, which brought me to stop commenting altogether. Removing the freedom to say what one thinks is the best way to destroy any real communication. And I must say, during those eightteen months, I've only felt like, when it came to the comments, I was having some sort of constructive exchange, by which I mean I was exchanging ideas and maybe learning something, with one of your subjects, if he considers himself as such, Matdat, even if he also tends to focus on what is good and ignore what isn't.

I read in an interview from a writer on fimfiction that a writer wants to be read. It is true, I have to admit I've always enjoyed when one of my stories was being enjoyed by someone else than myself. Even more, I would have dreamed to be good enough with the english language to be able to propose some of my best stuff on Equestria Daily just to see how far I could go. Heck, I've even dreamed of fame, in that I've dreamed that one of my stories would become famous. It is part of being a writer.
But I have to say that if I had only been writing for the praises of others, I would probably have stopped long ago, because the time I've spent on each and everyone of those stories wouldn't have been worth it by a long shot. For the few stories that got praised by some very enthousiastic people, there are countless that are ignored and finish in my bookshelf for me and pretty much me alone.

I write for myself before anything else. Even if I try to make the stories appealing and even if I feel the need to submit those stories for everyone to see. I foremost write for myself because I need it and that's why I will never stop writing, be it in english with ponies stories, or in french about I don't know what. And I'll never achieve my dream of being a writer, of writing something really well done, something I could be proud of for any other reason than I personnally like it.

So altogether I learned pretty much nothing at all in the whole experience. The world is still the same as before, I'm exactly the same as I was before and I've gained or lost absolutely nothing in the process. And even if writing those ten last stories was probably the most frustration I had during those last months, I'm still very glad I did.

I rely on you and your subject to bring me and everybody else the good quality entertainment we all want, and I'll, on my side, keep doing the stuff I feel I want to do, whatever the consequences.

Loyally yours, even if subject to no one,


Okay, now that this is out of the way, let's take a look at those ten last stories... And complain. A lot :P. 'Cause complaining is fun.

First one: The symphony of the stars

I love that story. And by chance, I wasn't the only one:

I really love this story!

Well, basically I wrote that story because I was so jealous and mad at my lack of skills that I just wanted to put on paper how frustrated it was feeling to observe something amazing and being unable to create anything remotely as good. From that point, the whole story became a metaphor to speak about the show itself, Octavia being Lauren Faust or any other member of the staff (or former member of the staff) and the ponies being the bronies, Twilight representing the common artist. The ending came up because of different interviews I had seen where the members of the staff admitted they were fan of other stuff, and found the fandom incredible and such. So I came up with that idea that the one being praised might actually be a fan of the one who praises. It's very corny, but it's optimistic and fun.

The weakest parts of the stories are the poem and the transition from the first concert to the big party. The poem was originally supposed to be a compilation of try and failures from Twilight. She was supposed to become crazier and crazier by the minute, going from a simple painting to forcing the ponies to carve a mountain into a statue using her princess's status. It was, however, too hard for me to pull off, due to my limited vocabulary, so I ended up with a simple poem. Might be better (because it's simpler)... I'll never know.

As for the transition, I had no idea how to end the concert because I couldn't make it anti-climactic. Therefore, I came up with the fact it had gone the whole night through, which came because it was already past midnight and I was very tired.

This was also one of the stories from the ten last that I wrote in one go, during the night, following only my instinct and hoping for the best. I had the idea in my head for month, but there hadn't been much more structure than:
- Twilight discovers the artist
- Twilight tries to do the same
- Twilight goes to see the artist and discovers she was the source of inspiration
Stuff like that.

I guess the good thing about that story is that anybody can understand it because we have all been blown out by the show, so there is no entry barrier.

Second story: Helping

I think this is the worst story I wrote from the ten. I don't really even want to talk about it. The concept wasn't bad, but the execution is just terrible. This one I didn't really planned ahead for months like most of the others and the ideas I was trying to get into are way too dumb to be accepted by a reader.

I don't want to talk about that story. Let's move on...

Third story: The theft of a lifetime

This was my redemption. And I like that story. I also wrote that one in one go, but it deviated so far from what I had in head from the beginning that it's just crazy. Originally, the story was supposed to be about a ghost telling stories to children during the night, that had stolen all the stories from a writer and in the end, the writer would make peace with the ghost and listen to his own stories told by the ghost with everyone else.
And then stuff happened, and it turned out completely differently, because I couldn't make any sense out of the first version. I kind of like how it turned out.

I still think I completely failed at showing Silly Hop despair (and also the name must be terrible to pronounce, by chance I'm not english and I don't know if it's as horrible to the hear than I think it is). His death is too flat...
I do, however, love the whole scene where Twilight stands still.
I also failed with the whole flower thingy...

Well, it was a nice story. Not the best, but I can read it again and enjoy it.

Fourth story: The seed of destruction

I had been working on that story for so long and it has evolved so much that I have some difficulties to remember it all. Twi-guy helped me a lot with it and looking back, I regret I had to bother him so much with my stories. I made him read entire chapters of "When Lyra didn't see a human" and I'm probably never going to write that story...

But back to the seed of destruction, I wrote the entire story, changing a lot of things everytime, then asked Twi-guy to give me his feedback on it, which he did in a very constructive way. So I rewrote a lot of the story and couldn't wait for Twi-guy to take a new look at it:

That was way different than the draft you sent me.

Yeah it was. Originally, the story was supposed to be about a seed in Twilight's cave that a very shy animal was trying to protect like his life, which it was, but the seed was the threat of the whole world being destroyed (when it would finally open). Rainbow Dash was supposed to destroy the seed in the end and not kill the animal (at least not directly).
It seemed just way easier to explain the situation with only an animal and not an animal and a seed.

I... don't really like that story. I like the comments, because Matdat took upon himself to tell me that the threat didn't feel real, which is a great flaw of the story and I wouldn't have realized it by myself. But it's not the reason I don't like the story.
It's just that when I think about it, nothing really comes to my mind. If I think about the theft of a lifetime, I see that library with scrolls and book everywhere, and Twilight waiting in front of the park. If I think about the symphony of the stars, I see Octavia in the middle of a crowd of ponies. But when I think about the seed of destruction, nothing appealing comes to mind. I remember stuff happening, but the only part that could be sort of good for me was the visit from the two princesses from Canterlot, and even that part I feel I failed to make any good.

Now the questions: is it right to kill somebody now if there is a chance he might kill you one day? was an interesting one to explore. It just probably wasn't the right way to do it.

Oh well...

Fifth story: The pumpkin

Here is a story I like. It's not a great story, not a flamboyant one, but I can read it and enjoy it (even if the whole "ponies are depressed" part is too long and boring). This story I also wrote in one go and it turned out pretty much the way I wanted it. No surprise, no complete redirection, just what I was expecting.

I wanted to write that story because I needed to ask the question: is it good to participate to a lottery (precisely the "euromillion" here in europe) or is it plain stupid? The whole question came from a friend of mine who had tried to convince me that he could earn his living by playing the roulette in a casino, which brought me to explain the laws of probability to him.

Now I always felt like Equestria wasn't a land where talking about money does any good. (so many stories I can't write because of that). So I used another analogy, with a Cinderella reference. Also, I introduced the concept that a pony can change his name if he or she gains a cutie mark that doesn't fit his or her name. Mostly because I wanted to show that the foal was her knight in shining armor, and also because the name wasn't fitting with the cutie mark. So I needed that jump to link the two together.

The only comment I received told me to make chapters instead of one long story. I took my time thinking about it and, in the end, decided to follow the advice. For the better or the worst.

Sixth story: to throw light on a diamond

Here is a fun story (even if some parts could really need more job). I just wrote that one to say: "Hey, people like Diamond Tiara aren't just evil. They have a good reason to act as they do. They usually are trying to do what they think is good, even if it's objectively wrong."
It was in response of "Better than you" song from Mandopony and all the hate towards the character. Not that I particularly appreciate Diamond Tiara, but because as a kid I could certainly have behaved like her, had my family been rich (so I guess I should be glad my family wasn't). Even more, the whole thing comes to the time I've spent trying to understand the USA politic. Because from Europe, and precisely Switzerland, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The two parties system, going form an extrem to another one (actually both parties are right wing, but that's beside the point) looks like the most unmanageable thing possible and the worst kind of democracy there can be. But at the core is the divide between two completely different vision on how society should work. And after a lot of time, I figured out that almost none of the US politician were crazy as I thought they were. They seem to really, honestly and genuinely want to do what they think is the best for the country.
In a way, Diamond Tiara looks like those politician. She is persuaded that she is doing what she needs to do, that the world works a certain way and that it is her role to be the best, because she is rich and is under a lot of pressure to be the successful one her father is.

After Helping, the theft of a lifetime, the seed of destruction and the pumpkin, that were stories I had, at the time, received pretty much no good feedback from (comment wise), it was kind of relieving to see that this one, which was a story I thought nobody was going to like either because it tries to explain a kind of character that we are used to hate (and for some good reasons), well it was reliving to see that this story was appreciated:

except great job. You've written an exceptional literature

The story was pretty good. DT was pretty unique in this story. She was dumb, yet brilliant.

The parts from the comments I didn't understand (and still don't understand) are:

I like it so far,

Well, the story is complete... So...

I'll definitely keep an eye on this one.

How are you going to do that? It's not going to evolve or change or anything. It's completed.

I'm already seeing something in the plot....

I always thought that this person wrote before having finished the story. But somehow, as I never got any other response, I have to conclude it was written at the end, the same way as if a sequel was coming. Which it isn't. Because the story is complete.
I mean, the story ends to the point where it began (with the lemonade stand), that should be indication enough that the journey is complete and the story is over...? No? No... okay.

But when I say I don't write for others:

’ai écrit une nouvelle histoire marquée par une profonde et totale inutilité, qui ne sera lue et appréciée que par quelques curieux ou âmes trop bienveillantes à mon égard.

Forgot I had written that, but god was I bitter in that sentence. I guess I still am. But it didn't prevent me from keeping on writing.

In a way, it was the last time I wrote something that was appreciated I guess.

Seventh story: story of the sun

I wrote that story because I wanted to write "story of the moon" to explain how Luna came to create her own sun (as a night light for the fillies and foal to stop having nightmare during the night). But I never found a way to make "story of the moon" work. So, as I was kind of tired, I thought about writing the prequel, where Celestia creates the sun.

Now, the fun fact is that there is a lot behind what is written. I wanted the world to be very peculiar, so in my headcannon, Equestria is actually inside the planet, as the core is empty (gravity being explained by the weird laws of physics of the pony world and a very big crust under the ponies feets). Therefore, no stars, no sun, no moon. Originally, Celestia was flying in the void at the beginning. I changed it because I couldn't take the time to explain the whole "empty planet" thing.
Then, I just took the basic, which were the two princesses as fillies (because billions of years ago) and an empty world with mud and water (so pretty much everything needed to create life).

The story isn't as good as I would have wanted it to be. It should have gone way longer that it actually does, but I ran out of vocabulary very quickly. The whole point of the story was to show the relation between Celestia and her responsibility as bringer of life (as the sun is for us). I just failed at finding a way to really make the progression go at an appropriate speed.

But at least, when I think about the story, I can see Luna and Celestia working together, and Celestia sleeping surrounded by life growing in the middle of the darkness.
And I like that. Maybe I should commission such visions...

Eigth story: When you don't want to get up

Okay. At that point, I had written seven stories and only two of them had received some good reception. So I was in a pretty bad mood. Mostly because it was a very busy time for me with going to bed at midnight and waking up at five in the morning. I just wanted to let the frustration out and imagine, would it be only for a few minutes, that I wouldn't have to wake up the next day when the alarm would ring.
Not much to say here. At first, Twilight was supposed to make all of Equestria go back in time, but it was raising way too many questions. I could have ended up with a short "neverending day", but it would have been too complicated to structure and imagine as it was late into the night and I was tired.

Now it was supposed to be Luna who would bring Twilight to accept to get up like she was supposed to.

The story was well received in a way. I take it, because it's so easy to identify with Twilight there, and because the story is short.

Ninth story: You can't

I wanted to write that story for so long! Literally, it is in the first stories in the list of stories I had made that I wanted to write. Because it's the way I feel about life. About pretty much everything. Not in the way that I can't become a writer. That, I already know and have accepted and nobody is expecting me to become a writer (that would be more something expecting from my twin brother).
But when it comes to my professionnal life, everybody around me seems to expect me to do some kind of miracles pretty much everyday and I'm sure it's normal to expect that from certain people, as they are geniuses that can do pretty much anything they set their mind on, but I'm not one of those persons. I can't learn russian as an autodidact like my big brother. I can't suddenly make a start-up work in a field I absolutely know anything about. I can't go from accounting to the management of software developement just like that. I'm currently supposed to be writing a master thesis and I know nothing about the subject of my thesis, nothing about the methodology I'm supposed to use, nothing about the context of the study... I don't even know why I'm doing it.
Nonetheless, from as far as I can remember, my family, my friend, my classmates, my teachers, everybody seemed to tell me that I could do it without any effort. It's very frustrating because they won't listen to me when I explain I can't do something, or that I might no succeed in what I've begun.

So I decided, one again, to take all my frustration into one story where Twilight would have to do something everypony was expecting her to do, but that she had now way in hell to be able to do. Like repairing a train, which is an engineering task, when Twilight is specialized into magic.
Now I went a little further with the concept, using the situation as one big metaphor. In a first degree reading, Twilight is actually alone in the desert, hallucinating about her friends asking her to repair the train to save herself from death (and also Pinkie Pie is real, but that's beside the point).
In a second degree reading, The tracks of the train are the path we follow in life, that makes us make our journey through life. The train is anything that can make us follow that path, the condition to proceed. Like studies, like finding a job, like anything you have to accomplish not to finish in the streets (well, here in switzerland, it would more not to finish into the social net, which is quite pleasant compared to others). Twilight's friends represent the family and friends that wants you to succeed but cannot do it for you. When Twilight sees them having cake or having fun in the pool while she is slowly out of food and water, it represents how people who can't go on with the journey (can't find a job, can't finish their studies, etc...) sort of feel when observing other people living a good life and having fun.

As for the ending, it is rushed. And if Twilight succeeds, it's only because sometimes miracles happen and, without any explanation, you succeed where you should have failed (found a job when you've pretty much given up for example, or succeeded at the exam you thought you had miserably failed).

Now I made a few hypotheses why the story didn't connect with people, mostly because only few people can identify with Twilight there.
Doesn't really matter, I like the story because it's something I need to read from times to times. And I really wanted to write and as far as my vision went, it isn't half bad.

Tenth story: Into the shadow of the beast

I had a few stories that were competing to be the last of the thirty stories series. This one I also wanted to do for quite some time.
Now this one I had to write in multiple times, even the final version that I had to write in two times. Maybe it's the mark of a bad story. When I can't write it in one straight go.

Originally, the story was way more complicated. I wanted it to be a response from comment from videos of "It's always dawn somewhere" where they said originality and creativity was slowly disappearing from the brony fandom. I first wanted to prove them wrong by making a story called "Lack of creativity" where I would begin by the most cliché introduction, then have a running gag with Rainbow Dash proposing to use the elements of harmony to solve stuff pretty much to every challenge.
There was a machine that could solve every problem in the universe (made by a mad scientist who was a pony transformed by discord) by actually creating problems (perfection being the problem in Discord's eyes).
There were the two Leliels, as I wanted creatures as unheard of as possible in brony fanfiction, but also complete rip off (Leliel is the name of an angel from "Evangelion" whose body is actually his shadow and whose shadow is actually his body).
And there was an ambassador who was threatening Twilight to go to war because of a minor conflict.

I was half way through writing it, but I found out that not only would nobody understand the message (creativity isn't as important as doing things right, mostly) and I couldn't find a good ending (the mane six were supposed to use the elements of harmony on the machine, but I couldn't explain how it would solve the problems).

So I went back to another story I had in mind about conflicts, because some conflicts can only be solved with violence, which is the limit of the concept of "monopol of violence" that we attribute to the state. I didn't go to the very end because that problematic would have to cover also the notion of respect and the different dimension of conflict.
I was lazy, I made it simpler (also because my writing skills are very limited). So I just explained the moral (violence is sometimes necessary but very risky) by using Applebloom and Diamond Tiara.

All in all, I love the ending, with Applebloom looking at the rocks, to make the parallel between the rocks and the two Leliels in their prison.
I also love the few words "Like a child. That she was". It's stupid, but it reminds me that what I write isn't complete s**t.

Fun note, the insults of the Leliels are in french (I would take any opportunity to write french) and come from the captain Haddock swears (from Tintin). It took me quite some time, however, to find insults that didn't translate too easily in english to keep the illusion of foreign strange insults.
I also gave up the idea that the Leliels were changing sex all the time, because it was too confusing for the reader.
The piece of paper on which Sweetie Belle had written something is obviously a reference to "The sentence", because I could.



Overall, from those ten stories, I can say it was a good ride. It felt very different from the first twenty, because way fewer people came to read what I was writing so the dynamic had changed. Nonetheless, even with the frustration of seeing some stories I felt were quite good ignored (which is normal, they are bad to begin with), I have written stuff I wanted to write and the results are pleasant to me.

All over, I feel like I got what I deserved, more than at the beginning. I've never spent enough time on each story to make them good enough (well, I actually never really had the time to do it) and there are way better stories out there for people to be interesting in. Nowadays, when I think of my work, I can only think of the Last Pinkie Promise as a story that would be worth taking the time reading. And at the same time, I know how that particular story is flawed too.
In a way, it's weird how I keep looking back when it comes to writing, instead of focusing on the present.

Not much more to say. I'm writing because I need to write. Sometimes people like what I do, sometimes they don't. I can honestly say I always tried my best with what skills and time I had.

As for the future... I've got so many stories I wish I could write. I've got "the spike" to continue, if it were to happen that I found a way to continue it. I also want to write the story about Cadence who doesn't feel like she loves Shining Armor anymore. And so on, and so on.

Well, the hiatus will be long and those next month, until september, will be very stressing and frustrating in real life, so... Better not think of the future right now.

This being said, let's try to order those ten stories from best to worst:

1) The symphony of the stars: because it has a great atmosphere to it.
2) To throw light on a diamond: because I sort of gained a new appreciation for Diamond Tiara. And Mandopony's song is fantastic.
3) The Pumpkin: simple story, but I like the subject and the ending.
4) The theft of a lifetime: Once again, I like the ending.
5) Story of the sun: What can I say? I like the idea behind it.
6) You can't: Because it speaks to me very strongly.
7) Into the shadow of the beast: it was that or the seed of destruction. But this one is actually just a little better in my mind, even if my views are biased there...
8) The seed of destruction: I just don't really feel that story. Or actually yes I do, and it feel bad.
9) When you don't want to get up: It's simple, it's kind of fun, but there is no nostalgia for me in it. It's just "too" simple. Nothing challenging in there, no idea to debate...
10) Helping: I really don't want to talk about it...

Oh well, this has been quite a lot of fun for me. At least now I'm free from that stupid idea that I had to write thirty stories. I even almost managed to do it before the end of season 4.

Who cares.

Onward to the future!

Report TwiwnB · 478 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

It's nice to see that you've written thirty stories. Your letter to Celestia was very relatable, and I couldn't help but feel like encouraging you. I have been plagued with similar thoughts myself in the past. But at the same time, you keep saying that you will never be a good writer, and I find that heartbreaking.

I remember a time when I was making the choice to finally sit down and write a story, to try and figure out whether or not I could be a writer. I knew it was my dream, and because it was, I was that much more apprehensive about starting it. What if I'm not good at it? What if I'm terrible at it? If I am... then I won't have a dream anymore. And what is life without a dream? That thought was terrifying to me.

I had spent my childhood filling my mind with potential dreams, only to spend my adolescence whittling those dreams away in an attempt to find out what I was actually good at. Writing was the last thing I was left with. So, it was with great worry that I wrote.

Luckily for me, the positive reception I received to my own writing helped seal my choice of becoming a professional writer one day. For that, this fandom has my eternal thanks.

But when I see your similar situation, yet with you having given up on that dream, it hurts on a fundamental level. Empathy, I suppose. But I won't shout at you to not give up, and that anyone can be a successful author--that's just not true. If you think you won't ever be a good author, no matter how hard you try; if you think that there's some sort of limitation that you can't grow beyond; or if you've completely given up on trying to improve as an author, then there is nothing that I say which will carry any weight in that regard.

But I will say that I really appreciate something else entirely that I noticed within your blog post. You have a certain tenacity that is very important to successful writers. It's a quality that I wish I could see cropping up in other authors on this site more often. It is the fact that you write for yourself. You're happy when others read the story too, but even if there aren't others reading it, you will still write. That's a love for writing that I only see in a handful of other writers on this site. And that's the reason that I chose to follow you.

While the tone of this blog is kind of dreary, I did find bits of it to be quite inspiring in their own way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

EDIT*: Yea... Edited the rant afterall, heh, it felt overly harsh, sorry if you read it earlier :facehoof:

the experience that is faking being a writer, while having neither the talent nor the maturity to do it.

But I would have to be very blind to ignore how bad I am with words and also stories.

I'm going to continue disagreeing with you here. As I have since I read my first story of yours.
I don't think that you're bad at writing stories, and I think that there are others who agree with me
Let's start by looking at the numbers here.
You have 30 published stories, and accumulated almost 7.3k views.
Not any of those stories have a negative like/dislike ratio, at worst, there's one with a 1:1 ratio.
Over all of your currently published stories, you have a 343:41 ratio, or for each dislike, there's been almost 8.5 people liking instead.

I do like your stories. I haven't read all, but I checked, I've read 18 of them, all the 18 has recieved thumb-up's from me, and 11 have been favorited. (I think of the fav' as higher than a like.)

So, I'll keep saying that you are a pretty good writer, who writes stories which can build thoughts, or simply leave one smiling. But I'm not the only one saying that, so are the readers of FiMFic.

.. Ok, I think my rant is over. Sorry about that, but I felt like that needed to be said. I hope I didn't offend you, if so, I'm sorry, and if so, I'll probably remove the first part. Or give it an hour so, and I probably will anyway. :facehoof:

First off, congratulations! On reaching your goal. It's nice seeing someone setting a milestone and then reaching it, so, gratz!

Moving on, I was suprised to see that you came onto this site with the same setting as I had. My initial idea was to comment everywhere, and follow some kind of "standard" to keep all comments fair. But I soon realised that I've made comments into a chore instead, and in doing so, I was making reading a chore. That was no good for me, so I gave that idea up.
Instead now I'm commenting where I feel like I can and want to. On fics that I've enjoyed, thought and felt. That's what you've noticed. I'm indeed quiet about stuff I don't like; it mostly boils down to that it's not my way to complain about other people's work, especially when I'm not sure if it even is legitimate criticism. If I was to criticize, I'd have to force myself into writing it out, and feeling pretty unsure whether it was fair. I mean, count the amount of apologies for the rant above, and that's when I'm just trying to be encouraging, heh.

With all that said, I'm glad and honored that you think so highly of my comments. I've slowed down a lot on reading here lately, this past half year hasn't been very ... uplifting, I'll not go into a rant on that. But, that has equaled less and shorter comments from me. I've not been as immensed into the reading as I was. Let's see if that changes with the summer now.

I'm glad that you're somewhat pleased with what you've accomplished and achieved, and for whatever's happening over the next months, good luck.

Myself, I hope you continue writing for this site. You're doing it for the "right" reason - because you like writing your ideas out.
I'll be there reading, some times more, other's less, but I'm still around so far.
Onward to the future indeed!

*I rarely write comments as spur of the moment, but, eh, sorry if I offended you.
Also failed with editing and posted a new comment below instead, eh, I should go to sleep or something, heh.

Comment posted by Matdat deleted May 16th, 2014


sorry if I offended you.

You didn't :scootangel:.

sorry if you read it earlier

I admit I have. Sorry I didn't replied immediately, I actually wasn't sure how I could, because I needed to take the time to reconsider it, even if I still stand to my first statement. Nonetheless, I had a smile on my face reading you, like a child who gets praised for his drawing put on the fridge.
It's hard to be both honest and grateful at the same time. So thank you for your kind words. The fun part is, after having taking some time to think about it, I feel that what I said doesn't contradict what you said.

First off, congratulations!

Thank you :twilightblush:.

But I soon realised that I've made comments into a chore instead, and in doing so, I was making reading a chore.

I actually never feel commenting like a chore (but I understand how it can be for you, so it's good you changed your approach. Having fun should always be a priority).
I personally love to analyze stuff, find out why I felt this or that while reading, try to find what works and what may not have worked. For two reasons. First, as everybody who has written a story (well, almost everybody), I like to receive some feedback, so I feel like I'm helping by giving my own to others (at least I would feel like that if I didn't get so many "get lost" answers...). Second, it helps me learn about writing better. There are things I find that I can't reproduce, but sometimes I can find out about things I'm doing wrong (because someone else did it right, or because someone else did it wrong too).

I'm glad and honored that you think so highly of my comments.

As I said the last time, I can only hope you provide others with those, because I can assure you it makes them glad and smile :yay:.


But I won't shout at you to not give up, and that anyone can be a successful author--that's just not true.

This is a very wise statement. And thank you :twilightsmile:.

And what is life without a dream?

I could debate that point in great length, as I've got no real answer to that but feel kind of concerned, depending on what definition we give to the word dream here... Or I could go do my laundry :scootangel: (quite a pile that has stacked during the week).

seal my choice of becoming a professional writer one day.

I wish you the best of success :rainbowdetermined2:.

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