• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


30 years old closet brony from the center of Europe. Just happily doing my thing in my corner of the internet.

More Blog Posts14

  • 408 weeks
    Fifty-two stories...

    I used to write a blog post every ten stories. It was kind of a little treat, a tiny reward for myself for having reached sort of another milestone and take a moment to reflect on what had happened, what I had done right, what I had done wrong, or simply what I had done.

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    2 comments · 375 views
  • 456 weeks
    Night Star's dramatic reading


    I'm making this post to propose to you to go take a look at Night Star's youtube channell where she does dramatic readings. There are two reasons for that.

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    0 comments · 408 views
  • 496 weeks
    Two years and forty stories, a look back

    I've been very reluctant to write those words. Only the knowledge that I will certainly come back in a few month, or maybe a year, to look back on that moment convinces me to do it. [edit: and here I am...]

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    4 comments · 444 views
  • 501 weeks
    Building and "correcting" stories - Because it is right

    That story is a bad one. I like it paradoxicaly, but it is objectively weak.
    [edit: yeah... I sort of changed my mind since I wrote those words.]

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    0 comments · 516 views
  • 514 weeks
    Building stories - For the eyes of a sentry

    Boy did people dislike that story. That didn't happen since... wow, since the very beginning. Yay ^^ for memories.

    It has been a crazy week. First sort of vacation in a long, long, very long time and I finally could take a little more time than usual to practice my hobbies.

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    4 comments · 587 views

Two years and forty stories, a look back · 8:04pm Dec 7th, 2014

I've been very reluctant to write those words. Only the knowledge that I will certainly come back in a few month, or maybe a year, to look back on that moment convinces me to do it. [edit: and here I am...]

Two years ago, on the seventh of december 2012, just before "Sleepless in Ponyville" and almost one week after "Magic duel", I wrote my very first fanfiction, something I thought I would never do, and since then have written thirty nine more.

Also, about two years ago, I began both working for the first time, earning my first "real" salary, and I began to study for a master in management of information systems. I finished my master thesis one week ago, putting an end to those study, and also went form working at 50% to working full time. In between, I would have participated in two start-up, worked as a consultant in various occasions and served as a soldier in my country's army.

It feels like two parallel ages are coming to an end, leaving place for a new one which I still cannot envision as yet. Jobwise, I'll finally reach some peace, with the security of a full time job and accomplished all the days in the army that duty was asking from me. Study wise, I should be finished. I may not get my master in the end, but I honestly don't care anymore about that. All I want to say about that is I read and re-read multiple times "You can't" and I couldn't be happier to have written that story because I really needed the moral support it gave me.

Story wise, I have no idea where I stand.

I still want to write just as badly as before. But what I will write and how I will write it is a complete mystery to me. All I know today is that it will probably look the same as before, but it simply won't be.
Mostly, I'm looking at the limits of pony fanfictions, in that, after four seasons, the world of Equestria has become so detailed that a lot of opportunity for stories seem to have vanished, in that fanfictions are supposed to be about the characters of the show and the show itself, and in that the world of Equestria forbids to discuss a lot of subjects.

For the first point, I mostly wanted to write about a cat made out of cloud that would bring flowers to Rainbow Dash in sort of a silent story. But then I remembered that RD has a turtle...
For the last point, I feel like I can't discuss discrimination, war and politic in pony fanfictions. It just feel to contrived to make ponies discriminate and their political system is too "perfect" (in that the princesses are perfect) to discuss our own.
But at the same time, it's almost fun to look back at the forty stories and see the subject I got to discuss:
- destiny/fate/sense of life : 2 times
- fame: 1 time
- economy: 3 times
- art: 3 times
- love: 8 times
- humor: 1 time
- suicide: 1 time
- illusion: 1 time
- leadership/conflict management: 7 times
- charity: 3 times
I didn't count the cross-reference because it would have taken too long.
Maybe I will find a way to talk about politic after all. One day. Maybe.

For the time being, I want to write something that I would feel to be beautiful. Just a quiet, peaceful story. So I put all other ideas aside, waiting for the good one to come. Because at that point, I have to recognize I must write for myself before anything else, but must also make sure what I write can be read and appreciated, even if just a bit, by others. And given what weird things I have in mind, those silent portraits of a moment in time, without much meaning other than celebrating simplicity and peace... I'll see how it turns out.


So... ten more stories.

1) Supermare of how Scootaloo did her math homeword
That story was a lot of fun to write. And just remembering how I felt when writing it warms my heart. Almost every word in that story feels like a joke for me, in the good sense of the term.
I mostly wanted to explore a new way of writing stories, starting with a very simple thing, like a child doing her homework, and wraping it with simple and fun madness.
I mostly remember the pool from that story. I'm glad I wrote it.

2) To protect the society
That story... I'm still glad I wrote, but not as much. It's a much colder discussion of a subject and lacks fun or humor. It feels unfinished. And I'm afraid to write such a story again.

3) Piece of cake
That one is way better balanced. It's a bit fun, but a good discussion on the subject I wanted to discuss. In fact, it might be one of the best balanced stories I've written here.
I wish all my stories were like that one. It's probably what I can and know how to to best. But then, I wouldn't be able to write as much as I want to and not even near all the stories I want to see come to life.

4) To embellish the world
I have mixed feelings about that story. I love it as much as I don't really care for it. On one hand, the message behind it is dear to me. On the other hand, the execution feels too rushed.
The fun thing is, I wrote it in (a late) response to the fact Lauren Faust described Rarity as one who wanted to make things look beautiful. So I decided to explore that concept...

5) For the eyes of a sentry
I wish the execution of that story would have been better. It lacks in epicness. I shall probably try it again one day.
What that story mostly brought me is a fierce will to use Flash Sentry again. And again. And over again.

6) The plague
Not much to say. I've written such stories a dozen times. It's not the best I did, but it's the first time I tried in english and, to be honest, I didn't do too bad of a job in my opinion.

7) Nothing happens
With time passing, that story feels a bit less great than the day I finished it.
And then I remember what I accomplished with it.
This story is, in my opinion, a resounding success. I wrote a story about nothing happening, with stuff happening, but the fact that nothing happened being the moral point of the story.
I can only regret that the passage stuck in the ice land is a bit too violent and, in that way, contrived. But the overall result is great in my eyes. I didn't think I would be able to accomplish that.

8) No escape
That story was just a fun escapade from the usual story writing in response to one of SilenceBelle blog post.
I like what I was able to do with the concept. It's already dated (the ice bucket challenge is forgotten now), but it is comforting to know I could discuss the different aspects of the challenge while still making it fun enough to not care about the discussion.

9) In her name
I love that story, mostly because it allowed me to elaborate on a political point of view that isn't mine and to try to show it into a more positive and comprehensive light.
I'm really struggling with the concept of charity, because, growing up, I always thought it was the duty of the state to take care of those who were in need of help. Now that I've grown up, I have to realize that the world doesn't work that way, but I have so much difficulty understanding why, even with my knowledge of economy and my study of american politic...
Living virtually amongst bronies makes it even harder, as charity is kind of an important trait of the community, but one which complexity I clearly don't understand yet.

10) Because it is right
The story feels less good than "In her name", and looking back, I sometimes feel like I did a bad job with it.
I probably did, but there are redeeming parts in my mind. I tried to correct it, using analysis to find out where the faults were, and then how I could change them in a better way. But honestly, the story works well enough.
I would like it more if I felt more concerned with the subject of the story. But if, at first, the subject was supposed to be about failure and coping with it, it transformed into a simple character's story, an adventure of sort.

Of those ten stories, only five really get my attention (In her name, No escape, Nothing happens, Piece of cake, Supermare), the others failing to fulfill their purpose at a 100%.
Still, "Piece of cake" or "In her name" are there with some of the best I've ever written. Not that it really matters in the long run of things, but it does feel like an accomplishment to have written such stories.

People don't really appreciate what I'm doing, some do, which I'm very glad about, but all in all it's not for nothing...
=> rephrased: I'm not capable of producing something that most people would actually be able to appreciate, but I feel the need to write, so I need to find a way to justify that paradox.

Report TwiwnB · 444 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Hey, I haven't gotten around to reading your stories yet, sorry, but I wanted to say that you shouldn't feel restricted by the show's story-universe; yeah they've been filling in a lot of gaps but there's still plenty of room to work with, even without using an alternate universe tag.

For example if you want to do a political story but you feel that the royalty is too perfect to write about, then just write about Mayor Mare; was she elected, or appointed?

So say... As the new princess in Ponyville it's up to Twilight to appoint a new mayor, she evaluates candidates, reviews Mayor Mare's history (put your political-commentary jabs here), runs numbers and whatever else...

Don't count out war either (although I wouldn't want to read it) if you set your story in the past or future you could get away with just about anything.

So say... zebra's and ponies have an established mistrust of each other, there's a war for you, and it's not everybody elses' 'go to' ponies vs griffons story either...

And don't underestimate what could be done in dream sequences or flashbacks, basically a character telling a story to other characters.

For example check out this story.
A slice of life story about Twilight eating lunch, but see how far it goes with its story-telling and where it ends up.

So say... Rainbow has a dream about a cat made of clouds visiting her, or it happened in her past when she was still a foal and now she's telling the story to her friends...

All I'm saying is don't get discouraged by thinking that you 'not allowed' to write something because fan fiction is all about writing the stories that the show doesn’t write. (You probably know that, just don't forget it.) Also I'll get around to reading your stories at some point.


zebra's and ponies have an established mistrust of each other, there's a war for you

And Fallout Equestria ^^.

but there's still plenty of room to work with, even without using an alternate universe tag.

You're probably right. Your demonstration is pretty convincing. It feels weird to have ignored all the possibilities... Thanks for the advice.

So say... Rainbow has a dream about a cat made of clouds visiting her, or it happened in her past when she was still a foal and now she's telling the story to her friends...

That's a good possibility.

I need to change my mindset there.


because fan fiction is all about writing the stories that the show doesn’t write. (You probably know that, just don't forget it.)

Actually, I'm still wondering about the concept of fanfiction. But I haven't much time to really think about it.


Also I'll get around to reading your stories at some point.

I would be glad if you could enjoy one or two from the bunch I've written, but I'm kind of concerned that you might just lose your time with my stuff (given some of the very good authors you've been reading). I'm not really expecting to be read, just to have fun in my little corner and try to get somewhat better in the limited scope of my own abilities, both in english and in writing.

First of all; 'Yay' for two years of pony! :yay:

For the last point, I feel like I can't discuss discrimination, war and politic in pony fanfictions. It just feel to contrived to make ponies discriminate and their political system is too "perfect" (in that the princesses are perfect) to discuss our own.

I recognize this thought, because I've had it myself, when jumping into the more heavy world-building fictions. But people have dealt with it in different ways, which still make sense. I've read a world split into two; where all the "bad" was locked away into another world, and Equestria was left with all the positives. There's different variations and usages of Discord, or something else commonly used is that Equestria gets less perfect the further away you get from the sisters' rule: On the borders there could be wars, famine, greed, etc.
Uh, I'm rambling. My point somewhere was that the Equestria we see is perfect for petty pretty purple ponies, but we see just a very limited part. What's outside, either geographically, in time or politics, is filled by fiction.
Not that I have the imagination to do that, but there are people here which do. :raritywink:
One cheezy line aside, I've been a sucker for reading dark/sad/tragedy during the time I've been here, so for what it's worth; Nothing's unimaginable!

People don't really appreciate what I'm doing, some do, which I'm very glad about, but all in all it's not for nothing...

Hm, well; the stories will stay on here for as long as the site is around. Or even longer if you have them saved away yourself.
If you want more people to see them, you could try looking into groups.

Finally - Best of luck with all the changes going on in real life!
Have a happy pony and dog:
(Large file size)

You wake up very early...

so for what it's worth; Nothing's unimaginable!

I shall keep that in mind. Xgfhj showed me ways too.

If you want more people to see them, you could try looking into groups.

It's the paradox, I don't expect more people to see them. I would love to be more talented, but as it is, I want people to see better stories than what I can write.
I was more complaining about how incapable I am to produce something that could be widely appreciated. I phrased it in a passive-agressive manner, blaming the readers instead of directly blaming myself because I also didn't really expect other people to read it...

I shouldn't complain at all in fact. I've got a great life, a great job, great friends, everything should be just perfect.

Have a happy pony and dog:

Thanks ^^.

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