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  • 397 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings

    Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in

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  • 398 weeks
    Ranking All My Little Pony Episodes & Seasons

    So, with the help of a program called Preference Revealer, I have ranked all 143 episodes spanning across all six seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Now let me make it clear that these are MY OPINIONS and if anyone who reads this disagrees with my choices (which is definitely likely), then good for you and I'm glad you were able to get something out of episodes I either didn't care

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  • 445 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings

    The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working

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  • 452 weeks
    Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! All of my yes! Easily, bar none, the best episode in the entire series! I can't recall the last time I've shed this many tears throughout an entire episode. I mean...where do I begin? Diamond Tiara actually confirming my thoughts that she's not a bad girl and it's just her upbringing...Silver Spoon showing morals even before Diamond Tiara did...Applejack's parents

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  • 454 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Is Amazing!

    It really is the best one in the series yet. It doesn't go overboard like the first movie with its odd character development and plot-holes, and it isn't just mean-spirited and boring like the second one...not that the first two were bad, but still. Friendship Games had an amazing story that didn't really have a true villain; it just worked on its own merits. I won't go into spoilers, in case you

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MLP: FIM Season 4 Episode Rankings · 2:08am May 11th, 2014

The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 4) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working our way up to #1:

26. Rarity Takes Manehattan (Episode 8): Oh my God, this episode was horrendous. I'm sorry, but I don't care what stupid reasoning you give to say it's good, you're wrong. Flat out you're wrong. I could honestly make an entire essay (two pages or more) on why this was the worst episode of the season by far. That's not an exaggeration. I have literally had hour-long conversations with my cat about why this episode sucks. I'll summarize so I don't write too much and bore you all. First, regardless if it's a parody of something else, the episode title makes Rarity look selfish. Second, the amount of Spike abuse continues when Rarity forces him to carry all her bags, when she can easily just levitate them herself. Third, Rarity sings a self-indulgent piece of crap song that's just the writers forcing her stupid element down our throats, like we forgot what element she is, which is fair because most of the time she is NOT the Element Of Generosity. Fourth, Rarity constantly flaunts her 'generosity' to random ponies just for the sake of showing off, because we NEVER see her doing this in Ponyville. Fifth, we hardly get to see Coco, Prim, or Suri at all. Sixth, when push comes to shove, Rarity ultimately reverts back to her NORMAL personality, which is a rude, selfish, greedy, rotten, FAKE jerk. I could go on and on, but above all the episode is awful because Rarity is nothing more than a FAKE and I can't stand her personality in episodes like this, the song was garbage, the plot was pathetic, and it was just so insultingly bad that I literally have thoughts of going all Nostalgia Critic on Rarity and blowing her up out of rage.

25. Equestria Games (Episode 24): I never thought I'd be ranking this episode so low coming into the season, but it flat-out deserves it. Why? Well, on its own, it's actually a nice little episode about Spike. A damn good one in fact. His lesson that he shares at the end honest-to-God made me tear up in real life and sob for a few moments. That's just how meaningful such an impact of a message was to me. It went right to my heart, because I completely and 100% feel the same damn way. So, again, why do I hate this episode then? BECAUSE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE EQUESTRIA GAMES! THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A SPIKE EPISODE! Oh my God, what is WRONG with these people? You build up this episode for two freaking seasons, give us several episodes to make us prepared with all the competitions and rivalries that are going to happen, and then you BARELY show any of the games itself? You instead waste the entire time on SPIKE? Hey, I love seeing Spike get a good episode for himself. I really do! But NOT when it's the Equestria Games. That is what we WANTED to see. We wanted to see Gilda, Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, and Spitfire all return for one badass race. We wanted to see Trixie return to do a magic competition. We wanted ANYTHING other than what we got. It was not only a false promise and advertising, but it was blatantly insulting. Take the name 'Equestria Games' off and it's good, but since that's the episode of it, it deserves to be ranked here.

24. Somepony To Watch Over Me (Episode 17): A lot of you may have been suckered into believing that Applejack would really act like this in such a situation, but thankfully I did not. I'm sorry, but this is downright nauseating and completely stupid. We've seen Apple Bloom go off on her own many times. And I SERIOUSLY doubt that she hasn't been left at home by herself at LEAST once. I mean, she's ALWAYS had at least Applejack, Big Macintosh, or Granny Smith there with her? I find that hard to believe. So, we suddenly see Applejack start acting like an overprotective mother? Well, that's cute, but she pushes it WAY too far, into levels of absurdity. And, no, that's NOT funny. If you find this funny, I seriously question your mentality. Watching Applejack harass Apple Bloom so much and treat her like an infant was not only unbelievable, but just really stupid and really boring. The rushed ending was cliche and expected, and there was just nothing here to really warrant a desire to re-watch it many times. It's fine to take a character out-of-character, but NOT for an entire episode and for really no reason.

23. Castle Mane-ia (Episode 3): As a filler episode, this one really isn't AWFUL. There's just nothing to it. All it's about is the Mane Six running around and scaring each other. That's it. Pinkie Pie's reveal was expected; I called it a mile away. And there was just no real purpose to this episode at all other than having an excuse to visit the castle and get the journal. That's fine, but it doesn't make the episode interesting. We could've had Twilight get the journal in one minute and the rest of the time was pointless. So, even though the episode didn't really do anything WRONG in terms of being insulting or being awful, it's just so boring and so stupidly cliche that I, in all goodness, cannot rank it any higher over episodes that at least GAVE me something.

22. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies (Episode 16): This episode is like how to NOT make a delicious soup. Let's combine severe annoying behavior with a dash of massive stupidity. Then, let's add in a hint of cliched nonsense that we have already seen before countless times. Oh, and don't forget to mix in many minutes of boring filler that is sure to make you fall asleep and die of old age. And, thus, you get a nice steaming pile of this episode! Good lord is this episode obnoxiously annoying. Mostly thanks to Fluttershy AGAIN reverting back to her doormat form and the Breezies all being stupid little idiots. Seabreeze, I'll admit, is both irritatingly annoying and interestingly cute at the same time. Is that weird? It's like I want to stomp on him over and over again until he's nothing, but I also want to snuggle him and keep him forever and forever. It's hard to explain. That's how weird he is! Throw in a deus ex machina spell by the goddess herself, Twilight Sparkle, and you get a forced moral, a stupid key, and just a really boring episode mixed with so many annoying moments.

21. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 1 (Episode 1): Normally, the first part of two-part episodes are nothing special, and it's usually the second part that is better. This is the same case here. There's nothing overtly wrong with this part, but there's just no point to it. It's just setting up part 2 and that's pretty much it. Not to mention they left us on a freaking cliffhanger making us wonder about Luna and Nightmare Moon and their true origins. Even with Discord, I just found this two-part premiere to be really stupid, pretentious, and even boring. If not for Discord, it would even be lower.

20. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 2 (Episode 2): I really SHOULD have this part lower than the other one, because in many ways it really is worse. Why? Because the characters act out-of-character! Seriously, all of them just ask Twilight Sparkle to go away because they value her level of princess more than they do their friendship? And then Twilight just leaves? And it takes DISCORD to set her straight? I'm sorry, but do you play us as fools? Stop pandering to little kids already and treat them like adults. Like the Nostalgia Critic says, you need to stop doing immature, kiddy stuff and treating the younger viewers as idiots. It's like you don't care what you do because you just want the young morons to laugh! It's insulting. Treat your entire audience the same and stop reverting to doing things that make you look like you don't know how to treat your characters just for the sake of plot. So, yeah, once again other than Discord providing some great comedy, this two-part premiere was pretty bad.

19. Leap Of Faith (Episode 20): This episode wasn't exactly bad or anything, but it was just so boring. I predicted what would happen the entire time. Not to mention that Applejack's key moment was the fastest and most rushed out of the entire group's. Flim and Flam's song was worse than their other one (sorry, but it was, deal with it), the key-giver was forgettable and I still struggle to remember his name, Applejack was overplaying her element a little bit just for the sake of plot, and Apple Bloom suddenly wants to be a swimmer just because of her granny. Okay then. I'm sure many of you like this episode, and again it's not bad or anything. It just felt really stupid and underwhelming and I really struggle to sit through it when it comes on again. A good episode shouldn't make you NOT want to watch it. I'm pretty sure we all can agree on that.

18. Bats (Episode 7): Again, I know a lot of (foolish) viewers like this episode, but they pretty much don't know any better. They hear one horrible dark song that feels vastly out-of-place and they suddenly revert to being a child and screaming: "That's just like Danny Elfman! Oh my God, that's SO awesome! I love this episode!" I can't stand people like that. I'm sorry, but the song is awful. It's so dull and drab and has no place being sang by the Mane Six. The episode makes zero sense at all and basically continues to make Twilight look like a god (which she is, but it's so underplayed it's ridiculous), everyone just ignores Fluttershy when they should know by now that she's smart with animals, and it's really just an episode that doesn't feel right in any way. The only part that was fun was when an otherwise boring Fluttershy gets turned into a vampire fruit bat. Why couldn't she have stayed that way? Honestly, I like her a lot better like that. At least she has a personality.

17. Power Ponies (Episode 6): Now, to be fair, I like crazy episodes like this that make the viewer question just what ISN'T allowed in the world of Equestria (see Daring Don't later on in the list). And, to be honest, it's a good IDEA for an episode. It's just...it's more Spike abuse. All the episode is about really is Spike being laughed at even more, then given a rather odd plot twist involving a comic book to make him look helpful. Uh...how exactly does that apply to anything in the real world? After this episode, Spike pretty much goes back to looking like a tool by the idiot producers. So, this episode was, in fact, entirely pointless. Not to mention that Fluttershy's Hulk form was...very creepy and not at all fun to look at. I literally turn away every time that happens. I'd rather deal with an hour of Bulk Biceps than one minute of Fluttershy as the Hulk. Ugh.

16. Simple Ways (Episode 13): Well, let's just be honest. Josh Haber has no idea how to make a good episode. All three of his debut episodes this season (Castle Mane-ia, Simple Ways, Leap Of Faith), are pretty bad. Why is this episode bad? That's kinda hard to explain. Remember when I told you that it's bad to take characters out-of-character for the sake of plot? Well, to be quite honest, I LIKE that happening in this episode. When Rarity starts to act like a stereotypical hayseed, I LOVE it! This is the Rarity that I like. I LIKE her out-of-character behavior more than her normal, fake-ass personality! I know that basically contradicts that I've already said, but screw you, because I can say what I want. See, Rarity trying to be southern was really, REALLY funny, but it was the ONLY good part of this episode. At the start and the ending, we just see Rarity acting like the pompous, fake-ass queen she is, and it's awful. Applejack acting like Rarity halfway through was kinda sexy, to be fair, but Trenderhoof was just retarded and he was just another plot device to be a thorn in Spike's side. This episode was just a big mix of both hilarious and stupid actions, and since it's so mixed, I can't rank it any higher than here.

15. Filli Vanilli (Episode 14): We've finally reached the part in my rankings where I actually have trouble. Why? Because from here on up, I LOVE all of these episodes! Well, I love some more than others, but from Filli Vanilli up, all of these episodes were the best of the season and it's hard to properly rank them without feeling like I'm slighting some. The reason this one is ranked here is mostly due to Pinkie Pie. Remember when I said I wanted to blow up Rarity, Nostalgia Critic style, from Rarity Takes Manehattan? Well, this is where I want to blow up Pinkie. Oh my God, WHAT the hell were they thinking? No, do NOT even try and defend Pinkie in this episode, because I will smack you down and kick you off a cliff, because you will be VASTLY wrong. Pinkie was horrendous in this episode. SHE'S the one that says to be sensitive to Fluttershy's feelings, and yet SHE is the one that keeps harassing her and making her cry? Oh, and don't forget how she just rubs Big Macintosh's loss of a voice in his face after she "beat him" in that stupid contest. Pinkie makes this episode hard to watch, which is a shame because it's otherwise a great episode. I love the music, I love Fluttershy's personality here, and it's just a really sweet and fun episode. Sure, we've seen Fluttershy like this before (like, a hundred times), but in situations like this it just feels really nice. But, yeah, Pinkie's awful actions make me have to rank it here.

14. For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils (Episode 19): Other than the god-awful name, this episode was a surprise to me. I went into it thinking it would be awful, but I honestly really liked it. I loved Sweetie Belle, and I really felt for her because I feel the same way a lot. But, shockingly, I also could understand Rarity's side, too, in that she doesn't fully MEAN to take away the attention all the time...but she does. And it hurts her little sister. It's such a complex relationship with these two sisters that you really can't help but be intrigued every time they're put into an episode together. Mainly because you never know if Rarity will be abusing Sweetie Belle, or will be treating like her the precious little sister she is. Luna's appearance was a little overplayed here, but she was cute. Seeing Sapphire Shores again was also pretty nice, since she's the Beyoncé of Equestria. Don't try and say otherwise; it's what I believe, and I will not be deterred. So, as a whole, I liked the episode. It dealt with some actual complex family dynamics, and the Crusaders were cute instead of annoying in this.

13. Trade Ya (Episode 22): What saves this episode from being much lower is Fluttershy. That's it. Oh my God, Fluttershy just steals the show here so much and, for someone like me who still doesn't really like Fluttershy, that's something shocking to hear. I just couldn't get over how much Fluttershy loves Rainbow Dash. No, not likes, LOVES. I refuse to believe that a "friend" would do ALL that just for another "friend". No, that's love right there. Fluttershy loves Rainbow Dash. That's all there is to it. And that's another part of this episode I loved. All Mane Six characters were paired up in the way that their canon shippings honestly make the most sense to go. In other words, Applejack x Rarity makes the most sense, as does Rainbow Dash x Fluttershy. Twilight Sparkle x Pinkie Pie can be debated, but since Pinkie was ultimately the first one Twilight "met" when coming to Ponyville, I still think they work as a pair. Even if I don't really like Rainbow Dash x Fluttershy, it does make the most sense, and that's why I do like this episode. Otherwise, it would just be a boring filler with cliche plot twists and nothing special. Oh, and shout-out To Stellar Eclipse, the OC of that boy with the illness. Good for you, kid!

12. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 (Episode 21): This episode features another one of my favorite pairings, and it showcases just why I love it so much. Twilight Sparkle x Rainbow Dash is so cute because they're the perfect foils for one another. They constantly bicker and argue because both are stubborn and proud of their own skills and what they believe in, but they ultimately always make up and realize that both sides are right in their own way. It's just a relationship that makes so much sense and feels so real. And both ponies work so well here. Twilight being a cute, dorky teacher was adorable, and Rainbow Dash finally showing her ADHD and making it canon was adorable, too. And, no, you can't say that that's not true. Dash's actions throughout the whole series have hinted at her having ADHD, and this pretty much proves it. Regardless if Twilight's studying methods were boring for her, no one would just act like that. Not even the fillies and colts in Cheerilee's class do that! So, that was nice to see some development for Dash. Pinkie's rap with Vinyl and those two colts was...weird, but interesting. Fluttershy's studying method was just stupid. Rarity's was even stupider. Applejack's made me want to spank her. The ending was rushed, and Dash's learning method was a bit unorthodox (even though it's my method as well), but I really did love the episode.

11. Maud Pie (Episode 18): First off, let's just all agree that suddenly creating another sister for Pinkie Pie was a massive cop-out by the series. Much like how they just randomly gave Twilight a brother and a foal-sitter at the end of season 2 without a hint or warning. But, other than that, I was surprised with just how much I found this episode fun, and how much I loved Maud. For one, she's really cute. For two, her personality is pretty much exactly like Raven's from Teen Titans, which I find adorable. I did like how this episode worked, what with how Pinkie and Maud really do love one another, despite just how vastly different their personalities are. I can't even tell you how touched I felt with how Maud hugs and holds Pinkie all the time when showing affection. She never smiles or really raises her voice, and yet she loves Pinkie. There's just something so sweet and charming about that. Although the way Maud strangely smiles at Pinkie at the end when she says: "But I do love Pinkie Pie" was very disturbing and makes one wonder about...things. Overall, though, it was a really fun little episode. A bit awkward at times, but still fun.

10. Inspiration Manifestation (Episode 23): Again, I LOVE seeing Rarity out-of-character! Her normal, pandering, arrogant, fake side is just awful and anyone who honestly likes it has issues, but when she's seen like THIS, she's just so awesome and hilarious! Spike and Owlowiscious really stole the show, though, for obvious reasons. Owlowiscious was so funny, so cute, and just a really fun little character in this episode, just by being a simple owl looking out for Spike! It's almost like he was being a father figure or a big brother to Spike, being there to scold him and look after him when he was getting in over his head. Spike himself was FINALLY made to look competent, while at the same time still looking like a good friend to his crush, Rarity. I loved seeing this side of Spike. Why can't we see more of this side of him? Let him be silly and obnoxious, but also show him being mature and understanding of those around him. THAT is the Spike we want to see. Oh, and immediately when I saw Rarity's dark magic, I thought of Sombra. People thinking of Changelings was laughable; you people have such imaginations. But, ultimately, the episode was a good bit of fun, we finally see Rarity in a fun light and Spike in an intelligent light, and the episode just worked very well.

9. Twilight's Kingdom, Part 1 (Episode 25): Easily the best two-part finale OR premiere out of all four seasons so far. I'm dead serious, and you know in your heart that it's the truth. Wow was I blown away by this two-part finale. First off, despite starting off a bit slow, Twilight's song with Cadance, Celestia and Luna all joining in was really beautiful and a very enjoyable part of the episode. We get to see Twilight dealing with the very same issues that we, the fans, have been yelling about the whole season: WHAT IS TWILIGHT'S DUTIES AS A PRINCESS? It finally deals with this issue of Twilight herself struggling to understand what it means to be a princess. That's very relateable. Then, Equestria's equivalent of Hell returns (Tartarus) and we get our "new" villain, who I hear is actually from the old generations. And, we FINALLY get to see and hear him! FINALLY we get a villain we can get to know before they eventually get defeated! Other than Discord and maybe Nightmare Moon, the series hasn't been good at this at all. I was so upset that Discord reverted back to being evil, but that's why this episode was amazing to start off the two-part finale. I wanted to see SO badly what would happen in part 2. And that's when you know the first part is a success when it makes you WANT to watch the second part to see how it all plays out. Even Flash Sentry couldn't ruin this!

8. Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2 (Episode 26): Now THIS is how you end a season. Oh my God, where do I even begin? We finally get Discord's story arc making a full circle as he FULLY realizes what it means to have friends, and he really did steal the entire show alone. At least when Twilight wasn't battling Tirek. Holy crap was that a great battle. Sunset Shimmer could've learned something from this battle. Then we have more awesome moments from Discord (touching ones at that), we have Twilight getting her key, we see all the key-givers be given a cameo as the rainbow reaches all of them, we get a nice little castle for Twilight in Ponyville, and we get to wrap up a good season with an amazing finale. I've never felt so fulfilled and happy at a finale before. All the other ones didn't feel that great at all, but this one left me smiling and wanting more. It was just magnificent! But, in all good faith, I couldn't rank it above my seven favorite episodes of this season. It was amazing, but it was also the finale, and it feels wrong to put it above others that I found even MORE enjoyable.

7. Flight To The Finish (Episode 5): The main reason this one is so high is due to the freaking awesome song that the Crusaders sang. And, it really should be their new theme song. It's that amazing. Hearts As Strong As Horses is a catchy, upbeat, energetic, wonderful song and it really did set the mood for the episode. I'm really glad they didn't make Scootaloo fly at the end; that would've defeated the whole purpose of actually having a deep, meaningful episode. You can't just give us a happy ending each and every time. See, THIS is what I mean. When they pander to little kids and give them all that happy nonsense, it's insulting. But when they actually do a mature, thoughtful, and sweet episode like this, it makes me happy and it's the smart decision. I think Diamond Tiara being mean was played up WAY too much. Seriously, why is she doing this? What is her motivation? Sure, she and Silver Spoon wanted to win, but that just seemed really mean. There has to be something more to them, and I really, REALLY hope one or both of them get their own episode in season 5 so we can understand them better. Other than all that, the episode was a lot of fun, had a lot of heart, and was probably one of the most mature episodes of the season.

6. Pinkie Apple Pie (Episode 9): Again, THIS is how you make a mature episode that everyone can appreciate, without having to resort to kiddy stuff. Yes, it was still full of joy and funny humor, but it was done in a controlled, adorable way that didn't resort to stupidity. The reason this episode works so well is because it's Pinkie's best performance of the season. You heard me. It's her BEST performance. Don't argue it, because you will be proven wrong. This is the Pinkie Pie I can like and appreciate. She's seen as silly and playful, but in a caring, intelligent, and understanding way that isn't just: "Ooh, look at me! I'm random and I'm breaking the fourth wall and I'm being a complete idiot for comic relief!" I HATE when they make her do that. Here, we get a thoughtful episode of her possibly being Applejack's cousin, and once AGAIN the show makes an amazing choice by choosing NOT to give us a flat-out answer of whether it's true or not true. See, if they HAD made Pinkie Applejack's cousin, there would be a lot of angry fans who would find it weird, not to mention a lot of shipping writers who would be upset. If they HADN'T made Pinkie Applejack's cousin, they would've resorted to the cliche of "being friends is better than being family sometimes" and that just doesn't work. Leaving the door open, like in Flight To The Finish, was the best answer. Oh, and Apples To The Core is an amazing song that I could listen to over and over again as well. Just an amazing episode.

5. Rainbow Falls (Episode 10): This episode makes me laugh so much. Bulk Biceps, despite his stupid name change, is just so funny! See, you can be funny without having to resort to the crap Pinkie usually does. I think my favorite scene in the entire episode (excluding the one with Derpy) is when Bulk Biceps thinks Rainbow Dash starts with 'p' and then quickly screams out: "NEVER MIND!" Oh my God that cracks me up every single time. Rainbow Dash usually makes for a fun main character, if she doesn't act like a pompous little creep. She didn't here. Instead, her dilemma was one that I, too, would have. Do you go with the team you KNOW is the best? Or do you stick with your friends, even if they suck? I would have the same problem choosing! So, Rainbow Dash's plight was believable, and even though her answer was the cliched one, it was sweet. And I'm really glad the Ponyville qualified. Would've liked to see Gilda make an appearance, or Lightning Dust, but I guess Derpy Hooves was a good "replacement". It pisses me off that they didn't let her speak and didn't refer to her by name, but at least she's there. Overall, the episode was easily the second best key episode, and it was a lot of fun.

4. Twilight Time (Episode 15): What I loved most in this episode was that we got to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with some actual development and complexity. Sure, not much, and it's hard to really read what their full intentions were, but at least it was something! See, I really do think Diamond Tiara was trying to be nice to the Crusaders by offering them to come to Manehattan with her, but she just acted mean for no reason. Then the Crusaders put their hooves in their own mouth by talking about Twilight. Really, they were so rotten in this episode. Sure, I liked seeing them learn things, and seeing Sweetie Belle finally use magic, but they still acted worse than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Oh, and Twilight really stole the show by displaying just why she is and will always be best pony, regardless what you stupid haters say. She is really nice the whole way through, and gets upset ONLY when she realizes that the fillies and colts weren't there to learn from her. That proves she's really got a good heart and it makes me love her even more. I guess the whole episode of Twilight Time made me love Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Twilight Sparkle a lot because they all showed sides of themselves we don't see very often, and that's why it works. The Crusaders didn't do so well, but that's fine. Them learning things was still cute.

3. Daring Don't (Episode 4): Yes, I know that this episode is mostly hated by a lot of (stupid) fans. But, what can I say? You haters don't know any better. This episode is, in a lot of ways, what Power Ponies is. Instead of Spike being humiliated, it was Rainbow Dash. Yes, I can see why that would annoy a lot of you. I also can see how Daring Do suddenly be made real could also make a lot of you feel weird. But, let's be honest. I called it two years ago that Daring Do was real. If you seriously didn't think she was, you need to get smarter. That's all I can say. It was obvious she was real. They wouldn't just waste whole segments of an episode on a pony that WASN'T real. Duh! Eh-hem, anyway, why this episode is amazing and not at all like Power Ponies is because it works for who Rainbow Dash is on the inside. With Spike, he really is competent and smart, but it's just the show portrays him as a bumbling idiot sidekick half the time. However, with Rainbow Dash, we've seen her over and over again be a dorky little fan-girl over anything that excites her. And it's cute! Seeing her interact with Daring Do (which is arguably just a recolor of herself) was so awesome, and seeing an actual adventure play out was stunning and cool. It's like...what ISN'T fake in Equestria? It was like us going to England Great Britain or whatever and discovering that wizards are indeed real and we humans are, indeed, called muggles! It's just so jarring and fun and you can't help but love it. Daring Do is awesome, Ahuizotl makes for a funny villain, and I really can't say much other than I just loved the episode. I don't care if I'm in the minority, this episode was awesome and that's that.

2. Three's A Crowd (Episode 11): Hey, Discord is awesome. He makes everything around him awesome. I honestly don't think I have ONCE been annoyed with him at all. From the very first time he was introduced, I loved him. I love every single freaking second we get with him on the screen. He's just that funny and that amusing. And John De Lancie just knows how to voice him! Was this how awesome he was as Q in Star Trek? I wouldn't know, since I didn't watch that stupid series, so I'm just curious. So, in case you haven't guessed yet, I loved this episode because of Discord. That's mainly it. Oh, and his song that he sang? Glass Of Water? It's now my most favorite song in the ENTIRE series. I'm dead serious. That is how much I loved it and how much I adore Discord and what he brings to the show. And seeing Discord interact with Twilight is always so funny.

1. Pinkie Pride (Episode 12): Ugh. Three out of four seasons...my favorite episode is a Pinkie Pie episode. I'm well-known for my dislike of her, that's for sure. And yet...she holds three of the top four spots. Why does the show do this to me? WHY do they torture me so badly? WHY? Seriously, they did this on purpose! Wanna know how? On its own, this episode probably would've been mediocre and nothing special. But...they decided to bring in one special person that just sent this episode right to the top of my list and it never once was in danger of being overtaken by another. Weird Al Yankovic. No one, I repeat, NO ONE is a bigger fan of Weird Al than me. I own every single song by him, I can identify each and every one just by playing two seconds of it, I know the movies that he guest-starred in, I know his real name (Alfred Matthew Yankovic), and I just love this guy. He is just so amazing in every possible way. He's funny, he's nice, he loves the ponies, he can play the accordion, he sings amazingly...he's just epic. And he steals the show. Despite the awful name (Cheese Sandwich), Weird Al really does make this episode that epic. The Goof-Off Polka (as I call it) between him and Pinkie was pretty much just one of his polkas, which is awesome. Him parodying Smile, Smile, Smile in there and annoying Pinkie was even more awesome. Him sharing an odd back-story with Pinkie was even MORE awesome. My only qualms with this episode was, of course, Pinkie Pie herself. Sorry, but she was just so SELFISH in this. I mean, she didn't even TRY to ask Weird Al if she could do the party WITH him. All she cared about was her stupid pride! And then she sings a sappy, stupid song about how sad she is. Then she tries to leave Ponyville, when that is SO ridiculous. And then we have a stupid ending where Pinkie acts like a retard. UGH! So, yeah, this may be a "Pinkie episode", but to me it's a Weird Al episode, and it's why it's #1 and the best episode of the season for me.

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Comments ( 16 )

15 out of 26 episodes ain't bad. Glad you got much enjoyment out of this!

Now the wait for season 5 begins.... :applejackconfused:

Wow, your opinions are arguably among the most polarizing of all time. A lot of the episodes you hate people love, and a lot of you love people hate.

But you can't deny Season 4 gave you some great characters to work with if you ever eventually got around to making a series of Total Magic Pony fics.

I can't be the only one who might like to see how characters like Fleetfoot and Soarin would interact if pitted against each other.

I respect your opinions, even if they're completely wrong. For example, Rainbow Falls should be waayyy near the bottom.

Comment posted by NightCore deleted May 11th, 2014

Yes, I know, but I really don't care. People don't know any better. I actually broke down and studied each and every episode very, very carefully. I'm pretty sure I know what makes a good episode better than most people. So, the episodes I love deserved to be loved. A few of them may be questionable, but we all have our likes and dislikes. And the episodes I hate...I hate with good reason. They have a lot of flaws.

Oh, you're funny. You're the one that I think is completely wrong. Rainbow Falls is an awesome and fun episode. It gives us some character development for Rainbow Dash, it shows off all three Wonderbolts, it's hilarious with Bulk Biceps, it makes Twilight into a cute cheerleader and a good comic foil to what Rainbow Dash is, it gave us Derpy Hooves...it's just an amazing, colorful, fun episode. How so many people can not like it is...well, I'm sorry if you take offense to this, but it's moronic. I just don't get it.

Oh hey I just realized who posted this. You haven't updated any of your stories in forever. You might as well slap the "canceled" label on them.

Rainbow Falls was the worst episode of the entire show, hands down. The writing was just horrendous.

2100282 I wouldn't go that far, but the writting definitely wasn't good by any stretch.

2100373 I can't think of any episode that was worse.

2100379 The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and Boast Busters come to mind.

2100392 MMDW is third worst, Boast Busters wasn't bad at all.

2099347 i respect your opinion but you cant state another opinion is wrong as its an opinion

Well I can now see where the personality and arrogance of Josh comes from practically a perfect copy. I do agree with what you said though, except about Pinkie I like her personality though mostly fanon ones where she is not shown as a brainless dumbass. Though you do realize it's hypocritical to hate a character (Rarity for example though I agree with that one so much it hurts she is not generous.) and call anyone who thinks differently a moron and then turn around and say you love Twilight (Which I also agree she is definitely in the upper ranks for me) and call them haters. Overall I have to agree.

Comment posted by Spirit Shift deleted Aug 28th, 2014

Technically Maud Pie wasent a cop out. In order to avoid being a cop out, she was mentioned several times beforehand. Once near the end of season three, once in the Pinkie Pie Rock party book, in the Elements of Harmony book, in the comics, then again in Pinkie Pride. Those who've been paying attention saw this episode coming way back when the ep synopsis came out.

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