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  • 397 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings

    Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in

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  • 398 weeks
    Ranking All My Little Pony Episodes & Seasons

    So, with the help of a program called Preference Revealer, I have ranked all 143 episodes spanning across all six seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Now let me make it clear that these are MY OPINIONS and if anyone who reads this disagrees with my choices (which is definitely likely), then good for you and I'm glad you were able to get something out of episodes I either didn't care

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  • 445 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings

    The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working

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  • 452 weeks
    Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! All of my yes! Easily, bar none, the best episode in the entire series! I can't recall the last time I've shed this many tears throughout an entire episode. I mean...where do I begin? Diamond Tiara actually confirming my thoughts that she's not a bad girl and it's just her upbringing...Silver Spoon showing morals even before Diamond Tiara did...Applejack's parents

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  • 454 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Is Amazing!

    It really is the best one in the series yet. It doesn't go overboard like the first movie with its odd character development and plot-holes, and it isn't just mean-spirited and boring like the second one...not that the first two were bad, but still. Friendship Games had an amazing story that didn't really have a true villain; it just worked on its own merits. I won't go into spoilers, in case you

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    1 comments · 496 views

MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings · 9:42pm Nov 29th, 2015

The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working our way up to #1:

26. Princess Spike (Episode 10): I wasn't sure about ranking this one, or the one at #25 last, but ultimately I picked this one because it seems to be unanimously hated among the fan-base, and for good reason. Every single time Spike gets an episode designated to him, the show ruins it and makes him look like an incompetent, selfish, retarded, dimwitted, irritating idiot! And it's so frustrating because, much like Fluttershy, you would THINK he would've grown a little by this point and not keep repeating the same crap over and over again! Equestria Games, Spike At Your Service, Power Ponies, Just For Sidekicks...are they EVER going to treat Spike with any level of respect? Ever? In this episode, we see Spike basically take advantage of Twilight's status as princess, to the extreme of causing her a lot of stress and chaos and only caring about himself. Heaven forbid he ever do anything to harm Rarity, yet half the time he doesn't seem to care about harming Twilight? The one he's known since BIRTH? UGH! I love Spike as a character, but I HATE what the stupid show does to him! It's just insulting to our intelligence at this point and I'm not having it.

25. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows (Episode 19): Much like how we have to get a bad Spike episode every season, we also have to have a bad Pinkie Pie episode. I'm sorry, but this episode was unbearably bad. If you enjoyed it, I question your sanity and what makes you entertained; I'm guessing I could jangle a set of keys in front of you and you'd be fascinated and happy. In this episode, Pinkie is told that Cadance is pregnant...and the whole concept of the episode is...her trying to keep the secret. That's it. THAT'S an episode. Wow. No, I don't CARE about Pinkie Pie's character and how hard it is to keep a secret and blah blah blah; that is retarded. This episode...is about...keeping a stupid secret. THAT'S THE EPISODE! It drags on and on and never feels like it's gonna end, and Pinkie becomes more and more unbearably stupid the whole time. Newsflash, My Little Pony: watching Pinkie Pie be insane and stressed out for a whole episode IS NOT FUN! Wanna know why? BECAUSE WE SEE THAT ON A DAILY EPISODE BASIS ANYWAY! I'm guessing I'm in the minority on this, but I don't care. This episode was so boring and irritating.

24. Canterlot Boutique (Episode 14): Anyone who knows me knows that I hate Rarity. I simply believe...no, I KNOW...that's she's a fake bitch who only cares about herself at heart, and is just so haughty and arrogant that it's nauseating to watch. So, it shouldn't be surprising that I didn't really care for this episode. Ironically, from this point onward, I don't full-on HATE any episodes (this season was awesome), but I didn't like this one because Rarity simply was too whiny and arrogant again. Sassy Saddles was just doing what she felt was best for Rarity to succeed, but what does Rarity do? Whine like a big baby, complain about it, and act like a selfish bitch. As per always. I get that Rarity wanted it to be run in her image and how she wanted, but it was so sloppy and poorly executed and (in my eyes) painted Rarity as the bad guy. She just really rubs me the wrong way with every action she does and every word she says...at least until a certain episode where she dons a trench coat (more on that later). Not to mention we had to witness a...really fat and horrifying pony make a cameo. Sorry, didn't need to see that.

23. Scare Master (Episode 21): First, the fact this didn't come out around Halloween was horribly mishandled and embarrassing. Second, yet AGAIN, we have to sit through a bullshit Fluttershy episode of her doing...what else...being a crybaby scaredy-cat. So...what season is this? Oh, right, season 5. WHY DO WE STILL HAVE TO SIT THROUGH THIS CRAP? WHY? Again, is this entertaining to you people? Do you perverted creeps get off on watching Fluttershy act all scared because it's "cute"? Grow the HELL up. This isn't quality writing at all! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Sure, at the end of this episode, Fluttershy actually becomes momentarily terrifying when she scares her friends...but, like Jon Tron would say: "AND...THEY BLEW IT!" Yes, the atmosphere of the episode was nice, and all the costumes were funny and cute, and seeing Fluttershy in her bat-form was hilarious, but...I'm sorry, I can't tolerate this. It's not fun watching the same thing I already saw back in season 1. It's just not fun. Give me Penny Ling from Littlest Pet Shop ANY DAY.

22. The Hooffields & McColts (Episode 23): I know they gave it a good attempt, but episodes like these just really bother me. It's like making an episode parodying the Holocaust. I know we need to let some things go and just learn to laugh at things, but...there's just things that make you uncomfortable as a person. As a human being. I know MANY shows, even Looney Tunes, have messed with the Hatfields & McCoys, but I really just don't enjoy them. Much like how I felt uncomfortable watching Over A Barrel in season 1, I felt the same here. You do realize that, in real life, people were brutally murdered and this was pretty much a civil war between two states, right? This wasn't a damn joke. At least Littlest Pet Shop tried to do it a more...amusing tone (if you watch the show, you'll know what I mean). But, this one...just didn't like it. It was nice to see Fluttershy be a little assertive for once, but Twilight being so book-heavy...really? At this point, you'd think she'd stop that. It's fine to make her the same nerdy cutie we all know and love, but give me a BREAK! They tried, but this episode was just too sloppy and unnerving to me.

21. Brotherhooves Social (Episode 17): I'm so mixed on this episode, so ultimately that's why it winds up here. Big Macintosh's speech at the end brought me to tears, and his attempts for affection at the start were enough to tug at my heartstrings, but...it's pretty much the middle that makes me torn on the episode. The beginning and end were good, but...look, I have nothing against guys dressing as girls and vice versa. If it's what you like to do, or what you HAVE to do, go ahead! I did it myself as a kid and enjoyed it, for crying out loud! But...I don't know, this just felt so...creepy. Half the time it was funny, but the other half it was uncomfortable. And episodes that make me cringe (Equestria Games) aren't good. I don't LIKE cringing and turning away from the TV so I don't have to watch the awkwardness going on. That's not a sign of a good episode. Maybe a lot of others found it more hilarious and funny than I did, and that's fine. This is simply how I felt about it, that's all. It had a good moral and message, but I just didn't really like the execution.

20. Appleoosa's Most Wanted (Episode 6): The episode now famous for driving YouTube idiot Tommy Oliver insane and making him hate My Little Pony, the huge bit of irony is this was all leading up to the Crusaders getting their cutie marks and just what their actual talents were all along. In hindsight, this episode was actually a huge step for the Crusaders, and that's really good development that I applaud. However, as an episode on its own, I just didn't really care for it. Trouble Shoes was cute, but I didn't really care for his plight all that much. The Crusaders were less annoying than they usually were, but...the episode just felt boring. Applejack was annoying, the sheriff was annoying, Braeburn hardly did anything at all, we hardly saw anything on the rodeo itself...I just didn't care for it. It was a big episode for the Crusaders, but it was must "meh" for me and my opinions.

19. Bloom & Gloom (Episode 4): Once AGAIN, we have to deal with repeated issues. I'm sick and tired of episodes dealing with things we all already know or saw before! What, were they afraid we have forgotten and wanted to reiterate it in a 'refreshed' way? Sorry, but that's a no-no. We've already had to deal with Apple Bloom's whiny bullshit for four seasons; we didn't need to see it even further. What was so hard about making an episode involving her and Diamond Tiara again? Or her and Applejack? Or just her and ANYONE? A tip for the show: you don't always have to focus on one element involving the characters. Mix things up! Like, what you did with Sleepless In Ponyville? That was awesome! Or what you did for Twilight Time? Again, very clever and cute! STOP just focusing on the same crap we've already seen! Yes, people, I get it; it's a real life problem where we always focus on the same things that bother us over and over again. I get that. But, this is a show, and they can do SO much with the world of Equestria that they've built and developed. We don't NEED this. True, seeing Luna again is always fun, and the dream states were...interesting. But, as a concept, it's a pass from me.

18. Made In Manehattan (Episode 16): You know what I find pretty funny? In all three episodes where the Mane Six ponies have to go off on missions, the "leader" who wants to solve the problem ends up playing a backseat to their "sidekick" who actually solves it. For example, Twilight is the leader...but Fluttershy ultimately solves the problem. Dash is the leader...but Pinkie ultimately solves the problem. And, here? Rarity is the leader...but Applejack ultimately solves the problem. Funny, huh? This episode was just a normal episode. I have nothing against it, but I have nothing to praise it for, either. It was just...an episode in Manehattan. Throw in Coco Pommel, Rarity being a dumbass, and Applejack being wise and in-charge as always...and you get a common, normal episode. It was nice, but I can't really rank something high based on it being "okay". I basically just felt nothing while watching it. No anger, no sadness, no shock, no happiness, no nothing. So, yeah, it is what it is. Applejack x Rarity is still one of my favorite pairings, though.

17. Party Pooped (Episode 11): See, THIS is how you do Pinkie Pie CORRECTLY. You make her face an actual problem, and allow her comedic elements to come from THAT. You do NOT just base an episode around Pinkie being a loud, obnoxious idiot and expect the story to just come out of it. That's thinking backwards. Here, an actual potential crisis is at stake, and Pinkie goes to great lengths to try and make sure everything turns out alright. And, for once, I actually FEEL for her. I actually WANT her to succeed (when normally I want her to fail). I can feel her plight and her pain, and that's good! And, I was actually laughing a lot at it, both from Pinkie's jokes and randomness (for once) and from the yaks for talking in the way they did. Sure, as a whole, the episode is kinda stupid...but, sometimes stupid is okay if it's done with heart and you actually TRY to make the stupid a little more than just...well, stupid. Does that make sense? Bottom line, I enjoyed it for what it was. Take it or leave it.

16. The Cutie Map, Part 1 (Episode 1): For a season premiere, this brought a whole new element into the picture. We weren't dealing with a monster with insurmountable powers and Twilight's gang had to blast them with a rainbow of colors to make them stop. Instead, we had to deal with a girl who (we later learn) had to deal with a painful childhood that left her friendless, so she wanted to make a colony of "friends" who were all equal and the same and would never leave her. It's honestly a rather shocking and emotional situation when you stop to think about it. Say what you want, but Starlight Glimmer's plight is something we all can relate to. If you seriously didn't lose a friend or two when you were young, regardless of the reasons, you're a big, fat liar. Sure, is what Starlight did acceptable then? Probably not. But it's easy to understand and relate to. But, even if all that makes it for a fascinating premiere, it doesn't mean it was AMAZING or anything. The first part was alright, but nothing much took place. I didn't care for the song, and the smiling ponies just made me uncomfortable. I liked the idea and the concept, but that's all. Also, we got to see the Mane Six potentially being called to missions around Equestria, but it only happened a total of four times, so that was misleading.

15. The Cutie Map, Part 2 (Episode 2): The second part, as per usual, was filled with a lot more tension and intense drama and...oh, who am I kidding? Starlight cast a spell, then Fluttershy did some poor acting, and then Starlight ran away, and then Twilight gave a speech, and finally Starlight got pissed off and escaped. That's pretty much it. Again, if you understand beforehand WHY Starlight is doing what she's doing, you'd connect with her more...maybe. But, as an opening premiere, it was just alright. The side-characters were cute and funny, but again half of the episode is just a chase scene. I'm guessing they did that on purpose to showcase just what a cutie mark means and how special they can be, since it allowed them to catch Starlight, but I didn't care. I liked it, but that's all.

14. Castle Sweet Castle (Episode 3): An honest issue that most of us can relate to, I'm guessing. Twilight is now living inside a large, cold, empty castle, and she's sad at the loss of her old home. Really touching issue. I loved the song, and I thought the ending was honestly unexpected and very sweet. But, what keeps it low for me is the lack of common sense displayed by the Mane Six (minus Twilight). I mean, I can understand if it was a mental relapse, but this is now season five. The fact that they still act like this at this point is retarded. Not only do they act like they don't even know Twilight, but then they all decorate the castle in such a messy, humiliating way that you wonder what the hell they were looking at while their song montage was going on. Again, I do enjoy a nice slice-of-life episode now and then, but when it comes to lacking common sense, that just annoys me and pisses me off.

13. Rarity Investigates (Episode 15): Much like I explained earlier about Pinkie Pie, THIS is how you properly use Rarity. You basically take her out-of-character, if that makes sense. It's why I love Inspiration Manifestation from season four. When Rarity is forced to do something that isn't like her, she's actually FUN. You can disagree all you want, but her normal self is awful. She's meant to be despised and hated. But, when she's forced out of her element, she's actually fun. That's a fact. Deal with it. Here, in the style of a lot of old time, black and white investigative movies, Rarity has to investigate who framed Rainbow Dash. I liked the concept (since I also loved when Pinkie Pie did the same thing involving the missing cake), I liked seeing the Wonderbolts, and (again) it's nice to see Rarity actually likable and fun for once in her sorry life. The only reasons why this isn't in my top 10 is because it was leading to a very obvious and predicable outcome (I'm pretty sure we all know who did it almost immediately) and the Wonderbolts basically treating Dash like a liar and not knowing how loyal she is at this point. But, other than those minor quips, I liked this episode. A lot of fun!

12. Hearthbreakers (Episode 20): Wonderful! A Christmas episode around Halloween. As if the general public didn't get pissed off at this kinda thing already. Me, personally? I love Christmas, and I don't care how early it gets thrust upon us. Just deal with it, you stupid crybaby assholes! Anyway, this episode deals with Pinkie and Applejack (who I honestly do believe are cousins) spending Hearth's Warming together! Already you have me hooked. Applejack's (small) family and Pinkie's family? Hell yeah! And, they don't disappoint. Maud is awesome, as always. Limestone is feisty and awesome. Marble is basically a female Big Macintosh, which is adorable. Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz were both fun Amish parents. Predictably enough, we have to go through the whole shtick of "we don't understand each other, so now we have to be mad at each other", which is REALLY stupid, because we all knew how it was gonna end. But, overall, I really loved seeing both families interact, and seeing the traditions (both in Equestria AND between the families), and it was just a funny, feel-good episode. If you seriously didn't like it, there is something wrong with you. I think you have a rock for a heart if you didn't like this episode.

11. Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep (Episode 13): Ah, our customary "insanity episode" that we get each season! This one sure didn't disappoint. This one was just insane on so many levels. As always, Luna is awesome, but all the dream stuff that was going on? Jesus Christ, it really looks like the animators and writers were having fun with this one. And, to top it off, all of the insanity actually had a point to it! Well, kinda. I still don't fully understand what was wrong. Basically, a part of Nightmare Moon was still inside Luna...so it was making her have nightmares...and when the princess of the night has nightmares...they become terrifying aspirations that haunt the dreams of all Equestrian residents? Uh...WHAT? My head really can't comprehend what they were going for, but I don't really care. This episode was crazy, insane, and FUN! Even if it lacked a lot of logic and understanding, it made up for it with its creativity.

10. Tanks For The Memories (Episode 5): I tried to protect this episode for as long as I could, but ultimately I can't in all goodness take it any higher than right here. Yes, I know a lot of you don't like it, and yes, I understand the problems. But, I guess you could call this one a guilty pleasure. Mainly because I fully understand what Rainbow Dash is doing in this. I love pets and animals more than I do human beings, and I would do ANYTHING to protect the ones I have...no matter how insane. Dash already suffers from loneliness, so seeing her pet go away for a few months is painful for someone like her. Her trashing Cloudsdale and not getting punished for it...yeah, that has a few issues...but, hey, it was funny! Oh, and don't even get me started on how EPIC that song was! Dash finally gets a solo song, and she KILLS it! One of the best songs in the entire series. YES, I know that scene of Dash crying like a big baby is really unsettling and stupid, but...again, I get it. I just understand this episode a lot and I know how Dash feels. So, combined with that, and the epic song, I had to rank it in my top 10. Sorry not sorry.

9. The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 1 (Episode 25): Overall, this was a strong finale. People seem split on it, but what I really enjoyed about it was seeing all the different outcomes and dealing with time travel and all that. It wouldn't shock me if the writers did this purposely as an homage to Back To The Future (if you don't understand why, you're an idiot and been living under a rock the past few months). But, if not, I still really like what they did here. Starlight Glimmer actually did something villainous without doing much at all, which is really cool. And she wasn't going to just let Twilight stop her, which I really admire. It was so cool watching what was going to happen, because for once, I wasn't sure how Twilight was going to resolve this! It kept me on the edge of my seat. I really didn't want it to end. They went through Sombra, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, Flim & Flam, Discord, and Tirek so fast and it left me wanting more! That's really a sign of a fun episode. And this was just part one!

8. The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 2 (Episode 26): YES, I get it, Starlight just giving in to Twilight's speech for once was kinda a cop-out, but...think about it. Moon Dancer just needed to vent all her pent-up emotions and let it all out. Starlight basically just did the same thing. What's so wrong with that? Yes, I said before that I hate repetition, but these were vastly different situations. Moon Dancer was shutting out her friends...but not doing anything mean or villainous. Starlight shut out everyone...and took it to the extreme to get her way. So, each girl needed to vent, and Twilight was able to get through to them. I love it. You don't always need to blast the villain with your rainbow powers to revert them back to normal. Plus, it left us with a curious ending. Was Starlight Glimmer now gonna be a part of the main cast? Is she gonna live with Twilight at her castle? Is she the new Sunset Shimmer? Oh, and speaking of which...the writers are just trolling us at this point. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer. Just look at those three names. I mean...really? REALLY? What's coming up next season, huh? A mare named Daybreak Shine or something? Well, either way, I loved the finale. It was fun, exciting, sweet, touching, and left us desiring more for next season. Great job!

7. The Mane Attraction (Episode 24): Oops. I kinda forgot about this episode. So...this MIGHT be a tad high for it, right? Well, instead of just switching it with one of the others, I'm gonna justify forgetting about it and putting it here. Um...well, it's clearly a homage to Lady Gaga. If you disagree, you're a blind idiot. Countess Rara. Lady Gaga. Rara was forced to dress up in weird clothing, have dancers with her on stage, and sing with auto-tune. Lady Gaga has to do the same. Rara's real name is long and weird. Gaga's real name is long and weird. IT'S ABOUT LADY GAGA. DEAL WITH IT! So, since I love Lady Gaga, therefore the episode must be ranked high! Right? Yeah, let's go with that. Um...Applejack was fun! And the songs that Rara sang were fun! And...uh...yeah. Let's just move on, shall we?

6. What About Discord (Episode 22): Pretty much the only reason I have this ranked so high is because of...who do you think? Discord. Discord makes every single episode he appears in epic and memorable. I don't care if you disagree; you're a dumbass if you do, so get out of my sight. Anyway, for the episode itself, it dealt with a real issue (jealousy) which is something we all can relate to. All of us get jealous at something or another; don't pretend you don't. And, the fact that we just didn't know if Discord had done something or not made it that much more fun. DID Discord once again do something evil? Or is really all in Twilight's head and she's just being jealous? Well, we got our answer...even though Discord still took enjoyment out of torturing her. I love it! I don't have too much to say on it, since it dealt with just common things for the most part, but I really did have fun with it for what it was.

5. Make New Friends But Keep Discord (Episode 7): This episode pretty much kicked off a chain of three of the best episodes of the season, since I still haven't listed episode 8 and episode 9 yet! But, can you blame me? Once again, we deal with jealousy...and, now that I stop to think about it, Discord and Twilight went through the same thing this season! In this episode, Discord had to deal with jealousy. Then, in his next episode, Twilight deals with it! That is VERY clever, writers. Props for that! It's fun to watch both of them go through jealousy in their own ways, but what made each one unique is that Twilight and Discord both dealt with it so vastly differently. Twilight just tried to remake the situation so she could be a part of it, while Discord brought in a new friend to make Fluttershy jealous. Two things I'm sure MANY of us have done in real life. This episode I can relate to so much, since I really do get angry when my friends make other friends and start to ignore me. I'm sorry, but I can't help it. So, when you take THAT issue, and mix it with Discord's insanity, you get a lot of fun! I didn't care for Tree Hugger, and the Smooze was weird, but overall I enjoyed Discord's insanity too much to rank this any lower.

4. The Lost Treasure Of Griffonstone (Episode 8): Why the hell do so many people not like this episode? Gilda is back, AND she's proven to not be a bad guy, LIKE I'VE BEEN PREACHING FOR YEARS! I KNEW she wasn't a bad person; Pinkie just put her in a bad mood by being a jealous, selfish bitch. And a whole episode focused...or rather centered around Gilda? Hell yeah! I love Gilda, and seeing her come around and make up with Dash was touching. I'm not gonna say reformed, because in my opinion she didn't do anything wrong in her previous episode from season 1; I would've acted the same way if you treated me like that when I was just trying to spend time with my friend. You irritate me, and I pay you back. That's how I roll. Anyway, seeing the history of the griffons, and watching Dash (and I guess Pinkie) struggle to help them was really sweet. The griffons made me laugh, I loved Gilda, and I liked the odd, yet cute ending. I suppose this is so high because I love Gilda and I love being proven correct that Gilda wasn't bad. But, I still loved this episode, and I'd watch it over and over.

3. Amending Fences (Episode 12): Is it interesting that two of my top three episodes were written by M. A. Larson? He also wrote Luna Eclipse and Magic Duel, two of my favorite episodes ever. But, then he wrote Magical Mystery Cure...so, I guess for every ingenious episode he writes, he writes a terrible one. Either way, this guy is great! This episode was not only a callback to something we never got to see resolved in season 1, but we also got to hear a lot from Colgate (yes, I'm still calling her that; that's her freaking name) and Twilight's other friends, including her clone of sorts Moon Dancer! It wasn't over-the-top or insane or crazy or shocking, it was just...a really sweet, touching, amazing slice-of-life episode that touched our hearts. It was so sweet and understandable and something we could all relate to, told in a sweet and logical way. It gives me shivers and chills watching it, and that's a good thing. It's just such a powerful episode that everyone needs to watch to take a look at their own lives, I think.

2. Slice Of Life (Episode 9): Seriously, let me just say this. Some of you "fans" are selfish pieces of shit and you need to get your heads out of your ass. Who the hell do you think you are? An entire episode of a show is written ALL for us fans...and some of you have the freaking NERVE to hate on it and attack it and call it crap? Are you KIDDING me? Oh, I'm so sorry, was it TOO much "fan service" for your logical little ego? Did you want OTHER certain background characters to get more time than those that did? Did you just not want this at all, since apparently showing appreciation towards fans is somehow a BAD thing? You people sicken me; just get the hell out of the fandom if you seriously didn't like this episode. Yell at me all you want, but I'm sick of this shit. When people do a nice thing for you, just accept it and appreciate it for what it is! You do NOT bite the hand that feeds you, and you do NOT act like a spoiled child that got a Burger King hamburger instead of the one they wanted from McDonald's. I'm really sorry if this is coming off as offensive and rude, but I seriously can't stand it when fans act like assholes towards a show that has given us so much. The whole Derpy Hooves incident...the whining over Equestria Girls...Twilight becoming an Alicorn...and now this episode. You fans are some of the most entitled idiots on the planet; it's no wonder Bronies get so much hate! THE EPISODE IS FOR US, THE FANS! ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT IS! IT'S EPISODE #100! IT'S A MILESTONE! IT'S MEANT TO BE SILLY AND FUN! THE ENDING MESSAGE WAS DIRECTED TOWARDS US, AS A THANK YOU FOR ALL OUR DEDICATION TO THE SHOW! STOP BEING HATEFUL JERKS! Jesus.

1. Crusaders Of The Lost Mark (Episode 18): I said it once, and I'm saying it again right now. One of the best episodes in the entire freaking series. Holy crap, where do I start? First off, this is how you do a musical episode correctly; Magical Mystery Cure could take lessons from this. Then, it focuses not only on the Cutie Mark Crusaders FINALLY getting their cutie marks, but most of all...it focuses on my girl Diamond Tiara. And even if she does get the Pacifica Northwest treatment, it still made me cry joyous tears. FINALLY we get to see that she isn't a bad girl at all, like I've been saying the whole time. That's another thing that pisses me off about you "fans". You have the gull to create memes about killing Diamond Tiara? And make pictures about murdering her? And saying such awful, horrendous things on journals, blogs, and videos? You people...you need help. Seriously. There's being passionate about something, and then...there's taking something too far and just being a psychopath. That aside, every single thing in this episode I loved. Diamond Tiara becoming friends with the Crusaders...the songs actually being good and fun...the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting some badass cutie marks...and everything coming together beautifully. Truly an inspiring, wonderful, amazing episode that was a long-time coming. Mad props for the show getting it right. In my full, honest opinion, this is the best episode of the season, and quite possibly in the top five of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episodes of all-time!

Comments ( 4 )

Good rankings and opinions. I'm surprised Tommy Oliver bothered to do reviews for Season 5, considering he was among the reviewers who started attacking the show for everything back in Season 3. It's fine if you have your own expectations, but you shouldn't get too attached to them all the time, or you're just going to set yourself up for disappointment and take it out on everything else.

Comment posted by sonicgum15 deleted Dec 8th, 2015

3582643 Well, his hatred of Rarity is probably unjustified, considering how far she's come. I can see how early on Rarity's dramatic moments could make her seem kind of shallow, "Dragonshy" and "Green Isn't Your Color" in particular didn't do her any favors. But as time went on, she really improved.


I actually think Green Isn't your Color showcases Rarity pretty well, you see her jealous yes, but not petty or anything, and she's MAD at herself for her jealously she WANTS to be happy for Fluttershy and in the end she risk her reputation for what she believed made Fluttershy happy (of course she's wrong about this but that's not the point).

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