• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2023


More Blog Posts22

  • 397 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings

    Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in

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    3 comments · 1,014 views
  • 398 weeks
    Ranking All My Little Pony Episodes & Seasons

    So, with the help of a program called Preference Revealer, I have ranked all 143 episodes spanning across all six seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Now let me make it clear that these are MY OPINIONS and if anyone who reads this disagrees with my choices (which is definitely likely), then good for you and I'm glad you were able to get something out of episodes I either didn't care

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  • 445 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings

    The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working

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  • 452 weeks
    Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! All of my yes! Easily, bar none, the best episode in the entire series! I can't recall the last time I've shed this many tears throughout an entire episode. I mean...where do I begin? Diamond Tiara actually confirming my thoughts that she's not a bad girl and it's just her upbringing...Silver Spoon showing morals even before Diamond Tiara did...Applejack's parents

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  • 454 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Is Amazing!

    It really is the best one in the series yet. It doesn't go overboard like the first movie with its odd character development and plot-holes, and it isn't just mean-spirited and boring like the second one...not that the first two were bad, but still. Friendship Games had an amazing story that didn't really have a true villain; it just worked on its own merits. I won't go into spoilers, in case you

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    1 comments · 496 views

Update On Life + Total Magic Pony Series · 4:56pm Mar 17th, 2014

I know it's been...quite a long time since I worked on anything, and a lot of you are upset about that. I wouldn't be surprised if hardly anyone left cares about me anymore and has moved onto something else (such are our human minds prone to do), but I might start writing again. The reason it's been so long and the reason that I haven't given updates is because my life has been quite the disaster. Allow me to give you an update on what has been happening my life since I last updated any of my stories:

1. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). No, I'm not making any of this up. My mother and all her idiot friends kept yelling at me to get a job or go back to school, which I just did not want to do. When I went to get tested, I was diagnosed with all of these conditions and am now getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as I stay at home all the time. For those of you who don't know what SSI is, it's basically the government's program that pays those who have either physical or mental disabilities that prevent them from working or going to school. They send a check each and every month to help out with bills and food and stuff. Granted, it's not THAT much, but it has been helping immensely. Point is, having all of these conditions is NOT fun and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

2. I have been in a major writing funk, because I just wish I had more fans than I did. I know that sounds greedy, but let's be real. In the back of all our minds, we all feel the same way. We desire attention and it makes us feel happy and motivated when a lot of followers read your stories, comment on them, and even make little groups or pages on Tropes or other things like that. It makes us feel special and that what we're writing actually matters. With someone like me, who has little to no reason to even waste oxygen at this point, all I want is to make people happy with what I write and get love in return. And, I just fear that if I go through all the effort of writing something rather long, no one really cares. Sure, maybe 5-10 people do, but that's hardly anything! Some stories get over 50-100 people to go gaga over them! I've been writing for over 20 years, so I think I'm pretty good, but those moments of doubt keep lingering with me. Oh, and no, I am NOT handing over the reigns of my stories to anyone. I'm sorry, but I find that stupid. Some people may do it and whatever, but I disagree with that. A story is something only YOU can write; no one else. They will live and die by YOUR hands, not someone else's.

3. I live at home with my mother. I'm not THAT ashamed to admit it. I'd rather be at home than out having sex with floozies, drinking alcohol in bars until I pass out, smoking illegal drugs because I think I'm cool, gambling away money in a casino, wasting money driving around in a stupid car, or working in a pointless job. But, living at home has a lot of bad issues. My mother's boyfriend is always leaving for a week or two now and then, because they fight all the time, and she then cries and cries and drives me insane. Her car also stopped working, and unlike me, she is NOT a homebody. She NEEDS to be out and about or she goes nuts. So, yeah, it's been hard for her and she's been driving me even CRAZIER trying to find a car. Top that off with bad internet and high bills to pay and you get a home environment that isn't pretty.

4. My mother and myself are constantly being threatened that we will be kicked out of our home and onto the streets by our evil family that "owns" this house. To not confuse anyone, my mother's brother is a lawyer something and he owns power of attorney or some crap like that and he keeps wanting to force my mother's mother (my stupid grandmother) to sign the rights to the house over to him so he can...ugh, you know what? Just forget it. It's too complicated for any of you to understand...including me. Just trust me when I say that it's a living hell each and every day and one day I wouldn't be surprised to be living on the cold streets without any shelter at all. I hate my mother's family so much. I hate all the useful father figures I've had in my life. I had my fake friends who use me for their own stress relief. I hate it so much. Oh, and I tried to...harm myself...several times in the past year, but never mind that.

So, yeah, that's how my life has been and why I haven't been updating and such. I apologize for any of you who actually care. I highly doubt I'll get there, but I think about my Total Magic Pony series all the time. I have all the seasons planned out in my HEAD, but since I like to write a lot and because of problem #2 above, it's been hard to even get up the motivation to write them out. That said, with season six of Total Drama soon to be here, I had a great cast of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic characters in mind for it, and just had to share it with you. I also even know how the first episode would go and the big shocker that would happen. First off, it would be a battle of the sexes: males versus females. And these would be the characters I had in mind (note that the tribe names are puns on the stereotypes of the common male and female, what with males being classified as stupid and females being classified as screaming jabber-jaws):

Moronic Simpletons:
Cheese Sandwich
Shining Armor

Screaming Psychopaths
Babs Seed
Coco Pommel
Lightning Dust
Maud Pie
Suri Polomare

Again, I doubt I'll ever reach season six, and by that point the new Equestria Girls movie will be out and I might like the new female character in there and want to include her like I would Sunset Shimmer in season four of this series. Also, this current season of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is still going on, and there might be a new character or two we all will fall in love with and I'll want to include. This is just my current idea for a nice 14-character cast. What would you all think of this? Also, give me your prediction on which team you think would lose first, and who you THINK would be voted out first. Remember, what I have in mind would be quite stunning and hilarious.

Report Tailslover13 · 793 views · Story: Total Magic Pony Island ·
Comments ( 14 )

sorry to ask, but what of trip of a lifetime?
and of your other great stories?

Sorry to hear about your life, I hope it somehow gets better soon.

I think the Moronic Simpletons would likely win at first, and the Screaming Pyschopaths would lose thanks to Suri Polomare and The Mane-iac. Though The Mane-iac would be manipulative enough to stay in the game.

When the Moronic Simpletons lose for the first time they'd probably vote off Sea Breeze, simple because he's so small, and his bossy atittude would rub everyone the wrong way.

I'll comment on the teams there. The female side is heavy on villains and driven to win. However, I can see them getting into each other's way and making a mess of things, allowing the male side to hunker down and win each competition.

As for who would be voted out first? Tough call, but I'll go with Seabreeze because I can see the guys not know what a small little dude like that could do for them.

Hope things work out for ya!

1933365 Yeah, that's an unfortunate truth of the type of shows Total Drama parodies. The ones that get voted out first are usually the ones that are either deemed useless, or the most annoying. After that comes the nice guys and the popular ones, just so they won't get in your way since they usually oppose you. Then come the ones with talents that make them able to outdo anyone else in a certain area. By the end it's usually the most underhanded competetior that makes it the farthest, though at least one villan tends to get tripped by their ego and is eliminated.

I may not be much, but I'm still a fan of you. :pinkiesmile:

I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Brother, you don't need to say anything else. If I knew where you lived, I would run over to your house and give you bear hug. No one deserves to go through what your going through.

Anyway, I think the girl team will lose. However, I only think that because of all the drama that happened between Spike and Rainbow Dash.

I haven't been keeping up with MLP since Season 3 ended, and I never watched TDI in the first place, but damn if your story isn't well crafted. Scratch that, stories. You know I like Trip of a Lifetime since I used Josh in my own dumb little story (that I wouldn't be surprised if you've forgotten by now). TPI is one of those stories for me where I never want each chapter to end, same with ToaL. I just feel so connected, so entranced, that when it ends, I feel empty.

I know how you feel.

I've had problems with depression since 4th grade, and my stories are less known than yours (though there is probably a reason for that). It hurts when you work so hard on something and it doesn't get the recognition you know it deserves. Then the self hatred kicks in... from there on you know the drill. It's so hard to be motivated. Even one voice isn't enough. My voice probably isn't enough for you, even if I've written this much. Heck, I want you to write more for my own selfish desire. But that's okay. You have to remember that even if it is 10 people, 10 lousy people... you still made their day significantly better. If you don't feel good about writing for yourself, then at least remember me and all those who read it are captured by your writing and eagerly await for another chapter which will brighten their day.

rather be at home than out having sex with floozies,

Hey, Those so called floozies are nice, respectable ladies in their own right. Except for Crystal, she just a ho.

I just want to say that the Total Magic Pony Island is, in all seriousness, the best crafted story I've ever read. It's bloody fantastic and I can't actually think of another author whose work I have connected with more.

I know that life is extremely tough for you right now but just try to remember that there are people out there who value your work and, above all, you, even if you don't realise it.

Even though my words might not matter, I feel really sorry for you. No man deserves to go through these kind of things. I am going through a little depression myself, so I can relate a bit.

TMPI is probably my favorite story on this site, and you have no idea about how happy I am to hear that the story isn't cancelled. I really like the Moronic Simpletons' name :rainbowlaugh:! The cast looks pretty good! Maybe you can add Princess Cadence. If Shining Armor is there, why can't Cadence be there as well?

I hope one of the Moronic Simpletons win the 1,000,000 bits, preferably Cheese Sandwich. I have always favored the males in a TV show more than the females, and I bet this would be the same case. The first pony to be eliminated will be either Coco or Maud. Probably Maud because Suri might try to use Coco again to her advantage. Also, I don't think Maud has what it takes to make it far and to help her team win challenges. I really hope Maud doesn't go! She is my favorite mare you out in the Screaming Psychopaths. The first Moronic Simpleton to be out will be Seabreeze. Seabreeze might complain and boss many stallions around, and they could get sick of it. Seabreeze also can't do anything without the wind and the other Breezies, and he could possibly cost them the challenge. Maybe the stallions might eliminate him so he could be safe from anymore harm that Discord could cause him. So I think the Screaming Psychopaths will win the first challenge while the Moronic Simpletons will eliminate Seabreeze.

I LOVE TMPI! I hope you will keep updating, but if you don't want to, I would understand.

Have a great evening.

Oh man, I've always been wondering where did you go? Now I know. That sucks. Hope to see you get better!

I've waited this long for you to come back, so I guess can wait a bit longer. :twilightsmile:

Hello...Listen...I know at least a little bit of what your going through. I have Asperger's, which is a high functioning level of autism. I also have a slight depression as well. But enough about me, I want to talk to you, you personally.

I am the type of person that is really internet shy, and it takes a lot to get me to talk to people. But when I first saw this I immediately got off of my mobile device onto the computer, in the middle of the night and started typing. I want you to know that your not alone, people suffer through this stuff everyday, and I'm not sure how to say this but...

sigh...I'm really bad at this. Listen, if you ever need someone to talk too, just message me, I'll listen to whatever you have to say. I will encourage you, try to cheer you up, I just want you to be happy. I can understand about wanting to make people happy with your writing, the reason I've never posted anything is because I either don't think anyone would enjoy it, or it's the type of story made to pull at your heartstrings. I just want you to know that if you ever want someone to talk too, I will be there to listen.

I wish there was something I could say now, but...to be honest...I hardly know you even now and would have no idea what to say. But...If you ever need a friend, I'll be there. Just...please, hang in there, for the people who care about you.

Sigh...I know this will sound odd but I am a true fan of your work...When I was a kid I grew up with the total sonic island thing you had on deviant art and I first found out bout your move to here on a mlp site I had no clue mlp existed.A few years past and I return to the site...the first story I read is Total Magic Pony Island...I read only that story on the site for nearly 2 years I never acknowledged other storys it was just your story that caught my attention.
It inspired me to try good writing and when I look back at it I still enjoy it.
I feel so sad bout your current conditions I myself have ADHD and Aspergers and have been recent feeling sad due to the news spooking me.
I just want to say I will always care bout your story and the work you put into it.

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