• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


30 years old closet brony from the center of Europe. Just happily doing my thing in my corner of the internet.

More Blog Posts14

  • 408 weeks
    Fifty-two stories...

    I used to write a blog post every ten stories. It was kind of a little treat, a tiny reward for myself for having reached sort of another milestone and take a moment to reflect on what had happened, what I had done right, what I had done wrong, or simply what I had done.

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  • 456 weeks
    Night Star's dramatic reading


    I'm making this post to propose to you to go take a look at Night Star's youtube channell where she does dramatic readings. There are two reasons for that.

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    0 comments · 409 views
  • 496 weeks
    Two years and forty stories, a look back

    I've been very reluctant to write those words. Only the knowledge that I will certainly come back in a few month, or maybe a year, to look back on that moment convinces me to do it. [edit: and here I am...]

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    4 comments · 444 views
  • 501 weeks
    Building and "correcting" stories - Because it is right

    That story is a bad one. I like it paradoxicaly, but it is objectively weak.
    [edit: yeah... I sort of changed my mind since I wrote those words.]

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    0 comments · 516 views
  • 514 weeks
    Building stories - For the eyes of a sentry

    Boy did people dislike that story. That didn't happen since... wow, since the very beginning. Yay ^^ for memories.

    It has been a crazy week. First sort of vacation in a long, long, very long time and I finally could take a little more time than usual to practice my hobbies.

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The stories I want, but probably never will get to write... · 8:58pm Sep 29th, 2013

[edit:] This list has evolved from "I can't write any of those stories, sigh" to "Let's list all the ideas I have/had so that I can always come back there if I feel like writing".
The reason? Well, I seem to be willing to go to thirty complete stories as I intended at the beginning, so... why not?


Once again writing down some notes for myself about ponies here on that bloggy thing.

As I feel I’m nearing the end of my wanna be fanfic writer days (meaning that I’ll have time to go read better stuff from real writers, yay! And that I will only write in french, which I'm a little more comfortable with for obvious reasons), I’m making a quick reminder for me about all the idea of stories that I’ve seriously considered to write (in order to keep the list as short as possible), but won’t ever write.

Here is the graveyard.


1) In which Lyra didn't see a human : A stallion comes to see Lyra and tells her he is a human who needs her help to go back home. She agrees to help him, but falls in love in the process...

2) I can't : WROTE THAT ONE ! Everybody thinks Twilight is a genius. But they tend to forget she can’t do anything. And when the train breaks down, having the main six stuck in nowhere land, everypony awaits from Twilight that she repairs it, even if she knows nothing about trains.
Reason: Never found a good introduction. I just can’t feel the story.

3) Destiny awaits : Destiny offers Twilight a choice, asking if ponies should keep their cutie mark, or get freed from them, and gives Twilight a week to decide.
Reason: never found a way to structure the story in a coherent way…

4) In sane obsession : A man has a pony doll delivered to his home. He finds out that the pony is alive, or at least he thinks so, as everybody else only see a pony doll.
Reason: has been done to death and the rules of fimfiction say I couldn’t publish it anyway…

5) The sun thieves : Oh how much I would like to write this one… someone stole the sun. Good thing the doctor is here to save the day, taking Spike with him thinking he is Twilight Sparkle.
Reason: Never found a good ending that would make sense.

6) The stars will aid her escape... : Twilight learns that her destiny is to put an end to the world. At the same time, she is sent back in time in disguise by Luna to go free her from her moon prison, as the prophecy stated.
Reason: it’s stupid. And an adventure. I can’t write those…

7) Mean ink : Rainbow Dash fails to enter the wonderbolts. She decides to take all of her frustration onto Fluttershy, abusing her kindness to slowly destroy her…
Reason: I only wanted to write that to get rid of my own frustration…

8) One day : Twilight meets a pony that lives only one day (filly the morning, mare at noon, old in the evening, dead at midnight).
Actually, such a pony could easily represent a day...
Reason: Never really found what lesson or moral I should try to handle with that one.

9) The real Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie saves her reflection from the trap of the mirror. But as there can’t be two Pinkie Pie, as Twilight states, she decides to take her place, leaving the other five with her reflection who say she is Pinkie Pie and doesn’t understand why she is treated as a stranger…
Reason: Never had the time to structure the story in an interesting way. And the introduction is too hard to do…

10) The judgment : Equestria lays in ashes after the war with the humans. One of them find himself trapped with the survivors of the main six (Applejack having died in the conflict and Rarity having gone in front of them). Rainbow Dash attacks him, but is stopped by Twilight, who proposes a judgment, to which the human agrees, not knowing what is really at stake there.
Reason: Such a hard story. The background seems too serious for the moral I want to handle. And the introduction takes way too much time…

11) The theft of a lifetime : WROTE THAT ONE ! Twilight sees a ghost in a graveyard. She pursues it to a house where she meets with a pony who is obsessed with writing stories but has never published any. Twilight take one back home to read it, but find out the book is blank, as are all the books and parchments in the pony’s house.
Reason: The metaphor is too obvious to be interesting. And it needs more talent than I’ve got to make it work…
Well...: I finally wrote it anyway. It's totally different from what I had in mind, but who cares?

12) Before the world ends : It’s night, everypony is going to bed. But one pony cannot accept to go to sleep and tries to convince everypony else to do the exact same.
Reason: Why bother building a whole story about something as simple as the feeling that you haven’t accomplished anything during the day you’ve had and therefore don’t feel fulfilled? Like writing a blog post at eleven in the night. But now that I say it out loud, it might be more interesting than I’ve thought before. Too bad.

13) Thanks for nothing : Somepony has accomplished something that she is congratulated everywhere for. But she doesn't know what. She begins to wonder if she is worth it.
Reason: I’ve never been able to make it into a coherent structure. I’m also not sure how to handle the moral, because there is no good answer there…

14) Alone in the dark : Sweetie Belle finds three rocks near sugarcube corner and begins to care about it as with a living being, stating that they are only one being that is alive called Rocky. Of course, both Rarity and Twilight affirm that rock cannot be alive for obvious reason…
Reason: Never felt the story enough to structure it properly. Maybe the reference to “party of one” is killing the story in itself. Too bad too, because I would like to discuss if a rock could or couldn’t be sentient and what the consequences would be.

15) … Rumors about ponies dying are being heard all over Equestria and ponies begin to panic. The first investigation shows that the rumors are false, but just at that moment, ponies really begin to die out of fear in greater and greater number as the panic gets the better of them.
Reason: Adventure. Can’t write those. And death has nothing to do with ponies, at least not if taken seriously as this story would need to. (otherwise, the character of death is totally fine, as well as natural death, etc…)

16) Of hatred and courage : There is something weird in Fluttershy’s cottage, lurking in the shadows and making some horrible noises during the night. All the animals are scared and refuse to entere the cottage and Fluttershy, after having face some unnatural shadows, follow their example, asking her friend for help to face whatever has invaded her home.
Reason: Too caricatural. I’ve written stupid things already, I’ll still write stupid things. But to make this story not look stupid would take more talent than I’ve actually have. Even if I like the topic discussed in it.

17) You got an A : Cheerilee has given Applebloom an A. The filly is happy, until Scootaloo speaks about the rumors around their teacher, and how every foal and filly she has ever given an A to has disappeared in the past...
Reason: Never found an ending good enough.

18) The right to be afraid : WROTE THAT ONE ! Twilight meets a new creature in her house, very nice and gentle. But Pinkie Pie explains that this creature is a world destroyer, which the creature confirms. She is bound to destroy Equestria in the future. Ponies begin to panic and some plot to get rid of the creature before it's too late.
Reason: I guess it's not subbtle enough. And the reason why the creature can't just go away will always be weak. Still... why didn't I write this one?
Well...: I guess I wrote it after all. And it ended up not the way I wanted it to be. Why do I even tried?

19) Equestriopia: Doctor Hooves comes back to Ponyville with Derpy, but he discovers that there has been a lot of change, mostly because robots are now serving the ponies who are all just standing on the same spot the whole day, doing nothing and feeling nothing. Doctor Hooves has to go find who or what has caused such a disaster, only to find a very old "travel companion" of his...
Reason: it's an adventure. I don't know how to write those. And the moral is so dull...

20) The one wing pony: Scootaloo is playing in a carton box imagining she is flying a plane. A grown up pegasus comes and makes fun of her for "flying" this way, but it appears that this pegasus only has one wing. He and Scootaloo become friend as the pegasus discovers how great imagination can be.
Reason: dull. Just... dull.

21) A human in Equestria: A human arrives in Equestria, and everypony welcomes him with joy under Celestia's lead who reveals humans were once the savior of the pony kind against the tyrant Tirak. Of course, Lyra is very interested by the human, even is she hasn't decided what she would do with his hands once she would be in front of him, but suddenly discovers the human doesn't seem to be as nice as the legend had told.
Reason: I don't even know it would end...

22) The tale of the one wing pony: Fluttershy has written a play where, in her mind, Rainbow Dash would have lost a wing and would have to be taken care of by Fluttershy, as her wife in the play. Twilight finds out about what Fluttershy has written, but Rainbow Dash wants to play one of the daughters of her character, Rarity insist on playing the lead role of the wife and Twilight thinks Fluttershy is too afraid to play with the others in front of a crowd and doesn't want to force her. At first Spike is chosen by default to play Rarity's husband in the play, which he is totally for, but then a pegasus comes in, who is chosent to play the role because he actually have only one wing, which inspires some very different reactions from everypony else...
Reason: very complicated, would need way more talent than I could imagine having.

23) Charity: Rarity wins the lottery, but gives everything to Charity. Her friends and some other ponies find it strange or insulting, but it all goes to hell when the carrousel boutique burns and Rarity finds out she wasn't insured like she thought she was...
Reason: actually, I would like to write a version of that one, with Sweetie Belle being sick to raise the stake. Twilight couldn't use the taxe's money to help. Applejack would try to sell the farm to help, but it wouldn't be enough. A rich pony would refuse to take advantage of the situation, but would refuse to help Rarity (was a beggar who has received a lot from Rarity, would give what was given back to her). The whole town would try and help all together in the end, and fail to find enough money. In the end, Rarity could propose to the goddesses to give her own life in exchange of that of her sister, but they refuse... I don't know. Ponies are supposed to care for each other. That kind of blows the whole story at the very beginning.

24) The magic of friendship: Celestia sends a second assistant for Twilight's administrative work. The earth pony arrives, but seems not very good at his job. He befriends, nonetheless, a lot of ponies very quickly and Twilight suddenly realises that this earth pony is able to achieve some impossible stuff in a way that reminds her of one of her friends.
Reason: I would like to write this one so much. I just don't feel good enough for the challenge.

25) The guest she was waiting for: Rainbow Dash receives a guest in her house who happens to be the stallion she was in love with ten years before and hasn't stop loving since.
Reason: I'm not going to write a story just to remind me of the past.

26) Here lies Applejack: Applejack discovers that almost everything Pinkie Pie has ever told her and her friends is nothing but lies. Pinkie Pie apologies, but tries to explain why it shouldn't prevent them to be friends with one another. For some reason, Applejack just can't accept to ignore a life of lies that easily...
Reason: too dumb, too complex. Impossible to make people understand why Applejack would be mad at that moment.

27) It's a long way...: Ponies are used to taking the train. Still, there is one train track that remains a mystery as nopony knows where it goes. Curious, Twilight organizes a big expedition with all of her friends and other ponies to go with a train to wherever that track may take them. But as they progress in their journey, each pony appears to have never come with Twilight in the first place, until she eventually finds herself alone in the big empty train, just as a light appears in the horizon where the track seems to lead.
Reason: I even forgot what I wanted to do with that story to begin with. I guess it proves how confusing it would be anyway.

28) For the love of the One: An evil pony necromancer comes into Ponyville and asks for help as the one he is in love with has been turned into stone by a basilic and neither his magic nor any of his attempts have failed to free her from that terrible condition. Twilight decides to help the imprisoned mare more than she is willing to help the necromancer, but eventually discovers that the statue is really just stone and that one big old lie lies under the whole affair.
Reason: this story has nothing to do with ponies. And it's adventure.

29) Nothing happened: Nothing happened, as long as Rarity can remember. But the problem is, something did happen and she has to face the fact that she hit Applejack who now refuses to speak to her. Backed to a wall as all of her friends try to figure out how they should react and challenge the bond of friendship that unite them all, Rarity has to discover why she did it to have the least chance for forgiveness.
Reason: I don't remember what I wanted to do with that sory... So confusing.

30) All hail the queen: Luna and Celestia have to leave for some reason and leave one very strict instruction behind for Twilight. They want her to help the one who will lead the kingdom in their absence. That very one appears to be Pinkie Pie and soon Twilight see the fabric of logic disappear as her friend rules over all of Equestria.
Reason: Pinkie Pie ruling over Equestria has already been done way better than I ever could.

31) Born in the shadows: Long ago, as Luna and Celestia had just come down to Equestria where they became the princesses they are since then, and just after the end of the first great epic pony war, a dissension appears between Luna and Celestia, as the princess of the night would like to become more intimate with the ponies that intriguate her. She eventually falls in love with one of them (as he dreams) and has a child from him (during one of his dreams). She decides to raise the child, a unicorn. Celestia accepts and becomes his aunt. One day, as the young foal, always curious and happy to discover, having grown up a little, states how amazing his mother's powers are to Celestia, she decides, out of jealousy, to show him her own powers and brings a bird back to life. Soon after, the foal dies, having fallen from a cliff when playing. Celestia wants Luna to accept the loss, but her sister forces her to use her magical powers to bring her child back to life, ignoring the consequences. The spell works, but the unicorn isn't the same anymore, having lost his soul, but gained power from both Luna and Celestia. He becomes evil, having lost any sense of empathy or pity, and decides he shall become more powerful in order to rule any living thing. Luna tries tries to help him, but eventually recignises he isn't the child she once knew and is endangering everypony. They decide to lock him in ice, way in the north, in a gigantic crystal palace, watched over by a crystal heart to make sure he would never be totally alone and in the hope that the magic of the heart would someday give him his soul back.
Reason: stories as this one are probably the reason we make fun of the concept of fanfiction. Still...

32) No you're not: A pony asks who she is to Pinkie Pie and Twilight. But she seems to refuse the answers she receives by saying "I don't want to be ****".
Reason: I still want to write that one. But with a pony who refuses to be called by her/his name, but cannot say what name should be used.

33) Why: Somepony wrote "why" on one of Applejack's wall. Twilight tries to find out what the whole question is, in order to find the answer, because of curiosity and a strong will to left no question unanswered. But the answer that is given to her is kind of weird... ("I like you")
Reason: I would like to write that one. But I can't figure out how...

34) When nothing happened: Applejack has met a new stallion. They like each other, they both consider living with the other and raising children together, so they come to the conclusion that they are in love. They just thought it would feel somehow different. They begin to build an illusion to live in to hide the blendness of it all, but finally have to decide if they want to live together without that mad passion they were awaiting, or if they go on their separate way to hope for a better ending...
Reason: too hard to do.

35) Just what you deserve: Rainbow Dash is given huge power that ensures that whatever anypony might be able to do, she can do better, therefore becoming objectively number one in everything. However, things turn bad when Rainbow Dash is denied the recognition she was expected from achieving her goal of being number one.
Reason: It should be called "number two" and focus on Rarity and Fluttershy, with Rarity giving up her calling in life and going to work in the fields with Applejack. And Fluttershy harassing Rainbow Dash so that the blue pegasus would take care of the animals in her place. But I heard there will be an episode about such a problem, so...

36) This is war: An ambassador from a far away pony kingdom comes to pay a visit as both kingdoms had lost contact since centuries. But as he departs, the ambassador gives a declaration of war to Twilight who had received him. The ambassador explains that it is tradition and that his kingdom has no real intention to attack at all. But when other ponies hear that Equestria is at war, things slowly get out of control...
Reason: I don't know. I'm lazy, I don't believe I know how to write and nobody would believe that story. Also, too political.

37) The life of a modern soldier in modern Equestria: A pony begins the military service in Equestria, as any pony has to at a certain point in life. The training, however, proves to be completely different from what the pony had expected, and in fact very confusing. After all, Equestria is a peaceful land and the modern soldiers of the kingdom have to be prepared for a modern war. A war you can't win, against an enemy you can't see, you can't name and you're not sure he even exists. At some point, the pony refuses the whole nonsense and rallies the others to fight the army itself, as the pony has arrived to the conclusion that the army must be the enemy they had been preparing to confront.
Reason: this shouldn't be a pony story. It's made for humans. In Switzerland. But Switzerland and Equestria are surprisingly very alike in some way...

38) Spike's special somepony: A mare/filly falls in love with spike. But Spike doesn't find her special, so she begins stealing to get the money to interest him and gains her cutie mark by doing so. In the end, Spike falls in love with her and therefore makes her go away. 'Cause he is logical...

39) Evil: Twilight learns that one of the pony in Ponyville is evil. But he never did anything evil in Equestria, only outside of the borders, so nopony ever did anything against him.

40) The revolution of the forks: After a wedding where Fluttershy was reminded that the fork should be used with the left hoof, the cutie mark crusaders decide to go on a social right crusade to promote the right to hold the fork with the right hoof. But none of their relatives accept it, Twilight is unable to find easy enough to understand terms to explain why and soon every filly and foal in Ponyville is militing for the right to use the fork with the right hoof, which drives everypony else crazy.

41) The weird war: A strange pony comes to Twilight and asks her to end the war his home kingdom is in. Twilight accepts and follows the pony to a weird underground kingdom surrounded by trenches where everypony is a soldier born to die in an endless war with only one problem: there is actually no enemy whatsoever.

42) Live Dream your dreams: Luna comes to Twilight because she screwed up and needs help to correct her mistake. There are three ponies whose dreams are becoming reality, which could put the whole world in jeopardy somehow. Twilight doesn't quite understand, but accepts to help. She now must go into the dreams and make those ponies accept that their dreams aren't true to restore things as they should be. But she of course begins to question if she is doing the right thing. In the end, everything is back into place, but when Luna makes Twilight wake up, the latter open her eyes in an unknown and dead world.

43) Long live the queen: Everypony in Equestria feels something, or somepony calling for help, but only the four princesses know that it means the queen is in danger. Celestia and Luna decide that Equestria must take any action necessary to go and answer the call, meeting Twilight and Candence agreement. Slowly but surely, Equestria turns into a gigantic warmachine ready to crush any enemy in the name of the queen. The princesses open a portal to the queen's world and search for her, but the inhabitants refuse to cooperate. Fearing for the queen, Celestia and Luna decide to invade, but Twilight and Cadence slowly begin to question the war until they discover that the queen is already dead from the hands of a simple citizen, making any effort to help her useless and the whole invasion useless.

44) Talented: A pony comes to Ponyville as Twilight Sparkle assistant (beginning of many stories I have in mind actually...) and appears to be incredibly talented at doing everything (but is an earth pony because... because). But none of his talents seem to be linked to his cutie mark. It so appears that his cutie mark is not his special talent, but what he loves doing, even if he isn't that good at it. His "special" talent. He just doesn't have time to do it because his other talents make ponies ask him to help a lot... or stuff like that.
Just thought of the idea, want to explore the concept. But god it needs a lot of thinking to make it work properly.

45) One named Manny: A pony comes in Ponyville (once more...) and slowly gets angry for seemingly no reason and causes quite a ruckus. Then it is discovered that this pony has lived through centuries, having found the secret for immortality, and has created many things ponies use everyday, but nopony really remember him.
But even as he makes his legacy known, ponies just can't seem to consider him as special.

46) My own very special talent: A foal makes his mother a cake. The cake tastes pretty bad, but the mother says it's good not to frustrate her child. And then the foal makes another one, and another one, and so on, because he is enjoying making cake a lot, even if he is very bad at it. And suddenly, he gets his cutie mark in cooking, but without the talent. His mother gets very worried and takes him to princess Twilight to see what has gone wrong. (she is worried because she fears her foal won't be able to work if he doesn't have a very special talent...)

47) Nothing happened: A whole lot of stuff happens (out of nothing) and at the end of the day, nothing has really changed...

48) Forever: Cadance calls Twilight to help when she discovers the frightening fact that she doesn't love Shining Armor anymore...

49) Sleepy...: There is a strange stallion in Equestria, whose special talent is sleeping. And those last days, he is spending more and more time asleep, to the point that his relatives begin to worry, as well as Luna who decides to inquire.

50) The bottom: Twilight touched the bottom of a big hole. And she slowly loses all will and possibility to come out of the hole.

51) As the world ends: After Twilight has opened the box, and whatever it contained has been resolved, everything is going just fine in Equestria. But after all the leaves fell without the intervention of the ponies, princess Celestia comes to see what Twilight is doing, without really saying much. After being asked a lot, she finally tell Twilight that there is a prophecy saying the world would end in a few months, unless the princess of the stars would stop it. The only problem is, Twilight has no idea how to stop the world from ending, and everypony around is expecting some sort of miracle from her...

52) Until the sun rise: Twilight, or Sweetie Belle maybe, go into a cavern, deep within for some reason and finds two creature that live in a little house there covered with candles. She gets invited in, but she slowly realize how rotten everything there is, beside the two creatures. The walls are rotten, the windows are covered with mud, the water is brown, everything stinks, there are shrooms growing everywhere... The creatures use all their time to clean things as best as they can, but everything falls apart. Asked about it, the pony begins to talk about Equestria and suddenly realizes both creatures should better come back with her, but the creatures refuse, prophetizing that the sun will rise one day and that they just have to wait it out.
When one of the creatures, who says he is the half of the other, begins to consider going to Equestria, the other one asks the pony not to take his other half away from him and that they should just wait for the sun and that the pony should go away.
Maybe the creatures should be squirrels. Squirrels are cute. But how it would work with the analogy I've got no idea...

53) stuff: Rainbow Dash touches the bottom. But there, she finds Rainbow Dash, and has to take her out of the pit they are in.

54) Stuff too: Twilight proposes to Rainbow Dash to eat with her that evening, but the pegasus soon notices a third plate that seems to be there for nopony at all. So Twilight begins to explain how she always set up that plate in case the one she loves were to come visit her, even if it's never going to happen... and then things go wrong as Twilight goes nuts.
Three stages: 1) explain her situation in hope of pity 2) begging with offering in exponential 3) use of force (here magic) to obtain what she wants
Ends with Twilight summoning a shadow of her love that comes to hug and calm her until she falls asleep and her magic ceases.

55) The small picture: A pony named Anny goes to see a movie. A simple slice of life.

56) Nightmare: The ponies go with Luna into a nightmare to retrieve a lost doll that has become a monster that can control dreams...

57) The solve-everything machin: A pony comes in Ponyville with a machine that can solve everyponies' problems. He asks Twilight if he should turn it on or not, because he decided he shouldn't, but his wife made him promise he would ask the princess of friendship before destroying the machine. Rainbow Dash is convinced they should turn the machine on, seemingly to allow Scootaloo to fly, and in reality because the machine would make all fears disappear forever. Applejack thinks a machine that can solve all the problems cannot exist and they shouldn't trust it. Twilight cannot decide and neither can the other princesses, so they decide to make the ponies of Equestria take a vote. In a debate, Rainbow Dash uses Applejack's honesty against her, but as she meets other ponies, she begin to doubt her position, while Applejack discovers that the inventor of the machine has actually created it for his wife and has in the end killed her to prevent her from starting the machine, then has decided to let the others decide to use it or not to amend his fault, even if he is personnally convinced it would be a big mistake.
In the end, the ponies of Equestria decide the machine should be turned on. Rainbow Dash tries to destroy the machine, but is prevented to by the guards and Twilight, who, in the end, to respect the will of the citizen of Equestria, push the start button of the machine against her own will.
Everyponies' problems got solved. THE END.

58) The computer: Fluttershy is given a computer and a manual to program it by a pony that tells her she just has to teach the computer for him to do whatever she wants. He shows her an example where, when a key is pushed, the computer says "hello". Then Fluttershy stubbornly begins to program the computer until she is able to give it a life of his own.

59) Unfinished: Scootaloo decides to build her very own plane in order to fly. But she stops midway and Rainbow Dash, scared that she would give up on her dreams, tries to convince her to finish her plane.

60) Piece of cake: WROTE THAT ONE I heard ponies like cake. Some like it more than others though. Here is the story of the time Twilight had to decide how to share the cake with all of her friends, as Rainbow Dash wants for Twilight to get a bigger piece of the cake, Rarity is ready to give up on her slice, Fluttershy would actually want the cake to be shared as equally as possible and Applejack brings in a second cake. As for Pinkie Pie, she demands to get the whole cake for herself...

61) 3000 years: Twilight discovers a pony living in a magical bubble for 3000 years to accomplish something. But that pony still hasn't even begun his work and wants to stay hidden in his bubble.

62) Body parts: Rarity discovers she can make a lot of money by renting her body parts to others. Slowly, every mare in Ponyville is doing the same, while Twilight doesn't find any way to prevent it.

63) A wolf in Ponyville: A wolf comes from the Everfreeforest to live in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash says they should attack him, but Twilight prevents her to. Soon, ponies begin to disappear...

64) Because peace is too violent: A soldier decides to become a civilian, but fails.

65) Embellishing the world: WROTE THAT ONE. Rarity discovers the painting of a stallion that makes the world more beautiful. She asks for a painting of herself, but he makes her look older, adding children to show how old and tired she is in comparison. She gets upset and tries to cope with her feeling, until she finds the true beauty of the painting and tells the stallion he has to embellish her world.

66) The curse: A pony is forced by a curse to do something that he is very bad at, which is ruining her life. She comes to Twilight asking for her to lift the curse.

67) The curse 2: A creatures comes into Ponyville while pushing a boulder. Fluttershy takes her into pity and tries to make her stop, but the creatures keeps coming back to pushing the boulder. When asked where to, she only replies "There" and waves in a random direction. (sysiphe)

68) A friend to talk to: A pony talks with his dear friend. They do some stuff together, like groceries, until a foal comes and pops the balloon with a pinhead. The pony sighs, mourns a bit, then make another ballon, put a smile on it, and both friends begin to talk together once again.
Then the foal comes to apologize and decides he wants to help the pony, until he learns that sometimes there are things you want to tell someone, that you can only really tell to a balloon.

69) The godess of harmony: A pony comes into Ponyville, searching for the incarnation of the godess of harmony, because he/she wants to beg the godess for help (maybe to resurrect somepony or right a wrong, or to save the world... I dunno). The mane six go to seek the godess of harmony, but when they eventually find her, are not only incredibly shoked and confused by the discovery, but face the fact the godess doesn't want to be involved.
Note: Luna could be involved if the godess is doing her "work" while sleeping... but the godess is probably not working at all, as the world is already balanced. Okay, I've got no idea what I'm going to do with that idea. But Fluttershy has to be a godess hiding away.

70) Never, but forever: I have got no idea what the story should be about, but I love the title...

71) Sweetie's curse: Sweetie Belle sees a doll she wants, but cannot get it. Then, transition, and she begins helping Snail at school to put her mind at something else, and he thinks she has become her friend. Also, it becomes very rapidly very difficult to help him, as he is very "dumb". She decides to stop and tells him how frustratingly "dumb" he is, but Cheerilee, unaware of that, offers the doll to Sweetie Belle to thank her for helping Snail, as she thought nopony would do it. Of course Sweetie Belle feels sorry and ashamed, goes to see Snail and apologises. Snail accepts her apologies. He asks if she wants to be friend with him, but she refuses because she knows it is going to be a pain. He understands and she goes away. And then comes back to accept.

72) Twilight Sparkle: Twilight wakes up in school, and discovers she is just a filly in the middle of the class with AB, Scoot and Sweetie Belle. She tries to explain she is actually a princess, but they all mock her for that. She is sent to a psychologist who explains to her that it isn't the first time it happened. Her parents decide to take drastic measures and Twilight has to drink a potion that must make her stop having those weird dreams.

73) something... Scootaloo dies. She is given wings, can fly, everything is perfect. But Luna comes to take the wings away from her, Dash turns against her out of jealousy and so do all of her friends, but she wins over all of them and decides she wont let them ruin her life. Luna tells her "I tried. I failed. Scootaloo: You're dead." Scoot wakes up, Dash is there, they go to fly and Scoot asks if Dash ever got that feeling that life is too good to be true, to which Dash responds "Yeah, always, but life is great, so who cares?"

74) Eight reasons to love it: Pinkie Pie must take care of a little star spider for 22 minutes, has to tell the spider a story and goes to her friends and royalty to find the elements (beginning (Twi), making it beautiful (Rarity), making it epic (Dash), making it real (AJ), making it smart (Twi), making it heartwarming (Flutter), making it fun (another Pinkie), making it grand and overwhelming (Celestia), making it small and quiet (Luna)) => spider goes to sleep and mother spider comes "Thank you for taking care of him. He needed the break." "No problem. Come back next week." "We will." "And Thank you for making Equestria possible!"
Also, human tag thing at the beginning (picture of a human)

75) don't care about the title: pony wants wood, but can't cut tree, forest disappears anyway. Wants food, but can't steal, food gets stolen anyway. Has three bits at the beginning of the story, is asked for help, nopony helps, so he gives his three bits (medicine for the foal costs four). He goes to bed feeling the cold, the hunger and both his poverty and the shame of not having been able to ensure the well being of the child. He wakes up in a bright beautiful morning, greeted by Luna. He feels nothing anymore. Luna tells him the forest is being replanted and nopony is going to cut it anymore. She has brought wood for him. The thied has been arrested and she has brought food for him. Finally, he shouldn't worry as the foal got his medicine and she has brought a thousand bits for him. It would also seem that the mare likes him and might visit soon. She asks the pony to close his eyes and enjoy the new world that welcomes him. He does and soon Luna stands alone in the dark and cold room. "I can only offer you peace, but one day, I swear, I'll bring you justice!".

76) The judgement of a godess: Pony says Celestia doesn't exist. Is brought to tribunal, Celestia is called as a proof, but shows she actually doesn't exist. Sadness, loneliness, feeling of lack of purpose and being lost ensues, but Celestia comes back.

77) To conquer the free sky: Pegasi don't want earth ponies to build fast flying machines. Twilight soon faces the possibility of a civil war. Side story: Scoot becomes the pilot for an engineer to try first a jet plane, then a rocket. Maybe have RD and Scoot pilot the rocket together in the end (open ending there...?).

78) Living the dream: Scoot can fly. Luna tries to take her wings away, everypony joins Luna, Scoot rebels, RD helps her, the end.

79) ... Omnipotent being offers his services... find the rest.

80) seed of destruction 2 OC very well accepted. Ponies fade away slowly around him... find an ending.

81) no title Principal Celestia gives up CHS and let her place to a new principal, male, with a S in his name and a strange medalion in the form of a horn.

82) To save love Twilight goes to Cadence to admit she is in love with Flash sentry. But then. Lyra comes and saves/kidnaps her to save her. We then follow Twilight who slowly follows the revolutionary movement.

83) Is friendship magic?: Pinkie Pie ask Twilight if friendship truly is magic.

84) The lenght of a potato Applejack and Twilight debate publicly about the length of a potato. Because it's important. Because I said it is.

85) The coward Twilight visits a ruin of an ancient castle that had fallen during the war against sombra's forces. She camps there during the night, but wakes up back in the past, with the guards locking her up in the prison of the castle where she finds another pony, a guard that tried to flee the fortress. All around, the shadows of Sombra are invading but the garrison intends to stay and fight against all odds.

86) Just a Flash Sentry wants to kiss Twilight. As she comes back to study the instability between both dimensions, he invites her to a dinner and her friends convince her to go, which makes human Twilight jealous. At the end of the dinner, Flash tries to kiss Twilight, but she refuses, saying she doesn't understand, but is afraid of the consequences of such a union. From this point, Twilight tries to find out if she is ready to kiss him or not, human Twilight goes through trying to see if she really is so insignificant that Flash wouldn't even consider kissing her, Twilight also has to continue study the instability, with the possibility that she could have to never come back in that world, and Flash being unable to come with her to Equestria, in order to ensure the safety of both worlds.
And the end is a joke about the sexuality of ponies.


Maybe I've raised my "quality standards" too high (as if I had ever been or would ever write anything of quality), maybe I've realized that others are way better than me at this, or maybe I just need to go back to french.
Even as I'm writing this list, there are stories that I'm considering to write once again, knowing very well that I wouldn't have the time or talent to make them work. I'm just tired, I should go to sleep.

I still have one last story to write, and so many to discover when I'll finally escape from my little bubble.

Report TwiwnB · 631 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

hmmm...destiny awaits sounds interesssting


Why is it I think of story ideas I will never use in the shower?

I've got no idea. I wish I found mine in the shower and not in the middle of work meetings...

Ok, I am worried about why your quoting one of my blogs, on yours


Ok, I am worried about why your quoting one of my blogs, on yours

It seemed to make sense when I did it, but right now... I guess I wanted to point out the relation between all the stories I've listed up there and ideas we just randomly have...
Where is that moose when I need it?

Yeah, I'm lost about the moose too... I even checked behind me.

Serious question: are you still going to hang around, or are you out for good once "Lyra" is finished? Also, I don't think your stories suck, they are just missing the finer points of English grammar and vocabulary that would make them work.



"Look, there is a moose" from Tabitha, used for "I can't answer/don't know the answer, please be distracted".

are you still going to hang around, or are you out for good once "Lyra" is finished?

I'm still going to hang around, would it only be to see the end of your story.

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