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  • 397 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings

    Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in

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  • 398 weeks
    Ranking All My Little Pony Episodes & Seasons

    So, with the help of a program called Preference Revealer, I have ranked all 143 episodes spanning across all six seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Now let me make it clear that these are MY OPINIONS and if anyone who reads this disagrees with my choices (which is definitely likely), then good for you and I'm glad you were able to get something out of episodes I either didn't care

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  • 445 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings

    The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working

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  • 452 weeks
    Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! All of my yes! Easily, bar none, the best episode in the entire series! I can't recall the last time I've shed this many tears throughout an entire episode. I mean...where do I begin? Diamond Tiara actually confirming my thoughts that she's not a bad girl and it's just her upbringing...Silver Spoon showing morals even before Diamond Tiara did...Applejack's parents

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  • 454 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Is Amazing!

    It really is the best one in the series yet. It doesn't go overboard like the first movie with its odd character development and plot-holes, and it isn't just mean-spirited and boring like the second one...not that the first two were bad, but still. Friendship Games had an amazing story that didn't really have a true villain; it just worked on its own merits. I won't go into spoilers, in case you

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MLP: FIM Season 3 Episode Rankings · 4:56pm Feb 16th, 2013

The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 3) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I loved the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #13, not #26 (since there wasn't one), and working our way up to #1:

13. The Crystal Empire, Part 1 (Episode 1): A shortened season that was kicked off with not only a poor two-part premiere, but a rather uncomfortable finale. But, let's start with part 1 of the two-part premiere. Honestly, in my opinion, it was dull as hell. Boring, not very exciting, two rather meaningless songs, and complete out-of-character (or quite possibly true in-character, judging how you view her) acting by Rainbow Dash. None of the ponies really had a purpose other than Twilight Sparkle, we hardly learned anything about King Sombra or even got to see him in his own scene plotting in his cloud of darkness or whatever. Easily the worst two-part premiere of the series, and really the only episode during the Princess Coronation marathon that I honestly muted the entire time. I can't say there was really anything memorable, funny, or likeable about this first episode, which kicked off season 3 very poorly.

12. The Crystal Empire, Part 2 (Episode 2): In the very least, the second half of the premiere was more exciting, filled with twists and turns, and we got to see the villain at long last for more than two seconds. Spike being the hero was something I kinda have mixed feelings about; I feel bad for Twilight (even though she passed her "test" anyway), but seeing Spike get some recognition was nice. The crystal ponies being showcased, along with Cadance being used as a slingshot was rather amusing. And, as always, seeing Rainbow Dash not hold back and hurt Fluttershy with their jousting was no shocker. I still found the episode not that exciting as the ones with Discord, Nightmare Moon, or Queen Chrysalis. There just wasn't really any point to it. At least with the other three villains it made sense; they all had a reason to do what they did. Why was King Sombra coming back NOW of all times? Just a stupid premiere.

11. Magical Mystery Cure (Episode 13): As I expected, I was disgusted with the finale. Maybe it's just me, but I was just so uncomfortable and abhorred the entire way through. First off, each song was just terrible, and none of the singing ponies even SOUNDED like they're supposed to! Seriously, did you hear Rarity and Pinkie singing? They sounded COMPLETELY different! Just throwing all these songs in made the episode crappy, but let's not forget just how rushed everything suddenly got. First we see Rarity with Dash's cutie mark, and then suddenly Twilight's running around and singing, then we suddenly find out she got a magic book (as always), and then she sings some more, then she figures something out (as always), then Celestia FINALLY sings in a rather creepy alter-dimensional room with television screens (Trixie was better), and then we see the horror of Twilight now an alicorn. It WAS nice to finally hear the show declare "winged unicorns" as alicorns, so that's now confirmed. But, yeah, the episode just really made me uncomfortable and disappointed. I don't know what season 4 has in store, but it better make up for this. No, I don't hate Twilight; still love her to death. But, this is something that should've been saved for the SERIES finale, not the season 3 finale! I don't like the look of this at all.

10. Spike At Your Service (Episode 9): Even though I honestly really hate this filler of an episode, it's at least better and good for a few minor chuckles unlike the three travesties listed above. Seriously, as ANY kind of fan of Spike, you cannot honestly say that you were amused with this episode. They completely ruined and mocked his character for no good reason! I mean, we've SEEN him be competent, talented, skilled, and rather intelligent when dealing with cleaning and helping. He does it for a freaking living with a now-alicorn mare with a serious case of OCD for God's sake! So, the Applejack saving him and him wanting to pay her back was nice, but the rest was just garbage. I was seriously annoyed and vexed with how they just humiliated Spike for laughs, and then had him "repay" Applejack in a rather rushed, sudden, and asinine way. No, it's NOT just for laughs, because when you laugh at something that is purposely ruined just for the sake of comedy, you're being an idiot. The episode sucked.

9. Too Many Pinkie Pies (Episode 3): This episode was bland and kinda pointless, if you ask me. All it showed was Pinkie Pie basically acting like her usual self: "Ooh, look at me bounce around and invade everypony's personal space! Ooh, fun! Me love fun! Me WANT fun! Aw, no fun? Okay, me do something totally moronic that me shouldn't do just to HAVE fun! Oh no, friends mad! Me sad and me want attention. Yay, friends back! PARTY!" I mean, ugh! Yes, at least Pinkie's character wasn't ruined like Spike's was in his episode above, but this was just pointless. It was just another filler episode, if you ask me. No character development, and the only funny parts were one of the Pinkie clones doing a hoedown, and their antics during the drying paint test. Otherwise, just dull, obnoxious, annoying, and unnecessary. Did not like it.

8. Games Ponies Play (Episode 12): It was alright, but it was also just so pointless in so many ways. Not to mention very contrived, in my eyes. For example, nothing seriously funny was done; it was just showing a pony a tour and making yourself overbearingly-nice for it. That's mainly the episode. Then we have Dash stealing the episode with her whiny little side-story that apparently includes her father (I'm not sold on that) and her home. Ms. Peachbottom is a rather amusing character, and her two fears of high ceilings and tight spaces were interesting to see mixed into a pony's character, but otherwise the episode was just stupid. I mean, we finally got our unwanted wish: Shining Armor acting like the atypical jock. Oh, and as for the contrived part? Basically how the Crystal Empire got the games. So, the games inspector was treated like crap, but just because somepony ELSE who got her welcome/tour was treated nicely, that's reason enough to give the city the games? Uh, HELL NO! If that had been me, I would've said: "Okay, you treated someone else nicely. Good for you. However, since you are CLEARLY moronic and you can't even see who I am and you just take any pony you see as important, then screw you! I'm outta here." A lot of things that made me shake my head, but as a whole, it was alright.

7. Just For Sidekicks (Episode 11): I was actually pleasantly surprised by this episode. I was expecting it (as I figure many of you were as well) to just be a boring filler episode with Spike looking like a retard and a goofball while playing with the animals. But, the episode was actually very good, considering it was just Spike for the most part. The fact that Spike wasn't exactly goofy and he was instead shown his greedy and mean side was a very nice change of pace, in my opinion. We all know that Spike is greedy (Secret Of My Excess), has jealousy issues (Owl's Well That Ends Well), is a hopeless romantic (anytime he's near Rarity in the first two seasons), and is incredibly sarcastic and a bit egotistical (we can blame Twilight for those). So, basically, seeing Spike have to actually learn a lesson at the end after losing everything precious to him (his gems), and the pets respecting him for it...well, I was touched. The Cutie Mark Crusaders' pointless participation was amusing, but Spike was the real hero. Overall, far from perfect, but a very quaint and nice episode from our dragon friend.

6. One Bad Apple (Episode 4): The main thing I didn't like about this episode was the lesson. Sorry, but from personal experience (being bullied every second of my life, over 20 years), I know for a FACT that "just telling someone" is NOT the way to properly handle bullies. Believe me, it does not work. You seriously think adults can fix everything? Ha. So, aside from that bunch of nonsense, I liked the episode. A lot of people are tired of them by this point, but I honestly love to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're always so cute and adorable! Yes, they're also stupid and rather insensitive towards everypony else around them, but they're still a joy to watch. Plus, I love Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon; probably because I like bad girls, and I honestly don't think they're TRUE bullies deep down inside. Seeing Babs Seed for the first time was awesome. Her accent could use work, but at least it's different and rather interesting. But, I think I speak for us all when I say that the kick-ass oldies-like song was what stole the show. Can't get enough of that "Babs Seed" song!

5. Apple Family Reunion (Episode 8): A little slow getting in, combined with a quick ending that basically was just summed up in a two-minute song (and was nothing more than just building a barn), I found the episode to be nice. Basically seeing the entire Apple Family again (Caramel, Braeburn, Babs) was a joy. Seeing the bonding and all that jazz was rather cute, too. Applejack is obviously a Mary Sue in so many ways, since all she did "wrong" in this episode was...uh...well, I'm not really sure what she DID do wrong. I think she just went overboard wanting her family to have fun, which I don't think is really that bad. The fact that she's so gosh darn perfect is seriously annoying, but she deserved her own episode and her own song for once. The song rocked, despite the fact it was repetitive, and it allowed the episode to fit together for the best. Not the best, but pretty darn good.

4. Wonderbolts Academy (Episode 7): As we all know, most of Dash's episodes suck. Either they show her completely out-of-character and get unfair treatment for it (Mysterious Mare-Do-Well), completely moronic and rude (May The Best Pet Win), utterly unbearable in almost every way (Fall Weather Friends), and a serious drama queen worse than Rarity (Read It & Weep), I loved how this episode FINALLY showed the side of Dash I think we all fell in love with. Her competitive, yet still caring, loyal, and thoughtful side. She's blunt and brash, and a bit stupid, but she still has a heart and she puts it first before even her own dreams. That's what a true character is all about. The way she learned that was a joy to see and I can easily say this is Dash's best episode out of all three seasons, hands down. Spitfire and Lightning Dust both ruled, too. Not only are both really hot and feisty, but they played their parts well and I couldn't have asked for more. I did feel kinda bad for Dust getting expelled, and no sign of Soarin, but it didn't matter. Still an amazing episode.

3. Sleepless In Ponyville (Episode 6): While somewhat cheesy, this episode was also amazing. First, seeing both Scootaloo and Dash in a different light was commendable. We haven't seen Scootaloo act nervous, shy, or meek (well, we haven't really seen her at all), so watching her (albeit childish) problems while around Dash were adorable. Seeing Luna make a surprise guest appearance was very nice (and seeing her actually in a good mood was a welcome; seriously, she was just a grump during the times we saw her in season 3). I felt my heart melt when Dash wrapped her wing around Scootaloo and accepted her as her little sister. Seriously, that moment stole the show. Applejack was a Mary Sue, as always, and Rarity and Sweetie Belle were just there for comic relief. Apple Bloom...yeah, didn't even notice her. But, such a great character development episode for Scootaloo, and partly Dash, capped off with a very wonderful ending. I just loved the episode!

2. Keep Calm & Flutter On (Episode 10): First off, let me just get this out of the way: I TOLD YOU DISCORD WASN'T BAD! Seriously, for all you jerks who categorized Discord's playful and rather mischievous as "evil", I hope you all ate some nice crow after this episode. As it proved, Discord wasn't evil. In my opinion, it's just his way of having fun; he doesn't turn ponies to stone or physically hurt them. He was just HAVING FUN! There's nothing wrong with that! Anyway, onto the episode. The only thing that I think it could've used was another part. I'm sure we ALL would've loved to see this be a two-parter instead of it being crammed into one and rushed at the end. But, it didn't matter much; Fluttershy and Discord were both amazing. I still do not like Fluttershy, as I can't get past how pathetic she was in season 1, the first half of season 2, and a good chunk of season 3. I just can't. She's utterly boring and dull. However, in this episode, she amazed me and made me love her (JUST for this episode). The way she handled Discord, and gave him the chance he deserved, and fought for him even over all of her friends' protests, was so uplifting and wonderful to see. And, seeing Discord's usual playfulness was hilarious; I love that guy! Easily a top three episode of the season, and whoever disagrees is just full of themselves.

1. Magic Duel (Episode 5): Okay, I'll admit this one stems from a bit of biased opinions on my end, but I don't care. I love Trixie to death; I am a MUCH bigger fan of hers than that idiot Seth on Equestria Daily. Believe me; I literally have dreams with her in them. I write about her constantly. I role-play with her constantly. I TALK like her constantly even when not in role-play and on other sites! I call characters in my video games after her. No one loves Trixie more than me, and no one believed in her more than I did. Seeing her back was enough to take my breath away. She is seriously awesome on so many levels, good OR evil. Ignoring the fact that she technically got humiliated for a second time, she stole the show from Twilight. Seeing her kick everyone's ass (at least for the first half) was awesome! They all deserved it, after all. Seeing Zecora was also nice, as we don't see her that much. And, if nothing else, this was an excuse to use Snips and Snails again. But, this also proved my point that Trixie is NOT evil, nor was she ever evil; all she wanted was attention, and when she got embarrassed, she wanted revenge. That's how we ALL are, deep down inside. Do not deny it, for I will immediately ignore you. The point is, the episode was EASILY the highlight of season 3. Sure, maybe not "overall" best in terms of quality (I guess), but to me it was tops. I was kept excited and intrigued from start to finish, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, I was happy the show FINALLY used the word "alicorn", and Trixie is a goddess. Best episode of season 3 EASILY!

Report Tailslover13 · 1,390 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Keep Calm And Flutter On's ending was way too rushed, bump it down to fourth :trollestia:

Once again you let your own personal baised feelings towards various characters get in the way. You need to watch the episodes again and leave your thoughts about each character at the door. Most of the episode weren't filler either. :eeyup:

833343 Uh, as far as I know, the characters are IMPORTANT PIECES OF EVERY EPISODE! No, I'm NOT leaving my thoughts of each character at the door. Why the hell should I? None of these are biased except maybe for Magic Duel. You just don't understand what I'm saying. Believe me, I watched every episode VERY closely, so I know what works and what doesn't, and I know what I like and what I don't. If you disagree, that's fine; that's your decision and I respect it. But, this is how I personally view the episodes. We all enjoy them differently, so please remember that.

I just watch the show to make me smile. I care not for what you guys are arguing about, the creators just make it so people can smile. Even if some parts are just for the story.

833356 It just seems like you let your thoughts on how each character has been writen in the past cloud your judgement. Like for example you still don't like Fluttershy because she was written porrly, well that would fine as long as you were willingy to admit that later episodes have corrected that. Plus "Magic Duel" didn't write Fluttershy or rainbow Dash as good as you may have liked and yet you placed it at number 1, I just feel like your personal preferences prevent this from being an accurate summary.

I do like how you said you enjoyed every episode though.

I personally would have placed the season finale a little higher, but a good match to my own thoughts. It's good to see you're getting enjoyment out of all this, just like me!

Season 4... ahoy!

I agree with almost all of what you said... almost.

Beside the obvious bias of Magic Duel, I really disliked Keep Calm and Flutter On. A lot. I'm not "full of myself", the plot was just bad. Discord in this was very obviously fan service. Yes, he was in character, but god damn his shit and Fluttershy putting up with it in this episode made me want to punch a kitten. Fluttershy in general in this episode made me want to punch a baby. I don't understand why Celestia had to bring him to Ponyville... where he could potentially endanger many and cause a lot of shit for them to clean up. They could have put him somewhere more safe... like in a desert...

Not to mention the very obvious cop out ending... Discord is strange, but the fact he turned on a dime for friendship is bullshit.

This is all IMO, but I very disagree upon the high listing of it. I knew when they said they were going to bring him back... shit was going to go down.

Oh and don't get me started on the season finale...

Hasbro and Studio B have made some very unintelligent decisions as of late. I sincerely hope they can pull their shit together for Season 4. Though I have doubts.

835426 That may be true, but I still found it heartwarming. As I said, I just never found Discord to be evil, and that's apparently Fluttershy's character to deal with such things. She's the element of kindness, after all; apparently that means with putting up with EVERYTHING. I know it wasn't perfect, but for me, I just loved the overall feel of it. And, I just hope you hated the finale as much as I did. All those saying that it was "fine" and "amazing" are completely wrong.

Yeah, I didn't really see the heartwarming thing. I'm just glad you acknowledge what I addressed. I never saw him as evil either, in fact, I didn't like when people did write him that way.
And yes, the season finale was blasphemy; it was bad it should feel bad.

Yes, Season 3 was certainly an eventful one, wasn't it? I haven't done any ranking yet. All I know is that One Bad Apple is my personal favorite episode from this season. Other than that, I'd say my list would be about the same as yours.

I agree about Magical Mystery Cure. That episode feels like it was written in three minutes. :applecry:

And I also agree about Magic Duel. :yay:

Seth on Equestria Daily

Who the hell is Seth

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