• Member Since 14th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen April 3rd

Angel Midnight

maybe in a world of odd people and odd things, I'm not so odd after all. But who knows. (they/them)

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hi, it's me · 7:45pm February 18th

Hi. I'm Angel. You guys probably remember me, that bright-eyed kid who seemed to love MLP and then disappeared, came back and disappeared again. Well, I'm still alive, just so you know.

Life has been... curious. I've been at college, working hard, trying to achieve the best grades I can, trying to make friends, all of that stuff. It's had its ups and downs so far, but I'm not going to go into the specifics of that right now.

You can probably see things are looking a little different around here on my account. My profile picture is an "under maintenance" sign because I thought that would be funny. My stories have disappeared, as has everything on my main user page, although the blogs are still there - mainly because there are so many of them that it would be a waste of my time to get rid of them all if I wanted to. The stories might not be gone forever - I just revoked the submission on all of them - but I've got to work out if I want to keep this account or start afresh on a new Fimfic account, and if I want to keep posting on this site or just be a quiet reader who comments under blog posts and stories. The issue is, if I post stuff, I'm vulnerable to the kind of people who thought it was okay to send sex jokes and art depicting sexual assault to me, a minor, via PMs, and ask me to proofread their stories that contained sex scenes.

You know who you are.

Anywho, I have some contemplation to do about the future of me writing on Fimfiction. I don't think I could ever walk away from this site forever because there are so many lovely people here, and I feel like maybe I have a few short stories to tell. However, stories that are dozens of chapters long take so much time and effort that I don't particularly have, because I need to dedicate those resources to my education. This was always going to be the problem I encountered in the return to normal life after Covid: lack of time. Oh well.

Thank you to the people who don't ask me to read and edit the sex scenes in their fanfics, and I hope you're all doing well.

~ Angel

Report Angel Midnight · 292 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

Good to see you again, KM :)

Welcome back you pile of goo :pinkiesmile:

Lol, hello stranger who I definitely have never spoken to in my life on this or any other social media platform... :rainbowlaugh:

Angel!! :pinkiehappy:

Not to be creepy, which I feel like I tend to involuntarily excel at by the way, but it truly feels like your return is just what I needed. Lately, my activity on the site has been limited to logging in and checking my notifications, then logging off. Granted, I'd do that dozens of times per day, like I'm some sort of addict - but still, there was rarely anything more to do. No PMs, no reader engagement under my stories, nothing to really respond or react to; and the amount of time I can allow myself to dedicate to reading fanfics has really dwindled as well, due to college and such.

I'm actually currently contemplating ceasing my activity as a writer too, at least temporarily. It just doesn't feel rewarding anymore, nearly at all, and my motivation has kinda plummetted. It's a bit complicated I guess, and I have yet to make a final decision, but oh well. We'll see.

Despite all this though, I could never leave this site for good. It's got way too much sentimental value for me, too many friends past and present are here.

But enough about that, I'm starting to ramble; glad to see you back, immensely so, actually! :twilightsmile:

Hello to you too.


Someone who never asked you to read and edit the sex scenes in his fanfics

Heya! Welcome back. I'm in a bit of a whoof too lol. You prolly remember me as either Felocity or Faera, so yah

I... don't know what to say. Express sorrow at the fact that you might not be writing again? Express rage at those people who did that to you? This is sort of why I usually don't comment anywhere, but I can think of one thing to do.

I hope that life treats you fairly as time passes, and that one day, you'll return to write.

:pinkiesmile: And one last thing to say...Welcome Back!

All the best to you, Angel, I hope yu return one day.

I really enjoyed your story of Sombra and Shade, I hope i can read them again one day

Well, well, now look who decided to show up!


Jokes aside, glad to have ya back, Angel. And, don't worry, take your time. I'll be waiting for your awaited comeback—we ALL will be awaiting it. >: )

Hi, nice to see you again. I was confused who you were at first but I have to admit, "HiddenEntity" is one cool username. You should keep it lol

Hi there! Don't worry about me, much worse things have happened over the course of my life. At this point, I don't really care if stuff happens to me because I've already been told by a psychologist that I'm never going to forget the things that happen to me or stop having flashbacks about it. :rainbowlaugh: :facehoof: However, I still have to speak up about it because if it's happened to me, the perpetrator could have done the same to other people and those other victims might just be too scared to speak up about it or might not realise that what's happened to them is wrong. Someone has to stop these people, and if that person is me, I'm going to shout from the rooftops about it so that all of the victims who usually get ignored or blamed for their suffering get listened to and so the perpetrators are actually punished for their actions.

On the topic of writing, I'll probably write some one-shots and see where that leads me. Hopefully that gets me back in the writing mood, and hopefully it doesn't attract any more creeps. Thanks for the warm welcome back to the site, by the way :)

I'm still figuring out what I want to do. As I said to KingSombraTheTyrantRuler, I'll probably write some one-shots and see what happens. This will happen once I've dealt with the creep in my PMs, of course. Luckily for me, I have screenshots of pretty much everything, so it wouldn't take much more than a click of the report button to get the problem solved, but I digress. There should be some horse words appearing here relatively soon.


I just feel you did so much work on it, that it should not be wasted like that. No offense

Lol I'm sorry I disappeared for literally forever for the "I don't know how many times I've done that now"-th time. I just have a really bad habit of running from my problems instead of confronting them (plus I get very busy most of the time) but never mind. At some point I'll get my head sorted out enough for me to write stuff again, and maybe to return to some of the old projects, but I won't promise anything because studying. XD

Nah, it's not wasted. I still have everything saved. I just unpublished it.

Of course, i just hope you publish it again, as I enjoyed to read it. Plus reference






Uhhh so are we gonna ignore the elephant in the room that someone was harassing her in a creepy way, which is what caused her to leave in the first place? :unsuresweetie:

This is as subtle as a brick through someone's front window :rainbowlaugh:

In all seriousness, though, this is still a big issue. I'm still not confident that this person isn't going to start spamming my PMs with uncomfortable questions about my characters and their sex lives and how they'd respond to certain very uncomfortable situations the moment I upload a story again. Thanks for standing up for me - especially since I'm about the height of an ant when I stand up for myself XD

Yeeaaahhh, as you can see, I'm not the best at formulating these kinds of comments at all. :twilightblush:

Big apologies from me. But either way, even now, I'm not sure what I could write that would do the situation justice; I have no personal experience with similar stuff, as I was never harassed, perhaps because my stories don't generally garner much attention beyond the first chapter and I rarely go on the actual FimFiction discussion groups. And... I just feel like pretending to know how it's like would be kind of insensitive. So... what can I really say beyond offering my support, which I very much do offer? Probably still a lot, but my brain proves to be too small to figure out what exactly at the moment. :twilightblush:

imo u should leave the stories up since they're pretty cool and ppl will come bac,k to reread them sometime, other than that, it's fine if u leave or start a second acc for urself

also sad to know u was harrased

I actually had no idea what to say about that, but I hope that those people burn in hell and were permanently banned by the moderators if Angel chose to report them. I also offer a hug of comfort to Angel.

Oh my.

Deep #26 · March 2nd · · ·


Fair enough haha. Hopefully whoever it was is dealt with/properly reported.

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