• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


[186] It's just Al Bhed... And some musical nonsene ♪BA RINKA DINKA DU RAH RAI♫


A beloved mare grows tired of her meek doormat nature. She wishes she were lots of things; more assertive, openly kinder, a faster pegasus, and a stronger pony; both in body and heart. Much like her dear friend, Rainbow Dash, already is.

And of course, she is going to become all these things, although with help from those she least expects.

And yet, peace only ever lasts so long. Equestria--the shining beacon it ever is--finds itself at the precipice when tense relations over an industrious yet reclusive neighbor comes to a head. Only, such facades are but the surface, and the both nations themselves come under an all-seeing and oppressive spotlight. The churning flux drags many figures into the turmoil—a good number new, most well-met, and some faces familiar in more ways than one. The emergence of great forces and powerful actors obfuscate what had always been once clear, and with the clashing of various discordants wishing to bend Harmony and the world itself to their wills, our hero's idyllic countryside life can only tear at the seams. The chaos and upheaval these trials bring will test not only the greatest of champions, but her as well and every one of friends too.

Fare thee well, Fluttershy, and best of luck. You and all who face the such trials and ordeals ahead will need every bit you can get.


  • As the author, if I may be allowed to say, this is not a crossover story in the colloquial sense. The Crossover tag is included as outlined by the FAQs in its most generous sense (to the best of my understanding) for elements and characters meant to either enrich the story, make it fun for me to write, or both. It's not really a crossover if I'm happy playing in my dinky sand box playing with my toys, yeah?
  • There used to be more stuff here... But I forget.
  • The coverart is only a temp. I'll get that sorted soon.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

I'm confused as to how on earth I'm the first person to comment here. I'm probably only a thousand or so words in, but this is so beautifully written that it deserves being sent to the top of the Featured box as soon as possible. Stories like this remind me how much I have yet to learn about the English language and writing.

Thank you for uploading this. :twilightsmile:

Thanks! I highly appreciate you dropping by. One of my fears is that I may have written it a bit too floridly that people might get tired reading at some point. Hope that isn't the case.

I'm actually trying to get ahead with chapters while also sussing out stuff and self-editing. Pretty dizzying work pipeline so far :applejackconfused: but it is working and I'm in the process of refining it.

Take as long as you need. I can already tell the next chapter is going to be worth the wait.

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