Another Sun Rises

by Foal Star

First published

A Random Royal Guard has been selected for a special duty to take Celestia's place while she goes on vacation.

(This story takes place after season 4)

Princess Celestia has been ruling Equestria for quite some time and decides she needs a long overdue vacation. So she creates a plan to have one of her royal guards take her place, an introvert named North Star. He is a simple royal guard who simply never really did much in his life and didn't have much going for him. He was a perfect candidate as nopony would miss him, and his absence would be hidden under the guise of a "secret assignment." North Star accepts and goes through the transformation, turning into a copy of the princess in almost every way. The truth is he feels more alive as the princess and decides that he should try living a little as her. But he also has to realize anything he does will reflect back on the real Princess Celestia and, most of all, he cannot expose her absence.

Chapter one: The new princess of the sun is born

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I am standing at attention in the halls of Canterlot Palace, looking straight at a window across from me. My name is North Star; I'm twenty-three years old. Staring at my reflection, looking at my dark blue coat with a set of gold armor; my tail was colored black and cut short, my eyes were bright gold, and my cutie marked a gold star on a shield. I have been a royal guard for a few years now, but I've been a nobody my entire life. Even though I've been knocked about and mostly been the one saved by Twilight and her friends. Celestia seems to like me more than most; she usually ruffles my mane when I'm posted at her door or gives me some of her cake when she doesn't want to finish it. She talks to me a lot, maybe because I don't have any friends of my own. I have a routine I stick to: wake up, eat breakfast, mostly a hardboiled egg and some coffee, polish my armor, go to the palace, do my job, eat a dandelion sandwich for lunch with extra mustard, go home and workout, take a shower, read some Daring Do, eat dinner which was usually whatever is in my fridge, then go to sleep by ten.

I haven't broken from this routine in over two years. Everything seemed as expected this morning, and my inner clock struck like a chime. I took off going down the hall on my usual patrol, going around the castle's inner halls. As I was going down the aisles, one of the royal guards came running towards me. He was a white-coated pegasus with a blue mane and eyes, one of the typical macho pegasi who probably have a kid or two, saluted me. "Sir Star, I have special orders for you."

I turned my head and quickly saluted back, seeing the stallion's rank was higher than mine, and responded curtly. "Yes, sir."

The pegasus took a scroll from its wings and handed it over; as I took the scroll in my magic, my fellow guard explained. "Princess Celestia herself ordered me to bring this to you immediately."

I was now quite nervous as I slowly unfurled the scroll in front of me and read it. "Dear North Star, I have a special assignment for you and only you; I am waiting in the cafe called "Sunbucks." You'll see it as you leave through the front gates of the palace. You must take it. Meet me there during your lunch break. From Princess Celestia."

I was stunned that the princess wanted to meet me privately. It was unheard of; if I'm not mistaken, this is unprofessional. I gulped, wondering if this was a test to see if I would fraternize with the princess of Equestria or a prank by some of the other guards. But the scroll had the royal seal on it. After reading many formal letters by the princess, the penmanship was undoubtedly Celestia's. It looked like I had no choice but to comply. So I rolled the scroll up and gave a salute back. "Yes, thank you for this."

"No… Glow Star, right?" the other guard asked sheepishly.

I sighed but wasn't too angry; most of the Guards didn't even know I existed, and I simply responded, "My name is North Star."

"Right, carry on, North Star." the other guard replied as he trotted off. I just rolled my eyes and walked off down the castle, wondering what to expect from this meeting with the princess.

I continued through the castle halls, deep in my thoughts and what to expect. My most obvious guess was this was a prank; the guards had pranked me many times before. But copying the royal seal would be punishable by court-martial, and no pony would risk that. So it had to be an informal meeting with Celestia; why would she be interested in meeting with me in Equestria? I continued to walk out of the palace and through the gates. I looked around the streets of Canterlot, wondering where this coffee shop was. I eventually spotted the sign "Sunbucks." I saw an alicorn logo with a cup of coffee in her wings on a green background. Besides that, the building looked like any other standard cafe, with metallic tables and chairs outside and those silly umbrellas in the middle. I slowly trotted to the door and saw the sign read "closed." I sighed, seeing that this meeting would be strictly private. But it made sense, considering this was way too informal and would raise eyebrows if Celestia was caught having "coffee" with any pony, let alone one of her guards. I slowly used my magic to test the doorknob and saw it open. I slowly walked into the shop, looked around, and realized that it was just like any other cafe: the wooden floors, the small tables and chairs around the place, and photos of steaming cups, coffee, and coffee beans plastered.

Behind the counter, which had pastries on display, there were a few machines in the back and some odd coffee names on a chalkboard behind it. The names were rather funny, like,
"Big Maciatto," "Twilightlatte," "Luna Mocha," and even a "Rainbow Dash frappuccino."

I scratched my head and was quite confused and unsure of what this was all about. When I saw a teenage mare come forward with a light bubblegum pink mane and white coat with velvet eyes and wearing a green apron with the logo on the building printed on it, she turned to face me with a smile and waved a hoof. "Hello, North Star; glad you came to join me."

I was somewhat confused seeing this mare come forth; she looked oddly like Celestia, but she looked way younger and different; it couldn't be...but as the mare came closer, my eyes grew wide seeing her cutie mark of a coffee cup with a sun plastered on it. Then it suddenly clicked, and I realized it had to be the princess. I cried out. "Princess Celestia!"

"Oh darn, this isn't a good disguise, huh? Even Luna said this was too obvious," she grumbled irritably.

I couldn't help but snicker at this response, but I quickly regained my military bearing. "Sorry about that."

The princess gave me a soft smile and waved a hoof. "Stop being so stiff; take off that armor and relax."

I was still on edge, but I did as she asked, removing my armor bit by bit from my body and gently placing my helmet down, showing off my short-cut black mane.

"My goodness, you take the military code too seriously? Do you ever loosen up?" The princess asked with a concerned tone.

"I'm just following orders, princess," I responded back. I wasn't concerned with how I looked, following protocol because it's what was asked of me.

Celestia was now leaning over the counter with a smirk. "Oh, is that so? Well, I want you to order a coffee. Choose what you like; it's on me.

"Um...just a Twilightlatte for me…" I stammer; she then goes to one of the machines and pours me the drink while also making herself a cup. We then go over to one of the tables with a platter of donuts in the middle and sit across from each other. It was so awkward for me as I had never been on a date before, and now I was sitting across a table with the princess of Equestria and having coffee with her. I never realized how big and beautiful her eyes were and how her mane looked so curly around her head. All these little details I'd never noticed about the princess started to stand out. Celestia gave me a smile and said, "So, you're probably wondering why I called you here so truth, this is my little hideout, a place where I can escape from the pressure of being royalty."

"Why are you showing this place to me?" I asked with a gulp and was unsure how to take this news. I am excited but skeptical of the princess showing me one of her secrets.

Celestia sipped her coffee and sighed, "Look, I trust all my royal guards, but...I think you'll be the only one to accept the task I'm about to give."

I sipped my drink, and it was surprisingly good. The coffee was quite strong, with the milk and sweetener mixed well and well balanced. "I had no idea you were a barista?"

"Well, it's one of my many hobbies, though it would be rather awkward if I served coffee to my subjects."

It made sense; honestly, I wanted to know why I was here. I looked up from my drink and asked, "What's this task you wish to assign me?"

Celestia smiled sheepishly and replied, "I want you to take my place for a year."

I spat out my coffee instantly, and when I looked up, I realized, to my horror, that I had spat coffee all over Celestia's face with her pristine white coat now covered in brown liquid! I cried out, took a few napkins, and started to wipe her face as I cried out. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

The princess just laughed as she used her magic and removed the coffee from her mane. "It's quite alright. I should've expected a response like that."

I sat back down, still stunned and feeling nervous about this whole thing. She must've been joking, or I misheard what Celestia said and asked, "Now tell me again exactly what you want me to do?"

The princess sighed again as she looked over at me with those big velvet eyes. "Run my kingdom as me for a year. You will be transformed into a copy of me; you'll look, talk, and even think like me."

"What!?" I cried. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It had to be a dream, or maybe this mare was a changeling in disguise. I rose up from my seat and shouted, "You can't be serious!"

Celestia blinked as she sipped her coffee; she continued, "I am; this isn't a joke…"

I was still stunned, with sweat now running down my brow like bullets. "This is insane...I...I can't do this…"

"North Star, the reason I chose you is that nopony will really notice your absence. I know that sounds harsh, but you're my only option. If you say no...then I guess my vacation will be canceled." Celestia whispered meekly, seeming to be a bit disheartened.

I gulped down the rest of the coffee and finished my donut. There was silence as I finished my meal, contemplating my options; if I said no, everything would return to normal. I spend my shift going to work out, eating the leftover pizza in the fridge, finishing the new Daring Do book, and continuing my routine. But If I say yes, Celestia will be indebted to me, and I will be indeed one of her favorites; in fact, it could also mean promotion...and what? I just have to change my gender for a year? And have the treatment of an alicorn princess as well. This deal sounds better and better as I thought it over. "Alright, I accept, but disclose everything to me. What will happen? How will I…" I asked with a gulp.

Celestia continued, "Well, it's simple; I will pour some of my milk into another cup of coffee and mix it with a spell. You'll transform physically into me within a few minutes. The transformation will be permanent until I reverse it when I get back."

I gulped and continued, " else I should know?"

"Well, as for you, North Star, I have the paperwork ready to put in false orders of a secret mission by my sister Luna if you accept. So your house will still be under your name, and you'll still receive your monthly paycheck and an added bonus." Celestia explained.

I tapped a hoof on the table, nodding, seeing that, at the very least, nobody would be tracking me down, thinking I went AWOL, and asked, "ok...anything else?"

The princess's cheeks flushed pink, and she continued, "The transformation will not only change your body; it will alter your mind and your thought process, your mannerisms, and how you all instances, you will become me."

I slowly finished my coffee and ate the rest of my donuts. I thought again how a year of Celestia would be interesting. Still, it would also be a lot of responsibility...responsibility.

I wasn't sure I would be ready for." I have to admit, being you for a year would be fun...but what about the responsibilities of running the kingdom and raising the sun? Can I get some training or something?"

Celestia turned with a smile, "You won't need any training; the transformation will make you a copy of me; the only pony who will know you, not me, would be my sister. Trust me, I've planned this for a while."

I tapped a hoof on the table and was still unsure of all of this. The worst part was that I was uncertain what to do, but Celestia gave me this pleading look, hoping I would say yes. That look sold it for me; it would break the princess's heart if I said no and I finally spat out. "Yeah, I'll do it."

The princess clapped her hooves and squealed, "Yes! Trust me, you won't regret it!"

She got up and skipped over behind the counter as she started to fix up another cup of coffee. Still, she did something different, taking the cup beneath her underbelly. I could hear the hisss and the smell of something sweet emanating across the cafe'. She hoofed over the coffee with that playful smirk. "Go ahead, drink up; you should be lucky to drink pure alicorn milk."

I was shaking like a leaf as this was probably the weirdest day of my life. I took the cup in my magic and started to drink the coffee. I gulped it down, tasting the coffee again and the sweet, creamy milk running down my throat. I never tasted anything so good as I gulped the coffee down. That was when I started to feel different as soon as my body morphed around me. My body slowly began to grow in length; I groaned as I began to grow taller and lankier; it felt like I was being stretched like a piece of rubber. This transformation started to hurt as I could feel my bones creak and my muscles and organs change. It felt so weird and made me squirm about. I had to lay down on my back, and as I did, I looked down at my belly and saw my dark blue coat turned into a pure white. I then knew what would come next and saw my long, slick stallionhood slipping between my legs. I couldn't help but groan, feeling my insides getting rearranged, and watched my testicles morph into a long slit between my legs. I moaned out loud with my octaves changing, becoming more feminine. That was when I felt my face morph and shift as it grew out in length. I could feel something grow on my forehead. I couldn't see it, but my horn was increasing in size. I felt the bones creak, and my muscles finished rearranging themselves on my face. Then, the most painful part was when my wings started to grow from my sides. I cried out as I felt like my sides were burning and could feel my skin and muscles splitting for the new appendages to emerge. I gritted my teeth as I thought something slowly grew out from the sides of my body. I laid my head back, hearing a few more pops as my bones adjusted to my new appendages. The last thing that changed was my black mane going out and changing to a light rainbow color.

The real Celestia then trotted over with a worried look, standing over me with a smile as she rubbed a hoof down my body. "Oh my, you are so beautiful, more so than I expected….welcome, Princess Celestia."

I could feel my face burn from sheer embarrassment as she took my hoof and lifted me onto my hooves. I squeaked, stumbling about getting used to my wings and a new body. The real Celestia, however, looked over me, ensuring everything looked good. She trotted around me, and I looked around and got a look at my rump. Celestia's cutie mark was now printed on my butt, which I had to admit was quite big.

"Alright, seems you're looking like come on, take a seat." The princess cooed. I sighed and followed her, blushing as I stumbled about on my lanky legs. I followed Celestia to our booth and slowly sat in my new body. I was again shaking like a leaf with my wings folded to my sides. The real Celestia gave a sigh, "Seriously, loosen up."

The princess then hoofed over a piece of cake. "This always cheers me up, go and eat up."

I sniffed the air and smelt the cake. To be honest, I was never a fan of the stuff, but for some reason, I have this profound craving for it now. I bent down, took the cake, and ate it with a fork. Levitating small pieces at first into my mouth. But the sweet vanilla flavor filled my taste buds when I was in heaven. It was like eating pure bliss, and I couldn't help but shove the whole piece in my mouth, munching away as I let out an "mmmm."

The real princess Alicorn smiled, "Yep, you me, alright."

I squealed as I realized I had just eaten a cake like a little filly in front of the princess! I dab my face with a napkin as I gulp down the cake and respond, "I apologize for that; I just couldn't help myself."

I blinked, wondering why I said that in such a formal manner, and my voice was identical to the Princess of the Sun. I touched my throat with a hoof and blinked. "My voice…"

"Yep, it's mine; I told you you're going to sound exactly like me, think like me, etc.…" Celestia chirped quite proudly as she got up. "Now, you should head back to the palace and finish with court duty; today's schedule is pretty light, so you shouldn't have much to worry about."

I quickly stood up with my tail swishing about as I stammered, "I...I...I mean, can you at least walk me through today? I didn't think I would be taking over so suddenly."

The princess walked over and rubbed a hoof over my face with those big velvet eyes staring back at me again. "You got this, also...if Twilight needs anything, just ensure she gets the help she needs."

I started feeling relaxed and nodded, "Of course, princess…" Celestia then strolled off as I stood there, watching her rump shake in front of me. I turned around and sighed, "All alright, guess I should my duties…"

I then trotted towards the cafe's door, and as I crossed into Canterlot's street, I looked behind me to see the restaurant was gone. It disappeared like it was never there. I looked around nervously as ponies near me began to bow in reverence, and I gulped before I stammered, "Pl...please do. Don't bow; please rise, my dear subjects."

Some of the ponies gave me an odd look, but most shrugged and continued on their day. I slowly trotted down the street, getting used to my new body, but it seemed to act almost on its own. I held my head up, and my strut was starting to feel more natural. As I came to the palace, many guards bowed, and I simply raised a hoof like before. "Please don't; I just came back from lunch."

They simply rose back up and saluted as they replied, "Yes, princess."

I shivered at them calling me princess, with the surreal feeling coming over me again. Still, I ignored it and continued to trot through the palace's front doors slowly. I began to trot down the hall with the guards, even at their post, not noticing the difference at all. This was all too surreal, and I almost felt like this had to be a dream as I walked towards the princess's throne. I looked at it with awe, seeing how sitting on this thing must be uncomfortable for hours. I then thought that that must be why Celestia keeps her rump so big. But I couldn't think about this theory for long and had to take her seat before this looked suspicious. I sat down on the cold stone throne and shivered as I flexed my wings a bit, giving them a few flaps. I gave a sigh of relief, feeling the aches and pains from the transformation slowly leaving my body. I folded my wings to my sides, looked down the aisle, and proclaimed, "I'm ready to resume court; let's proceed."

Chapter two: Raising the Sun

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It was early one morning, and I was awakened out of pure instinct. I don't know why my body had me awake at such an hour. I gave a loud yawn and stretched my giant feathery white wings and long legs over my body. I slowly started getting out of bed as I plopped down onto my hooves and squeaked, stumbling about my much more prominent and lanky body. I slowly began to trot across the room towards my window, where I slowly placed my much larger head over my hoof, gazed out outside the palace, and took in the view of the great city of Canterlot that was wrapped up under a blanket of night. It was beautiful, with the rooftop stars shining brightly in the night sky. I looked right up over the city and admired the moon's light shining down over the capital of Equestria. Canterlot seemed relatively peaceful, covered by the velvet night and how beautiful everything looked. I couldn't help but wonder when the sun would come up. Then it hit me as I slammed a hoof into my face that it was my job to raise the sun!

"Buck!" I shouted out loud as I rushed off to the bathroom, where I started getting ready for the day, hopping into the shower and slowly letting the warm water run all over my body. I raised my head and loved the feeling of the water flowing over my supple mare's body. I lathered a lovely, sweet-smelling shampoo and conditioner into my mane and tail. I then raised my head, and the water trailed through my hair and rinsed the soap and shampoo from my mane and tail. Then I went about using magic to levitate a scrub brush and scrub down my entire body over an inch of my soft white-coated body. I shivered a little going over my rump and nether regions, and I wasn't ready for how sensitive those areas were, making little moaning sounds as I trailed the brush through my underbelly. It felt rather nice, and I continued to stroke my entire body during the meeting for some time.

But, I quickly snapped out of it, seeing I had the sun to rise and after finishing rinsing off whatever soap was clinging to me. I then turned the faucet off and trotted to the sink, where I began brushing my long, light, rainbow-colored mane. I tried to get the tangles out and worked through the long, colorful strands with every brush. I first was wincing in pain with each brush stroke, but I eventually got used to it as I continued combing through my tangled mess of a mane. After my hair was brushed to perfection, I turned my attention to my matted tail and skimmed it through, making sure to run the brush through until my tail was smooth as silk.

I then went about and took a pair of hoof clippers and started to trim my hooves. They were already well-manicured, but I noticed a few parts of the hooves where the keratin was a bit overgrown. After going over the clipping, I went about grinding my hooves with a hoof file, making the roof edges smooth, and I then finished the job by taking a rag soaked in oil and polishing them until they were smooth as silk and gleamed in the light of my fireplace. After that, I went about my routine, brushing my teeth slowly, which was somewhat awkward, seeing that my mouth was much larger than what I was used to. But I eventually got through it as I scrubbed my teeth with minty toothpaste and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. I then looked up into the mirror, looking over my body, being much freshened and rather good-looking. I then gave one long sigh before trotting through the bathroom door. As I opened the door, I was surprised to see a much older-looking unicorn mare with a tan coat and a dark black and mixed blue mane. She sported a tiny white collar with a pair of slick glasses on her nose. The mare slanted her gaze right at me and shouted, "There you are! Do you have any idea what time it is!?"

I stood there looking somewhat confused and started to stammer and stutter, unable to make words sound like unintelligible noises pouring out of my mouth.

"Ugh, never mind! Just come on before we have a full-on riot on our hooves!" the mare shouted as she stomped off while cursing under her breath.

I felt somewhat embarrassed being lectured by a mare half my size, but seeing I was already messing up as the princess, I didn't see the point of trying to fight her. As we trotted through the relatively empty halls of the castle, I was trying to think about the mare's name. I felt rather stupid, but seeing that I would probably be working with her for the entire year, it was somewhat necessary. I stammered over my words, but I eventually asked, "Um…your name is Quill Feather, right?"

"Yes, what is it?" the mare asked.

"Oh, never mind," I snickered as she was escorted outside into the palace gardens, where a group of ponies had been waiting for me. This was the first time I'd be out in public, so I held my head high and flexed my wings abit as I trotted over towards my subjects with all their eyes on me. The experience was quite nerve-racking, and I was somewhat nervous as I crossed the garden, my nerves slowly dissipating until I was right in front of them. My heart was still thumping in my chest, but I was starting to feel more in my element. I cleared my throat and bowed and said, "I apologize for the wait. I stayed up much later than I initially anticipated and overslept."

I got a lot of groans and mumbles of "finally," seeing most ponies have waited here for some time. I then stood up on all fours, spread my wings, and looked up into the sky. I flew into the air with my horn glowing. I felt a surge of magic flow over me as the sun's heat came up from behind me, and I could see the night slowly dissipate as the sun shined down among the ponies below. They were amazed at their luminous eyes as the morning sun shone over the crowd below. It was all rather magical as I flew back down from the sky and landed among my subjects, who were now much happier seeing the sun had finally risen. Despite the magical nature of the event, seeing all of these ponies standing around looking rather pleased. I still felt rather terrible for raising the sun late and bowed my head. "I do apologize for raising the sun late. I swear it won't happen again."

Luckily for me, my subjects were all relatively happy as they clopped their hooves on the ground they then began to trot off to do their business. After everypony left to go about their business, I strode back to the castle and started to trot through the kitchen, and I had this urge to start making breakfast for my sister, Princess Luna. I then went and started to make food, going about making pancakes. I had never made them before, but the muscle memory seemed to kick in as I cracked eggs, flour, and butter together and whisked the batter until it was frothy. I plopped some berries and pieces of chocolate into the mix and stirred them in. After that, I went and started to fry up the pancakes and it wasn't long until the sweet scent of pancakes wafted from the food and into my nostrils. It wasn't long until I felt some drool come down my chin as I imagined myself gorging on the stack of pancakes growing before my eyes. But then I heard hoofsteps and I turned to see my sister, Princess Luna, trotting toward her with a smile on her face. She placed a hoof over her mouth and said, "Hello, sister, how are you this morning?"

"I'm doing well, thank you," I squeaked in surprise as my cheeks flushed red I didn't know if Princess Luna knew I was a royal guard and not her sister, and I had no idea what to do. Does she know that her sister is on vacation? Whatever the case, there were many palace staff trotting around, so the last thing I needed to do was blow my cover. I served her some pancakes, hoping she would enjoy herself and eat some. But my sister simply rolled her eyes and pushed them away, "I'm sorry, but I'm just not feeling it today."

I saw that my desire to make her food and to have her be more comfortable would go unappreciated. It made me feel rather annoyed with her, but seeing that these must be Princess Celestia's feelings, I didn't want to start a fight. So I took the high road and said, "Well, you don't have to eat, and besides, I know you're going to sleep soon, so I made you some lavender tea."

I then levitated a cup of sweet-smelling tea over to her, and she sipped it while making a loud "ahhh" sound as she looked up and said, "Wow, that is good; thank you, sister."

"It's my pleasure," I replied with a smile, seeing a bit happier she was enjoying my tea. I then sat down and began to chow down on the pancakes (seeing that my sister wasn't eating any). All the while, I listened to Princess Luna as she talked about the night, all the dreams she had visited, and all the ponies she'd helped. I couldn't help but smile while listening to her and thinking about how interesting it was to know that so much went into the dream realm. As Princess Luna finished talking, she looked at me with a smirk and asked, "So, how was raising the sun for the first time?"

I froze as I was not expecting the question, and I just stood there looking somewhat confused. The fact that Princess Luna knew I wasn't her sister came as quite a shock. But I didn't know what to say. I just stood there while stammering like an idiot. "I..I…w..well…."

"Oh, come now, I know that you're not my sister, not that you're giving anything away. You're doing a rather good job as her so far, minus raising the sun late."

"I'm sorry it was an accident I ju-"

Princess Luna held up a hoof with a smile and said, "Please don't fret; my sister has been late to raising the sun numerous times before."

I gave a few nervous chuckles, seeing that was true, and being late one time wasn't going to expose me as a stand-in for the true princess of the sun. My sister then took another sip of her tea as she continued, "In fact, she told me yesterday what she was planning to do with turning one of her guards into a clone of her."

I just put a hoof over my face, feeling rather silly. I should've guessed what Princess Celestia told her. I then looked up from my hooves and answered Princess Luna's original question. "Yes, raising the sun was quite the experience, and I very much enjoyed it."

Luna laughed as she wrapped her giant fluffy dark blue wings around me and whispered, "That's good to hear; just go on and do your duties. Just let my sister's instinct guide you," I wasn't really sure what else to say, but I stayed within my sister's warm embrace and nuzzled my face into her mane. Being hugged by two giant feathery wings was such a loving experience. The most interesting part was the overwhelming feeling of love I felt for Princess Luna and how much I wanted to remain held by her. However, the princess of the night gave a loud yawn, stretched her hooves, and said, "I should be getting some sleep; good day, sister," before trotting off. I stood there once more as I whispered, "Goodnight, dear sister."

I stood there while watching her trot off, feeling rather stupid for not thinking that the true Princess Celestia wouldn't tell her what was happening. I yawned and decided to make myself a cup of coffee, and as I sipped the bitter drink from my mug, I mumbled to myself, "Well, it's time for another day of sitting around while ponies complain about their problems."

I then slowly trotted over to my throne and sat down on a little satin pillow to keep my tush warm and comfortable. I then raised my head and looked over at the royal guards, all standing at attention, awaiting my orders. I took a moment to clear my throat and said, "Let's get started, shall we?"

Chapter three: Princess R&R

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I felt something playing with my mane, and I slowly groaned as I looked up to see that I had fallen asleep on my writing desk. I saw Philomena pecking at my mane. I groaned as something sticky dried up on my face, and I wiped it with a hoof as I saw there was some black ink on my hoof; I just looked down at it, feeling annoyed seeing I split an ink pot all over a scroll I was writing on.

"Oh dear, not again," I mumbled, wiping ink from my face and flicking the black liquid. I laid back, thinking about a month since I'd been turned into Princess Celestia, and I was exhausted. It's been a long, hard road trying to be the princess and going through all her duties. I slowly woke up after an entire night of dealing with filing tax forms and trying to negotiate a trade deal.

I then got up and slowly went through the motions of getting ready for the day, first getting Princess Celestia's pet phoenix her breakfast consisting of a bunch of nuts and seeds and afterward went to take a shower, putting on light makeup, brushing out the tangles in my mane and tail and setting magic as they wavered on their own. I then went out, raised the sun, and went about performing morning court as I drank down half a dozen cups of coffee to keep myself from collapsing. Who was hoofed to me by my loyal assistant Quill Feather? Then noon came, and I met with some nobles over my tax reforms. I was coming out of the meeting hall looking happy but rather tired and slowly trotted to a nearby bathroom to relieve myself. As I was washing my hooves, I looked up at my reflection. Then I saw my reflection for the first time: bags under my eyes and my mane looking a bit frazzled and somewhat jittery from the caffeine rushing through my system. I wonder how I haven't collapsed from all the stress running through my body, and then that was when I heard a knock and a mare asked, "Princess, are you doing alright?"

I scrambled a little upon hearing somepony calling out to me and turned around and squeaked out in surprise. "yes, I am! I apologize. I'm finishing up."

I quickly dried my hooves and rose up, trying to look as regal as I possibly could. Then I trotted out of the restroom, and there standing before me was Quill Feather, who was smiling, "Well, Princess Celestia, it seems we finally got those tax reforms passed."

I let out an annoyed sigh, having spent hours working on those tax reforms, and with a sigh of relief, replied, "Yes, indeed, I am so relieved that it is finally over."

"However, there is one thing you neglected."

I started to sweat, wondering what I could not have thought of. Did I date the forms wrong? Was there ink stains? Did I act out of character? I then started to stammer, "What is it? Did I do something wrong!?"

Quill Feather blinked, then shook her head and sighed, "Princess, you clearly neglected your own needs, both your mental and physical health."

"M…my mental and physical health!?"

The stout little pegasus trotted over and took my muzzle by the hoof, looking me over as she said, "Yes, your health, those bags under your eyes, you clearly haven't been getting any sleep, your frazzled mane, you require some serious R&R, so I took the opportunity to have a spa treatment plan set up for you."

I blinked, being abit confused and blindsided by the offer. "Spa…treatment?"

"Yes, spa treatment," she then took one of my wings and looked it over, picking out a few loose feathers, making me wince, "You are definitely in need of a royal preening."

"Wait, preening?"

She then took one of the hooves, and saw how rough it looked, cracked and stained with black ink. "A pedicure for your horn and hooves."



I just blinked with a confused expression on my face as I stammered, "I…um…" I brushed my frazzled mane, then cleared my throat, calming down for a second.

Quill Feather looked up with an odd look and asked, "Any objections? Is there something missing?"

I paused once again. This must be something the real Princess Celestia did after her victories in the debate hall. Still, it was intrusive and not something I was fully prepared for. "No…just um… am I going to be alone for this spa trip?"

"Of course not; your sister Princess Luna was the one who insisted on this and will be there with you."

I felt relieved having Celestia's sister with me. Still, I was also concerned about her losing sleep for my sake and asked, "Shouldn't she be sleeping during the day? She's normally in bed by around nine?"

"She already addressed that and said she will sacrifice a few hours of sleep to accompany you to your spa trip."

"That's…Wonderful, but I must l should still protest sh-"

Quill Feather interrupted me. "Luna already informed me you would protest, but she insists on being your escort. Now that's settled, you should get something to eat and rest."

I couldn't help but nod and agree with my assistant on that at this point; I was too exhausted to really fight it and ate a rather fancy salad and drank some tea, then lumbered to my room, took off Celestia's regalia, and flopped onto her bed. All I could do was lay there looking up at the ceiling, wondering if the real Celestia would be proud of me or furious with how I was treating her body or mine!? I slowly closed my eyes, unable to hold back sleep, and gradually fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning, I came to pecking at my mane again and knowing it was Phiolemia trying to wake me up to feed her. Peking at my head and being quite pestering.

"Philomena, please give me five more minutes."

I groaned, wanting to sleep in after my victory yesterday. But then I slowly got up from the bed to see a clock overhead and saw that it was a little past six and cried out in shock, seeing I overslept a little. I quickly got up and fed Philomenia her breakfast, fixed my regalia, skipped a shower, and went about brushing my mane and rinsing my mouth with mouthwash. I ran past my guards, shouting a quick "morning!" as I did so. I then went outside and saw most ponies were looking a bit annoyed, but I wasn't too late and made some quick apologies. I then quickly raised the sun, and then, as soon as I came down, I went to the royal dining hall and had a lovely breakfast of pancakes and coffee. As I savored breakfast, seeing I had the day off, I didn't rush this part of my morning and wanted to just take my time for once instead of scarfing it down. That was when Princess Luna, my "sister," trotted over with a smirk on her face. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you as well, dear sister. Seems like you have a day off."

"Yes indeed, mostly due to your insistence, of course. I can perform my royal duties without you having to babysit me."

"Of course, you can, and you're doing a marvelous job. I am simply here to assist you with your R&R. It's obvious you're overworked."

I gulped down my breakfast and whispered, "Yes, but does your sister normally have a spa date? I mean, just making sure it's something that's not out of her normal routine."

"Of course she does; you think she's spent a thousand years just working nonstop? Yes, she works a lot, but you need time for yourself, or you'll turn into Daybreaker."

"Whose that?"

Luna said, "That's another time for now; why don't we get going."

I was then escorted from the table to the chariot outside, where two pegasus guards bowed as I passed. I blushed and waved a hoof, telling them to stop, as I was still really uncomfortable when ponies did that. I then settled myself into my seat alongside Celestia's sister, and then we were off to a spa.

I was nervous looking around, seeing the beautiful spa parlor and ornate marble statues spurting water with an ornate desk with "my sister" talking to a lovely pegasus mare. I just stood by with a worried look on my face and wondered what they were whispering about. The pegasus then waved me over, and I slowly trotted towards her as she looked me over. "My goodness, princess, are you alright?"

I was abit stunned at first, not knowing what to say precisely, and quickly said, "I'm doing well."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, don't be modest; you look like you haven't slept in months."

"Just one month, but with these tax negotiations over with, things will be much less stressful for me."

The spa mare nodded and added, "I'm sure they will be princess; now Princess Luna insists that you get the full princess pamper package."

"Well…I…um?" I started to get abit worried, wondering what the princess would say in this situation. "What do I normally get?"

The pegasus blinked, looking somewhat confused, and asked, "Well, that is quite an odd thing to say?"

"Sorry, just uh, you know me being tired and all…Please excuse my behavior."

"Of course, princess. Well, you normally get the princess pamper package. You're the one who nicknamed it, by the way."

I blushed as I stopped mid-sentence and then adjusted myself and spoke. "Yes, well, the princess pamper package was the full treatment, hornicure, hoof care, preening a full facial, mane, and tail work, and of course, a soak in one of our hot tubs."

"Right, all that…"

"Good! Now let's get started!"

But I couldn't help but feel naked, which is odd…being a pony, most are comfortable walking around with no clothes, and yet without the regal, it felt weird not having it on me and letting my hair down with it falling over me. I was then escorted to a bench, where I was laid down. The mares then went to each of her legs, taking one at a time and grinding out of my hooves, and I kicked and squeaked, feeling the sensitive bone being removed. It hurt, but the tingling sensation subsided over time. It didn't take long for them to start on my horn as well, which made me squeak out in pain from the sensitive bone. I was a unicorn and had accidentally stubbed my horn into walls, but this made me realize how sensitive the long protruding object from my forehead really felt. I was then preened and moaned as they went through her feathers individually. I shivered, and squeaked, never having feathers, and removed dirt and bent feathers from my new wings.

But soon, it started to feel nice as the mares used soft brushes to groom my wings, and I shivered, feeling much cleaner and less pain from them. Afterward, the mares went to work on my mane and tail, which were steamed and then brushed; seeing the long rainbow strands flowing around my head at first, I was wincing from them, brushing out the tangles, but like with my wings and hooves, it started to feel relaxing after a while. And then the spa mares went and applied a thick, heavy green mud mask over my face. I was then escorted to a hot bath and was laid down. I then let out a sigh of relaxation as she settled into the steaming bubbly water and squeaked, feeling herself settling into the nice steamy bath water. Within half an hour, I could feel the hours of stress I had melting away from my shoulders. I just laid there relaxing for the first time in what felt like forever. Then I turned to see Luna sitting across from me, smiling, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, this is so relaxing! I don't understand why it's taboo for other stallions to go to a spa."

Luna yawned and stretched out her wings, then said, "Guess masculinity is something that is still held onto, but I bet when you turn back to stallion, you'll come back."

"Oh, most definitely, this is such a relaxing and enjoyable experience," I admitted, never having felt this relaxed in my entire life.

"Now, I know you've been working hard to be my sister, but you must remember to relax and connect as well; Twilight has been worried about you."

I groaned, feeling rather stupid for forgetting about Princess Celestia's prized pupil, and grumbled, "I understand she is no longer my- I mean, Princess Celestia's student anymore?"

Luna nudged me, then whispered, "It doesn't mean she doesn't miss your correspondence. You should try to talk to her once in a while."

I groaned and rubbed a hoof over my face, feeling abit awkward about the whole situation, seeing Twilight and not knowing she was talking to some nobody guard who barely even knew her brother. But I had a role to play, so I responded as courtly as possible. "Of course, I will try to do so when I return to my normal duties. But I shouldn't get too close; I'm sure she'll learn I'm not really Princess Celestia."

"Fair enough. Also…I know this might sound weird, but you should try to have fun. There are things to do here, and as a princess, you're going to enjoy yourself. There are a lot of perks for being royalty, you know?

"I understand…but I cannot allow anypony to know that anything's changed."

"Yes, that's true, but lucky for you, you can have fun and still fit the narrative."

"Like what?"

"How about I surprise you?"

"Ok then…as long they are activities the real Princess Celestia would do," I added. Despite not liking being a stick in the mud, I was worried Princess Luna was too lax with how I was perceived. I really had no intention of ruining Celestia's good name.

I then laid myself back in the hot tub and wondered what Luna had in store. But the soothing hot tub made it hard to think, so I settled my mane back, looked up at the marble ceiling above me, and just let out another sigh and closed my eyes, letting myself take another short nap. With my last thoughts on how I should approach being around Twilight,

Chapter four: Princess Celestia's Story Hour

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I was trotting back and forth in the middle of the place gardens, worried about this meeting with Twilight Sparkle, who was now a princess, and that she would see through my disguise. I looked at myself in the fountain nearby, reviewing my reflection, took a hoof, brushed it over my mane, and adjusted my regalia. I then returned to my little tea party, which was quite simple, with a quaint little metallic garden table and small porcelain tea cups set up in the royal garden. I gave everything a look over to make sure it seemed perfect. So I decided to relax and sit back with a nice cup of tea in my hooves and sipped it, thinking about how I would deal with things if she did find out.

But then she saw the young princess fly over, and with a smile, a gust of wind hit her, and the violet alicorn cried as she slammed into the dirt and grass. I squeaked out in surprise, ran over, brushed the dirt from Celestia's former student, and cried, "Are you ok!?".

Twilight groaned as she slowly got up on all fours, spat out some grass, and said, "Sorry, Princess Celestia, I'm still getting used to flying."

"That's completely understandable. Next time, I can get you a chariot?"

"No, it's okay. I need the practice." She threw up her wings and added, "It just doesn't sit right with me still."

I couldn't help but nod in agreement and said, "Oh, I agree it is quite the experience, but it still feels awkward sometimes."

Twilight looked somewhat surprised by the response, "I mean, you've had them for a thousand years at least, right?"

I went wide-eyed for a second, realizing what I just said, cleared my throat, and said, "Well, yes, that's true, but I also seem rather unsure of them as you are. I mean…how often have you seen me fly?" I insisted, quickly covering up what I had said.

Then the mare continued, "Well, I have to say there is something odd about you. I must admit I was rather surprised you invited me to a tea party."

I nervously trotted backward and then asked, "I see, and is that something that Ce-I mean we would do?"

The alicorn tapped a hoof to her chin, then said, "Well, we technically had a tea party back when you visited me with your pet phoenix…" Her cheeks were flushed pink, and she continued, "Before Fluttershy and I kidnapped her."

Despite not being present, Princess Celestia did give me her memories, and I seemed to be able to not only remember the event but myself being worried about Philomena and then being relieved and amused that Twilight and Fluttershy went out of their way to care for her. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "Right, I remember that."

Twilight then bowed and replied, "It's still an honor to invite me to a tea party, even if this is informal."

Still feeling uncomfortable about ponies bowing wherever I go, I waved a hoof then quickly said, "No need for that; please let us be informal; Faust knows I need a break."

"Understandable, Princess Celestia; I heard about your victory in passing those new tax reforms."

"Please, Twilight, just call me Celestia."

"Right, guess we can skip the formalities."

Twilight then sat across from me, and we both took a minute to sip our tea and snack on the small coffee cakes. As Twilight took a moment to gulp down her cake, I sat back and sipped some tea, trying to maintain my regal. She asked, "So, what exactly did you want to talk about?"

I blinked, opened my mouth, gawked, as this was mostly Princess Luna's idea, and realized I didn't know what to say or do. But I had to remain regal and keep my composure. I cleared my throat and said, "Well, I, um? I wasn't sure; maybe I think I just wanted to catch up."

"That's all?"

"Yes, that is all."

Then the mare continued, "Well, I have to ask: Are you feeling okay?"

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I did my best to respond. "Yes, I'm fine mostly…is there any reason you would ask that?"

"Not saying anything, you just seem more…I don't know…have you been getting enough sleep?"

"Well, I have been busy with things in general. Been trying to deal with a bunch of tax reforms now; I can finally relax a little."

"That sounds wonderful! I read over the reforms and saw how you will help ease taxes for produce, which will help families like Applejack."

"Yes, but I had to balance it out and make sure that some of the richer ponies were paying their fair share, but I don't want to bog down our talks with politics."

"Oh, it's no problem; I love talking about politics, science, magic, or just about anything!"

I felt abit embarrassed that she would feel this kinship with me like a relative, making me feel more uncomfortable. "uh ok, sure, um…well, do you wish to talk about anything in particular?"

"Well…ok, I've been meaning to ask…how exactly did I become an alicorn?" she threw up her wings, "I understand I unlocked my potential after going through a trial, but is there more to this than getting wings?"

I paused, blinked a few times, and then realized I didn't know how she became an alicorn; even with Celestia's memories and knowledge, she didn't fully understand either. I then continued, "I do not know. If I am being fully honest, sending you that spell was a gut instinct."

"Was sending me to Ponyville also just a "gut" instinct?"

My cheeks flushed pink, and I paused, gathering the information like I was some machine as I replied in how she would, "In a sense, yes, I believed you would find friends and unlock the elements of harmony. Luckily, you did, or I would have been sealed away, and Nightmare Moon would have taken over."

"Of course! I just am surprised you're so…well…"

"Well, what?"

"So different from how I imagined you being. My entire life, I saw you as this almost godlike creature who would be so refined and beyond reproach. But as I got to know you more, it seems you're so…"

I sat there wondering what she was going to say; so what? So different? So, unlike how Princess Celestia should act!? I sat there just wondering what Twilight would say, and then she said, "So normal."

I once again was taken back by what Twilight said, "normal." that was something that I had never thought of myself from the day I took this job, and yet…from the actual princess' memories, she always was trying to present herself as this untouchable goddess to garner trust. But she was always somewhat goofy and uncouth and sometimes didn't always adhere to royal etiquette. Seeing I was acting like the princess made me feel even more at ease, and then I replied, "Well, you see, there's more to me than what meets the eye."

Twilight finished eating the last pastry and then said, "Well, that's a relief; I guess what I'm about to ask you is somewhat unorthodox."

"And what would that be?"

"Well, you see, Cheerilee has been begging me to set up a "story hour" with you, and I need your help with the foals wanting to see you read a story to them."

"Me!? She wants me!?"

Twilight nodded, rubbed a hoof down her face, and continued, "Yes ... I know you're busy, and I wouldn't ask…"

I got rather excited, flapping my wings, then exclaimed, "What are you talking about!? That sounds like so much fun!"

Twilight looked up, surprised, "you mean that?"

"Of course! I've taken hundreds of pictures with foals, but I don't think I've ever done a story hour before?"

Twilight beamed a smile of pride as she pressed hoof into her chest, then proclaimed, "Well, lucky for you, I've done a few, and I can take you through how to have a successful story hour and handle rowdy foals.":

"Well, I am taking some time off for myself; we can start today if you wish?"

Twilight got up, took out a scroll and quill, and said, "Well, before we get carried away, let's write a letter to Cherrilee and make it official!"

"Of course!" I then wrote down an invitation to Cheerilee to schedule a story hour with the princess, and then after jotting down my signature with a flourish, Twilight rolled it up, and I stamped it with my sigil. "Once you have a date, we can start training."

I rose up and helped Twilight from the table. "That sounds like a plan! Now, are you sure you can fly back to Ponyville?"

The alicorn flapped her wings and shrugged, "It's ok; like I said, I need to get better. I have a few training sessions with Rainbow Dash scheduled."

I felt somewhat embarrassed, but as a former unicorn and despite having Princess Celestia's memories and experiences, I still had trouble using my new appendages. I then whispered, "Actually, could you pass a message to Rainbow Dash."

"Of course!? What do you want to say."

"Um..could you ask her to help train me in flying? I need to get better at it myself."

Twilight paused, looking abit surprised and confused, then said, "Well, I guess I don't see the problem... I'll pass the message along."

The violet alicorn then waved a hoof and flew off into the air. As I watched her pass, I wondered how this story hour would go and if this was a good idea in the first place.

A few weeks had passed, and I was now in Twilight's library looking over a ton of flashcards she had laid out on a table and reading them over as I was preparing for the "story hour" we set up with Cheerilee.

Twilight was trotting back and forth as she gave me some last-minute notes. "OK, so let's go over everything before we begin. First of all, do you have the story ready?"

Celestia picked up the Daring Do picture book and said, "Yes, Daring Do and the Raiders of the Lost Cart."

"Good, now remember, when you read to foals, you must be energetic and engaged. Make sure to flip the book towards them so they can see the pictures."

"Right, we practiced that a few times."

Spike nearby groaned, "Yes, we have!"

I couldn't help but blush and whisper, "Sorry, Spike."

"It's ok, princess, but you definitely owe me a few gems," Spike grumbled.

"Also, when a foal asks questions, ensure they raise a hoof first and try picking on shy ponies first."


"But to ensure we're on time, try to save questions for breaks and at the end of the story."

"Right, we'll give two ten-minute breaks, and um…just clarifying these foals are toilet trained?"

"Yes, they're not babies, though they might try holding it in during the story, so if somepony really needs to go, let them go and wait until they return."

"Right," I wrote down, "keep in mind for emergency potty breaks."

"Also, remember that foals don't like sitting for long, so they might get fidgety if things get rowdy. I suggest we get Cheerilee to come help settle them down."

"I believe that covers just about everything."

Twilight smirked, seeing how nervous I must be looking, and asked, "Are you scared of some foals?"

Despite being the actual princess, Celestia would be more collected. My true nature spilled out as I said, "What, no, of course not! I fought all matter of monsters; I can handle a few foals for an hour."

Twilight nodded, "OK, just let me know when you need help, and if this is too much for you, let us know."

"I will, thank you, Twilight."

I then rose, gathered the flashcards, and tucked them under a wing. I fixed my regalia, took a deep breath, and trotted off with Princess Celestia's former student, following her to the schoolhouse.

At Cheerilee's schoolhouse, I was a bit stunned by the dozens of foals all sitting on a mat, with Cherrilee getting excited rather suddenly as she bowed and cried, "Princess Celestia, it is an honor you coming here!"

"Oh please, no need to bow; I came to have fun. Let's just all relaxase."

"Of course, we have everything set up in the back." Cheerilee then escorted me to the back of the room, sat on a comfy beanbag, and turned to the dozens of foals, who were all bouncing around me in excitement, asking me questions or just complimenting me on how beautiful I was.

I was already feeling uncomfortable and held out a hoof, then replied in my most maternal tone, "Please be patient; we'll have plenty of time for questions; please settle down."

There were a lot of awwws, and then one colt raised his hoof politely and pointed at him. "Yes….um?"


"Yes, Pipsqueak?"

"I just have to ask, can Princess Luna come and do a storytime too?"

I almost let out an annoyed laugh but held my composure as I was doing this "story hour" because of her, and despite enjoying this, I couldn't help but get back at her and say, "Oh, most definitely, maybe she can do a sleepover with you all at the castle."

"Yay!" the foals all started shouting in unison, and soon I was being bombarded by hundreds of questions. It took a few minutes for Cheerilee to settle the class down.

I then pulled out the storybook and started to go over the tale of a simplified version of the one from the novel. But I did my best to sell myself as Daring Do racing against Calaberon for the mystical lost cart that was told to be made of pure gold. But as the story went on, I stuck to Twilight's notes, letting foals use the bathroom throughout; it didn't take long until Twilight was pointing a hoof at a clock overhead, and we took our first ten-minute break. I laid back and realized my heart was racing; this was quite an undertaking. My biggest worry is that I'm acting too much like North Star and not like Princess Celestia. But from the smiling and chatty foals, things seemed to be working out. Then I noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders rushing over, all wide-eyed and looking utterly adorable. I stood up abit straighter, and as the orange-coated pegasi raised a hoof, I pointed at her and asked, "Yes…"

"Oh, sorry, my name's Scootaloo."

"Scootaloo, yes, what's your question?"

The three fillies all looked at each other nervously, and then Scootaloo continued, "Is it ok if we ask you a personal question?"

I paused, unsure at first, but couldn't see its harm and said, "Of course, what is it?"

Then, the three blurted out in unison, "We've been meaning to ask how you got your cutie mark!?"

There was silence, and I was taken aback by the question and had to dig through all of Celestia's oldest memories; it was like swimming through a deep fog, and I saw Celestia as a filly being told by Starswirl he wanted to take me to perform some test…. He then took her to some unicorns who were in charge of raising the sun and then gifted her with their power. Then I tried repeatedly for months…years went by, and I failed every time…then there was a specific memory the day I earned my cutie mark.

I was suddenly transported to an ancient castle foyer decorated with rich tapestries over the stone. I was no longer the tall, powerful-looking alicorn; now, I was in a much smaller body and had looked up at an old unicorn wearing a dark blue wizard's hat. His blue coat and gold eyes glared at me as he scolded me for not being able to raise the sun. The old pony was getting on my nerves, and I wanted to snap back several times. But my body would not listen to me. In fact, it felt like I was just a passenger in a ride as Celestia acted out this "memory."

"Celestia, you must be taking these studies seriously! If you want ponies to take you seriously, you must prove yourself!"

I glared back at him, angry, and shouted, "I am! I'm doing my best!"

"Try harder! You must be able to raise the sun; it is your destiny!"

"Destiny this destiny that! That's all you care about! What if I don't want it to be my destiny? What if I don't want to be a princess!?"

"Then you're your parents' sacrifice will have been for nothing! And all will be lost!"

Tears filled my eyes: parents whom I never met and who long passed before Luna and I could remember. I wiped my face and snapped, "anypony can raise the sun; it's not that important for me to be able to do it."

"It's more than that! You are destined to be the ruler of the three tribes and shepherd the ponies into a new era of peace."

"Ugh! Are you even listening to yourself? I don't want that to be my destiny!" I ran off, bursting out from the castle doors and into the woods.

Hours went by, and as I ran, I looked up at the sun, hating it with all my heart, as I seemed to really hate having this "destiny." I wanted to be a baker; I loved cake and wanted to learn to make it and spread joy like Mrs. Puddinghead does. Instead, I was forced to learn how to be a princess form from Princess Platinum; I was taught how to eat properly and be polite, how to ball dance, geopolitics, and the history of the three tribes. All of it was so boring and infuriating, and I hated it. Luna seemed to do much better with the lessons, even mastering the "Royal Canterlot Voice." Maybe she could be the princess. I would gladly give her all the duties and responsibilities for princesshood, and I can go learn and be a baker. However, my train of thought was broken as I heard crying and ran over through the woods. I gasped to see an odd creature, one that was an amalgamation of various beasts. I was scared at first, but its kind eyes turned towards me, and then it raised a claw at me and snapped, "Who are you!?"

I raised a hoof and cried, "Wait, stop! I don't mean you any harm! I'm Celestia."

The creature looked me over and then asked, "Celestia… you're a creation, too?"

"Creation!? No, I'm… I'm…" I paused, unsure if I should say I was a princess raised in a castle. "I'm no pony."

I then reached out to a hoof, helped him up onto his stubby legs, and got a good look at him, seeing that one was a dragon's claw and the other a goat's hoof, seeing that his right arm was a lion's paw and the left an eagle's talon. As a guard, I remember seeing this creature in the castle garden when it was much older, and I remember when it broke free and reigned chaos in Ponyville. Discord is what this monster was called.

The second I realized who he was, I honestly wanted to tell the creature to "buck off!" seeing it was a danger to everypony. But I wasn't in charge as my body did things independently, and I was once again reminded that I was merely a passenger as I asked with a kind smile, "What's your name?"

The creature turned to me with a distrustful look, but as it wiped its eyes with a claw, it mumbled, "M…my master called me Discord."

"Discord!? That's a cool name; what are you?"

“Master told me I was a dra-dracon…drag…no,dracconequus.”

"I never heard of that before? Do you have a place to stay?"

Discord shook his head, and then I sighed, seeing I should be getting back to the castle, but I felt the fear of Starswirl finding out I had snuck some unknown magical creature into the castle. But my desire to help this poor thing seemed to override any sense or logic and said, "come, I'll let you stay at my place."

We spent a few hours trudging through the woods, and it was now rather dark, with the foliage blocking the moon's light, and I had to light the tip of my horn to illuminate our path. The forest was growing cold, and I saw the little stubby creature shivering; he looked so alone, so scared. I feared asking where he came from, and at this point, I just wanted to make sure he got somewhere safe. Then, I felt an icy chill crawl up my spine. I looked around and saw, by the dull moonlight, a pony made of shadows forming. I remember fear growing through me, and then I told Discord, "Get behind me!" The creature ran behind me, and I looked behind me to see he listened, and then he tried snapping his class tendrils, sprang up, and wrapped around himself as he kicked and whined, "No, not me!"

The creature of shadow then lashed out at me, shooting a beam of magic at me, and I was hit with pain; it felt like an icicle was stabbing me and making me feel even more scared with every instinct telling me to run for my life. Turning back to Discord, I saw he was tied up and crying in fear and pain. I realized if I ran, this "pony of shadows" would kill this poor creature, and I could not let that happen. I then remembered a spell that could help, and with all my might, a yellow bubble shield came around us. I ran over to Discord and used my teeth to bite through the vines, and then, as he got up, he whispered, "Thank you, sorry for being a burden. Stupid chaos magic doesn't listen to me sometimes."

"It's okay, but what is that thing!?"

"I don't know! I'm not from here!"

I cried out in pain as the shadow creature blasted waves of cold, dark magic against my rather pitiful magic bubble. We had to do something! I looked back at Discord again, who was just sitting down and weeping, "Just do it; let it get me. I…I don't want to live anymore."

That look, the look of despair and desperation, made me realize that is what a lot of ponies in Equestria are feeling hopeless, lost, and alone. I…I had to help even if it met sacrificing everything I had, who I was; maybe…maybe it'll suck, but if I could make Discord smile, perhaps I can do the same for the rest of the ponies.

I looked back at the pony of shadows glaring at me with this deep, sated hatred. I knew deep down also that this creature wasn't after Discord, no..whatever this thing was, it wanted to kill me; if anything, I should be the one saying sorry to him as I was putting Discord in danger! I then turned to the sky and threw out my wings. I took Discord by the claw, and as my bubble shield broke, I flew as high as I could, grunting as I lifted the young dracconequus into the air and the cold shadows reaching for me. I lit my horn, then gasped as the sun rose and the cold, dark shadows began to sizzle and burn away. I looked down as I watched the creature scream and dissipate, and Discord held onto me, looking relieved to see he was safe. As we landed, I was panting hard as my wings felt so sore, and my forehead throbbed from using all that magic. Discord got up, wiping the tears from his eyes, then asked, "uh…did you have a sun on your butt before?"

I blinked, turned around, and my mouth dropped upon seeing my blank flank now had the picture of a sun on it. Excited, I started to bounce up and down, running over to Discord and squealing, "It's my cutie mark! I finally got my cutie mark!"

I blinked and then realized I was once again back in the schoolhouse with dozens of foals sitting around me looking excited and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all looking at me, waiting for an answer to their question. I gulped and quickly said, "Well, I uh…I was a young filly who was told I had the potential to raise the sun by Starswirl, so a long time ago, I went to the unicorns who had the duty to raise the sun and moon every day and night and then tried, and I due to some unusual circumstances I uh raised the sun!" I then pointed a wing towards my butt. I added, "then this appeared on my flank."

The story got a groan from the foals as it wasn't as exciting as they thought. I wasn't lying per se, but from the memories, I felt that keeping out specific details was something the real Princess Celestia would want to keep hidden.

Apple Bloom then added, "Oh, so…your story sounds a lot like Twilight!"

I had to think again for a second and remember the story of Twilight earning her cutie mark. I nodded in agreement, "You're right. The moral is that you shouldn't let failure bar you from succeeding. Learn from your failures, and I'm sure you will reach your goals."

"That's cool, I guess," Scootaloo grumbled.

"That was so cool! I'm glad you didn't give up; then you wouldn't be a princess!" Sweetie Belle chimed in.

I couldn't help but agree with the little unicorn and said, "Yes, you're absolutely right."

As the foals returned from the bathroom, I spent more time talking to them and talking about how earning a cutie mark would come in time to help the "blank flanks" feel good about themselves. Then we returned to the book, and as I finished the story, every foal clapped and cheered. Then I got up and trotted through the foals, giving a bow as I left feeling rather happy at how well the story hour went. As I left the schoolhouse, Twilight trotted over towards me and sighed, "That was nerve-racking, huh?"

"Yes, but I feel we did a lot of good; I think I really inspired them."

Twilight looked up and asked, "Just one question: was that story about who you got your cutie mark true? It seemed rather vague."

"Well, I believe so…it was a long time ago, and I must admit the memory is rather blurry, but overall, it was the truth." I then reminisced about the young Discord and the mysterious pony of shadows and added, "To be honest, I don't think telling the foals some details was appropriate."

"Well, regardless, it was a nice story…and it's great to get to know you more. Despite being my former mentor, I don't know you all that well."

I couldn't help but feel abit saddened by what Twilight said, and it panged me knowing that she would learn that being a princess is a hard road. That means a lot of self-sacrifice, more than most could handle. But that conversation should happen with her and the true princess Celestia, not a nopony screw-up like me. I turned towards her and then said, "I…I believe one day we can talk about my past and the path you're about to go on. But that will have to wait for another day."

"Of course, you must be exhausted."

"I am rather energized; that was a lot of fun. Thank you, Twilight; I would not have considered doing this if it weren't for you. I need to do this more all across Equestria."

I then took off and flew back to Canterlot, feeling proud of myself as I sailed through the air and wondering what else was in store as being the Princess of Equestria. I also thought about diving into Princess Celestia's memories and wondering how much I'd learn about Celestia herself as well.

Chapter Five: The Flight for a Phoenix

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"Come on, flap harder!"

I was getting quite annoyed with Rainbow Dash's commands as she flapped about and tried to maintain her speed but seemed unable to catch up with the daredevil, who was a heck of a lot faster than her and seemed to be able to catch up despite having a more enormous wingspan and Celestia's prior knowledge on flying in truth I was still like a pegasus foal learning to fly as for the past few months never really needed to. So she tried her best to keep up with Rainbow Dash, who soared above her and just rolled her eyes, "Seriously!? I thought the princess of Equestria was better at flying than this?"

I eyed her as if even though I technically wasn't the princess of Equestria, I was still a princess and asked, "Well, you do understand who you're talking to, right?"

Rainbow Dash blinked and then got a bit sheepish, "Uh yeah, sorry about that. I just thought you would be better at flying than this. Like you've been around for over a thousand years?"

As I was now soaring above the clouds, I took a moment to look down at the ground below. I couldn't help but admire Canterlot looking like a toy city with many miniature ponies going about their business. Seeing it was awe-inspiring, and I couldn't help but feel the need to keep this world safe and protected.

"Hey, Princess? Princess?"

I looked up and then saw the pegasus flying over with an annoyed look on her face. I squeaked, seeing I must've drifted off without realizing it, and then replied, "Apologizes."

"It's fine, princess, just making sure your head is still in the game," Rainbow Dash flew over, looked me over, and sighed, "You look terrible; why don't we call it a day? I don't want to wear you out."

I was breathing heavily and felt lightheaded. "It's fine, we can continue."

"No, we should get you back; why don't we do one last race to your castle?"

"Oh, you're so on!"

The two then flew off together as fast as they could, the wind and air bursting through my face as we flew through the air at speeds I hadn't flown before. We eventually landed near the castle. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath as the pegasus turned towards me with a playful smirk. "Hey, you did good."

I rolled my eyes, seeing she was just trying to be nice, "I lost."

"So? You still were able to keep up even as tired as you were; just remember to use the air currents to your advantage."

"Right, I will remember that; thank you, Rainbow Dash."

"It's no problem, princess, and sorry for being abit too harsh…I think Spitfire's coaching may have rubbed off on me."

"Understandably, I should be better at flying and practice more often. So, same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah! I think we should try doing some long-distance flying! We'll start here and go to here and Cloudesdale and back!"

I feigned a smile, not looking forward to flying hundreds of miles, but Rainbow Dash was my coach, and I promised to do whatever she said. "yes, of course." I then slowly trotted up to my room and took a long shower; after taking a few minutes to adjust my makeup and regalia, I trotted into my room to find Phillomenia; she looked down. Her head was bent, and it looked like the color of her body was gone. From Princess Celestia's memories, she always looked horrible before rebirthing itself, but she just recently did so; it would be at least a hundred years before going through the process again. This is something else, and it was making me worry. The last thing I wanted was for the princess to return from her vacation to find her pet phoenix dead. She needed to get her to a vet, but who would specialize in Phoenix care!? I looked around, scouring the room for anything in her journal, but couldn't find anything. Why didn't she leave a contact or some medicine!?

I then remembered one recent memory of Celestia's, where Fluttershy and Twilight took Philomenia to help cure her when she was rebirthing. Fluttershy was shooting in the dark, but she helped her pet phoenix. That pegasus might be the only one who could know what's wrong or, at the very least help find out whats wrong. I then took Philomenia and flew out of her window, heading towards Ponyville.

I remembered Rainbow Dash's advice to take the air currents, which gave me more speed and eased my own wings so I didn't have to flap as hard to keep in the air. I eventually found the flight more manageable and less annoying than I had previously and was heading straight for Ponyville every second Philomenia shaking made me flap harder and faster than finding Flutetrshy's cottage; I slammed into the dirt rather forcefully with clods of mud and grass going up everywhere I didn't mean to have such a harsh landing but my anxiety over Phillomenia's health and flew right to Fluttershy's door and knocked as hard as she could shouting, "Fluttershy! Fluttershy!"

The pegasus slowly opened the door, looking somewhat scared, "Princess Celestia, are you ok?

"I'm fine, but my phoenix…" I levitated Philomena towards her, hoping I was not too late, and Fluttershy gasped. "Is that!?"


"Bring her in quick!"

I rushed in after her, and then we came to the living room and laid the bird on a table. Then, Fluttershy looked over her and tried talking to her. After a minute, she said, "Princess Celestia, she's sick for real this time."

"I understand. Do you have any way to help her?"

"I think we can start with a warm bath, but we should get Zecora. She might know about what is ailing her."

"Right! Who is that again?"

"Uh, Zecora the zebra; she lives in the Everfree Forest."

I had to think for a second and remember the various friendship lessons sent to me from Twilight involving her to remember. Without a word, I unfurled my already aching wings but pushed past the pain and flew towards the Everfree Forest.

I soared through the trees, flapping my tired and aching wings as I trailed through the Everfree Forest and ended up going through landed deep into the Everfree Forest, wheezing and groaning. I crashed into the forest floor, primarily due to exhaustion. As I got up, I could feel I was in a lot of pain, but I hobbled to the zebra's hut and knocked, and the zebra opened wide-eyed, "Princess Celestia!? This cannot be why would you be out here with me?"

"I need help with my pet phoenix; she's sick."

"I see, and that's why you came all this way to see me?"

I nod, catching my breath then asked, "I can carry you. We need to help Phillomenia, please."

"I understand your phoenix needs a helping hand, but can you fly? You look quite exhausted look as if your about to die."

I flap my wings and nod, "Yeah, I can fly. Let's get going!" Despite the pain, I thought about what Rainbow Dash taught me, went past my limits, took the air with the zebra onto her back, flew back into the air, and then headed back to Fluttershy's cottage.

After returning, I was dead tired and could barely flap my wings as I looked over Zecora and Fluttershy, caring for her pet phoenix Zecora, making a potion, and then giving it to Phillomenia and letting her rest. I was in tears as I asked, "w…what is going on with her?"

The pegasus then turned to me and said, "She caught a bad virus, but she's better now. She should stay here so Zecora can continue with her treatment."

The zebra nodded and added, "What Fluttershy says is true from what I can observe Phillomenia has some avian flu. I'm afraid this is the best thing for her is to stay here to recover."

I nodded, then said, "That's fine; just do whatever is necessary to make her well.."

Zecora came over and looked me over then said, "You look quite tired and need rest. I will care for your phoenix and ensure her safety, I'll do my best."

I didn't want to sleep I was still so worried about Philomena but I couldn't help but nod along feeling to exhausted and worn out to argue. Then she took me upstairs to her bed and laid me down, and then I went to sleep almost instantly.

As I woke up, I felt some sharp pain in my backside, but it was calming and soothing, and I recognized the feeling of a preening. Then I turned to see Fluttershy behind me and doing the preening, taking out bent feathers, and then she smiled, "Good morning, princess."

I slowly got up rubbing the sleep from my eyes and yawned then asked, "Morning, Fluttershy; how is Philomena doing?"

"She is doing well; she's been sleeping for a while….sorry, I saw the state of your wings and…"

"It's alright."

I sat down, spread my wings out again as I needed that preening, and said, "If you don't mind could you continue?"

Fluttershy then went to work, and I did my best to stay still, but I still squirmed with how sensitive the individual feathers were. After the preening, I felt relieved and came over and hugged her, "Thank you so much."

"It's no problem, princess."

I then got up and then followed her to see my phoenix was indeed looking livelier with color returning, and she was looking better in general. But was still fast asleep. I then turned to Zecora, who was passed out. Seeing that the danger has passed I realized how me leaving my palace the way I did may have caused unnecessary chaos. I hesitantly trotted over to Fluttershy and whispered, "So…um…seeing that I'm here, I need to ask a favor?"

"Yes, princess?"

"I, um, left my castle in quite a hurry and didn't have time to leave anypony in charge, so they're probably freaking out at the castle on where I've been…"

Fluttershy blushed as she explained, "Um, actually, I informed Twilight, and she then informed Princess Luna they got you covered, so you have the day off…"

"That's good to hear…she then trotted up to her bed, laid back down, and groaned, "what do I do now?"

"Well, not to be rude, Princess, but you aren't looking too good."

I then looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw how unkempt my mane was and how my usually pristine white coat was covered in leaves and dirt. I smelt myself reeking of body odor and admitted. "Well, a bath would be great…but I doubt you have one that can fit me."

"Could I suggest we go to the Day Spa in Ponyville? It's not far."

I honestly would jump at the chance. "Well, I wouldn't mind going with you, but what about Philomena?"

Zecora slowly got up and with a yawn assured me, "Go, please, and take some time for yourself. I will take good care of Philomena and make sure she's in good health."

"Come on doctor's orders," Fluttershy chroped as she took me by the hoof and escorted me through her house and towards the Ponyville Day Spa.

The trip to the Ponyville day spa was anything but ordinary. As ponies gawked and bowed, I waved my hoof, often trying to discourage any unwanted attention as I went through the front doors of the spa. Upon entering, the mares who run the place Lotus and Aloe bowed, "Princess Celestia!"

I stood straight, waved my hoof again, and said, "It is alright. You do not need to bow before me. I had an emergency to attend to and was required to freshen myself up before I returned to my duties."

Aloe trotted around me, then reared back at the stench and said, "Of course, princess, you definitely need a bath."

"And why don't we also do your mane and tail as well?" Lotus suggested.

I couldn't help but feel abit exposed, having these mares inspect me over. "Please, just a bath will do."

"Oh, don't you fret, we'll spruce you up! Just leave it to us!" Aloe chirped.

Aloe and Lotus led me through the bathhouse filled with ponies relaxing in massive hot tubs or awaiting their turn in the sauna. It was relaxing, and everything smelt so nice. Despite the spa in Canterlot being fancier, this one seemed to be more appealing as it wasn't trying to appeal to rich snobs.

I was then laid down in a hot spa and did my mane and tail, scrubbing it down with soft lotions and scrubbing her coat until it shined. I was then given a face mask, and her mane was done up in a towel, and cucumber slices were placed onto my eyes. Which I threw off and just laid back and just sat there soaking. Fluttershy then turned to me and slowly came over and asked, "How are you doing?"

I gave a loud sigh, turned to her with a smile, and said, "I'm fine, Fluttershy. I'm just relieved we got Philomenia here in time. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her."

"That's completely understandable, and I'm so glad you flew all the way from Canterlot to get her here. It shows you love her a lot."

I was surprised at how worried I was about being a copy of Celestia. I knew some of these emotions were not my own. "I do; she's been with me for so long."

The pegasus bowed her head and then whispered, "Do um... I've been meaning to ask you a question but never knew how to go about it."

Curious and seeing how indebted I was to Fluttershy's help in saving my pet phoenix, I asked, "Go on, ask away."

"Tell me, how did you and Philomenia meet?"

I paused and pondered the question as, of course, I didn't know right off the top of my head and had to dig through Celestia's memories, and then I started to fall into another flashback.

It's been a few years after sealing Luna away, and I was alone, angry, and disappointed in myself. The worst part was that I felt so alone and miserable I did my best to save face to the ponies, trying to assure them everything was fine and even trying to reassure herself of the same. After raising the moon late one evening, she decided to fly out and get some fresh air! She flew through the sky as fast as she could, having half a mind just to fly off and forget about being a princess. She wasn't going to abandon the ponies, especially not after the Pillars of Equestria disappeared. But I really needed to get away from the castle, even for a little bit. I then flew through the canopy of the Everfree forest and lay down looking up at the stars, thinking about the one friend she had, Discord turning evil, losing the love of my life, Sombra, and now my sister Princess Luna was gone.

Why was I still here? What did I really want from being a princess? Was it to help the ponies and keep them safe? But at what cost of my own freedom and my own desires? If anything, I can make friends with the ponies, but the scary thing is seeing my friends grow old, and some even die of old age as I continue to live. The pain of losing them has made me somewhat detached, even now more than before with my sister gone…I could feel the pull and depression taking hold, and I just laid there crying, bawling my eyes out, and then I heard a squawk. It was sharp and sounded like a bird in pain. I flew through the forest intrigued and saw a phoenix chick with a broken wing. Then, I came down to see it and picked it up, looking around to find its parents. I then looked around the forest and couldn't seem to be able to find them and then I continued to scour the forest, looking desperately for a nest or its parents. I realized that there was no sign and that this creature needed someone to care for her injury. I then flew to Canterlot as soon as possible through the air and ended up at a veterinarian's office and knocking on the door. "Please tell me somepony knows how to save a phoenix."

The door opened, and a tried old yellow-coated pegasus mare looked up and gasped, "Princess Celestia!?"

"Apologies, but I need to speak to you about this bird. She has a broken wing and needs help."

“Yes of…of course…”

I spent some time at the veterinarian pacing back and forth, heart thumping in my chest, and then the pegasus mare. She was hoping for something in regards to an update on the Phoenix's condition.

The mare came out and said, "Well, there is some good news. The poor thing just needed her wing bandaged up."

"Thank Faust." she took the little thing and tucked it under her wing, and then she asked, "But phoenixs are known for tight-knit family units. If you found this chick abandoned, she won't survive long without one."

I pause and look down at the young phoenix now nestled under my wing. My heart melted at the sight as I whispered, "Then that leaves only one option she needs to be adopted."

"If I may propose…maybe you should? I think she would make for a wonderful pet for a princess like yourself."

In the memory I scoured my knowledge on magicak creatures and remembered some lessons on the Phoenix unable to die. I turned to the vet and asked, "right, they're immortal, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Well, yes, mostly, they can die from conventional means, but they cannot die of old age; they will come to a point where their previous life will extinguish and be reborn every hundred years or so."

"So as long as I take care of her…"

"She'll always be with you yes."

The little chick peered up at me with its beady black eyes chirping. For once, I wasn't thinking about my problems and seeing how this little chick somehow managed to survive being abandoned and thrown out of its nest. She showed incredible strength, which I need now and in the future.

"Philomena that'll be her name."

"Philomena that has a nice ring to it..."

As the memory faded I blinked and found myself back at the hot tub, I blanked out for a second and then turned my attention back to Fluttershy and blushed as I adjusted myself, "Yes, the story of how Philomena and I met, well, it started one night when I was flying through the Everfree Forest…"

Chapter Six: The Summer Sun Celebration Cake Eating Contest

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Another month has gone by, and after the shock from Philomenia being sick, things calmed down quite abit as life slowed to a daily crawl. Princess Luna told me I should try having more "fun," but being stuck in Canterlot dealing with snobbish nobles all day made me reflect on Ponyville and how much more fun it was to be around Twilight and her friends. It made me even more excited as I went through my morning routine and wanted to go to Ponyville. After fixing my mane and positioning my regalia onto my body, I grabbed Philomena. I gently placed her into a cage as we headed off to a chariot with two royal guards, and then we soared off toward Ponyville. We went straight to Fluttershy's cottage, where I knocked on her door gently and asked, "Fluttershy, are you there?"

"Coming, princess!"

The yellow-coated pegasus then opened the door slowly as she peered up with a smile on her face. "Oh, princess! I didn't expect to see you so soon!?"

"Yes, well, we wrapped up court early today, and I thought it was best to give you Philomenia to care for." I opened the cage, Philomenia flew off and straight towards the pegasus, and Fluttershy hugged the phoenix. "Oh, Philomena, I'm so happy to see you again!"

The phoenix cooed as he nuzzled into Fluttershy's chest. As I came through the doorway, my heart skipped a beat seeing the heartfelt scene, and then commented, "Well, it's so great to see you together!"

"Of course! We had so much fun despite her being sick. She's looking much healthier now."

"All thanks to you and Zecora; I'm making you two the royal phoenix caretakers from henceforth!"

I then trotted through the doorway, and we settled next to each other as I unfurled my wings. I blushed as I turned my head toward her and asked, "Do you mind?"

"Of course not, princess, come here," Fluttershy whispered. She then went to work preparing them. I relaxed as she slowly dug through my feathers. I was much more accustomed and less squeamish than when we first did this. After she finished, the pegasus looked up and asked, "Princess…would you mind if you preened my wings as well?"

I paused as I was taken by surprise by the request and asked, "Are you sure? I, um...haven't preened another pony for a while."

"Well, yes…I thought it would be nice if you tried it as well. I need a good preening."

She then turned around and unfurled her wings. I couldn't help but feel abit embarrassed as I bent towards the yellow feathers. Memories of me preening my sister came into mind, and I started to gently take out the bent feathers and clean them with my mouth. I did this for a few hours as Philomena napped in Fluttershy's lap. It was so relaxing.

I yawned as I got up and stretched my wings, "Well, I have a few hours before I have to give a speech and raise the sun. Would you mind watching Phiolmenia until then?"

Fluttershy peered up with excitement in her eyes and chirped, "Of course, I would love to!"

I then bent down and whispered, "Thanks for the preening…and watching Philomenia after she got that flu. I just don't feel comfortable leaving her by herself." I threw some sheets over the two, slowly trotted out the door, and flew off into the night sky.

I went to the town Hall where Mayor Mare and Twilight hosted the big party for the summer sun celebration. Then I saw Princess Luna waiting for me as she eyed me. I gently flapped as I settled before her as she asked, "sister, why are you late? I thought we planned to be here by midnight?"

"I apologize; I had to visit Fluttershy and give her Philomena."

"Right…so do you have a speech prepared?"

"Of course I do!" I then rambled on about my speech about unity, love, and, most importantly, forgiveness."

"So what do you think?"

Luna paused and gave a nod. "I think it's fine; reinforcing that we should forgive and love each other is always good."

"I, um...have to say I still feel uncomfortable celebrating this day."

Princess Luna rolled her eyes, "Please, sister, I'm way over my Nightmare Moon Phase; I'll take this as an opportunity to see this as a time to learn and grow, then focus on the past."

I nodded in agreement, as that was what I wanted to focus on in my speech, and said, "I know it's fine. I asked my advisors, and they said It's good, but it feels so formal…I just think I should try something different."

"I understand, but I mean… it's just a speech."

"Yes, it's just that as you told me a few months ago that I should try having fun, and yet I find myself dealing with the monotony of the day in and day out of being a princess."

Princess Luna tapped a hoof to her chin, "Well if you want things to be more interesting, why don't you have Pinkie Pie help set something up for tomorrow?"

I became rather excited as she chirped, "That sounds like a great idea! I have the speech and to prepare for some other things. Can you talk to her for me?"

"Of course I can! You just focus on the formalities. I'll get something interesting set up!"

We hugged, and then I headed off to my entourage of guards as they escorted me to the balcony above the ponies. As it hit five AM, I came forward and threw my wings as everyone clapped and cheered as I started my speech…

After raising the sun again, I was coming back down. I celebrated that morning by sending my sister to the moon, which has been a sore subject, reflecting on Princess Celestia's other memories. I stood above my subjects as I did the usual boring speeches and tried to inspire the ponies of Ponyville. But it seemed so hollow I felt as if I still had this nagging feeling to try something different. I was about to fly off but then turned my attention to a pink-coated earth pony bounding towards me with this energetic smile. Pinkie Pie jumped at me and exclaimed, "Hey, Princess Celestia! Your sister Princess Luna told me you wanted to do something together!"

I smiled at her, seeing Pinkie brightening my day, and then asked, "Yes, that is correct. I was thinking of doing something together to make this celebration more interesting."


"So I remember reading you love cake! And I thought we could do a cake-eating contest?"

I was somewhat surprised by what Pinkie Pie just said and squeaked, "Cupcake eating contest!?"

"Yeah! A Cupcake eating contest! You vs. Me!"

I couldn't help but agree. I smiled at her and asked, "Yes, that sounds fine; how about I help baking?"

Pinkie was rather shocked, then exclaimed, "woah, you bake!?"

I scoffed at the notion and said, "Of course I bake! I baked Luna a birthday cake every year when we were little!"

"Then there's no time to waste!" Pinkie then took me by the hoof, led me through the streets, and headed to Sugarcube Corner. I blinked and was now wearing a cute pink and white apron tied around my waist and a chef's hat on my head.

Pinkie stepped back and, with a blush, smirked as she said, "You look really good in that."

I couldn't help but blush and said, "Thank you."

They then went to work together, and they went about pouring the ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, milk, and eggs. I hummed a tune as we whisked and baked together, sharing jokes and discussing how things would be formed and decorated for hours. Time seemed to flow so fast, and I was surprised to look up at the clock and see it was noon.

I yawned and then went and brewed some coffee, and then as my back was turned, I squeaked as a bunch of flour was dumped on my head. I coughed as flour bellowed around me and turned to see Pinkie Pie squeaking, "Sorry princess, that bag of flour had a hole in it.

I smirked, taking a sack of flour and tossing it at Pinkie, squeaking as she ducked.d then I blasted the bag with magic, and then it exploded, covering the entire kitchen in flour.

Pinkie bounced up, smirking, "So you want to do this?"

"Oh, you're so on!"

We then both started tossing bags of flour at each other as we ducked and ran around the kitchen. I then hid behind a counter full of pots and pans and looked over, wondering where she could have gone. Then I heard.

"Hey, Princess Celestia!"

I turned around and saw Pinkie behind me with her party cannon and the whisk with a fire ignited on the end of the wick sizzling. Then, without warning, there was an explosion, and I was suddenly hit by a sack of flour bursting into a massive cloud.

"Another point for pinkie is three to zero!"

"No fair!"

I flew up, picked up five of the bags, and had them circle around me as I started firing them, and then Pinkie Pie continued to dodge them seamlessly. It was clear she was much more agile and clever than I. She could even grab one and toss it right back, exploding me in the face. At this point, I was no match for the pink party pony, and she flew down and bowed. "Pinkie, I concede you are now the princess of cake and flour!"

Pinkie Pie started to laugh mianically and cried, "Yes, now let the party will last forever!"

Celestia then took the opportunity to slam a cake into her face. "Ha, got you!"

Pinkie wiped the cake off her face, then, with a smirk, snapped, "Oh, now you so on!"

I didn't realize how long our cake fight went. Still, when Mr. and Mrs. Cake came into the kitchen, I became self-aware and saw that their mouth had gone agape as the entire place was a complete mess with flour and cake all over, and we both liked two toddlers who had gotten ourselves into a giant mess. For the first time, I felt that I might have screwed up being the princess being caught in such an embarrassing manner.

I immediately came to the ground, then bowed and said, "I apologize for the mess things have gotten out of control."

Mrs. Cake, still looking confused, slowly nodded and mumbled to herself, "I see…"

Pinkie Pie bounced over and chirped, "Don't worry, the princess. I and I were just blowing off some steam; we'll clean up!"

Mr Cake nodded and said, "um, ok...just uh, just let us know if you need anything."

The Cakes then slowly left the room, and then I blushed and whispered, "We better get this place cleaned up."

"Way ahead of ya!"

The two mares then got to work cleaning up the kitchen, and after it was cleaned, Pinkie Pie and I took two massive platters filled with cupcakes. We then set off into the middle of Ponyville, where an enormous crowd formed. They all started whispering, and some giggled. I realized they must enjoy seeing me in the baker's outfit and apron. Princess Luna soared above them as she shouted, "Now fillies and gentle ponies, here come contestants in the summer sun cupcake eating contest!"

I was so overwhelmed by how many ponies showed up we sat across from each other.

"Now the rules are simple: you each have a platter of twenty cupcakes each, and the first to eat them all wins, but if you collapse or puke, you're out! Understood!"

"Yes, Princess Luna," Pinkie chirped.

"Of course, sister seems fair," I chimed.

"So on your marks…"

At that, I settled in on my seat and glared at my platter of cupcakes, preparing to give it my all.

"Get Set!"

I took the first cupcake within my magic, levitating it towards my face, and watched Pinkie Pie stack three together like a cupcake sandwich. Clearly, I was going to have to give it my all to keep up with her.


At "Go!" I started chowing down on the first cupcake and moaning at the flavor. It was so good! Being a vanilla-flavored cupcake with strawberry icing, it was delicious! I continued to chomp at the cakes individually, maybe savoring them too long. As I got to the sixth cupcake, I started to feel a bit sick, and that was when I looked across the table and saw that Pinkie Pie was smirking, chowing away on her fifteenth cupcake. It was clear she was way faster than me, and at this rate, I would most definitely lose. I tried to chow down on my platter of cupcakes even faster as I shoved them into my face and swallowed them whole. But as I got through about nineteen cupcakes, I groaned, unable to hold down everything in my stomach. It took a lot of willpower to keep myself from hurling. Then I looked up to see Pinkie was her second platter and going for forty! I honestly couldn't believe she could tackle chowing down so many cupcakes and not even look phased. The worst part was that everyone who was at first cheering me on was cheering Pinkie Pie's name, as it was clear I was going to lose. I then tried to finish the last cupcake on my platter at least, but as I took a bite, I groaned, feeling myself collapse, and raised a white flag in defeat before completely blacking out.

Chapter Seven: Princess Luna's Birthday

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After the summer sun celebration, I thought a lot about Princess Luna. Even though she wasn't my sister, seeing how they had an entire celebration for Princess Celestia, sealing her away in the moon for the past thousand years, it felt wrong. The best way to describe how it made me think was offputting. It made me feel awkward, even more so when her birthday was approaching, and as I went about my duties, it felt like no pony cared; in fact, it dawned on me that no pony even knew she existed for centuries!? Princess Luna has been here for quite some time now, and there was more than enough time to remedy that. So that morning, I went to the balcony to address the citizens of Canterlot's recent events and various other matters. I decided to drop something. "Next week is my sister Princess Luna's birthday, and I plan on hosting a celebration here at the castle!"

Everypony was surprised by what I said, and they all talked amongst each other. I took a minute for the noise to die down then continued, "I know many of you still have reservations about her being Nightmare Moon. Let me reassure you she understood fully well she was in the wrong, but the blame doesn't fully lie on her shoulders. I realized deep down that I failed as a sister all those years ago, and I have been trying to make up for her mistakes since her banishment. My sister's life deserves to be celebrated, so we're throwing a birthday party for her here in the castle! That is all!"

The crowd started to murmur amongst each other about the celebration, being spur of the moment and somewhat confused. Still, I continued, "I understand that this is sudden, but I will make sure things run smoothly. I will need assistance making preparations."

I left the balcony and went to perform many of my other duties, but I was surprised to see Luna walk over towards me with a worried, downtrodden look on her face. She slowly raised her head and whispered, "You didn't have to do that."

I bent my head towards her and whispered, "Of course I did; Celestia has been making plans for a birthday party for you for a while, and in the past few years since your return, you denied it. Well, this year, things will be different."

"But why I…" she came closer then whispered, "I'm not really your sister; this isn't your responsibility."

"I believe it is while I am in your sister's horseshoes."

"You don't have to; it's not your fault."

"But it's too much. I don't want a big party."

"It doesn't have to be; we can invite a few friends."


"Um, you know Twilight and her friends, we can get Pinkie Pie to help decorate and set up something nice, you know?"

Princess Luna's expression on her face seemed to soften as she replied, "It sounds better the more you talk about it."

"I hope it does. I hope I'm not stepping on your hooves, but I feel that this is necessary."

The princess of the night whispered, "Well, that's all right. Let me know if you need help."

"Of course."

I felt abit worried maybe I was overstepping some boundaries. But deep down I knew that this was what Princess Celestia would have wanted. I then trotted down to the throne room, sat, settled myself above, and continued to hold court.

The next day, I flew off into the air and headed straight towards Sugarcube Corner. Upon landing in Ponyville, many of the ponies started to bow respectfully. I tried to remain inconspicuous, throwing a hoof to get them to rise back up as I briskly trotted to the cafe. Upon entering the door, I saw many patrons, all instantly stopped chatting and turned towards me. I raised my head and whispered, "I apologize for intruding. I came to see Pinkie Pie."

Then I heard somepony shout, "The princess wishes to see me!?"

She hopped over and came right up to me as she hugged her hooves around me. Despite the uncouth behavior, I smiled down at her, wrapped my wings around the mare, and laughed, "It's good to see you, too!"

The pink earth pony looked up at me and chirped, "What is it!?"

I then looked around, seeing other ponies slowly eating and eyeing me, and I started to realize I was making a scene. I then bent down towards Pinkie Pie and whispered. "Why don't we talk in private?"

"Sure! Why not come to my room!?"

"Of course, we shall discuss this matter in your chambers."

I then trotted up the cafe's stairs and entered Pinki Pie's beautiful bedroom. It had a lovely bed with a blue comforter, bright yellow walls covered in balloon stickers, and chests filled with various party supplies. As I looked around admiring the decor, the pink party pony turned towards me and chirped, "So what do you come to see me for!?"

I straightened myself, trying to be as regal as possible, raised my head, and said, "I have come seeking your aid of the utmost importance."

"Oh, let me guess!? Discord returned and flooded Canterlot with cotton candy, and you need somepony to gobble it all up!?"

I blinked, then snapped, "What? No."

"Oh, you need me to host a super fun party for another lost relative!?"

"Well, close, but…"

"Oh darn, wait…" she wiggled as her mane exploded, and she gasped, "Oh, you need me to throw a birthday party for your sister!?"

I was rather surprised by her ability to guess the right answer, so I asked, "Did you hear the news?"

"Nope! It was my Pinkie Sense. I'm sorry I would've gotten the right answer; I was frazzled when you asked me to host a birthday party for a princess!"

"Well, it is a lot of responsibility. You can turn it down if you cannot handle the stress."

"What and lose out hosting the biggest birthday party of the year!?"

She bounced over and started taking out a large notepad, then said, "So tell me everything I need to know about her, likes, dislikes, what she wants for a birthday party."

I took a pause because I wasn't fully aware of what I wanted, but I replied, "Alright, I'll do my best."

I took a seat on Pinkie's bed, pulled my mane back, and started to go over everything I could about Princess Luna and how to make this party as good as possible.

Over the next week, I took a lot of time to work on the palace itself. It started to look like a massive birthday celebration, and I couldn't be more proud or accomplished. Then the party started with dozens of ponies coming over from all sorts of life. The castle was buzzing with nobles with drinks, snacks, games, and a massive birthday cake decorated in a dark blue frosting and with a thousand candles placed on it. I looked among the guests, thanking many as they approached me, and then the room became quiet. I looked across the grand hall and spotted Princess Luna strolling into the room. She wore a beautiful dark blue dress covered with silvery stars and moons. Her mane was done in corkscrew curls around her head, and her eyes were aglow with wonder as she looked around the place, seeing how beautiful the decorations were and how stunning everything was. Princess Luna slowly came over and faced me, tears in her eyes, "this is so beautiful, thank you. You seriously didn't have to do this for me?"

"You would do the same for me, so I'm returning the favor."

"Well, it was thoughtful, and I'm glad you did it."

"So what shall we do first!?"

"How about we party!" Pinkie cheered. She threw her hooves up as silver and blue confetti blasted over them. DJPony3 rose on a platform and started blasting beats from massive subwoofers, and the entire castle boomed as it shook with each beat. I started to dance to the music, shaking my flank and throwing my mane back as I danced alongside my sister. We shook to the beat hoof to hoof and started to dance through the night. It was wonderous and made me feel so happy and enjoying myself letting go of being regal for a night.

After a few hours of dancing, we turned to a massive birthday cake pushed out towards Celestia's sister, who stood before it and started to blow on them. As she did, she shoved my face into the cake, and I squeaked, feeling the frosting hitting my muzzle and making my wings fling out in surprise. I then took a handful of cake and shoved some into Luna's face, making everypony gasp. We laughed, faces covered in pastry as we chowed down and nuzzled each other. After cleaning up, we opened the presents, and she revealed many boring ones, such as dresses and jewelry. When she got to my gift, she unfurled, revealing a journal. It was the journal she and Celestia had when they were foals, and she looked over, flipping it, and tears filled her eyes. She threw her hooves around me and hugged me close as I held her back, and then she whispered, "sister I wish you to come upstairs."

I was abit surprised by the request as she rose up and exclaimed, "I apologize but I wish to retire with my sister for the evening please feel free to continue enjoying the festivities."

With that, we got away from all the noise and trotted up to my sister's bedroom. As we strolled through the doors, she closed them tightly. Then she turned her attention towards me and gave me a nervous look as she whispered, "Now we can talk alone."

Seeing her this way, I was a bit concerned as I asked, "Yes, anything on your mind?"

"First of all, I appreciate everything you did for me throwing that party, the gift…all of it…"

"Thank you, but most of these ideas stem from what your sister wanted. I'm only doing as she would wish."

Luna turned towards me and said, "I understand. In truth, I do not know why my sister has you as her proxy…I talked about it with her, and she was vague about what she was going to do or why. But everything you've done, everything you've been doing…you have been going above and beyond the call of duty, and I appreciate the efforts to not only be a princess but also my sister."

"I…I am glad to see your appreciation of my efforts to maintain the royal status in her absence."

"Now, since it is my birthday, I do wish for one more gift, and it may seem abit uncouth."

I eyed her and asked, "Yes?"

Princess Luna looked up with a fearful look in her eyes as she asked, "Would you cuddle with me?"

I took a step back, astonished by the request, "Cuddle?"

She started to rub her front hooves together as she explained, "Yes, I…I have had issues with intimacy with my sister still since my banishment, and I wish to feel her warmth…but I've been too nervous to ask her. I feel asking you in her form would help ease me in asking her one day for this request."

I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment, and I started to feel fidgety, with my tail whisking back and forth. I wondered if I should deny the request because of how awkward it was. But deep down, I felt that Celestia would want me to grant her this desire. So I gulped, sucked down my instinct to deny it, and stammered, "Well, um…if that is all, I don't see why not?"

Celestia's sister then undressed herself and threw herane back as it unraveled into the long streaming mass of dark blue starry mane. She then lay underneath the blankets and snuggled deep into the sheets. I then slowly placed myself next to her, digging under the sheets. As she turned her back towards me, I wrapped my wings around her tightly. We lay there close. I could feel the heat of her body press against mine as she nuzzled my neck, and we lay together as we lay in her bed as I pressed my muzzle into Luna's mane. I slowly closed my eyes, embracing the feeling and being in this moment. It was awkward, feeling abit too interment, but there was nothing sexual about it, just the desire to feel close to somepony Luna had lost touch with. I sniffed her mane, smelling of lavender and rain; those were my last thoughts before drifting off to sleep.

I could hear the pitter-patter of rain outside my window, thunder crashing, and lightning creating a flash of light outside. I slowly raised my head, my mane falling over me as I awoke. I looked around the room and saw it was relatively small, with a few chests filled with clothes, my other loose belongings, and pictures of the child drawing of herself with her sister. She then heard a shout, "Tia!"

The filly turned towards the bedroom door as it flung open, and a young blue-coated alicorn filly ran into my room, her dark purple mane waving over her with her teal eyes with tears filling her eyes. I looked over at her, groaning as I rubbed my eyes, then said, "Luna, what's wrong?"

The little filly started to tear up as she rubbed a hoof over her eyes and cried, "Tia, I can't stay awake alone; the thunder and lightning, all of this is so scary."

Celestia held a hoof, waved it, and said, "Sister, it's alright, come here."

My sister quickly trotted over and crawled into my bed. She snuggled beside me, slowly edging towards me, and I let my wings drift over her. She whispered, "Why is Starswirl insistent I stay up all night? I hate it."

"I know; I'm sorry; it's a part of the training to become the princess of the night."

"It's not fair! It's so lonely and horrible; I'm always tired. Starswirl is making us study and practice magic, and we barely get to play with each other anymore."

I thought about all my magic training yesterday and whispered, "Starswirl cares, but I agree with you—he's being too hard on us."

The thunder crashed, echoing and reverberating across the castle, making Luna cry as she hugged me and I held her. I could feel my sister shiver beneath my touch as she whimpered and cried. I brushed her mane and hushed her, whispering, "It's okay; I'm here."

"Tia, promise me you'll never leave me. You'll be there for me if I get scared or alone."

I could feel my sister close and being so vulnerable I didn't honestly know if I could keep that promise but bent close and whispered, "I…I promise…"

The shaking subsided as my sister nuzzled beside me and whispered, "Thank you."

I brushed her mane and lay with her in my bed with the gentle pitter-pat of the rain hitting my window. I laid my head back on my pillow and felt my eyelids grow heavy as I fell asleep.

I woke up with the light of the moon shining through my window and feeling Luna stir next to me. I realized my dream was another memory, a flashback to when Celestia was a filly helping her sister during a rough night. It was so vivid once again, and it felt like I was really her in her horseshoes. I looked to see Luna was gone, and I was lying in her bed alone. I got up, went to my room, showered, got my mane done, and fed Philomena. I went out through the Grand Hall, seeing many ponies fast asleep strewn about from last night's partying. I gently flapped my wings and flew over them as I raised the sun outside. Afterward, I trotted back to Luna's room to see her with a tired smile. "Morning."


She trotted over and then gave me a nuzzle as she whispered, "I saw your dream."

I sighed as I went to her bed, plopped my flank down, and said, "I don't think it's a dream, I think it's a flashback… I'm starting to believe that whatever this spell makes me have these vivid memories of your sister…first it was when Philomena was sick a month ago, then last night when we were lying together."

Luna looked concerned as she said, "I believe that these memories are a side effect of my sister's spell upon you. I wouldn't worry about them."

"Yes, I don't mind them, but I feel like I'm prying into private things."

Luna shrugged, "Don't get me wrong; my sister lost her right to some privacy when she turned you into her proxy."

I couldn't help but laugh and nod in agreement. I then laid my head back and let out a sigh, "I guess, but still, it feels off as I know deep down I'm still just plain old North Star, but at the same time, I could feel myself truly believing I'm Princess Celestia."

"And that's perfectly fine," the princess of the night whispered as she snuggled up next to me. This time, she wrapped her wings around me and hugged me close, her thick, feathery wings folding around me. She then pressed her face into my mane, rubbing her face into it. As she whispered, "Don't take this wrong, but you can be my sister any day."

I nuzzled back, and then, seeing I was firmly in Luna's embrace, I sighed, "Don't I have some royal duties to attend to?"

"Oh hush, it's still my birthday; just lay here with me and wait until I'm asleep, okay?"

"Alright….goodnight Luna."

"Goodnight, North Star."