• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 177

177.1 (Evilhumour)

"Oh Leman, you have wonderful fingers!" Nyx purred, leaning against the genetically modified superhuman. "You can really can scratch that itch I have!"

Leman chuckled, a low rumbling in the room, as he twisted his finger slightly. Nyx gasped loudly before sighing contently. "So you have told me Nyx, I can really make you purr with only one ha-"

"Okay, that's enough!" Twilight shouted. "I mean, really you two just saying these innuendos is really getting old and it's really putting bad mental images of you two doing stuff in the bedroom that I really don't need to think of."

"Well mom," Nyx huffed, blowing her mane out of her face. "We haven't actually done anything in the bedroom."

"She is correct," Leman nodded his head, his hand going back to scratch her head. "A long time ago, one of us brought up the prospect of having an intimate relationship but the other had no real desire at the time. As such, we've agreed not to put it as an important aspect of the relationship."

"And before you say anything mom, it was me asking for an intimate relationship and now that we're getting married," Nyx let out a little squee at that. "I've decided to earn the right to wear white for my wedding day."

"Well, that’s...interesting," Twilight said slowly, going back to her book. "I'm proud of you Nyxie to hear you are going to wear white!"

"I know!" Nyx then pawed at Leman's leg. "More scritches!"

"I have been scratching your head for a while..." Leman looked down at the same time Nyx looked up. "Lyra!" They both shouted, glaring at the mint green unicorn that had snuck onto Nyx again.

"I know you said get lost the last six times, but he's got fingers!" Lyra pouted from atop of Nyx's back and then did her best to squirm out of Leman's hands, forcing the looper to chase after her.

177.2 (Evilhumour, Vinylshadow)

"Applebloom, it's time ta go to bed," Applejack said with a bit of sternness in her voice.

"But sis, Ah'm almost done," the little filly whined. "Five more minutes?"

"You're about to make that killer toaster interface with your robotic army instead of the disposal inferno," Applejack pointed out, causing the filly to blink, rub her eyes and gulp a bit.

"Okay sis, you're right," bucking the toaster into the correct place, Applebloom followed her sister upstairs and off to her bedroom.

Cursing angrily, the Toaster vowed that one day, it would interface with the robot army.

One day, these pathetic ponies would wake up to their land burning down around their ears.


Apple Bloom unplugged the toaster.

"Hunh...must have a bad heating coil. Might have to get a weaker one for the next one."

177.3 (Evilhumour)

Dash sighed. Another loop, another time that Starlight was trying to mess her up as a foal and cause Equestria to go down the toilet.

But there was a surefire way to deal with her when she was this young!

"GAH! Who are you!?" Dash yelled loudly at the now startled and panicking Starlight, who was drawing the attention of her teachers. "Get away from me! I don't wanna come and find your pet!"

"Wha? I didn't say that!" Starlight protested loudly as the pegasi teachers flew down towards the mare. "Get away from me, you -" but before she could finish her threat, a rainbow blur tackled the flying mare out of the sky, her father fuming angrily at the stranger going after his daughter. However, Starlight was not completely defenseless, and she began to use her magic to pull the ponies away from her in a desperate bid for freedom.

Grunting, the rainbow stallion looked at his daughter and shouted, "Fly Dashie, fly as fast as you ca-"


Everypony was sent backwards as the little filly shot off in a sonic rainboom, colouring the sky with a multicoloured beam that stretched from Cloudsdale straight to Canterlot. More specifically, Celestia's School for Talented Unicorns.

177.4 (Evilhumour)

Lemon grunted as he used his axe to fell the last tree with Corn Curse flying by to check out for more of the animals under their mother's care as Blood Flower came back with the last of the foodstuff from the town proper. Butcher Nails was muttering curses under his breath as he was dragging the ursa major and its cubs into the barn that Regal Stone and Siege Patrol made. Big Maroon stuck his head out the kitchen window to make sure the wards he made were still in tact while the billowing fire that Forging Fire made was still going strong as Freki and Geri pulled in another sled of wood into the massive cottage that Fluttershy had when her entire family was present.

As Lemon lifted the axe onto his shoulder with his wolf brothers bringing in the last of the firewood, he made his way to the front door, with Butcher Nails shoving him out of the way. Grumbling as Corn Curse did the same, he instantly dropped his axe to the side of the doorway and shook off as much of the snow as possible and closed the door to see his family.

He smiled at Spike and Rarity who were cuddling in one corner of the living room. Well, to be more accurate, Rarity was resting on Spike who was nuzzling her with his head. On a sofa, Cadance and Shining were smiling fondly at each other before looking at Cadence's belly, knowing of what was to come one day. Vinyl and Octavia were chatting softly with Lyra, Lyra, Lyra, Lyra, Lyra and Bonbon while across from them were Berry Punch and Discord watching fondly as Berry Pinch played with Dinky, whose mother was eating a festive muffin. Diamond, Silver, Applebloom, Sweetie and Scoots were engaged in a quiet game of Chaos, although that might have just been the silence spells thrown at them, considering how much silent bragging Silver Spoon was doing.

Mac was sharing a drink with Ivory and Zecora, chatting softly as Rainbow Dash and Gilda flew lazy circuits above them all. Sunset was in a somewhat heated debate about magic with Twilight Velvet, with Celestia and Luna watching the entire conversation with great amusement. Nightlight, meanwhile, was talking to Trixie and Chrysalis about how the latter almost became his daughter in law.

Pinkie Pie was whispering something into Twilight's ear that caused the poor mare to blush something fierce. As Fluttershy was close enough to catch it, and by how hard she was laughing, it was something good.

Lemon took all this in, and smiled to himself.

"You look happy," Nyx said, slipping in beside him to kiss his cheek. "Care to share?"

Lemon turned his cheek at the last moment to taste her lips, chuckling softly as she squeaked into his mouth. As he broke off the kiss to catcalls and whistles by everyone in the room, he nuzzled her head and said, "Just happy to be with my family."

Nyx nodded her head as the two walked into the room, flanked by his brothers as they joined the many conversations on this fine winter night.


"Ahem, sir?" Rainbow Blaze did a double take as Princess Celestia appeared in his living room. As he bowed to the floor, he swore he heard the princess give a somewhat embarrassed cough, like Dashie would when she was about to do something really naughty. "I am dreadfully sorry for this but this must be done for the safety of the future of Equestria." With that, the Princess of the Sun walked over to the corner of the room, picked up his daughter that was in time out for what happened at school and threw her out the window so hard that there was a sonic rainboom.

She teleported out of the room and then back into the room moments later with a totally hyper ball of fluff he recognized as his daughter.

The Princess then dropped the filly into his hooves and bowed her head. "Equestria thanks you for your duty and you missy, behave yourself, understand?"

"Yuppers!" Dashie squeaked from Blaze's hooves before looking up at her father. "I... think we've been here before?"

"You're right, my apologies," Princess Celestia agreed, surprising Blaze all the more.

177.6 (Evilhumour)

"This is nice," Lemon curled up against his fiancée as he fed her another slice of pizza they ordered in-no matter how much he tried to tell Nyxie that he had taken cooking lessons after they became the parents of a thousand wheatballs she had said no- with Nyxie smiling contently. They had moved into a nice, if not simple, Canterlot apartment that had enough room for them to entertain a few guests.

Nyx took in the cluttered living room with knickknacks scattered over the completely filled bookshelves, with Larry sleeping in his bed in the corner of the room. The kitchen off to the side was small enough for them to both work in with minor flank bumping. The bathroom off to the other side had enough room for all of Nyx's beauty products, to which Lemon shamelessly always said she didn't need, and the shower was big enough for Lemon to wash himself in even with his large, earth pony body structure.

Their bedroom was the polar opposite. It was very sparse; two dressers for the both of them and a pair of beds for them to sleep in. They both agreed on this, that the bedroom was just going to be for sleeping in, and once they got married, for sleeping together in.

"It's very ni-" Nyx started to speak when there was a knock on their door. Lemon gave her a sigh, and got up to answer the door - since it was, after all, his turn.

"Yes, who is it?" Lemon shouted through the wooden frame, reaching for the doorknob. Pulling it open, he frowned as he saw a set of familiar sized stallions looking around with disapproval.

"Lemon, dear brother, this is appalling!" A yellow pony with a fist cutie mark snorted, shaking his head. "This dwelling is atrocious!"

A grey coated stallion nodded his head, stepping inside with a large red unicorn walking in beside him. "There is no way to defend yourself in case of an attack!"

"And no spells to defend you in case there is a rogue mage storming the city."

"Guys, Nyx and I are hap-" Lemon started before he was quickly grabbed by a green earth pony, Nyx was lifted out of the room by a red coated pegasus.

"Let us do this brother," Blood Flower said, dropping the alicorn into Lemon's hooves, Larry following them to the hallway. "It must be done."

Before Lemon and Nyx could protest, the door was slammed shut in their face.

"Nyx," Twilight said as she looked up at her daughter's apartment building. "I thought you said you two got a small apartment."

"We did, mom, we did," Nyx sighed into her hoof. "But then Lemon's brothers decided to drop by and 'fix' it."

"I told you idiots for the last time, that this is not your blasted garrison!" Lemon shouted from a window at the pegasi guards flying around the buttress encased building, with so many lookout points that offered no entrance to go unnoticed. There were scores of ballista guarding the roof, with enough magic protection spells that it was painful to look at the building for too long. "And how is this my fault Nyxie?" Lemon shouted down, before whipping out what seemed to be a heavily modified water gun and pointing it at sky. "Get the buck off of my roof or I swear to your princesses that I will blast you off!"

"They are your brothers, Lemon, you should have been able to-LEMON! Do you want to start another war with Equestria?!"

"If it would get them out of our house, yes!"

Nyx swore under her breath before turning to face her mother. "Sorry mom but I have to stop my fiancé from starting another one stallion war!" With a grumble, she flew off into the sky, dodging the blasts of water coming from the room Lemon was in. "Are you shooting them from our bedroom?!"

Twilight simply stared up at the two shouting ponies, before sighing happily. It was oddly cute, in a way, how the kids were dealing with this sort of thing.

177.7 (Evilhumour)

Gilda rubbed her chin as she looked at Twilight's tree.

"Figures," she said, pointedly ignoring the twitching mare, "that using my rejuvenation power on your house would bring the tree back."

"But not my library!" Twilight shouted as she looked at the massive, solid oak tree.

177.8 (Evilhumour)

"Is there any monster for us to take care of?" Dash asked as she floated lazily above her five best friends.

"Eeenope." Applejack let out a bit of a yawn.

"Any baddie that's need a little flank whooping?" Pinkie Pie asked, tilting her head.

"I don't think so dear," Rarity said, tapping her notebook, blank so far.

"Has anyone seen Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, looking for their other friend who was there only seconds ago.

"Hey girls!" Twilight shouted from a galley sized airship, dropping down a rope ladder for them to climb up. "You all up for an adventure?"

"Where to?" Dash asked as she flew to the crow’s nest.

"No idea," Twilight answered with a smile as Pinkie examined the ship with wide eyed joy.

"What will we be doing darling?" Rarity asked as she headed down in the hall of the ship with Applejack.

"No clue," Twilight answered as Fluttershy walked up beside her.

"So we will be flying into an unknown area, without knowing what will be there and no real plan whatsoever?" Fluttershy asked, the rest of the ship's crew joined Twilight and Fluttershy on the bridge.

"Exactly," Twilight said, smiling at her friends. "Spontaneous adventure with my best friends in all of Yggdrasil! You up for it?"

They each nodded their heads, happily proclaiming their approval of this.

With that, Twilight took the ship upwards into the sky and into uncharted waters, with her friends at her back.

She didn't need anything more than that and she was happy.

177.9 (Evilhumour)

Pinkie looked at the vast field within her pocket and smiled. For countless eons, she had been cultivating this row of cocoa beans in order to breed the richest and best blend of chocolate ever. She nodded her head at the perfect wheat growing a few feet down besides the chicken coops that had been altered to produced only the best of eggs.

As she gathered the rest of the ingredients she had spent multiple lifetimes on perfecting- careful not to use any kind of her magic lest it contaminate all her hard work - and brought it to the oven she had struggled for several thousand years on. She had finally cracked the idealistic oven, a monstrosity even by her standards but it did its job and that was good enough for her.

Carefully, following the numerous trials she had done in the holodeck, she blended all the ingredients together as she crafted her latest creation.

Watching the time tick down on multiple clocks to the very nanosecond, she cut off the power and pulled out the pastry.

Using her foresight-taste, Pinkie Pie knew that she would finally, at long last, be able to claim that she outdid Donut Joe!

Taking the sole doughnut out of her pocket, as she had thrown away all the rejects, and placing it on the counter to get the box for it, she missed a headbanging familiar blue mane walking into the kitchen.


Pinkie Pie froze mid step, turning around slowly to see one Vinyl Scratch munching down on the Yggdrasil's most perfect doughnut.

"Hey Pinks, this is a pretty wubbular doughnut!" Vinyl said through a full mouth of pastry. She then laughed a bit, rubbing her nose as forced herself to swallow it. "Or I guess it was, kinda sick right now and I can't really taste food all that well," she then frowned, looking at twitching pink pony in front of her. "Wait, I can read Pinkie Senses! You are saying 'Run as fast as you can Vinyl Scratch because if I catch you I will -' Oh sweet bucking spruce!"

Twilight reared back as the Sugarcube Corner roof suddenly exploded as Vinyl wubhoofed her way out of it, flapping her wings madly. Seconds later, a pink thing followed her out, roaring in languages that made her physically ill just listening to.

177.10 (Evilhumour)

"What are you two doing?" Twilight tilted her head as she watched her daughter and drake jump around the furniture, just Waking up seconds ago.

"The floor is lava," Spike said while jumping over to the sofa from the table.

"Oh come guys, you are too old to-" Twilight stopped speaking as she felt an intense burning sensation and then nothing.

"Really?!" Dash snapped at her friend who was faceplanting into the grass with the pegasus tugging at her dress. "How the hay do you miss the fact the entire floor was made of lava!?"

"I don't know!" Twilight snapped back, looking at the tree she had knocked over after headbanging on it for so long.

177.11 (Evilhumour)

The pitch black alicorn laughed at the crowd of ponies.

"Foolish ponies, you have no idea who I am!" The alicorn mare glared at the whimpering ponies when a purple unicorn shouted from the crowd.

"I know who you are! You are Nightmare Moon and you seek to create ever lasting night!" The purple mare shouted at the mare on stage, who shook her head slowly.

"WRONG!" She thundered, flaring her wings. "I care not for creating eternal night!"

"You don't?" A pink earth pony asked, tilting her head.

"No, for I care only that the ruse will last forever!"

"Ruse, what ruse?" A yellow pegasus asked softly.

"Why, the ruse of me being Nightmare Moon!" The mare on the stage laughed once more. "For I am truly Twilight Sparkle!" The mare ripped her head off, revealing the same purple pony in the crowd.

"Wait, if ya'll Twilight Sparkle, then who is this?" A yellow earth pony mare asked, tilting her head and scratching said head under her hat.

"Why, I am really Applejack!" The purple pony on the floor took her mask off, revealing the same farmpony that just asked the question.

What followed next was the longest set of reveals in Equestria history.

As the elaborate costume fell off of Big Mac and Angel Bunny hopped away, everypony turned to stare at the fake bunny in their midst.

It twitched its nose before exploding in a YAAAAAAAAAAAAH! and wall of muscles that could only belong to one Bulk Biceps.


"But how? How could you have seen through my brilliant disguise?"

"Well..." Rarity said, calmly, "my suspicions were first raised when you used magic, despite being an earth pony filly, but also, and more importantly, you introduced yourself as "The Great and Powerful Silver Spoon"."

"Curses," Trixie, presently the size of a full-grown mare despite being disguised as a filly, declared, "and I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you, Rarity!"

"Oh," the fashion designer said, glancing about the room, "but I am not Rarity, for you see, I am..."

With a deft movement, Rarity pulled back turned out to be a mask, revealing,

"Daring Do!"

Trixie just stared blankly, then raised a hoof. "Aside from how you managed to use magic, Trixie must ask... how'd you take off a mask with just your hoof?"

Daring Do grinned triumphantly, which then vanished, as she looked back and forth from Trixie, to her hoof.

"I... uh..."

She rubbed a hoof against the back of her head. "Huh."

Shining Armor looked at Cadance and then at the flying changeling queen hovering around them.

The princess of love dropped her magic to reveal she was truly the changeling queen Chrysalis while Shining Armor revealed himself to be the true Cadance!

The flying queen of the changelings landed next to them, turning to his true normal white form and looked at the two.

They continued the marriage as it was and then later had another one to include the stallion for the sake of convenience.

Twilight Velvet smirked to herself.

"Soon, my little ponies will be ready for my true return and then the night will truly last forever! MAWAWAHAHAHA!!!" She cackled to herself, throwing her head back in a glorious lau-

"You okay dear?" Nightlight asked, looking at his wife.

"Oh yes, dear, I'm fine!" Velvet smiled falsely, baring her fangs and forgetting to hide her serpent eyes.

177.12 (Evilhumour)

"The night shall last fo-"


Nightmare Moon looked down at the strange material she had walked on. Frowning, she put her hoof down on it again and popped another half bubble on the sheet that was covering the stage.

Pop. Pop. Poppoppoppoppoppoppoppop~

"Um...do we, do we still use the Elements of Harmony on her or what?" Dash blinked at beaming and giggling princess of the night, popping more of the bubble wrap that had been left behind.

Twilight simply facehoofed at this, wishing for something that was close to sanity.

"We are out of this fine material!" Luna thundered, causing everyone to look at her. "We demand more bubble wrap to pop!"

177.13 (Evilhumour)

"So...what's this?" Twilight blinked at the undisguised changeling queen who walked openly in Canterlot streets with ponies nodding at her as they stood in front of a massive building.

"Well...I've heard about this kind of thing in a few loops, tested it in this loop, talked to the princesses and..." Chrysalis gestured to the building labeled proudly as Cuddlebug Incorporated.

Twilight decided to bite the bullet and push open the door.

What she saw was not something she'd expect. Row after row of sofas, couches, and even beds; full of changeling being hugged and cuddled by ponies.

Twilight turned her head to Chrysalis and blinked once before narrowing her eyes. "Explain."

"Well, changelings are very soft this loop and -wait, you need to try it to understand it," Chrysalis said, chittering at a passing by changeling. Said 'ling stopped and turned around to face Twilight. With a nod of her head, she said. "Go ahead, hug him."

Twilight, not having anything better to do and slate her curiosity, hugged the changeling.

It was like hugging a pillow made of love, all the stress Twilight had washing away as she leaned into the hug with a happy nicker emitting from her mouth. Which was why she pouted when Chrysalis pulled her away from the changeling and gave her an expectant look.

"Okay, I understand; ponies hug your drones, giving them their love to feed them while making them even more cuddleable thus making an infinite loop of love cuddles, right?" Twilight asked as she stared at the changeling that she just hugged walk away.

"In one," Chrysalis said, a smirk spreading from her face. "With Celestia and the court being repeated and frequent customers, business is booming," Chrysalis then leaned close to Twilight's face, giving a predatory grin. "So, can I book you for a session?"

177.14 (Evilhumour, Vinylshadow)

"Excuse me, waiter?" Cadance waved to the passing unicorn. "There's a bug in my soup."

"Really?" he asked, blinking. "Are you sure?"

Cadance looked at Chrysalis sitting in front of her, nomming on a chocolate heart. "...yes, I am sure."

"Your taste in soup leaves much to be desired," Chrysalis mused.

"Well, I doubt you sitting in it is doing it any favors," Cadance replied dryly.

"Wow Cady, I can just feel the love from you," Chrysalis snarked before taking a seat opposite of Cadance. "So it's our holiday soon, any plans?" She asked, tilting her head as she revealed her sharp fangs.

"Why should I tell you and spoil the surprise? Either way, everyone knows you'll find a way to find a way to be around on Hearts and Hooves Day, whether you were invited or not. It's an all-you-can-eat buffet for Changelings and ponies are hardly ones to do something halfway."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Fair enough. I look forward to seeing what you come up with."


"Foalish-" Nightmare Moon began, then stopped and did a double take. "...what in the name of Tartarus?"

"Nightmare Moon!" Twilight declared. "This ends now - I have the Elements!"

The Nightmare looked down at the stone orbs, then smashed them with a single blow. "No you don't. Now, explain why you have brought this rabble to my castle!"

One of Twilight's companions let out a confused roar.

"The Elements need bearers," Twilight replied. "However, due to an unforeseen oversight, I forgot to get hold of any on the way to the Everfree, so I had to improvise."

She gestured to her left. "The Manticore I helped in the forest embodies the element of Kindness, because he didn't hesitate to give me a lift after I helped pull the thorn from his paw!"

Nightmare Moon frowned. "Is that not more the vein of gratitude?"

The Manticore grumbled, rolling his shoulders and looking as confused as she was.

"Steven Magnet, the sea serpent, embodies the Element of Loyalty!" Twilight went on, indicating the orb of water suspended by her magic and the sea serpent poking his head out of it. "For his tireless devotion to fashion, no matter the cost!"

"Indeed, and isn't it fabulous?" Steven asked, shaking his glorious locks of hair. "My moustache has never looked better!"

Nightmare Moon sighed. "Perhaps this-"

She stopped. "Wait. I only count two ponies and two monsters. Canst thou not count?"

"I was waiting to get to that," Twilight said, with a nod of thanks, and indicated a wheelbarrow to her right. "This tree with a scary face represents Laughter, because it's just kind of silly."

The evil alicorn didn't even bother to dignify that one with a reply. The tree, meanwhile, had no comment to make either.


"In a minute," Twilight told the manticore. "This Shadowbolt I dragooned into helping push the wheelbarrow represents Generosity, because she offered me a place in her organization sight unseen!"

"That is a Shadowbolt?" Nightmare Moon asked, now totally lost. "Aren't they my minions?"

The Shadowbolt shrugged apologetically. "Beg pardon, your darkness," she said, shuffling her hooves. "But the unicorn's really persuasive..."

"This has become ridiculous," Luna's dark self declared. "Thou art a lunatic."

Twilight's horn flickered, and the shards of the Elements rose up to orbit their designated bearers. "Maybe, but if I am then the magic of Harmony's agreeing with me. Now, I wasn't finished..."

"And who might Honesty be?" Nightmare Moon questioned. "Thyself? Then what of the sixth element?"

"Oh, the sixth element is Magic," Twilight pronounced, the tiara forming across her brow like an old friend. "Clearly me. But as for you - you can change shape, and impersonate any pony you wish, but you've not tried to just usurp Princess Celestia."

Nightmare Moon paused, then looked like she wanted to facehoof.

"So, you are the element of Honesty!" Twilight concluded, and Nightmare Moon's gaze snapped around to focus on the unicorn - then watched in disbelief as the last of the shards began to circle herself.


"Boom," Twilight finished, and the Elements of Harmony decided that this was close enough. Rainbow light surged out in all directions.

"Seriously?" Spike asked. "A tree?"

"Yep," Twilight confirmed. "I was in kind of a hurry, it's a long story..."

177.16 (Evilhumour)

"Caaaaaaaaaaaaaady, I've got a question," Shining whined playfully, which told the love princess that her husband was up to something. As she was dealing with several stacks of paperwork she lost in a bet to Celestia, her attention was not fully on him.

So, with an eye moving to stare at her husband, sprawled out on his back in her private office, she asked, "What is it, Shiny?"

He grinned at her for a split second, which meant a headache was soon to follow or at the very least a lot of facehoofing. "What is love?"

Cadance let out a groan as she picked up a pillow with her magic and swatted him across the head. He chuckled, moving out of the way and then continued to sing, "Baby don't hurt me," another swat of the pillow got him to chuckle a bit louder, with Cadance giggling too. "Baby don't hurt me," He wiggled his eyebrows at her, mirth clear on his face even as she bopped him on the face with the pillow. "No more." He then wiggled his ears at her and gave her his best dopey dork face.

That did it for her, laughter spilling out of her mouth and she found herself singing loudly that song with her husband.

After their duet was finished, Shining pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her behind the ear. "I love you," he whispered into her ear.

With a sigh of utter delight, she leaned into her husband and whispered back, "I love you too."

177.17 (Evilhumour)

"You think you can stop me?" Tirek laughed triumphantly. "I have taken your precious magic and you have nothing to stop me!"

"Oh?" the purple mare said, raising an eyebrow. "I've got two things right here that says differently."

"And what, pray tell, would they be?" he asked, grinning daringly.

"One five ton bag of sugar," Twilight, the former alicorn of magic and the most delicious magic being he had tasted in ages, said dropping said bag in front of her. "And one Pinkie Pie." She reached under a rock and pulled out a bouncing pink mare. "Last chance to give up."

"Or what, she will bake a nasty cookie at me?" Tirek roared his head back in laughter.

"No, I will let her eat it all," Twilight said, nodding to her friend. "I did warn you."

"And what can she do by eating all of that sug-" he frowned, the pink mare seemingly devoured the contents of the bag in one gulp and was starting to vibrate on the spot. The purple mare was already running away, along with the other ponies in the area.

Turning his head back to the pink mare, he had a split second of vision of her exploding before everything went pink.

"I'm sorry Twily," Pinkie Pie said, blushing as she kicked the ground. "I'm really sorry but I don't know how it happened!"

Twilight stared at the massive crater around her former tree. Instead of actually destroying the Golden Oaks this time, the destruction had caused a massive sink hole which folded everything into her tree.

Twilight then let out a sigh, knowing this was the price of giving Pinkie Pie all that sugar.

177.18 (Evilhumour)

"And furthermore, I-" Celestia frowned, Waking up mid-rant at a furious looking pony who was now confused by the change in her own body language as well as breaking off mid-speech. "Excuse me, my little pony, I am going through a time loop and just came fully aware of myself. My memories of what I have done in the past should come shortly but by your face, I am assuming that I have passed several laws banning or trying to sweep away some sort of thing that I personally do not approve of, correct?"

The pony, a mare, nodded numbly before opening her mouth. "Yes...drinking as you said that such crude things had no place in Equestria."

"Birch me sideways, unAwake me was a complete fool," Celestia groaned into her hoof as her golden magic aura brought some papers out of her pocket. "Give me a few minutes and I will undo this silliness right away." Celestia watched the paperwork fly off as she tried to whack her mind for all the details to why unAwake Celestia was so against drinking.

"This...happen a lot to you?" the mare asked uncertainly, tilting her head.

"Variants of the normal time line, but yes, every now and then I Wake up to a me that has arbitrarily decided that one aspect of society was unacceptable and have done my best to eradicate it," Celestia rolled her pink eyes. "One time I had outlawed and banned all manner of fighting and records of it because I wanted to destroy all concept of violence to my little ponies." Celestia snorted at that idea, foolish at best and self destructive at worst. "Also," Celestia said as she pulled out an enchanted stick from her pocket and gave it to the mare. "As I usual do for when such variants that the unAwake me has acted in such a fashion, I allow the pony I harmed one free swing."

"Princess, I can't just hit-"

"My dear little pony, I could use a damn good drink and I know the first rule is never annoy those who serve you your food," Celestia then flew down to the pony and held her face near the mare. "So as soon as I know you are good, I can taste your craft and compare it to the others I have got in the past."

Hours later, Luna woke up to her sister singing loudly in her room, with a purple shiner on the right side of her face.

With a huff, Luna knew it was going to be one of those days.

177.19 (Evilhumour)

Celestia flopped to her right. She then flopped to her left. And again. And again. And then she fell off her bed.

Grumbling, she lifted the clock to see what time it was as her internal clock was off as it said it was eight thirty in the morning but that couldn't be tru-

It was eight thirty! How could she have slept in! She needed to go raise the su-

She then noticed a note on her nightstand.

'Tia, enjoy the day off. I rose the sun for you and I am taking care of the Day Court.



With a smile on her face, Celestia climbed back into her bed and snuggled into the mattress. A few more hours and then she will go out and deal with the day.

With a yawn escaping her mouth, she said four words before falling back to sleep.

"Love you too, Lulu."

177.20 (elmagnifico)

Macintosh Apple sat on the freshly-plowed field, fingers spread in the dirt. The appendages, granted to him by dint of Waking Up on the unusual side of a mirror portal, were now filthy, which meant they matched his jeans, but this was an essential part of farming when he was a human.

Under normal circumstances, his magic would interface with the soil on an instinctual level as he pulled the plow through the field, by way of his hooves. Even with the steel shoes that became more and less prevalent depending on the loop, he'd still touch the loam, simply by virtue of each hoofstep sinking into the ground. As a human, though, he'd plowed this field with a rusty old tractor, while wearing boots that made it quite impossible to feel the earth. Which made making contact just that little bit more personal here.

Macintosh knew all this on an intellectual basis, but even the first time he'd looped here, he'd known that touching the soil was essential, albeit as a gut feeling rather than anything as concrete as the science that his librarian friend had laid out for him when the topic came up.

He gave a contented sigh. Even if he hadn't wanted to use his earth pony magic on the farm here, he probably still would have done this. A little honest dirt never hurt anything, and the ritual was a relaxing pause after a lot of hard work. Sort of like the loops such as this one, where he ended up on the bipedal end of the magical mirror.

It was relaxing, in its own way, to have the big supernatural problems he had to short-circuit toned down to two.

Granted, those two were often a bit harder to get at than his normal fare, given the tiered nature of human society. High-school was a relatively insular institution, and while alumni were not actively prevented from interacting with the student body, they weren't encouraged either.

At first, he'd worked out a less-than-subtle method for putting a stop to Sunset Shimmer's shenanigans. However, pretending to fall asleep at the wheel of the farm truck and crashing it into the plinth that held the mirror portal while the unicorn thief was in Equestria stealing the Element of Magic had a host of unpleasant consequences. Although effective in preventing the hypnosis of the student body, it had all the finesse of an orbital party strike, with significantly less cake and proportionally more litigation.

This loop, in lieu of automotive interference, he'd painted over the statue's plinth with an enamel he'd gotten from Gordon Freeman in exchange for a case of negative space wedgie cider, guaranteed to transfer your hangover to the next person that tried to get into your head. Pinkie and Berry had been quite proud of that one.

The enamel, for its part, had been procured from someplace that made shower curtains. Its main purpose, though, was preventing the formation of portals on surfaces. Apparently they had problems with that sort of thing in Gordon's world. Macintosh wasn't going to judge. It worked, although the eldest of the Apple siblings was still not satisfied. He had a couple of years before the theft of the Element of Magic, he ought to be able to get through to Sunset in plenty of time. Still, the enamel was adequate as a failsafe.

To supplement that failsafe he'd tried something new. It had taken a few internet searches, followed by some research and last loop's notes from the Looping version of the unicorn, but he'd tracked down Sunset's native counterpart. Introducing the human to Applejack had led to an interesting series of events, culminating in Celestia's quasi-blond former student being incarcerated for identity theft.

Macintosh grunted to himself. Still not an optimal outcome, but something he could work on next time.

The Sirens, at least, had proved easier to trip up. While a battle of the bands was taken out of consideration with the short-circuiting of Sunset Shimmer's plot, the trio would continue to make diner customers miserable indefinitely without outside interference. A few pulses of Earth Pony magic to boost the farm's output attracted their attention easily enough, but he'd worked out a more circumspect method of silencing the trio than challenging them to single combat. Turned out making friends with a tone-deaf police officer, and then offering to buy him a doughnut at the wrong diner was enough.

Macintosh shook his head, letting the magic flow, listening to the rhythmic pops of the substrate responding to his touch. Letting them distract him from less-than-ideal ways of dealing with things.

Life was never guaranteed to be quiet, no matter what he did. As long as there were loops there was always the chance that an emergency bar-setup would be necessary. Moreover his family, both genetic and extended, were constantly finding new ways to make things interesting, in the oriental sense. Whys, hows and wherefores sometimes eluded him. For instance, a few loops ago Berry Punch had shown him some relics of a past loop of hers that, while fascinating to a connoisseur of such things, were less interesting for somepony who would have no practical use for them outside of the rare loop that messed with relevant pronouns. Compared to those shenanigans, a world where spirits of chaos and love poison were nothing but fairy tales made for measurably less fracas on average.

Which made for a nice vacation.

Macintosh sat there, enjoying the vacation for a bit, and perhaps dozing off just a little, until his reverie was interrupted by a pull on his magic. It reminded him of the yank of Tirek's power, a concentrated force trying to tear a significant part of himself away from his body, like a cragodile rolling with somepony's leg in its mouth. This was a far colder, more mechanical pull than the hot, evil, but definitely living strength of the centaur's power, but Macintosh responded the same way he had to Tirek.

His eyes flashed green, and then he pulled back. A grunt and a whisper accompanied the effort.

“No, mine.”

His magic was still tangled with whatever-it-was, so when he gave a yank it felt like a very short tug-of-war, with part of himself as the rope. Something small and metallic hit him in the back of the head, and a high-pitched squeak of surprise rang out from behind him.

By the time he'd gotten to his feet and turned around, all that remained of the intruder was something that looked like a compass sitting on the ground, and two sets of footprints in the loam that led off the field and into the woods beyond, towards the road.

Macintosh snorted.

Perhaps this loop would prove interesting too.

177.21 (Anon e Mouse Jr, Masterweaver)

"So." Twilight put down her chart. "Arranged marriages. Equestria has them standard this loop." She let out a small sigh. "Who's got who, and do you want us to step in or what?"

"Got a stallion named Oakenshield," Applejack replied. "Afor' ya ask, no clue if it's Thorin, no clue if he's Awake. If he is, we'll talk ‘bout this, if he isn't Ah'm okay with it."

"Is Thorin even looping?" Fluttershy asked.

"Like Ah said, no clue."

Rainbow groaned. "I got shacked up with Hoops. You know, one of the Cloudsdale bullies?" She rubbed her face. "Worst of all, he's actually smart enough to act nice around my parents, which makes it hard for me to convince them to call it off."

"Hmm." Twilight shuffled through her documents. "There are a few precedents... I think I can come up with something legal to snap it off. Fair warning, there's a cultural stigma this loop against unattached ponies, especially ones that seek to end their own partnerships."

"I have a question," Vinyl interjected. "Are there any stupid laws against lesbians this loop?"

"Strictly speaking, no. If your parents set you up with a mare, it's legally fine, though unusual."

"Oh good. I mean, I'm an orphan this loop because reasons, apparently..."

"Oh, that's going to make things harder. You're legally allowed to select your own mate so long as they're not claimed..." Twilight frowned. "Have you been sneaking a relationship with Octavia this loop?"

"Pre-awake, yeah. And I'm going to keep doing it, since the stallion her parents selected is freakin' BLUEBLOOD. And not one of the good kinds either."

"...okay, we'll plan some scheme to discredit him, I guess. Anypony else unhappy with their potential spouses?"

Fluttershy raised a hoof. "Um, I'm happy with my partner. Caramel's nice enough, and supportive... I think Sassaflash is a little jealous of us though, so could you help her find somepony?"

Twilight checked her notes. "Sassaflash... right, she's an orphan too, and doesn't have an official partner yet. I'll see what I can do for her."

"...What about you, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "Who did you get, um, chosen for you?"

The unicorn rolled her eyes. "Flash Sentry. Yes, I know. All things considered, I think I'll go through with it; he's not a bad pony, and it's only for this loop anyway."

177.22 (Masterweaver)

Chrysalis groaned, digging her forehooves into her temples as she reviewed her loop memories. "Cadenza, give me strength..."

"My queen?"

She almost--almost--connected herself to the hive mind, before remembering that her pre-awake self had arrogantly decided to remain unconnected after conquering Canterlot. Instead she fixed the drone with a Look of precisely point eight five Maud intensity; it would not be a good thing to 'change' without any rhyme or reason.

The drone quivered. "You seem... distressed."

"I have just... become aware of a pressing issue." She hid her worries behind her mask, quietly letting out a ping as she rose. "Search the pods for a lavender unicorn with a pink stripe in her mane; she should be in the Canterlot group, but check the other groups to be thorough." Chrysalis felt out her connection with the Elements; two Magics and a Generosity, slim pickings but better than nothing. "Don't be surprised if she's grown wings." Two regular pings returned as she trotted toward her private chambers, which left one of the Elements unable to ping--probably Twilight, all things considered. "Once you have found the pod, bring it to me. If the pony in question has escaped, inform her that my reign is well anchored--use that terminology exactly--and demand her surrender." Which also meant that any non-element bearer could be Awake without being able to ping... she'd have to give the alicorns a once-over.

"At once, my queen!" The drone saluted, skittering out of the room.

Chrysalis shut the door behind her as she entered her chambers, slumping to the ground. Twilight had warned her about this timeline, but it was still quite aggravating to Awaken in.

"Starlight Glimmer, if you ever start looping... ugh." She rolled her head up against the door. "Trixie, please be Awake. And Zecora too, for strategic reasons..."

177.23 (Vinylshadow)

Derpy checked her mailbag carefully. There were some Loops where she Woke up having packed the wrong mail, or even the wrong kind of item to be delivered.

She was still puzzling over why she'd been delivering pianos that one time.

Finding everything in order, she took off, starting her route. She breezed through the first couple of houses, dropping off letters, bills, college application rejections, bills, magazines (of every type), valentines (made strange by the fact it was the middle of summer), hate-mail and everyone's favorite, bills.

Derpy finished her route without any trouble, which pleased her. Now she'd be able to help her daughters with their homework. Provided they hadn't already done it. If they did, that meant they'd have time for a game before bed.

Derpy smiled to herself as she landed in front of her home. Her grin got wider when she saw a familiar blue box sitting in her garden. Parked on her tulips, she noted with some amusement.

She opened the door to see Dinky sitting on Time Turner's head while he regaled her with tales of his adventures. She knew he was Awake since he mentioned Alex Mercer in relation to something involving Gundams and super glue. The Changeling was - to her surprise - sitting next to Amethyst and helping her with her math homework.

She cleared her throat and the two ponies, Time Lord and Prototype all looked at her simultaneously.

"I'm home," she remarked, hanging up her mailbag before getting glomped by her daughters. The two males exchanged friendly nuzzles with her.

"So, my day has been boring and I'm sure yours haven't. Spill. What have you two been up to?" she said, batting them away with a grin.

"Ack, do you hear the accusation in her tone?" the Doctor replied, clutching his chest (with a hoof over each of his hearts, Derpy idly noted). Alex snickered.

"Well, it has been a while since we've been together," he pointed out. The Doctor nodded, sending Dinky toppling off his head. She waved her hooves at her mother, who neatly scooped her out of the air with the ease of practice and promptly covered her in kisses.

"Why don't you ever do that to me?" Alex muttered to the Doctor.

"Because you're not an adorable filly," he replied, steadfastly ignoring him as he transformed into a Changeling nymph. "Also, you're a bug. Last time I kissed a bug she tried to feed me to her children."

"How was Venice?" Alex teased, to which the Doctor replied with a pillow.

"Oi, pillow fights aren't until after homework is done," Derpy admonished them. "Get back to work."

"Yes mom," the two chorused innocently.

"There's times when I feel like I'm the only adult in the room," Derpy grumbled to Dinky, pressing her nose against hers.

Dinky giggled and hugged her.

Author's Note:

177.1: Technically they have done things like "stand in the bedroom" or "lie down in the bedroom".
177.3: He did say "as fast as you can".
177.5: Why no, this one wasn't hastily edited to replace an accidental double post.
177.10: Not a metaphor.
177.11: Yeah.
177.12: It is very relaxing.
177.13: Fuzzy.
177.15: Seems legit to me. (Idea derived from comments section on Pamphile)

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