• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 174

174.1 (BIOS-Pherecydes, Masterweaver, Vinylshadow)

Nyx jumped as the door opened. "MOM! You're home early!"

"Well, I had to stop and help Pinkie out, but it turned out she bought all my groceries for me ahead of what is that on the table."

"It's..." Nyx coughed. "It's a glass."

Twilight Sparkle frowned. "Nyx, while I have nothing against you drinking wine in an adult body, you're currently very much a filly—"

"It's not, uh...." Nyx rubbed the back of her head. "It's... it's not alcoholic..."

The unicorn rose an eyebrow. "Are there any other drugs in it?"

"Nope, I triple-filtered it!"

Nyx's eyes shot wide when she realized what she had just said. Twilight's own eyes narrowed. "And why, exactly, would you have to filter that in the first place?"


"Young lady. What is that liquid."

"Uh... well... you see... I..." Nyx sighed. "It's blood."


"Specifically rabbit blood." The filly kicked against the ground. "Lot easier to obtain than pony blood."

"...Why are you drinking blood?"

"I... uh... weeeeeeell..." Nyx craned her neck. "It's... um... I don't know... cults keep finding me, and.... it's an acquired taste, you see..." Twilight simply stared at her daughter, who shifted nervously before continuing rapidly. "Plus, um, you'd be surprised how often the 'fangs' aren't just for show. Or where the Nightmare Force is actually a sentient demonic aura, or a curse, or Eldritch Possession requiring Seapony intervention, or, or—"

Twilight cut her off by pulling her into a hug. "Shh. It's fine, I guess I can see why you might have gotten used to it. Just, try not to make too much of a habit alright? You didn't hurt anypony, right?"

Nyx hesitated.

Twilight gave her daughter a speculative glance. "Nyx?"

A soft voice spoke up from behind them. "Oh! Um, I'm sorry to interrupt. I should go, don't mind me."

"No, it’s fine, Fluttershy. I was just having a talk with Nyx. Did you want something?" Twilight questioned.

"Oh, no. It's not something you need to worry about. I'll just go," she protested, backing up towards the entrance way.

Twilight gently closed the door behind her Unawake friend with her magic, causing her to bump into it. "Seriously, it's okay Fluttershy. What else are friends for, right? What's wrong?"

Fluttershy hid behind her mane, but nodded. "It isn't that big a deal, honest. I just can't find Angel Bunny anywhere. I'm starting to get worried. He almost never misses his mid-morning snack. Have—have you seen him anywhere?"

Twilight gave a suspicious look at her cringing daughter. "No, I haven't seen him. But if I find out anything, I'll be sure to help."

Fluttershy nodded sadly. "Oh, okay. Thank you. If you find him, can you tell him I made his favorite: roasted carrots in cucumber sauce."

Twilight nodded and watched as Fluttershy left before rounding on Nyx.

"Okay, I know what you're thinking, but in my defense he really was evil this Loop. I swear. And he attacked me first." The embarrassed filly spoke before Twilight could start lecturing.

Twilight sighed and kneaded her head with one hoof. "Alright, I can accept that you had reasons for it, but right now Fluttershy is worried sick. So here's what you're going to do. For the rest of the Loop you're going to be taking Angel's place. And I still expect you to do all of your chores as well, and your homework. And no clones or time-spinners. You made this mess, now you have to deal with it."

Nyx opened and closed her mouth repeatedly, before nodding dejectedly.

"Good. Maybe next time you'll do the sensible thing and just ask Vinyl for some of her extra bloodpacks. Ficus knows she ends up a vampony more often than not."

Nyx's head jerked up. "Wait what? All this time, and she didn't share!? When I get my hooves on her—"

"Ah ah ah, young filly. Vengeance later. You have somewhere and someone else to be. March!"

Nyx grumbled and shifted into Angel Bunny's form, giving Twilight a dirty look before bouncing off after Fluttershy.

Twilight groaned. "Ugh. Kids." Unthinkingly picking up the wineglass from the table, she took a sip... before her eyes widened and she spit the 'drink' out forcefully.


Across Ponyville, Vinyl shuddered and went to check on her blood packs.

"Don't worry my precious. Momma's here now," she crooned.

174.2 (Masterweaver)


Twilight sighed, setting off the Equestria-wide mass manifestation of sunglasses. Again.

174.3 (Masterweaver)

"Hey, Twilight! Didjya hear about Zecora's big adventure with your brother?!"

Twilight Sparkle's smile was both indulgent and resigned. "Yes Dash, I've heard. Twelve times, this loop alone."


They walked and flew in silence for a few seconds.

"...you want to gush about it."

"I totally want to gush about it."

"Alright, I'm listening."

Rainbow grinned, already gearing her mind into story-telling mode. "Let me set the scene for our intrepid heroes..."

174.4 (Vinylshadow)

Luna weakly lifted her head to see one of her worst nightmares looking down at her.

Not the Tantabus. Not the Nightmare. Not her failure as a princess to her subjects.

The burning eyes of Corona Blaze smoldered, filled with nothing but contempt for the pony lying broken before her.

Luna breathed heavily, her mind wandering as she fought to stay conscious. The Loop had started shortly after the sisters' battle with King Sombra. Celestia hadn't been Awake, Luna knew, since she wouldn't have started researching Sombra's dark magic if she was.

The older sister threw herself into her studies of the dark arts, growing distant from her subjects, her sister and her role as guardian of the sun. Luna had taken responsibility, raising both the sun and moon, as well as tending to the needs of the country.

The night mare had tried approaching her sister, but the elder ignored her and soon stopped talking to her at all.

Then, one morning, Luna had woken up to an unbearable heat. Going outside, Luna had found her sister completely wrapped in darkness, horn blazing with sickly purple and green magic as she dragged the sun closer to the planet.

Luna had screamed at her to stop and had been attacked.

"You have been deceiving me," Corona snarled, looming over the smaller Alicorn, backlit by the seething sun. "You've been planning to usurp me and take the throne. You aren't my sister. You...are a rival!"

Her horn blazed and Luna threw herself back, scrambling to get her hooves under her as she felt the ground under her heat up. Lighting her horn, she focused and teleported. Luna reappeared in the air and looked around in horror.

The land was cracking under the blistering heat, homes bursting into flames as ponies inside ran out, only to perish in the firestorm.

Luna's wings flapped unsteadily as she tried to figure out what to do.


She nearly stopped flapping as a voice echoed inside her head. The castle below erupted in a molten spout and a voice howled out.


The lunar princess dodged a spear of light and dived, weaving between the sinking ruins.


Luna looked around, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from. She winced as her feathers brushed against superheated rock and she teleported again.

Reappeared, she gazed out over what she knew in the future would have become the Everfree Forest.


Luna rubbed her forehead, then blinked. "Of course," she murmured. Looking around, she winged her way towards the castle ruins. Focusing, she teleported once again and reappeared in front of the shrine holding the stones.

Placing her horn against the center orb, she withdrew the Element of Magic.

The room grew dark and Luna turned to see a large winged shape growing larger through the stained glass window.

Grabbing the other Elements, Luna braced herself as the window shattered.

Flinching back from the shards, Luna looked up to see an enraged Corona, who pointed a hoof at her.

"Traitor! I knew it! You wanted them for yourself!"

Before she could continue, and before she lost her nerve, Luna let the Elements take control. Wreathed in golden light, Luna rose until she was level with Corona.

Corona fired a beam of light, which pinged harmlessly off the harmony magic.

Then a massive ray blasted from the Elements, slamming into Corona, who shrieked in agony. The blast carried her out of the room, to the sky and into the sun, pushing it away from the planet. Simultaneously, a wave of magic pulsed outwards, restoring the scorched and melted surface of the planet

Luna was gently lowered to the floor and she stumbled as the magic left her, drained. She staggered outside, looking up at the sun.

On it, a series of dark mottled shapes that vaguely resembled the head of a mare glared down at her.

Luna threw back her head and let out a primal shriek before she flared her wings and launched herself skywards, climbing towards the sun. She reached out with her hooves, as if to embrace the shining orb that held her sister.


Luna Woke up with a sharp gasp and lifted her head. She met the six faces of the Element Bearers. Frowning, she looked around and saw her.

The Solar Diarch. The Guardian of the Sun.

"Sis...!" Luna choked on the word, her throat dry. Celestia met her lunge and wrapped her wings around her younger sister.

"Twilight? Take the girls back to Ponyville," Celestia said curtly. "Don't wait for us."

Luna dimly heard Twilight acknowledge and nuzzled deeper into her sister’s embrace.

"Don't leave me," Luna rasped. Celestia gently touched her cheek and lifted Luna’s face. The Moon Maiden averted her eyes and Celestia gently kissed her forehead.

"Lulu, you know that I'll never, ever leave you, betray you or harm you. That wasn't me." Celestia knew her sister. Knew her deepest darkest fears, just as Luna knew hers. She knew there was only one thing could shake Luna this badly.

"I know that...it's...just..." Luna mumbled. Celestia wrapped her wings around her and gently settled down. Luna burrowed into her and sighed.

Celestia hummed a wordless tune, a lullaby sung to them by their mother long ago and Luna, after a moment, relaxed before resting her head against her sister and fell asleep.

Celestia gently stroked Luna’s mane and kissed it softly.

"I love you, sister mine," she said softly. "Then, now and always."

174.5 (wildrook)

Shining Armor was annoyed.

No, it wasn't because of Blueblood being a more outrageous prick than normal. He was used to that and a few other variants where the Prince was tolerable at his best.

It also wasn't because he had endured the cold as well as various obstacles that happened before the snowstorm. Why the Hydra had been p*ssed off involved a gaping minotaur-shaped hole in its stomach, but that was another story entirely.

What really p*ssed him off was that the Yaks were planning to start a war with them. Turns out there were a few yaks unhappy with Pinkie Pie's intervention and decided to sabotage the meeting. The irony is that Blueblood was actually HELPFUL in spotting out the traitors in a similar method that made Pinkie Pie an effective torture device.

"Your Majesties," Shining said to the Yak Prince and Blueblood, "if you mind..."

"By all means, Captain," Blueblood replied. "Auntie Celestia was the one to set you as my bodyguard, so if you would be so kind."

The Yak Prince blinked, but got the idea as he nodded.

He then looked at the traitors to the crown. "Now," he said, "if you have my attention, I'd like a few questions. And these are very important because they involve the fate of your kingdom when you decide to attack without consequences. First, why did you plan to overthrow the Prince of your own kingdom?"

"Because Yak Tradition dictate that they must not be stopped even by stupid pink pony that quelled fight," the yak upstart replied.

Shining gave them stare. "That, I can guess," he said, "but it was still a stupid decision, even by certain standards of warfare. Why take him out now while Equestrian Diplomats tried to visit?"

"To pin blame on you when the attempt to set Prince as war criminal."

So, they WERE aware of what protects Equestria. That just makes it even dumber in hindsight.

"Okay," Shining said. "One more question, and this is vital for your way of life to exist." He then took a breath. "You have a bunch of traitors to the crown and at least three of your best men trying to subdue us. If you capture all three of us, there will be a letter sent to Canterlot and the Crystal Empire of the capture of both Princes and Princess Cadence's consort. Yes, they will resort in diplomacy, but that's just plan A. Plan B would be sending in seven individuals which consists of a citizen of the Apple Family, the Pink Pony that stopped the war you wanted, a fashionista and her draconic husband, a rainbow-maned pegasus that can break the sound barrier, another pegasus that can control the local wildlife with kindness, and last but not least, my sister, the Princess of the Everfree."

"We are aware of said Princess," the Yak Upstart said, "and we can tell you that..."

"I'm not finished," Shining said, cutting the upstart off with a glare and a shield in the form of a muzzle. "I haven't even gone down our other alternatives. Plan C involves my wife, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, bringing the army of the Crystal Empire down on your heads if you don't let me and her cousin go. Plan D involves the friend of the Beastmasters', the Chaos Spirit known as Discord, going for a very enthusiastic walk in case Plan B fails to work. And if you're not backing down by then, Plan E involves the Princesses' response. In which...Prince Blueblood, if you will?"

"In which both the moon and the sun align to create a Solar Eclipse," Blueblood replied, smirking. The Yak Upstarts were shocked at Blueblood not only getting the answer right, but the smile on Shining's face saw a small bit of pride.

"In other words, they've accepted your declaration and you will have no kingdom to run," Shining finished. "Because the Eclipse is what happens when you've crossed the line and angered them to the point where even the coldest climates will be unstable for your taste." He then looked at the Yak Traitors and smiled. "With all that, the question itself makes itself known...knowing all of that will be directed at you, do you really want to start a war with Equestria?"

There was silence from all parties as the Yak Traitor considered his options.

"We surrender," he said, squeaking.

"Good man," Shining replied, finally smiling. "Your Majesty, take them to the local prison while I mail a letter to my sister and wife."

Blueblood gave the Yak Prince a look. "You heard him," he said.

"How do you find capable Captain?" the Yak Prince asked Blueblood.

"Would you be surprised if I said 'He's a Dungeon Master in his free time'?" the Prince replied.

174.6 (Evilhumour)

"Rainbow Dash, no," Twilight glared at her friend who was staring at the new looper in their Loop. New to Dash anyways, as Twilight met him several hundred loops ago. "My daughter is dating his brother and I forbid you to go after him!"

"But Twi, look at him!" Dash whined, pointing at the massive pegasus stallion, using his impressively long wings to bow to a pair of passing giggling mares. "Just look at his wings!" Dash let out a bit of a squee, biting her lip as the blond mane stallion bobbed his head as he told a joke to the ponies around him, gaining laughter from the crowd.

Twilight groaned, wondering how to dislodge her friend's focus when Fluttershy patted her shoulder and took over.

"Dash," she said softly, catching the stuntmare's attention. "You have taken care of Lemon in the past for me, right?"

"Well, yeah," Dash blinked in confusion while she nodded her head in the affirmative. "He's kinda like a nephew to me...oh spruce you Flutters!" Dash grumbled, shaking herself as she glared unhappily at her new nephew. "That's fighting dirty and you know it!"

"I was just asking you a question Dashie," Fluttershy's smile suggested nothing of the sort, with Twilight letting out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear that you think the same of Blood Flower too."

Dash just grumbled some more, until she let out a squeak of surprise as somepony opened a cloud over her head.

"Sorry Dash," a soft voice called out with amusement, the massive pegasus flying down to land in front of the mares and into the shower of water he made. Glistening, he looked down at the mare and lifted her hoof up gently. "You looked a bit overheated, and I thought you need to cool down. Are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash simply looked at the stallion before she let out a shout of frustration and took off to the skies.

"Russ was right, this is truly a fun loop to be alive in!" Blood Flower’s laughter was cut short by the looks he was getting from the two mares. "Do not worry Twilight, Little Mother, I will make it clear to Dash I was only joking with her. Until later." With that, the pegasus flew off into the sky after the original Bearer of Loyalty.

"Wait, did you just try to forbid me Twi," Dash asked as she flew back to the mares. "From dating somepony?"

"I-I," Twilight blinked as she realized what she had done. "I'm sorry Dash, I don't know what came over me but I-"

"It's okay, I know you really didn't mean it," Dash rolled her eyes. "We've been friends long enough that we can joke about this kind of thing, right?"

"Yup," Fluttershy said, nodding her head. "If you wish to date my son and one day call me mom, I will be fine with that."

Rainbow Dash glared at her friend once more before taking off again.

174.7 (Vinylshadow)

Pony sat on a bench.

Thief sat on a bench.

Human sat on a bench.

Seapony sat in a bucket on a bench.

Sweet Roll sat on the ground.

"We need a bigger bench," she grumbled.

174.8 (Vinylshadow - MLP/Prototype/Doctor Who)

Derpy checked her mailbag for any other letters and, finding it empty, breathed a sigh of relief.

Winging her way to the post office, she signed out for the day and trotted out into the Ponyville Market, filled with ponies of all kinds selling their wares, from Applejack selling apples, to the Crusaders with...

Derpy stared at the fillies in disbelief.

"Got an Eldritch Abomination infestation? read one sign. "Free removal!" said another.

Torn between curiosity and her survival instinct kicking in, Derpy resolved to ask them about it later. A familiar leather jacket caught her eye and she trotted after the stallion, who had stopped by Time Turner's clock-fixing stall, which had a familiar blue phone booth behind it.

"Alex, Doctor, good afternoon," Derpy called, coming up to them. The two stallions turned with a rather eerie unison to face her.

"You're rubbing off on him," Derpy said with an amused grin to the Doctor, nodding at Alex. The Prototype and the Time Lord blinked their icy blue eyes simultaneously.

"Nonsense, we're nothing alike," they chorused, then looked at each other in surprise and broke down laughing. Derpy rolled her eyes.

"So, what have my two favorite stallions been up to?" Derpy asked, leaning on the stall and examining the clocks curiously.

"Just finished a Loop with Weeping Daleks, Sontaran-based Cybermen and Auton Zygons," the Doctor said.

"Fused Loop with Fallout; ended up King of the Mirelurks through means I'm still not entirely sure about," Alex said, poking a clock that then chirped angrily at him and tried pecking him.

Derpy snickered and rewound a clock that had thirteen numerals on it. She did a double-take and stared at it before putting it back carefully.

"Well, since I have full functionality of my TARDIS, I suspect we're in a fused Loop with my branch. Shall we see what we can find?" the Doctor asked, starting to toss clocks back into a case, some beeping, some clicking, some screaming in dead languages.

"I'd like that," Derpy said, perking up, with Alex following suit.

"Splendid. Got everything? Where's Dinky?"

"Amethyst is taking care of her. Besides, hello, time travel?" Derpy grinned.

"Fair enough. Worst-case scenario, we come back some fifteen years later—ow!" the Doctor rubbed his head and glared at Alex, who stuck out his tongue.

"Play nice," Derpy admonished them. "Come along, boys!"

She entered the TARDIS and Alex exchanged a glance with the Doctor.

"We're not her boys," the Prototype said. The Doctor tilted his head, arching an eyebrow.

"...Yeah, we are," Alex admitted before he entered the TARDIS, followed by the Doctor.

Within a few seconds, the phone box dematerialized, leaving behind an angrily chirping clock.

174.9 (Anon e Mouse Jr.) [MLP/Daria]

Twilight looked around Ponyville. No real changes that she could see. She resolved herself to another, mostly lonely Loop start. (Cadance had written shortly after she Awoke, but the two weren't planning to meet up for a few days.) As she and Spike eyed things, Twilight saw Pinkie. Right. Usual start. Let's do this. She trotted up to the pink mare.

"Hi, I'm…"

Pinkie cut her off with a loud gasp, then raced away, prompting Twilight to sigh inwardly. Still almost exactly the same response, every time. Then, she caught a hint of movement out of the corner of her eye. Wait, is that… Maud?

She hurried in the direction of the other mare, who promptly disappeared into a crowd. Twilight quirked an ear. Wonder what that was about. Turning back to Spike, she began asking him where they needed to go first.

Hours later, Twilight took one last look around the busy main room of her library, where her "Welcome to Ponyville" party was still in full swing, and slipped away to the upstairs. As she headed for her bed, she heard a hoofstep behind her, and turned.

Maud Pie stood in the doorway. "Hey."

Twilight flushed. "Um, hey."

"Sorry about all the chaos down there. I love my sister, but she can be a little… over-exuberant sometimes."

"So I guessed."

"Yeah. Of course, times like these, you'd think we'd be used to chaos. It tends to make one a little… Loopy."

Twilight's eyes widened. "A little—Maud, are you Looping?"

The mare shook her head. "I don't know if Maud Pie is Looping, but I am." She held out a hoof. "Daria Morgendorffer, visiting Anchor."

Twilight shook it. "Twilight Sparkle, local Anchor. Very pleased to meet you."

"Same here."

"So… what's your Loop like?"

"High school. Four years at two different high schools. The first was home to two of the stupidest people in the multiverse, and at least a couple at the second were only marginally above that. It's not entirely their fault—part of the reason we moved away was because we found out the town had uranium in the drinking water, which probably accounts for at least some of their idiocy." Daria sighed. "I was so glad, when I found out I was an Anchor, that it meant neither of them was."

"Uranium in—that's horrible!" Twilight shuddered.

Daria nodded. "I found out later they put what they called a "Destructive Stupidity Patch" on those two to keep them from Looping, actually, which was a relief. They're right up there with Billy and the Tick, and you know how bad those two are."

"Billy, yes. I've never met the Tick, but I've heard of him."

"Trust me, you're very lucky. I have met him. It wasn't fun." She looked up. "Morons aside, my Loop isn't all bad. I've got one of the best friends in the world at my second high school, and she and her brother are both Looping. So are my sister and one of her friends, so at least they aren't alone. And we've bonded more since the Loops started, which has helped. She'd probably love it here, actually."

"Well, that's good." Twilight looked at the other mare. "I certainly hope you have a good time here, Daria. Equestria is a Sanctuary Loop, so… relax and enjoy yourself."

"I will." Daria smiled. "I'm glad to finally be here, you know. Word gets around about some of these Loops, so I've heard a lot about you before, even if I've never met any of you until now."

Twilight smiled. "I take it you're big on friendship."

"Actually, if I'd come here first instead of going to Lawndale High when I did, or as my first Fused Loop, I'd have run screaming."

Twilight did a double-take. "Really?"

"Yep. Another few years changed me, somewhat. But even when I started Looping, I was… still more cynical and closed off than most people liked. I've adapted though. Made some new friends. It's helped a lot. And I've already got one close friend here, even if she isn't Awake."

"Really? Who?"

"Pinkie. In her own way, she's a lot like my sister: happy, popular, a lot smarter than people assume. If she and Quinn ever meet, I don't know whether I'll be happy for them or walk away in a daze."

"Probably both."

"Probably." Daria looked around, and raised an eyebrow. "I'm still the same person I've always been, even after so many Loops. This Loop… it runs on friendship, in a big way."

"Very much so."

"You know what I've always run on?"


"Cynicism, sarcasm, snark, and the fact that there is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Twilight quirked an eyebrow. "Interesting philosophy. I'll have my sister-in-law send over some of her cooking for tomorrow's party."

"What party?"

"The one Pinkie is going to throw after she, some friends of ours and I save the world from Nightmare Moon."

Daria's eyebrow raised further. "You save the world from a supervillain, right off the bat, at the start of every Loop?"

"Yes. And another couple of times over the next couple of years."

"Sounds like fun."

"… You're being sarcastic now, aren't you."

"Yes. Yes I am."

174.10 (Vinylshadow)


"Yes, Pinkie. I know we're loaves of bread. I know we're pure-bread ponies. Haha, funny Loop."

"Well, I can see you're living up to your sourdough nature," the loaf of Pinkienickel bread said with a huff. "No need to fly to pieces over it."

"I'd smack you if bread could move."

"Oh yes, I'm sure you're enjoying just loafing around. Are you toasty? In a bit of a jam, perhaps? Rye so serious? You knead to crumb down. No raisin to be upset."

"I loaf you so much right now."

"Loaf you too."


From the Journal of Sunset Shimmer:

After my...interesting adventure with Ryuko Matoi and company, I figured a break would be interesting.

I got one in the Sword Art Online Loop. There, MMORPGs have changed via VR devices which essentially create whole virtual worlds.

It had started with Kayaba, the creator of the first VRMMO, Sword Art Online, turning it into a death game where if you died, you were dead for real. However, that is not where my tale started here.

I found myself as a player in Alfheim Online, another VRMMO which luckily, had you not die for real if you died there. My abilities were limited while in the game, as it was not capable of handling the skills Loopers can use.

Which meant I had a challenge. I soon met Leafa, a player who was related to Kirito, the player that had ended the Sword Art Online incident. Despite that, Kirito is not the Anchor. That title goes to his girlfriend Asuna.

Who happened to have been kidnapped by the guy running ALO.

Shortly after introductions, we decided to spar. Before the duel began, Leafa acted in a way I had seen many times before; that of a Looper Awakening. However, in this case, this would be the first time Leafa had Awakened.

As can be guessed, she was confused as heck. In our ensuing duel, I managed to easily win, thanks to my superior swordsmanship. After I explained things to Leafa, Kirito showed up. He told us that Asuna had already escaped her captor, and kicked his butt.

Drat. I had wanted to fight the jerk. Still, that meant I could enjoy the game, and so I did.

After a while, I learned of another VRMMO, Gun Gale Online, which was more modern than the classic fantasy game ALO is. It was the top player that caught my eye, though.

His name? Big Boss. Curious as to this, I entered GGO, and met Sinon, another Looper, who took me to Big Boss.

It was indeed the Looper I knew, and he had basically set up Outer Heaven as the top guild in GGO. Sinon had recently been asked to join, and I also was recruited.

During the tests Big Boss had set up to make sure we were worthy of becoming official members of Outer Heaven, Sinon told me of how Big Boss and her had met. During a competition to determine the top GGO player, Sinon had clashed with Big Boss, and lost easily. Big Boss saw potential, though, and soon had one of his top players, Ocelot, ask her to join up.

And interesting enough, my thoughts on Ocelot Awakening soon during my Loop where I'd met Big Boss was actually right. Ocelot had indeed Awakened that very Loop, but was confused, so he did things as per baseline. Since then, Ocelot has been honing his skills.

But back to my adventures in GGO. After passing the tests, Sinon and I were sent to help stop 'Death Gun', a GGO player who was very dangerous. Sinon and Kirito had stopped him in baseline, and this time, I would get the honor.

After that, I returned to ALO, and met Yuuki, a girl who, due to her illness, was using the technology that VRMMOs worked on nearly all the time. This meant she was very skilled, and our duel was quite an epic one. She nearly defeated me.

After this Loop, I felt like I had had a good time. I was ready for whatever awaited me next.

174.11 (Kris Overstreet)

"I'm always glad to have you visit," Fluttershy told the immense lupine Admin seated on his haunches in her living room. "But I don't understand what exactly an Admin needs an examination from me for."

"Well, it's like this," Fenrir said, his eyes flickering from Fluttershy to a shiny plate on the wall to a bird shifting from perch to bookshelf and back to Fluttershy. "My behavior the past few eons has been... well... out of character for me. And I'm concerned that there might be something wrong with me. And since I... well, I just can't bring this up with my co-workers, all right? That left seeking out animal experts among the Loopers."

"I understand," Fluttershy said.

"You know, I get enough grief from my coworkers as it is," Fenrir continued as Fluttershy carefully examined his body from head to tail. "Some of them rub my ears when I'm too busy to tell them to back off. A couple of the braver ones are even rubbing my belly. How can I trust people with that little respect?"

"Have you tried talking to them about it?" Fluttershy asked, taking Fenrir's tail in her hooves and gently bending it.

"Ha! Norse pantheon, remember? No whiners in Odin's house!" Fenrir paused and added, "Well, except Dad, but he's a special case."

"Hmm," Fluttershy murmured, and then added, "Tell me, have you noticed that the tips of your ears have become slightly floppy?"

"A little," Fenrir admitted. "I thought it was just fatigue. It's been rough recently."

"And how stiff your tail is?" Fluttershy added.

Fenrir shook the tail experimentally. "I hadn't really noticed, but yeah," he said.

"Has your attention span been growing shorter of late?"

"Er, yes. I've been having to work through that."

Fluttershy gestured to his back. "And your winter coat is coming in multicolored," she continued. "In a healthy wolf it should be two colors, no variation."

Fenrir blinked. "Is that serious? Tell me, Fluttershy. I can handle it."

"Well..." Fluttershy looked away from Fenrir. "It's not exactly serious... but I've never seen this happen quite this way before. Usually it's an inherited condition that takes several generations to manifest."

"What?" Fenrir curled back on himself, staring with worried yellow eyes. "What? What is it?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "I think you may be coming down with... domestication."

Angel Bunny looked through the front door of Fluttershy's cottage, saw the mountain-sized wolf wailing and weeping disconsolately while Fluttershy held him over her shoulder, and decided he had business elsewhere. He'd find out what it was when he got there.

174.12 (ORBSyndicate)

Gravity Falls: Friendship is Magic 7: Guitars and Dancers and PINKIES!

“Duplicating copy machine.” Twilight said, observing the rundown machine before her. “I would question how it’s still functional in this state, but you’d all probably just say—”

“MAAAAAAGIIIIIIC!” Pinkie said, spreading her hands out slowly.

Fluttershy looked at the thing, blinking. “So… what are we going to do with it again?”

Twilight took out some random sciencey tool from her Pocket. “We are, of course, going to do SCIENCE to it.”

“What else?” Pinkie said, grinning. “I’ll grab the soap bars!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Why would we need soap bars…?”

“Reasons!” Pinkie said, depositing several dozen bars of soap on the floor. Then she blinked. “OH NO! I have to help with the party today! I can’t do both at the same time!”

Slowly, the pink pony-turned-human angled her head towards the beat up copy machine.

“No, Pinkie.” Twilight said. “That’s just a bad idea.”

“Okay Twilight.” Pinkie grinned. “I’ll just clone myself the regular way then!”

Twilight blinked. “You can’t be serious—”

Stan was slightly disturbed.

Pinkie was everywhere. Even more everywhere than usual. She was in the bathroom, in the rafters, outside planting things, on the roof hanging streamers. He knew he should have called off the party, but he’d decided to go with it. Go as baseline as possible…

Now the entire Mystery Shack had balloons. Everywhere. And cannons filled with (he hoped) confetti.

Confound those ponies, they were driving him to—

“BOO!” Pinkie said, causing Stan to fall backwards onto his back. “Did I getcha? I gotcha! WHOO! Here have a cupcake.”


Seconds later she came back. “Hey, did I pass through here a while ago?”

Stan blinked. “Uh…” He blinked, an idea coming to him. “Oh. Yes, just a ways to the left.” She grinned, bouncing off.

Stan quickly jumped into the back room, checking the duplicating copy machine. Long ago he had discovered how to see what exactly it had copied recently. So if it showed Pinkie getting copied…

He looked at the records. There was no mention of copying Pinkie Pie. What was there, however…

“Thirty metric tons of soap? What on earth?”

Soos was playing on the keyboard. “Soos is best DJ.” He said, hitting the explosion key over and over again.

Rainbow Dash leapt over. “So…. keyboard. What other sounds does it make aside from “boom?””

“A dawg, it can make all sorts of noises! Like blood curdling zombie screams!”


“And, of course…” Soos dramatically raised his hand, pointed his finger, and pressed down on the key. The speakers let out a “Ye-AH!”

“Yes!” Soos said, grinning.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Okaythen. So what’s the plan for the party, exactly?”

“Dance off slash karaoke!” Soos grinned. “There’ll be a bunch of punch and the dancers will dance till the house falls down!”

Rainbow Dash leaned in. “Want to make it more interesting?” She said, producing a guitar from her Pocket.

“Woah dude where’d you get that?”

“The seat cushion over there, you just didn’t see it. Now, how’s about instead of just a dance-off…”

Pinkie smiled at the party. She was proud of her work. And Stan was still fretting internally about how she had managed to do it.

Or maybe he was fretting about the thirty metric tons of soap. It wasn’t like she read his mind or anything. Perhaps she should…

Applejack was nearby, a little bored. She wasn’t really into the party, so she had kinda just sat next to the wall. She was trying to get into that perfect position where she could have her hat over her eyes, lean effortlessly against the wall, and fall asleep without anyone noticing. It was a skill she had developed.

“…Hi.” A small girl in a green shirt next to her said. “Are you attempting the ancient art of sleeping while standing?”

Applejack blinked, turning to the girl. “Uh… yeah. Howd’ya know?”

“I have tried it many times myself, though to no avail. It is why I have a headache today.” She giggled. “I’m Candy. The large one behind me with the iguana is Grenda. And the one behind her is… Uh….”

“Lyra Heartstrings.” Lyra said, walking up to shake Applejack’s hand. Applejack took it, not giving it a second thought.

“So what are y’all doing here?”

Grenda pounded her chest. “I’M HERE FOR THE PUNCH!”

“Grenda it does not involve any actual punching.” Candy reminded her large friend.


“CAN IT HAVE TACOS?” Sonata shouted from the background. Nobody listened to her. She became dejected.

Candy shrugged. “She is a bit over the top. I am here to watch her.”

Lyra shrugged. “I’m just here because party. You don’t get many parties in Gravity Falls.”

Applejack twitched. Her Element of Honesty had suggested something was up here. A half-truth. “Really?”

“Well I suppose the Northwests organize a party every year or so, but nobody lets them in. And the rest of the ‘parties’ are just people messing with Old Man McGucket…”

The old man in question let out a yell and started dancing hillbilly style. “I can’t feel my legs! It makes it so much more interesting!”

Applejack blinked. “Mmkay then… Anyway I’m just goin’ to be sittin’ here till the end—”

“Oh look what the poor wretches dragged in!” A blonde girl said, stepping up to the four of them. “Look at all you pathetic losers! You know, you’re not good enough for even this party!”

“I live in this place, ma’am.” Applejack retorted.

“Oh look. Excuses. How quaint. Nice accent by the way. Sure to attract all the best hillbilly guys.”

“I CAN ATTEST THAT IT WORKS!” McGucket yelled, now unable to move his legs.

The blonde girl chuckled. “But you’re new, so I’ll give you a pass this once. I’m Pacifica Northwest, and what I say is law. And I say that the four of you are cramping the style of this already substandard party—”

Pinkie ran right up to Pacifica. “Did. You. Just. Say. Substandard. Party?”

“Did you really think this was a good party? I mean the balloons are tacky, the house is falling apart, and what on earth are those cannons even for?”

“FOR PARTIES!” Pinkie said, growling. She slowly backed away. “I have my eyes on you. All of them.”

Applejack really hoped that Pinkie didn’t bring out any of her Eyes of Chaos…

Pacifica turned back to them. “Now, all of you get off. Shoo. We don’t need you cluttering up the place.”

Candy and Grenda sighed. “We suppose you are right….” They began to turn away, dejected.

Pacifica was about to leave when Applejack stomped her foot on the ground. “I won’t stand for this.” She muttered. “These three just want to have a nice party and enjoy their time here! You’ve obviously made it your mission to make them and others feel worthless. Well let me tell you something miss Northwest, you are nothing more than a petty rich girl who just thinks she can stomp all over everyone. Well I won’t stand for that, miss Northwest. I’m not budging. They are staying.

Pacifica glared. “Where did your accent go?”

“I happen to think you’re one of those shallow types who listen to accents rather than actual words.”

“Who on earth would choose to talk like that?”

“People like me who like who they are.” Applejack glared. “And I have a feeling that you are secretly a little insecure about yourself.”

Pacifica glared. “You know what—”

Her thoughts were cut short when Soos let out the announcement. “And now, we have our karaoke dance off! But our great friend Rainbow Dash has suggested that we make things more interesting! So, instead of just a simple dance, there will be teams! There will be someone playing an instrument and someone singing! Do whatever you want, but prepare for awesome music battle! I realize that it’s kinda no longer karaoke, but just treat it like something that makes life more interesting, downs!”

Rainbow Dash leapt up to the stage, holding her guitar up high. “I’ll play music! Who’s dancing? I hear Pacifica, the dancing queen, is in the audience!”

Applejack smirked, turning to Pacifica. “How about we settle this in a little competition? Or do you even have anyone willing to play music for you?”

Pacifica snapped her fingers. “SUNSET! Play the guitar!”

Applejack watched as unAwake Sunset walked up, strumming a guitar. “Of course, Pacifica.” She grinned menacingly.

Applejack leapt up to the stage, grinning. “Rainbow, you and me versus the two of them. Let’s do it.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. Applejack wasn’t talking in countryisms. It wasn’t hard to tell why.

Okay… throw out giving other people even a chance at winning. We’re going to give them the utter and complete awesome beat down!

Sunset strummed her guitar, and the competition began.

To be fair, Pacifica and Sunset did pretty good. Pacifica wasn’t just some rich kid who won because they were rich, she did have some skills. And every version of Sunset ever met knew how to play the guitar with at least some skill.

If Applejack and Rainbow Dash hadn’t been Loopers, they would have been beaten.


Rainbow Dash moved her fingers across the strings of the guitar faster than was physically possible, making it sound like she was playing two of the instruments at once. Applejack performed a bunch of exceedingly complex dancing maneuvers, purposefully avoiding bucking and other “uncivilized” and/or “hillbilly” moves. She was going to beat this rich girl at her own game. She even used complex ballet maneuvers. Everyone stared as she did continually more intricate maneuvers. At one point, Rainbow dash “ponied-up,” but people didn’t pay much attention to this. Applejack’s dance was just so.. surprisingly graceful. Of course this was the entire point.

When it ended, Applejack did a dainty bow, turning up to grin right at Pacifica. “How’s that, miss Northwest?”

Pacifica’s eye twitched. “You… You…”

“Now that wasn’t even my best performance.” Applejack walked right up to Pacifica. “Now, miss Northwest, I can be just as uptight and proper as you. I just choose not ta’” She returned to her normal voice. “And thats jus’ fine with me. Now SOOS! How’d we do?”

Soos leapt up, yelling like a monkey. “THAT WAS A HEATED BATTLE DUDES! Now, the team who gets the most applause will win! Let’s hear it for.. Rainbow Dash and Applejack!”

The clapping for the two Loopers was astounding, loud, and everywhere. Candy and Grenda clapped profusely. Lyra simply took notes on what had just transpired on the notebook she had behind her back.

“Now let’s hear it for Pacifica and Sunset!”

The clapping for the two of them was small, and seemed forced. Pacifica steamed, pulling a roll of hundred dollar bills out of her pocket and waving them in the air. The amount of people clapping increased, but in the end, it wasn’t even close. She seethed.

“So.” Applejack said, walking up. “Can ya’ see that you aren’t the best simply because you’re more civilized? Can you also see that some people like it down here where there aren’t so many fancy rituals and shenanigans? Like forks. I could never understand the fascination with forks…”

Pacifica glared. “You were just faking. You don’t actually have any status!”

Applejacks eyes sparked. “You have no idea, Pacifica.”

She glared. “Come on girls! We’re leaving!” She began to storm out.

She didn’t make it far, as suddenly several dozen Pinkie Pies ran into the dance room.

“THE SOAP PILE IS GOING TO EXPLODE!” One of them yelled.


“WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!” A third said.

The real Pinkie Pie blinked. She was sure she’d gotten rid of all the clones…

Then of course the soap exploded.

It was later discovered that Twilight had taken a Pinkie clone for study with the soap. She did SCIENCE with the soap, Pinkie clone, and the duplicating copy machine. She let the three things sit in a closet while she read some stuff from the Journal.

Said “stuff” was a spell that made things work at optimum efficiency. The copier copied, the pinkie clones got more… pink…, and the soap exceeded critical mass and exploded.

Twilight still wasn’t sure how that was possible, but she decided further experimentation simply wasn’t worth it. Perhaps in another Kerbal Space Program loop she’d try it as a new type of rocket fuel.

Lyra, of course, recorded everything.

Wkh vluhqv zhuh rqfh d phqdfh, exw Vrqdwd mxvw zdqwhg wdfrv.

Author's Note:

174.1: Nyx is in big trouble. Bunny trouble.
174.2: Yeah, dark-adaption.
174.5: Yakkity yak.
174.11: Poor wolf.

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