• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,585 Views, 32 Comments

Another Sun Rises - Foal Star

A Random Royal Guard has been selected for a special duty to take Celestia's place while she goes on vacation.

  • ...

Chapter Five: The Flight for a Phoenix

"Come on, flap harder!"

I was getting quite annoyed with Rainbow Dash's commands as she flapped about and tried to maintain her speed but seemed unable to catch up with the daredevil, who was a heck of a lot faster than her and seemed to be able to catch up despite having a more enormous wingspan and Celestia's prior knowledge on flying in truth I was still like a pegasus foal learning to fly as for the past few months never really needed to. So she tried her best to keep up with Rainbow Dash, who soared above her and just rolled her eyes, "Seriously!? I thought the princess of Equestria was better at flying than this?"

I eyed her as if even though I technically wasn't the princess of Equestria, I was still a princess and asked, "Well, you do understand who you're talking to, right?"

Rainbow Dash blinked and then got a bit sheepish, "Uh yeah, sorry about that. I just thought you would be better at flying than this. Like you've been around for over a thousand years?"

As I was now soaring above the clouds, I took a moment to look down at the ground below. I couldn't help but admire Canterlot looking like a toy city with many miniature ponies going about their business. Seeing it was awe-inspiring, and I couldn't help but feel the need to keep this world safe and protected.

"Hey, Princess? Princess?"

I looked up and then saw the pegasus flying over with an annoyed look on her face. I squeaked, seeing I must've drifted off without realizing it, and then replied, "Apologizes."

"It's fine, princess, just making sure your head is still in the game," Rainbow Dash flew over, looked me over, and sighed, "You look terrible; why don't we call it a day? I don't want to wear you out."

I was breathing heavily and felt lightheaded. "It's fine, we can continue."

"No, we should get you back; why don't we do one last race to your castle?"

"Oh, you're so on!"

The two then flew off together as fast as they could, the wind and air bursting through my face as we flew through the air at speeds I hadn't flown before. We eventually landed near the castle. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath as the pegasus turned towards me with a playful smirk. "Hey, you did good."

I rolled my eyes, seeing she was just trying to be nice, "I lost."

"So? You still were able to keep up even as tired as you were; just remember to use the air currents to your advantage."

"Right, I will remember that; thank you, Rainbow Dash."

"It's no problem, princess, and sorry for being abit too harsh…I think Spitfire's coaching may have rubbed off on me."

"Understandably, I should be better at flying and practice more often. So, same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah! I think we should try doing some long-distance flying! We'll start here and go to here and Cloudesdale and back!"

I feigned a smile, not looking forward to flying hundreds of miles, but Rainbow Dash was my coach, and I promised to do whatever she said. "yes, of course." I then slowly trotted up to my room and took a long shower; after taking a few minutes to adjust my makeup and regalia, I trotted into my room to find Phillomenia; she looked down. Her head was bent, and it looked like the color of her body was gone. From Princess Celestia's memories, she always looked horrible before rebirthing itself, but she just recently did so; it would be at least a hundred years before going through the process again. This is something else, and it was making me worry. The last thing I wanted was for the princess to return from her vacation to find her pet phoenix dead. She needed to get her to a vet, but who would specialize in Phoenix care!? I looked around, scouring the room for anything in her journal, but couldn't find anything. Why didn't she leave a contact or some medicine!?

I then remembered one recent memory of Celestia's, where Fluttershy and Twilight took Philomenia to help cure her when she was rebirthing. Fluttershy was shooting in the dark, but she helped her pet phoenix. That pegasus might be the only one who could know what's wrong or, at the very least help find out whats wrong. I then took Philomenia and flew out of her window, heading towards Ponyville.

I remembered Rainbow Dash's advice to take the air currents, which gave me more speed and eased my own wings so I didn't have to flap as hard to keep in the air. I eventually found the flight more manageable and less annoying than I had previously and was heading straight for Ponyville every second Philomenia shaking made me flap harder and faster than finding Flutetrshy's cottage; I slammed into the dirt rather forcefully with clods of mud and grass going up everywhere I didn't mean to have such a harsh landing but my anxiety over Phillomenia's health and flew right to Fluttershy's door and knocked as hard as she could shouting, "Fluttershy! Fluttershy!"

The pegasus slowly opened the door, looking somewhat scared, "Princess Celestia, are you ok?

"I'm fine, but my phoenix…" I levitated Philomena towards her, hoping I was not too late, and Fluttershy gasped. "Is that!?"


"Bring her in quick!"

I rushed in after her, and then we came to the living room and laid the bird on a table. Then, Fluttershy looked over her and tried talking to her. After a minute, she said, "Princess Celestia, she's sick for real this time."

"I understand. Do you have any way to help her?"

"I think we can start with a warm bath, but we should get Zecora. She might know about what is ailing her."

"Right! Who is that again?"

"Uh, Zecora the zebra; she lives in the Everfree Forest."

I had to think for a second and remember the various friendship lessons sent to me from Twilight involving her to remember. Without a word, I unfurled my already aching wings but pushed past the pain and flew towards the Everfree Forest.

I soared through the trees, flapping my tired and aching wings as I trailed through the Everfree Forest and ended up going through landed deep into the Everfree Forest, wheezing and groaning. I crashed into the forest floor, primarily due to exhaustion. As I got up, I could feel I was in a lot of pain, but I hobbled to the zebra's hut and knocked, and the zebra opened wide-eyed, "Princess Celestia!? This cannot be why would you be out here with me?"

"I need help with my pet phoenix; she's sick."

"I see, and that's why you came all this way to see me?"

I nod, catching my breath then asked, "I can carry you. We need to help Phillomenia, please."

"I understand your phoenix needs a helping hand, but can you fly? You look quite exhausted look as if your about to die."

I flap my wings and nod, "Yeah, I can fly. Let's get going!" Despite the pain, I thought about what Rainbow Dash taught me, went past my limits, took the air with the zebra onto her back, flew back into the air, and then headed back to Fluttershy's cottage.

After returning, I was dead tired and could barely flap my wings as I looked over Zecora and Fluttershy, caring for her pet phoenix Zecora, making a potion, and then giving it to Phillomenia and letting her rest. I was in tears as I asked, "w…what is going on with her?"

The pegasus then turned to me and said, "She caught a bad virus, but she's better now. She should stay here so Zecora can continue with her treatment."

The zebra nodded and added, "What Fluttershy says is true from what I can observe Phillomenia has some avian flu. I'm afraid this is the best thing for her is to stay here to recover."

I nodded, then said, "That's fine; just do whatever is necessary to make her well.."

Zecora came over and looked me over then said, "You look quite tired and need rest. I will care for your phoenix and ensure her safety, I'll do my best."

I didn't want to sleep I was still so worried about Philomena but I couldn't help but nod along feeling to exhausted and worn out to argue. Then she took me upstairs to her bed and laid me down, and then I went to sleep almost instantly.

As I woke up, I felt some sharp pain in my backside, but it was calming and soothing, and I recognized the feeling of a preening. Then I turned to see Fluttershy behind me and doing the preening, taking out bent feathers, and then she smiled, "Good morning, princess."

I slowly got up rubbing the sleep from my eyes and yawned then asked, "Morning, Fluttershy; how is Philomena doing?"

"She is doing well; she's been sleeping for a while….sorry, I saw the state of your wings and…"

"It's alright."

I sat down, spread my wings out again as I needed that preening, and said, "If you don't mind could you continue?"

Fluttershy then went to work, and I did my best to stay still, but I still squirmed with how sensitive the individual feathers were. After the preening, I felt relieved and came over and hugged her, "Thank you so much."

"It's no problem, princess."

I then got up and then followed her to see my phoenix was indeed looking livelier with color returning, and she was looking better in general. But was still fast asleep. I then turned to Zecora, who was passed out. Seeing that the danger has passed I realized how me leaving my palace the way I did may have caused unnecessary chaos. I hesitantly trotted over to Fluttershy and whispered, "So…um…seeing that I'm here, I need to ask a favor?"

"Yes, princess?"

"I, um, left my castle in quite a hurry and didn't have time to leave anypony in charge, so they're probably freaking out at the castle on where I've been…"

Fluttershy blushed as she explained, "Um, actually, I informed Twilight, and she then informed Princess Luna they got you covered, so you have the day off…"

"That's good to hear…she then trotted up to her bed, laid back down, and groaned, "what do I do now?"

"Well, not to be rude, Princess, but you aren't looking too good."

I then looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw how unkempt my mane was and how my usually pristine white coat was covered in leaves and dirt. I smelt myself reeking of body odor and admitted. "Well, a bath would be great…but I doubt you have one that can fit me."

"Could I suggest we go to the Day Spa in Ponyville? It's not far."

I honestly would jump at the chance. "Well, I wouldn't mind going with you, but what about Philomena?"

Zecora slowly got up and with a yawn assured me, "Go, please, and take some time for yourself. I will take good care of Philomena and make sure she's in good health."

"Come on doctor's orders," Fluttershy chroped as she took me by the hoof and escorted me through her house and towards the Ponyville Day Spa.

The trip to the Ponyville day spa was anything but ordinary. As ponies gawked and bowed, I waved my hoof, often trying to discourage any unwanted attention as I went through the front doors of the spa. Upon entering, the mares who run the place Lotus and Aloe bowed, "Princess Celestia!"

I stood straight, waved my hoof again, and said, "It is alright. You do not need to bow before me. I had an emergency to attend to and was required to freshen myself up before I returned to my duties."

Aloe trotted around me, then reared back at the stench and said, "Of course, princess, you definitely need a bath."

"And why don't we also do your mane and tail as well?" Lotus suggested.

I couldn't help but feel abit exposed, having these mares inspect me over. "Please, just a bath will do."

"Oh, don't you fret, we'll spruce you up! Just leave it to us!" Aloe chirped.

Aloe and Lotus led me through the bathhouse filled with ponies relaxing in massive hot tubs or awaiting their turn in the sauna. It was relaxing, and everything smelt so nice. Despite the spa in Canterlot being fancier, this one seemed to be more appealing as it wasn't trying to appeal to rich snobs.

I was then laid down in a hot spa and did my mane and tail, scrubbing it down with soft lotions and scrubbing her coat until it shined. I was then given a face mask, and her mane was done up in a towel, and cucumber slices were placed onto my eyes. Which I threw off and just laid back and just sat there soaking. Fluttershy then turned to me and slowly came over and asked, "How are you doing?"

I gave a loud sigh, turned to her with a smile, and said, "I'm fine, Fluttershy. I'm just relieved we got Philomenia here in time. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her."

"That's completely understandable, and I'm so glad you flew all the way from Canterlot to get her here. It shows you love her a lot."

I was surprised at how worried I was about being a copy of Celestia. I knew some of these emotions were not my own. "I do; she's been with me for so long."

The pegasus bowed her head and then whispered, "Do um... I've been meaning to ask you a question but never knew how to go about it."

Curious and seeing how indebted I was to Fluttershy's help in saving my pet phoenix, I asked, "Go on, ask away."

"Tell me, how did you and Philomenia meet?"

I paused and pondered the question as, of course, I didn't know right off the top of my head and had to dig through Celestia's memories, and then I started to fall into another flashback.

It's been a few years after sealing Luna away, and I was alone, angry, and disappointed in myself. The worst part was that I felt so alone and miserable I did my best to save face to the ponies, trying to assure them everything was fine and even trying to reassure herself of the same. After raising the moon late one evening, she decided to fly out and get some fresh air! She flew through the sky as fast as she could, having half a mind just to fly off and forget about being a princess. She wasn't going to abandon the ponies, especially not after the Pillars of Equestria disappeared. But I really needed to get away from the castle, even for a little bit. I then flew through the canopy of the Everfree forest and lay down looking up at the stars, thinking about the one friend she had, Discord turning evil, losing the love of my life, Sombra, and now my sister Princess Luna was gone.

Why was I still here? What did I really want from being a princess? Was it to help the ponies and keep them safe? But at what cost of my own freedom and my own desires? If anything, I can make friends with the ponies, but the scary thing is seeing my friends grow old, and some even die of old age as I continue to live. The pain of losing them has made me somewhat detached, even now more than before with my sister gone…I could feel the pull and depression taking hold, and I just laid there crying, bawling my eyes out, and then I heard a squawk. It was sharp and sounded like a bird in pain. I flew through the forest intrigued and saw a phoenix chick with a broken wing. Then, I came down to see it and picked it up, looking around to find its parents. I then looked around the forest and couldn't seem to be able to find them and then I continued to scour the forest, looking desperately for a nest or its parents. I realized that there was no sign and that this creature needed someone to care for her injury. I then flew to Canterlot as soon as possible through the air and ended up at a veterinarian's office and knocking on the door. "Please tell me somepony knows how to save a phoenix."

The door opened, and a tried old yellow-coated pegasus mare looked up and gasped, "Princess Celestia!?"

"Apologies, but I need to speak to you about this bird. She has a broken wing and needs help."

“Yes of…of course…”

I spent some time at the veterinarian pacing back and forth, heart thumping in my chest, and then the pegasus mare. She was hoping for something in regards to an update on the Phoenix's condition.

The mare came out and said, "Well, there is some good news. The poor thing just needed her wing bandaged up."

"Thank Faust." she took the little thing and tucked it under her wing, and then she asked, "But phoenixs are known for tight-knit family units. If you found this chick abandoned, she won't survive long without one."

I pause and look down at the young phoenix now nestled under my wing. My heart melted at the sight as I whispered, "Then that leaves only one option she needs to be adopted."

"If I may propose…maybe you should? I think she would make for a wonderful pet for a princess like yourself."

In the memory I scoured my knowledge on magicak creatures and remembered some lessons on the Phoenix unable to die. I turned to the vet and asked, "right, they're immortal, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Well, yes, mostly, they can die from conventional means, but they cannot die of old age; they will come to a point where their previous life will extinguish and be reborn every hundred years or so."

"So as long as I take care of her…"

"She'll always be with you yes."

The little chick peered up at me with its beady black eyes chirping. For once, I wasn't thinking about my problems and seeing how this little chick somehow managed to survive being abandoned and thrown out of its nest. She showed incredible strength, which I need now and in the future.

"Philomena that'll be her name."

"Philomena that has a nice ring to it..."

As the memory faded I blinked and found myself back at the hot tub, I blanked out for a second and then turned my attention back to Fluttershy and blushed as I adjusted myself, "Yes, the story of how Philomena and I met, well, it started one night when I was flying through the Everfree Forest…"