• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,698 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Darkreach Chronicles, Part Two

"Research observations: Samples taken from the wooden wreckage presumably left behind by they who would be Bloodwings would suggest that the leather-winged ponies were attempting to construct crude vehicles for transportation. He who would be Lieutenant Warhold believes they might be weapons: perhaps some form of catapults.

"Personal hypothesis: I who would be Chief Engineer Ranort suspect that they who would be Bloodwings were in fact building airships. This is based on the light-weight paneling of the discovered wreckage and the aerodynamic shape of the materials found mostly intact.

"Scientific conjecture: It remains to be seen precisely what form of fuel propulsion they who would be Bloodwings would find for use in the implementation of zeppelins. Until more discoveries are made by the patrols of he who would be Lieutenant Warhol, the hypothesis remains fellacious and unsubstantiated."

"Methane," Kepler said.

"Pfffft..." Flynn looked over from where he squatted beside Wildcard in the common room, piecing together more and more metal digits to construct a prosthetic. "Are you for real?"

Kepler nodded. "While listening to the Crrystalline Auditorry Inforrmational Neurral Emitterr, I've been glancing thrrough the Emerraldinians' sketchworrk." He held up a sheet in question. "Therre arre apparrently larrge beasts that fly overr the mountains and plains of the Darrk Side. They resemble strrange, alien manta rrays." He pointed down through the floor. "I do believe Rrainbow discoverred the fossil of such a crreaturre in one of the rresearrch chamberrs below. Although I do suspect it was an infant."

"If these things are supposed to be flying around..." Flynn narrowed his good eye. "How come we haven't seen any flocks of them?"

Wildcard mutually nodded.

"Well, accorrding to Chief Engineerr Ranorrt's logs, therre's rreason to suspect that equine crreaturres known as 'Bloodwings' werre hunting and clearring down forrests towarrds the Omega side frrom here when Darrkrreach was firrst settled."

"Bloodwings, huh?" Flynn cocked his head aside. "The Dark Vigil?"

"Indeed. They cerrtainly fit the descrription of sarrosians," Kepler said. "Anyhow, I suspect that they found the forrest and wiped it clean forr all of its wood. Then—judging from Ranorrt's hypothesis—they fashioned airr ships from the materrial. I'm talking dozens of them. Now..." He gestured with his claw. "If they herrded togetherr enough of these crreaturres, I could imagine they milked and harrvested them of whateverr naturral propulsion they possessed."

"And you think they sucked methane out of these creatures in order to propel these unseen zeppelins?" Flynn sighed. "Gotta hand it to you, Keps. Either the lack of sunlight is making you crazier or the universe stopped giving a damn countless days ago."

"Ha-hah!" Kepler grinned. "Have we not seen enough strrange things to imagine even crrazier feats?"

"Do you have any idea how concentrated those methane samples have to be in order to propel wooden skycraft?" Flynn grimaced. "I'm surprised—hundreds of years later—we all didn't blow up from lighting a torch."

"It boggles the mind, my frriend," Kepler said. "Perrhaps the Bloodw—er... sarrosians used the compound in conjunction with lunarr magic?"

"So the Trinary War was literally waged via moon farts?"


"Now I'm really scared."


Rushing bodies.

Kepler, Wildcard, and Flynn looked over to see two mares arriving.

"Hey, guys," Ariel said, sweating under the weight of a bulging backpack. "We come bearing gifts... or curse."

Kepler's nostrils flared. "My starrs and garrterrs... what a currious smell."

"I hope you didn't bring back any packaged farts," Flynn muttered.

"Even better." Rainbow Dash opened Ariel's saddlebag, and the dim room was flooded with pale blue light.

Flynn's lense instantly retracted. "Great orgasming ostriches... the Hell is that?"

"Mushrooms," Rainbow Dash said. "About forty samples."

"You picked glowing fungae off the wasteland floor and carried it on your person?"

"No." Rainbow pouted. "I carried it on Ariel's person."

"Eh heh heh..." Ariel sweated some more.

"So... uhm..." Flynn craned his neck. "What's the big idea? Are they poisonous—?"

"I was hoping you'd tell us, smarty pants," Rainbow said. "Cuz if they are... we're in it big." She smirked. "There's an entire ravine filled with this stuff north of—er... I mean towards Omega." She looked at the others. "If we close off one of the chambers of Dark Reach, we might be able to cultivage some of our own."

"Difficult to do without rrecrreating the envirronment in which you found them, Rrainbow One."

"Well, they were mostly growing off the dead wood and mulch we discovered in the remains of the ancient forest." Rainbow patted a second saddlebag strapped to her flank. "So... I brought a bunch of samples of them too."

"Ha-hah!" Kepler grinned. "Good thinking!"

"Besides that..." Rainbow fidgeted. "There isn't much to write home about. We found a few shacks that might be remnants of an old, old lumber mill." She sighed. "But nothing's grown since the forests were cleared."

"Do you think we'll ever find out how the trees grew there to begin with?" Ariel remarked.

"Perrhaps if I can study Rrainbow's samples, I might be able to come up with a hypothesis," Kepler said.

"If you're able to, dude." Rainbow nodded. "I don't want to distract you too much from listening to the old Cylindrimanian reports."

"Harrdly a deterrrant! I am positively enrrapturred by those old jourrnals! I can scarrcely keep away!" Kepler gestured. "I simply needed to rrest my earrs and talk theorries with ourr good brrotherrs here."

"In the meantime, Flynn..." Rainbow gestured at the mushrooms. "Could you check out the shrooms here?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

"Flynn... ... ..."

"Hrmmm..." The stallion tapped his chin. "I hate to say this, Rainbow, but I don't know if I have the proper tools to give this a full alchemic test. By 'tools' I mean a frame of reference for specifically what kind of fungus we're dealing with here." He waved a fetlock. "After all, this species is completely unknown to us. It's been growing on its own in the abandoned nooks and crannies of the Dark Side for Goddess-knows-how-long. I'm not certain any pony—sarosian or otherwise—has had a chance to study it before. Finding out whether or not it's poisonous may legitimately be a crapshoot—"

A single talon reached out, snatched one mushroom, and stuffed it into a hungry beak.

Rainbow, Flynn, and Ariel sucked in their breaths—muscles tensing.

Wildcard munched, munched, munched, and swallowed. "... ... ... ... ..." After thirty seconds of staring into abject nothingness, he turned towards Rainbow and smiled with a thumb's up.

"Luna Poop..." Rainbow shook her head, voice hoarse. "Wildcard, if you weren't so suicidal, I'd kill you."

"Well... uh..." Ariel fidgeted. "Does that answer the question then?"

Flynn huffed. "It could several hours from now when our favorite griffon may or may not start hallucinating and experience a diarrheic episode."

Wildcard shrugged and laid back casually on his cot.

"Meh... whatever..." Flynn returned to fixing the metal arm. "If Bard was the one who survived, he would have poured gravy on the shroom first."

Kepler leaned in towards Wildcard. "If worrse comest to worrst, frriend, could I trrouble you forr a methane sample?" A lion's tail whapped him in the spectacles. "... ... ...alrrighty!"

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