• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,697 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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The Element of Twang

The Herald continued their voyage towards Omega. As they traveled, the rock structures grew more and more erratic. The ravines and granite forests had become a nebulous blur of topographical randomness, and Rainbow refused to ask Kepler where he had "reached" in his journal, for fear that she would discover that far more time had passed than was rationally expected.

While the earth below remained moist and muddy, the sound of trickling water dissipated in the distance. Flynn guessed that the path they were taking through the rocky niches had spread apart from the shallow rapids that they had sensed previously. Rarity confirmed this—more or less. The only way to figure out just how distant the branching paths indeed were involved taking flight and observing the matter from high above. Rainbow wasn't about to risk that anytime soon, no matter how much her stalwart griffin companions insisted.

The Dragon Stone was flickering brighter and brighter. What was more—upon every opportunity Rainbow Dash took to sleep—she felt as if she was being watched. More than twice she woke up with the sensation of something breathing down her neck. Fluttershy couldn't detect any living thing stalking the expedition, and Twilight wasn't sensing any magical spells in proximity of the moving camp.

Rainbow had to accept the fact that—one way or another—they were being tracked by something or somepony. Whoever this entity was, it wasn't harrassing her dreams like it had that one dramatic occasion. Instead, it was holding back... laying low... keeping quiet and observing.

Rainbow wasn't about to keep her mind and imagination horrendously stale in some futile attempt to bore this spy out of keeping watch. Besides, every time she allowed her mind to wander, it came back to the very same obsessive pattern...

The expedition had paused for a meal break. Flynn parked the hovercraft at a distance while Wildcard and Ariel took turns keeping watch of the Omega side of their temporary camp. Logan and Seraphimus huddled closer towards Alpha.

Rainbow sat lonesomely between two stalagmites. The rocky spires pierced the twilight above her, throwing shadows into tranquil blue sheen. Her meal lay in a bowl—half eaten and cold.

Rainbow's appetite had dwindled, replaced instead with a dull and obsessive stupor. Hunched over, she used the tip of an Emeraldinian sword to carve a series of randomly-positioned half-circles into the soft, pliable mud beneath her.

A few meters away, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were obsessing over geological patterns in the nearest canyon wall. This was somehow interesting enough to draw the rest of Rainbow's marefriends away from their anchor. Rainbow briefly pondered how monotonous the current leg of her journey had become for barren rock to produce such a riveting experience for her friends. If nothing else, it gave Pinkie Pie an excuse to giggle and wax poetic over her older sister's past geological anecdotes.

Rainbow—however—was far more enthralled by the curves she was sketching into the muddy earth... even if she couldn't tell where the pattern began or ended... or how it measured up to being a "pattern" in the first place. Every time she added a half-circle with the sword tip, it appeared out of place... and yet it belonged all the same. It bothered her and mesmerized her all the same.

In such a trance was she—wings coiled tight and muzzle agape—that she barely flinched when a tall serpentine figure with antlers slinked in close and bent over her for a good look at the muddy mosaic.

"Hrmmmm..." Discord scratched his hairy chin. "...maybe... just maybe... an ancient race of godlike primates tossed their toenail clippings up into the air and sanctified their fall!" He grinned, his pronounced fang glinting in the twilight. "The progenitors of Urohringr were foot fetishists!"

Rainbow Dash breathed in heavily and exhaled through her nostrils.

"Oh, like your precious hooves are so much cuter." For emphasis, he plucked his one equine limb off and flailed it about dramatically. "I only have one and that's enough clop for my tastes." Discord snapped it back on, did a back-flip, and floated like a lazy feather down onto the earth beside Rainbow's pattern. "So, Sparky, whatchadoinnnnnnn'?"

Rainbow's ears flicked. "... ... ...it's never the same thing twice."

"I knowwwww..." Discord's red-on-yellow eyes shimmered. "...isn't it great? So wild! So chaotic!" He winked. "There's a reason why 'erratic' and 'erotic' are almost honononononononyms."

"But... if it's always so crazily different..." Rainbow's lips pursed. "...why am I so fixated on drawing it as if it's a solid image in my head?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Discord stifled a yawn. "You've always had a better half, Sparky. A screwball random half." He rubbed the back of his talon and pretended to examine it up close. "Guess it just took an adrenalized injection of spidery spider-ness to tug it out of you."

"What... does it mean...?"

"Ah yes. The million diaper question." He squinted at her. "Have you ever once stopped to think that maybe—just maybe—life is one big bubbling soda bottle without a giant cork of logic waiting out there somewhere to hold it all in?" He smirked. "To exist is to want. But if you always receive an answer... then what remains the point of existing?"

"It's..." Rainbow sighed, leaning on the weight of the sword as it pierced the soft mud. "...it's just so confusing."

"You want my advice?" Discord spread his forelimbs wide. "Embrace it!" His asymmetrical wings flapped as he did a forward-flip over her. "Bounce everywhere! Explode every second you get! Take it from an immortal, Sparky..." He did a pirouette and struck a very familiar, haughty pose. "...don't spend your days stuck in sense... or else you risk becoming a statue." He squinted down at her with a mischievous grin. "But... then again... we both know what you do to stone statues."

Rainbow Dash bit her lip.

"Is that... guilt I detect?" Discord snorted. "Oh poor... poor Sparky! And to think I almost had hope for you...!"

As he was speaking, one of Rainbow's marefriends floated closer. Discord immediately began dissipating.

"Wuh oh! Something freckled this way comes!" Discord fizzled out of existence. "Zoop!"

Just as he vanished, Applejack floated into speaking distance. "Whew... you could listen to Pinkie go on and on all day!" She straightened her hat, smirking. "Praise Celestia we didn't have her sister Maud stuck with you as well! We'd be hearin' absolutely nothin' but rock-squawkin' for whole weeks! Heheheh... almost makes you wonder why it was Rarity who got the structure-sensin' abilities and such..."

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash nodded, staring listlessly into the series of half-circles carved into the mud.

Applejack blinked at her. She gazed at an empty space beside her anchor. Not long after, the farm mare weathered a breathy sigh. With a flick of her ghostly tail, she hovered around until she face Rainbow Dash directly. "Rainbow... sugarcube... would you terribly mind if I asked you somethin'?"

"Anything, AJ," Rainbow mumbled.

Applejack's eyes hardened. "Why do you keep talkin' to him?"

"...!" Rainbow Dash looked up, eyes snapping to the freckled mare.

Applejack gazed back calmly. Patiently.

Rainbow opened her muzzle... hesitated... and ultimately winced. "How... long h-have you known...?"

"Me?" Applejack almost snorted. "Reckon I've always known. Frankly, I'm plum surprised the rest of the gals haven't figured it out." She floated into a midair "sitting" position and sighed. "Guess I shouldn't be so shocked that he's managed to squirrel his way into your company when the rest of us ain't noticin'. Different sides of the harmonic spectrum and all that nonsense..."

"I can make him leave whenever I want—"

"But ya dun? Do ya?" Applejack's brow furrowed. "Why not? Why even give him the light of day, Rainbow?" She almost rolled her eyes. "Y'know what I mean..."

"I..." Rainbow Dash winced. She avoided the mare's gaze. "...I don't know."

"Come on, Rainbow..." Applejack breathed. "Even Apple Bloom knows she can't get away with that kind of fibbin' when she's around me."

Biting her lip, Rainbow stammered: "He's... he's... a unique... mmmm... perspective on chaos—"

"He's the reason we all died, remember?!"

"No..." Rainbow suddenly frowned, pointing at the pendant around her neck. "This is the reason you all died! This is the frickin' reason for everything!"

Applejack's muzzle hung agape. "Are you actually defendin' him, Rainbow...?!?"

Rainbow fumed... fumed... then drooped with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Applejack. He just shows up when he wants to and... and the things he has to say... at times it's almost—"

"He's a dag-blame'd trouble-maker, Rainbow," Applejack said. "He did nothin' but torment ponies and spit in the face of harmony! When Luna and Celestia turned him into stone, that no-good varmint got what was comin' to him! That's on account of how selfish and crazy and full-of-himself he is!" She waved a hoof. "And he always will be! Games and deceit—it's in his blood!"

"And it's in my blood too," Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Yeah? So? You ain't like him!" Applejack smiled tightly. "Yer stronger than that! At least... I thought you was..." She raised a sharp eyebrow. "After all you've been through... after all you've struggled with... you finally got us all back, Rainbow!"

"You're still friggin' spirits—"

"But the fact of the matter is you're not alone no more. You've got us to help you! To take care of you! To give you heaps of wisdom and good advice!" She slowly shook her head. "Why do you gotta listen to him even once? Huh? What's the one dastardly creep who done split us apart in the first place got to give you that we haven't got? Us! Yer friends..."

Rainbow's woesome eyes fell upon the muddy sea of half-circles. "...every step I take, Applejack, I only gain more and more questions. And in a place like this..." She gulped. "...harmony hasn't been providing many answers. Maybe... just maybe... I should be looking at other sources."

Applejack slowly shook her head. "T'ain't the 'Chaotic Prism' that we're moseyin' into the Midnight Armory to fetch... now is it?"

Rainbow Dash winced. Hard. She leaned over, burying her muzzle in her forelimbs. A heavy sigh, and she muttered: "I'm sorry, AJ..."

Applejack slowly nodded. "I know." She leaned her head to the side. "More than anythang, sugarcube, I want you to get through this whole mess safe and sound. Savin' the rest of us to boot would be mighty fine—of course—but you've gone for so long and done so much to throw it all away on some lousy dragonequus' shenanigans. You just... you just got to be careful." Her ears folded above a sympathetic face. "And please... for the lurve of Celestia... don't become a stranger to us. Not after all this time."

"I won't be, AJ." Rainbow Dash looked up. "I promise."

"And I'm sorry to get all mother hen on ya, sugarcube..."

"No. I... I-I needed it." Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. She threw a nervous look at Pinkie Pie and the rest of the girls in the distance. "You... uh..." She looked worriedly at Applejack. "Have you told the rest of the gals?"

Applejack shook her head. "Nope."

Rainbow breathed with relief.

"Though, reckon it'd be best not to leave 'em in the dark about it." Applejack sat tall and proud. "I won't say anythin' until after you decide to do so... if you do."

"Yeah. Thanks..." Rainbow ran a hoof through her own mane, smiling sheepishly at her friend. "Honest Applejack. What would I ever do without you?"

"Heh... depends..." Applejack smiled pleasantly. "You've got anythin' else to get off yer chest, darlin'?"

"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."

Applejack blinked. Her bright emerald eyes reflected a frozen pegasus. At long last, she stirred curiously.

"... ... ... ... ... ...ahem..." Rainbow swallowed a lump down her throat. Using the sword like a cane, she stood up and made for the furthest end of the camp. "I'd better go check on how the others are doing."

Applejack stared after her, ears twitching. "Right. Not a bad idea, sugarcube..." Her lips pursed in thought...

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