• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,522 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

  • ...

Dark Machinations

Dao Long Wong growled under his breath as he prepared the mystic brew before him. It should have been easy. Just warp in when Captain Black was out, distract Chan with his Dark Warriors, and carve his way through to the Talismans to claim their power, and he'd be gone before anyone could act against him, giving him plenty of time to fully metabolize their powers before seeking to use them. But no! It wasn't just Chan there, it was Valmont's men as well! They captured his Dark Warriors, and it would take him years to recreate them from scratch to function at their peak! And then the Talismans were destroyed, and he was forced to withdraw so he could scry for the spirits to claim the power.

Still, things weren't all bad. He'd happened to find a trio of criminals willing to hire out for work, and they were happy to accept the 'Dark Enhancement' to make them Dark Warriors. They weren't true Dark Warriors, of course. They still had their souls, after all, and their personalities. Still, it made an acceptable stop-gap measure, and they were fine with using the Warrior Names as 'Code Names' when called to battle. ...they thought it was cool.

Shuddering at that, he finished making his brew, calling up the scrying fog. Murmuring the spell under his breath, he focused his attention upon the Noble Animals, seeking which one would be easiest to harvest the magic from quickly once located. Sure, some of their powers were more useful than others, but right now what he sought was power he could swiftly add to his own.

As the fog cleared, however, he did not see the location of one of the Noble Animals. Instead, he found himself staring into the surprised face of Uncle Chan. "Dao Long Wong!" the chi wizard gasped in shock.

"Ah, Uncle," Dao Long Wong purred happily as he began making tweaks to his brew below the view of the linked window. "So you too seek the Talisman Powers. I should not be surprised."

"So our spells linked," Uncle growled, his own arms showing he was taking action out of view. "Uncle is surprised Dao Long Wong dares, considering who else has already shown interest in the Talismans and keeping them safe."

Dao Long Wong laughed darkly, a twinkle in his eyes. "You mean the new Demon Sorcerer? Yes, it would absolutely be the peak of foolishness for one such as I to challenge a being of Light. At least..."

Adagio danced happily away in the club as the strobes flashed, making reality around her seem to blink in and out of existence. She rather liked it like this, as it made the way her body - and specific parts of her anatomy - moved as she danced all the more erotic to those watching, especially as she was just in her choker and her own fur. The way so many eyes were locked hungrily on her only to be dragged jealously away by who was supposed to be their dance partners filled Adagio with wicked glee that only enhanced the dancing experience.

Much to her pleased surprise, someone actually dared to dance up to her. Taking a brief glance, she managed to recognize the figure dancing up to her by his expression, rather than his actual appearance. Last time she'd seen Strikemaster Ice - the leader of the 'gang' that Mongo's son DJ Fist belonged to - he hadn't been orange. Then again, she wasn't fond of the normal range of 'human' skin tones, so anyone willing to buck that trend was alright in her books. And since he was associated with family of someone her 'New Dad' trusted, he should be safe enough to have fun with. She let him dance up to her, once more closing her eyes, and thus not noticing as shadows seemed to rise around them.

Between one flash of the strobes and the next, the pair were gone. Not that anyone really noticed, that sort of thing happened all the time at dance clubs.

"...not without..."

Aria rolled her shoulders as she worked the bag before her. While she definitely enjoyed the enhanced power that her altered form gave her, one thing she wasn't fond of was how hard it was to find a good challenge in the ring now. Most of those tough enough that she could easily find worked for Valmont, and thus would not spar with her out of worry for their jobs, whatever the outcome of the match. Anyone she encountered beyond either couldn't match her abilities, thought taking the challenge would be "a waste of time" - admittedly, she didn't look that strong in either form - or wanted a different kind of 'sparring'. She was easily able to avoid the last group, as she had no interest there. She wasn't Adagio, after all.

As she was thinking this, her eyes widened as she caught sight of DJ Fist stepping into the ring nearby. Mongo's kid was broad shouldered and buff, and just as silent as his father. Between that and the Dark Enhancement he'd apparently undergone, he looked like he'd match his old man someday, and in the meantime possibly give her a good challenge.

...and despite herself, she couldn't help but lick her feline lips at the sight of his bared abs that could grate cheese. Much as she tried to resist that particular side of her heritage at times, she was a Siren.

Leaping into the ring, she raised her fists and got into a fighting stance, silently challenging him to face her. He gave her a silent look, smirked, and held up a pair of blindfolds suggestively.

Aria couldn't stop herself from grinning. Nodding, she held up her hand and caught one as he tossed it to her. She waited to see him tying his on before doing so herself. While it was plainly magical and left her completely blinded, she'd already found that her other senses from her feline form made blind fighting more thrilling rather than more challenging. As such, she charged in for the fight without hesitation...

...never seeing - or even noticing - the shadows that rose and swallowed them both.

"...the right..."

Sonata happily danced down the road, humming to herself. Today was a good day, and she was certain it would only get better. She had a feeling there'd be a bit of excitement today, and she was honestly looking forward to it. And later today, she was going on an actual date with Ratso, and she was really looking forward to it! What could possibly go wrong?


Sonata jerked to a halt as she heard that coming out of a shadowy alley. She turned to stare in, frowning as she mentally decided what to do. "Who's that?" she demanded angrily.

A figure stepped partially out of the shadows, still in the dark but now recognizably visible as MC Cobra, part of DJ Fist's gang. She liked him, he was funny. He tried to flirt with her sometimes, it was adorable, like a puppy. "Hey girl," he called playfully. "Got something special for ya."

"Oh?" Sonata asked playfully, wondering what he could possibly have that would be worth not going on with her day.

MC Cobra sighed as though he found it difficult to say what he was going to say next. "...do...you wanna play with Beyblades?" he offered ruefully.

Sonata gasped excitedly. "Do I?!" she screamed out, diving into the shadows with him.

...neither of them came back out.


Uncle frowned darkly. "So that's what you did," he growled. "Are you sure you want to cross Valmont and Bai Tsa to that degree?"

Dao Long Wong shrugged. "I'm already on their shit list," he offered dismissively. "How much more can I lose if they catch me before I'm done? And of course, where I have my 'insurance', they dare not go..."

"One more thing," Uncle continued with a frown. "They are not only ones who would take this action averse..."

"Valmont knows how I think...and what will happen if he lets those above him step in here," the dark wizard countered with a grin. "He - and they - are out of the picture. Leaving me only having to deal with you and yours in this contest."

"One more thing," Uncle pointed out darkly, glaring at him over his glasses. "We are bigger challenge than you expect."

Dao Long Wong chuckled wickedly. "Oh, Uncle, did you really think I engaged in this discussion and told you so much because I enjoy the sound of my own voice? Our spells are intertwined, and now I shall bind your spell to mine, and use both to-"

Uncle suddenly smacked a parchment scroll to the fog, and the image blurred in static before revealing an image of Uncle's face.

"One more thing!" the face declared playfully before blowing a raspberry. The image than once more went to static before returning to the image of Uncle's face. "One more thing!" Another raspberry, more static, another loop.

Dao Long Wong cursed under his breath. His own spell had just gotten to the point where he'd identified which Noble Animal their magics had locked onto - the Monkey, a most useful and versatile power - but he knew he would not get it in a direct confrontation with the Chan Clan...especially with them getting there first.

Oh well. There were ten other Animals available to pursue, and he could always reclaim the powers the Chans collected at a later date. Though he did have to hurry...time was on his side...

Author's Note:

Strike Master Ice and his crew as the new Dark Chi Warriors

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/moheart7/art/The-New-Dark-Chi-Warriors-318189036
Strike Master Ice with the Bo Staff, DJ Fist with the Hammer, and MC Cobra with the Discus

Comments ( 62 )

Been a while since we've had a pony update from you. It's a good one though.:yay:

so, for Dao Long Wang, what are you thinking? Eternal punishment, thrown back into the wheel of reincarnation, soul destruction, or something else?

Dao Long Wong... Do you REALLY think the talisman powers are really worth drawing the ire of Valmont? The Chans are one thing, but seriously.. you're risking Valmont, his wife, and all their allies which includes the Chans, by kidnapping his daughters? I won't say it's not a clever plan, but the the penalties are going to STING.

I don't care what precautions he's taken. Dao Long Wong is playing with fire, and he's gonna get burned.

No, not burned. Incinerated.

Why am I getting the mental image/sound of Dao Long Wong's surprise (when he finds out how far BEYOND screwed he is at the end of this story arc) sounding akin to a mix of a sink getting unclogged and a grizzly bear getting a surprise prostate exam from a Telephone Pole?

Wong has no clue who else he has pissed off, like all of the girls Uncles and their Aunt. At least one of them is completely free and will be not happy that their Nieces are being messed with. Then again I doubt Wong will be ready for the girls either or their father if he where to check in.

Great chapter and I hope we get more soon!

Nah they need to free all the other magics he has stolen. Then again who better to train all those beings then the Chan’s?

right, who was doing the 'one more thing counter'?

so the sirens are being held away from dad. not good for one by the end of this.

Wong obviously doesn't know the "Pecking Order"

I am pretty sure Dao Long Wong didn't know about the Pecking Order either.

Adagio: Ready sisters?
Aria & Sonata: Ready sister.
*Dazzlings start singing*

(Yeah, no 'damsels in distress' be they)

i don't think the loop will count for it.

Oh man, this is going to end badly for DLW when all is said and done. All the people he'll have pissed off converging on him at once would be ridiculous. The Chan Clan alone would be fire, but add in a demon of light, some dark warriors, a couple of other spirit demons… yeesh.

That was Void Runner.
Of course the loop counts for it! :trollestia:

Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen

"Bad Day"

Chapter Count: 0
Total Count: 50

"I'm not his/your Mistress!"

Chapter Count: 0
Total Count: 12

(Been a bit dormant :ajsleepy:)

you sure?? it would be nuts to count them.

good to see another chapter can't wait for the next one.

Let's not forget all the gods and godly beings he's pissed off, like Ammy, Polly, and Ra. Wong makes a single slip-up, he's beyond screwed, and I don't expect him to get to reincarnate once they're done with him.

YAY, PONY WORDS!!!! Lol! THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE and what an update it be.
IF DLW is lucky, his punishment will NOT begin or end with true immortality.

Oh how I have missed this one!

Dao Long Wong shrugged. "I'm already on their shit list," he offered dismissively. "How much more can I lose if they catch me before I'm done? And of course, where I have my 'insurance', they dare not go..."

That brings to mind the intro of Beyond Divinity.

Tl;Dr, a death knight, thinking something similar, got his soul intertwined with that of the other protagonist, a paladin. So now if one dies, so does the other.

Do not underestimate demons.

"One more thing!" the face declared playfully before blowing a raspberry. The image than once more went to static before returning to the image of Uncle's face. "One more thing!" Another raspberry, more static, another loop.

That scene was so funny in the show

11263357 I can already see Popo crushing Wong out of boredom.

Nice! Slight correction though, Strikemaster Ice's weapon is a sansetsukon/three-section staff, which I personally think should have gone to MC Cobra, due to the one that uses the shuriken tends to be the leader.

Anyway, excellent chapter, can't wait for the next one.

The mighty Tats has given us a gift.

Everyone is already talking about how screwed Dao Long Baja is when Valmont and co catch up to him… has no one considered how much trouble the girls are going to cause him while he keeps them captive??? He can’t be there when he has to go out and absorb animal powers, has only three minions who might be friendly enough to pull a heel face turn, and that’s it for now. I will not be surprised if the Sirens get free and start making his life hell, stealing and hiding spell components, or just walk out of the building and go get tacos before calling their parents.


What about how it was mentioned in one of the Dazzlings sections how one of the new "Dark Warriors" was actually trusted by Valmont? I'm willing to bet that they knew of Dao Long Wong and are working behind his back to protect the Dazzlings in their own way, and screw Dao over as well. That way, Dao's reaction at the end, realizing he was screwed before he even STARTED would just be glorious!

I agree, and I am excited to see what will happen next.


This is going to be amusing. Yanked from her dancing. Denied a good fight. And worst if allNO BEYBLADES

Wong is in a LOT of trouble before anyone else gets there

Welcome back, friend!

Seriously, who dose the artwork for you? It's amazing!

The last one especially. Looks like someone is going to have to learn the pecking order. :pinkiecrazy:

Always good to see more of this one. Although, after reading this, I can only imagine Valmont reacting in one way.

Valmont: "So, the dark wizard thinks to force my compliance by kidnapping my daughters?"
Uncle: "That is exactly what Uncle just said."
V: "Don't worry about it. Those girls can handle it themselves. You just focus on the Noble Beasts. If necessary, I'll make a personal visit to Wong."

So, I remember that Adagio is known for being cunning, and Sonata is known for her Pinkieness. So it's a safe bet Dao Long Wong hasn't properly planned for those two.

Can someone remind me what Aria was known for that could help out here?

After googling to see the other noble animals since this was the season I missed most of the episodes of and finding out that Shendu became the dragon holder, I can't help but imagine that the first thing Shendu does when summoned by Wong and hearing the warlock's in deeper shit with Bai and Valmont worse than he is would be

S: *gripping the weezened wizard like a squeaky toy* "OH LITTLE SISTER, LITTLE BROTHER-never gonna get used to that-I HAVE A BARTERING CHIP TO HOPEFULLY TAKE ME OFF YOUR SHITLIST!"

D: "Y-You know this will never work out how you plan, right?"

S: "What plan? I'm just hoping my former host hates you more than he hates me enough this gets me some favour, And that is a VERY safe bet to make!"

Does Dao Long Wong realize one of Valmont's quasi peers is David [expletive] Xanatos and going after ones kids step or otherwise is probably only going to cost a discounted favor between the two at most... Never mind Valmont's own resources or the fact that these are the sirens, one of whom has been trained by the top of the pecking order... and they have the gall to say good is dumb...

Dao long Wong is playing all or nothing in this bet, while he took down any and all divinities in his hostage situation (anything higher in power level to Valmont intervening means the sirens will face the consequences) he has no single idea how fucked up he is.
Let's remember who is below Valmont and on friendly terms with the chan's as of now.
All of Augustus black men in earth realm, the entirety of the military of nether and outer realms dye to being Augustus Khan, the entirety of the magic veil protectorate due to Augustus black status, Augustus Black-Khan himself..
Wow, Black is the only one i wrote abd it's a really big influence in this timeline, i didn't even reach the other chan allies

Being Ecentric. 99% of her content her that isn't clop makes her seem like a Pinkie without reality warping powers, so given the nature of this story.......

I thought that Sonata was the Eccentric one, hence why I said she is known for her Pinkieness. That's why I asked about Aria.

Whoops I got the names mixed up sorry. I have a hard time keeping those two straight sometimes.:twilightblush:

Being as blunt as a baseball bat and just as likely to break your ankles with one if you give her a semi-decent reason

11264416 11267195
Aria is also often depicted as the smart one of the trio, knowledge to Adagio's cunning.

Decided today to reread this story and i found out the best thing (havent check the story in a few months btw)

:pinkiegasp:UPDATE * SQUEES* :pinkiehappy:

Correct me if I’m wrong about this, but aren’t these three the same guys Shendu’s son ended up recruiting after the one-off gag with Valmount’s enfourcers during the first episode of that story Ark?

Well I guess you had to do some sort of alternative as the trio that would’ve been TF’d into the dark warriors originally are still working for Valmont in this universe.

Can’t wait to see what comes next regardless. Do appreciate the nod to what’s going to be the last story Ark for this entire story (After all, we still got the rest of the animal hunt to go through and the Oni Mask stuff as well before Shendu’s son becomes a thing).

It's been just shy of forever since I last read this, but boy, was this refreshing. I shouldn't be surprised that your return was marked with shipping, but I appreciate it.


Oh, that IDIOT

thank you, and i hope you have a happy holidays this month

The Beyblades joke is even funnier after looking at the DA reference sheet.
Doesn’t help that I rewatched “Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware” ACT 3.
I just had this image of Sonata wearing Tommy’s hat.

Is the next chapter almost ready by now? It's been a year after all.

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