Being stolen by the stolen Belle

by Ireyah

First published

After three years you're moving in with your marefriend, but an old sin comes back to haunt you.

First person, unapologetic clop. Set a fair few years into the future, no foalcon here!

Thaylien's corrupting influence on me is showing...

Dropping into Equestria changed my life forever, I lost everything I'd been building in my life, my musical career, my new house and the girl I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with. But after five years here... I've rebuilt my dreams in this world.

I'm a music teacher, I have a new house, and a beautiful marefriend. Today is my last day staying in my cramped bachelor house, I'm moving in with Rose and nothing could spoil that.

The Only Chapter

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"Sweetheart? You there?" Music to my ears...

Roseluck's voice was one of the many things that made me fall in love with her, I could listen to her for hours...

"Yeah, just looking through the last box." I called back over my shoulder, the box on the floor holding most of my attention.

The clop of hooves on bare boards preceded her as she crossed the room to my side and propped herself against my back, hooves on my shoulders so she could lean over my shoulder to see what I was looking through. The casual nuzzle of her cheek to mine felt fantastic too.

"What are all of these, anyway?" She let a hoof lazily dangle down and push a few of the shiny objects around.

"CDs and DVDs from back home." I told her, picking up a case to show her, "Music and films are stored on here, but I've got nothing I can play them on anymore since the Crusaders broke my portable player a few years ago." I was over it, but the memory of the chaos that day was still a sour one.

When I'd been transported here five years back I'd been doing just this; sorting through my old CDs and DVDs to see which ones I should bring with me. The phenomenon that dropped me through dimensions brought me and all the boxes of my belongings I'd stacked up for moving to my new house. Most of my life had been in those, and while a couple of boxes, like my kitchenware and cold weather clothing had already gone ahead, nearly everything I owned ended up with me at the bottom of a gorge outside Ponyville, Equestria.

My life... my music career, my new house, my girlfriend and the engagement ring I was going to propose to her with... all gone. And I couldn't get them back.

But I moved on. I rebuilt myself, became a new man here in Ponyville. My musical talents got me a job as a teacher, helping the talented young colts and fillies to discover the instruments that were right for them, my job got me a new place to live and I could get out to see the sights in my free time.

And every week, when I went to buy my groceries, I would see Rose... pretty, sweet, smiling Rose... It took me a while to come to terms with the revelation that I might be a xenophile, but I was a new man, in a new world, I took the chance and asked her out one day. She took me up on it, and we've been getting closer ever since.

I turned my head and planted a kiss on her lips while she was still looking at the reflected rainbow of colours from the CD I'd held up.

She laughed a little, "And what brought that on?" She pressed herself into my back in a hug, "Not that I mind at all."

"Just thinking how lucky I've been." I smirked, raising a hand to cup the side of her face, feeling it so close next to mine.

"Darn right you are." She joked back, pecking a quick kiss on the back of my neck before releasing me, "Hey, are you alright moving the rest? The girls want to take me out for dinner as a little celebration."

"Sure, you'll be back tonight?" I smiled, knowing how close the three of them were, Daisy and Lilly were nice girls, if a little... quick to jump to conclusions.

"First night in our new home together? Of course I'll be back. We've got some celebrating of our own to do, after all." She gave me a saucy little flick with her tail as she turned to head out, I couldn't help but watch her sway to the door where she turned a little to look back, "Just you wait for me lover." She twitched her tail a little, giving me a flash of the underneath, tipped me a wink then sashayed out the door.

Damn she could push my buttons...

I tried to push back the steady swelling in my pants, I should at least make a decision on this last box, and delved into the depths.

With my portable players, more affordable at the time than a full TV and DVD player, or even an iPod, destroyed in a freak Cutie Mark Crusader encounter more than three years ago, I'd been holding onto this box for the memories it held. Years of my life were told through the music and films I'd collected and listened to, or watched, until I could recite most of them word-for-word. I couldn't just throw them all away before... but... I was a new man now, I'm fairly sure I can get by without them.

I dug my hands in and pulled out a stack, determined to at least read the titles once more, for the memories, before I threw them out and saw a flash of colour at the bottom that wasn't plastic or case inlay. It was glossy... a magazine!

In moments, all the old cases were on the floor in piles and I was gazing on something I'd forgotten I'd even owned... porn mags. Porn mags from Earth! Human girls!

My pants felt tight once more and on some level I was happy that I still found human girls attractive, after five years of ponies it was a bit of a relief, you might say.

Rose wasn't going to be back here again, she'd be going to the new house, and here I was with a few spare hours and a hidden stash of human porn...

It was about thirty seconds before I was half naked, bare arsed on the floor, the first magazine open in front of me. It was about thirty seconds later that somepony knocked at the door.

DAMMITALL!! I screamed in my head, my hands were busy hiding the evidence and reaching for my pants when I heard something that terrified me...

"Oh, I guess I'm interrupting." The voice was feminine, rich, young and had a knowing smirk mixed into the tone, "Don't worry, I don't mind."

I turned to confirm my fears... "Hi, Sweetie Belle."

She stood in the doorway, one demure hoof failing to fully conceal the broad smirk of having caught me out, green eyes half-lidded and dancing with amusement. I'd known her since she was in school, barely a teenager back then, my music classes had helped her expand her already impressive vocal abilities and she was well on the road to being a professional singer. The two crystal notes on her flank, with hearts instead of dots, were the perfect match to her crystal clear voice and vibrant love of singing. And she'd grown up in the three years since I'd last seen her too, nearly matching her sister for size although still with the slender, slightly willowy build of a teenaged mare.

"That's good, you remember, it's been so long I thought you'd forgotten all about me."

I tried to slowly edge into my clothes as she dropped her hoof and let her eyes roam all around the empty room, "H-how could I forget the best pupil I ever taught?"

Those big green eyes nearly nailed me to the wall, but then relented a little as she let out a little 'hmph', "You never came to see me again, you never went to the boutique when I was there, you didn't come to any of my performances..." Her voice was still pitched light, conversational, maybe a little teasing, "After all the things you taught me, you just left. I was sad for the longest time."

My legs were half-way into the legs of my trousers, my whole body still turned at an awkward angle to keep my modesty, "I'm sorry you were sad, Sweetie, but-"

"But now I'm angry!" She slammed her hooves down, getting right in my face and glaring me down and for some reason my only thought was that her voice still squeeked a little when she got emotional... it was still cute.

The stare got to me and I swallowed, "Angry?" She really had me on the ropes here, I was still exposed, even if it was turned away from her, and she was an angry unicorn with her horn pointing right at my forehead as she glared so hard I could feel myself shrinking away from the heat of it.

"Yes. Angry." The words were bitten out, "Because what do I hear about you, after three years of hearing nothing at all?" She stamped a hoof, "That you're moving in with some other mare!"

That's what she's angry about?! "Some other mare? I'm moving in with my marefriend, Sweetie, and that's nothing to do with you."

Before I could even flinch, that hoof slammed down again, this time though she'd leaned forwards and stuck it right in the gap between my crotch and the trousers I was edging closer to my hips, blocking me from pulling them up further. The sudden presence of hoof in that space made me flinch back and try to cover myself with my hands.

"Nothing to do with me?" She asked, in a quiet, dangerous voice, "Nothing?"

With a flare of light around her horn, she pulled my hands away from my crotch, baring the semi-boner I was trying to hide all this time. I struggled, but she held firm, my hands were folded across my chest and stuck to the opposite shoulders with pale blue coronas. She leaned in again, pushing me backwards with the force of her anger alone, until I was nearly falling backwards without a hand to support me.

"This is mine." She told me, with quiet, angry authority, and dropped her head in a smooth motion to suck my cock into her mouth.

I gasped at the sudden stimulation, her warm tongue coiled around me in tight swirls, she sucked, hard, and her tight-clinging lips dragged all the way up my shaft until she popped free with a gasp leaving me completely hard and throbbing, shining with spit, as she stared into my eyes again.

I was shocked, I was a little scared, but I was incredibly turned on by the angry, smoking bedroom eyes she levelled on me right then. That doesn't mean I'd lost my sanity.

"No, Sweetie, it's not. I'm not... this has nothing to do with you."

Dammit... that came out as weak as a two-day-old kitten...

"Like hell it has nothing to do with me!" She yelled this time, and suddenly her lips locked with mine.

All the weight and fire of the teenaged unicorn pressed me to the floor, lips desperate, tongue pressing into my mouth and, damn me, I opened my mouth to try and wrestle it with my own. She stretched her body out along mine, soft coat against skin and shirt, my slicked member flat against my stomach and getting tangled in the hair on her underbelly, one hoof rose and stroked the side of my head, circling my ear and drawing me deeper into the kiss.

She still tasted the same...

We broke with a gasp and I focused my vision again to see tears forming at the corner of those bright green, utterly beautiful eyes of hers... she was holding back, but there was a sob in her voice when she next spoke.

"I missed you... I missed you so much. Why didn't you ever come to see me again? Why did you leave me for her?"

"Sweetie... I-" She shut me up with a jerk of her head, magic glueing my teeth together and then my lips were sealed by another kiss, lingering and gentle this time.

That gentleness brought it all back...

* * *

She was nearly sixteen and I'd been her singing coach for six months. Rarity sat across from her and listened with awe and tears of pride as her little sister sang her heart out in her first original song. Low key, a contemplative song that rose to a tear-jerking crescendo of soulfully sustained notes that left the listener breathless.

When she'd finished I'd applauded while the filly bounced to her sister's side for hugs and praise, both of which Rarity had been happy to give out by the bucketload. And then it was my turn, the enthusiastic white bundle of energy hugging the highest point on me she could reach (my waist) and her voice so happy she squeaked every other word. I ruffled her mane and praised her too, letting her hug it all out.

And then Rarity had to head back to her shop, deadlines and projects, the usual, leaving Sweetie in my care.

I sat back on the small sofa in this, my spare room turned teaching room, letting my legs sprawl out in front of me and let out a long breath. That had been a bit of a nail-biter. Getting Sweetie past her stage-fright had been tough, but now whether it was on an actual stage or even in front of the pony she wanted to impress the most, she'd done it.

"YyyyESSS!!" The filly dove onto the sofa with me, "I did it! Did you see that? I actually did it!!"

"Yeah," I fondly brought my hand up to her face, using the full reach of my fingers to cup the corner of her jaw and scratch her ear at the same time, she loved it when I did that, so much so that she would actively ask for it sometimes, "you did great today. A perfect performance."

"Really?" She pulled her forelegs in, eyeing her hooves, "It was perfect?"

"Note for note, breath for breath." I assured her, smiling, knowing now where she was going with this.

"Then I want my reward." She met my eyes, holding my gaze with eager, embarrassed sincerity.

"As you wish." I replied, leaning in for the first of many kisses to be shared that afternoon.

* * *

I'd taken this filly's virginity, I'd seduced her using my position as a teacher to convince her. I'd turned her into my girl, not because of any malice aforethought, but because she, in her innocence, her unguarded openness, had seduced me as surely as a bee to a fresh new flower. A flower I'd corrupted and introduced to the realms of lust in a way that

I'd hated myself for it afterwards.

But while we were together... it was the delicious taboo and the rush of breaking the rules that gripped both me and Sweetie, we revelled in it. We spent months dating behind her family's back under the pretense of further lessons that she really didn't need and every free day or night was spent embracing her. Right up until we'd almost got caught.

That day had been an eye opener. I was in a relationship with my student, an underaged filly... Some random bypasser had nearly walked right in on me and my little filly, hearing her and thinking it had been somepony in distress, and the shame of the entire thing had caught up with me.

I'd cut ties, as much as I could, managed for three years to not see her or talk to her. She left letters in my mailbox, and I read every one, but I sent none back. Rarity came to visit me personally and I used all of my power to convince her that Sweetie simply didn't need any more lessons from me, that I had other students to attend to, and I thanked her for all the time that she and Sweetie had spent with me.

In short, I tried to move on and put my sins behind me.

Now here they were, and I was falling right back into them. Noticing that I'd calmed a little from that last kiss, she did it again. A tender, lingering kiss, no attempt to force things, just a kiss on the lips.

Damn me if I even tried to fight it.

She trailed off to the side, kissing the slight ghost of stubble along my jaw, placing soft butterfly touches down my neck and nuzzling into my collarbone. She breathed deeply and let it out in a sigh.

"I missed your scent..." I missed hers too... just having my face so close to her mane flooded my nose with that same flower-and-fruit shampoo scent that she'd always used.

I found myself not resisting too much when her magic pulled my hands up higher, lifting my arms above my head and her quick, clever lips slipped the buttons on my shirt undone one by one. More of those little, fluttery kisses pecked my skin between each button until at last I was almost as naked as she was. My shirt slid slowly off over my arms, stretched above my head as they were, and her hooves pushed my trousers and briefs down until they cleared my ankles, then once more she pressed herself close, lithe young body stretching out against my bare skin.

For a few moments she just held me, head turned to the side, entire form supported on top of mine, then she sighed, getting up a little and facing me, eye to eye.

"Sometime I'll let you tell me all about why you left me, sometime I'll make you apologise for running around with another mare, and you'd better have a good reason, that's for sure. But right now I need you. I need you so bad, because I've not had you like this for three years." She shifted her hips, curled tail brushing over my thighs and I became achingly aware of my erection standing proud beneath her.

"Sweetie, we... we shouldn't..." I finally managed, a futile protest at this point, but I needed to say something, or I was going to willingly betray my love for Rose just because this filly had decided something arbitrarily.

"But don't you remember?" She gazed at me through those long lashes, "I said that too, right before you did this to me for my first time."

Then she wiggled her hips, my cock throbbing solidly as it felt the wet, soft bulge of her outer lips, and then sank down.

She took all of me in one movement.

I couldn't even make a sound.

The throaty, animalistic moan that tore through Sweetie Belle, however, more than made up for my lack of speech. She stared, wide-eyed, at nothing for a few moments, and I could feel the little twitches inside her as she moved her hips just a little to and fro to get reacquainted with my manhood.

"Oh Celestia! I don't think I've ever felt this good..." She moaned a little, drawing out the words, "More..." She lifted her hips again, withdrawing just a little, and sat back down.

The jolt of her flesh hitting mind made her bite her lip and the little moan came out through her nose. She did it again, lifting a little more this time before letting herself drop back to the bottom. Her moan was higher pitched this time, obviously loving the sensation. The third time she savoured pulling all the way back to the head, keeping the glans inside with the little ring of muscles I'd discovered that ponies have just inside their entrance for just this purpose, twirled her hips to tease herself, and dropped all the way down again, letting gravity do the work for her.

I was panting, she was moaning and chewing at her lower lip, I felt her grip on my hands fading, her eyes crossed as she dropped onto me once more... and I lost my mind.

With a jerk of my arms I was free of her magic. My hands sought for purchase and I clutched the teenage filly to me tight, my hips bucked and I slammed home inside her of my own will for the first time in three years.

Sweetie squealed, her voice ranging from the depths of her lungs to the highest registers in every other motion. I let my lust run wild as I embraced her in a frenzy. She tossed her head and moaned, she clamped her lips to mine and grinned into my face, curly fringe falling all around my eyes as I drove myself up into her again and again.

This was so wrong, but so achingly right, she was back in my arms again...

"Sweetheart? You still here?"

In one movement I stood, clenching the breathless filly to my chest, a single glance around and I dived for the bathroom. The door slammed, the lock clicked and I collapsed onto the toilet seat in the cramped little room, Sweetie collapsing backwards to the floor out of my embrace, my cock sliding out of her as she went, leaving us staring into each other's eyes while my marefriend called for me.

"That you Rose? I'm in here." I called, mastering my breathing as quickly as I could.

"The bathroom?"

"Yeah, just got in here." Oh crap... my clothes... the magazines! Sweetie is panting and staring at me, eyes darkened by her lashes, one hoof is lazily drifting down to her nethers.

"Okay, just on my way past with the girls, heading to the spa for a few hours, and I thought I'd let you know that I'll be back after just after nine tonight. We're eating over at that little bistro at seven, just in case there's an emergency, but I'll see you tonight." Her voice fades closer, hooves on bare boards. Sweetie's hoof is making slow circles now, her eyes still smouldering at me.

"What are you gonna do?" She whispers to me, "Your marefriend's right outside, but here we are... just you and me."

"Alright Rose, I... I can't wait to get you home." I call loud enough to be heard, then whisper as softly as I can, "Sweetie, this is wrong, I... I shouldn't have done this with you... I should have kept my distance."

"Sweetheart? What's with all this mess, anyway?" I hear the dreaded sound of her shuffling her hooves and then a gasp, and after that there's a terrible pause.

Sweetie is grinding herself now, raising her hips up until I'm lined up square along her lips, my cock throbbing against her pussy as I feel the heat and slickness against its underside. "It's wrong? But you did the same to me."

I stared at her now, "The same to you?"

"Of course, I had a coltfriend. You stole me from him, you know, and now... I'm stealing you." She rubbed herself harder against me, the raw smell of her arousal filling my nostrils and bringing back memories so vividly I was surprised at just how much of our mindless days I actually remembered.

From outside I heard a stack of CD cases fall over, "These are... Oh, uh... I-uh... I see. I'm sorry to bother you right now, dear, I'll uhm... I'll be at the spa!" And the sound of Rose galloping for the door, slamming it behind her with a buck, left behind it only hot, heavy silence between Sweetie and I.

"She'll never get you, she can't do for you what I can, and you don't want her like you want me... do you?" The pale succubus grinding herself against me posed the question that I knew I couldn't answer the way I wanted to.

With no thought for anything else I grasped her hind legs, lifting them up higher still. Then, with only a press on the back of my cock to guide it, I slid myself inside her.

I felt the fire return in full force as I leaned forwards, hips already thrusting, I reached for her, she reached for me, and our tongues entwined. With my hands behind her head I felt my thrusts begin to nudge her up against the door, she gasped again, pulling out of the kiss for air as I pounded harder, fucking her across the floor and up the door.

Higher we went, her front legs twisting to push her away from the door, but with me simply letting go of one leg her hindquarters began to follow. She had her chest pressed against the hardwood door now, our gasps and moans and thrusts making it judder and rattle on its hinges, her legs were spread wide, one hoof on the floor, the other being slathered by my tongue as I nibbled and kissed around her ankle.

I rose higher, abandoning her leg for a full grasp around her hips, her tail off to the side and jouncing around in little circles and waves as we went at each other like animals. Now she was only supported by her chest and hooves against the door and my cock as it thrust inside her, bouncing her up and down on my hips like I was possessed... maybe I was... yes, I was! This demon, this little temptress, her glowing green eyes, her sweat lathered coat, her hot, tight insides, she'd cast her gaze on me and I was spellbound...

I thrust her higher, grasping around her barrel now and lifting her away from the door, holding her close to my chest and burying my face into one side of her neck and then the other, kissing, licking, biting. Sweetie was gasping, panting, practically roaring her arousal in the confined space. She craned her head to the side and we locked lips once more, thrust after thrust putting all her weight onto my pulsing member.

Our shouts of ecstasy combined as I felt myself tip over the edge of my orgasm, spurting that first shot inside her and then feeling her insides go wild as she climaxed just at that feeling.

My orgasm was hard, long and messy. Despite her pussy squeezing and milking my cock for every drop, it still leaked out, dripping onto the floor between my feet as I held her close to my heart. At some point I turned her around, resting her hooves over my shoulders and simply holding my cheek against hers.

She was right, before, I'm hers. I shouldn't have left, it was wrong, and I needed to make things up to her. But for now, just having her here was all that mattered. Having this wonderful, young, lithe form pressed against my skin, my seed leaking out of her in soft pat-pat-pats onto the tiled floor, feeling her lips gently exploring the skin of my neck and shoulder. That was where I wanted to be.

We cleaned up slowly, making sure that the next people here would never know what we did. I ditched the whole box of CDs, porn and all, I was certainly never going to need it again, and Sweetie and I went home.

Sure, when Rose came back, there might be some... issues to discuss, but I couldn't care less.

On my new bed, in my new house, with my marefriend. We made love until nightfall, then did it again until an unwelcome voice called "Sweetheart? Are you home?"