Screw up and Screw loose

by Dragonfire2lm

First published

Twilight screws up and in turn she looses a few screws.

Dedicated to AbsolutHysteria

Twilight Sparkle (Prior to S3 finale) tries to help a friend ..instead she gets sucked into another world and meets the fluffy ponies

OOC-ness and humour abound as Twilight looses her marbles.

Special thanks to AbsolutHysteria for helping with ideas and stuff.

This story is not to be taken seriously..contains pony abuse, funny deaths and all manner of comedy around fluffy ponies, enjoy.
Coverart by Pinkamena666

The madmare Twilight.

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"Rarity I don't know if I can do this" Twilight said nervously as her fashion loving friend pouted .

"But Twilight!" Rarity begged. "Pinkie is busy babysitting the twins, Rainbow is helping Applejack dismantle a watertower and Fluttershy is just, well too shy for this sort of thing".

"I know Rarity but why me? Surely you couldn't just hire a professional?".

"Twilight Darling, every once in a while a mare decides she's had enough of 'the best in the buisness' and wants to admire the work of an amateur".

"But Rarity I don't think-" the purple unicorn protested.

"Come now Twilight I have seen ponies do this plenty of times I assure you, just stick your horn in and let the magic do the work" Rarity replied calmly.

"Ok if you're sure..."

"Trust me dear I know what I'm doing" rarity said.

Twilight stared at the pile of metal and gears that made up Rarity's sewing machine, now nothing but a broken mess on the table in Golden Oaks Library. She gulped while she focused her magic and aimed at the broken machine a 'renew and repair' spell formed in her mind.

"Hey Twlight I got those quills you wanted" Spike called out s he entered the library, which in turn startled the unicorn.

Several things hapened at once, first her magic went haywire, which turned Rarity into a gosling and exploded the sewing machine.

Secondly the small gems which helped power the machine reacted with the magic from Twilights spell and caused a rip in the space-time continuim.

And lastly one purple unicorn Twilight Sparkle was sucked into an inter-dimensional wormhole.


"Ugh what happened? Spike? rarity?" Twilight called out as her eyes refocused and she pulled herself to her hooves.

Only to find a ball of fuzz with a head and four stubby legs standing on her snout.

"Wah!" Twilight exclaimed and scarmbled back, the small fuzzy thing falling off her nose and bounced a few times before letting out a squek and running off in fear. Twilight watched in surprise and disbelief as the firghtened creature ran around blindly for a minute before running head first off the clif they were on.

"What just happened?" she asked herself, having no idea of what just occured in her still semi-panicked state.

Unsure of where she was she walked awau from the cliff iand into a small feild. Her eyes went wide as she saw an entire group of the hoof sized balls of fluff. she noted the offspring were barely bigger than golf ball.

How do they even breed with that body shape? she asked.

"Ew no nevermind" she said quickly as she aciidently spotted a pair doing it 'dog style' in one corner of the herd.

Her outburst caused the things-and she notived they had pony shaped heads- to llok up at her and instantly panic. Some simply cowered on the gorund her thier hoves over their eyes. while some ran around in a blind panic, often crashing head first into a rock, tree or another panicking herd member and effectively knocking themselves unconscious.

Twilight's eye twitched. She couldn't believe these creatures lasted this long. She watched as another ran into a tree with so much force that the friut the plant had sprouted fell down and crushed the beast.

Another eye twitch and parts of her mane became dishevelled.

Those that were still conscious and had their hooves over their eyes took a peek to see their 'attacker' was still there and in another surge of fear they remained on the ground and trembelled, waiting for the end to come.

"Oh for the love of..." Twilight began and having finally lost her patience with the things- she decided to name them fluffy ponies-grabbed the herd in her magic and carried them off to a more open area.


She carried the fluffy ponies wih her magic until their cries and yells annoyed her to the point where she let them go and unceramoniously dumoed the herd on the ground. They looked around until one spotted a river and after alerting the rest of the group ran towards it to get a drink.

Unfortunately the thing slipped, fell in and drowned.

Their apparant dismisal of another death made Twilight wonder just how dim witted the creatures really were as their earlier fear of her had vainshed as well. They acted relatively normal, though a few more ended up drowning after five minutes.

A wide ear-to-ear crooked grin spread acros twilight's face.

"oh well I'd best make them ost of this!" she said and picked up the creatures once more and trotted off.

There's so much i can learn about these fluffy ponies heh ha he!"


"Some of you have wings how cute!" Twilight said as she studied the small ponies. She pivked out a blue one, which some of the others had small bird-like wings tucked against its sides.

"Lets see if you can fly"

She teleported one of them to a branch of a nearby tree, the fluffy pony ws confused as to where it was however it soon heard the equally comfused calls of its herd and tried to get back to its friends. Without thought or hesitaiotn it leapt off the branch, flapping its small wings.

This did nothing to prevent it becoming a blue and red smear on the ground mere seconds later.

"Eh he he he oh well!" Twilight said with a deranged giggle.


"Next up builing lessons!" The madmare cheered and clapped her forehooves together in glee.

She had gathered some slabs of stone and was demonstrating to the ponies how to build a shelter. They acted confused at first but some of the slightly more intelligent ones attempted to copy her and the results were less than surprising as they-along with a few foals-were crushed by the falling slabs of rock due to them being poorly placed and soon buckled under the stress.

In an attempt to free the foals, half the herd suffered the same fate.


"Now to test your magical resistence!" twilight sang and grasped a white female in her magic.

Twilight concertrated and forced her magic into the ball of fuzz. the pony sweeled in size considerablly and screamed in apin until in large burst of magic the fluffy pony exploded.

This explosion caused another hole in time and space and sucked the reaming membersof the herd and Twilight into another dimension.


"Twilight? Hey Twilight?"

"Nng Spike?" Twilight asked as she forced herslef into a sittingposition.

"Yeah are you ok?" the young dragon answered.

"I think so.."

"Good becuase uh we have a problem!" he exclaimed nervously and it was then that Twilight took a look around.

She was in the kitchen in ponyville library and running around the place wherethe last remainng fluffy ponies. she flinched as some got sliced by falling lives, drowned in the sink containing dirty dishes or tried to eat the soap and died from choking.

She could only stare as a group of foals found the blender. they clambered on top of each other to get in and one of them pressed the 'on' button and was confused by the multi coloured mess of blood, guts and fur the exploded from it as the device whirred and hummed.

It continued to stare even the blender moved wildly and went out of control and toppled over on the fluffy pony.

"I'll get the mop.." Spike sighed as Twilight curled up on the floor in a fetal position and began stroking her tail.

"It's all for science.." the madmare whispered.

Author Notes

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Not long after I published this the number of people that dislike this fic went up...Well it was bound to piss someone off.

I was sleep deprived after being woken up multiple times the night before I wrote this thing, so I decided that I'd write something partially insane.

And this was the result. As I stated in the notes last chapter the original promt was Twilightgoes to another world and is treated like a god..and somewhere along the way it turned into a game of how many ways I could kill fluffy ponies.

Good times, good times...

I might add more scenes to it in the future (oh how I wish I could watch 'happy tree friends' I could get SO many ideas from that...) but so far I've had the poor fluffy ponies thrown off a cliff, crushed, drowned, dropped from high hieghts, blown up, sliced, diced and blended.

I mean what more could I do?