The Search for the Elusive Venus Butterfly

by Idiotcornball

First published

(Humanized) Fluttershy admits to never having experienced an orgasm. Twilight seeks to remedy the situation.

(This story is humanized)

Fluttershy has a rather embarrassing secret; one that she's never dared tell anyone, even her closest friends: she has never had an orgasm. Upon discovering this, Twilight takes it upon herself to remedy the situation.

The Search Begins

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"I mean, Applejack's apple pies are always delicious, but this one was especially good!" Pinkie bounced in circles around the couch. "It was sooooooo good!"

Twilight looked up from her book. Normally she wouldn't approve of how Pinkie was bounding back and forth around the library, but it was better that she got all of her energy out now. Tonight was movie night, and she didn't want to have to deal with Pinkie squirming and bobbing the whole time. She'd probably knock the projector over. Besides, once everyone else arrived, they'd turn the library into a mess anyway. Next time they'd have to watch the movie at Pinkie's.

"Is it really that good?" Fluttershy asked. She sat on the far end of the couch from Twilight. "I mean, why is this cake so special?"

"I don't know, but it's like the best thing I've ever eaten that doesn't have chocolate or frosting!" Pinkie leaped onto the couch, balancing on the back rest on her tiptoes. "And even with frosting and chocolate things in there it would still be in the top five! It was so delicious you don't even know!"

Twilight didn't even look up from her book. "Aren't you laying the hyperbole on a bit thick?"

"Nope!" Pinkie dropped down onto the couch, landing on her butt between Twilight and Fluttershy, nearly launching the latter off of the edge. "It was one of the most awesome things I've ever eaten! I mean, just smelling it made me wet!"

Twilight lowered her book and glanced sideway at Pinkie, wondering if she had heard her correctly. The look on Fluttershy's face told her she had heard perfectly. Fluttershy was already blushing profusely. "Um, Pinkie... did you really-"

"And then when I took a bite..." Pinkie gasped and let her head flop back. "I just about had an orgasm!"

"Really, Pinkie." Rarity barged into the kitchen, bearing an overly-large bowl of popcorn. "As delicious as Applejack's cooking may be, there is no reason to describe it in such terms!"

"What?" Pinkie cocked her head so far to the side she almost bonked Fluttershy with it. "It was really good!"

"As delicious as it is, the pleasure of eating a delicious dessert and the pleasure of... that, are quite different. I'm quite sure that Appljack's pie could never give you an orgasm, regardless of how delicious it is!"

Pinkie snorted in laughter. "Of course not, silly! If I ate Applejack's pie, she'd be the one who comes!" The other girls just stared at her. "You know, her pie."

"We get it, Pinkie." Rarity said with a sigh. "It's just not funny."

"Really, I would have thought that you'd be able to come up with better jokes than that," Twilight said.

Pinkie shrugged. "They can't all be winners."

"I don't get it," Fluttershy mumbled.

Twilight groaned. "Pinkie is using 'apple pie' as a euphemism for-"

"But imagine how awesome it would be if all food was so delicious that it would make you come!" Pinkie interrupted. "How great would that be?"

"That wouldn't be great at all!" Rarity said. "It would be quite inconvenient to go through all that every time I wanted to eat something. All of the twitching and weak knees and squirting... I don't have time to go through all of that every time I want eat a sandwich."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow towards Rarity. "You're a squirter, then? Should've known."

"I...well... that's beside the point!" Rarity said. "Besides, I prefer savoring my... alone time. It's something that one ought to take their time to enjoy. One needs the proper preparation and buildup. You mustn't just jump right to the climax!"

"That's what I do!" Pinkie declared.

"Why am I not surprised?" Rarity shook her head.

"What about you?" Pinkie asked. "What do you do? Go out and have a nice dinner with yourself first?"

"No!" Rarity snorted. "But I do take care to achieve the proper ambiance! Light a few candles, put on some music, dime the lights, pour myself a glass of wine-"

Twilight looked up from her book once again. "Rarity, just how long does it take you?"

"A bit over an hour, give or take."

"An hour!?" Pinkie gasped. "It usually only takes me like ten minutes!"

"Well, of course it does! You have no sense of romance!" Rarity waved her hand dismissively at Pinkie. "How do you go about it?"

"I usually just grab a dildo and get to it," Pinkie humped the air for emphasis. "Hey, Twilight, how about you?"

"I don't keep track of that. Leave me out of this." She refocused her attention on her book.

"What about you, Fluttershy?" Rarity leaned on the couch next to Fluttershy. "Surely you understand the importance of making the most of every... you know."

"Um... I..." Fluttershy's face grew red. "I'd rather not..." She tried to think of an excuse not to answer the question. Fortunately, she didn't have to. Rainbow Dash burst out of the bathroom.

"Whew! You guys don't want to go in there!"

Pinkie jumped up and thrust a finger at Dash. "Rainbow Dash! When you masturbate, how long does it take you to come!?"

"Like five minutes." She put her hands on her hips. "I can get myself off as quick as I want."

"See?" Pinkie turned to Rarity. "I'm not the only one."

"That proves nothing!" Rarity said with a snort. "And you!" She pointed at Dash. "Why are you so blase about answering such a question!?"

"What, is it not common knowledge that I like to have some fun!?" She sat on the couch between Twilight and Fluttershy, and put her arms over their shoulders. "I mean, yeah, it's not really something you talk about much, but we're all friends here, right?" She gave Fluttershy a squeeze.

"I...I guess..." Fluttershy muttered.

"That was my seat!" Pinkie glowered at Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late." Applejack strode through the door, carrying a giant crate of various chips, candy, and popcorn. "Thanks for not startin' the movie without me."

Pinkie immediately turned her attention to the new arrival. "Applejack, when you diddle yourself, how long does it take you to have an orgasm?"

"I... huh... wha?" Applejack stared. Even for Pinkie, that was quite the non-sequiter. "Why the heck are we talkin' about that?"

"I have no idea," Twilight said wearily. "Now that AJ's here, can we please start the movie already?"

"Fine with me!" Pinkie said as she grabbed a box of Junior Mints out of Applejack's grasp. "What are we watching?"

"I don't know. It was Rainbow Dash's turn to pick the movie." Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. "You didn't pick a horror movie again, did you?"

"Of course not!" Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "You spent a week complaining to me about how you couldn't sleep. I'm not doing that again. I picked a comedy this time."

"Great! What is it?"

Rainbow Dash grinned and held up the DVD. "Equestrian Pie!"

Twilight put a hand to her forehead. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Next time, I'm picking the movie myself!" Twilight grumbled as she swept the floor. "I've never seen anything so... puerile!"

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" Pinkie asked. She shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth, the crumbs landing just where Twilight had just swept.

"A bad thing," Twilight answered.

"I actually kind of enjoyed it," Fluttershy said, so quietly that Twilight barely heard her. "It was funny, even if it was a bit crude."

"Yeah! Like when that one girl said that she put her flugelhorn up her-"

"Pinkie, why are you even still here?!" Twilight tried not to sound angry, but didn't do a very good job of it. "Don't you have things to do at home."

"Nope!" Pinkie said. "Why are you so anxious to get me out of here? You let Fluttershy hang around!"

"That's because Fluttershy is helping me clean rather than making the mess worse!" She nodded at the pile of crumbs at Pinkie's feet, and then at Fluttershy, who was busy wiping down the coffee table. "If you aren't going to help, can you at least not get in the way?"

"Okay, okay!" Pinkie hopped off the couch. "I'll take all the extra junk food back to Sugarcube Corner. See you tomorrow!"

She gathered up all the food she could fit in her arms and headed out.

Twilight shook her head and turned to Fluttershy. "You can go, you know. I appreciate the help, but you don't need to hang around. I can clean up most of it, and Spike will be back tomorrow. He'll help me clean up the rest."

"Oh, it's fine," Fluttershy said. "I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Really? What?" Twilight leaned her broom against the wall and gestured for Fluttershy to take a seat on the sofa.

"I, uh," Fluttershy nervously played with the rag in her hands. "Actually, nevermind. It isn't anything important."

"Come on, Fluttershy, if you stayed behind to talk, I can talk." She sat, and patted the space on the couch next to her. "You know you can tell me anything."

"Well, yes, but... it's something personal." Fluttershy's cheeks flushed. "I don't know..."

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. If you need to talk, I want to help."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and took a seat. "O-okay."

"Now, what was it you needed to talk about?"

"Uh." Fluttershy looked at her hands. "It was... um... that thing that everybody was talking about before."


"You know..." Fluttershy's face was so red that it started to resemble a tomato. "Before the movie..."

Twilight stared at Fluttershy for a moment. Then the realization struck, and her eyes widened so much that they almost busted out of her eye sockets. "Oooohhh..." She cleared her throat. "You mean..." she lowered her voice, "an orgasm?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"I... uh..." Of all things that she had expected from Fluttershy, this wasn't one of them. As a result, her brain was having a tough time putting together a usable sentence. "What? What about... that?"

"I..." Fluttershy swallowed. "I've never had one."

"Y-you haven't?" Twilight wasn't sure whether to be surprised or to simply nod. She had never really given much thought to the matter.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No. Am I... I mean, is that normal? Because everyone else was just so... used to it."

"I, uh... I don't think there's anything wrong with you..." Twilight tried to allocate her brainpower towards answering the question, but her brain seemed determined to use those resources to figure out what Fluttershy's O-face would look like. She shook her head violently.


"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that." She massaged her temples. "It's... you're normal, I think. It's just different for everybody, I guess. Some girls can... you know... really easily, and for some it takes a bit more effort. Maybe you're just one of those who has to... put a bit more effort in."

"So, uh, if you don't mind me asking..." Fluttershy couldn't even look Twilight in the face. "Do... do you have a hard time?"

"Me!?" Twilight sputtered. "I-I..."

"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to..."

"No, no, it's fine. It wouldn't be fair to ask you to talk about all this if I wasn't willing to answer your questions." She took a deep breath. "I wouldn't say it's... hard. I mean, sometimes it takes some time, but I've never had trouble doing... that."

"So..." Fluttershy twiddled the tip of her hair. "What does it feel like?"

Twilight smiled. "It's good. It's really good. I don't really know how to describe it." She closed her eyes, and began to sift through some very enjoyable memories. "It's like everything in your body is just getting tighter and tighter, like a wound up spring. Then all that tension lets go. It's like every good feeling you've ever felt, all at once, washing over you in waves. The entire world disappears, and it's like your body isn't yours anymore. You're just floating, and the next thing you know it's over."

"Wow." Fluttershy swallowed. The blush on her cheeks had faded, her nervous expression replaced by one of curiosity. "I wish I could... do that." She looked at her hands. "I feel like I'm left out."

"Honestly, I guess you kind of are," Twilight said.


Twilight watched Fluttershy carefully. She looked just a little deflated, a bit flat and melancholy. And more than a little disappointed. "Fluttershy."


"I am going to give you an orgasm!" Twilight held up her fists in determination. Then her face paled as she realized the unfortunate way she had worded her declaration. "Wait, no-"

Fluttershy had scurried backward and was already perched on the armrest of the couch. All the blood had drained from her face. "Y-you mean like... right now?"

"No, that's not what I meant!" Twilight shook her head. "What I mean is that I think I can help you... you know, research. Figure out how you could, uh, go about it. I think it's something that you should experience at least once. I'm sure once you figure it out, you'll be able to..." She chuckled awkwardly. "Well, you know."

"I... Thank you, Twilight." Fluttershy smiled. "I know it's kind of awkward to talk about."

"That's what friends are for. Kind of. I should just be happy you trust me enough to talk about it." She put a hand on Fluttershys' shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll try to make it as not-awkward as possible."

"Thanks." Fluttershy stood up. "Do you want any more help cleaning up?"

"No, no, it's fine. You head home. I'll drop by your house tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Alright," Fluttershy said. "I'll see you then. Thanks, Twilight." She shuffled out the door.

"Bye!" Twilight waved after her, then closed the door. She cracked her knuckles. "Time for some research."


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This was such a bad idea, Fluttershy thought to herself as she tried shoo all of her animals into somewhere that wasn't her living room. Twilight would be popping up any moment now to discuss the art of the orgasm, and she wasn't sure she wanted to talk about that with all of her animal friends staring at her. Sure, they wouldn't have any idea what was going on, but still. This was something that demanded privacy.

Then again, she wasn't sure that she wanted to talk about it at all. She wasn't sure what had come over her the night before. Was it really so important? Twilight had said that it was really great, but could it really be that good? It's not like I know what I'm missing, she thought, Maybe they're just overblowing it... She shook her head. Maybe it would be a good idea to just turn all the lights off and hide in her room. She could pretend that she'd forgotten and later she could find a good excuse for why it wasn't a problem. Maybe she could pretend that she'd managed to get an orgasm and she didn't need the help anymore-

"Hey, Fluttershy! You in there?"

Twilight's voice jolted her out of her thoughts. It was too late. No backing out now. She resigned herself to her fate and opened the door. A few minutes later she was sitting on her couch, while Twilight sat in her largest, fluffiest armchair, flipping through a notebook. The notion that Twilight was taking notes about orgasms was quite possibly the most awkwardly surreal thought that Fluttershy had ever had.

"So, before I start trying to advise you or anything, do you mind if I ask a few questions?" Twilight cleared her throat. "It would help to, uh, know what I'm dealing with."

"Sure, I guess." Fluttershy was quite sure that Twilight would ask the questions whether she minded or not.

"Alright, then. So first of all, when you... uh... when you're alone," Twilight blushed slightly, "what is your... standard procedure?"

"My procedure?"

"You know, how do you go about it? Do you have any particular location you like to do it? Or are there other things you do? Music, or candles, or anything?"

"On my bed, I guess. I don't really do any other special things."

"I see." Twilight scribbled something down in her notebook. Fluttershy fervently hoped that Twilight hadn't put her name anywhere on it. "Do you use any visual aids?"

"Visual aids?"

"You know, porn."

Fluttershy's eyes bulged. "No!"

"Well, that was emphatic," Twilight said. "No porn, then. What about any other masturbatory aids?"

"M-m-m-masturbatory..." Fluttershy couldn't believe how little time it had taken Twilight to become comfortable with the subject matter. Sure, she had blushed a bit earlier, but looking at her now, she had slipped into academic mode.

"Dildos, vibrators, anal beads, and other things of that nature. Or do you just use your hands?"

"I... I just use my hands." Fluttershy stared at the floor. She didn't want to look at Twilight. She didn't want to see Twilight looking at her. Twilight was in the process of constructing a more and more accurate picture of what she looked like when she pleasured herself. There was no way she'd look at her the same way after this.

"What sort of motions do you use?"

"Uh, I just sort of... rub."

"Rub?" Twilight looked up. Fluttershy was staring intently at a knothole in her wood flooring for some reason. "What do you mean?"

"I just do like this..." she held up one hand, fingers together, and moved it in a slow small circle. "On my... you know."

"Not much for insertion then, huh?" Twilight scribbled yet more lines into her notebook. Fluttershy cringed. "Anything else of note?"

Fluttershy felt like her face was on fire. "Um, nothing comes to mind."

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......" Twilight furrowed her brow as she stared at her page of notes.

"What?" Fluttershy asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, I have have good news and bad news."

Fluttershy squeaked. "Bad news?"

"The bad news is only that you have a woefully insufficient masturbation method." Twilight grinned. "The good news is that it means that there's plenty of room to work with."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, trying to ignore Twilight's critique of her alone time. "What's so good about that?"

"What I mean is that if all you do is a little bit of rubbing, it's no wonder you've never come!" Twilight closed the notebook. "See, if you had already tried a bunch of different ways of getting yourself off and none of them worked, then you'd have a bit of a problem, because then you'd have to resort to the slightly more extreme methods of arousal."

"Extreme methods?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. She was just a bit curious what that referred to, though she'd never have admitted it.

"Don't worry, we probably won't have to resort to those. Honestly, this should be easier than I thought. There are plenty of things you can do to... enhance your experience."

"R-really? Like what?"

"Well, first you might want to bump the rubbing up a notch."

"Up a notch? You mean, like, go deeper?" Fluttershy couldn't believe she was even asking such a question.

"You'd think so, but actually that might not be necessary." Twilight shifted into her most academic voice. "I'm no expert on the exact biology, but to the best of my understanding, the nerves in that area are mostly around the vulva and the clitoris. In fact, I think that the clitoris may be the most sensitive part of the female anatomy, so you may want to try stimulating it as much as possible. Rubbing would be good, but you could experiment with it in other ways. Pinching it, for instance. It might seem painful in theory, but when it comes to extreme sexual pleasures sometimes that line can get a little blurred."

"Um, okay..."

"Which isn't to say that you shouldn't experiment with stimulating other parts of your genitalia," Twilight continued. "Or perhaps even other erogenous zones. For example, maybe you should try touching your breasts, specifically the nipples. It's different for everyone, of course, but some girls have extremely sensitive nipples, and it may help you achieve greater arousal than you could otherwise."

Fluttershy bit her lip as she listened. She didn't really even want to remember it, but the words were emblazoning themselves in her brain like some sort of perverse brain-branding iron. "So, I should grope myself?"

"If it helps," Twilight said. "Now, another thing you could try is using another method of self stimulation."

"Like what?"

"Well," Twilight cleared her throat. "What kind of showerhead do you have?"

"Huh?" Fluttershy blinked in confusion. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"If you have one of those detachable showerheads that's attached on a hose, you can use the spray to stimulate yourself. I mean, you could also just sit in the tub and align the showerhead a certain way, but it can take some effort to get the aim right. It's not worth the trouble if that's the case."

"Shower water, okay." She tried not to think of the fact that Twilight was probably speaking from personal experience, but the mental image lodged in her mind. She tried to drive it out by asking another question. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"As a matter of fact, I do!" Twilight stood, a wide grin on her face. "Follow me!"

Ten minutes later, Fluttershy found herself standing in the library, twiddling her fingers as Twilight poked her head into each room.

"Good, Spike left already! He was going over to Rarity's to help her out."

"Um, why is it so important that Spike isn't here?" Fluttershy swallowed. She wasn't sure what Twilight could possibly have in mind that would require them to have the house to themselves. Surely Twilight wouldn't be that direct about her approach to the situation.

"Because I wouldn't want him to discover this." Twilight strode to one of the bookshelves built into the wall. "See this book?" Fluttershy looked at it. An Encyclopedia of Stamp Collecting. Twilight slid it out just a bit, and put her hand in behind it. There was a click, and the next bookshelf over swung open, revealing a staircase.

Fluttershy stared. She had never seen that before. "What's that?"

Twilight winked at her. "The adult section."

"A-a-a-a-adult section!?"

"Yeah, I try to keep it under wraps. Doesn't exactly help the library's reputation." Twilight said as she descended the staircase. She paused and beckoned for Fluttershy to follow her. "Come on."

Fluttershy sighed and followed her down into a small room. The walls were lined with shelves. All in all, it looked like it belonged in a library, aside from the fact that the shelves were labelled not by author or genre, but... she looked at the labels. Anal... Bondage... Vintage... ... Exhibitionism... Oral... Felching... she wasn't even sure what that last one meant, other than it wasn't something that you talked about in polite company.

"So, since you said you didn't have any porn of your own," Twilight said, "I thought I'd let you borrow some of the library's. Now, you'll probably want to stick to this section-" she waved her hand at a shelf labeled Softcore. "The other stuff might be a bit too extreme for your tastes. Not that you can't use them if the softer stuff is... insufficient."

"I... I..." Fluttershy shrunk away from the shelves, as if they would give her a shock if she touched them. She only ever recalled looking at that one time, when she was just a girl in flight camp and she had stumbled across the collection that Rainbow Dash had hidden at the bottom of her gym bag. Needless to say, her own tastes were so far from Rainbow Dash's that it had scared her off of anything even remotely erotic. People weren't meant to bend that way. And the masks... She shivered and hoped that whatever Twilight would give her wasn't quite so... like that.

"So, what type of stuff would you want?" Twilight asked. "Guys, girls, or maybe some of each? If you really want the best of both worlds I could look you up some futanari material, but I'm not sure you're quite ready for that."

"What would you recommend?" She asked, her throat dry. At the moment she just wanted out of the room.

"Hmmm..." Twilight tapped her chin. "Well, this is one of my personal favorites." She pulled out a book and let it fall open, a carefully-laminated centerfold unfurling.

Fluttershy blushed profusely. It was certainly more non-threatening than her previous experience, but she still felt a bit weird. Mostly because the woman looked a little familiar. "Is... is that Princess Celestia?"

"No, but the resemblance is uncanny, isn't it?" Twilight said, a huge grin on her face. "In general that magazine is pretty good; a bit skimpy on the articles, though. I'll grab you a few more issues of that-" she pressed several more books into Fluttershy's hands. "And a few magazines with dudes, if that's more your style," She placed a final selection on the pile. "And 'Rump Rumpus' if you're feeling a bit more adventurous."

"Th-thanks," Fluttershy said flatly.

Twilight didn't fail to pick up on Fluttershy's lack of enthusiasm. "Listen, I know it's a bit uncomfortable, but you said that you wanted my help!" Twilight put her hands on her hips. "The least you can do is give it a try. If it doesn't do anything for you, just bring it back and we'll try something else, okay?"

"I suppose..." Fluttershy sighed. "Do you really think this will help?"

"I have no idea," Twilight said with a shrug. "Right now, your first priority should be figuring out really gets your libido going! Everyone has something that gets them hot under the collar. You just need to find out what yours is!"

"Okay." Fluttershy mumbled. Once again, her brain was playing tricks on her, and was now attempting to figure out what Twilight's something was. Her mind provided visual aids. It made her hot under the collar, literally. She swallowed. Obviously Twilight didn't mean something that actually made her physically warm. At least, Fluttershy hoped she didn't. "Thanks for helping."

"No problem at all!" Twilight said. "Now, you'll probably want to get back home so you can... uh... you know." She jabbed Fluttershy in the ribs with her elbow. "Let me just get a nondescript brown bag for you to carry that stuff home in. Wouldn't want anyone to notice. That would be embarrassing."

"Yes. Yes it would." Fluttershy said. She watched as Twilight bounded up the stairs. Then her eyes wandered down to the stack of magazines in her hands. That one woman really did look like Celestia. A blush crept into her cheeks. She always had thought Celestia was quite pretty...

Experiment 1

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Fluttershy clutched the package to her chest. She knew perfectly well that the contents of her bag were completely legal; Twilight wouldn't stand to have any illegal content in her library, after all. Besides, even as far as porn went, the selection that Twilight had given her was so tame that she could probably pass it off as erotic art. Besides, she thought, it wasn't like she was partaking in some sort of bizarre niche of sexual perversion. It wasn't like she was hiding a set of images of people pooping on each other or anything. Sure, it was technically porn, but it was probably the least porny type of porn anywhere in town.

None of that stopped her from feeling like she was carrying contraband.

If anypony asked her about it... she had a terrible poker face. If she couldn't deflect their attention away from her parcel, they'd ask, and she wasn't sure even now that she'd be able to lie about it. She'd end up spilling the beans. Then they'd ask why on earth sweet, demure, innocent Fluttershy was strolling across down with a giant bag of porn. And then she'd have to explain the whole story about her inability to orgasm and then she'd have to lock herself in her room for a year or two until everyone had forgotten about the whole porn and orgasm thing. Or they'd remember, and she'd have to move out of town and then move back a few months later with a different haircut and hope no one noticed.

She shook her head violently, as if it would cause all of her worries to fall out of her ears. It didn't, but she still felt a bit better just for making the effort. All of her friends were so blase about their... personal habits, that there was no reason to believe that any other pony would understand why she might be doing what she was doing. Of course, if children approached... like Applejack's sister, for instance, there could be some difficulties. Although in that case she could simply pull rank and tell them to go home. She didn't like doing it, but if there was ever a situation that called for it, it would be this. Applejack and Rarity would never let her hear the end of it if she exposed their little sisters to that.

She walked faster. None of this would be a problem if she could just make it to her house without running into someone. She could just say she was in a hurry and had important animal-related things to take care of. That excuse would work on every single person she knew. Except Pinkie Pie, but Pinkie had such a short attention span that distracting her would be easy. Twilight wouldn't buy it either, obviously, but she was already in the know. Which only left one person who would be stubborn enough to press her on the issue. She just had to get back to her house before she ran into-

"Hey, Fluttershy!"

Too late.

"Um, good morning, Rainbow Dash," she said, making a conscious effort to sound normal, despite the fact moments earlier she had been jogging along clutching a mysterious package to her chest while looking back and forth suspiciously. It didn't help that being normal was rather difficult when her brain refused to think anything other than Please don't ask what's in the bag.

"So, what's that?" Rainbow Dash pointed at the bag.

"Oh this is nothing. Just... animal stuff." Fluttershy inwardly kicked herself. Even she could come up with a more convincing lie than that.

"What kind of animal stuff?" Rainbow Dash leaned closer and Fluttershy shuttered. Dash obviously knew that Fluttershy was talking out of her ass, and was just poking to find out why. This was, for glaringly obvious reasons, the exact opposite of what Fluttershy had aimed for.

"You know," Fluttershy said, "The usual."

"Um, I don't know, actually," Rainbow Dash put an arm around Fluttershy's shoulders. "If it's just animal stuff, you could just tell me what it is, which means it's probably not animal stuff. So what is it really?"

"Just... some books," she mumbled. No need to say what kind of books.

"Okay, now I know you're trying to hide something." Rainbow Dash shoved her face into Fluttershy's so that their noses were almost touching. "Otherwise you'd just tell me. You know you can tell me anything, right? We've been friends since we were little girls. You don't have to hide anything from me! Come on, tell me what's in the bag."

Fluttershy swallowed hard. She couldn't do this. She couldn't keep a secret from one of her oldest friends, no matter how horribly embarrassing it was. It pressure of keeping it inside her head was simply too great. She summoned up every ounce of her courage, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth.

"It''s porn!"

Rainbow Dash didn't say anything. Fluttershy, with extreme reluctance, opened her eyes. Rainbow Dash stared, her eyes as big as dinner plates. Then she blinked a few times, and burst into laughter so hard that she would have fallen over if she wasn't leaning against Fluttershy.

"Porn? Oh wow, I never thought I'd even hear you say that, even if you are just joking! Ha!" Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, trying to stop the giggling. "You must really be dead-set on keeping it a secret if that's what you try to use to throw me off. But it's fine. I get it. If you're willing to go that far to keep me from knowing what's in there, I guess I shouldn't keep bothering you." She finally released Fluttershy, who felt as if a great weight had lifted off her shoulders.

"T-thanks," She muttered, trying not to let on that she had just been completely honest. Sure, it wasn't what she had intended, but she'd take the win.

"Well, I gotta get back to my jogging. I'll let you get back to your 'porn'," Dash made finger quotes. "See you later!" She spun around and sprinted down the road.

Fluttershy let out such a huge sigh of relief that she nearly deflated. Then she resumed her jog towards the house. No reason to risk another close call.

A day later, Fluttershy shuffled through the market, keeping an eye out for cabbages, trying not to think about yesterday's events. She could deal with cabbages. All she had to do was make sure they weren't brown; if they were, Angel wouldn't eat them. Sure, it was boring, but it was better than dwelling on that. Unfortunately, the universe had other ideas.

"Oh, hello, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy sighed. Today she didn't have any porn with her, which took the awkwardness level down by at least five, but the greeting had come from Twilight, who was fully aware of the porn as well as what Fluttershy had been doing yesterday evening. That shot the awkwardness level right back up by a few dozen. "Hello, Twilight," She said. Hopefully it would just be a completely run-of-the-mill conversation between two friends that had nothing whatsoever to do with porn, masturbation, or orgasms.

Then Twilight winked, and Fluttershy knew the cause was already lost.

"So, how did things go?" Twilight asked, a decidedly mischievous glint in her eye.

"I,uh, they didn't." Fluttershy mumbled.

"What!?" Twilight yelped. Then she remembered that they were in public and lowered her voice. "Uh, I mean, what?"

"It's a long story," Fluttershy mumbled. "Maybe we could... uh... I have to buy some cabbages." She turned on her heel and started to walk in a direction that Twilight wasn't in.

"The cabbages can wait! This is important." Twilight grabbed Fluttershy's hand and towed her down the street and into the library. She slammed and locked the door behind them. She peered out the window to make sure no one was watching, and then turned her attention back to Fluttershy. "So what happened? Did it just not work... or...?"

"I told you, it's a long story!" Fluttershy said, still trying to figure out how Twilight had pulled her out of her shopping trip so easily. "Do, uh... do we really have to talk about this now?"

"It's a good a time as any," Twilight answered. "Unless buying your cabbages is that much more important than your sexual health."

"My what?"

"Listen..." Twilight put an arm around Fluttershy's shoulders. Fluttershy trembled. "It'll be worth it, okay? Are you really in that much of a rush? If you are, we can do this tomorrow."

Fluttershy sighed. "Not really," she said. "I guess you want to hear what happened?"

"Sure, if you're okay with telling me."

"Alright. Well, last night I thought I'd try some of the things you mentioned. I got out those magazines that you gave me, and I found a few pictures that I... liked. Then I... you know. Started to do it."

"I see." Twilight rummaged through her desk and pulled her notebook out of what was probably a secret compartment of some sort. "What sort of techniques did you use?"

"Well, I did some rubbing, and I also did that pinching thing you mentioned, although I didn't want to do it too hard, you know." She felt herself starting to blush, but she resisted it. "I also did that thing you said about groping my breasts, and it actually sort of worked. It felt better than I expected. For a little bit I was actually just sort of touching my breasts because I liked that part."

"You sure must have!" Twilight said, a wide smirk on her face. "You're still doing it."


Twilight nodded at Fluttershy's chest. Fluttershy looked down, and discovered that in the midst of her gesticulating, she had inadvertently, or perhaps subconsciously, began to cup her assets with her hands. Her blush won out and she whipped her hands behind her back.

"What? It's not like there's anything wrong with enjoying your body!" Twilight said with a chuckle. "Then again, you naturally wouldn't want me watching. But still, it's good to hear that you made a step in the right direction, even if you didn't get all the way there. You found out what you like."

"I guess..."

"So what happened? Could you just not get there?"

"Well, after a while, I could feel... something. That sort of tightness."

"Yes, yes! The tightness! The tightness is good!" Twilight scribbled furiously in her notebook. "How long did it take you to get it?"

"Um... about an hour."

"An hour!?" Twilight gasped. "And you didn't even come?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No."

"W-what happened?"

"Well, once I noticed it, I kept going, but I started going a little harder. I put my fingers in a bit deeper and moved them around a little bit, and I really thought that I was getting close! I just needed a little bit more, and I would be able to come!"


"I got a cramp." Fluttershy held up her right hand. "It was sort of stuck like this." She forced her fingers into an awkward claw shape. "I tried to switch hands, but it just wasn't the same."

"Yeah, once you get used to using a certain hand, switching it can really throw off your rhythm. I've heard some people can do it equally well with both hands, but I'm pretty sure you have to train for that. Alternate hands each time, maybe a few extra with your non-dominant hand just to even it out." She shrugged. "What did you end up doing?"

"Well, I thought that maybe I could try that other thing you mentioned, using the showerhead."

"Ah." Twilight nodded sagely. "How did that work?"

"Well, I slipped in the tub and bruised my butt."

"Oooh..." Twilight grimaced. "I bet that killed the mood."

"Yes, it wasn't very pleasant. But I kept going!" She clenched her fists in emphasis. "I started working my way back to it! I could feel myself getting closer and closer. I could feel my insides starting to twist up! The warmth of the water, the pulsing... I could feel it going through my whole body!"

"Yes, and what happened then!?"

"My hot water ran out."


"Yeah." Fluttershy looked down and twirled the end of her hair around her finger. "That was sort of the end of it."

Twilight shivered, the mere idea sending a chill down her spine. "It's bad enough when you're just showering and the hot water goes out. How long were you in the shower for?"

"I'm not sure, another hour, maybe."

"Huh..." Twilight continued to scribble. "I think your problem is that while the method might work in theory, it simply doesn't build quickly enough. I think you probably could have an orgasm just by doing what you're doing, but it's quite impractical because it takes so long. We'll have to think up some way to expedite the process a bit if you don't want have to clear your entire afternoon whenever you masturbate."

"E-expedite the process?"

"Yes! A girl should have a way to orgasm that doesn't force her to spend three hours working up to it! You should choose whether you want to drag it out that long." She smiled a smile that made Fluttershy feel a pang of nervousness. "And I already have an idea of how we could do that."


"Of course," Twilight said. "You can go back to shopping for cabbages for now. Just meet me here tomorrow morning, okay?"

Fluttershy wanted to refuse, but just ended up nodding.


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Fluttershy was rather hesitant to follow Twilight down the back alley. Not because she was afraid of anything down there, of course. After staring a dragon in the face, the possibility of being mugged really didn't phase her much. Besides, she didn't have enough money to be worth mugging, and even if she did, she had never actually heard of a mugging happening in this alley. What really made her nervous was the fact that the town only actually had one back alley, and it had a reputation as the place that teenagers went to experiment with smoking poison joke. You just didn't see many people back there, and if you did you looked the other way. Maybe that was why Twilight had them both wearing wigs and giant sunglasses.

"Um, Twilight, do we really need to go back here?"

"Well, to be fully technical, you don't need to be here. I could pick something up for you, but I think you should do it with yourself," Twilight answered. She scanned the street to make sure no one was watching. "It's not that bad. You won't get attacked or anything."

"I know..." Fluttershy sighed. "Let's go."

"Great! The coast is clear." Twilight took Fluttershy's hand and half-led, half-towed her into the alley.

The alley wasn't quite as... sordid as Fluttershy had expected. There were a few dumpsters, and a few decidedly non-threatening middle-schoolers behind them, emitting small amounts of smoke and occasionally giggling. Outside of that there were a handful of doors. Most seemed to be back entrances to various business. One was an entrance to a seedy-looking bar. One had a pink sign hanging over it that contained the words "Paradigm of Pleasure" and the silhouette of something that wasn't normally displayed in public. Twilight pointed at it. "That's where we're headed."

Fluttershy clamped her eyes shut as Twilight shoved her through the door. She knew exactly what kind of store this was, and that meant that she couldn't touch anything. Because... ew. As she passed through the doorway, she heard the deceptively normal-sounding ring of the little bell that was apparently hanging over the door. She also got blasted in the face with a surprisingly pleasant flowery scent. She braced herself and opened her eyes. The store was surprisingly clean. It actually bore a surprising resemblance to a regular old kitchen supply and appliance store, only in this case the supplies were various sorts of lubes, and the appliances were intended for insertion into various orifices.

"Oh my." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Good morning!" Twilight said to the young woman behind the counter. The cashier looked surprisingly mundane and not-at-all perverted for someone who worked in a sex shop. She looked more like she was supposed to be someone's little sister. And not in the girl-next-door-who's-secretly-into-bondage way either. If anything she would be more at home working at a fast-food restaurant or something.

"Good morning!" she answered, a delighted and completely non-creepy smile on her face. "How are you doing, Twilight? Here to pick up some more lube?"

"Well, that's not the main reason I came by, but I figured I could pick some up while I'm here. The real reason I'm here is for her." She pointed at Fluttershy, who was still standing by the entrance, as if she didn't want to move any further into the store.

"Fluttershy!?" The proprietor gasped. "I never expected to see you here!"

"Y-y-you recognize me!?"

"Of course!" she said. "Back when you were Photo Finish's star model I had people coming in left and right asking if we stocked body pillows of you. We don't, by the way. I tried, but we couldn't get the rights. It would've been a hot seller though." She winked.

"But, but the disguise!" Fluttershy gestured at her wig, which was bright orange and frizzy enough that the static electricity could power a lightbulb.

"Just about everyone who comes in here wears a disguise. I got good at picking out what people actually look like." She held out a hand. "I'm Good Vibrations, but you can call me Vibe."

"Uh... nice to meet you." Fluttershy shuffled towards her and hesitatingly held out a hand.

"It's fine!" Vibe said, grabbing Fluttershy's hand and giving it a shake. "First-timers always think that the place is going to be a cesspool of nastiness, so I try to keep everything perfectly clean."

"Well..." Fluttershy's eyes scanned the shelves, trying not to think about the fact that they were all lined with sex toys. To Vibe's credit, everything was absolutely sparkling. Not even Rarity's boutique was so spotless. "You do a good job of it."

"Thanks! So, what brings you here? We're running a special on double-ended dildos, if that's what you and Twilight are here for!"

"D-d-d-double ended-" The blood drained from Fluttershy's face and her legs began to wobble.

"No, no, that's not it at all!" Twilight said, putting an arm around Fluttershy to steady her. "We're not... together." She glanced at Fluttershy, the realization striking that her body language was at odds with her statement. "Fluttershy is just having some... uh..." Twilight wiggled her hand for a moment before clenching it.

"Ah, she gets hand cramps and you brought her here to pick up a vibrator. Is that it?"

"Yep." Twilight nodded. "Isn't that right, Fluttershy?"

The blood flowed back into Fluttershy's face with a vengeance, making it look like a tomato. "Uh..."

"It's fine!" Vibe said, stepping out from behind the counter. "Most people feel weird talking about it when they first come in. Then they realize that just about everybody has a libido, and that it's not weird to want to make the most of it. Sure, there are a couple who pull some really hinky stuff, but mostly it's just regular people wanting to spice things up a bit." Vibe threw her arm around Fluttershy, who shuttered. "And you can relax. I never talk about my clientele. Nobody will ever know you were here unless you tell them. You wouldn't believe some of the people I've seen come in here!"

"Really?" Fluttershy asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Like who?"

"I just told you, I never talk about people who come in here!" Vibe said with a chuckle. "But let's get back to business. You came in here looking for a masturbatory aid of some sort, right?"

Fluttershy sighed and nodded.

"Do you have any idea what kind of thing you're looking for?"

Fluttershy shook her head.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Twilight asked. "I remember when I first came in here, you were really helpful."

"I'll just give her my little beginner's guide to dildos, then!" Vibe darted back behind the counter and emerged holding a box. "Now then, when it comes to stuff that you put in your vagina, there are a couple different ways you can go, but you have to find the thing that works for you." She reached into the box and pulled out a piece of rubber that looked not unlike an extremely elongated bullet. She set it upright on the counter. "This is your basic dildo. A smooth piece of rubber, no frills, no batteries required. Of course, the lack of power means that you have to rely on your own dexterity for the movement, so it might not solve your cramping issue. On the upside, it's cheap."

She rummaged around in the box some more and pulled out another toy. It looked mostly the same aside from a small switch and dial near the bottom. "This is a standard vibrator. Basically the same as the regular dildo only it does this." She flicked the switch and it did exactly what its name indicated. "The regular version has three intensity settings: Tickle, Throb, and Wake the Neighbors. You can get ones that go higher settings, but those are a bit more advanced. It's a bit more expensive and you have make sure you don't run out of batteries, but you can use it to give yourself a back massage. It's not waterproof though, so you if like to get it on in the shower you'll end up tazing yourself in the crotch. Not a pleasant experience."

"I see..." Fluttershy tried not to think of what that would be like.

"Of course, those are just the vanilla dildos." She reached back in the box and drew out two more... rubber dicks, apparently. "If you want a slightly more realistic experience, you could try one of these. They come in normal and vibrating, just like the other ones. Also got a variety of sizes running from Teeny Weenie to Forearm. A lot of girls prefer these because the shape is obviously a lot closer to the real deal." She shrugged. "But personally, I have to admit I'm no fan. I mean, it's just not the same as a real penis. Too cold, and doesn't really have the same texture. It's just close enough to an actual dick to feel weird. Sort of like that uncanny valley deal, only with cocks. Still, they aren't quite as smooth, but if you're really after a bit of roughness, we have regular dildos and vibrators with ribs, bumps, or whatever. It's sort of like peanut butter. We have all sorts of varieties. Chunky, smooth, whatever you want."

"P-peanut butter?" Fluttershy mumbled.

"Well, not like literal peanut butter. My point is that we have a wide variety of vibrators and dildos to choose from. I'm sure you'll find something that's to your liking." Vibe began to walk down one of the aisles, gesturing for Fluttershy to follow her. "We also have a wide selection of anal beads and butt plugs as well."

"A-anal... butt?"

"Yes, anal butt," Vibe said with a chuckle. "I know, it's weird to think about putting stuff up there. I'm not a huge fan of that sort of thing, but sometimes it gives my personal time a little extra spice, you know?"

"I...uh..." Fluttershy could only stammered.

"I don't think she's quite ready for that stuff," Twilight said. "Why don't we just stick with the basics for now?"

"Well, here are all of our vibrators!" Vibe tapped her fingers on the row of boxes. "When you find what you want, just bring it up to the counter, okay?" She turned away and returned to her post.

"Well, what do you think, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "Anything catch your eye?"

Fluttershy bit her lip and scanned the shelves. She never would have guessed that there were so many variations on the "vaguely-dick-shaped-object-to-put-in-your-pussy". They all looked the same to her, except for the ones on the bottom shelf, which were all so weirdly-designed that she wouldn't even want one in her house let alone in her vagina. "Which one would you recommend?"

"Well, this..." she pointed to a box, "is the first one that I picked up, and it's served me very well so far."

"I guess I'll take that one, then." Fluttershy delicately took the box off the shelf and stared at it. There was a smiling face next to a rose-pink bullet-shaped silhouette. A small box of text in the corner sung the virtues of the speed settings and durability. It didn't seem outwardly threatening, but Fluttershy felt like she was holding a bomb. She stepped gingerly up to the register and laid it on the counter. "I'll take this one."

"A fine choice!" Vibe declared. "I have one of those myself. And it's your lucky day!" She reached under the counter. "You get a free lube tube with your purchase. Don't want to be too rough on yourself, you know?" She held up two bottles that looked like regular old lotion tubes, but whose labeling indicated otherwise. "Which scent you want? Sensual Strawberry or Lusty Linen?"

"I'll take the strawberry one, I guess." Fluttershy blushed as she watched Vibe deposit the two objects into a plain paper bag. "How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry, Fluttershy, I'll cover this." Twilight said. "It's thirty bits, right?"

"Yep!" Vibe nodded as she dropped the receipt into the bag and wrapped it up. "Enjoy!"

Twilight winked at Fluttershy. "I'm sure she will. Now then, about my lube refill..."

Experiment 2

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Fluttershy reclined on her bed, alone in her house. She had made sure of that. Every single creature had been booted outside for the time being. Every window was shut, every curtain pulled. Her hands trembled as she inserted the batteries into her recent acquisition. She knew it was brand new and never used, but she still held it delicately with her fingertips. She'd never have believed that she would ever own a vibrator. At least the pale pink plastic matched her decor. She sighed and picked up her tube of Sensual Strawberry lube and flicked the cap off with her thumb. At the very least, her crotch would smell nice when she was done. Why anyone would need their crotch to smell nice was another matter entirely.

She squeezed a small blob of the stuff onto the tip of the vibrator, and smeared it over the device, trying not to think about what her actions looked like. She was very thorough. Then she took a deep breath and put her finger on the switch, and flicked it on, to the lowest setting. The vibrator buzzed like an angry hornet, so loudly that she nearly dropped it. She fumbled it in her fingers for a second. The lube was performing its job too well, keeping her from getting a grip on it. She clamped her hands around it and switched it off. Her eyes darted to the window, half-expecting to see someone peering through, having heard the noise and come to investigate. She shook her head. No one would be able to hear it, and she was on the second floor anyway.

She turned the vibrator back on, this time keeping her grip. The movement made her whole body shiver, as if the entire room had suddenly chilled. Was this really something she wanted to put herself through? She looked down at herself. Her skin was tightened into a mass of goosebumps. Her nipples were fully erect, cute little nubs protruding from her breasts, as if they were waiting for attention. Well, she certainly couldn't neglect them. She reached up and gently pressed a fingertip against one of them. It sent a tremor through her whole body, like a ticklish ripple. She smiled, and gave it a gentle but firm squeeze, twisting it just a bit, so that the sensation was on the line between twinge and pain. Her hand cupped the rest of her breast and squeezed, savoring the smoothness of her own skin and feeling the soft weight. Maybe this time she would do it.

The tip of the vibrator touched the skin of her mons, and she trembled with anticipation. She slowly slid it downwards, closer and closer to her vagina, letting the anticipation speed up her heartbeat. Her breasts swayed in time with every breath. The vibrator reached her vulva. She closed her eyes and slowly began to slide it into herself.

Then a loud knock on the door shocked her. She bobbled the the vibrator once again, struggling to get a grip on it. She failed and it landed on the bed.

There was another knock, and then a familiar voice.

"Hey, Fluttershy! You in there?"

"YES!" She responded out of habit, and clamped her hands over her mouth. She had wanted to just wait until Applejack left, but even though she had never had trouble being quiet, she had never been able to avoid answering a knock. Even if she had a really really good reason, like avoiding an angry minotaur, she just felt unbearably rude leaving them on her doorstep. And she didn't think that masturbating really qualified as a particularly good reason not to answer the door. She silently cured her own inability to be impolite, and quickly threw on her sundress and went downstairs.

She paused at the door for a moment to fix up her hair. If she didn't look at least somewhat presentable, Applejack would... well, she still probably wouldn't realize anything was different, but Fluttershy wasn't much of a risk-taker.

"Good morning, Applejack!" Fluttershy said, as she opened the door. "Um, what are you doing here?"

"I just came by to pick up Winona's dog food. How much do I owe ya?"

"Huh, oh, right. Um, same as last week."

"Alright," Applejack reached into her pocket and began to count out the money. She paused. "What's that smell?"

"Smell? What smell?"

Applejack sniffed the air. "The sweet smell. It's fruity. Smells like strawberries."

Fluttershy swallowed. Her hands were still slippery with lube. She wracked her brain for an adequate explanation. For once, it came through. "Lotion."


"Yes, I just put lotion on my hands."

"Of course," Applejack said with a nod. "Gotta keep 'em moisturized. You mind if I use some? My hands are might dry from workin' all morning."

"Use... uh..." Fluttershy's tongue briefly made a pretzel out of itself. "I'm sorry, no."

"Aw, why not?"

"It's um... special lotion."

"Special lotion."

Fluttershy nodded, blurting the words out as they came to her head. "I got it from my doctor. It's for... warts."


"Yes, I get warts so the doctor gave me special lotion to get rid of them and make sure they stay away."

"Okay, then." Applejack shrugged. "Where'd you stash the stuff?"

"It's in my shed. If you want to get it out I usually leave it..." Fluttershy's voice trailed off as she realized that the sundress she was wearing was very thin, and she wasn't wearing any underwear. Maybe Applejack wouldn't notice. ""

"Alright then." Applejack nodded. "So, were you plannin' on just hangin' at home today?"

"What?" Fluttershy nearly gasped. Her brain jumped into paranoia mode. SheknowsSheknowsSheknowsSheknowsSheknows. She gathered her composure and answered. "Um, no. I have other things to do. In town, and not in my house."

"Well, if that's the case, you might wanna put on a bra," Applejack said with a wink and a nod at Fluttershy's chest.

Fluttershy looked down and blushed as she saw the clearly pronounced outlines of her still-erect nipples poking through the thin fabric. She reflexively crossed her arms over her chest. "I... um...."

Applejack chuckled. "Don't worry, I get it."

"Y-you do!?" Fluttershy asked. My cover is blown!

"Of course! It's so much more comfortable to just lounge around the house without wearin' your underpants and bra! That stuff can be so constrictin' sometimes. Just feels good let it hang loose sometimes."

"Y-yep." Fluttershy said, trying not to sigh in relief. "You got me."

"I wish I got to more often," Applejack said. "We usually got too many people comin' and goin' in the house, though. Apple Bloom and her friends are always runnin' in and out, and sometimes the hired help from the orchard comes in." She grinned and leaned in. "I'm actually not wearin' any panties right now."


"Well, I'm gonna go get that dog food. I'll see you later."

"O-okay. Goodbye."


Fluttershy exhaled heavily as she closed the door and leaned against it. That had been too close. It was a good thing that Applejack didn't tend to pry. If it would have been Pinkie, or even worse, Rainbow Dash, it could've been a complete disaster.

She returned to her room, where most everything was just as she had left it. She tossed the dress over a chair. This time, she wasn't going to let anything interrupt her. Unless her house burned down. In that case, she'd probably stop. Otherwise, they'd find her body, put 2 and 2 together, and realize that she had died because she was too intent on pleasuring herself to not die. That would be even worse than being caught. And also, she would be dead, which was a bad thing.

"Alright, let's do this!" She opened the drawer of her nightstand and took out the pictures that she had decided were her favorites. There was one of those Celestia-look-alike pictures (one of the more modest ones, ironically enough), another random girl who had very nice breasts, and another model who didn't have any specific attributes that stood out, but just so happened to look more than a little like Twilight. She wasn't quite sure why Twilight had those. It was kinda weird.

She put her hands to her breasts and began to knead them, trying to get herself back in the mood. She hadn't even gotten to use the vibrator yet! Thought, on the upside, at least she was actually looking forward to giving it a try. Her initial wariness had given way to expectation. Applejack's untimely arrival had actually given her libido a bump.

Once again, she took the vibrator and flipped the switch. Perhaps today would be the day.

This time, the vibrator didn't even make it to her skin. There was another knock on the door, and another loud voice. Unfortunately, this was a voice that she couldn't ignore. It belonged to Pinkie.

"HEY FLUTTERSHY! I know you're in there! I gotta talk to you! It's important! Also, I have cookies!"

Fluttershy sighed. She had fully intended on ignoring any distractions, but tuning out Pinkie's voice could be difficult. And Pinkie could be persistent. And she might start singing. It would be rather difficult to get off while listening to that. Or worse, she might actually have an orgasm while listening to Pinkie. Maybe her brain would get its wires crossed and associate the two things. Every time she wanted to masturbate she'd have to somehow get Pinkie to ramble on in the background. It would be the most unfortunate fetish ever. She couldn't possibly have that.

And then there was the fact that Pinkie was liable to climb up to the window or something. Fluttershy had to address the issue at the source. She'd have to answer the door again. She got up, put her dress back on, this time taking the time to throw on a bra and panties, and headed downstairs. Pinkie's voice rang in her ears the whole way.

"Yes?" Fluttershy said, opening the door. "What happened? Is something wrong?"

"I need peanut butter!" Pinkie gasped in the same tone someone might usually use to call for a doctor.


"I was going to make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, but I ran out of peanut butter!" Pinkie said. "I really want chunky, but I'll take smooth if that's all you have."

"I thought you said it was a emergency," Fluttershy said crossly. Or at least as crossly as she could manage.

"And not having peanut butter chocolate chip cookies isn't an emergency!?" Pinkie looked sideways at Fluttershy as if she had just grown a second head.

"Pinkie, most people wouldn't think of that as an emergency," Fluttershy said with a sigh. "It's not like someone is injured or dying or anything."

"Well, no, but if we didn't have cookies, life wouldn't be worth living!" Pinkie said. "That makes it like an emergency! Kinda."

"It really doesn't."

Pinkie sighed. "Fine, I guess not. Sorry."

"It's...okay," Fluttershy mumbled. "Just, next time, try going to a store and buying your own peanut butter. You inter- you might have interrupted me doing something important."

"Good thing I didn't, then!" Pinkie said, she hopped in place, and Fluttershy became immediately aware of the fact that Pinkie had decided to go bra-less. "But seriously, do you have any peanut butter? I'm really hungry."

"Y-yes, there's some in the cabinet," Fluttershy said, trying not to imagine what it would feel like if she stuffed her hands up Pinkie's shirt.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie bounded into the kitchen, and jumped out a moment later, holding an oversized jar of peanut butter. "Thanks!" she said. "I'll bring some cookies over when I'm done! And also I'll pay you back for the peanut butter. And your new strawberry air freshener smells really nice! See you later!" Pinkie didn't even wait for a goodbye before charging down the path.

"Bye," Fluttershy called after her. She sighed. That had been the last of her peanut butter, too. Oh well, at least it would keep Pinkie occupied for a few hours. Baking was probably the only thing that she was capable of focusing on. That and parties.

She returned to her room and began to make the preparations for the third time. Put the pictures out, get naked and lie on the bed, re-lube the vibrator, crack her knuckles, feel herself up a bit to get some momentum going, and then she could finally give her new toy the try that it deserved. She flicked the switch.

As if on cue, she heard a shout in the distance. And it rapidly got louder and louder. Fluttershy's blood ran cold. She knew exactly who was shouting. Property damage and extreme embarrassment were incoming.

"aaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Rainbow Dash blasted through the window, ripping the entire frame out of the wall. She slammed into the floor at the foot of the bed, and skidded into the closet, where she stopped with a thud.

Fluttershy's perception of time stopped dead. Either that or her brain had shot itself up with so much raw adrenaline that she had used up her lifetime supply. Her thoughts were racing; she knew that she had, at most, maybe twenty seconds before Rainbow Dash stumbled out of the closet and saw that Fluttershy's bed contained porn, lube, a vibrator, and a naked Fluttershy who was in the process of making use of the first three things. Her first priority was, of course, to get the porn, lube, and vibrator out of sight. Sure, getting caught naked by Rainbow Dash would be intensely embarrassing, but it was something she could play off. Say she was just hanging out around the house, naked. If worst came to worst, she could get Applejack to corroborate her story. The other stuff would be a lot harder to explain.

She snatched up the pictures and shoved them under her pillow, along with the lube. That was easy. Four seconds, at most. That gave her sixteen to get the vibrator turned off, and hidden. She grabbed at it, and it slipped out of her grasp, coated with a fresh layer of lube. In the corner of her vision, Rainbow Dash began to stir. Twelve seconds to hide the vibe and herself. The bed. It was her only chance. The dress was too far away, and she probably wouldn't be able to get it on in time. She threw back the cover with one hand, and made a grab at the vibrator with her other. Wriggling madly, she rolled off the cover and onto her bed, then threw the cover over herself. Now she just had to get the vibrator turned off. She had, by her best estimation, seven seconds.

She clenched the sex toy tightly with both hands, trying to get to the switch. Rainbow Dash was moving now, starting to make an attempt to emerge. Two, maybe three seconds at most. As Rainbow poked her head out, her fingers found the off switch, and the vibrator went quiet. She finally relaxed. Just a little. She was still naked under the covers, and if RD decided to steal her blanket....

"R-rainbow Dash, are you alright?" she asked.

"Oh, damn..." Dash pulled herself to her feet and staggered out of the closet, the broken windowpane still dangling from around her neck. How she managed to smash through so many windows without ever cutting herself was a mystery for the ages. "I knew I shouldn't have tried to do a dozen barrel rolls in a row..." She shook her head and noticed her surroundings for the first time. "Oh, hey Fluttershy. Sorry about the window. I'll get you a new one."

"T-thanks," Fluttershy mumbled.

"Sorry for interrupting your... your nap, I guess."

"I-it's okay, I hadn't fallen asleep yet."

"Well, that's great!" Rainbow Dash lifted the window off of her shoulders and tossed it out the hole where the window had been a moment before. "I'll have the repair guy come by tomorrow, that okay?"

"That's fine." Fluttershy shifted a bit in her bed, and the blanket rubbed against her chest. She wished Rainbow Dash would just leave already. Although the floor was still strewn with broken glass. "Um, I can clean this up, if you want to get back to your training."

"Nah, I'll get it," Dash said. "You just try to get back to sleep and I'll take care of the mess. Broom's in the hall closet, right?"

Fluttershy nodded sullenly and watched Rainbow Dash run off to get the broom. She certainly couldn't get out of bed. She could get back to work either, not without Rainbow Dash noticing. And actually napping was out of the question. Putting aside the fact that she was now far too hot and bothered to sleep, if she somehow managed to drift off, she might very well roll over or something and reveal that she was naked and holding a dildo. Her only recourse was to pretend to sleep and wait for Rainbow Dash to finish up.

She sighed. At the very least, for the first time in her life she understood what the phrase "sexually frustrated" meant.

Rainbow Dash returned and began to sweep. "By the way, I really like that air freshener of yours. Is that strawberry?"


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Twilight had decided to give Fluttershy a bit of space. Ever since they had stopped by the sex shop, it had been rather difficult to interact normally. For most people, the knowledge of another person's masturbatory habits would merely be a weird thing to be aware of, but for Fluttershy it completely threw off her dynamic. She could barely pass Twilight on the street without blushing. And given that their past half-dozen conversations had been about Fluttershy's... habits, Twilight couldn't blame her. She hadn't broached the subject of orgasms, masturbation, dildos, or porn in the past week. That would be plenty of time for Fluttershy to figure out something that worked for her. Hopefully.

But now that week was over, and she had decided to pay Fluttershy a visit. The good news was that Fluttershy didn't seem hesitant to tell her how her first foray into assisted self-pleasure had gone. The bad news was that it apparently hadn't gone very well.

" what happened after Rainbow Dash left?" Twilight asked, pouring herself a cup of tea. Fluttershy made very good tea. Not quite as good as Rarity, but definitely on the higher end of the quality spectrum.

"Well, she had cleaned up most of the glass, but she missed some stuff, so I had to go over the floor again, just to make sure. When I finished sweeping again, I had to hang a sheet over the hole. Then I tried to get back to... you know."

Twilight nodded. "And how did that go?"

"It didn't. It started raining."

"Of course." Twilight shook her head.

"So then I had to go find a tarp to hang over the hole so the water couldn't get into my room. But I got that put up, and I cleaned up the mess in my room, and tried again."

"And then?" Twilight asked, knowing that that couldn't be the end of the story.

"Then some girl scouts showed up at my door," Fluttershy said with a shrug. "I was hungry, so I got a few boxes of Thin Mints." She nodded at the plate of the cookies on the table.

"I guess that was the end of it, then?" Twilight said. "All that stuff happening probably killed the mood."

"Yeah, I basically gave up trying for the day. I figured I'd have time later."

"Did you?"

"Yes. But not enough apparently." Fluttershy hung her head. "I still didn't... make it."

"Really?" Twilight tried to not sound too surprised, which was really quite easy. "How often did you try?"

"Every day! If I had time I could go for quite a while. Yesterday I... uh... did it for over two hours."

"And you still didn't come?"

"No." Fluttershy stared into her cup of tea. "It's not like I didn't try, either. I tried all sorts of different positions and used all the different types of porn I have, but nothing worked." She sighed. "I'm starting to think that I might just not be able to do it."

"Hey, don't go and get all defeatist on me!" Twilight said. "You haven't even come close to exhausting all of your options. So the vibrator wasn't enough. It got you closer at least, didn't it?"

Fluttershy nodded glumly. "I guess so."

"See? You're moving in the right direction, you just haven't gotten there quite yet." She leaned back in her chair and began to stroke her chin contemplatively. "Now we just need to figure out how to get there." She thought for a moment. "I have an idea. Are you free this afternoon?"

"Um, I have to go feed the chickens and trim Winona's claws, but after that I should be free."

"Perfect!" Twilight leaped to her feet. "I need some time to prepare, anyway. Give me about two hours, then come to the library. I have a plan!"

"Okay." Fluttershy swallowed, not sure whether to be excited or scared. "I guess I'll see you then."

Against her better judgment, Fluttershy poked her head into the library. She had no idea what Twilight had thought up this time, but a combination of curiosity and a desire to not waste Twilight's time had forced her to stop by. "Twilight?" she called in a voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Right here!" The secret bookcase passageway swung open, and Twilight poked her head out. "Come on!" She waved Fluttershy to follow. "I just finished setting up."

Fluttershy shrugged, and followed her friend down the stairs. She sighed in relief as she saw that Twilight had simply set up a desk and a huge pile of magazines that were probably porn. She had never been so happy to see a giant pile of porn in her life. In the dark corners of her mind, she had been a little afraid that Twilight would have put together some sort magical machine to... do something. Fluttershy had refused to think about it more than that. "So, Twilight..." she asked, "what are we doing?"

"We're going to figure out your preferences. I figured that if we got an idea of what type of things get you hot and bothered, you'd have an easier time of things. Before we get started, do you want anything? I have some tea I could make."

"No, no, I'm fine."

"Great! Let's get started then." Twilight pointed at the chair. "Please, take a seat."

"Okay." Fluttershy sat at the desk. "Now what?"

Twilight opened a folder and took out some pictures. Naturally enough, they were all of naked people. She lined up half a dozen of them on the table, taking care to make the rows straight. Then she picked up a clipboard. "Now then, of these pictures, which ones do you find most... arousing?"


"Take your time, I wouldn't want to rush you."

Fluttershy bit her lip and pointed to one of the pictures. "I like this one, I guess." She indicated another one. "And this one, too."

"Good, good." Twilight took a moment to scribble something on her clipboard, then swept the pictures back into their folder. A moment later, another folder was in her hand, and six more pictures were on the desk. "Now what about these?"

"Um... all the ones in this row are pretty good, I guess." She pointed. "Twilight, how many folders are there?"

"Um, about that..." Twilight scratched her head. "In order to have an adequate sample size, we need to make sure that we have enough..."

"How many?"

"No more than fifty."

"Fifty?" Fluttershy suddenly noticed the large stack of folders on the table behind Twilight, and realized that she'd have to look through all of them. "That's a lot of porn?"

"Well, it won't take that long," Twilight answered. "You just went through two in the past minute, so if we keep things moving, we should be done in half an hour. Then we can move on to phase two!"

"What's phase two?" Fluttershy asked hesitantly.

Twilight grinned as she laid out another series of pictures. "You'll find out when you finish going through these."

Fluttershy looked down at the pictures. Half an hour wasn't that long, and while she still hadn't managed an orgasm, Twilight's advice thus far had definitely got her closer. She smiled. "Okay, then. I'll do my best." She pointed one of the pictures, one of a girl with an unquestionably perfect ass. "I like this one."

"All of these except for that one." Fluttershy said. "He's so muscular it's honestly a little bit off-putting."

"Aaaaaand noted!" Twilight scribbled once more on her clipboard. "And that's everything!"

"Really? We're done already?"

"Well, you are," Twilight said. "With the first stage, at least."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy scratched her head. She could understand how porn had something to do with orgasms, but she wasn't quite sure how this particular approach would help any. If anything, it made the porn less arousing. "What exactly was I doing?"

"I just figured that if we could narrow down what sort of things you like, I'd be able to supply more... visual aids that you would find highly arousing. What I did was take each of those pictures and make note of the characteristics of the people in them, accounting for body type, proportions, facial structure, gender, skin color, hairstyle, pose, and content. I recorded which pictures you found most arousing, so now when I compile the information, I'll be able to see trends in your... preferences. So while I work on that, you may be able to move on to phase 2."

"Phase 2?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded. "Now, you don't have to do this yourself, because I realize you might not be comfortable with it, but it would go quite a bit faster if you did."

A chill ran down Fluttershy's back. "W-what is it?"

"Well, you said that you had exhausted every idea you could come up with thus far, correct?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"If that's the case, I think it might be time to start considering... slightly more experimental methods. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you get yourself into bondage or hot wax dripping or urethral sounding or anything like that. Those are all last resort things. Unless they intrigue you, in which case you should look into it." She coughed. "But I'm thinking of slightly more tame examples of things you could try."

"Like what?"

"Um... anal stimulation seems like the obvious choice. It's not particularly difficult and it's relatively safe as long as you lubricate properly and don't insert anything too large. It's not for everyone, of course, but it's worth looking into. I was thinking that while I tabulate your information, you could put on a wig, and perhaps go back to Vibe's shop and find something to use."

The blood drained from Fluttershy's face. "You mean, like, by myself?"

"Well, it would be good for you. I can't go to the store with you every time you need to refill your lube. I've already got some sunglasses and a wig ready." She pointed to an oddly-convenient hook on the wall, on which, sure enough, hung a wig and a pair of large sunglasses. "Or you could wait for a few hours while I go through all these pictures. But really, I don't think I'll be that bad. All you have to do is go in and ask about it."

"Yeah, I know. I'm not sure I want to..."

"Fluttershy, you don't need to be embarrassed. Vibe has worked there for years. I guarantee you that asking about anal toys won't even phase her. She's familiar with way weirder things."

"You sure?"

"Sure, I'm sure." Twilight put a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "You'll be fine, okay? You shouldn't be ashamed that you want to enjoy yourself. You just need to be willing to go for it. What do you say?"

Fluttershy swallowed. "I...uh..."

The bell above the door dinged as Fluttershy stepped gingerly through. She had supplemented Twilight's wig/glasses combo with a large shawl and coat, and had hunched herself over so she looked a bit more like an old lady. At the very least, if anyone saw her going in, they would be even less inclined to ask questions that way.

"Good afternoon, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy nearly jumped out of her skin, but just barely managed to maintain her composure long enough to look up to see Vibe standing behind the counter.

"Y-you must be mistaken!" Fluttershy croaked, doing her best old-lady voice. "I don't know any Fluttershy!"

"It's fine, there's no one else here."

"Okay," Fluttershy said, dropping the act. She couldn't do a very good old-lady voice anyway.

"So, what brings you here on this fine day?"

Fluttershy called up as much courage as she could muster. She had thought that being a model took nerves of steel. That was nothing compared to asking a stranger to recommend things for her to put in her butt.

"Um... well, I'm still having a little... trouble, and Twilight thought I might want to consider trying an...alternative... method..." She waggled a hand in the general vicinity of her posterior.

"Ah, you're lookin' for something to shove up your ass."

Fluttershy felt like she should have been shocked by the vulgarity of the statement, but the sheer matter-of-factness of the statement shocked her more. She wanted to say something, but just nodded sheepishly.

"Well, I've got all sorts of stuff for that." Vibe stepped out from behind the counter and lead Fluttershy down one of the aisles. "You'll want to start small obviously. A small butt plug or anal beads would be appropriate, I would think. That's what I started out with." She scratched her head. "Then again, I never really went any further than that."

"You did?" Fluttershy mumbled. "I, uh... if you don't mind, what's it like?"

"It's... different," she said. "I don't do it a whole lot, but it really does add some variety if you do it right. I might not be really into it, but I can sure see why some people like it. Who knows? Maybe this might be just what you need."

"Y-yeah," Fluttershy mumbled as she surveyed the rows of... things, and tried to imagine what it would feel like to have one inside of her behind. "I hope so too."

"Don't worry," Vibe said, smiling. "Your ass is in good hands. So to speak."


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Twilight turned the page. She couldn't believe that she hadn't read this book earlier. Parasprite biology was fascinating. She had always wondered how they managed to reproduce so quickly. She never would have expected them to be able to do so by using their-

There was a knock on the door, which jolted Twilight out of her reading. She sighed, grabbed a bookmark, and answered it.

She found Fluttershy standing on her doorstep. The poor girl's face was red as a beet for some reason. Twilight couldn't imagine why. After tabulating Fluttershy's Preference Grid, the only thing of note that she had found was that Fluttershy preferred porn of people with dark hair and involved boobs being fondled. There was nothing surprising about that. Unless...

"Nobody walked in on you, did they?"

Fluttershy merely shook her head.

"What happened?"

"I..." Fluttershy's voice was so quiet it barely even qualified as a whisper. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Twilight waved for her to come in. "Take a seat. Would you like some tea?"

"Um, no. I'm fine." Fluttershy stared at the chair for a moment. "I think I'll stand."

"Oh. Okay." Twilight shrugged, and sat down again. "So, what's the problem?"

"I... ran into a bit of a problem." Fluttershy stared at her fingers.

"Of course." Twilight sighed. "What is it this time? Rarity bust in to make you be her dress model? Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle set fire to your house? Your bed collapsed?"

"" Fluttershy mumbled. "Nothing like that. It's... I..."

"What is it, then?"

Fluttershy's face flushed even more, if that were even possible. "It... it's stuck."

"Stuck?" Twilight tilted her head. "What's stuck?"

Fluttershy said nothing. Instead, she just looked at her feet.


"Um, maybe I should go," Fluttershy said. "Sorry to have bothered you..." she turned around and walked towards the door. Twilight narrowed her eyes. Fluttershy's steps were uncharacteristically small and shaky. It was almost as if...

"Fluttershy." Twilight's voice was slightly sharper. "When you said 'stuck', were you talking about..." She decided to let Fluttershy finish the sentence.

Fluttershy just sighed, then the words burst out of her. "I bought a set of anal beads from Vibe this afternoon, and I was using them to masturbate, and I was really getting into it, and I pushed them in a bit too far and now I can't get them out!"

"Ah." Twilight bit her lip. "That's... quite a problem."

Fluttershy nodded. "I'm not sure what to do. It's been up there all afternoon. I know you're supposed to make sure that you hold on to the end, but I thought I was getting close to an orgasm, and it just slipped out of my fingers!"

"Okay, okay, uh, have you, you know, gone to a doctor?"

"I can't go to a doctor! I'd never be able to look them in the face again!" Fluttershy shuttered. "And it would probably go on my chart, too! Any doctor I'd ever go to ever again would look at my chart and see a note that I got something stuck in my butt!"

"And what do you expect me to do!?" Twilight asked, trying not to think too hard about Fluttershy's anus. "I'm not a doctor! And I haven't ever had that particular problem before. You'd be better off asking Vibe about it. I'm sure this has come up before."

"No way! I barely even know her." Fluttershy began to twiddle her thumbs. "Besides, she had a whole spiel she gave me about how to do anal stimulation safely. I'd feel like an idiot if I had to tell her that I messed up."

"Alright then." Twilight sighed, and threw her hands in the air. "I guess I'll try to figure something out. I don't supposed you've had to... uh... heed nature's call this afternoon?"

"No. Vibe said that I should try to make sure that I'm as... cleaned out as possible before putting anything up there, or it might.... make a mess. So I... went right before I started. And I haven't had to go again."

"In that case, why don't you just eat some fiber muffins? Maybe take a laxative. Things might... work out on their own. Though if it doesn't you should definitely see a doctor. I'm no expert on... this subject, but I believe that it could cause some rather nasty complications if it stays in there for too long."

"But how long would it take for a laxative to work?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Twilight said with a shrug. "It could take hours."

"Oh." Fluttershy sighed. "I don't know if I want to wait that long. I haven't been able to sit down all afternoon, and my legs are starting to hurt. And well, it didn't feel too bad before, but now it's really starting to get uncomfortable."

Twilight bit her lip. She couldn't leave Fluttershy out to dry now, obviously. She was, however indirectly, responsible for the fact that this had happened. She should have recommended a butt plug instead. Unfortunately, the only obvious solution that came to mind was hardly pleasant. Of course, chances were that Fluttershy would be completely averse to the idea, which meant that she wouldn't have to do it. She'd have to risk it.

"Well, there's only one thing I could do," she said carefully. "I could try... manually removing the... obstruction."

"M-manually... You mean like... with... your- your hands?"

Twilight nodded. "I can't think of anything else to do. It would be better to go to a doctor, of course, but if you really don't want to, I... I guess I could try to help." She sighed. "It's my fault that this happened, after all."

"But you... you have to put your hand..." Fluttershy blushed so hard that her face seemed to be in danger of exploding. "In... in my..."

"It's the only thing I can think of! It's not like I'm looking forward to it!"

"But couldn't you use something else? Like tweezers, or tongs or something like that?"

Twilight shook her head. "Those things are too pointy. I wouldn't want to risk rupturing your... you know. That could lead to all sorts of complications."

"I see."

"So, um, I guess we should... try to get ready." Twilight mentally kicked herself. She'd never have guessed that Fluttershy would call her bluff in a situation like this. "I'll get my lube."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Twilight asked. She slipped a latex glove onto her hand and let it snap, hoping that the sound would prove too nerve-wracking for Fluttershy. "I'm sure that doctor-patient confidentiality would apply if you wanted to go to a real doctor."

"M-maybe so," Fluttershy said. "But I want to get it over with."

"Okay then." Twilight took a deep breath as it sunk into her mind that yes, they were really going through with it. "Bend over."

Fluttershy took a deep breath of her own and knelt on the edge of Twilight's bed. "Please, be gentle."

"Believe me, I will," Twilight mumbled. "So, uh, now is the time to... take it off."

"O-okay." Fluttershy reached back, her hands shaking. She fumbled with the hem of her sundress, lifting it up to reveal a frilly pair of pale pink panties. "I-is this okay?"

"Yes, yes, that's fine." Twilight tried to ignore the fact that her heart had sped up a bit. She had to admit: Fluttershy had a really cute ass. Though the fact that there was currently a string of anal beads stuck in there made the appreciation feel rather odd. "Here goes."

She reached up and hooked her fingers under the edge of Fluttershy's panties. She wasn't entirely sure whether the skin or the fabric was softer. Fluttershy shivered. This was almost certainly a new experience for the both of them. Twilight had never removed anyone's underwear besides her own. And Fluttershy sure as hell had never had anyone take off her panties. She felt Fluttershy hold her breath for a moment as the panties slid down her legs and settled around her knees.

Twilight couldn't help but nod her head a little. There was no denying it. Fluttershy had a pretty great butt. Smooth as silk, and just enough curve in the hips to be shapely without being obtrusive. There was almost a pillow-like quality to it. She shook her head and realized that she had been staring. No need to make this more awkward than it already was.

"So, uh, if you could just spread your legs a bit..." she mumbled.

"O-okay." Fluttershy's voice was nearly silent as she shifted slightly, moving her legs just a bit apart.

Twilight tried to keep focused on the relevant part of Fluttershy's body and not acknowledge that her friend's genitalia were on display. She had seen plenty of nudity before, but seeing it in person rather than as a mere picture on a page was hardly the same thing. And it was doubly surreal that the genitalia in question belonged to a friend.

"Alright, Fluttershy, here we go. I'll try not to make it too uncomfortable." She picked up the tube of lube and squeezed a blob onto the fingers of her gloved hand. "Just... hold still, okay?"

Fluttershy closed her eyes and nodded.

Twilight took a deep breath and gently placed her hand on Fluttershy's behind, spreading her friend's butt cheeks. She found herself staring at Fluttershy's anus. She hadn't really known what she expected, but what she saw was a small circle of slightly puckered skin. She lifted her other hand and as gently as she could manage, pressed her finger against it, smearing the lube over it. She could feel Fluttershy trembling. "It's alright, Fluttershy. Now, this next part may be a little... uh... you know."

She pressed harder, and her finger slowly slid into Fluttershy's anus, up to the first knuckle. It was soft and warm, and it felt like it was squeezing her finger. "Are you okay? It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"N-no, it's fine," she said in a choked voice.

"Alright, I'm going to have to... feel around a bit to see if I can find it." She began to slowly move her finger in circles. "If we're lucky, it won't be too far up- ah." Her fingertip brushed something that was definitely not part of Fluttershy's anatomy. "Found it."

"Really?" Fluttershy sounded anxious.

"Don't get too excited. I know where it is, but I'll have to go in deeper in order to get it out. Hold still." She dug her finger in deeper, and Fluttershy squeaked. "You okay? It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"N-not at all."

"Good. Let me just see if I can..." She continued to feel around, trying to think of a way to get a grip. She knew exactly where the set of beads were, but how was she supposed to get them out? You couldn't grab anything with one finger. Her fingertip felt around the beads. She grinned as she reached the end of it. There was a loop at the end of the string. Fluttershy's finger must have slipped out of it and the rest was history. Now she just had to get her own finger in there.

"Are you almost done?"

"Just a sec. I think I've almost got it." She grunted. "It's kinda tough not being able to see what I'm doing. And everything is all slippery because of the lube. Just... a little... more..."

Fluttershy inhaled sharply as Twilight shoved her entire finger in. "T-Twilight! You don't need to be so rough-"

"Got it! Had to get my finger in the loop. Now I just need to get it out." She began to withdraw her finger. The beads came along, slowly, as if Fluttershy's butt didn't want to let them go. "Just about there..." Fluttershy squealed as Twilight withdrew her finger, the rubber ring at the base of the bead string wrapped around it. "There! Got the end of it out." She slowly withdrew the string, Fluttershy gasping as her anus released each bead.

"And, there it is!" Twilight said as the end of the string popped out. "You can... uh... put your panties back on."

"Thanks," Fluttershy mumbled as she stood, her legs wobbling a little.

"You're welcome," Twilight said. Then she held up the beads. "So, uh, do you want these in a box or something?"

"Oh, um, I don't know."

"I'll just wrap them up or something," Twilight stuck her fingers under the edge of the glove and peeled it off, turning it inside out around the beads. "Wouldn't want anybody to notice. Next time, be careful not to let go, okay? I'd rather not have to do this again."

"Yes, yes, I know." Fluttershy hung her head, not even attempting to look at Twilight.

"Well, I'm just glad we were able to fix it without causing any problems." Twilight put a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "You're feeling better, aren't you?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Um, do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

Fluttershy sat on the toilet. She had long since finished her business, but she had other things on her mind. Other things besides the fact that it had been incredibly embarrassing to ask one of her friends stick a hand up her pooper. That bothered her, but it wasn't what bothered her most. What really bothered her was how, for lack of a better word, pleasant the experience had been. Not the butt-probing itself, but just the whole situation. She had expected the entire ordeal to be tortuously awkward to the point that she couldn't possibly have gotten even the slightest bit of pleasure from it. It had been awkward, but to her surprise it hadn't been that awkward. Having Twilight's finger fishing around in her butt hadn't been nearly as... uncomfortable as she had expected. In fact, it almost felt better than when she had been doing it herself.

She shook her head. She wasn't about to drag Twilight even further into this. Things were weird enough between them already. She was probably the only person in their entire circle of friends who had had another friend put their fingers... there. Well, aside from that time that Pinkie and Rainbow Dash had gotten drunk.

In any case, she couldn't let things with Twilight escalate any more. It would just be too weird.


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Fluttershy reached for the library doorbell, then lowered her hand. This was the sixth time she had done that. She needed to talk to Twilight. But at the same time... she couldn't. There was just no way. Even in light of everything they had already discussed. And everything they had done. Of course, she knew she could trust Twilight to keep any secret, and after the... events of yesterday they were certainly close, in both a literal and metaphorical fashion, but even so, she wasn't sure she wanted to do what she thought she wanted to do.

Why did thinking things have to be so confusing? For the first time, she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how she could finally achieve that which had eluded her for so long. But she knew that she didn't know whether she wanted to go that far for it. Was it really that good? Her life had been just fine without it. But on the other hand, she had put so much time and effort into it, and she had nothing to show for it...

She reached for the doorbell again, and for the seventh time decided against it. Even if Twilight answered the door, she had no idea how on earth to explain the thoughts that were buzzing around like bees in her head. And they were drunken, angry bees. She couldn't do this now. She had to put her thoughts together. It had to wait.

Twilight was jolted out of her book-focused stupor by the barely-audible sound of a knock on the library door. She looked up from her book, not entirely sure that she had actually heard anything. She sighed. She'd have to check. If someone had knocked, it was probably Fluttershy, and she was the last person Twilight wanted to leave standing outside. She groaned and clamored out of her chair. Normally she'd send Spike to answer the door, but if were Fluttershy, there'd be a chance that she had come for more advice about self-pleasure, and Spike was... well, he wasn't too young to know about that, if the amount of time he spent locked in the bathroom was any indication, but Twilight preferred to not think about that too much.

She opened the door. Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen. Neither was anyone else. The street was more or less empty. Must've been hearing things, she thought. She closed the door, and as she stepped back, she heard a crinkle under her feet. She looked down, and found herself standing on a small, pink envelope. Someone, Fluttershy in all likelihood, had apparently slipped it under the door. It was odd. As she opened the envelope, she couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be in it. After last time, what on earth would scare Fluttershy so badly that she wouldn't even show up in person?

She read the letter. Then she read it again, to make sure that she had read it right. Then she read it again to confirm that it was really Fluttershy's handwriting. Then the blood drained from her face. It seemed she had an answer to her question.

Now it was Twilight's turn to knock on a door. Like Fluttershy, she had agonized for quite some time over whether or not to do so. Unlike Fluttershy, she had done all of the agonizing before she left, and now that she was actually there, she could just knock rather than standing on the doorstep. She knocked, and was immediately gripped by doubt as to whether she should have come. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long. The door swung open, and Fluttershy peeked out.

"Oh. Hello, Twilight."

"I, uh, I got your note."

"Oh." Fluttershy mumbled. "I... come in."

Twilight followed Fluttershy into the living room. It looked the same as always, but knowing why Fluttershy had called her here... it felt smaller. Fluttershy took a seat on the couch, wringing her hands. Twilight sat in the chair across from her. For an uncomfortably long moment, they sat in silence, neither one wanting to be the one to break the ice.

"So," Twilight said, the word hanging in the air. "I...I know I said that I would do whatever I could to help, but I...uh...didn't expect this."

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'd understand." Fluttershy hugged her knees, trying to make herself smaller. "Just forget I asked."

"No, I..." Twilight swallowed, "I... I'll still help. It's just... it kinda came out of nowhere, you know? I never expected that you'd want me to take a... hands-on approach."

"I didn't expect it either," Fluttershy said, not looking at Twilight. "It's just that when you helped me last time, you know, it was different. Just having someone else there, rather than just using a toy or something..." She began to tremble. "When you helped me out it was... so much less horrible than I was afraid it would be. I though it would be awkward and painful and uncomfortable, but you managed to make it bearable. I just... I don't think I can do it on my own."

"So you don't think you can have an orgasm unless I... help?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I've already tried everything else." She curled up even smaller. "If you don't want to, it's okay. I understand."

Twilight stared for a long moment, then stood and gently put her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "Fluttershy, I said I'd do anything I could to help. I might not have realized exactly what that would entail, but when I said that, I meant it." She took a deep breath. "If this is what it takes, then I'll do it."

"R-really?" Fluttershy stared up at her.

Twilight nodded resolutely. "Yes. Let's get started before I realize how ridiculous this is."

Fluttershy took a deep breath, and clutched at the hem of the bathrobe that covered her. Her hands were shaking.

"Come on, Fluttershy," Twilight said. "You can do this."

"Okay, h-here I go." She bit her lip and let the robe fall to the floor. She clasped at her arms, fighting the impulse she had to cover herself. Even with her eyes closed, she could all but feel Twilight staring at her.

Twilight was indeed staring. Even though she had seen pretty much all there was to see of Fluttershy during the anal bead incident, this was different. This was more... erotic. She could finally get the full picture; the shape of Fluttershy's body, the curves of her hips, the subtle perkiness of her breasts, the tight folds of skin at her-

"Um, how do you want to do this?" Fluttershy asked. She rocked back and forth on her feet, trying to get Twilight to look at a part of her body that wasn't normally covered by clothes.

"Whatever makes you most comfortable." Twilight thought about the words for a moment. "There's really no way this is going to be 'comfortable', is there?"

"I-I don't know." Fluttershy turned around. Twilight had to admit that she her butt was a lot cuter when she didn't have to stick her fingers into it. "Um, maybe I could just lay on this couch..."

"Works for me."

Fluttershy swallowed and slowly sat on the couch. She sunk slightly into the cushions and laid back.

"Are you ready?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"Alright. If you want me to stop, you just say so, okay? I-I'm going to start now."

Twilight took a deep breath and gently put her hands on Fluttershy's knees. With as little roughness as she could muster, she slowly pushed Fluttershy's legs apart. Her heart quickened as Fluttershy offered no resistance. She found herself staring directly at Fluttershy's bare pussy. Well, mostly bare. Fluttershy had elected to leave a tuft of pink hair just above her thick, pink, labia. The entrance to her vagina was a simple slit in Fluttershy's goose-bumped flesh.

Twilight's finger brushed against Fluttershy's pubic hair. It was surprisingly soft; more like cashmere than crotch hair. Her finger slid lower, onto Fluttershy's skin. She pressed, feeling the warmth of Fluttershy's skin and the gentle give of her flesh. She ran her fingertips down Fluttershy's lower lips. Fluttershy trembled, and raised a hand to her breast, gently squeezing her nipple.

Her fingers slid around Fluttershy's pussy and squeezed. The lips bulged just a bit, looking unbelievably soft, tempting Twilight to press her cheek against Fluttershy's crotch. She resisted the urge, instead gently kneading Fluttershy's outer labia. She wondered how it felt to Fluttershy. It couldn't feel quite the same as it did when Twilight toyed with herself. It must be good though; Fluttershy's breathing was beginning to get heavy, her chest rising and falling as she fondled herself.

"Am I doing alright, Fluttershy?"

"Y-yes." Fluttershy nodded. "It feels... good."

"Do you think you might... you know?"

"Not... not yet." Fluttershy smiled and let her head fall back.

"Alright, I'm going in!" Twilight slowly drew her fingers back. They were followed by a trail of Fluttershy's... secretions. She cracked her knuckles, and slowly slid a single finger in. Fluttershy's body trembled, and she gasped quietly. Twilight could feel Fluttershy's delicate inner workings squeeze her finger in response. She answered by sliding her fingers in and out slowly, slipping smoothly along, lubricated with Fluttershy's pussy juice.

Twilight brought up her other hand. She smiled as she pulled back the skin, exposing Fluttershy's clitoris. Twilight continued to slowly thrust her finger in and out of Fluttershy's vagina with one hand as she gently put the thumb and forefinger of her other hand around the small nub of flesh. It was warm, and throbbed slightly with every breath Fluttershy took. She fondled it between her fingers, watching as Fluttershy writhed in pleasure.

It's almost like I can control her, Twilight thought. She tweaked Fluttershy's clit in a vague rhythm. Fluttershy responsed with gasps. Twilight resisted the urge to play Fluttershy like an instrument; chances were that Fluttershy wouldn't find that particularly arousing. She refocused her attention on the rest of Fluttershy's vagina. She inserted another finger. It was a bit tight, but there was still room.

Fluttershy let out a long, forceful moan. Her agitated twitching slowed, and her whole body began to sway slightly, as if she was grinding her crotch against Twilight's hands. Her own hands, which had previously been occupied by groping feverishly at her own breasts, had slowed; Fluttershy kneaded her chest slowly and thoroughly.

"You okay, Fluttershy?" Twilight looked up from Fluttershy's crotch, trying to figure out exactly what sensation Fluttershy's face was displaying.

Fluttershy responded with a gasp, and a single shaky word. "M-more!"

"What do you mean, more?" Twilight asked. "Do you want me to like, move my hands faster, or put more fingers in, or-"

"More!" Fluttershy managed, her voice wavering.

"Uh, okay, I'll see what I can do." Twilight bit her lip. That was awfully vague. Then again, if Fluttershy was so lost in pleasure that she couldn't bother to string a sentence together, then Twilight had to be doing something right. She put another finger in and began to stroke the inside of Fluttershy's body with renewed vigor. She released Fluttershy's clit. Her fingers were beginning to cramp from twiddling it for so long. Her knuckles cracked, and an idea formed in her mind.

She ran the index finger of her free hand around the edge of Fluttershy's pussy, coating the tip in lube. Satisfied that her finger was covered, she crouched slightly and reached up to where Fluttershy's bottom sat on the edge of the couch. Her slippery finger slid between Fluttershy's butt cheeks and began to feel around. Fluttershy squeaked as the tip of Twilight's finger slipped inside her anus.


"Weren't expecting that, huh?" Twilight asked with a smirk. "I figured that since you don't have anything stuck up there, it'll be a bit more enjoyable for you this time!" She wiggled her finger, and in response, Fluttershy's asshole squeezed. "How is it?"

Fluttershy could barely speak through her gasps. "It- it feels amazing! I... I'm almost... almost..." She writhed so hard that Twilight could barely keep her hands in place. "Just a little... a little more..."

"More!?" Twilight gasped. Her fingers were starting to just feel the first hint of fatigue. If she couldn't bring Fluttershy to orgasm soon, her fingers were going to start cramping. There had to be something else that she could do. Her eyes wandered up and down Fluttershy's heaving body. Then her gaze settled on Fluttershy's exposed clitoris. It throbbed, red with Fluttershy's hot blood. Twilight took a deep breath, swallowed, and leaned forward.

"T-Twilight, what are you- AH!" Fluttershy looked down over her body, and discovered that she was having her first experience with oral sex.

Twilight's lips were pressed against the skin around Fluttershy's clitoris; her tongue played with the clit, fondling it gently as if it were a candy. She had surprised herself by starting to go down on Fluttershy; seconds earlier she wouldn't have even considered the idea. It just seemed too... intimate. Using her hands was mechanical; she could call it manual stimulation and leave it at that. It was nothing that Fluttershy couldn't have done herself, and Twilight's role was simply to free up Fluttershy's hands. But her mouth... there was inherent closeness there. You kissed with your mouth. If your hand brushed against someone, you wouldn't think of it. But if your mouth touched someone... either it was a sign of closeness, or else you'd go for the mouthwash.

As she sucked on Fluttershy's pussy, awkward thoughts kept flowing. Why had she been willing to do this? Because Fluttershy was her friend, she thought. Because Fluttershy deserved to feel the utter loss of consciousness that came when one's mind overflowed with pleasure. Fluttershy deserved to have an orgasm at least once in her life, dammit, and if this was what it took, Twilight would oblige.

Fluttershy's movement had changed again; Twilight could feel it. The writhing and moans had slowed so much that they had given way to shivers, as if every muscle in her body was winding tighter and tighter. The heat of Fluttershy's body poured through her lips and fingers. The were going to do it. Fluttershy was finally going to come.

Twilight braced herself, and went for broke, burying her face between Fluttershy's legs. Fluttershy began to shudder. Her body arched, and she through her head back. "Twilight! I- I- I-I'm- gonna-"

Then everything suddenly went black.

Twilight growned and opened her eyes. Fluttershy (still naked, of course) was looking down at her. She was trying to look worried, but the obvious glow on her face, along with the barely-hidden smile, showed Twilight that her efforts hadn't been successful. Fluttershy's lips were moving, but Twilight couldn't quite hear the the words. She suddenly became aware that she had a splitting headache and her ears were ringing.

"W-what happened?" she mumbled, barely able to hear herself.

"I did it!" Fluttershy finally gave up her attempt to look worried about Twilight. She was too happy. She also sounded like she was really far away. "I finally had an orgasm!"

"Congratulations," Twilight said weakly. She put a hand to her forehead. "Where'd this lump on my head come from?"

"I'm sorry about that," Fluttershy blushed, and began to twiddle her fingers. "When I came I... lost control. My entire body sort of... I accidentally kicked you. I'm really sorry!"

"That's okay." Twilight blinked. She was now aware enough to realize that she was lying on Fluttershy's couch. "I guess that's why my ears are ringing."

"Yeah, that, and I may have... screamed. I couldn't help it." She bit her lip. "I hope no one heard."

She suddenly looked up, as if she had heard a sound in the distance that Twilight couldn't quite make out. In fact, that was exactly what had happened. The sound in question was a familiar voice, shouting.

"I'm comin' Fluttershy! Just hold on!"

The blood drained from Fluttershy's face. "No! Applejack, don't-"

Too late. The front door of the cottage burst open as Applejack charged in. "Don't worry, Fluttershy, I-" She skidded to a halt as she saw the scene in front of her. "Someone want to tell me what in the flyin' fuck is goin' on in here? Why are you naked? And who was screamin'?"

"Um... that was me..." Fluttershy mumbled, her face as red as a tomato. She tried to cover herself with her hands. "I wasn't in trouble or anything, I just...uh...." Her voice trailed off into a mumble.

"Well, I know that now," Applejack said, trying not to look at Fluttershy's naked body. "I'm sure y'all got a good explanation why you're in here in your birthday suit and screamin', but I can't think of what it could be."

"I... just..." Fluttershy grinned. "I just had my first orgasm!" She declared triumphantly.

"Huh?" Applejack's eyes widened as it hit her. "Oh. You mean, you...uh, just now?"

Fluttershy nodded proudly.

"Uh, well, congrats, I guess." She scratched her head. "What's Twilight doin' here then? Are the two of you like... together, or what? I mean, you don't have to hide it. I'm pretty sure we'd all be cool with it if you two are... y'know. Bumpin' uglies. Although it would be a bit easier if both y'all were naked."

"It's not like that," Twilight said. She sat up, and the couch squished. She looked down, then at Fluttershy. "Huh?"

"Sorry, that was me, too," Fluttershy said bashfully. "I guess I'm a squirter."

"Wow, that's somethin' I never thought I'd know about you." Applejack now had her face covered with her hat. "So what is the deal between you two, anyway? If you aren't a couple, what the hell is goin' on?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure what to call it." Twilight tried to ignore the soaking wet cushion that she was sitting on. She also realized that her face and shirt were damp with something that almost certainly wasn't sweat. "She just needed some... assistance. And I decided to help her out."

"So, friends with benefits?" Applejack nodded. "Well, whatever you guys are doin' that's your business. I won't say a word to anyone. But seriously, next time you might not wanna scream like that. I thought someone was tryin' to kill you or somethin'. I...I'll be goin' now." She spun around and hurried out the door.

"That was so embarrassing!" Fluttershy buried her face in her hands. Hiding her body was much less of a priority now. Twilight had seen just about as much as see possibly could. "But still, I did it! You were right! It felt amazing! And I'm sorry about kicking you in the head."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Twilight stood, and cracked her knuckles, which were stiffening.

"I guess I should thank you." Fluttershy continued. "I can't think of anyone else who would have done so much to help me. You really went above and beyond. I'm just really happy that I was able to experience that at least once."

"You're welcome," Twilight said. "Uh, do you think that you'll ever want to do this again?"

"I... I hadn't really thought about that." Fluttershy stared at her feet. "I guess I should find out if I can come on my own now."

"Well, for what it's worth, if you do need my help, I... I guess I'd be willing to consider... helping."

"Thanks," Fluttershy said as she wrapped herself in a blanket that had been hanging over a nearby chair. "So, uh, what does that make us? I mean, we're still friends, right?"

"Of course," Twilight nodded. "Friends with benefits sounds about right."

Fluttershy smiled. "I think that's good. Although we should probably keep it a secret."

"Fine by me. It would make everything awkward if everyone else found out." Twilight grinned. "Maybe you can... return the favor some time."

Fluttershy swallowed. "R-really?"

Twilight winked. "Sure. It's 'friends with benefits', after all. Not 'friend with benefit'."

Fluttershy returned the smile. "I think I could do that."