The Dangers of an Alcohol Induced Adventure

by 8-Beat Pulsar

First published

Berry Punch has always been known for her expertise in the areas of wine-making and Alcohol consumption. However, things have gotten out of hand. Little does she know she is about to cause much trouble for some friends who just want to help.

Berry Punch has always been known for her expertise in the areas of wine-making and Alcohol consumption. She is well liked and everypony knows her as a fun, energetic personality.

However, things have gotten out of hand. Lately, she has been drinking more and more. Her production has been on a steady decline and after countless nights of returning home too late, Colgate and Carrot Top plan a solution to the problem.

Berry Punch thinks that she is in for a great party. Little does she know she is about to cause much trouble for some friends who just want to help.

I - The Joys of Sleeping In

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There was a bottle of wine sitting on a stool. This itself, would not have been cause for alarm. However, upon closer inspection it was obvious that this bottle was not normal. Something uncanny and disturbing had come to light. It had a face on it. It was not a face that instilled good vibes at all. The cartoonish caricature gave off an aura of pure ill-intentions. Suddenly, the bottle started to grow. Getting progressively bigger, it eventually crushed the stool it had once sat on. After growing to the size of a house, the bottle's face changed. The expression contorted into a sort of realistic face with demented satisfaction and it started to move nearer. The face became more and more twisted as the mouth opened up to reveal hundreds of sharp teeth. They soon became all that was visible as the mouth began to close around its helpless victim. Soon there would be nothing left. There was no escaping the gaping mar of the bot-

A loud knock at the door startled Berry Punch from her slumber so suddenly, that she rolled out of her bed landing with a thud. She rubbed her head and looked at the clock on the wall. The time read 4:27 PM. It looked like she had spent another day sleeping in. This was the fifth straight day.

More knocking at the door persuaded her to get up and see who it was. Anything to make that obnoxiously loud sound go away. Her head felt like it was going to explode out of her ears with every step she took. Berry Punch had decided that whoever had woken her in this manner was going to get a hoof through their face if they didn't have a good reason. She rubbed her eyes and opened the door. She became less tense when she saw the familiar mane of Colgate in front of her. The blue unicorn had a look of slight disappointment on her face.

"It took you awhile to answer, Berry. I've been knocking for a good ten minutes. I was afraid that maybe you weren't home."

Berry Punch sleepily rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, Colgate. I guess I didn't hear you at first."

"Don't tell me you overslept again."

"It's not like I did it on purpose. I've been trying to stop."

"Well, it looks like you aren't trying hard enough."

Colgate sighed. It was obvious that Berry Punch was hungover. There was no doubt that she had been out late drinking again. A part of her almost wanted to yell in her ear just to teach her a lesson, but it wouldn't solve anything.

"Well anyways Berry, I came by to see if you wanted to go to the market with me today."

Berry Punch yawned. She was still tired from the previous night's debauchery. Maybe just a couple more hours of sleep would do the trick.

"Sorry Colgate, I think I'll pass on this one. I should probably do some straightening up around the house. I'll have to catch up with you next time."

As she started to back away into the house, Colgate moved forward.

"Well, at least let me help you out. I'm in no hurry. Besides, it's been awhile since the two of us have been alo-"

Colgate was immediately cut off by Berry Punch's hooves pushing her backwards. She was about to protest, but didn't have time as Berry Punch let out a quick "no thanks" and slammed the door in her face. Colgate turned away to go home. She was starting to worry about Berry. Sure, she had always had a tendency to drink, but never this bad. I can't let her keep this up. She's destroying herself and hurting others in the process. Tears started to form in Colgate's eyes as she changed her course and began to head straight for Twilight Sparkle's library. She needs help. I can't keep seeing her waste her life away like this. Twilight will know what to do. She just has to. As the worried unicorn made her way to seek help for her childhood friend she made a promise to herself. She would not rest until a solution was found. Even if it meant watching over her 24/7, she would do what was best for Berry Punch. She just hoped that Twilight would have some kind of idea.

Berry Punch was glad that distraction was over. This hangover was killing her and the unexpected wake-up from her friend was no help. At least it was good for getting that horrible nightmare to end. The dreams themselves weren't that common, when she could remember them, but something about this one really did not sit well with her. She started to slump back towards her bedroom, but decided that it was probably late enough in the day to stay awake. Rubbing her eyes, she made her way to the couch. Sitting down was a struggle with her headache, but after a few minutes she had managed it.

She looked around the room. Wine bottles, scattered here and there, were the main set piece in her untidy house. Berry Punch hadn't lied to Colgate when she said that she had been meaning to straighten up, but the point seemed moot in her current state. When had her house started to look this bad. Maybe I should have taken Colgate up on her offer to help out. This thought was discarded almost as soon as she realized that she would have almost certainly been subjected to constant badgering about the state of things. That was the last thing she needed. Surely, there was nothing wrong with her lifestyle, she had always been a heavy drinker. So what if Colgate was concerned for her. As far as Berry Punch was concerned, this was her life and it was only up to her how she was to live it.

She found a nearby bottle of wine, only half empty, next to her. There was no telling how old it was, but that didn't matter to her. Drinking was the only way to cure this hangover it seemed, and within thirty minutes or so she was back to her normal self.

II - A Plan for Reformation

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"Can you run that by me again?"

Twilight Sparkle had been contently studying some new books she had received when she was suddenly interrupted by Colgate at her door. The blue unicorn had obviously been distraught by something, so Twilight had let her in to hear her out. When Colgate had first explained the sudden visit, the words had been so choked up that it was hard to understand. After a couple of minutes of composing herself, Colgate began again.

"I've been worried about Berry Punch for awhile, but lately things have gotten even worse. She is out drinking every night and is always against pony interaction. I haven't been able to even talk to her without getting rebuked for it. I don't know what to do. I figured that since you are the smartest unicorn I know, then you might be able to help me out."

"I'm confused Colgate. How is that any different from Berry Punch's normal routine. I haven't noticed anything different."

"You haven't known her as long as I have, Twilight. She didn't used to be this way. Even when she discovered her talent for wine-making she had been responsible with it. Lately, she has shut herself in from pretty much everything. She hasn't even opened up her wine shop for a couple of weeks now. When I came by to ask her something she pushed me away. I know it's hard to understand, but I caught a glimpse of her house before she slammed the door on me. There were...there were bottles everywhere. It looked like a disaster zone. She has never been this bad. Something is wrong with her and...I'm concerned Twilight. I'm concerned and I didn't know who else to turn to."

Colgate seemed on the verge of tears again. Twilight sighed. Colgate was very adamant about seeking help. Unfortunately, she didn't know much about alcohol consumption herself, but it was hard to ignore this plea for assistance. Maybe she could come up with something. Surely, something in her books would help.

"Alright Colgate, I'll see what I can do, but have you talked to anypony else about the situation? If things are as bad as you say they are then we might need some added assurance."

"I have already talked to Carrot Top about this, but she doesn't think it is too much of a concern. It makes sense though, she hasn't been around Berry Punch as long as I have."

Colgate had already seemed to calm down a bit, making it easier for Twilight to think. Maybe if she could convince Carrot Top to help then maybe, just maybe, they could come up with something.

"Do you think you could convince Carrot Top to come by later tonight. That will give me time to work out the basis for a plan. After all, the two of you are the ones who see Berry Punch the most. If the three of us work together we should be able to work a full idea out."

"I'll see what I can do, Twilight. I'll go see Carrot Top right away and talk to her. She isn't the easiest pony to convince, but if I let her know you're able to help, she might just come around. It won't be easy, but we should be by later."

"Perfect. I'll get started right away then. Are you going to be alright until then?"

"I should be. Like I said, it helps just knowing someone is willing to help. I'll see if I can get Carrot Top and we'll be by later."

With that, Colgate rushed out of the door, a look of grim determination set upon her face. Twilight watched her run off and turned towards the stack of books that she had set out to study. It seems that I will have to take a break on these. She sighed and began to replace the books on the shelf. Content that everything was in the proper place, she began to start searching her library. As countless books swirled around her with a lavender glow, she looked for anything relative to drinking to see if she could find any spells that would end a drinking binge. With the way things were going, Twilight could tell that she was in for a long night.

Colgate was at Carrot Top's house in no time. The unmistakable orange tint of the walls stood out among the countless others on either side. She knocked at the door hoping to Celestia that Carrot Top would answer. After a few minutes of waiting, she had given up any hope of an answer, She turned to walk away, but a sound coming from the back of the house convinced her to stay. Walking around to the back, she discovered where the sound was coming from. Carrot Top was in her garden tending to her unusually large crop of carrots. At least that explained why she hadn't answered the door.

"Hey, Carrot Top! Can I speak to you about something?"

Carrot Top looked up from what she was doing. The yellow earth pony shook some dirt out of her hooves and shook her orange mane to make sure it was free of unwanted material as well. This visit from Colgate was sudden and unexpected, so she hadn't had time to look presentable. Normally she would have been annoyed, but something about the unicorn's expression made her decide against it.

"Oh hi, Colgate. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Actually yes. Yes there is. Remember how I was telling you about Berry Punch? Well-"

"Not this again. I already told you there isn't anything wrong with her. She's always been a heavy drinker. You'd think with how long the two of you have known each other, you'd be used to that."

Colgate hated having to explain everything again. Especially when it came to dealing with Carrot Top. She hadn't known the earth pony for very long, but after her and Berry Punch's own houses had been destroyed by a sudden Parasprite swarm, Carrot Top had taken them in until repairs were finished. She had quickly become friends with the two. Colgate knew she meant well, but Carrot Top did have an issue with arguing from time to time. It was not something that presented a major problem, but it did cause some interesting issues throughout the years.

"Listen, Carrot Top. I understand that you haven't noticed a change, but I have. She was never this bad. You haven't been to her place lately. It's a disaster zone. I'm telling you because I am truly concerned for her. If anything bad happened to her, I don't know what I'd do."

"Alright, alright. It's obvious you feel strongly about this, but even if there was a problem what could we do about it? Ask her to stop drinking? That would be like asking me to stop growing carrots or you to throw away your toothbrush. It isn't natural."

"I'm not trying to get her to stop drinking entirely. We just need to find a way to convince her to lighten up with it. Berry needs to understand how bad it could be if she keeps this up."

"Fair enough, I suppose, but how exactly are we supposed to do that? Berry Punch has never been one to take to suggestion realistically."

"Well, earlier I went by Twilight Sparkle's library to see if she would be willing to help. She agreed and I came by to get you so that the three of us could come up with a plan."

"I guess if you've already gone through the trouble of asking the town bookworm then I have no choice but to help."

For once all day Colgate had finally started to feel better. Just maybe, they'd be able to actually help out their friend. The fact that she had gotten Carrot Top to agree to it so quickly was surprising.

"You really think this is going to work, Colgate?"

"It's the only chance we have at anything right now."

"I still think you're looking too far into this, but I'll help." Carrot top looked down at her hooves and noticed that she was still dirty. "Just let me get cleaned up before we go. Something tells me Twilight isn't the type of Unicorn to take too kindly to dirt."

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have a strange obsession with carrots?"

"This coming from the pony who spends more of her time brushing her teeth than sleeping."

For the first time today, Colgate let out a chuckle and followed Carrot Top into her house to wait for her friend to get ready. It was still amazing how neatly everything was coming into place. She was starting to think that they would actually be able to find a solution.

Later that night, the two arrived at Twilight Sparkle's library. When she let them in, Colgate noticed that she had an exasperated look on her face. Books were tossed about left and right. In a way, the place was now in a similar condition to Berry Punch's place.

"Hi girls. Thanks for coming by. Sorry for the mess, but I sort of got caught up in looking some stuff up."

Colgate was a bit confused. All this looking through books on something like this. It was almost as if she was trying to find a spell for this. She knew very well that magic wouldn't solve the problem. She was just about to say something when Twilight stopped her.

"Spike is brewing us some tea. Come have a seat and we'll get to discussing some ideas. I've come up with something that just might work."

As she walked off, Carrot Top turned to Colgate.

"Are you sure she's the best pony to rely on about this? I feel like we could come up with something ourselves without worrying about if she is going to go crazy on us."

"Come on, Carrot Top. At least she's willing to help. Plus, she's also the best pony I know when it comes to dealing with matters of friendship."

Carrot Top shrugged and the two followed Twilight into her study. It was obvious that she had put much time into this. There were crumpled up sheets of paper lying around everywhere. She had been clearly working on plans of some sort, but the amount of paper made it apparent that she had not settled on anything yet. Colgate was starting to have doubts and maybe think Carrot Top was right about Twilight's involvement when the purple unicorn spoke up.

"Now, as you can tell, I have been hard at work trying to figure something out. I first looked through all of my books to see if there was a spell that would end a drinking habit," Colgate stifled a laugh, "but there was nothing in my books anywhere. I was starting to wonder just how we were going to get anywhere. Then it dawned on me. We need to use an intervention."

Colgate was amazed at how much "research" Twilight had done on a subject that had just a simple explanation.

"We know that much Twilight, we were hoping you'd be able to help devise a plan."

"I was just about to get to that. I have a way we can get this to work, but you two are going to be the biggest part of it."

She handed Colgate and Carrot Top a sheet of parchment each. They both had a huge list of supplies on it that made it seem as if they were going to be attending a birthday party or something. There were streamers, balloons, cake and other party supplies.

"Now, I need each of you to get what is on that list. I have had a 'contact' of mine start to prepare and she'll handle getting Berry Punch. Then you'll meet me in the Canterlot Castle ballroom tomorrow afternoon. I've already got your tickets waiting for you at the train station. This is perfect. I must admit Colgate, when you asked for my help with this I had no idea what to do. Then it hit me. With the two of you able to put this together we'll be able to get this to work no problem. Oh, I'm actually looking forward to this. It's time to find out if I'm good at interventions. Maybe we can do one for-"

She cut herself off at seeing the confused looks on the other ponies' faces.

"Sorry, I got carried away. Do you have any questions?"

Carrot Top was the first to speak up.

"Yeah....These lists....It looks as if we were preparing-"

Twilight smiled.

"Yes. A party."

III - Invitation to a Party

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The warm light of the Sun's rays that came through the window hit Berry Punch's eyes so hard that she was afraid she was going to go blind. Struggling to get up, she rolled off of what she thought was her bed. Instead of hitting the hard embrace of the floor, she fell onto a table that shouldn't have been there. As she adjusted her eyes slowly, she realized that she was still in the main room. Berry Punch had passed out on the couch from the night before. There were more bottles deprived of their sweet alcoholic goodness than she remembered around her. At least she wasn't hungover this morning. That was something to be thankful for.

Berry Punch got up and went to the kitchen where a new bottle of her special brew was waiting for her. She took a drink, remembering Colgate's visit the day before. Maybe I should see if Colgate wants to do something today. Taking another drink she remembered how she had rebuked her earlier invitation to to hang out. Actually, I should probably go apologize. Setting firm in this plan, Berry Punch packed a few bottles into her Saddlebags and proceeded out the door.

It was unusually warm today. Or was it actually that unusual? Berry Punch had barely been outside lately and those few times that she had, she had been completely trashed. She wasn't even sure she remembered what season it was. Not that it had actually concerned her in any way lately. Taking a break from wine-making was a much needed vacation for her anyway. Plus, she had stockpiled tons of wine in her cellar for when she opened her store back up. Maybe she would get back to it sometime soon. However, as of now her main focus was getting to Colgate's house in a straight line.

Berry Punch waited at Colgate's door for what seemed like hours to her. She had knocked countless times and still no answer. Maybe she was ignoring her. After all, she had been a bit harsh to her. She deserved to be ignored by the one pony who had stuck by her through thick and thin. Berry Punch had just finished a bottle of wine by the time that she realized waiting for Colgate was a moot point. She'd just have to try again tomorrow. As she turned to walk away, a sudden, familiar pink face appeared in front of her, causing her to jump in alarm.

"Hi, Berry Punch!"

"Oh...hi Pinkie Pie."

The pink mare's constant bouncing was unsettling to Berry Punch whose mood was far from hospitable for a hyper-energetic pink pony. It made it hard for her to focus.

"Can you stop jumping please?"

"Sorry. I'm just so excited right now and I had to come get you right away."


"I was told to come get you. We're gonna make a trip to Canterlot!"

"Why are we going to Canterlot?"

"It's a surprise!"

"But why Canterlot? And why do I need to go?"

"Silly, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!"

"Listen, Pinkie Pie. I don't really feel like going anywhere but back home. I also don't really have time to deal with your riddles."

Berry Punch was far too annoyed by this random occurrence. She decided to go back home and drink the night away. The only problem was the fact that the pink ball of energy was following her. The entire way back to her house was spent trying to ignore the constant barrages of "Party!" and "Surprise!" What did I do to be stuck with this? I swear, if she keeps this up I'm going to-

She was interrupted in her thoughts when she heard "Colgate" escape the whirlwind of random words. Stopping dead in her tracks, she turned towards Pinkie Pie.

"What was that you said about Colgate?"

"Oh. Did I say something about her? Oopsie." Pinkie smiled. And looked to the side as if avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, you did say something. What was it?"

"It must have been a slip up. I don't know what she has to do with Canterlot."

Pinkie Pie definitely said something about Colgate. Could it be that she is part of this "surprise" that Pinkie was talking about? If so, maybe she'll be able to explain this to me. Berry Punch let out a sigh. She definitely didn't like the idea of going to Canterlot with a perpetual sugar machine, but it seemed that if she wanted to see Colgate today, this was her best chance.

"Alright Pinkie Pie. You win, I'll go with you to Canterlot, but it had better be worth it."

"Oh it will be! I'm so excited, this is going to be like the best party ever! I wonder if they already have everything set up. I mean, I offered to help considering I'm the party pony and everything, but no, Twilight just has to be in control of everything. You know how she is. Besides, she's had tons of practice being around me and all. I bet she has books on it. Do you think she has books? Of course she has books."

"Pinkie Pie. Can we go before I change my mind?"

"Oh sure!"

Berry Punch thought that Pinkie would have tired of all her rambling, but even the trip to the train station was filled with hyper words that almost translated into gibberish with how fast she was talking. The newly drained bottle of wine that Berry had in her hand was the only thing distracting her from the barrage of words. By the time they made it, she was contently tipsy. She almost didn't notice the gray stallion addressing them.

"You must be Ms. Berry Punch. Your ticket has already been covered. Please, step on board and watch your step."

She mumbled a slurred "thanks" and found a seat in the third car. Thankfully, the train wasn't populated, minus a couple of older unicorns a couple rows ahead of her. Pinkie Pie was, to Berry Punch's joy, distracted by the tray of sweets that was making it's way down the aisle. This gave her the chance to sit back and relax. Looking out the window, Berry Punch started to think. Not too much, but she let her thoughts drift. Most of them led to images of Colgate and how after all of these years, the two of them had been through so much. Then the image of disappointed sadness when she sent Colgate away the last time she had seen her forced its way back into her head. This left her with a terrible sense of guilt. Colgate was always there for her, but she had never realized just how much Berry Punch needed her. That was always how it was. She was never really good at opening up and even when she was able to with Colgate, it was usually with the aid of some form of alcoholic consumption. She had begun to wonder how Colgate was able to put up with her quirks for so long. I guess that's just a sign of true friendship.

Friendship. Or was there more to it? The very idea of it made her chuckle. Her mind was one hell of a place while intoxicated. Maybe that was why she enjoyed it so much. She could live in these small hilarious moments in her head without any cares in the world. It was definitely easier than living with the harsh realities of the outside world. She had been so lost in thought that when Pinkie Pie found her, still carrying loads of sweets, cheerfully told her they were in Canterlot.

She let Pinkie lead her through the streets, still unaware of where they were even going. The trip there was at least quieter considering the pink pony was still stuffing her face and, as such, wasn't too keen on talking. Berry Punch found it amusing that Pinkie Pie was able to consume so much without getting sick. Maybe they were similar in that sense.

With no idea of where they were going, Berry Punch waited for Pinkie to finish eating before she asked the obvious question.

"Where exactly are we going, Pinkie Pie? We've been walking for quite awhile."

Pinkie turned to face Berry Punch with a smile on her face.

"We're going to Canterlot Castle, silly."

The response caught Berry Punch so off guard that she almost froze in her tracks. Pinkie had mentioned a party, but the idea of one being held in the castle of all places was a bit daunting. Just what sort of surprise had she been invited to that would be there? More importantly, if Colgate was there, what did she have to do with any of this? And to think that I had merely been looking to apologize for yesterday. What have I gotten myself into?

Berry Punch did not have much time to dwell on her thoughts because soon, the two ponies stood before the impending impressiveness and sheer size of the castle walls. She swallowed hard in an attempt to straighten up as they approached the two guards at the gate. The guards said nothing, but nodded their heads signaling an affirmative that Berry and Pinkie could proceed. This was becoming too real for Berry Punch whose first instinct was to break out another bottle of wine. Without missing a beat, Pinkie Pie put a hoof on Berry Punch's bag. "

"Oh, you can't have any of that yet! We haven't even made it to the party!"

She continued behind the bouncing pink pony, starting to sober up, and just wishing to know where exactly they were headed. Little did she know that the answers were about to come in full force, and they would hit her like a ton of bricks.

IV - Failed Intervention

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As the doors opened to the Canterlot Castle ballroom, Berry Punch stood anxiously next to Pinkie Pie, who was still bouncing up and down in giddy anticipation. Berry figured that Pinkie was going to be just as surprised as she was. After all, hadn't she mentioned something along the lines of Twilight Sparkle handling the decor. The very thought amused her as her mind was filled with images of books being used as decorations and essays as party favors. She was astounded and a little bit disappointed to see that everything looked normal for party standards.

Pinkie Pie immediately shot into the spacious room like a bullet, admiring all of the stuff. Streamers of all different colors hung from the high ceiling and walls. Tables, while not many, were covered in well organized, alternating patterns of pink and red. Confetti covered the floor and a steady stream of music from a well-hidden stereo was filling the area. None of this mattered to Berry Punch however, who saw the ever-recognizable mane of her childhood friend standing next to another obvious orange mane and a purple unicorn who seemed to be engaging them in conversation. Other than that, there weren't any other ponies around. For a party it was definitely pretty small. So why did they even need the ballroom? The other ponies didn't seem to notice the two ponies who had just entered, probably due to Twilight's conversation, until Pinkie Pie bounced into the group and pointed to Berry Punch, still standing in the doorway. Colgate was the first one to react.

"Berry! I was beginning to think that you wouldn't even come."

Berry Punch trotted over to the group.

"So, what's the deal with the party?"

Before Colgate, Carrot Top, or, after Berry Punch recognized her, Twilight Sparkle could respond, Pinkie Pie jumped into the air and threw a hoof-full of confetti into the air.

"It's for you Berry Punch!"

With that the pink pony disappeared, probably in search for the cake, Berry Punch figured. Colgate smiled and shook her head with a sigh.

"We just figured that this was the only way we could get you out of your house. Looks like it worked."

"Why the party though? If you wanted to do something, you could have just asked."

"You normally just brush off any of our attempts to do anything, Berry."

Much to Colgate's annoyance, Carrot Top wasn't helping anything by sitting there silently. At least she was able to convince her to come. Maybe it was for the best that she didn't say anything. Carrot Top did have a knack for being brutally honest. She soon wished it had been Carrot Top who had said something when Twilight opened her mouth.

"Isn't it wonderful Berry Punch? I told Princess Celestia what we were doing and she insisted that we use the ballroom."

"The princess let you rent out the entire ballroom for a party of five ponies?"

"Of course. She did the same for my birthday earlier. Besides, this is a special party. She wouldn't be much of a princess if she didn't take the chance to aid her subjects."

"What do you mean by 'special party' exactly?"

Colgate immediately jumped forward before Twilight could respond in a manner betraying the clever ploy.

"Come on, Berry. Let's not worry about the details. We have a party to start! Look," she motioned to the pink tornado ripping through the cake and snacks, "Pinkie Pie is already having a blast without us."

"I guess you're right, Colgate. It might not be a crowd, but we can still have fun!"

Upon the completion of Berry Punch's statement, Pinkie Pie ceased her destruction of the food and pulled out what she called her "party cannon", firing an assortment of glitter and streamers into the group. The blast knocked them all over, but they were all soon laughing and having a good time.

As the party continued on, Colgate was starting feel much better about the whole situation. It seemed as if Berry Punch didn't even care about drinking at the moment. Even Carrot Top had managed to keep conversation going without too much of a hitch. This was turning out to be a great night and they might not even have to hold the intervention if they could convince Berry Punch it was possible to enjoy herself without alcohol. Colgate realized that maybe, just maybe, things were going to come together for once.

These thoughts were immediately crushed when Berry Punch pulled out one of her wine bottles. The original plan was to allow her to have any throughout the party because the intervention was to follow, but it seemed that no one gave Pinkie Pie the memo. She jumped up and kicked the bottle out of Berry Punch's hooves causing it to shatter on the floor. Impeccable timing kicked in as well when the speakers suddenly went quiet. Berry Punch was staring at the broken bottle on the ground when she spoke up.

"What was that for Pinkie Pie?"

"Well, duh! We couldn't have an inte-"

Carrot Top immediately grabbed Pinkie's mouth and interrupted.

"Sorry, Berry Punch. She just got a bit too excited."

The tension built as Berry Punch kept looking back from the broken glass to her friends. When her eyes met Colgate's, she realized that she was hiding something. Colgate was never fantastic at keeping secrets because her face always gave it away. That was something Berry Punch had always noticed, but she found it endearing in a way. It meant that she could always be truthful with her without any worries. Whenever Colgate tried to hide something you could tell immediately that she was having trouble, just because she had her own principles and it was hard for her to betray them. This also meant that Berry Punch could get Colgate to spill info easily. She didn't like taking control of her like this, but everyone was hiding something and she knew only Colgate would let her know what that was.

"What's going on Colgate? Why is everyone acting so weird?" She cast an accusing glance at the blue unicorn.


Carrot Top interrupted. "We just wanted to have a party Berry Punch! Can't we just have fun?"

"Not if you guys aren't being honest with me" Berry Punch started to back up as realization hit. "Wait...I know what this is. You are trying to get me to stop drinking. You think I've gone crazy."

Colgate moved toward Berry Punch with tears forming in her eyes.

"No, It's not like that at all."

Berry Punch shook her head. "You're lying Colgate! I can tell. You're trying to change me. I can't believe you'd do that!"

"Listen, we're not trying to stop you. You've just been going too far. We just wanted to show you how much you mean to us."

"If I meant that much to you, you'd let me live freely." She took out another bottle of wine and took a big drink. "This is something I'd expect from Carrot Top, but not you Colgate!"


"But nothing! You're supposed to be my closest friend. I can't believe you!" Berry Punch turned towards the door and ran.

Colgate fell to the floor. It wasn't supposed to end up this way. Things were going to be fixed by this. Why did things always screw up when she was around? Colgate began to weep. She couldn't do anything right. Who was she to think that she could help a friend like Berry Punch? A hoof placed on her brought her back. It was Twilight Sparkle.

"Listen, Colgate. I know this didn't go as planned, but we still need to get Berry Punch. If you care about her as much as it seems, then you shouldn't give up so easily. Carrot Top and Pinkie Pie have already gone after her. The castle is big so I doubt she'd find her way out. Come on, let's go find her."

Colgate looked up at Twilight with a weak smile. "You're right. I'm not going to give up on Berry Punch yet." She stood up and proceeded out the door to find Berry Punch.

Twilight Sparkle stood in the ballroom and let out a long sigh. "One of these days I'm going to make a plan that doesn't screw up and cause more complications." With that, she too ran after the fugitive Berry Punch. The chase was on.