The Legend of the Silver Pony

by SilverStomp

First published

The Story of Silver Stomp, The Legendary Silver Pony.

After Awaking from his dream that has Plagued him ever since he was a Colt, Silver Stomp is called down for breakfast, after breakfast he goes for flying practice and decides to visit Rainbow Dash at her house in Cloudsdale. After meeting up with Dash, They proceed to have a race. But some unknown Force stops Silver Before he is able to finish the race. Falling from High in the sky, Dash Saves Silver and Lands on the ground to safely put him down on the ground Silver awakens to see that he is in a Hospital Bed with Dash by his Side. After Getting up Silver Says to Dash that he had a Vision of what would happen in the future and would have to go try and stop it. The Silver Pony then leaves Cloudsdale and returns home to see that his parents missed him very much, After talking with His parents his Dad said he had to tell him something Important. He Finds out about his ancestor and knows what his destiny must be. Will Silver Stomp be able to save Equestria like his ancestor before him? Find out In this Thrilling Adventure!

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Legend of the Silver Pony

Once upon a time thousands of years ago before Nightmare Moon Was Imprisoned in the Moon there was a War Between the Two Forces that once shared harmony in all the land. The Ponies Faced up against the Evil Denizens of the Underworld to see who would prevail and Rule Equestria for All Eternity. The Ponies were losing the War however and had to fall back and Evacuate most of Equestria. They Had only one Stronghold left and that was the Castle in Canterlot. All of the Ponies had Been evacuated into the castle. The Castle had been put into lock down as the guards Fought to keep the Demons at bay, However some of the Guards were Injured and had to be Treated right away. Once The Injured Guards were healed they were sent back into the fight. When The Guards couldn't fight anymore They fell back to the Castle. However the Gates were not going to hold for much longer. When all seemed lost there was a light shining over the horizon, But it was nothing like the sun, When in the distance a shadow of a Pony came charging towards the the castle gates, this pony seemed to be an Alicorn, a Mix Between a Pegasus and a unicorn. The Silver Pony Charged his horn With magic Unseen by anypony In Equestria. The Magic Overwhelmed the Demons with the Light of the Alicorn's Magic that The Demons vanished as soon as the He got to the gates of the castle. He Yelled out "Alright Everypony, You can come out now, All the demons are gone!" The Guards Looked outside of the castle grounds and were amazed at what the Alicorn had done. All the Demons were gone, And Even reports of the demons being gone all over Equestria too. When The Princess Heard what happend to the Demons and how an Alicorn had Defeated them, She went down to meet the Brave pony and Thank Him for helping out the Ponies of Equestria Defeat the evil menace and Awarded him with the Highest Honor in Equestria, The Golden star of Harmony.

Years Later The Silver pony was Invited to the Castle in canterlot for a Special Dinner Celebrating the Sun Celebration after Celestia Had Raised the Sun. However He Never Arrived at the Dinner, When Celestia had Wondered why this was, she sent her Guards to Check up on him, but when the Guards got to the Silver Pony's house he was not inside. He was No where to be found. The Guards searched everywhere in canterlot and everywhere in Equestria. It was like he Disappeared off the face of Equestria.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
The Race

Waking up from the Dream he had, Silver Stomp Awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sound of his mother Calling Him down for breakfast. "Okay Mom, I'll Be Down in a Sec." He Yelled getting out of his bed. He went into the bathroom and Looked into the mirror and Saw that he looked like he had just went through a Cake Mixer. He Laughed it off and Brushed his Mane to what he likes his hair to be. Of Course Not to make his Mane look like a Mare's mane he put down the brush and went downstairs. While walking downstairs he could smell the food his mother had made for him and his family. As He walked in He saw his mother and father at the table. "Morning Mom, Morning Dad." Said Silver As he walked into the Dining Room. "Good Morning Son." Said Silver's Mother and Father together in a Cheery Voice. "How did you Sleep last Night?" "I slept okay, I had the Dream Again." "The Dream?" "Yeah you know, The dream I've always had for the last 3 years?" Said Silver, "Yes I remember you don't have to be smart with me young man." Silver then Rolled his Eyes and sat at the table.

After Eating His Breakfast he Said To his mother that he would get some flying practice. "Okay But Be Careful I don't want you running into Rainbow Dash like last time Remember? You both Crashed into each other While in the sky!" "Yeah Yeah Yeah I know. It was only yesterday that I crashed into her!". Silver got ready to take off into the air, Spreading his wings he charged up the road and took off into the air flapping his wings and soaring through the sky. As he was going to try to do some tricks he flew over Rainbow Dash's House and Decided to pay her a Visit. As he landed on the cloud of Rainbow Dash's place he knocked on the door. And to his Amazement Rainbow Dash was actually home for once. "Hey Dash." Said Silver. "Oh Hey Silver Stomp, Whats up?" "Oh Nothing much just getting in some flight practice for the day." "You sure you shouldn't be studying for that Magic exam your taking too?" Asked Dash. "Yeah I should, but I Know I'll ace that test!" Dash let out a small giggle, "Well your still the same as always." Said Dash as she walked out of her house. "But enough talking, You wanna race?" "Sure, Why Not, Maybe you can learn to catch up this time." "Ha ha Very Funny." Dash said Sarcastically. "Well are we gonna race or not?" so they agreed that they would race Now.They Headed towards the raceway. "Alright, On your marks, get set, GO!" Before Rainbow Dash Could even take off Silver Stomp was already Far ahead. Dash raced off and caught up with Silver Almost Instantly, They were neck and neck, each flying at the same speed. Near the end of the Race on the last stretch, Silver and Rainbow were doing a nose dive towards the last checkpoint before the Finish Line. But before Silver could finish the race he felt something overcome him. He had not felt this feeling before, Not in his entire life. This feeling was so powerful that he had Blacked out and was falling fast towards the ground. Rainbow Stopped as she watched her friend fall out of the sky. "HOLD ON SILVER, I'M COMING!" Yelled Rainbow as she raced towards her Falling friend. Rainbow when faster then she had ever went before. Silver was almost near the ground before Rainbow Dash caught him. Setting Him on the ground, she checked to see if he was still Alive. He was breathing, But he seemed to be in an Unconscious state. She knew she had to get help and fast. She Rushed back to Cloudsdale to get some help.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
The Visions

Silver Awoken to a Vast black empty. "Where am I?" Silver asked Himself, everything was pitch black and It seemed that he was floating, His wings weren't even moving. Then he heard a voice. "You must save equestria... like your ancestor before you..." The voice seemed to echo in the darkness. "My Ancestor?" Asked Silver to the Mysterious voice. "Why must I save Equestria? There seems nothing to save, Everything is peaceful." "Not everything is Peaceful in Equestria... I will show you what is to come..." The darkness then Turned into a Blinding light. Then he saw it, He saw the future, And everything that would happen to it.

Worried for her friend, Rainbow Dash sat along side Silver as She waited for him to wake up. It had been days since he was awake, With Dash never leaving his side. When the nurses told her she could leave if she wanted, She simply replied with a "No, I rather stay." then the nurses left her alone with him. By then the Days turned into weeks. When she thought he wouldn't wake up, Silver opened His Eyes. Dash was amazed when he woke up, She almost jumped for joy when he woke up. Silver Tried to get up, but as he tried to get up his body felt extremely worn out and hurt him every time he tried to move. Of course not being a big filly he delt with the pain. "What...What happened? Where am I?" asked Silver Looking over at Dash.
She Told him what happened during their race. "So I just, blacked out?" Asked Silver "Yeah pretty much." "That's never happened to me, ever." Silver thought about what he saw In his vision. "So, Let me get this straight. A Voice was talking to you about what would happen in the future, and this future is going to be bad, right?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Not Exactly, my Vision showed me fighting off some unknown pony." Said Silver, He felt a little reluctent at first to say that to her, but he soon fought that off and told her what had happened. " I don't want you telling anypony else okay Rainbow?" "I Promise" Said Rainbow Dash. Knowing her Loyalty, Silver nodded. " You are a good friend Rainbow Dash." " And you are too Silver Stomp" The two then started laughing after they said that to each other.

Two days later, Silver Returned Home. His parents were so happy to see him. "Silver!" His Mother yelled in awe of her son's Return. She ran up to him and nuzzled him "We were so worried about you." said his mother with tears in her eyes. "I missed you too Mom." "Well are you going to come in or not?" Silver's Mother asked him. Silver let out a small laugh. "Yeah, Yeah I'm coming in" Then he proceeded to go inside and talk with his Parents.

"Wait so you had a sort of 'Vision' while you were in the Hospital?" Asked Silver's Dad, "That Pretty much it up." "Hmmm. Well I think it's time I tell you about something." "About what?" Asked Silver. "Something Very Important. Follow Me." Silver wondered what his Dad wanted him to know about. Was it something that had to do with the vision? Was it about something Different? Silver didn't want to ponder the question too much, so He followed his Dad.