
by FiendishFoiler

First published

A man's hobbies can really give you insight into the character of this person. In this case, his is treating small creatures like cattle. When a sudden avenue that bridges worlds and brings him a small earth Filly named Applebloom, how will he g

A man's predilection with visiting abuse on smaller animals has consumed his life for a number of years. Be that as it may, he has been going to meetings which help satisfy his craving for giving punishment. This man however is seemingly having a inner struggle to both maintain the urge, and the desire to end it.

What ensues is a sudden shift and revelation that changes everything. How will he deal with a small ponies that can speak? The only way he has ever known when it comes to creatures of similar size, make it wish it never came across him. Can he turn a new leaf or will he burn them away?

Discover and conquer

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I could try to explain why bad things happen to people, but I am not going to waste your time with pseudo moralistic beliefs. It was a little brisk so I stepped up the pace and moved up the stairs from the basement and into the kitchen. I stepped over to the sink and held out my gloved hands.

There was a light splatter of blood on my knuckles and on the tips of my fingers. After a few minutes of observing my hands from different angles, I removed the rubber gloves and dropped them into the sink.

The sink began to turn into a light red as the bodily fluid began to seep in every direction. I removed the gloves and pulled the plug and threw the gloves away as the water drained away. I then scrubbed the entire sink with bleach and then washed my hands.

It started when I was around seventeen, back then I just focused on small creatures but I have been trying to move upwards since then. I have a problem and I am seeking help by attending anonymous group meetings.

No targeting people… too many variables with little room for error. I stick to animals, and I know that doesn’t qualify me for the humanitarian of the year award but I would if I could but I can’t.

I took off my glasses and placed them next to the night stand and lay down to sleep. I felt absolutely nothing and lay down in the dark staring the whirring of the fan despite what I have just done.

The urge has become less frequent since I have been going to monthly meetings but when I… satisfy the urge, it goes away completely and I can go months without another relapse.

The beeping sound of the alarm is the first sound I hear Monday through Friday. I showered, brushed and flossed my teeth, combed my hair and put on my suit. My job is at the corporate office of an up and coming coffee company as a computing specialist for their I.T. department.

As I prepared a small breakfast, I came across the basement door and paused. Nothing but the sound of the air condition coming through the vents could be heard. My eyes closed as I placed my bare hand on the reinforced wooden door and felt the cold hum that was emanating from the other side, clearly coming from the a/c. I smiled and continued with my routine.

I logged into my laptop and connected it to my work computer. I opened up the ticket system and looked up technical problems by priority. I picked a P-5 which is the highest priority and needs immediate attention. The problem was the user is unable to connect to the network. I grabbed Ethernet cable just in case and looked up the name of the user and the office room number.

Room 612, I’ve helped her before. She has had a number of problems with her new office ever since she moved up to the sixth floor. I took the service elevator since it was a lot faster than the over used main elevators. While I was waiting I took out my phone and took a look at my picture gallery. I opened the locked section with a password. I casually glanced at my various depraved acts of torture and abuse. I zoomed in on one particular picture of a bird I found two months ago with a broken wing but quickly locked and pocketed my phone once I felt the elevator come to a stop.


Once the work day was over I placed my work laptop into the bag and threw it over y shoulder as I walked out of the building. I walked to my car and stopped dead in my tracks.

My windshield was completely caved in as if somebody threw a rock through it. I put my bag on the ground and slowly made my way to the car muttering the whole way.

“Are you shitting me? Why?” I opened the car door and saw shattered glass everywhere in the interior. Then I spotted what looked like silver butterfly. I reached over the console and when I lifted the object up, it was indeed was an inanimate silver butterfly. I gripped it hard in anger, hoping to break the damn thing in half.

“My window needs to get fixed and then I find who did this!” I got out of my car and went over to grab my bag and then headed off the shop. I took a cab home after dropping off my car at the shop and immediately went to my computer. I checked the reviews of the auto shop online and they received a lot of positive feedback so I relaxed a little and decided to indulge myself. I typed in “Small animals” and looked at a few pictures of a rabbit, a cat or a small turtle and clicked a few pages down.

I then remembered what I contained in my coat pocket. I took it out and looked at its impressive craftsmanship. It had glass for the wings that was rimmed with silver. I kept it in my left hand and turned my attention back to the monitor. After a few more pages I came across a picture of a cartoon.

I saw that it was one of those pony things I always see around the internet in some shape or form. I heard that its some kind of big deal with a large fan base or something.

It was a yellow looking one with red hair and a bow with a happy expression. Glancing at the tags for the picture, they were simple enough and I read the title of the picture. Applebloom, that was the name of it apparently after reading some of the comments. I noticed how adorable she was, in the sense that she looked like a harmless little thing. What I wouldn’t give to have something like that.

“Applebloom, I wonder what you do if you suddenly here. Oh well.” With that I then ate left overs that were from yesterday’s dinner and went to sleep.


Awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of a knock coming from the kitchen area. I didn’t live in a particular big house since I am one man with no family. I got up and grabbed my flashlight from the dresser drawer not with the intention of illuminating the rooms, but just in case I have to badger someone with it. I turned on the light in the kitchen and looked around only to see nothing.

Knock. It came from the basement door that was in the kitchen. I slowly approached the door and put my hand on the knob and slowly twisted it while keeping my flashlight ready. I pulled quickly on the knob and the door opened and I saw nothing. I took a step inside and still saw nothing.

I then heard a small whimpering and looked at the corner next to the door. The next emotion I feel is panic, I couldn’t make it out since it was a little covered in darkness thought it was a Chihuahua that somehow got loose at first sight.

It moved away from me as I got closer and I turned on my flashlight and light it up.

“Ahhh!” I dropped the flashlight when I heard it yell like a person. It then bolted into the kitchen and I ran after it.

“Git away from me!” It was that pony from the picture I saw last night, Applebloom. I was a lot faster and it was clear that she had no idea where she was going since she kept running into corners and dead ends. I caught her and by her sides and lifted her up.

She squirmed like crazy trying to get out of my grip. She was kicking away at my hands with her front hooves and boy did she have some power behind those kicks but I held firm. She screamed… she screamed.

“Let me go ya varmint! Applejack, Big Mac help me!” I had a real Applebloom in my hands and the odds of her being here in my guest room were probably astronomical. She was a tiny thing, when she was on the floor her head came up half way to my calf muscle. I wasn’t going to let this… opportunity pass me by as I felt the urge grow stronger and stronger as I felt her helplessness like some kind of beast preying on another lesser animal. I held her out and began to walk her to the basement.

“Stop struggling Applebloom, I’ll put you down if you play nice.” She settled for a moment.

“H-h-how do ya know my name?” She then started squirming even harder so I shook her and she yelped.

“Stop it please! I’ll stop fighting, just stop shakin me it’s hurtin my neck!” I stopped and held her at eye level and she look absolutely terrified. She was tearing up and sniffling while rubbing the back of her neck with her hoove.

“I just know your name. Now since you’re here, you might as well enjoy your stay.” I smiled and she moved her head away in fear. I put her under my left arm and started walking. When I started down the stairs and into the basement she was just in and remembered the darkness and started wiggling.

“No, not back here! It’s dark and scary!” She then bit me on the side of my stomach which made me let go. When I let go, she tumbled down seven steps, something she obviously didn’t foresee.

“You bitch!” I kept walking down the stairs as I felt the wound. She drew blood, not much but it was going to bruise. She cried even harder while touching her nose which started to bleed slightly due to the fact that she fell face first. She tried to get up and run but she limped on her back right leg.

“Owww! Don’t get near me you weirdo!” She managed to yell through her crying. She had nowhere to go, the basement is sealed off. I turned on the light and she squinted as her eyes were forced to adjust to sudden light. The next thing she saw was a series of cages that were empty… for now and a large open area with a work bench and a large sink. She started sobbing as I cornered her and she backed up as far as the wall would let her.

“Welcome to my recreation room Applebloom.” I kneeled down, still towering over her.

“Leave me alone or I-I’ll bite ya again!” I laughed.

“Go ahead, what difference does it make? You’re already hurt and in my basement. I’m going to make you pay for biting me.” I kicked her in the mid section and I heard the air get knocked out of her. She was knocked off her feet and to her side coughing and gasping for air. I then brought my hand down slapping her left cheek. She squealed in pain as she rubbed her cheek.

“Leave me alone! I’m just a filly, stop hitting me so hard!” I stopped.

“Consider it even.” I then looked around for a suitable cage and found one just for her. I then reached down and grabbed the filly by her mane and lifted her off her feet. He kept trying the hit my hands while screaming as loud as she could. I then looked at her back right leg and saw that it was swelling up. I bent it at the knee just to make sure nothing was broken. She was fine, but she tried pushing my hand away.

“Ahhh! Stop touchin my leg, it hurts!” I tossed her into the largest cage meant for a dog. She then gripped her leg and tried wiping away her tears. I locked the cage with an external lock that requires a key.

“Your leg isn’t broken, it might be sprained though since you took a little dive down the stairs.” She watched my every move and you opened up the cabinet and pulled out an elastic bandage.

“I’m going to wrap up that leg because if I don’t it could hurt you for a long time and as much as I would love that… I’m giving you the chance to cooperate.” She sat still and kept crying.

“Just leave me alone, you’ll just hurt me more!” She was right, but not in the sense she was thinking.

“Either you walk out of this cage or I’ll yank you out by your hair. You got till the count of five. One…” She looked at her leg and made a motion to move but she was defiant and looked away.

“Two… Three…” She began to cry again. She looked at me while still holding her back leg.

“Y-you won’t hit me?” I shook my head.

“No. We’ve had our fun for the night and I got to get some sleep. Four…” She got up and limped her way to the entrance of the wire cage. I then picked her up she flinched when I raised my hand. She was still sniffling and whimpering as I set her down on my work bench.

“Stretch your leg out.” She looked reluctant to let me touch the leg but she eventually stretched it out wincing at the sharp pain. I lifted it and wrapped it tight and made sure it gave her support. I stood her up. She still limped, but less so.

“How does it feel?” She lowered her head and her ears drooped after she took a few steps.

“Better.”I immediately picked her up and plopped her into the cage which I then locked shut.

“Good. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” I started up the stairs. She panicked and went to the edge of the cage.

“You’re going to leave me here in the cold dark!?” I then noticed how chilly it was down in the basement since there is no insulation in here.

“Yep, have fun.” She teared up yet again.

“Why are you doing this? This is cruel and wrong, you terrible… thing!” She howled at you and sobbed as you ignored her and turned off the light and shut door to the basement and locked it. You then tried to sleep but you were so excited at the prospect of owning Applebloom for your personal amusement. You could faintly hear crying and screaming from the basement in the kitchen.

You close your eyes and dream of the different ways you could spend your time with Applebloom. Life was good, at least for me.

Everything changes

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Lunch couldn’t be over fast enough as I quickly ate my sandwich. I tried feeding Applebloom a ham and egg sandwich for breakfast this morning but she refused eating or drinking anything I gave her so I just ate it in front of her. She just turned away looking at the wall opposite trying to ignore me completely even through her sniffling and her stomach growling.

That was little over ten hours ago. While I was in the kitchen, I could still faintly hear her crying as it comes and goes now. Wanting to pay her a visit, I brought a packet of skittles I bought on impulse while I walked to the drug store, if she eats them; I think she’ll like them.
As I went down the creaky wooden steps she quieted, not wanting me to see her cry. How cute.

Once I flipped the lights on, I noticed she was shivering badly as her teeth chattered audibly. There were freezing temperatures outside since the cold front last night and it was almost as cold in the basement as it was out there. There is no way she got any sleep in this cold. I was wearing a jacket and sat down in front of the cage.

“Hello Applebloom, how did you sleep last night?” She opened her eyes and I saw the dark lines under them. She didn’t speak and looked away and turned on her side trying to sleep still shivering.

“I got something for you while I was at the store. You can eat it if you come out, and if you don’t then you will go another day without food or water.” I opened the cage and pulled out the candy bag and held it up. She turned just to see the items and looked confused. I knew she was damn well starving and thirsty so I brought down a bowl and a bottle of water.

She still didn’t obey me and so I twisted the cap off the water bottle and started drinking it. She licked her lips and gestured like she was planning on listening but she put her head back down while shivering like she was having a minor seizure. I could clearly see the smoke coming from her breath.

“Just leave me alone.” I stopped drinking the water and I thought of a particularly nasty thought. I closed the cage and then poured it on her instead. Applebloom gasped and got up trying to get away. She kept tripping since her legs were probably completely numb from the frosty air.

She attempted to escape the stream but I followed her with the stream as its contents poured onto her while she ran in circles in the cage. She still limped from the fall she took yesterday and I noticed it was a little less swollen as well. She was now shivering very violently and looked at me.

“L-l-l-leave me alone you b-b-bully!” She screamed at me through tears, I could care less how much she yells or cries. The water made her sensitive to the cold air. She curled up on the floor and shook off the water like a dog which I thought was odd. I planned on being nice as long as she listened but she wanted to play hardball instead. I then took off my jacket and laid it on the floor. I was wearing a sweater and didn’t mind the cold all too much. She looked at me miserably.

“I’m c-c-c-c-cold and I can’t feel my hooves! How can you do this to any pony!?” I ignored her question and watched her breathe into her hoofs in an attempt to get warmer.

“You’re going to get sick if you don’t get warm Applebloom. I’ll just refill this bottle with that sink over there if you don’t come out” She shivered looking at me but slowly made her way out of the cage toward the entrance knowing that I wasn’t bluffing. I opened the cage and made sure there was no room to get pass me and run.

I picked her up and she wiggled around like a spastic child not wanting to make any kind of contact with me. It was making it hard to get a handle on her while walking so I bopped her on the head with my left hand.

“Ouch!” She put her hooves on her head trying to rub the hit spot and stopped moving.

“Stop struggling, you’re not going anywhere. If you kept defying me I will punish you.” I said sternly and made a point of gripping her even harder. Her eyes watered even more as she held back a cry. She wasn’t saddened by me hitting her as much as she was just sad at being my captive I grabbed a towel that was under the sink and dried her off. I could feel her shivering like a dog I once owned when I was a small child would after giving him a bath… and no I didn’t hurt him.

I took each hoof and dried it by rubbing the towel against her fur and then dried her mane. She was almost no different from any small animal I gave a bath. She never looked up to make eye contact she just sat there and made no move in fear of what I might do.

Once she was dry, I put her on the table and reached into my pocket and took out the skittles. I opened the bag and took out a red piece. She was still shivering so I grabbed my jacket off the floor and placed it on the table.

Applebloom immediately jumped into it and wrapped herself up. Last night was the worst night of her life not to mention the worst night of non-sleep she ever had. I placed the red piece in front of her and she looked at it.

I watched as her face turned into anger. I could tell she was still angry at me hitting her on the head but I didn’t give a shit. She kicked the skittle away with her good leg.

“I don’t want anything from you!” She jumped out of the jacket and off the table in an attempt to run but I grabbed her tail while she was in mid air. It pulled taut and she yelled in pain trying to escape my grip but she couldn’t reach my hand.

“Ahhhh! Let go of me ya monster!” I then hoisted her up and over the table and let go of her tail. She fell nose first into the table. She was on her back with both of her front hooves around her nose.

“My nose!” She then tried to kick me as if she was bucking a tree. It sort of hurt but it literally felt no different than someone pushing me.

“I warned you.” I then turned her around and quickly punched her just below her left eye before she could react. She only screamed louder and sobbed as I brought down a second. I noticed blood was dripping from her nostril; It must have been from the nose dive into the table. She placed her left front hoof on her struck cheek.

“Enough, I’m just a filly!! Just please… stop!” I stood back and watched her rub her leg, face and her newly hurt nose. After she stopped crying, she looked up at me still shivering.

“You promise you’ll be good? If you do as I say, when I say, then everything will be alright for the most part.

“Yes…I’ll be good.” She hurt all over; she was hungry, thirsty and tired. I threw the skittles on the table and few skittle came out.

“Good. Then eat!” She looked at the nearest piece and slowly walked over to it. She sniffed it and then poked at it with her tongue, unsure of how it tasted. I then saw her pick it up with her teeth and chew it and walk to another one.

Once she started eating, I grabbed the bowl and started filling it up in the sink with water. Once it was filled, I brought it over to her and laid it own next to the spot she was at.

She looked at it with disgust.

“Can’t you give me a glass or a cup?” I looked at her with contempt and she back down, drooping her ears while taking slow steps towards the bowl.

“No… this is fine. Thank you mister.” I then smiled and patted her mane. She drank like fish out of water. I stroked her from her head to her tail. She felt really soft, her fur almost felt like silk. Her mane felt sort of like human hair but still softer. She didn’t like it and started shaking in fear of my hand. Once she finished I thought of something.

She was going to need a blanket to keep her warm if she were to sleep so that she could have the energy to play.

Five minutes later I came back with a small blanket big enough for her. I noticed she was lying on the floor trying to sleep inside my jacket since she had not gotten any last night. She heard me coming and immediately stood up.

She saw what I had in my hand and wanted to walk over from the table to get to the floor but her leg hurt too much for a painless landing.

“Why did you get that?” I threw the blanket in the cage and saw her peeking over the ledge of the table I then picked her and observed her bad leg.

“If you spend another night like last night, you’ll either get sick or freeze to death, we wouldn’t want that now would we?” She looked down.

“N-no.” she said barely even audible. I took the wrapping off to much to her disdain, and saw a nasty looking bruise through her yellow fur and it was still swollen a bit. She just looked away and didn’t fight me about picking her up. I felt the sadistic urge coming on. There was something about holding an injured tiny little thing like her that made the worst come out of me. I slightly bent the knee. She winced.

“Owww. Ow.” She whimpered and looked at my hand bending her knee. I bent it further and she cried out a little louder.

“Stop it! That really hurts! Owwww!” she started screaming and tearing up again. She couldn’t handle the abuse she’s received and definitely couldn’t handle me smiling at her misery. She tried to bite but I was too fast this time for her and flicked her bruise. Hearing her scream was all I needed and stopped. I put her down in front of the entrance and she ran as fast as she could with a bad leg into the cage. She ran all the way to the back of the cage and from me as far as she could.

“Why did you do that!?” I was closed the cage and locked it with the key.

“Because I had to make sure your leg is healing.” She shook her head in disbelief.

“No! You were smiling like the monster you are!” She held her leg again.

“I wouldn’t take that tone Applebloom. I am a strict person and will not tolerate back talk.” She threw her head under the blanket and started crying. I kicked the cage just to rattle her and she ran to the other side still sobbing under the blanket.

“I wanna go home! I wanna go hoooome!” I smiled as I took out a tarp from the closet area.

“Too bad, you’re going to stay here for the rest of your pony life bitch.” She kept crying and I threw the tarp over the cage and turned off the lights. She started screaming to try and get the attention of anyone nearby. Not happening my neighbor would have to be superman to hear from the distance between our houses.

“I then logged on to my computer and looked up all of Applebloom’s information. Apparently she is trying to get her cutie mark and is a part of some group called “The cutie mark crusaders” she founded along with two other members, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Taking a glance at Scootaloo and I instantly became a little partial to her. The fact that she had wings would open possibilities for different kinds if “play”. Briefly remembering the silver butterfly,

I grabbed it from the drawer. It was on the same day I discovered this thing thrown through the car window, that I found Applebloom. I suddenly thirsted for sweet tea and got up to check the fridge to see if any was left. The door opened and I saw what most bachelor pad fridges looked like… empty. Not completely, I had a few eggs and milk but not much else and the tea was gone so I headed back to my desk Once I saw the desk through the door way, I spotted can sitting on the table.

I picked it up…Cold! It felt like I just picked it up out of the drug store. I turned it over to view the label. It was a sweet tea beverage and it was my favorite brand. I instantly cracked it open and downed it. I burped and threw the can in the garbage.

I was stunned, I took the silver butterfly out of my pocket and stared at it again. Did this item just give what I wanted? I had to be sure. I gripped and spoke aloud.

“I wish that the chair was blue.” I turned and saw what was an originally a grey was now a baby blue chair. My favorite color of blue too. I was elated but I put it on the table. I should only use this when I really want something that is not as trivial as tea. I knew the temptation was immense but it would be worth all the fun I was going to have with Applebloom and now… her fellow ponies.

Play time

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The beds were made and I placed the crayons into the small desk. Before walking out, I took a look at the corner of the room to make sure that the red light on the camera was on. Checking the steel door to make sure the deadbolt would hold firm in the event of reprisal. I then walked into my bedroom and sat in front of the large monitor and turned it on. I then saw a clear view from the installed camera of the guest room that had no windows and made it into a bunk room for future… friends.

Everything worked perfectly, even the night vision filter. I put in my two weeks since I was never going to need to work for a living ever again and dedicated all my time to playing with Applebloom. I stopped going to monthly meeting since I had no reason to go, well maybe I had all the reasons to go but I just didn’t feel like wasting my time anymore.

It has been about three days since I found Applebloom and I’m beginning to think the cold was just too much for her to handle. She had gotten a severe cold and has been completely lethargic. Of course there was always her crying to remind me as well. I decided to give her a room inside the house, not out of pity but because she would probably die if she didn’t get better and I would be out of a buddy. When making the room, I had an idea of making it a bunk room for more little ponies if I decided for them to come over and play.

I already decided to keep the silver butterfly out of use until I really wanted to use it which would actually be soon considering my decision to bring a new friend over. I kept the butterfly in a safe bolted to the floor to keep it out of the hands of others.

I took out the shock collar and held it in my finger and grabbed the kid’s cold medicine. Making my way down the stairs into the basement I heard soft crying which comes and goes at this point. I walked up to the front and saw her buried under blanket I gave her but it wasn’t doing her any good. She just looked up at me through an opening in the blanket and her crying intensified.

“Applebloom I have something that will help you feel better and then I have a surprise.” She stayed still.

“I’m sick… p-please just let me out of this cold, I can’t feel any of my legs.” I smiled and opened the cage and she backed away to the far edge.

“What? Now you don’t want to come out after telling me you want help?” You slammed the cage door shut and started walking away. She jumped to the edge of the cage and fell down stumbling since she could move due to her numbness and shouted.

“Wait! I’m s-s-s-sorry! Pleeeeease!”I turned back around and looked at her small form. She looked awful, she had heavy dark bags under her eyes and she was actually a paler shade of yellow she lost a little weight since she barely ate as well, not because of me but because she rarely ate what I gave her. She was shivering like mad and had tears in her eyes. I stood for ten seconds for effect and then moved towards the cage. Once I opened it, I saw Applebloom slowly move in my direction she just stood in arms reach and lowered her head in defeat. I picked her up and heard her yelp but she didn’t try anything after last time.

My god, she was as cold as a bag of ice. She felt so frigid that I couldn’t imagine the blanket being of any help. She then sneezed and sniffled as she kept creeping up onto my chest trying to get warm after feeling the heat from my skin. She shook like one of those kid toys that functions to dance around but is actually only vibrating. Once I reached the kitchen she was relieved. I set her on the table and pulled out the orange bottle while she sat down.

“What’s that?” I opened it and poured it into the clear cap until it reached the marked line.

“It’s medicine, now drink up.” I put it on the table and she looked at it and slowly dipped her tongue into the fluid. She instantly wretched and gagged. I stifled a laugh as she scraped her tongue trying to get the taste off.

“Gross! It taste terrible!” I picked up the cap.

“Applebloom, it’s medicine it will help you get rid of that nasty sickness and you will take it whether you want to or not.” She stopped wiping her tongue.

“I-I don’t… it has a disgusting taste.” I rolled my eyes and pointed at the cup.

“I don’t care, now drink it.” She whimpered and took the cup into her front hoof and looked at the vile stuff and downed it really quick. She gagged even harder and stuck her tongue out.

“Accckk!” I laughed and covered my mouth. She looked at me with an angry glare.

“Stop laughing at me!” I screwed the cap back onto the bottle and put it into the pantry. I then took the collar out of my pocket.

“Oh and before I forget, you need to put this on.” I held it up for her to see.

“What is it?” She asked in slight fear. I opened the end of it.

“It’s a collar for… let’s call it insurance.” I walked toward her and she backed away from me.

“I’m not a pet! You’re not putting that on me!” Before she had a chance to run I grabbed her hoof and she acted like she was going to bite me for a split second but decided against it knowing that nothing good would come from it.

“Yes, you are and I lifted her up by her right hoof leaving her dangling while I used my free hand to lock the collar around her neck all the while she is struggling as much as she can. I took the time to notice that her leg has somewhat healed but is still giving her problems. I let go at a time she didn’t expect and she fell on the table onto her back which made her slam the back of her head against the wooden table.

“Ow!” she grabbed her head and started to tear up while feeling at the newly installed collar due to its uncomfortable fitting. She then let go of her head and tried to tear off the collar, even if she could take it off which was impossible due to the lock, she was just too weak since she was very sick.

“Get this off of me! I am no one’s pet you monster!” I just loved how feisty she was. With that thought I took out a small remote with a button and pressed it. She screamed as she was shocked by the collar and tried running away. She jumped off the table and I smiled and pressed the button again but held it this time. She just screamed and ran head first into a kitchen cabinet not paying attention since the electricity was distracting her. She lay on the floor crying and twitching as the collar continued shocking her.

“Stop it, stop it, stop it!” I released the button and picked her up by her mane. She tried to grab my hand with her hooves while we started walking to the new room I set up for her. She screamed as loud as she could and I was beginning to find it annoying so I roughly bumped her face into the wall and scrapped her against it as you moved along down the hallway. She was screaming bloody murder and sobbing all the while. I took her off the wall once I reached the door.

“You’re nothing but a filly beater and a complete sick bully you… MONSTER!” She kicked my leg which actually hurt. With my anger I threw her as hard as I could into the room and she hit the wall with her side and fell onto a bed.

“Stay in here until you decide to listen to me you dumb pony bitch!” I slammed the door. I quickly made my way into my room and flipped the monitor on. I was greeted with the sound of her crying as she lay on the bed and held her side which hit the wall.


About an hour later, she was lying under the covers and trying to go to sleep. I all could hear was her faint crying. She settled down after a while and just went under the covers in an attempt to get some rest even though I knew she wasn’t going to get any. I then started to hear something from the mic I placed over her bed. I turned up the volume…

“-ant my sis Applejack. *sniffle* I want to go home and see my friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.” How sweet, she was just talking to herself about how home sick she was. I decided that now was the time to indulge her. Walking over to the safe, I put in the combination and opened the safe. I grabbed the silver butterfly and thought about Scootaloo. I then placed it back into the safe and locked it up. I then excitedly when went into the kitchen and waited.

What I heard next was muttering that sounded panicked and sad and a loud bump on the basement door. Quickly getting up I made my way to the door and opened it. I was greeted with a orange colored, winged filly. She was holding her nose and looked up at me in fear.

“Whoa! Who are you?” She took a step back as I smiled.

“Oh I am just a friend. Hey you wouldn’t happen to be Scootaloo would you?” She took her hoof off her nose and slightly grinned after guessing that I wasn’t a threat.

“Yes… I was eating lunch while I was at school and then I was in the cold dark all of a sudden.” After I produced a shock collar and she looked at it with wonder.

“Nice to meet you Scootaloo, you need to put this around your neck to keep you warm.” She squinted her eyes with skepticism.

“How will that help?”

“It sends a current through your body and keeps you warm.” I internally laughed, there was no way she was buying this. Until she finally stepped forward, shivering.

“Uh, okay fine. Let’s just get out of this cold.” She held her neck up and I snapped it on and locked it. She rubbed it after feeling it’s uncomfortable grip.

“It’s a bit tight.” She said trying to tug at it. I pressed the remote which had another button for her collar. She shrieked as her body was assaulted with painful volts of electricity. She realized that it was coming from the collar and she immediately tried to take it off but the amount of electricity was immobilizing. She screamed with all her might at me.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” I let go of the button and picked her up by her mane, a move I was beginning to enjoy since it caused them much pain and they always lashed out. She tried hitting my hands and I took this moment to indulge in my sadistic urge just to give her a warm welcome. I slapped her, and when my hand made contact she began to try and bite which was futile since she couldn’t reach any of my hands.

“Why are you hitting me!? I didn’t do anything you psycho!” I then punched her in her stomach which knocked the air out of her I brought her up to eye level.

“Welcome to your new home, Scootaloo.” She started sobbing and wheezing and I held her by the throat and walked to Applebloom’s room. I then unlocked the door and opened it. Applebloom was awoken by the sound of Scootaloo’s crying and peeked over the covers to see me holding her best friend by the throat. Her eyes went wide when she realized that it was Scootaloo and jumped out of the covers.

“LET HER GO! YOU”RE CHOKING HER!” I then threw her at Applebloom and they hit with a deep thud knocking Applebloom off the bed and Scootaloo with her.

“Ow! Scootaloo are you ok!?” She said ignoring the extreme pain she was in. Scootaloo was sobbing but calmed down when she made eye contact with her friend who was missing from school ans disappeared a few days ago.

“Applebloom!? I was worried about you, you were gone and we didn’t know where you were!” They then hugged and cried only to be interrupted by the extreme stinging of their shock collars. They looked at me after I released the buttons.

“How could you do this to her!? She doesn’t deserve this!” Applebloom then ran at me with Scootaloo right behind her.

“You kidnapped my best friend!” I got ready and punted Applebloom across the room and she landed on the table and knocked over the pencils I placed there for her. She screamed as she landed on her hurt leg and placed her in agonizing pain. Scootaloo tried to run past me but I stepped on her tail and it hurt to the base of her tail and she fell flat on the floor. Once I let go of her she jumped onto my leg and started biting down as hard as she could.

“Argh you fucking bitch!” I ripped off and put her in my left hand and slapped her, alternating from her left cheek to her right cheek. She could do shit as I just kept slapping her until she stopped trying to bite and hit me and just tried to protect her face. It was futile I put everything into my hand. She started sobbing and bleeding from her mouth and her nose.

“STOP!” I looked over and saw Applebloom limping over to me with fury in her eyes and I let Scootaloo fall to ground where she laid down covering her face and crying. I then took out the remote and pushed both buttons. Applebloom stopped and fell down twitching and kicking the air and groping at her collar while Scootaloo did the same except she tried to escape by beating her wings as hard as could. She barely got a foot off the ground and eventually gave in and let go falling down onto the carpet. I didn’t relent as they were getting shocked, I felt my left leg and noticed the little winged bitch bit a hole through my pants. I then walked over to her while she lay on the ground sobbing. She looked at my foot as it made contact right above her eye kicking with force.

“OW! STOP IT! STOP HURTING US YOU… YOU BUCKING PSYCHO!” I giggled at her poor attempt to curse which was probably hard for her to even say given the fact that she was a filly. I kicked her again and she stopped covering her face and lay still and pissed herself. I felt a tug on my pant leg and looked at my right foot it was Applebloom.

“Please… j-just make it stop. We’ll… we’ll listen.” I let go of the button and she sighed and went limp laying down on the floor lightly crying at her hopeless situation.

“You will obey.” I knew Applebloom understood. I walked over to Scootaloo who passed out and I kneeled down and grabbed her by her cheeks and slapped her. She slowly opened her eyes only to recoil in fear and try to get away but I held firm.

“You will listen to me or I will hurt your friend more, do you understand?” She looked over at Applebloom who rubbed her hurt leg. She then looked at me, and slowly nodded and drooped her ears.

“Y-y-yes I get it.” I nodded and let go of her head and patted it.

“Good now cheer up guys, we’re going to have lots of fun together.” I left the room and locked the door behind me. Walking over to my room I watched the monitor and heard Scootaloo crying and saw her laying on the floor holding her bruised face.



“…. I want to go home.” Scootaloo resumed crying and Applebloom joined in with her crying as she crawled over to her friend and they embraced. You felt satisfied as you watched the two fillies sobbed together broken and in pain.