Assassin's in Equestria

by SinisterBronyz

First published

The assassin's... Join them. And Prosper!

Desmond Miles
Age: 29
Occupation: Bartender
Known ancestors: Altair Ibn-La'Ahad
More possible ancestors: Ezio Auditore
Target's Importance: High

Additional notes: Send the best, He. Can. Not. Die.


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The bar was closed... That didn’t concern Vinyl and her accomplice, Octavia. “Dearest would you be so kind as to pick the lock for me?” Octavia asked... Politely.
“Ugh fine but you have next time...”
“Deal” And Vinyl kneels down and pick’s the lock. No problem it was simple in and out, grab the pony and leave. Ah if it was only this simple.

Desmond was sitting at the bar, Drinking his sorrows away. He hear’s the door open and turns, to see a gun aimed at his face.

“Hoove’s” Octavia said.
“Ya ya i'll just give you my wallet and open the register and we're good right?” Desmond asked.
“We aren't he for money Mr.Miles”
“What? How... what... ok let us straighten this out... I am sure we can just figure this ou-”
He never finished... Before he could he was knocked unconscious. By the back of the gun.

Chapter 1, The assassin in all of us

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Chapter 1, The assassin in all of us.

Desmond wake’s slowly but surely to be laying in a hotel room. “Where am I?” He said mostly to himself, however he didn't see the pony in the dark. “Hello Mr. Miles.” The mysterious pony said, before continuing. “Let me answer your question, you are currently staying at the” He stop’s, to clear his throat “The Super 8 Motel, all right reserved of course.” Desmond has been sitting there dumbfounded by it all. “Umm OK so what am I doing here and was it really necessary to knock me unconscious?” Desmond asked frightened to actually hear the answer.
“Well I work for a company named Abstergo I trust you are familiar with there work”
“Ya your a pharmaceutical company right?”
“In part”
“What do you mean, In part?”
“Well our motto is, We change the world. Every day, in a hundred different ways. We make many inventions for the general public. As well as the head Templar order.”
“The Templar’s? Why, Why would you want me I- I left the order a long time ago my parents-”
“Let me stop you right there Mr. Miles, We care little for all of this. We care about your ancestor’s not your family matter’s and let me just say, You are a very hard person to find Mr. Miles.” The Templar said.
“Thanks I try”
“Indeed well soon we will be leaving again to get to our HQ we have two options here Mr. Miles We can knock you unconscious via injection or we can send our team in again.”
“I will take the injection thank you”
“Very well”
He leaves and soon Vinyl and Octavia enter “Hi again how are you feeling? Sorry for before we were given a strict order” Octavia started.
“Octavia did it, not me”
“What? Were talking about an assassin here if he is gonna get mad at us and try to kill us he will know who actually did the deed”
“Well what a KIND way to express your love dearest”
“Indeed well bring your left arm out and expose a vein.” Vinyl began
“Wait you two are fillyfooler?”
“Yes do you have a problem?” Octavia started.
“Because if you do i'm more than happy to knock you unconscious the second way” Octavia growled.”
“No no it’s... it’s nothing”
“Yes i'm sure that it isn't”
Day’s pass I don't know how long but being put in the back of a trunk didn't help it never helped... and that was the voice of experience. Finally the trunk opened and Vinyl peeked through.
“Huh?” I was awoken from a daze. “Are we finally here?”
“Aye we are”
“Thank Celestia”
A aura of blue magic appears in front of her inside was a black bag and handcuffs.
Vinyl look’s uncomfortable “Sorry it can’t be helped” She was staring down at her hooves.
“Well ok just don't... don't make me bonk into any wall’s”
A small chuckle comes out of her mouth “I’ll try, Promise”
“Vinyl! What did I say about talking to the prisoner!”
“What we are alone and it wouldn't hurt anyone”
“Fine just say what you need to say and we can get him upstairs.”
“Right we - as in both of us are working with the assassins, don't interrupt cause this is important. We needed a reason to talk to the other’s so we took the opportunity to take you in.”
“So... You knock me unconscious, kidnap me and apparently steal my wallet and i’m guessing by both of your breath either A: Steal alcohol from where I work or B: Use the money in said stolen wallet for drinking money.
“Err... lets not get into that.” Vinyl said sheepishly.
“No lets, witch was it? A or B?”
“Err... Both?”
“What he is good at talking!”
“Yup great now he hates us more good job Vinyl we are sleeping in different bed’s tonight!”
“Tavi lets not get rushed!” Vinyl started in a panicked tone, “We - we can work this out i'm really sorry” She said almost pleadingly.
“We will talk about this later”
“That’s normally a good sign.” Vinyl whispered to Desmond.
“Well then good luck, shall we get underway?” Desmond asked
“Aye let's begin”

They drop the hood over his head and put the handcuffs on him. As they enter what he could only assume was a door and a colt greeted them.
“Well then who the buck is this?”
“Someone more important they your pay grade gets to know about.”
“Right no questions yadda yadda yadda come on through”
“OK good i'm glad some of your head is still brain, And someone get me a bucking gurney!”
“Wait a gurney? you aren't gonna knock me out again are you?”
“Shut up Mr. Miles”
“Gah not again”

After a minute or two the gurney came around to pick him up.
“Please get on Mr. Miles”
“Mr. Miles this can go one of two ways either we can put you on... or we will throw you on!
Darkness... All darkness for what seemed like an eternity but finally. He opened his eye’s.

An author's apology

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Sorry... Sorry it is gonna be over... for a while anyway im rewriting ive gotten allot of hate and some love I just wanna try again so just... stay tuned... please? Feel free to comment on your thoughts on what I should do different!

More in depth resoning

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Right well im getting allot of "You didn't tell us why well enough" Or something along those lines so let me elaborate. I have been getting allot of CC from people and I am grateful but they are right... I need to write more in depth so I am. As for what I will be doing until then please check out my other work... I have a Luna stuck on the moon fic and a soon to be released OctyxScratch (I regret nothing)! Now if you want to find out what is going on just be patient and wait or... follow me! Just go to my profile and push the follow button! But leave your questions / concerns in the comment section below! I will be seeing you very soon (I hope) :)