Chaos is a Party

by AmoriaWither

First published

Pinkie breaks Discord out of his statue, but one thing is left rock hard.... (I'm no good at these.

Months after the Elements of Harmony are used to trap Discord in stone, Pinkie Pie magically busts him out. Over the months she has fallen in love with him, realizing what he told her about her friends laughing at her was the truth. When Discord is freed Pinkie confesses her love for him and Discord, who decides to fill Pinkie's hopes and wishes, has sex with her.

Part One

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Chaos is a Party

Pinkie had been skipping through Ponyville when her Pinkie Senses kicked in. She took in a big gulp of air and started bouncing through the city. This was a normal thing to see for the citizens of Ponyville so no one bothered to stop her. She said a few hellos while she bounced but nothing could stop her. She was being dragged to a place she couldn’t resist. The Statue Garden.

It took her nearly an hour to reach the statue of her deepest secret. The horrified stone sculpture of Discord sat in the same place it did before. Her uncontrollable bouncing had stopped when she was a hoof’s length away from it.

“Hello there....Dissy.” She smiled softly at the nickname she had for him. Regardless of the chaotic things he did, she had fallen in love with him. She reached her hoof out and touched the base of the statue, wondering why her senses had taken her here. She looked up and frowned and, without knowing it, had begun to cry. A single tear rolled off her snout and onto the statue. She heard a sound of cracking stone a looked up. Color had began to wash over Discord’s body, making him alive and free again! She sobbed and stood up taking a few quick steps back. Within a minute Discord was fully reanimated and he had a sly smile on his face. He looked down at Pinkie and the smile got bigger. Pinkie smiled back. It was a weak smile full of uncertainties.

“H...Hello...,” Pinkie said, the normally joyful and bold pony was suddenly engulfed by shyness and fear of what she had done. Discord gave a hello back and got down from the pedestal his stone body had been situated on top of. Discord walked toward Pinkie, forcing her to back up against the tall shrubbery that was the walls of the garden. Her mind was filled with hopes and fears. She was painfully happy that the thing she loved was back and she could do more than just look at him. She was also very afraid of what he would do to the world since he didn’t love her back. She was so full of emotions that she began to cry again. Discord looked at the tears and asked what she was doing. He had never seen tears before. He knew of other emotions like, joy and hate and frustration but not of an emotion that could make someone leak water from their eyes. It was madness, he thought, and if Discord loved one thing is was madness. He leaned down and licked the tear off of Pinkie’s face. A deep blush covered her face and she pulled her head away.

“Don’t do that!” She stuck her tongue out and made a raspberry. Discord watched the action before leaning in and licking her tongue.

“HEY! What do you think you’re doing Dissy!?!” She loudly stated. She hadn’t even noticed the slip she had made by saying her nickname of him. He leaned down to be closer to her face and cocked his head.

“What did you call me?” Discord asked. He hadn’t been called anything like that before. He wasn’t sure how to describe it but it reminded him of the word...cute. Pinkie had been stumbling for an answer while he thought the name over. He didn’t care too much but it had made him think for a moment. He lifted the pink earth pony into the air by her tail and spun her around a few times to make her dizzy. He put her down and watched her stumble around for a few moments before she fell over on him, making him fall too. Pinkie was laying on top of Discord for a few moments before she realized what was happening. She sprung up and tried to run. She got a few yards away before Discord appeared in front of her and made her scream and slide to a stop. She back up quickly now, being followed by Discord.

“Why’re you running Pinkie Pie? Am I scary?” He mocked a frown for a few seconds before busting out a laugh. He turned his back to her and smiled softly. An odd warmth was taking over his was...happiness. A form of happiness he hadn’t felt before. He turned back to face Pinkie and she was now calmly sitting there. She looked him in the eyes and opened her mouth for a few moments as if she were going to say something. She shook her head and closed her mouth, looking at the ground a few moments.

“I....I love you.” She looked up and had a look of pure determination. Discord’s mouth dropped open and now he backed away from her. She had begun to cry again and this time it seemed to be accompanied by anger. She followed him, shouting her thoughts at him.

“I love you! There. I’ve said it. I’ve been so...alone... because of you! I should *hate* you,” she glared at him now, her vision blurry, “but I don’t. You told me the truth. I could feel that it was true. Every time I tried to throw a party or pull a prank I couldn’t! It didn’t feel right anymore.” She sobbed and hugged him tight as he was now backed against a statue. She hugged him for what felt like forever. Her crying had stopped and Discord had begun to pet her curly mane.

“I am sorry...,” He made a face of slight concern and looked down at her. Her beautiful eyes looked a deeper shade of blue because the surrounding white was blood-shot from all the crying. “I don’t know how I feel...I just feel happy...It’s odd because usually only Chaos makes me happy. Chaos...” He shook his head. “I know what’ll cheer you up! A bit of chaos. I could make it rain chocolate again.. You seemed to like that.” He smiled faintly and picked Pinkie up, cradling her in his arms. Within a blink of the eye they were in Ponyville. Discord snapped his fingers and buckets of chocolate milk were pouring from the sky. The ponies who were outside started frantically running for shelter. With a clap of his hands all of the houses were turned into cupcakes. The entire city was transformed into a sugar wonderland. The road was made of chocolate chip cookie and still felt warm and gooey. Discord put Pinkie down and spread his arms open.

“All for you, Pinkie. If you want anything....Ask.” He smiled wide and disappeared.
Pinkie had already pulled up a chunk of the road and began eating it. She paused between the bites of warm cookie to drink the chocolate milk rain. She ate and ate for a good 20 minutes. Her tummy was full of sugar and she was extremely tired. She sighed and started walking towards home. When she was almost there she was poofed into meadow. It was full of delicious smelling flowers in a million different colors. She spun in a circle to look at everything. Discord was in the meadow, holding one of the flowers in his hand. He offered the flower to Pinkie but instead of taking it she jumped on him and hugged him tight.

“OHHHH...THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!” She squealed and ended the hug to bounce around. She stopped bouncing and smiled. “Thanks.” Discord smiled and approached to bend down and kiss her. He paused a moment before the kiss and covered Pinkie’s eyes. When he uncovered them he was a human. She gasped and backed away from him.

“W...What are you?!” She looked wide eyed and open mouthed at Discord. He was tall and thin but kept a few features from his draconequus form remained. He still had the different wings and the different horns. They fit well on his form. Discord let out a devious giggle and used the same magic as before to turn Pinkie into a human as well. She was a decent size with a perfectly curved body. She was about 5’6 and had perky C cup breasts. Her hips were well rounded and fit perfectly on her. She looked down and blushed deeply when she noticed she was naked. She quickly covered herself with her shaking hands. She noticed at that point that Discord had one garment of clothing on that seemed to be covering the important parts.

“How come you don’t have these?!” She moved the arm that was covering her breasts to show was she meant. Discord laughed again and stepped close to her.

“I’m not a woman, dearest.” He moved her arms away and pulled her close to him. He knew it was what she wanted. He could feel her hard nipples pressing against his chest. She shivered slightly at the cold breeze which made her press herself closer to him to be warm.

“Will I be...changed back?” She felt bad asking, thinking it would give the signal she wanted to escape this and become a pony again as soon as possible. Discord shrugged and kissed the top of her head.

“We have an hour or so and I’m going to make it the best hour of your life.” Discord wrapped his arms around her and lifted her so she had to wrap her legs around his waist. He back her up against a tree and held her there. “Just...let go of the fears.” He pressed his lips against her beautifully shaped mouth and kissed her for a few moments, rubbing his slowly growing erection against her nude groin. She occasionally made a sharp inhale of pleasure. He stopped the kissing. She had a warm blush on her face and was panting a bit. Pinkie bit her bottom lip and looked away from Discord. She didn’t want the kissing to stop. Everything felt perfect. She had a belly full of sweets and was getting to be close to the thing she loved most...Discord. Dissy was looking at the sexy blush covering Pinkie’s chest and cheeks. He leaned in a placed a few tender kisses over her chest and neck.

“I love you back,” he stated while staring intently at her. These words got her attention and she looked back to his face, staring into his eyes. “I know it might not seem sincere but I do. You make me happier than I’ve ever been. You make me,” he smirked a bit and pressed his throbbing member tight against her, “like this.” The hot, hard thing pressing against her slit made her tense up a bit. She had never done something with someone before. The farthest she had gone was some heavy kissing and dry humping after a big party. Discord had been placing more kisses over her chest but now he was getting a bit more audacious and kissing her nipples. What brought Pinkie back to reality was Discord taking a nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue across it and then biting it gently. It made Pinkie arch her back and moan softly.

“D-don’t you want me to touch you back..?” She looked up and to the sides, acting as though something had her attention to avoid eye contact. Discord used a hand to carefully pull her face close to his and to force her to look into his eyes.

“You don’t have to worry about me. This is about you.” Dissy smiled softly and went back to licking, kissing and biting Pinkie’s nipples. They were a beautiful dark pink against her smooth white skin. After a few minutes of equal attention to each soft, squishy boob Discord stopped and looked up to kiss Pinkie. Pinkie had been making small pants and gasps of pleasure during this, unable to hold back.

“I....I’ve never gone this far before..” Pinkie stated quietly, squeezing her eyes shut in embarrassment. She had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that this information would cause Discord to not want her anymore. She almost didn’t tell him but figured if she didn’t he might be too rough or expect too much of her. Discord kissed between her vividly pink eyebrows and sighed softly.

“It’s no big deal. I’ve only done it once....long, long ago with a lady who was quite....persuasive.” He smiled softly. “I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you.” He kissed her cheek this time and turned around so Pinkie’s back was no longer against the tree. He slowly laid her on the ground and laid beside her but a bit further down so he could kiss her breasts again. This time though he only gave two quick pecks to each hardened nipple before he trailed kisses down her perfect stomach to her hips. He stopped for a moment and looked up, smiling before placeing a few sloppy kisses over her hips and where her panty-line would be. He let out a warm breath of air and licked over the soft flesh before her slit.

A long, “Nnnngggggggg,” escaped Pinkie when he did this, inviting him to go further. At this point Pinkie’s clit had been throbbing and she was moist like the chocolate milk she loved so much. Discord’s forked, snake tongue came out and just brushed against the top of her slit and made her make a small noise again. He quickly moved between her legs, spreading them and placing a line of kisses down her thigh. He pressed his nose close to her pussy and inhaled the sweet musk of her odor. He could see her swollen clit peeking out from her decent sized lips. He nuzzled his nose against her clit and she arched her back. This reaction was appealing to Discord as it encouraged him to place a kiss over her clit before pulling it into his mouth and lightly sucking on it. This got him a frantic, “ahahahahahhhh,” noise from his play mate.

He laughed, “Did you enjoy that?” He was smirking in a prideful way, happy he could please the mare he loved. Pinkie was panting too much to reply. She nodded her answer and ran a hand through Discord’s hair as a sign of affection. She only needed a little bit to finish. She knew she would feel stupid, probably making a bunch of noise and squirming around but she wanted it so badly. She had a light layer of sweat covering her body and the grass was sticking to her back. When the breeze picked up at times the grass would tickle her bottom, causing her to tense up.

Discord was watching her, her eyes had been looking around as if she would find the answer in the sky. When her eyes stopped moving and she looked down at him for a moment he began to lick. He started out just barely brushing his tongue up the moistened slit. He had moved Pinkie’s legs over his shoulders and they were now clamping around his head as she neared her first climax. She had been mostly silent but when Dissy shoved his tongue inside her, her back arched and she howled loudly. This made Discord giggle a bit and wiggle his tongue, pushing her over the edge. He had to move his head from between her legs because after making a long moan her legs clamped shut and shook. She stayed in this semi curled up position, panting for at least 5 minutes. He had moved to lay beside her, gently petting the hair away from her face.

“How was that?” Discord asked. Pinkie smiled big and rolled from her back onto her side to kiss Discord. She continued the kiss while she rolled on top of him, straddling his waist. This got Discord’s attention.

“I....I want to....I want more,” Pinkie nodded firmly and went back to kissing him. She took one of his hands and placed it on one of her breasts, hoping he would like it. It seemed it did as he began to twist and pull at one of Pinkie’s nipples. He used his other hand to reach down and gently rub at Pinkie’s still wet crotch. He mostly ran two fingers up and down, rubbing over her clit. Her hips begun to rock with his hand and he decided to insert a finger. He pulled his hand away for a moment causing her to break the kiss and ask why he stopped. Discord smiled and told her to hold still for a moment. He gently inserted a finger inside of her, the juices that were coming from her seemed to make this action painless. He slowly pushed his finger in and out. Pinkie enjoyed this and begun to rock her hips again.

“I could put more in. We don’t have to have sex. I just want to make you happy,” Discord softly stated. His lips were close to her ear and he felt talking loudly would ruin the moment. Pinkie seemed to ignore him for the most part, shaking her head in reply. She was still moving up and down his finger, completely amused. Discord chuckled at this, making Pinkie ask what was funny. He shook his head and smiled.

“Nothing dear. Now. Answer me this.... Do you want more still?” Her face reddened and she nodded.

“I...want want to uh....fuck you....Is that what it’s called? I mean...I think I’ve heard Rarity call it that before but...I’m not entirely sure.” She bit her bottom lip and pulled his hand away from her. “ me. Okay?” Discord carefully moved away from her to pull of his underwear. His erection was now free. It had started hurting a while ago from not getting attention and not being about to do anything about it. He smiled, and laid back down, pulling Pinkie on top of him. His dick was resting on the mound of her pussy, waiting to be used. It was of decent size, larger than average, at eight inches. It was nothing too special though and he knew not to be cocky about it. Pinkie poked at it and giggled a bit.

“It’s like a rock!” She laughed now, thinking this was funny. Within a few seconds she had gotten quiet again and was smiling down at Dissy. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her up a bit. He quickly used a hand to position his dick between her soft, puffy lips. He smiled for a moment before quickly bucking his hips upward and popping her cherry.