

First published

She is death on an angel's wings, she could end our world with no effort and yet, she chooses to fight for our lives than for her own, she has all that power yet uses none for herself.

A being that exists only within myth, they say her eyes were carved from the brightest stars, her lips from the shiniest rubies and her skin from the strongest of crystals. She is a being that few have seen but all know of, she goes from town to town, city to city protecting the innocent from those that have been corrupted and whose hearts are nothing but dust. But these demons have changed their goals, recently they have started to hunt her, they have chased her to a new kingdom, a kingdom that she must now protect, The kingdom of Equestria.

Red like roses

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The snow fell from the heavens and laid out a beautiful Chrystal white blanket that spread throughout the entire forest, the trees stood baron, robbed of their leaves by the harsh winter spirits. Rose made her way through the forest, her footsteps silent atop the snowy blanket, she made her way towards a thicket where she saw a bright blue caravan with a dark blue roof, Rose walked over to the caravan as the celestial sun began to disappear behind the horizon and the night began to take hold of the evening. After several knocks on the small wooden door at the end of the trailer it opened to reveal a small blue unicorn with a bright blue mane, the mare now had a sudden look of shock on her face "you are um... what are you!"

Rose managed to utter a faint groan before she fell to the floor and blood started to pool out of a large wound in her side. "Oh sweet Celestia!! Vinyl, Frost Bite get out here quick, Two mares ran outside the trailer to help the unicorn carry rose into the trailer.

Black. That's all rose saw, black. She could hear muffled voices, the words were inaudible but they were there. slowly but surely her vision began to return and what greeted her wasn't the sight she expected, stood over her were three ponies, one was a pegasus and the other two were unicorns. "Ugh, where-where am I" ask Rose as she tried to sit up but winced at the pain coming from here side and lay back down.

"You are in my house" replied the blue unicorn, "when you showed up at my door you were in quite a state and bleeding very badly."

"Wow. Thank you i am in you're dept, my name is Rose"

"Um if you don't mind me asking, um what are you" asked the Blue pegasus, Rose just stared at her causing the pegasus to retract and hide behind her mane.

"Oh I'm so sorry it just seems like the sort of question i would ask you, i would have thought it would be obvious." the three ponies stared for a while before the white unicorn with the glowing neon blue mane walked over and stuck her hoof out towards Rose.

"Yo wassup, the name's Vinyl Scratch and i gotta say you are the most badass wolf i have ever seen!" The blue unicorn immediately ran over to her and knocked her hoof away.

"Vinyl don't be so rude! How can she possibly be a wolf, she walks on two legs and talks."

"Um actually i am a wolf and was going to ask why you three are on all fours." said Rose in a slightly more perked up tone.

"Well, we are ponies" said the blue unicorn.

"So, where im from both ponies and horses stand on their back legs like me. Also i kinda hate to ask but," Rose paused and rubbed her hands up against the matted blood stained hair on her side, "do you have any warm water, I need a shower"

"Sure I'll put the kettle on, as you can see there isn't exactly room in here for a shower."

"Thats OK" replied Rose as she finally managed to sit up on the couch she was resting on, Rose suddenly jumped at the fact that she was now lighter that she remembered. "Where are my swords!?" shouted Rose causing the blue pegasus to jump into the air in fright in crash right into the ceiling before falling to the ground earning a little giggle from the other two mares.

"They are over there on the table along with you're hooded robe" announced the blue unicorn pointing to a desk with a couple of short swords and a hooded piece of red cloth on it. "I'm Trixie by the way and that is Frost Bite" said The blue unicorn as she pointed to the blue pegasus rubbing her head with her hoof "and you already know Vinyl." The kettle started to whistle causing everyone in the room to turn their heads to look at it. "Oh good I'll get it" said Trixie as she levitated the kettle over to a bucket and tipped it into the small container.

"We will step outside and let you clean up" said Vinyl as all three ponies stepped outside. Once they were gone Rose slowly got up off the couch which was a greater challenge than she would have liked but the wound didn't hurt as much once she was stood up. She looked at the stitches those ponies are very good at healing, just look at those stitches, almost like new except for,well you know, the stitches. As rose started to undress the warmth of the water began to look ever more inviting, she dipped a piece of cloth into the bucket and began to wipe the cloth all over her body and over the matted, bloody fur by her wounds and released a gentle sigh of release and pleasure at how heavenly it felt. Soon after she finished washing herself she shouted to the others telling they could come back in.

"Brrr its a good job you didn't take any longer, it's freezing out there, I can't even feel my horn." muttered Vinyl as loud as she could through her chattering teeth.

"I'm very sorry but I'm also very greatfull that was just what I needed, the pain is pretty much gone. Also i forgot to ask how long was I out of it" asked Rose as she tightened her black corset and put on her hooded robe.

" You were unconscious for about 3 days" replied Trixie, Rose suddenly went stiff.

"Three-three days?"

"Yes. Why, is something wrong." Rose ran to the table Grabbed her swords and slipped them into her belt.

"No no no! this is bad, they will have caught up to me by now, I can't let you get caught up in this" Shouted Rose as she reached for the doorknob she froze as she heard a pattering on the roof. "Get down." whispered Rose to the others, they did as she said and sunk down behind the couch. Rose slowly looked through the peephole to see 3-4 dozen dark shadowy figures of bipedal wolves like herself, but these were living shadows that were fear incarnate, Demons of the darkest order. as the shadows approached the door to the caravan Rose crept back to the three mares. "OK girls i need you to listen to me" they all nodded with a look of pure fear on their face, "No matter what happens, you are not to try and help me, do you understand me?" The mares nodded.

"But you're injured, you can't possibly fight in this condition." Said Vinyl pointing to Rose's wound. Rose turned her head to face Vinyl and gave her a smile.

"Vinyl, trust me when I say that i have had worse, OK?" she got up and walked to the very back of the caravan and turned face the door drawing her swords. "Remember, don't come out no matter what happens."

"What are you going to do?" asked Trixed

"Something crazy." Replied Rose, She then broke into a sprint towards the door and lept forward into a dive and broke through the door in an explosion of splinters and wood sending several demons into the air. Rose rolled into a landing and instantly thrust her swords forward into the stomach of a shadow directly in front of her and pulled her blades out sideways taking out three more shadows on the left and an extra two on the right cutting them in two, she stood up to see another shadow running towards her, she crossed her arms and threw her swords in each direction and lept into a backflip over the charging shadow and landing just in time to catch her swords as they came back, but not before they had sliced through a good six demons. Rose then spun 180 degrees and planted them firmly into the spine of the monster that had just missed her.

Rose stood still surrounded by at least a dozen more of those living nightmares, she lifted her swords that were now dripping with blood up to her face and whispered, "OK boys, it's go time" Rose flicked a switch on the side of each sword an quickly through them through the air, suddenly the air was filled with the sound of mini explosions as small round metal balls shot out from little holes below the blades of the spinning swords as they shot and sliced their way though shadow after shadow, rose then jumped to the closest shadow and delivered a devastating flip kick to its jaw sending it soaring into the air, Rose jumped up after the monster and kicked it straight into the ground. On her way down she caught her swords and after flicking another switch on the bottom of the swords and slammed them together in a matter of seconds they merged into a huge great sword that she then brought crashing down and splitting two shadows in half and she then followed up with a huge 360 degrees spin cutting another five shadows down.

Rose was about to sheath sword when a shadow jumped her from behind and sent the sword flying through the air and landing just in front of the caravan. The monster was almost upon Rose, it raised it's claws and ran towards her, she quickly shifted her position and stuck her foot into its chest and rolled back sending the monster over her head, she recovered quickly to heard the words "Rose, catch!" Rose turned to see the great sword flying through the air towards her, she caught it and quickly turned to see the monster jumping towards her, she rotated the hilt on the sword and watched as the top half of the blade folded 90 degrees revealing a hole in the blade, she slammed the blade into the ground to keep the weapon stable and just as the monster was upon her she pulled the hilt back, peppering the monster with a huge spray of bullets that tore it apart as the sound of a massive explosion echoed through the forest.

Rose place the great sword into the strap on her back and returned to the caravan to check on the ponies, she was met with Trixie and Frost Bite running up and hugging her both shouting the words "thank you". Rose turned to see Vinyl staring at her with a fixed expression, Rose crouched in front of Vinyl, her dark red fur waving in the chilly breeze of the snowy forest, she reach out a hand and waved it in front of Vinyl's face, the mare remained unresponsive.

"Uh Vinyl, hello?"

"That was tota-ly aws-ome" stuttered the white mare as she looked up at rose. "What are you, where are you from." Rose stood up and looked at the three mares.

"I...Am a myth, from the kingdom of Elysium."

A race extinct

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"What were those things?" Asked Vinyl trying to regain her focus.

"Those were once the proud people of my kingdom, proud no longer..." Rose paused and looked down at the snow, closing her eyes, "people no longer." She looked up. "Who threw me my sword" After a few silent seconds Vinyl raised her hoof.

"I-I did, I know you said not to help but I didn't want to see a friend get munched on" Rose chuckled.

"Well I wasn't to keen on getting 'munched' either, thanks for the help Vinyl." The white pony simply gave her a goofy smile and blushed a bit. however this was short lived as she soon jumped to her hooves and pointed. Rose turned to see a dozen shadows stood about fifteen feet from them, Rose drew her great sword and readied herself for battle, but instead of charging or fighting the creatures just stood there staring. "Well this is new" Rose muttered to herself, "why aren't they attacking." Without warning the demons turned and ran off into the woods. "What was that about, it almost looked like they were searching for something but couldn't find it here," it was then that it twigged in Rose's head, "that's why they were eyeing us for so long, because we didn't have what they were looking for. But then, what were they looking for?" Rose turned to face Trixie "These monsters have been hunting me for ten years straight and they just gave up and started looking for something, it must be something of great power to draw their attention from me..." She looked at Trixie. "Any ideas."

"Well the most powerful item in Equestria would probably be the elements of harmony or the Alicorn Amulet but in the right hands the amulet can be a force unlike any other, destroying cities, ending civilizations. The amulet has no limits." Explained the blue mare. Rose turned.

"Then we need to get to it first. Was the last place that this amulet was seen."

"Well it was in the town of Ponyville last I saw it, follow me" announced Trixie and so the four set off on their relitivly short journey in the opposite direction of the shadows and made their way to Ponyville. As they walked Rose tagged along side Frost Bite, the blue pegasus looked up at her and gave a weak smile before looking back down at her hooves as she walked down the path.

"So Frost Bite, may I ask you something." Asked Rose.

"Um sure, I guess" answered the timid pony.

"Why haven't you told them yet?"

"To-Told them what"

"Come on Frost don't pretend with me. I used to know someone just like you, why do you hide it." The dark blue pegasus sighed and looked up.

"They aren't ready, and I don't want them hating me just because I'm different."

"Come on Frost, they are you're friends. They will care for you no matter how different you are."

"I don't want to take that chance, I love those mares and don't know what I would do if they abandoned me."

"They won't abandon you Frost."

"Please Rose, don't tell them."

"Very well, it is you're wish to tell them when you feel the time is right, and i shall honor you're wish."

"Thank you Rose."

"Come on Twilight you can do it" encouraged spike, "Just age the flower."

"Spike, one does not simply 'age a flower', that magic is on the extreme end of the scale that to my knowledge only Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are capable of, the only way I could possibly do it is if I had the Alicorn Amulet which by the way I'm going nowhere near.

"OK OK, so what's the plan for today Twilight" asked Spike enthusiastically.

"Well, Rarity suggested that we have a tea party hear so all the girls are on their way now." The young dragon suddenly fainted and hit they ground, he then shot back up straight about two seconds later.

"Rarity is coming!? How are my spines?!"

"They are fine Spike" answered Twilight through a Little chuckle

"What about my tail?"

"That's fine to Spike." Then suddenly came a knock at the door.

"That will be her!!" shouted Spike as he reached for the door handle, and behind the door sure enough was Rarity and her four friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie right behind her.

"Hello Twilight darling, is the tea ready?"

"Hello girls and no im sorry but spike has been really bugging me to try doing age magic and so I got a little distracted."

"No matter I shall sort it myself dear." stated Rarity as she walked into the kitchen with Spike in hot pursuit. Soon after Rarity emerged from the kitchen with multiple cups levitating in front of hear, it was just after she had set them down when there was another knock at the door. "Oh Spike, be a dear and get that would you."

"Yes my sweet" replied the giddy little dragon as he ran for the door, the mares were about to take their first sip of tea when the high pitched scream of spike was hear, they turned their heads to see the dragon passed out on the floor and a huge bipedal red furred wolf standing in the doorway.

"What did you do to spike!?" shout Rainbow Dash as she flew towards the wolf, the wolf merely sidestepped and the rainbow mare went soaring over her head she quickly stepped inside followed by three other ponies and locked the door behind her. "Hey lemme in!" shouted the rainbow pegasus from outside.

"Im sorry for locking you're friend outside but it doesn't seem like we will get much done with her in here." Rose looked down and straight back up. "Oh and I didn't hurt you're little friend her just fainted, I'v heard that things like me aren't exactly common here." The four ponies in the room just sat there and stared at her for what seemed like forever until the purple unicorn sat up.

"Yeah, it really isn't to common to see a two legged red wolf that talks, but oh well there's a first time for everything." The purple unicorn Replied still with a very shocked face. "Um do you mind me asking why you are carrying a gigantic sword on you're back."

"Oh, that reminds me of the reason we are here." Said Rose drawing her sword causing the ponies in front of her to sink low to the ground with a terrified look on their faces, however Rose quickly set it down on the nearest table which made the ponies look a little less afraid. "My name is Rose and this is Vinyl Scratch, Frost Bite and Trixie. We would like to know about the elements of harmony"

"Um ok, it's kinda funny you should ask that because, well, WE are the elements of harmony."

"I see, um, could i please have a book to read about this while you explain it, this may be more complex that I thought at first." Asked Rose

"Of course" answered Twilight and hovered a big brown book with a horse head drawn on the front and handed it to Rose. "Well it all started when Nightmare Moon who was an evil mare of darkness came to equestria and was determined to make it night time forever, however Princess Celestia who is the leader of equestria along with her sister Princess Luna sent me to ponyville beforehand where I met these five ponies, and it turned out that each of us possessed the power to wield the element of ourselves, for example Applejacks element is Honesty and Rainbow Dash is Loyalty."

"Hey can I stop you there a second." Asked Rose with a concerned look on her face

"Sure" said Twilight walking over. "What is it?"

"Well you said that I was the first of my sort to come here before..."

"Yes, you are."

"Then how did the language of Ancient Elysium get in this book?"

"What?" Twilight examined the page and sure enough at the back page of the book was a page written completely unknown to her, "I have never seen this language before, what does it say?"

"It says: On the darkest of days, in the absence of hope, when there is a being strong enough to level mountains, the Elements of Harmony will not be enough. I created the elements to protect against any threat, but a prophecy has be foretold, that one day a being shall arise and it shall destroy the whole of the world unless stopped. But this being will be to powerful for the Elements of Harmony. Instead, in the darkest hour, the four lone elements of the realm shall arise and destroy the being for good, I hope that this is of use to whoever reads this."

"Oh my so there will come a time when the elements will be useless." Stuttered Twilight in shock

"Thats whats it says." Replied Rose

"I see, still it probably wont happen for hundreds of years."

"Yeah, say before we go can I ask you where the Alicorn Amulet can be found?"

"What do you know of the amulet?"

"Look I am racing against some evil dem-"

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" An deathly scream came echoing through the door.

"Twilight!! Open the door, RIGHT NOW!!!" called the rainbow pony from outside. Twilight ran to the door and opened it to see nothing but chaos, "Twilight there are shadows running around town killing ponies, what do we do!"

"I'll tell you what you will do." Shouted Rose, "You are to stay in this house and you do not move!"

"But I wanna help!" shouted Rainbow

"Listen to me Rainbow Dash, they will chew you up and spit you out in an instant, literally! Stay here!" all of the ponies were safe and secure in the house, rose picked up her sword and flicked the switch on the bottom of it, parted them into two again and slung them onto her belt, she was about to leave the door when Vinyl suddenly ran past her.

"Tavi!!!" She shouted as she ran towards a shadow that was holding a beige pony inches away from it's razor sharp teeth. Vinyl ran headlong and slammed herself in the creature, impaling it with her horn. She ran over to the pony, blood dripping from her horn, the beige pony looked up.

"Vinyl, you-you saved me..." Vinyl put her hoof to the mares lips.

"Sshhh. I'll always be there for you." she muttered they both turned to see a shadow inches away bearing it's teeth, the two ponies embraced each other in a firm last hug before suddenly they saw a silver point coming threw the creatures forehead, they stared for a moment before the monsters head completely exploded covering the two mares in demon blood.

"You can't very well be there for her if your dead now can you?" Said Rose stood there with a smoking blade, the two mares smiled at Rose for a second. " The house, now!" shouted Rose, the ponies ran to the house and peered out the windows with the rest and watched Rose cut down shadow after shadow.

"C'mon you shadowy freaks! come get some" shouted Rose as she brought the great sword crashing down on three shadows and following up with a 360 degrees spin cutting down the rest of the shadows. Rose paused for a minute to assess the situation. "Wait why was there so few, there was less than the forest." Her Question was soon answered as the ground beneath the town began to shake. "What the...!" shouted Rose, as she looked up she saw a huge shadowy figure at least ten times the size of the regular shadows, Rose watched as the beast towered over the buildings in the village and was also carrying a huge club about the size of the average forest tree trunk, and it stared to slowly walked towards her. "Well that's certainly new." Rose brushed her hair over her ears and twisted the hilt of the sword and watched the top half of the blade fold out 90 degrees, "pfft, no matter. The bigger they are..." Rose dug the blade end into the soil, "the harder they fall!" Rose pulled back on the hilt and sent a dozen bullets straight into the stomach of the monster, there was blood but the monster didn't even flinch, instead it raised it's club above it's head and swung it at Rose, "well shit!" shouted Rose as the club hit her full force and sent her flying into the side of a house.

The ponies in Twilight's house watched in horror as Rose's body fell limp on the ground, the shadowy behemoth approached her ready to finish the job.

"Girls we have to help Rose, that thing will kill her!" shouted Frost bite to the others.

"But there's nothing we can do to help, look at the size of that thing!" retorted Rainbow Dash. Frost Bite turned to her friends.

"Vinyl, Trix, She saved our lives at the caravan and has just save Octavia and killed another 2 dozen of those things, we HAVE to help her!" Vinyl hugged Octavia tightly.

"I'm sorry Frost but, I see how we can." Said Vinyl in a shamed tone.

"Fine if none of you will help her then I will!" shouted Frost Bite and ran out the door.

"Frosty no! It will kill you!" Trixie shouted but the blue pegasus didn't even look back. Rose opened her eyes to see the giant shadow almost upon her, she looked around for her sword but the beast had knocked it away and rose couldn't reach it, her leg had gotten trapped in the rubble of the house she had been knocked into. The behemoth raised it's club and brought it crashing down, Rose closed her eyes and prepared for the impact but, there was no impact. Rose opened her eyes and instead of seeing the end of a club she saw... Frost Bite, standing on her hind legs with her front legs stretched out, and coming of of her front hooves was, snow, no not just snow but a blizzard and she was turning the giant's hands to ice.

"YOU.SHALL NOT. HURT.MY.FRIIEEENDDD!!" screamed Frost Bite and she delivered a twist kick directly into the giant's hands causing them to shatter upon collision, the creatured was taken aback by the pain and this gave Rose the time she needed to free her leg, Rose ran to her sword picked it up and shot a blast of bullets into the ground, the force of the shot threw Rose high into the air. She quickly twisted the hilt and brought the now re-attached blade down through the top of the giant's head, she then jump from it's head, twisted in the air and delivered a finishing slice to the throat of the beast, the giant shadowy gollum started fell forwards giving Rose just enough time to dive and grab Frost Bite out of the way.

As the two returned to Twilight's house other ponies emerged from their hiding places and started to applaud the wolf and pegasus for destroying the gollum, the ponies in Twilight's house ran out to meet them halfway. "Oh Celestia! since when can pegasi use magic!" shouted Twilight in a very excited tone. Vinyl and Trixie approached Frost Bite.

"Frosty, what are you?" They asked in a joyful tone. Rose walked up and put a hand on Frost Bite's shoulder.

"I doubt you can hide it anymore, eh Frost?" Frost nodded and stepped forward.

"Girls. I'm, a Caster..."

The journey begins

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"So wait, you are a pegasus that can use magic"? Asked Twilight astounded.

"Well yes but i can only control and summon the element of ice but i can also-" before she finished her sentence Frostbite quickly threw her arm backwards and launched a large icicle from her hoof that flew past Rose's head and impaling a shadow that was in mid-pounce.

"Fuck..." said Rose turning her head back around to face Frost " you can really aim huh?" she finished with a chuckle.

"Heh, yeah" replied frost. she turned to her friends, "girls, Vinyl, Trixie, please don't hate me..."

"Hate you!?" Shouted both mares in confusion. " How could we hate you? you're our friend, and nothing in this world will ever change that!" they both said. Tears started to form in Frost's eyes.

"Also..." Started Trixie. "Had it not been for this power you have, you couldn't have saved Rose's life just then could you?"

"Well no but I-"

"God dammit!" Everyone turned to see Rose holding her greatsword in her hands, or half of it at least.

"Rose, where is the other half of your sword?" Asked Vinyl. Rose glanced around for a few seconds before starting to growl, she started to walk over to the giant lay on the ground, the other 9 ponies turned to see the other half of Rose's sword lodged in the top of the gollum's skull.

"You son of a bitch!!" Screamed Rose as she struck the stuck half of the sword with the half in her hands sending it further into the beasts skull. She dropped the broken sword and fell to her knees.

"Rose, whats the problem? Its just a sword." asked Vinyl.

"That Sword was given to me by my parents before they were ripped apart by these monsters in front of my very eyes, that sword was the thing that has saved my life on every single occasion that I have fought these things. It was the only thing I had to remember them by, and i broke it..." Rose's head drooped and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"well cant we- cant we mend it like other weapons?" Asked Trixie.

"No, this sword is a magical item that was held together by the connection of my parents soul to it, they infused part of their souls with it so that they could always protect me no matter what, its not the fucking sword that im upset about!" Screamed Rose as she hugged the broken sword.

"Oh my... I know why your upset." said Twilight as she knelt next to Rose. " Your parent's souls were what was holding this weapon together, but if it broke then that must mean that their souls are no longer in it..." Twilight hugged Rose tight. "Rose it's alright, it wasn't the sword that has kept you safe."

"What are you talking about?"

"Their souls may have left the sword but they can never leave your heart, your soul will forever be tied their no matter what."

"Th-thank you Twilight, your right." Replied Rose as she stood up, she walked over to Trixie, Vinyl and Frostbite. "So, you wanna come on this journey with me huh?" The mares nodded. "Well as you can see from the attack here is that you wont last long without weapons." Rose turned to Twilight. "Twilight, does Ponyville have a blacksmith?"

"Of course it does, its just over there." Said Twilight pointing her hoof.