My Little Pony: Blackened Hearts and Polished Boots

by Alphony Omaregon

First published

Wile Manehattan is engulfed in city wide riots, Twilight and her friends discover the largest smuggling network in Equestria, and a plan to conquer Equestria is set in motion by hidden, sinister forces.

When the Governor of Manehattan, Tempered Steel, disapears from the public eye during the largest riot in the city's history, Twilight and her friends find themselves in the heart of a sinister scheme. Malevolent agents lurk around every corner, clad in shadows, lies and familiar faces, and when Twilight and her friends uncover the largest smuggling network in Equestria, thier lives are changed forever.
Special thanks to SuperChaosKG for proofreading for me. ( )
The character shown in the cover art is done by me.
I did not create the background. All credit goes to the artist.
(I could not find his Deviant Art page, so here is a link to the original file with his name in it.)

Chapter 1: None Of What You Read

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My Little Pony: Blackened Hearts and Polished Boots.
By Alphony Omaregon
Proof Read by SuperChaosKG

This is just chapter one of my Story I plan to write. I hope to make it roughly 6-7 chapters long, each chapter focussing on a new character and their relation to the Mane six. There isn’t any planned routine for when I’ll release more, so bear that in mind. I hope you enjoy my first piece of Fanfiction for MLP!

Chapter 1: ...None Of What You Read.
“This is the life, don’t you agree, Girls?” Rarity’s said from across the spa, clad In her favorite spa-exclusive house coat. She sat calmly in her chair as her mud mask worked it’s magic.

“It taint’ usually my cup ah tea, but yeah, this ain’t half bad, Rarity.” Applejack replied with a contented sigh. She was sprawled over one of the lounge chairs, the knots and kinks in her back freshly unwound by Aloe, the spa sister.

Pinkie Pie beamed as Aloe came to her next, bouncing in her seat. “It’s definitely my cup of tea, and I don’t even drink tea!” she exclaimed happily as Aloe tried to get her to roll onto her stomach.

“Yeah, I love a glorified bubble bath every now and then.” Called Rainbow dash from the hot tub.

“You could always get a hooficure while you’re here. We left our cameras at home.” Replied Twilight with a smile as Lotus unpacked her files and clippers at the foot of Her Chair.

“Not Funny.” Rainbow scowled, crossing her forelegs.

“That’s okay Rainbow, but I think you might be missing out.” chimed in Fluttershy, who was just inspecting her finished hooficure with a small, but appreciative smile.

The door across the room swung open as Spike walked in, carrying a newspaper under his arm. “Hey Spike, are you going to get a hooficure too?” asked Pinkie, who shot up in her chair, almost knocking over Aloe as she prepared to get started.

Spike looked up, and waved to Pinkie. “No thanks. I’ll stick with the mud bath.” He said, making his way towards the Baths. He tossed the newspaper onto one of the side tables, and Twilight carried it over to her chair with her Magic.

“Earth Pony Strike ends in Riots. Tension in Manehattan peaks. Governor Steel nowhere to be found.” She read out loud. Rarity looked over. “Riots In Manehattan?”

“It was going to happen sooner or later.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Ah course it was. Them hard working Stallions ain’t askin for more than they deserve.” Applejack replied, leaning up from her chair. “What’sit say, Twi?”

Twilight kept reading. “Earlier today, the Manehattan Police force were called to break the week-long strike in the city’s port district. What began as a simple demand for higher wages and holiday hours for the dock-labour soon escalated into demands for the pegasus and unicorn minorities of Manehattan to be relocated. “This city was founded by earth ponies, and now it’s full of them Bird-manes, and Horn-Dogs!” cited one disgruntled workhorse.

“Opposition to Governor Steel’s ‘Earth for the Earth Ponies’ policies have founded a treasure trove of mud to sling at their opponent, following this outbreak of violence along the harbours and streets of the city. “He’s the cause of this! That stallion is a racist and a scoundrel, and we need him out!” said one Franklin Delano Hooveselt, his greatest rival for a second term, and come next fall, possibly Manehattan’s 44th Governor.

“The strike breakers summoned by Governor Steel before his disappearance have been beyond brutal in their work, and so far have only invoked greater unrest in the area. There is hope however, that order will be restored to the city by the police.

Chief Crown Vic of the MPD has been quoted saying, “The MPD will restore order to Manehattan, and bring trade back to the city. The Strikes came at a very bad time, as we believed we were on the verge of cracking an important case only days before.” When asked what will happen if the MPD fails to restore order, he fluttered his wings. “Then those workhorses are going to have to deal with Royal Equestrian Guards. But it won’t come to that.”

“In regards to Governor Steel’s disappearance, there has been no word. Story continues on page 3.”

The ponies shared an odd moment of silence as Twilight flipped the paper around. “The Governor was last seen with one Emerald G. Belle, and--” Rarity give a stifled gasp, and her friends’ attention was on her alone, now.

“Rarity, you have a brother?” asked Fluttershy as she tucked her legs under herself. “I… Well, half brother, yes. He and I don’t talk. Twilight, please continue, dear.”

Twilight looked up from the paper. “I already read the rest. It’s just contact information, and some more angry workhorse quotes.”

Rainbow Dash splashed out of the hot tub, shaking her coat dry. “I was talking to Cloudchaser the other day about the strike. Apparently, she knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a griffin, who knows a guy who said he knows what the ‘important case’ was: A smuggling ring! He said they were smuggling gold! It’s all a big conspiracy!”

Applejack giggled. “Y’all been reading too much a’ them Daring Do books Twilight lents ya.” The others laughed while Rainbow Dash scowled, turning her rear on the farmer as she trotted towards the exit.

“Aw, come on, Dashie! It was just a joke! Right?” asked Pinkie Pie. Applejack turned to answer, only for Pinkie to whinney loudly. “Oh! Yeah yeah yeah! A bit more to the right!—No! too far right! More to the left!—Bingo!” as Aloe thundered her hooves across the pink mare’s back in a massage.

“That’s not it. I’m just done for the day. I don’t want to get all pruney.” Rainbow said, walking up to the counter as Aloe stepped behind the register. “Your visit has been paid for, Rainbow Dash.” She said with a smile. Rainbow Dash blinked In response.

“Yes. A stallion came by earlier. He paid for each of you ahead of time… did he not tell you?” Lotus asked, packing up her massueur kit. The mares shook their heads as one. “What about me?” asked Spike, his head poking out of the mud. “Nope. Sorry.” replied Aloe, and Spike sunk below the surface.

Twilight giggled, folding the paper up and putting it on a table. Rarity sat up from her chair and smiled. “Well, It seems chivalry isn’t dead after all. What a Gentlecolt.”

“Y’all don’t even know who it was.”Applejack said with a sigh.

“Still… that was really nice of him.” Said Fluttershy.

“Did he tell you his name? What’d he look like?” asked Twilight, slipping off her chair and trotting over to the counter with Rainbow Dash. “He didn’t give us a name, but he was that new pony, the one Pinkie threw her oh-so-memorable welcome party for last month.” Aloe began to giggle at the memory of it.

Twilight remembered. The unfortunate stallion had come off the train fresh into Ponyville. He had made a brief stop by Sugarcube Corner, to use their restroom. The look onhis face when he left the washroom, only to be hailed by streamers, kazoos, cake, and a wall of voices cheering, was still in Twilight’s mind. She giggled too. After the party, the stallion had simply faded into the backdrop of everyday life. Twilight couldn’t even remember where he lived, if he even had a home.

By now, the others had made their way to the counter and were talking again.

“We ought to do something nice for the feller.” Said Applejack. “Ah Reckon I’ll invite him over for a big Apple family dinner tomorrow. Why don’t y’all bring some sweets, and come too?”

Rarity perked up. “Oh! That’s a splendid idea, Applejack. Let’s all bring something for him!” The others agreed. It was a wonderful idea.

“Spike? We’re leaving now.” called Twilight.

Back in the mudbath, Spike was floating lazily on his back. “Can I stay? A bit longer? Pleeeease?” he asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled, her horn glowing. Bits floated down onto the counter beside Aloe. “Be home by bedtime, alright?” she called, turning and stepping outside. “We’ll watch your cute assistant for you, Twilight.” giggled Lotus as the door shut.

Twilight caught up with her friends in a few short paces, and they talked as they walked.

“Remember earlier when we were at the Park? And we saw Bon Bon looking around all over? And we asked her what was wrong, and she said she couldn’t find Lyra, and that she had packed her a lunch and everything? I laughed so hard when she got back to her bench, and found Lyra eating both their lunches! Oh, that mare is so crazy!” giggled Pinkie Pie.

“Crazy is wanting to kick all the Pegasi out of Manehattan.” Said Rainbow Dash with a joking smile. The conversation died.

“Do you guy’s remember Scootaloo’s new trick she showed us earlier? I think she got the idea from watching me.” Rainbow Dash laughed. The others did too.

This was their conversation home. It was filled with excited stories from their day out, from the beginning at Sugarcube Corner with six steaming mugs of cocoa, to their last stop before the spa, the park in the center of town. As they giggled and joked, the odd comment would stagnate the air for a moment, be it Applejack, Rainbow Dash, or even Rarity. Like an out-of-place skip in a vinyl record, however, they were forgotten almost as quick as they happened. Something about the story in the newspaper rested in the minds of the six mares as they walked together and it seemed that the day out had ended before they were even home.

Twilight peeled off from the others as they passed the library, waving goodnight to them as she pulled out her key, she hummed a tune as she slid it into the door. She closed the door, leaving it unlocked for Spike, and trotted up the stairs. Today had been a lot of fun, and given her a break from her study of Changelings. It had been a week since the wedding, and Twilight had scavenged together a respectable pile of Books on the insect-like invaders. That pile sat waiting for her on her desk as she reached the 2nd floor, and her study. She sat down at her desk and pulled a fresh book from the pile “I’ll just read up to chapter 20, then call it a night.” She smiled to herself.


Chapter 2: The Book

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Chapter 2: The Book


Twilight snapped from her book in a start. She looked towards her bedroom door. That noise had come from inside the house.

Spike had come home earlier, and gone straight to bed. That had been at eight-thirty. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was five minutes to midnight. Maybe he’s having trouble sleeping. she pushed her books to the side and stood from her desk. That’s enough reading for tonight anyway… She glanced over her shoulder at her book. Chapter 30: Changeling Psychology. She smirked, walking towards her bedroom.

She creaked the door open and stepped inside. She shivered as the wind flew past her and into the hall, snuffing out the candle there. Twilight cast an illumination spell, filling the room with purple light. Spike shivered involuntarily in his bed, still fast asleep. Twilight looked up at the window. She watched her curtains flap in the cold breeze. I thought I closed that this morning. She walked over and closed it.

She paused for a second and then flipped the seldom used lock in place, turned around and climbed into bed. She looked out her window at the moon and stars. She sighed. Today had been fun, and she had even read further into her next book then she had planned. She was ahead of schedule, so, why did she feel like something was wrong?

Her smile was gone now, as she looked around the darkness. She had locked the door after Spike came home, organized her quills and fed and let Owlowiscious out through the study window at ten(she even locked it afterwards!). She gave up. If she forgot something, she’d just do it tomorrow. Tomorrow would be business as usual, and with that, she laid her head down onto the hard, leather bound pillow.

She cast her illumination spell again, and looked down to see a book in place of her pillow. Curiosity stamped out concern for now.

Disharmony and Discord; reflecting on equine nature and the Elements of Harmony. Twilight read. It wasn’t one of hers. She rolled out of bed. Right now, she was convinced somepony had been in her room earlier. She grimaced at such a gross invasion.

They might still be.

Now she was scaring herself. She put the book on her nightstand and then, slowly and quietly, scanned the room with her magic. She checked the closet, the off hand bathroom, even under the bed. (Something she hadn’t done since she had finished magic kindergarten!) There was nothing. She sighed, and climbed back into her bed, telling herself she’d tell… Somepony, about what happened in the morning.

As she lay in bed, staring at the wall and willing herself to sleep, her eyes kept darting to the nightstand. The book’s presence was an offense in its own right. It was proof her home wasn’t secure. She groaned, igniting the candle on the stand and floating the book over to her lap.

Why was it here?

A warning?

For what?

Could somepony had taken it out of the library before her arrival, and finally returned it a year after it’s due date? No, that was stupid.

Was it a gift?

What sort of weirdo would break into a mare’s house and leave them presents?!

She got up and out of bed again, frustration mixing with fear. She gathered the candle, a pillow, her blanket, and Spike (bed and all) and carried them slowly through the air infront of her, heading for one of the back rooms. There wasn’t much in there,spike'scokie stash and a dozen bookshelves. There were no windows, and only a single, thick door which she closed immiediately.

Setting the candle on the floor, she laid her blanket and pillow down beside it. She pulled Spike’s bed close, wanting to give him a reassuring squeeze. Finally, she opened the book which she did not remember bringing. The pages were old and tattered along the edges, dog-eared and split from abuse that made a bookworm like Twilight cringe. She nestled in her blanket on the hardwood floor, as she began to read. As she turned past the table of contents and into the first chapter, a slip of paper fell to the floor. She lifted it up to read instead.

Read the following chapters first. You don’t have the time to read the whole book just yet: Chapter 3: Discord personified. Chapter 5: Equine psychology and the roots of division. Chapter 8: Elements of Harmony(?).

Twilight lowered the note to the ground, unsure of what to make of it. “You don’t have the time.She repeated, flipping to chapter three. She wasn’t sure what that meant, but she followed the instructions.

The Vile Discord is a character shrouded in fear and myth. His origins are unknown by all, for he is no pony, and no Beast. Like his name would suggest, his malignant form is indescribable as anything less than an insane congregation of pony, drake, lion, and rooster. The true origin of this abomination is unknown to all but the Eternal Alicorns, who rule our very existence with knowledge, love, and order. Discord began his reign of terror in the early years of the Eternal Sisters’ Equestria, at the time of the great Starswirl the Bearded’s disappearance. His power brought many ponies to insanity, and caused great strife and chaos amongst the fledgling nation’s borders. He was entombed in stone for all eternity by the power of the Alicorn Sisters of Sun, Earth, and Moon. With his banishment, true everlasting peace came to Equestria.

“Earth?” Twilight asked out loud, reading the sentence over again. “That’s not right…” She mumbled. Flipping the page, another note fell loose.


She obediently flipped to the next chapter on the list, Equine Psychology and the roots of division.

The first five pages of the chapter were merely a prejudiced and poor synopsis of the equine mind, and the typical traits and personalities of the three breeds of pony.

So far, this isn’t proving worth my time… thought Twilight. The sixth page of this new chapter was where the text finally stuck out to her.

The Unity of the pegasi, unicorn, and earth ponies was not seamless, and it was not bloodless. Dissention was present within each of the tribes as ponies, who had known nothing but contempt or open hostility towards one another were assembled as a single nation. Of those who were not present when the Wendigo’s weakness was discovered, only the word of their leaders was evidence that their best interests lay in peace. This was not enough for some, and was what directly led to the Asperan Migration.

Sir Rubric, head of Platinum’s Arcane Order of Knights, Lieutenant Blitz of the Pegasi Army, and even Master Bread Basket, one of the many successful farm owners of the Earth Pony lands, all turned their backs on the promised unity, and one by one, they migrated north. One must ask, why so many could look past their differences, to stand together in friendship, and yet a few could not, instead taking up arms against those that could be their brothers and sisters. The darkness in the hearts of the deserters will never be understood by us who remain, and we must always be prepared for their eventual return.

Asperan migration? Deserters? Twilight read the paragraph again. This book doesn’t match up with any records. Where did they get these facts? Is this some sort of joke?

Again, a small paper not fell from the pages, instructing Twilight to continue to the last chapter, that of the Elements of Harmony. She yawned loudly, turning the pages with her magic as she slumped down with her blanket pulled nearly over her head. She wondered what time it was as she skimmed through the pages. Finally reaching the desired chapter, she read on.

The Elements of Harmony are ancient, embodied by the Alicorn Princesses, and predating the rise of Discord, the pony tribes, and possibly Equestria itself. One might say that the only thing older than harmony, would be disharmony, the absence of these Elements. Throughout History, ponies have been known to embody the Elements of Harmony in times of great strife or danger, The Magic Relics predicting their next champions through their cutie marks. But what of those times, when a Champion is not chosen? Or worse, if they shirked their responsibility?

The Elements are not as infallible as many would believe, and some of the darkest moments in pony history have occurred during their absence. The Wendigo Crisis being the most recent to date.

In these dark times, the hearts of ponies can become truly terrible things: Sir Rubric stole the entirety of the Unicorn Treasury when he deserted Princess Platinum’s court. It is also widely accepted that Lieutenant Blitz was responsible for the death of Commander Hurricane’s personal assistant, Private Pansy, and even Master Bread Basket salted her farm lands in Equestria before she left, in what has become a desolate Badland along the southernmost border. It might be right to say, that disharmony is still a very real threat to all Ponies.

What a load of – Twilight yawned. flipping the page. her eyes fluttered, as another note fell to the floor. Setting the book aside, she leaned over the note to read it, rather than use her magic.


She pulled her blanket over her head and closed her eyes tight. Goodnight? Yeah, right…


Chapter 3: What To Do?

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Chapter 3: What To Do?

When Spike awoke, he was startled to find his bed laying in the middle of the spare room. “What the-?” he asked aloud, as he stumbled to his feet. Spike’s foot hit something, and he looked down to see a book behind him. “Must have been up all night reading… why did she bring me in here though?” Spike guessed. He bent over and picked up the book, and the notes Twilight obviously had written about it that lay around the floor. Spike had work to do, and so he hurried out of the spare room.

His first stop every morning was to clean Twilight’s study, then open the study window for Owlowiscious. Leaning over the desk, he pushed the window open, thinking nothing of it as he slid off the side of the desk. He turned and picked up the changeling book off the desk, smiling as he carried it away.

“Only 30 chapters? Must’ve been a long day.” He chuckled, heading down the stairs. He put the books back exactly as they had been the night before; He wasn’t Twilight’s number one assistant for nothing, after all!

Next on his early morning schedule would be to clean the dishes and set the table. “Piece of cake.” he said to himself, waddling into the kitchen. He was surprised to find the table set, and Twilight slumped over in a chair on the opposite side. Indigo magic surrounded a wet cloth at the sink, a frying pan with two eggs on the stove, and the fork that poked idly at the food on her plate.

“Uh, Twilight?” She looked up at the baby dragon. “Oh. Hey Spike. I made breakfast. Couldn’t sleep…” Her eyes fluttered, as her head dangled just over her plate.

“Well, uhm, thanks, but you can go back to bed now. I can finish my chores and handle the library for you.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks Spike, but I don’t think it’d do me much good. I need to go see somepony, about…” She trailed off.

Spike climbed up into a chair across from Twilight. “About what?” he asked.

Twilight grimaced. She didn’t want to lie to Spike, obviously, but wondered if the baby dragon would ever sleep again knowing somepony had snuck into the same room as him while he was asleep.

“I need to go see the girls about a new book I got.” She said. The idea had come to her in the moment, and it formed as she spoke. “I’m going to go to Sugarcube Corner, and speak to Pinkie.” Popping up in impossible places was just one of the pink mare’s specialties, and maybe she could help.

Spike gave her a scrutinizing look, then shrugged. “Oh. Okay then.” He said, digging into the bowl of cereal and gemstones Twilight had set out for him beforehand. They ate in relative silence. Minutes later, Twilight was out in the main foyer, packing the new book and several others into her satchels.

As she walked out into the morning, she called over her shoulder. “I’ll be back in a little bit, Spike, take care of things for now, alright?”
“Sure thing, Twilight!” he waved from the kitchen. As the door slammed shut, he hurried back up the stairs excitedly. How often did he get to sleep in on weekdays?!

Out in the sunshine, Twilight trotted along, stifling a yawn, as she passed by the early morning mail mare, Red Letter. A part of her wanted to go back to bed. A much bigger part of her wanted to discover who was behind the book, who had snuck into her home without a trace.

Adding to her plans during breakfast, She decided to visit each of her friends, remembering something Applejack had said about having guests tonight. She decided that she would stop by there around lunchtime, hopefully catching them during their break. Sugarcube Corner was on the way, after all. As she planned her course through Ponyville and the surrounding roads to Rainbow’s, Fluttershy’s, and Rarity’s homes, she looked up to find herself standing in front of the aforementioned bakery.

She pushed inside and walked towards the counter. “Hello, Mrs. Cake.” She said with a smile to the mare behind the counter.

“Oh, hello dear.” Mrs. Cake replied. “Can I get you anything?”

Twilight shook her head. “No thank you. I’m just looking for Pinkie Pie. Is she home?”

Mrs. Cake looked over her shoulder at the stairs. “Oh jah, she’s still asleep though, I think-“

A loud crash came from upstairs, followed by a dozen smaller ones, as a pink pile of hair and hooves came to rest at the bottom of the stairs.

“Pinkie!” Twilight cried, hurrying over to her friend. “Oh, hi Twilight!” Pinkie said with a smile, a purple aura of magic lifting her to her hooves. “I was just tweaking my party cannon…”

“O…kay?” asked Twilight. As if to emphasize the point, another crash echoed from upstairs, followed by a cat’s frightened shriek. “Since when did you own a cat?” asked Twilight, looking up the stairs.

“I don’t!” Pinkie smiled.

Twilight and Mrs. Cake shared an awkward glance.

“Say, Pinkie, I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night.”

Pinkie Pie looked over, then nodded. “Okie Dokie Lokie! Come on up!”

The two of them climbed back up the stairs, and into Pinkie’s Loft. To Twilight’s surprise, nothing appeared to be broken. The Party cannon sat in the center of the room. Gummy sat lazily on the barrel, motionless.

“So, whatcha wanted to talk about?” Asked Pinkie, bouncing over to the cannon. Twilight popped open her saddle bag and pulled out the book and the notes with it. “I found this when I got home.” She began, holding it out for Pinkie to see. Pinkie squinted. “Disharmony and Discord?” She read the cover outloud. Twilight nodded. “Well, this isn’t surprising at all.” Pinkie said, giving Twilight a strange look.


“You live in a Library, silly! Of course you’re going to find books in a library.” Pinkie giggled, turning her attention to Gummy, who snapped stupidly at her poking hoof. Twilight groaned. “No, that’s not what I meant!” Pinkie turned back, hearing the edge of fear in her friend’s frustrated voice.

“Alright… what’s wrong, Twilight?” she asked, walking over to her.

Twilight told her about the previous night. The unlocked window, the unknown trespasser, the book itself and the notes. Pinkie Pie listened to Twilight’s dilemma. When Twilight finished, Pinkie pie put her arm on her friend’s shoulder.

“I don’t know what to tell ya, Twilight. Tonight, you can stay here with Spike. Maybe you should write a letter to the Princess about it?” Pinkie perked up slightly. “Unless you and I find the culprit!” Twilight blinked. Where had Pinkie gotten that hat and bubble pipe from?

“Come, my dear Sparkle! Trouble is afoot in Ponyville!” Twilight shook her head, while trying not to giggle.

“It’s fine, Pinkie. I appreciate the offer. Both of them. But Spike and I will stay at the library.”

Pinkie’s smile faded. No sleepover parties for the foreseeable future was a sure way to dampen her mood.

“I will write a letter to Celestia, though. Thanks.”

Pinkie smiled. “Glad to be of help, Twilight. Don’t suppose you want to stay a bit longer, do you? You could help me bake some cupcakes for AJ’s dinner party!” Pinkie’s smiled widened.

Twilight smiled too. “Uhm, No thanks, Pinkie, I’m good. I’ll just head over to Rarity’s, see what she’s bringing to Applejack’s place tonight.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie beamed. “Well, I should get started on my baking, then.” She told Twilight as they headed back downstairs.

“Alright, Pinkie, I’m looking forward to the dinner party. Your cupcakes are always to die for.” Twilight smiled, imagining the sugary sweets already. Pinkie was still laughing as Twilight closed the door and headed off towards Carousel Boutique.

“You think somepony invaded your home?” gasped Rarity, as she ushered Twilight inside.

Twilight nodded. “They left me this book. I think it’s supposed to be a historical documentation, or something.” She slipped the book out of her bag once again and floated it over to Rarity. “But it’s all wrong. They’re so many errors and mistakes from Equestrian Records, it’s like some sort of fairy tale.”

Twilight flipped the pages past Rarity’s nose, before turning the book around and skimming through it herself. “And yet… I feel that whoever wrote this was serious, if not misinformed…”

Rarity closed the door with her magic, then slipped onto her couch. “I’m sorry, darling, but History, Arithmetic, Astronomy: Those are your expertise. Perhaps you should cross-reference this book of yours with some Canterlot records? But in the meantime, Twilight, if you fear this invader might strike your home again, I have a spare room here. Please, stay here until the matter is dealt with.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m sorry, Rarity, but I’m staying in the Library.” She lifted her head up, sniffing the air. “By the way, do you smell something burning?”

Rarity leapt from the couch, galloping down the hall. “My croissants!” She exclaimed.

Twilight took the opportunity to see herself out. As she turned onto the road towards Fluttershy’s Cabin, she heard a familiar voice shake the birds from the trees.


Twilight left Fluttershy’s cabin with skip in her trot: after Twilight explained her problem, the timid pegasus had at first offered her a place to stay, which Twilight declined. Not to be dissuaded, Fluttershy had helpfully spoken to her animal friends. She had told Twilight that a dozen birds had agreed to nest around the library to keep an eye out for intruders. Twilight had been overjoyed, and after a quick sample of the tea Fluttershy was bringing to Applejack’s, left quite satisfied. Now she headed for Ponyville Square; Judging by the high sun, Rainbow Dash would just be getting off for her lunch break.

Taking a turn towards the park, she trotted along. Ponies were finally braving the day, leaving their homes and moving into the streets. She saw Lyra and Bon Bon on a morning walk, Lyra’s head buried in a book about hairless apes. “I’m telling you, Bonbon, they are real, and I know a guy who knows a guy who says he met one In the Everfree!” Twilight trotted past, not listening to Bonbon’s tired reply. Maybe Lyra had left the book in her room? She definitely seemed crazy enough, but the motive… Twilight shook her head, and kept walking. Rose was just opening her shop and Cranky Doodle was in the market, doing some early morning shopping.

What caught Twilight’s attention, was that odd colt, the brown one with the hourglass cutie mark, was waiting patiently beside the Sweet Apple Acres stall, which was still closed. That’s odd… thought Twilight as she stopped behind him.

“Uhm, Excuse me?” she asked. He turned, eyeing her in a scatterbrained manner. “Oh? Yes, yes, hello Miss Sparkle. Getting your early morning shopping done too I see? But your bags look full, couldn’t be shopping, unless- OH! That’s right, you’re a unicorn! Yes you are, a purple unicorn, with magic!” He giggled fitfully.

“Ah, I almost forgot, so, are you just going to carry it all whoosh-y in some magic and run along home, then?” The strange colt continued.

Twilight blinked. She hadn’t talked to this colt before, for longer than a brief “hello” or “excuse me.” She had been a firm believer that nopony in Ponyville could out-talk Pinkie Pie, until now.

“No, I was just-“ She stopped. What if this crazy stallion was the one who gave her the book? “-going to talk to Applejack. We’re having a dinner party.”

The brown colt smirked. “Well, sorry miss, but it’s Big Mac’s day to run the stall though, innit?”

Twilight nodded, looking at the empty stall again. “Why isn’t he here?”

“Now that you mention it, that -IS- a bit weird innit? That big ol’ stallion is always on time, always working, never mucking about, Respect that, yes indeed. But eh, he isn’t here. Yeah. That is odd.”

The brown colt began rubbing his chin. “Well, this calls for an investigation, a thorough investigation to the best of my exceptional abilities- Why are you looking at me like that?”

Twilight cleared her throat. She noticed the flash of colours in the clouds over yonder that could only mean one thing. “Nothing. I’ll be going then. Goodbye.”

The brown colt nodded. “Yeah, yeah, see you, Miss Sparkle. Watch your head, though, would you?”

“Alright. Goodbye now.” She said, trotting off towards her friend, whom she now saw was sleeping soundly in a cloud. She was almost in its shadow when a thought struck her.

“Watch my head..?” She looked up, acutely aware of the birds passing overhead. That was the -last- thing she needed right now… she looked back over her shoulder, pursing her lips in thought. That stallion is trouble, I think… She was going to make an effort to steer clear of that colt next time they crossed paths. But for now, she just wanted to talk to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow?” She called.

The pegasus didn’t respond.

“Rainbow?” she called again, louder.

The sleeping mare still did not move an inch.

Twilight sighed, impatiently, her mood already soured by the scatterbrained stallion. She picked up a rock from the ground, no bigger than an apple, and sent it shooting for the under belly of the cloud.

“YEEEOW!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted, sailing off the cloud and into the air. It took her a second to remember her wings, and she floated down beside Twilight.

“Twilight! Who threw that?! Did you see?” Twilight smiled innocently. “Why I oughtta-“ Rainbow Dash mumbled, before the book was in her face.

“This was left for me on my bed by somepony last night. It’s an old record of Equestrian history, but I’ve never read it before, and it was full of instructions on little notes, and I know history isn’t your thing, but this book is all … wrong. It even mentions a third Princess for Celestia’s sake!”

Rainbow Dash looked at her skeptically, her anger fading at the desperate tone in Twilight’s voice. “… Princess Cadence?” she guessed.

“No, no. Right here.

His power brought many ponies to insanity, and caused great strife and chaos amongst the fledgling nation’s borders. He was entombed in stone for all eternity by the power of the Alicorn sisters of Sun, Earth, and Moon. With his banishment, true everlasting peace came to Equestria.

Twilight read aloud, holding the book in front of her as she did. Rainbow Dash screwed up her face in thought for a moment. “Twilight, I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you. They’re talking about Discord, right?” Twilight nodded.

“And look right there? With his banishment, true everlasting peace came to Equestria. Well, we all know that’s a load, right? Sounds to me like somepony left you a tacky ‘alternate history’ story.”

Twilight sighed. “Yeah, I thought so too…”

Rainbow harrumphed. “Don’t sound like it.”

Twilight sighed, and Rainbow fluttered to the ground beside her. “Listen, Twilight, you okay?”

Twilight nodded. “I’m fine.”

“Tell you what: I’d invite you to spend the night at my place, but you’d just fall through the floor. SO, How’s about I spend the night at the library? Anypony tries to break in, they’re greeted at the door by these!” Rainbow gave a wicked smile as she bucked the air. Twilight’s mood seemed to lighten.

“Thanks, Rainbow. That’d be great. We have a spare room and everything.” Twilight gave her loyal friend a brief hug. “Oh! I almost forgot. What are you bringing to AJ’s place tonight?” Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a shocked look. “What? You mean the company of a celebrity isn’t enough?” Twilight almost rebuked her friend, when she saw the mischief in the pegasus’ eyes. “I was thinking maybe I’d stop by Cloud 9.”

“Cloud 9?” asked Twilight. Rainbow Dash grinned. “Oh yeah, it’s the greatest pop shop in Cloudsdale! They have have these awesome drinks, they call them Floats. Its sort of like Discord’s Cotton Candy Cloud fiasco, but with say, Root Beer, instead.”

“Pinkie Pie will love one of those, I bet.” Twilight smiled. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Anyways, I need to get back to my nap, if you’re done throwing rocks at me.” Twilight gave Rainbow a mischievous smirk as the pegasus floated off the ground. “Unless you want your own personal rainstorm, Twilight…” laughed Rainbow Dash.

Twilight turned and trotted off with a final goodbye to Rainbow Dash. It was then, that realization struck her.

What am –I- going to do for Applejack’s dinner party?”


Chapter 4: ...Only Half Of What You See

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Chapter 4: ...Only Half Of What You See

“I really think you should add some rubies.” Spike called from over her shoulder.

“It’s a salad, Spike.”
“So what? You can put rubies in anything. They’re like… the ketchup of gemstones.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as she shredded the lettuce. “Well, you don’t put ketchup in salads, either.” She heard Spike mumble a reply as he paced behind her by the table.

“What am I going to do for dinner tonight?” He asked. Twilight turned around.

“Well… you could come along, if you’d like, but I don’t think there will be any Rubies.”

“Well, that’s okay, I’d settle for Sapphires, Emeralds, even!”

Twilight giggled. “I don’t think the Apple family have any spare gemstones around the farm for you to eat, Spike.”

Spike Crossed his arms. “Come on, Twilight, let me tag along! I don’t want to just wait around here…”

Twilight stopped. What if that invader came back? Spike all alone in the house- “Alright, you’re coming along. Applejack will understand, I’m sure.” Twilight dropped the lettuce into the bowl and snapped a lid overtop. She watched as it floated down the hall toward the front door, and into her saddlebags on the hook. “We’ll just stop by the Jewellers… or something.” She added, trotting to the door. Spike waddled after her. “Awesome!” He cheered, as Twilight adorned her saddlebags. He clambered onto her back, and they were off.

Twilight was practically galloping up the path to Sweet Apple Acres. “Twilight~!” Spike called, clinging to her for dear life. “We’re only 10 minutes late!”

Twilight didn’t even turn her head. “Why didn’t I just drop you off at the quarry or something?” she groaned, charging past the property line and the hoof crafted welcome sign. At the top of a slight hill stood the Apple Residence: A well aged, auburn painted two story home, the renovations over the decades were clear in it’s simple, if not chaotic structure. Twilight had seen it dozens of times, She didn’t notice the closed shutters, or The Apple Family’s wagon resting to the right of the porch.

The air sat silent save for Granny Smith’s rocking chair, which creaked loudly.

“It’s really quiet, don’t you think?” asked Spike, looking around. Twilight said nothing as she stepped up onto the porch. Spike was right. Wasn’t there supposed to be nine ponies eating supper inside? She knocked once.

She knocked again. “Applejack? Hello?” she called out.
“I know I’ve asked this before, but… Do,- do you t-think that…”

“It’s not zombies, Spike.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “If it makes you feel better, you can search the barn.”

Spike gulped. “Y-yeah, no thanks.” He said as he slipped off of Twilight’s back and onto the porch.

She gave him a teasing glance. “I told you: The Trotting Dead would give you nightmares.”
Spike went beat red. “I don’t get nightmares!” he grumbled.
“I’m just joking with you , Spike.” She added, giving him a loving squeeze.

“What the heck is taking them so long?” the dragon asked.

Twilight leaned forward to knock again, only for the door to swing open. A black earth stallion stood in the doorway. He was wearing a rather simple traveller’s cloak, not unlike Zecora’s, though this too, was black.

The stallion smiled widely, his green eyes lighting with recognition. “Hello there, Twilight! So glad you made it. We were getting worried about you.” He laughed, stepping to the side and bidding her enter.

“Thanks.” She said, smiling. “Where’s Applejack? Or Big Mac?” she added, stepping inside. Spike hurried in after her, nearly getting his tail caught in the door. The Stallion paid him no heed as he walked alongside Twilight.

“I just got here a few minutes ago, actually, Applejack told me Big Mac and Apple Bloom are just finishing up in the fields, after she shook my hoof for a solid minute.” He hushed his voice, sharing a smile with Twilight, who returned it. “They ought to be rolling in with the wagon any minute now.” He added, turning and walking into the house.

Twilight nodded to herself as they walked. “I’m sorry, but… what was your name again? We’ve only met the one time at Sugarcube corner, and I-“

The stallion chuckled. “Please, don’t feel you have to justify it. It’s Partridge. Thank you for asking.”

“Partridge? Like the bird?” Spike asked, hurrying alongside Twilight.

Partridge chuckled. “Yes, I used to work on a pear farm. Think ‘Partridge in a Pear Tree’. That was me as a colt!”

“Are you going to take off your coat, Partridge?” asked Twilight, glancing across at him.
He smiled. “No thank you, I’m actually freezing, I always get cold, bad circulation, or something, the Doctors say.”

They were near the end of the hall, halfway to the dining room. Partridge stopped, and looked at one of the photos on the wall.

“Keep a secret, Twilight?” he asked. She leaned in, confused. “I can’t stand pears.” He smirked. “I was overjoyed when Applejack invited me. Guess my sneaky little plan to buy you girls’ affection worked, eh?”

Twilight laughed. “Yeah, though I’m not sure I’d call paying for six fillies at the spa and getting one dinner out of it is exactly “Espionage Brilliance”. Partridge shrugged. “It was my pleasure. Your friend Pinkie went out of her way to throw a party for a complete stranger. I wanted to return the favor, and what fun would it be for her sitting around with none of her friends?”

Twilight smiled. “Well, I really appreciate it, and I’m sure everyone else does too.” A thought struck her. “Oh! Are any of them here yet? Just because you and I were late, you know?” she laughed.

Partridge nodded. He gestured towards the end of the hall, where the light of the dining room cast its glow on the opposite wall. Twilight stepped ahead, and into the dining room. It was cozy and warm, like every room in the Apple residence. The table was set, and all of Twilight’s friends were sitting at their seats, hooves with spoons full of sweets and the home cooked meal that was spread across the length of the table. Sat dab in the center of it all was a large glass decanter full of a honey-brown froth. Twilight’s face and the wall behind her smiled back at her in it’s surface. She took in the sight and smell of the food instantly.

Then she noticed nopony was moving.

“Uh, Hello?” she asked the assembled. Nopony answered her, though now she noticed that each of them was staring at her. There was something wrong. She could see it in her eyes, even as their faces were frozen mid chew.

Help us.

Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw the decanter’s polished smooth surface glint with her reflection. With a scream, she reared her hind legs and kicked, planting her hooves in Partridge’s belly.

The stallion stumbled back, a clatter of metal striking wood rang in Twilight’s ears as he dropped the knife. She darted towards the table, veering to the left and running around it to the opposite end, the frantic eyes of her friends following her with fear their faces could no longer express.

“I didn’t know bookworms could bite.” Partridge grunted.
“What did you do to them?!” Twilight cried, watching as Partridge moved towards the table.

He smiled. “Hydra Venom. Renders them stiff as stone ‘till they get the antidote.” The pride in his voice made her sick.

Twilight gasped. “How did you get Hydra Venom?” She asked, desperate to keep him talking. He smiled wider, done with the games as he darted around the table to the right, which Twilight countered easily. After several more failed attempts to outmanuevre her, he hopped onto the table itself, smashing plates and glasses aside as he charged towards her.

Twilight dived under the table to avoid his thundering hooves as they hit the floor where she had been standing moments before. “Why are you doing this?!” she shouted as she scrambled away. Looking behind to see where he was now, she hit her head on a beam of the table’s underside.

“Because I’m being paid to, and because I have a score to settle with these inbred farmers.” He growled, circling back around to block the doorway. Twilight cowered under the table.

Maybe I can knock him off balance with a levitation spell and make it past him. If I get outside, I can cast a flare into the sky, that’ll bring half the town running!

As she prepared to bolt from under the table, her horn sparking to life, she heard a thunderous crash from down the hall. She peeked her head out from under the table to see Partridge turn towards the sound

“What the Bu-“ He shouted, as a red bull barrelled into him, sending him crashing to the floor.

“Twilight!” Big Mac shouted. “Get outside and call for help!” Twilight dashed from under the table and down the hall past Big Mac and Partridge, who rolled to his feet as Big Mac stomped the ground too late to pin him.

Twilight swung the door open and leaped from the porch onto the dirt path. Her horn sparked, and sweat threaded down from her brow as she concentrated. A bright ball of red light shot from her horn with the force of a gunshot, streaking up into the air, covering Sweet Apple Acres in a crimson light.

She heard footsteps on the porch and turned to see Big Mac stumble out of the house, a thin scratch across his snout. “Did you get him?” she asked, her heart racing. “Nope.” Drawled Partridge, as he stepped past Big Mac, kicking out his front legs. Big Mac fell to the ground, stiff as a board, his eyes looking up at Twilight apologetically.

As Partridge walked towards her, she backed away, eyes wide with fear. “P-ponies will see the flare, You’re done for now unless you run!” she reasoned. Partridge nodded his head, as if considering her logic.
“Perhaps, but I think I can spare the time to poison you too. Even with the extra weight, I’ll make it to the Everfree before they get here.”

Twilight gulped. “E-Extra Weight?” she asked.

“Oh, Yes. I work for someone who wants to meet you, Twilight. Now enough talk, let’s get this over with quickly, yes? I’m burning time-“

His words formed into a terrified scream as he jumped into the air, his cloak bursting into green flames. Spike stood in the doorframe, his nostrils smoking as he growled. “Nobody. Hurts. Twilight.” He gnashed, sending another spout of flame towards Partridge’s backside.

The Stallion ran for the pig pen down the hill, throwing off his cloak as he leapt into the filthy water trough. Spike ran after him, and Twilight galloped after them both. They both reached the pen to see him emerge from the now black waters. His coat had drained from black to an Ocean blue, and his mane and tail were now a vibrant Sea-green. The dye seemed to melt away from his soaking frame. Twilight saw his cutie mark, a trio of fangs, each dripping with venom, and was put to mind a snake shedding it’s skin. The only thing that didn’t change were his vibrant green eyes; Eyes that were filled with hatred as they flicked between Twilight and Spike.

“You’ll pay for this, lizard.” He hissed, scrambling out of the pig pen and hopping the fence. Twilight and Spike raced around the pen to cut him off, only for him to disappear in a sudden cloud of smoke. Twilight recognized it as one of the smoke bombs found in the arsenal of a certain travelling magician, as they coughed and sputtered in the smoke, Partridge galloped away, disappearing over the property line. As the smoke faded, Twilight and Spike looked about, but could find no trace of the invader. The sounds of a crowd drew their attention to the Apple Residence, where a growing crowd of neighbors and guards were spreading out, several galloping down to Spike and Twilight.


Chapter 5: The Serpent Beneath

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Chapter 5: The Serpent Beneath

“I see you are all awake.”

The five bed-bound ponies looked towards the doctor as he stepped into the hospital room. He was a brown pegasus pony with spectacles and a coat. Two nurses, Twilight and Spike followed him in immediately after. “How are you feeling?” their friend asked them.


“Simply awful!”

“… not so good.”

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY WINGS?!” Rainbow Dash flailed in her bed, her voice shrill with panic.

Twilight hurried over to her side, the doctor following. “It’s okay, Dash. It’s not permanent.” She said, resting her hooves on her friend’s shoulders. “Hydra Venom has an unique effect unlike any other member of the Medusozoa Family: when ingested into the body of a pony, his or her racial abilities are neutralized.” The doctor explained.

“That is to say that you and Fluttershy’s wings are in no condition for flying just yet. Rarity’s horn can’t cast spells, and Pinkie and AJ are much weaker.” The Doctor concluded.

“How long until we’re back to our usual selves, Doctor?” Asked Rarity, who stared longingly at the glass of water on her bedside table.

“It could be anywhere from a week to 14 days, Rarity.”
Twilight answered, earning an annoyed glance from the Doctor.

“You will need daily endurance training to regain use of your wings, horn, and strength.” The Doctor told them.

“Ugh, you mean I gotta learn how to fly again?!” moaned Rainbow Dash pitifully.

“Not exactly.” The Doctor said, taking out a corkscrew notepad. “By tomorrow, you should be able to fly; barely. That’s when your training will begin.”

“And I’ll be there with each and every one of you.” Twilight promised.

“And I’m not leaving her sight.” Spike added, standing protectively beside the purple unicorn.

The Doctor flipped through the notepad with his mouth. “I have your schedules here, if any of you would like to see.”

Rainbow Dash grabbed the notepad from him. “Hmph. First thing in the morning. Works for me!” she handed it back.

The Doctor handed the notepad to the others, As Pinkie Pie handed it back to the Doctor, Applejack grabbed it, reading it slowly.

“Ah Don’t see Big Mac’s name in this schedules.” She flipped the page. “No Apple Bloom… No Granny Smith…” She dropped the notepad on her lap. “Nothing.” She glared at The Doctor, who had slipped behind Twilight.

“I’m Sorry, Applejack.” She said, stepping up to the edge of the farmer’s bed. “You see, After you were all taken to the hospital, I remembered what Partridge had said about Hydra Venom, and how rare the cure was. So, Spike and I headed for the Everfree…

… How much further is it?” Spike asked, laying across Twilight’s back with his eyes half closed.

“I think we’re almost there.” Twilight reassured him. The forest was black as ink, the path beneath Twilight’s hooves melted into existence under the light of her illumination spell. They had set off after a brief explanation to the guards at Sweet Apple Acres, and the sun had set entirely since they left.

Twilight was fully aware of the dangers of the Everfree at night; It was the Hydra’s Venom that Twilight didn’t fully understand. She did not know how long an antidote was viable for; she did not know how you would feed a petrified pony. Even the possibility- no matter how slim, of losing one of her friends had set her on this dirty, wild path, that became more overgrown with roots and plants by the second.

“I think I see light!” she told Spike excitedly, peering into the distance, where sure enough, a perfect circle of orange light flickered invitingly in the blackness. Galloping through the bushes, Twilight emerged into the ash covered clearing where once a great hollow tree stood. The window she had seen from the forest was a piece of the burnt hut, and a torch stuck into the ground behind it.

Twilight nudged Spike off her back. “What happened?!” he cried as his feet hit the warm ash. “Partridge.” Twilight whispered, Her hatred for the despicable stallion growing by the second. It was a daunting task to earn Twilight’s contempt; not even the Great and Powerful Trixie had managed that.

“Twilight! Over here!”

Twilight looked up and over to see Spike holding a bottle in his claws.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked, galloping over.

“I don’t know, but it’s the only bottle he didn’t smash!”

“Let me see it.” Twilight picked up the bottle and held it before her face in her magic aura. Turning it over, she found a note written on the side.

Twilight Sparkle.
If you are reading this, then I misjudged you. Savour that for a moment…

We have the zebra. You will not find her. She is lost to you,
I take responsibility, But your friends need not join her.
This bottle contains five doses of The antivenom that will revert the petrification. Dividing the contents even once more would render them all insufficient.
You cannot save everyone.

Why won’t she say anything? Twilight thought as her story came to an end. Applejack had watched her calmly from her bed, eyes half shut, but entirely focussed.

“Ah Understand.”

Twilight let out a deep breath. “Thank Celestia, I-“

“Ah Understand,” Repeated Applejack, shifting in bed to be level with Twilight. “That the Apple Family was obviously second place to the Elements of Harmony.”

Twilight fumbled, her ears folding as she stammered. “No! well… It’s not like that! I mean: we-“

Applejack closed her eyes and let out a pained sigh. “Ah understand, Twilight. That wasn’t no accusation, Sugarcube. We’re the Elements of Harmony: That outweighs all bonds, Friends, Family… even ourselves. It’s good you were the one to find that bottle, Twilight. Truth be told…” She paused, looking at her sheets. “A’hm not sure Ah could have put the elements before my own family.”

Twilight stepped forward, resting a hoof on her shoulder. “Applejack I’m-“

“Ah Don’t blame you, Twi. I blame that snake in the grass, Partridge.”

“Snake is right, he even had a snake cutie mark.” Spike added.

“Beg your pardon?”

Spike looked at Twilight, offput by Applejack’s sudden change: her voice had gone from tired and resigned, to dangerously alert. He preferred it when she was tired.

“Well, It’s like Spike said.” Twilight began, sharing a concerned look with the others. “When Spike lit up his cloak, he ran for the pig pen, and doused himself in the trough.”

Pinkie pie snorted with laughter from her bed.

“When he hopped out, we saw that he had dyed his coat black: It was actually dark blue, and his mane was green, like his eyes. His cutie mark was three fangs, like a snake. but I don’t understand the meaning.”

“Ah reckon ah do.” Applejack said, her eyes narrowing as she stared at her sheets. “When Granny Smith was right about Apple Bloom’s age, she and my family moved here, and settled in what is now Ponyville, as y’all might’ve known.”

By Twilight’s eager nodding, and the other’s blank faced stares, she realized it may not have been common knowledge.

“What even Twi don’t know, is –why- we moved here. The truth is; we were forced to abandon our home.” She met the attentive gazes of her friends as she continued. “Back before we were the Apple family, we were the Smith family. We came from the Western Shore of Equestria, The town of Colt Stream, just outside Vanhoover. There were two major families in Colt Stream. The Smiths, and the Snakes.”

“Snakes? Sound nasty!” Pinkie blurted.

“Snakes are very kind creatures if you give them love and attention.” Fluttershy lectured from her bed.

“As ah was saying…” Applejack scowled. “Now, the TransEquestria Railway wasn’t quite done yet. Only way to Vanhoover was to, heh… Hoof it. Now, crossing a continent on your own four legs? That’s tough work. Crossing a continent without food, and a thick set of boots? That’s Impossible. We provided the food with our orchard. On the other end of town, the Snake family set up their own shop. While we Apples tended to our trees and lived peacefully off the land, the Snake family set out with ropes and knives, hunting the local reptiles for their skin.”

Fluttershy gave a horrified whimper from her bed.

“Sorry, Sugarcube, but that’s just history for ya. The Snake family made quite a bit of cash hunting the local critters. We didn’t like it that they skinned critters for boots, but it was how they made a livin’. But then? Then they got real greedy. Started using traps. They’d set up food poisoned with the venom of the snakes they were catching!”

“How the hay is that fair?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, crossed.

“Snake family didn’t care, it was easier then heading out to find them anymore. It got so bad, that even the birds and rabbits they weren’t hunting were ending up sick from the poisoned food that the snakes didn’t eat. Eventually, the forest outside the town was empty. The only wild critters fer a’ mile were in our orchard, livin between the trees or under the old equipment.

Old Split Tongue was head of the Snakes, and he came knocking on Great grandpa Smith’s door one night, beggin’ us to let his family of troublesome poachers on our land!”

“He said no, right?” Spike asked, peeking over the edge of Applejack’s bed. Applejack nodded.

“Darn toot’n he did! He told him it was his own fault, and that was the honest truth.”

“I take it Split Tongue didn’t take it so well..?” Asked Twilight.

“Great Grandpa Smith caught him and his son, Tanner that very night slither’in ‘round the property with their traps and their poison. So him and Grand Uncle Jonathan grabbed Split Tongue and his son and bucked them right off the property. That morning, Great Grandpa Smith and Jonathan went straight to the Sheriff’s office to report it, and as they passed by the Snake family’s tanning booth, they saw it was boarded up, deserted, gone.”

Applejack shook her head. “That ought’ve got the Red flags waving, but Ttey was so glad to have the snakes outta their manes, they celebrated the Apple Family way:”


“Work.” Applejack smiled proudly. “They picked the orchard dry before lunch!

“I can see where this is going.” Spike said, worriedly writhing his hands together.

“Quick as a hiccup ain’tcha, Spike?” Applejack said. “The Snakes poisoned the apples. Grand Uncle Jonathan, and Great Grandpa Smith were paralyzed. Granny Smith and her mother had to go find a cure for it. Thankfully, they found a Deer herbalist who sold them a cure in Vanhoover, but when they got back to the orchard, the Trees had died. They had to sell the property, and pack up their belongings, and look for somewhere to start fresh. That’s how we came to Ponyville.”

Applejack sighed, looking between each of her friends. “And now, it’s happening all over again: If Ah don’t find a cure for my family…” She faltered, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I’ll save them, even If ah have to take this snake out back and –“ Twilight put a hoof on her friends shoulder as Applejack’s frustration threatened to boil over. “Applejack… The Farm…”

“The Farm has been contaminated.”

Applejack and the others looked to the Doctor as he spoke, all except Twilight.
“Sweet Apple Acres?” the Farmer asked, dumbstruck. Twilight nodded slowly. “Some of the Guards checked the apples; they're all filled with venom. The Mayor has ponies clearing them out now. She says it’s a matter of Ponyville’s safety.”

“It wouldn’t be a problem if ponies stayed the buck off her farm until she’s out of here!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“No… It’s the right thing to do…” Applejack said, tears building in her big, green eyes. “Ah think ah need some time to think about all this, Twi…” She added, flipping over to face the window.

Twilight gave her friend’s hoof a gentle squeeze, before turning towards the door. “I’ll be here in the morning, Every day until you are all better. I promise.” She said to her friends. They each mumbled or said their goodbyes, giving the bundled up blankets that were their friend Applejack a worried look.

The Doctor followed Twilight out the double doors. “Get lots of sleep, you will be needing it tomorrow. “


Chapter 6: The Star Stone

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Chapter 6: The Star Stone

Twilight kept her promise.

For fourteen days, she helped her friends through their routines and gave them the love and encouragement they needed.

For fourteen long, terror filled nights, she dreamt of Snakes, lost history, and lost friends.

The Royal Guard had not yet found Zecora, not that they had searched long, Twilight thought bitterly. The Everfree was considered too dangerous to search, and the word around Ponyville was that Manehattan was slowly turning into a battleground of both ideals and weapons. Twilight put those thoughts out of mind. Her friend’s well-being was more important right now.

They were making good progress. Rarity stood before her, saddlebags resting on her flanks. They stood in the gardens behind the hospital. There were cobbled walkways, a quiet pond and flower beds of all shapes and sizes. Other patients sat on benches or fed the ducks by the waterside, enjoying the quiet, sunny day. It was almost lunch time, and Twilight was eager to get started, her tummy rumbling like an Ursa Minor.

“Okay.” She began, as Spike and Rarity turned from the vista of flowers over yonder. “Spike and I have spent all morning hiding some gemstones in the garden.” Twilight said, as her number one assistant took out a notepad identical to those of the medical staff. “You’ll need to search the park with your gem finding spell, and gather all four of the hidden gems. Bring them back here, and Spike will check them off. You’ve made great progress these past two weeks, and I think this might be one of our last sessions. Are you ready?” She asked with an encouraging smile.

Rarity nodded, returning her smile. “Of course, just say the word.”

“Consider it said. We’ll wait for you here.” Twilight said.

As Rarity trotted off, Spike waved. “Good luck!”

Rarity smiled, waving “Ta Ta!” she followed the cobbled path towards the pond as she focused her magic. It took much less effort than their previous sessions; it seemed every day Twilight had her practicing a new spell while her horn’s strength returned. She would finish this session in record time, and they’d be done. Leaving the hospital would be wonderful. She could finally go home to the boutique and – Rarity gave a strangled yelp as memory hit her: She had so much work she would have to do when she got home!

Twilight had cancelled most of her orders for her, but one had been too important. Fancy Pants’ mistress, Fleur-De-Lis had commissioned a special piece two weeks prior: By memory, Rarity recalled that the Grand Galloping Gala would be coming up once again. Rarity would certainly need the business now that her other commissions were gone. With whatever eagerness she had before gone, she reached the edge of the pond.

She closed her eyes and pursed her lip As she cast her spell, she could feel something from beneath the waters of the pond, and as her horn began to glow, the water splashed. A muddy stone floated into the air, and Rarity brushed it clean with her magic, revealing a piece of blood red garnet. She deposited it in her saddlebag. Stopping only long enough to check her hair in the reflective waters, Rarity continued on down the path.

A little bit ahead, she noticed a single shrub jutting awkwardly from an otherwise perfect hedge row that bordered the path. Stopping, she used her magic to confirm what she could already guessed: Spike’s dirty claws earlier, and the gouged dirt pile beneath the bush left little doubt as to the next gemstone’s hide away. Still, this was a test of her magic, not her perception (which was near flawless.) and so she closed her eyes as her magic seeped through the dirt to grab the stone that lay beneath. With some effort, she plucked it from the ground, harvesting the fruits of her labour in a way not unlike her farmer friend. Taking a look at the gemstone she had plucked, she rolled her eyes. It was a common Topaz, blue like the sky above. Of course, she hadn’t expected Twilight to stash away any rubies or diamonds, and yet, the brief thrill of discovering a new jewel was non-existent knowing that this was merely training.

Oh well. thought Rarity, as she looked past the bushes. A small brown mound blemished the grassy hill on the other side of the hedge. She hopped the bushes nimbly. Fixing the crooked bush, she trotted up the hill. The gemstone popped free of the dirt pile as she reached the top. Even covered in dirt, she could tell what it was. “Amethyst.” She confirmed as she tossed it in her bag. Looking around the park, she pursed her lip. Only one more left to find.

At the end of the stream that fed the pond, she spotted a stone fountain in the shape of a unicorn jutting from the bottom of the hill she stood on now. The water curved around the base of the hill and into the pond. As she got closer to the fountain, she noticed that the water that came from the pony’s mouth was spraying wildly.

How odd. She thought as she leaned in to investigate. Seeing a glint in the statue’s mouth, she scowled. Honestly, why would Spike hide it here of all places? With a sigh, she reached in and plucked the next mundane gem from the – She looked at the golden stone that hovered before her.

It was beautiful. It was shaped like a star, and yet, Rarity saw not a single chisel stroke, or scratch on it’s now glowing surface. She stared on in awe as the stone began to cast off a golden light. It seemed to weigh nothing at all in her aura. Reaching out to grab it, she was quite surprised when it thudded heavily into her hooves. That’s remarkable! She thought. I suppose Twilight saved the best for last. I’ve never seen anything like this.

She placed it carefully into her saddlebag. Looking back she heard a faint click. The flow from the unicorn’s mouth trickled to nothing, and a new stream began from it’s horn. Thinking nothing of it, Rarity started to trot back to Twilight and Spike.

Bouncing over the hill like her party loving friend, Rarity came into view. Spike and Twilight waited eagerly, ready to see how their friend had done.

“That was quick!” greeted Spike as Rarity came to a stop. She smiled. “Twilight, dear, I found all of the hidden gemstones. What shall I do with them now?”

Twilight beamed as she took the notepad from Spike and flipped through the pages with her magic. “Pull them out and I’ll mark each, just to make sure.” Rarity nodded, and popped her saddlebags open.

“Let’s see… Garnet, check. Topaz, check… Amethyst, check. Onyx… Woah!” Twilight stared at the star-like jewel as it shimmered in the air before her. The other gems fell to the ground in a clatter as she spun the specimen around slowly. “It’s simply beautiful, darling. Where in the wide world of Ever did you find such a gem?” Rarity asked, basking in the stone’s glow.

Twilight turned, bringing the stone with her as she held it close to her nose. “It’s not mine…” she said, oddly. Rarity leaned over her friend’s shoulder to get a better look again. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Twilight said, sharing a confused look with Rarity.

“I want to put it in my mouth.”

Both unicorns turned to look at the dragon that trembled at their hooves, his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth frothing with drool.

“Ew.” Rarity said with a grimace. “You said you’ve never seen anything like it, Twilight?” she asked. Twilight shook her head. “I think maybe I should keep it for now, Rarity. Something seems… off, about it.”

“I found it. It’s mine.”

Twilight looked at her friend in surprise. Rarity continued.

“You didn’t hide it, so I don’t have to give it to you. I want to keep it.”

“But, Rarity, it just seems-“ Twilight stammered, before Rarity gave a defeated moan.

“Twilight, I need this stone for a dress I need to make once I’m released from the hospital. It’s the centerpiece! I simply –must- have! Please, Twilight, let me keep it. I’d be ever so grateful.”

Twilight thought it over for a minute. Rarity waited anxiously. “Well, alright, I don’t see the harm-“

Twilight began, and Rarity galloped off squealing in delight, stashing the stone in her saddlebags.

Spike and Twilight watched as she disappeared into the hospital. “What happened to lunch?” asked Twilight. “Nevermind. Let’s just get something at Sugarcube corner. I could eat a horse!” Spike said as they made their way down the path.

“That’s… That’s not funny, Spike.” Twilight said with an awkward smile at her friend. She checked the notepad. Tomorrow would be Rainbow Dash’s last flying session. That’ll be over quick. She thought hopefully.

“That was over quick!”

Spike cheered as Rainbow Dash came to a stand still beside them.

“Thanks, Squirt.” She smiled.

“You’re doing great, Dash.” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and legs with a cocky smile. Twilight smiled back, Spike at her side like always. “Your time is..” Twilight checked the pocket watch Spike held for her. “fifteen minutes.”

“Pffft.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I’ll halve that this time.”

Twilight laughed. “That’s the spirit, Dash. You know the drill: Fly all the way around Ponyville and back here as quick as you can. This is your last flight of the day, so make it count!” Rainbow Dash nodded, floating up into the air with a pump of her wings. Spike held his pocket watch eagerly.

“Ready… Go!”

Rainbow Dash blitzed off, leaving Twilight and Spike on the steps of the hospital.

Today felt different to Rainbow Dash as she whizzed through the air. On a whim, she ascended in a wild and spinning pattern, a move she had been dying to practice ever since the dinner at Sweet Apple Acres. Closing her eyes, feeling the wind against her face and body as she climbed higher and higher and higher…

Then opening them as she turned and dived towards the ground with reckless abandon, her wings tucked tightly to her sides. The candy coloured spots below turning into ponies with each passing second. The colours were amazing. Greens, reds, blues, yellows. Rainbow Dash blinked, craning her neck. She saw a blur of white and dark yellow, like mustard, speeding along between the narrow gap between the end of Ponyville, and the beginning of the Everfree Forest.

Her Curiosity piqued, she altered her course, pulling up from her dive and giving chase. As she swooped in behind him, she got a better look. He wore a leather flight cap, the chin straps spazzing in the wind as he flew. On his back, were two sets of saddlebags, his Cutie mark was covered by one of them. It was a colt, she knew by his eyes. Eyes that stared back at her with a mixture of surprise, anger, and fear.

As Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to greet him, he stopped. His wings folding back, he simply dropped from Rainbow Dash’s view. She turned and steered back towards him, slower than she would have liked. He stood on the ground just below her.

“What do you want?! Stop following me!” He said.

Rainbow Dash came to a landing beside him, and he took a step back. Chicken. Thought Rainbow Dash. “I was just wondering why you were in such a rush. She said, resenting his tone.

“None of your beeswax, Thunder butt!” He said with a sneer, looking at her cutie mark.

“Why I oughtta--!” she said, rearing before him angrily.

He squeaked, stumbling back. “Whoa, wait up a second, Toots!” He said. “Look, I’m just a little snappy cause I lost something that I really shouldn’t have, and now my boss is gonna tear me a new one. Sorry!”

Rainbow Dash lowered back to the ground. “That’s more like it. Now, what did you lose and what did it look like?”

“Well… I’m a Courier for some Pony who doesn’t want to be identified. And they got me picking up stuff from special sites ‘round town. And somepony must’ve found the last stache because when I got to it, it was empty! I don’t know how somepony could’ve noticed it, though. It was hidden real well.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “If you gave me an actual description, I might be able to help you look, or something, if you wanted…”

The courier shook his head. “No way, I don’t need you telling everypony my secrets, or my boss’s secrets.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Alright, if you don’t want my help, have fun searching for your missing junk.” As she started to fly into the air.

“Ugh.” The Courier said, rubbing his forehead. “Alright! Alright! I need your help. Please, don’t go!” he begged suddenly.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she floated back down.

“It was a special stone, ya see? Jewel… really, really, really rare. And uh. It’s golden, shaped like a star. It was supposed to be in a statue over in the park behind the Hospital, for me to pick up, but it was gone when I got there today!”

Rainbow Dash waved it off dismissively. “Pfft, is that all? No worries, My friend Rarity found it yesterday when she was practicing her magic in the park. I’m sure she’ll understand. I’ll tell her it was yours when I get back there.”

The courier gave a relieved sigh, that turned into a fit of giggles. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Rainbow Dash in a powerful hug. “Oh, I love you right now! What’s your name, lady?”

Rainbow Dash dusted herself off as he broke away still smiling. “Rainbow Dash. What about you?” The Courier beamed. “Yellow Belly. I mean, uh… That’s a code name. Cause I’m a courier for some one important. Look, just forget I said anything!
Rainbow dash arched an eyebrow. “Right…”

Yellow Belly fidgeted on the spot. “Shouldn’t you be doing something?”

Rainbow Dash shot up into the air. “Oh, Horsefeathers! I forgot I’m being timed!”

Yellow Belly waved goodbye, as he straightened his saddlebags.

“I’ll tell my friend about the Jewel, she’ll understand, she –Is- the Element of Generosity, after all!” Yellow Belly laughed and waved to Rainbow Dash as she flew off.

He floated up into the air as well, relief giving him a wide grin. Altering his course from before, he made his way towards the Everfree.

He had so much to do.

Twilight trotted down the road that led to the hospital. Spike rode on her back, a large wicker basket filled with food and a checkered blanket sitting in his lap. He and Twilight had spent most of the early morning preparing this picnic, and were excited to get to the hospital. Today would be the day their friends returned to their homes. Each had shown incredible progress since they had began: Applejack had nearly uprooted one of the trees in the park in the back!

As the Hospital came into view, They saw several unicorns wearing Hospital staff vests loading a marked Ambulance Carriage. Trotting past them and into the lobby, they saw their friends Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie crowding around a unicorn doctor.

“Whatddya mean she ain’t ready to be released?” Applejack shouted at the Doctor.

“I mean she ‘Ain’t’ Ready to be released yet, pardner.” He scowled.

“But She’s fine! Just as well as any one of us!” Pinkie added.

“She’s been doing the training sessions with Twilight like she was supposed to…”

“Then blame Twilight, whoever that is.” He said, pushing his glasses up his nose with his magic.

“That’d be me.” Twilight said, planting her hooves on the floor in front of him. Her friends stepped to the sides between them, and Spike dismounted her back, standing awkwardly to the side with the basket in his claws.

The Doctor eyed her up and down, his scowl giving away to a little smile. “Oh, you meant Twilight Sparkle? The famous magician and protégé of Princess Celestia?”

“That’d be me. and who are you? Where is my friends’ doctor?”

The unicorn doctor’s smile faded. “The Pegasus injured his wing yesterday, and so I was transferred from the EC wing.” He glanced over at Applejack. “Feeding statues all day got boring.” Twilight cast her levitation spell on her farmer friend just before her hoof connected with the doctor’s jaw. She spun in the air cursing too fast to be sensical.
The Doctor looked over, his contempt was almost enough that Twilight considered letting Applejack loose on him.

“Now then. I’ll repeat what I said to your three friends, Miss Sparkle: Rarity’s condition is not yet stable enough for her to be discharged from the hospital. She’s developed a sudden case of the trots, and we need to monitor her for the rest of the day. Come back tomorrow, and she’ll be ready to go.” He turned, brushing past the mares as they glared at him.

“Oh, since Rarity won’t be joining you, and you brought that cute little basket all the way here, I don’t suppose you could give me her share? I’m starving like Celestia in a Salad bar…” Twilight’s glared daggers at the doctor. Suddenly, Applejack was free. The farm pony smiled “Sure, help yerself, doctor.” She said, opening the basket and plucking a jam sandwich from within. The doctor stepped back.

“Open Wide.” Applejack sneered as she sent the Sandwich through the air at his face.
The doctor reeled back as the sandwich split apart on his snout, stumbling through the double doors that lead into the next wing of the hospital. The mares laughed, and hurried out into the sun before the doctor could recover.

“Sweet Celestia That was funny!” Laughed Rainbow Dash.

“He was so rude...” Fluttershy said.

“Pow! Right in the kisser!” Pinkie commented, before being overcome in a fit of giggles.

“We still have a picnic lunch to eat, girls.” Twilight said as they all trotted towards Ponyville Park, and they put out all thought of the doctor and whatever consequences that might follow.

Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were the last ones to arrive at the hospital the next morning. Applejack had spent the night at Fluttershy’s cottage, rather than her big, empty house, and Rainbow Dash had flown from her house minutes ago. They all looked up as the others arrived. “

‘bout time y’all showed up.” Applejack said. Spike crossed his arms. “Nice to see you too, AJ…” he said.

“Let’s go get Rarity, now.” Rainbow Dash said, eager to get started.

Fluttershy nodded. “That’d be nice…” She added.

Twilight pushed open the doors and stepped into the hospital. They all trotted over to the desk clerk, and smiled at the mare behind it.

“Yes? She politely inquired. Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes, Hello, we’re friends of Rarity Belle? We were told she would be discharged today and wanted to meet her. Is she free to go?”

The Clerk smiled. “I’ll check for you right now.” She flipped through a large check-out list on her desk.

“Hm… No “Rarity” on this list. She checked the next page. “None scheduled for tomorrow, either…”

Twilight shared a worried look with the others.

“Nope. Sorry, no “Rarity” in my schedule from now till the next year!”

The others gasped. “That must be a mistake! She was here yesterday, and every day for the last two weeks!” Twilight exclaimed. The desk clerk rubbed her chin.

“Hold up.” The others turned to look at Applejack. She held out her hoof, and the clerk hesitantly gave it to her. Applejack flipped the page over,and read. “Here.” She said, planting the list on the desktop. The others all leaned in. “This is yesterday’s checkout list.” Twilight said.

“Ah know it. read it.” Applejack said.

SHY, FLUTTER | 10:59 am
DASH, RAINBOW | 11:00 am
PIE, PINKIE | 11:00 am
JACK, APPLE | 11:01 am
BELLE, RARITY | 11:01 am

“That jerk doctor lied to us!” Pinkie Pie gasped.

“He sent Rarity home without us?” Spike asked.

“Maybe. Any of you seen her since we left?” asked Rainbow Dash.

They all shook their heads.

“Excuse me… but which doctor are you referring to?” they all looked towards the desk clerk who had spoken.
“He was a unicorn, glasses, white coat. He said he was transferred from EC to work with Rarity, something about the pegasus doctor injuring his wing.” Twilight informed her.

The Desk clerk popped open a cabinet behind her desk, and plucked a folder from it.

“Nope?” Echoed the mares.

“Doctor Medivac is fine and well, and it says he was Rarity’s designated doctor at the time of her discharge.” The desk clerk said, putting the file away.

There was a moment of silence, before all five ponies (and their Dragon companion) stormed through the double doors that led to the stabilized patients wing. Bursting through the doors and into the room the mares had shared during their recovery, they glanced around from bed to bed. Each of them peeling away curtains or searching under beds. Fluttershy stayed by the door, watching for trouble. Twilight galloped over to Rarity’s bed, which was concealed by a thin blue curtain of plastic. Peeling it away, she gasped.

The Bed was made.

The Nightstand was cleared.

Their friend was gone.

The others gathered around the bedside, staring at the clean sheets. “She… She’s gone…” Whispered Fluttershy, her eyes going large.

“Jus- Just like Z-Zecora…” Spluttered Spike, who grabbed the edge of the bed and wept.

“No, no, she can’t be. We’ll find her.” Twilight said, she too, was on the verge of tears. Her mind reeled, as her friends began to talk or cry all around her.

The Apples… Zecora… Rarity… So many lost, and for what? What could Partridge want with us? Why was he doing this? Why?


She shook her head, blinking away tears. “What, What is it, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash stared at the foot of the bed, her expression like stone beneath her vibrant hair. the others looked, and they saw it too.

At the foot of the bed, was a single, dark yellow feather, the color of mustard.
