Filly in the snow

by Blitz Stratus

First published

The story of one man and a freezing filly named luna and how she'll change his life forever.

While walking home from work, through a thick blanket of snow you find a little filly name Luna laying in the snow. Would you take her home or leave her alone to freeze in the snow?

Note: The format is messed up on Monospace and Courier New

Help Pwease

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"I hate Chicago." You mumble under your breath, as gray snow fell all around you, as it seemed

to cascade from the thick black coulds that loomed menacingly above the city. "Could have gone

anywhere, but no I just had to pick the windy city." You grumble, as you make your way through

the thick blanket of snow.

Your walk isn't normally this bad but today, well it was different. First your boss docked your

pay, then after that you were accused of stealing supplies, which from then, finally, your car

refused to start, forcing you to have to trudge through the howling wind to reach your home

from work, all the while nagging memories echoed within your head.

"I should have stayed in.....bed." You mumble as a faint noise reach's your ear as your ranting

come's to a abrupt end. "Crying?"

Forgetting about your rant you begin to search for the owner of the sobs, anyone left out in

this storm would certainly freeze to death. You quicken your pace as the crying becomes louder

and more labored. Your breathing is getting heavy as you race down the slick sidewalk, trying

to get close to the owner of the tears. Your breath is heavy as you skid to a halt in front of an

alleyway, trying to catch your breath.

"Man.....I'm.....out.....of shape." You pant, as you clutch your sides. Then between your gasps

for air the sound of a small voice comes to your frost burned ears.

"H-h-help p-p-p-pwease." The voice echos, as you try to turn your head so your freezing,

reddening ears can find the voice's owner.


"H-h-help p-p-p-pwease." The voice stammers again.

"Ok. Just hold on!" You shout, as you try to make your way into the alley.

With heavy heaves and lunges you begin to push your way through the buildup of snow banks

that have been pushed into the alleyway, fighting for a firm footing with each step.

"Stupid snowplow drivers. Why couldn't they push this somewhere it's not in the way." You

grumble as you try to push through the snow which is now up to your waist, but still you

pushed forward.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, with your leg's feeling as if there about to fall off,

you reach the end of alleyway, but all is quiet and you don't see a soul who could have been

calling for help. Then a chill starts to wash over you. What if you're too late and whoever was

calling you is...

"Hey!? You still there kid!" You call out.

No response. The only sound around you is the howling wind, which is growing stronger and

fiercer by the second.

"Hey!" You shout again, but just as before no response. "Come on kid, please, answer me!"

You scream frantically as you began to search through the ever deepening snow.

Then over the howling wind you hear a soft whimper coming from the snow bank just behind

you. Without thinking you quickly turn and dive head long into the icy bank of snow, digging

away at it as fast as your arms will let you. Time seems to crawl by as your hands start going

numb by the cold but still you continue to dig. Then after what seems like a lifetime one of your

hands bumps into something other than snow. What it is, is what's left of a cardboard box, now

completely soggy from the snow. Quickening your already frantic pace you claw at the side of

the box pulling it free of the snow.

"What size kid could fit in a box like this?" You question, as you wipe the snow from the sunken

top. But you put this question aside as you feel the box shaking in your numb hands.

"Hey you still alive in there?" You ask, as you pull back the lid of the soggy box. But as soon as

you pull back the lid you find yourself shuffling toward the opposing wall of the alley. "Is my mind

playing tricks on me or did I really just see a...."

With the caution of a man handling a nuclear warhead you slowly work your way back toward the

soggy box and it continence. Slowly you pull back the lid, but unlike before you just sit there and

stare at the sight before you, mouth agape. To call it a horse wouldn't be fitting but there was no

other word you could think of to generalize what you where looking at. Being as careful as you

can you slowly reach your hand inside the box, an being quick, you give the tiny horse a gentle

poke with your index finger.

"Umm hey you ok?" You question nervously, not really sure what to expect.

"Unnn." It wheezes weakly, as it shakes violently.

"Oh god what do I do? I know it's not human but I can't just leave her here." Your thoughts argue,

as the wind howls all around you, sending a chill down your spine. "Oh I hope I don't regret this

later." You say, as you carefully reach back into the soggy box.


Shhhhh. It's ok." You whisper, as your hand descends below her frame, pushing into the bottom

of the box. "I'm getting you out of here."

Gently you start to lift her from the box, her dark blue mane falling dishevely over her face.

Then as you hold her in one hand you shakily unzip your Carhart and placed her cold body

inside, zipping it back up, as you slinging your arm under her to keep her from falling out.

"Umm you just sit tight in there ok?" You mutter, as you hurry out of the alleyway and back

onto the street.

You don't know whether it's the fact that you have something in your coat that's near death and

that you feel an unfounded sense of wanting to protect your undercoat passenger, but it doesn't

take long for you to find your footing on the slick sidewalk, and running faster then you've ever been

able to run before. Faster and faster you find yourself sprinting, jumping over everything that gets

in your way.

"I wish.....I had my car.....right now, cause this.....would be soo much easier if I....did." You wheeze,

as you slide onto Virgina Avenue, just missing a collision with a light post as you do.

You push through the ever growing pain within your lung's as you round the final corner, your

home just five houses down from where you stand. The other houses go by quickly as you

jog down your street, your heart finally slowing down as you reach your driveway.

"Looks like we made it little girl." You sigh, as you pull your keys from your pocket and begin

fumbling with them.

After several minutes of light swearing and three mistaken guesses of which key was the one for

your front door you finally take hold of a simple silver key, which slides into the lock with a faint click.

Then with a quick turn and another soft click the door unlocks, allowing you to enter your pleasantly

warm home.

"At least the furnace is still working." You sigh with a quick rap on your home's wooden door not

to jinx yourself.

You make b-line to what you know will be the warmest room in your residential home, and grab

anything that might offer a bit more heat out of a near by closet on your way to your den. You

pull as many blankets as you can and double time it as you feel your passenger beginning to


"Hey calm do will ya? You keep moving like that and I'm going to fall."

"Murph mmh murph."

"Just hold on a second." You semi shout, as you try to unzip your coat so SOMEONE will stop

squirming against your chest. "And by the way how are you able to ta...CRACK!"

You had barely got your coats zipper half way down when, to your complete surprise, your face

was met by two hooves kicking you hard in your nose causing you to stumble back as a indigo

blur shot off your chest and down your homes main hallway.

"Grrrrrrr, you know what I don't care now how you can talk!" You roar, as you angrily rose back

to your feet and stomped toward your den. "OH but when I get my hands on you your going to

wish I would've left you there in that friggin box." Your growled as the pain of your newly broken

nose began to mix with your ever growing rage.

Under the Couch

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"Hey! Where are you!" You shout in anger, as you charge into your homes den, blood

pooling in your hand from your newly broken nose.

You kick the door open, causing a loud crack to echo through the room as you march

over to the nearest chair, and with strength you didn't know you had, you grip the chairs

armrest and hoist it into the air. Quickly you scan over the ground the chair had been

resting and even go on to shake the chair to see if your attacker is hiding within its

structure. Seeing nothing you toss it aside and continue your search. Quickly you move

onto the next spot your pint size pony might be hidden, the end table that stood next

to the where the now over turned chair once stood, It's medium size cabinet appearing

as a very likely place for the pony to hide. You quietly drop to one knee and shield your

face with your left arm, your right reaching out cautiously towards the cabinets miniature


"If I get kicked in the face again I swear....." You mumble, as you take hold of the cabinets

metal handle.

You tighten your grip upon the cabinets handle and after taking a few seconds to adjust

yourself to be out of the way for another kick to the face, you slowly apply force to the

doors handle, pulling it open ever so slightly. But the gaps too small and you pull the a

little farther, then a little more. The gap has widen to about an inch but as you keep out

of range of being kicked you still can't see clearly inside the darken cabinet. You let out

a sigh and brace yourself as you shift your weight for a better look. But just as your about

to get a clear view a muffled noise comes to your ear.

"Aaa....aaaa.....AAAACHOOOO." A little voice bellows, as your head shifts towards your

sea blue couch.

"Ooooh. Under the couch eh." You think as a smile crosses your slightly blood stained lips.

Being as quiet as you can you close the door on the cabinet, it clicking softly shut as you do.

Then being ever so careful you stand and quietly creep over to the piece of upholstered


"Oh I got you now you little brat." You chuckled to yourself, as you drop to your stomach and,

with your left eye, gaze under its royal blue leg cover into the couch's shadowy underbelly.

Intently you gaze into the bleakness, trying to detect even the smallest amount of movement,

as your eye slowly slides back and forth. But after several minutes of 'scanning' along with

some prodding you let out a sigh as you push of your stomach and raise yourself to one knee.

Most of your anger has boiled off by now and at most your just annoyed. But now it's just the

matter finding where the little thing has gotten off to.

"Hey. If you're still in this room I have something to say." You sigh. "Listen I kind of get why you

did what you did and I also understand why you're hiding from me but I just what you to know

that.......I'm sorry for scaring you." You say, as you push yourself the rest of the way off the

floor and onto your feet.

You stand there for a while after that, just waiting to see if she will respond, but you're only met

by the soft sound of snow falling against your home's roof.

"Ok I'll take your silence for an answer I guess." You sigh. "I'm going to start dinner if you what

anything just let me know." You say with volume, hoping that if she is still in the room she'll at

least give you some sort of response. But still her only reply, to your slight annoyance, is....


Then with a final sigh you walk over to your overturn, and most likely now broke, chair and with

a huff, flip it back over, setting it back in its normal position. After a quick look over you decide,

seeing no sign's of visual damage, to saunter into your kitchen and make something that will

suffice for your nightly meal.

"Well let's see what's inside you oh magic food box." You say sarcastically, as your fingers grip

the fridge's door handle.

You give the handle a slight tug and with a pop from the door seal you pull the door fully open,

giving you a full view of the mostly empty inside of your fridge.

"I really need to go to the grocery store." You sigh, as you start digging through what's left of

your food.

Finding nothing really appealing you decide on at least making something for the little pony

that's hiding under your couch. You pull open one of the two drawers that lay at the bottom

of your fridge and to your surprise you find just enough vegetables to make a small salad.

You grab as much as you can carry and make your way over, after shutting your fridge with

your foot, to your kitchen's closest counter and pull a small bowl from a overhead cabinet.

Starting with the head of lettuce, tearing off leafs in medium sized pieces till the bowl is

half way fill with the lush greens.

"I wonder if I should put some dressing on this?" You ponder, as you pull open you silverware

drawer and pull out a chefs knife. "Eh I better not, I don't think horse eat ranch dressing."

You give a little shrug as you pull several carrots from a bag and quickly chop them into bite

size bits along with a few sticks of celery, baby tomatos, and a few radishs. But unbenounced

to you, as you add the chopped up vegetables to the salad, a pair of navy blue eyes are

watching you from just out of your view, their owner silent and unseen.

"Well I hope she'll eat this." You sigh, as you toss the chef's knife into the sink.

You make your way back to your fridge, the bags of vegetables feeling a little lighter as you

pull open the door with a few free fingers. You quickly toss them into there respected drawer

and, with a thunk, you close your fridges door with your foot just as before. But as you spin

around, the sight that stands before you catch's you by surprise, nearly making you trip over

your own two feet.

"Um..... hi." You say slowly, shock evident in your tone.

Your attacker is no longer hiding under your couch but instead siting there before you, her

eyes firmly pointed toward the tile of your kitchen floor, her thick blue mane concealing most

of her face, except for her small, quivering lower lip.

"Uh I made you a salad if you're....hungry" You trail off, your concern shifting from the state of

her stomach to the ever increasingly trembling filly that stands before you. "Hey? Are you

alright?" You ask, as you slightly crouch down.

"Sniff, sniff no."

"Why? What's wrong?" You ask softly.

"Murmur murph."

"Um I'm sorry but could you say that again?"

Then, in a blur, her eyes no longer are welded to the floor but instead are brimmed with tears

as she gazes at you, her heavy sobs making it hard for you to understand the choked up words

she was trying to say.

"You *hic* got me out *cough, cough* and then I...I....I...WAAAAAA!" She bellows and in an

instant charges you, wrapping her little legs around your neck. "I'M SOWWY!" She sobs fiercely.

A Warm Feeling

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At first you didn't know how to respond to the crying pony that semi laid on your chest,

tears still streaming from her tightly shut eyes. A small sense of panic begins to fill you as

she wheezes and hiccups against your now soggy shirt as you don't know what to say to

calm her down. But slowly a little warmth washes over you and with a soft sigh you gently

place a hand on her trembling frame.

"Shhhhhh, it's ok." You say softly into her ear. "Your safe now."

"*sniff* Y-y-your not *hic* mad at *hic* me?" She asks softly, nose still buried in your chest.

Another sigh escapes your lips and in that moment you wrap both of your arms around her

little indigo body, embracing her in a hug. "No I'm not but I would have never guess that

someone so small could kick so hard." You chuckle, reminding yourself of your once

bleeding nose, which had ceased its dripping.

It takes awhile but after a couple of minutes her tears and sobs diminished, she had cried

herself out and now was breathing lightly against you, her nose still firmly buried in

your chest. But after one final sniff she slowly began to stir and you loosened your arms

allowing her to bring her, now slightly puffy, blue eyes to gaze up at you.

"Hi." You say with a warm smile.

"*sniff* Hi." The little filly replies wiping a leftover tear from her eye.

"You feel better now that your all cried out?"

"*sniff* Uh huh but."


"But now my tummy is growl growl." She pouts, new tears coming to her eyes.

"Well then how about we just go get you something to eat then." You smile, as you push

a few strands of her periwinkle mane out of her eyes. "Do you like salad?" You ask, rising

to your feet, gently slinging the indigo pony to your hip.

"Of course I like salad." She smiles. "Salad is dewicious."

"Oh so would you like that salad then?" You ask, pointing to the small bowl sitting on your

kitchens counter, lush lettuce leaves poking out over the rim.

"Oooooooh. Can I?"

"Well since it was made for you I guess." You smile.

"Realwy?" She asks, her puffy eyes filling with joy. "That's for me?"


"Yaaaay!" She gleefully shouts, squirming against your grip.

"Wow there, I think you already did enough damage when you kicked off me the first time."

You chuckle lightly, slinging your arm a little tighter around her frame.

"Mmmmh, sowwy." She mumbles sadly, a splash of red shooting across her muzzle.

"Hey don't sweat it. I know you didn't mean it." You say with a smile coming across your face.

"Now lets get that tummy of yours to quiet down."

Taking a few quick strides you make your way back to the counter where you made the salad

and, being careful, deposit the indigo pony down next to it, her eyes never breaking contact

with the bowl as you do. Then, as your hands leave her frame, she pops to her hooves and

stares intently at the bowl and its lush colors that lay inch's from her blue nose. Then very

slowly she inched closer, a few of the leave brushing up against her lips but still she only

stares intently at the salad. Several minutes pass by and a sense of bewilderment is

beginning to make itself evident as she continues to stare fiercely at the vegetables that

lay in the bowl.

"Ummm you going to eat that?" You ask, a little confused at the sight before you.

"........It has to bwink first." She whispers, pulling away from the lush vegetables.

"Umm what?"

"Shhhhhhh. It doesn't see me." She whispers again, crouching down so her nose was

below the rim of the bowl.

You can't help but let out a sigh, you heard of playing with your food but this was a little

far. Your on the verge of face palming when a idea snaps to mind. Feeling a little silly

you take hold of the bowl and spin it around so two pieces of carrot are staring at the filly.

"You know if you ask nicely I'll let you eat me." You say in a childish voice, twisting the bowl

a little to the right and left. "Your scaring me when you crouch down to pounce at me."

"Oh, well I'm sowwy Mr, Salad. I didn't mean to do that."

"All is forgive little one. By the way what's your name since you seem to know mine?"

"Wuna, Mr Salad!"

"Well a pleasure to meet you Luna." The bowl said, bowing forward.

"Pweasure to meet you too, but I has a question."

"And what would that be little miss Luna?"

"Can I eat you?"

"Ha ha ha." The bowl chuckles. "Well since I was crafted just for you, I would have to

say yes."

"Thank you Mr Salad!" Luna gleefully exclaims.

"So now are you going to eat?" You ask, pulling your hands away from the bowl.

"Mmm huh." She nodes happily. "Now that I know Mr salad doesn't mind."

"Good, now eat up because I still have to make your bed for the night." You say, as you

slide the bowl to her side.

"Ok!" Luna gleefully shouts again, as she plops down onto her flake and takes hold of

the bowl with her front hooves and proceeds to bury her face in the salad.

You can't help it and you try not to but soon a light chuckle fills the room. This, hands

down, had to be the oddest thing you've ever seen. Bits and pieces of her food were

flying everywhere and the shear ferociousness of the noises she making is giving you

the impression that she was in that alley for a long period time of before you showed up.

But eventually her sounds of her salad devouring die away as she lowers the now empty

bowl from her muzzle.

"You done?" You question, as she sets the bowl down in front of her.

"Mm huh."

"Well may I have your dish Luna so I can wash it?"

"Ok but make sure Mr salads home gets realwy clean." She says quickly, picking back up

her bowl. "He doesn't wike it when it's dirty."

"Oh, well then I take extra care to make sure it is." You smile, lifting the bowl from her out

stretched hooves, and making your way over to your kitchen's sink.

A Soft Blanket

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After a few quick steps you find yourself in front of your kitchens sink and with a few quick

twist, after depositing the bowl within it's gray stone body, you open the taps so semi hot

water pours from the polished brass faucet, steam rising as the sink fills slightly. Grabbing

the bottle of dish soap with a free hand you give the ever damping sponge that lay at the

bottom of your sink with a fair and even coating of dish soap. But as you go to pull the

sponge from your sink to work in the soap a little nudge against your left arm catch's your


"Can I's help clean Mr, Salads home?" Luna asks softly, her hoof pointing towards the bowl.

"Well........ ok, since you ask nicely I guess you can help." You sigh, picking up the yellow

oval from the bottom of the sink. "Would you like me to make the sponge nice and soapy

for you?"

"Yes pwease. Make the scwub scwub bubbly." Luna exclaimed with soft shout.

You can't help but wear a grin on your face as you worked the soap into the sponge to make

the suds you needed to clean with. It was a simple task, just involving moving your fingers

back and forth along the sponge, but as simple as this task was all the while Luna sat in great

anticipation, bouncing up and down slightly as she watched. After several seconds of kneading

the soap into the sponge you decide the sponge is sufficiently lathered. You withdraw the suddys

yellow oval from the depths of its soapstone home and gently deposit it into Luna's tiny hooves,

her eye's brimming with excitement as you do.

"Now are you ready to clean Mr, Salads home?"

"Mmmh huh." Luna nods excitedly.

"I'll hold the bowl for you so you can get Mr, Salads home nice and clean ok."

Luna gives another nod and, in a quick shuffle, scoots to the edge of the sink, sponge held

tightly in her hooves.

"Prepare your self gwime, Wuna has come to dispel you." Luna shouts, as she push's the

sponge into the bowl, a playful grin painted upon her muzzle.

Her first swipe is swift and short, wiping away small bits of carrot as she pulled the sponge

across the inside of the bowl. In quick succession she repeated this movement several time,

adding a spin or a shake to the movement of the sponge along its path.

"You enjoying yourself there Luna?" You ask, as she moved to clean the outside of the bowl,

satisfied with the interior.

"Yup..... but."


"Could you move"

"Thumb Luna. It's called a thumb."

"Ooooh. Can you move your thumb pwease? I have to cwean that spot."

"Oh of course Luna." You chuckle, moving your digit out of the scrubbing filly's way.

"Thank you....and dones." Luna sigh's happily as she runs the sponge over the space where

your thumb currently held, nodding in approval at her own hoof work.

"Looks good to me Luna." You nod, giving the bowl a rinse then placing it into the plastic

drying rack that sat in the other side of your sink. "Now I can go set up your bed." You say

pulling a towel from a nearby drawer.

Then as if on cue, while you were drying your hands, a yawn escaped Luna's mouth, her

eyes tiredly fluttering for a moment.

"And looks like not a moment to soon."

"But I'm not tired."

"Oh really. your not in the least bit?"

"Well maybe just a wittle." Luna mumbled as a another yawn escaped her muzzle.

"Come on let's get you ready for bed." You sigh, lifting Luna up from the counter and once

again placing her upon your hip.

Quickly you make your way back to your kitchens entrance, finding the previously open

western style swinging doors now firmly shut. Finding your foot a easier option, with a

slight kick, you push your kitchens doors open, leaving a slight scuff on the navy blue

frames as you quickly step through.

"Now where, oh where should Luna's bed go." You halfway hum as you step into your

homes den, now looking for a good place for a yawning pony's bed.

"Can it be on the big blue mountain?" Luna asks softly, as a yawn echos from her indigo


"Ummm what's big blue mountain?"

"Wook to your wight."

"Oh the couch."

"Yes, big blue mountain."

"Ok so where would Luna like her bed to be on the big blue mountain?" You ask with a

sigh, taking a couple of quick steps toward your royal blue sofa.

"At the summit."

"Ha ha ha oh all right then, at the summit it is." You chuckle, lifting Luna from your hip and

polping her down onto the plush blue cushions of your sofa. "You just wait here and I'll go

get you some supplies for your base camp."

"Mmmh, I'll hold outpost Wuna till you return." Luna nodded affirmatively.

"Watch for bumbles."

"Ok........wait what's a bumble?" She questioned as you strode quickly away from 'big blue

mountain' and back into the hall where your blankets still laid scattered upon the floor.

"Well think of a big, white furred creature with big sharp teeth and claws."


"And they live a the summits of big snowy mountains." You grunt, as you lift the cumbersome

pile of blankets from your hallways floor.

"Oh.....ummm are any of those on big blue mountain?"

"Well I don't know. I never went looking for them."

Luna was shaking lightly as you waddled back into the room, the heavy pile of blankets making

it awkward to walk at any decent speed or manner but still you managed to make your way back

across the room, arriving back in front of the big blue mountain. You hadn't really meant to scare

her but as you went to set down the mass of blankets you saw what damage you'd done.

"Hey don't worry I won't those bumbles get you." You sigh, placing a hand lightly on her trembling

head. "I'll even sit outside your camp and stand guard."

"You will?"

"Of course, now come on lets set up this base camp."

The next several minutes where spent, quite happily, constructing as Luna put it outpost Wuna.

Which involved several blankets, a few strands of Christmas lights, a chair, some pvc pipe from

your garage, and three cushions. Two were used to make up the main wall of said outpost and

the third, which had come from your recliner, was being placed to help hold up the pvc which

made up the roof of the fort.

"Ok this walls secure Luna. No bumbles will be getting through here." You sigh contently, as you

patted the cushion to make sure the wall was holding. "Need any help on your end Luna?"

"Murph murh."

"What was that Luna?" You ask, as you make your way around to what seems to be the front

of Luna's couch fort. "I can't hear you when your inside silly."

"Sowwy." Luna mumbles as she pokes her head out what you can only assume is the forts

doorway. "Umm, no evewy things a go."

"Well that's good and I think we made pretty good time it being only eight-thirty.

"Now what?"

"Well for starters you should get set up in there so you can get some shut eye."

"Ok, but can you turn the lights on? I what to see them go bwinky bwink."

"Well ok,since it might get dark in there I guess, hold on though I'll have to move a few things


"Like what?" Luna asks as you make your way to the forts main wall.

"Well mostly my SNes and my PlayStation."

"SNes? PwayStation?"

"Ok you see those two gray box's by that big black one?"


"Well the one with the two purple rectangles is the Super Nintendo and the one next to it

with the fan is the PlayStation." You reply, as you take the end of a green cord and start

paying out slack.

"What do they do?"

"Well if you give me a few seconds I'll show you."


With a sufficient amount of cord in your hand, you make your way over to a table that sat at the

other end of the room, game stations along with your TV perched atop it. It was difficult at first,

on account of all the PlayStation games being stacked twenty high and being pretty much stacked

right in your way, you still managed to find some room to run the chord to the outlet, it clicking

slightly as it contacted the outlet protector plate.

"Oooooh pwetty." Luna cooed as light twinkled from within her fort.

"Like the lights huh?"

"Uh huh."

"Well then let me show you what these box's do." You say as you fiddle with the PlayStation's

open game tray, making sure the disk was secure.

With a quick flick of your systems game tray it closed, it making a satisfying ca-chunk noise as it

did, the systems power button doing the same as you moved your finger from the PlayStation to

the TV also pushing on its own power button. Then grabbing controller you made your why back

pass fort Wuna and took a seat on the one of the still open cushions of your sofa, the screen of

your television crackling to life just as the words Whoopee Camp bounced across it. Then the

music kicked on followed shortly by a camera panning shot a top a grassy hill where a pink haired

boy came charging up and to proceeded to sniff the air as if in search of something. Then raising

his arm, following his nose, his outstretched index finger fell upon a dark brown boar which

proceeded to squeal in fear as the two took off in a dash, the pink haired boy taking several lunges

during the course of the chase only to miss several time then to miss again but this time to bite

down into a rock to only have his canines to crumble.

"Why'd he do that?" Luna asked, a little dumbfounded at what she was watching.

"He's trying to catch the pig."

"So he bit a wock?"

"No he did that cause he thought he had the boar and missed."

"Oh. Well why doesn't he ask the boaw to stop?"

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't speak boar."

Then the opening came to a end as more words bounced down from the screen. With a quick move

of your thumb you moved the little flashing arrow, with the aid of a few quick taps on the direction

button, down to the start icon.

"And away we go." You half shout, clicking the X button as a glint of light filled the room and new

music started to play as the pink haired boy came into view again.

Several minutes ticked by and slowly you fell into your grove and with in a few minutes you where

jumping over a house when a nudge at your side made you jump a little.

"Yes Luna?" You ask, pausing the game so you could give her your full attention.

"Umm do you think you could pway this again tomorrow?" Luna asked, her eyes fluttering heavily

as she began to drift off to sleep.

"Of course and if you'd like I could teach you to play too if you want."

"I would wike that." Luna yawned, resting her head on your outstretched leg.

"Good night Luna." You say softly as she began to drift off to sleep.

"Good night daddy." She say's with a final yawn, as sleep took hold of her and a smile feel across

your face.

"Oh Luna I never would of thought my day would have turned out like this. My only hope is that

tomorrows even better." You sighed, clicking off the paused screen and, being very quiet, went

back to playing your game, your smile never fading as you played through the night, thinking

how the day all started and how you met this wonderful filly laying in the snow.


*Saturday Morning

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The air was crisp and cold as the days first light began to struggle to make itself known

through the thick gray clouds that still covered the sky from the storm from the night

before. A thick blanket of snow coated every surface that lay outdoors, the light glinting

off some of the flakes as the suns light, even though very dim, began to peek over the

horizon. But you took no notice of this as you awoke from your slumber on the two still

open cushions of your royal blue couch. It must have been around midnight when you

called it quits and, after winding up the cord on your controller, you had quickly fallen

to sleep. But now as the dim sun began to peek through the blinds that covered the

far wall of your den, a problem had made itself known.

"This might be a problem." You mumble as you wipe some of the sleep from your tired

eye. "I wonder how I'm going to get up without disturbing this little filly." You say with a

soft sigh.

It appeared at some point during the night, while you slept, Luna had woken up and, for

one reason or another, had crawled onto your chest an had fallen back under the spell

of slumber, her head now resting lightly under your chin as your mind came to full attention

in the really morning light.

"I could just try to slide from out under her." You think to yourself. "But in the position

I'm in I don't think I would get very far before I woke her up." You sighed, Luna shuffling

a little as you exhaled.

"Mmmmm no more salwad pwease. My tummy's full." She mumbles softly.

Then as she let out a sigh a idea popped into your head. "Well that's a bummer because

I have all these yummy pancakes and no one to eat them." You whisper temptingly into

one of her indigo ears. "But now that you said that I guess I'll have to find somebody else

to eat them"

"Well I guess a few more bites wouldn't *yawn* hurt." Luna sleepily sighed.

"Are you sure? I could just get to someone else to eat these warm, fluffy, buttery,

maple syrup drizzled, pancakes I made." You tease to her.

Slowly Luna began to stir, a strand of drool dangling from her muzzle, as she raised her

head sleepily so she could look up at you, another yawn escaping from her muzzle as

she did.

"Good morning Luna." You smile.

*Yawn* Morwing."

"Did you sleep well?" You ask, brushing a few strands of her periwinkle mane out of her


"Yep, outpost Wuna's walls kept me warm during the harsh bwizzard wast night." She

mumbles softly.

"Well that's good and I'm happy to report that not a single bumble was spotted last night ."

"That's good." Luna yawned, rubbing a hoof against one of her eye's. "They sound scarwy."

"Yeah they kind of are but their not all that bad. They just need their teeth pulled."

"Weally?" Luna asks sleepily. "That wakes them nice?"

"Well yeah, at least that's what I hear but enough talk about bumbles how about I make

you some breakfast?"

"I would wike that." Luna smiled, as you pulled yourself up and placing a hand on her

back so she wouldn't slide.

"What would you like me to make you?"

"Mmmmm wet me think." Luna said as she placed a hoof to her lower lip, pondering the

answer to your question.

Seconds pass then minutes all the while Luna ponders, humming slightly as she does.

Eventually you get tired of waiting and, with a quick shuffle, scoot yourself the rest of the

way up right and give the pondering Luna a hug.

"How about I rattle off some idea's and you can pick what sounds the best?" You ask the

little filly held tightly in your arms..

"Ok, my heads still sweepy any ways." Luna giggles.

"Well we'll just have to wake it up then." You smile, spinning slightly so you can swing

your legs over the edge of your couch.

Quickly you go to stand and raise from your couch but as one of your feet touch the

floor a surge of slight pain shots through your foot causing you to retract it hastily

from the frigid surface, it appears that maybe you didn't apply that weather seal to

your door after all.

"What's wrong daddy?" Luna questions, concern in her indigo eye's at your sudden jolt.

"Oh nothing the floors just a bit cold. Hmmm you up for a bit of mountain climbing Luna?

"Mountain cwimbin? What's that?" The little filly questions, as you slide your legs under

each other almost crossing them.

"It's what we do when we need to find another way off big blue mountain without touching

the floor."

With a huff and a push with some effort behind it, as the soft cushion collapsed under your

weight, you push yourself up so your backside was resting on the back rest of your couch.

Then with a quick turn, along with some footwork so you wouldn't tumble forward, you and

your fellow mountain climber stood a top of said 'big blue mountain' and now looked upon

a deep valley, a.k.a. the gap between your couch and a five by three pass through window,

which separated you and Luna from breakfast. But as soon as you place one of your feet

upon the back of the couch to make the short leap a light poke from Luna stops you.

"Um daddy?"

"Yes Luna."

"Can......can I's goes first? I want to make sure its safe before you cross." Luna asks softly

as she gaze's over the valley that lays before her then to you.

A sigh escapes you as your arms tighten around the little blue filly. "Thank you sweety but

I'll be going first."

"But what if there's bumbles or if you fall?"

"Oh I think I can handle a bumble or two." You grin as you lift her above your head. "But

how about this you can sit on my shoulders and be my lookout why I cross. That way you

can spot any dangers I don't see. Sound good to you?" You ask as you feel Luna's weight

running done your spine.

"Mmmmm ok daddy, but be's careful."

"I will and besides it's not that wide silly." You say as you move one foot and place it on the

edge of the window.

Carefully and slowly you lower yourself into a slight crouch, making sure that when you

pushed off you wouldn't slam your head into the adjacent wall, with Luna on your shoulders

falling wasn't an option. Slowly you draw in a breath and, after a quick adjustment of the

foot that still rested on the back of your couch, you push off the back of your couch and,

with a quick duck, you pass through the window and stop safely on the counter of your


"Now would you care for a waffle or two Luna or would you like me to make you something

else?" You ask as you plop down onto your backside and place Luna down next to you.

"Yes pwease.......Wait.....What's a waffle?"

"Ummm do you know what pancakes are?" You question, a little dumbfounded.

"" The blue filly sighs.

"Well it's kind of hard to describe them. I know how about I make you some of both for

you then. You smile patting Luna on her head. "Hey Luna did you bump your head on

something last night?"

"No daddy why?" Luna asks as you pull your hand back and look at her with concern.

"Well if you didn't how did you get that bump on your forehead?"

"Oh that's not bump, that's my horn."

"You have a horn?"

"Mmm huh." Luna says tilting her head allowing some of her mane to fall to the

side, revealing, as she put it, a small indigo horn. "See."


"And I have wings too."

"You do?" Well aren't you just full of surprise's." You chuckle giving her head another

pat. "How about you show me what you can do with them after we eat ok."

"Ok daddy." Luna beams as you set to work gathering the item you needed to give you

and Luna a delicious morning meal. "Can I's help?"

"Of course, now let's get started."

*Breakfest games

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With Luna's help it didn't take long to gather the necessary ingredients and before

you knew it you where busy mixing up a batch of pancake slash waffle batter.

"Ok Luna it looks like we're ready to pour, do you have the waffle press plugged in?"

"Waffle pwess is pwugged in daddy."

"Good, now Luna you what to do the honor of making the first waffle?"

"Yes pwease." Luna says bouncing on her flanks as you set the bowl down next

to her.

Then, to your surprise, a soft blue glow sparks from the small bump that was

Luna's horn and in awe, slash terror, you watch as a shimmering cloud like

tendril snaked away from Luna and wrapped around the bowl with a low hiss.

"Umm Luna what are you......doing."

"I'm wiftin the bowl."

"Well I can see that, but......ummm." Your words fall short as they collect in your

throat, unable to continue their journey to describe what your seeing, as the bowl

gracefully lifted from the counter and, with an almost lazy list, drifted to the side of

the waffle press.

"Can you open the waffle pwess daddy?"

"Umm sure Luna, but how are you doing that?" You ask as your jaw hangs agape.

There is a pause as a look of bewilderment befalls Luna's muzzle. She raises a

hoof but slowly with draws it.

"I weally don't know daddy." Luna pouts.

"Well I guess that make's two of us then." You sigh flipping the waffle press lid

open."How about we figure it out after we finish making these waffles, sound

fair to you?"

"Ok daddy." Luna smiled as the bowl lifted a little, then silently tilted downward

allowing semi pink batter to flow into the waffle shaped mold. "Is that good?"

Luna questioned, floating the bowl away from the press's side and placed it

back on the counter.

"Yeah, looks good to me."

"Now what?"

"Now we close the press, and wait for the waffles to cook." You reply, closing

the waffle press, a faint click sounding as the press's lock engaged. "So we'll

be waiting for a few minutes."

"Can we pway one of the game's daddy on the box's?"

"Of course we can Luna." You smile scooping up the little filly in your arms.

"But what game should we play?"

"Sometin fun!"

"Well that narrows it down." You laugh, stepping out of your kitchen and into

your den. "But I think I have just the game in mind for us to play."


"Ha ha, Well someone's excited."

"Of cwouse, it wook weally fun when you were pwayin."

"It was, but now the fun will be doubled and but I have to ask Luna, do you

like dragons?"

"Umm what kind of dwagon?"

"A little purple one."

"Oh, can he spit fire and fly?"

"Of course he can breath fire, but he's a little lacking on the flying bit." You

replying a mumble, as you knelt down in front of your TV, a hand coming

loose from the filly so you could sift through the stacks of video games.

"By the way Luna can you fly with your wings?"

".........No daddy I ...can't." Luna mumbles sadly.

"Oh, how about I teach you?"

"But you don't have wings daddy."

"True, but that won't stop me from helping you." You smile, giving Luna's left

ear a light scratch. "But with the weather right now It might be a bit difficult."

You sigh as you go back to your search.

"What game are you wooking for daddy?"

"Well I was looking for a game called Spyro but how about we play something

on the Snes instead?"

"Ok daddy. But what we going to play on that."

"Oh that's simple." You smile as your free hand descends into a small

shoebox that sat just below your Tv. "We're gonna play this game."

You reply as you pulled out a small, rectangular gray game cartridge.

"Donkey....kong...countwy? What's that?"

"Well let me set up the Snes and I'll show you Luna." You mumble as your

free hand quickly sets to work loading the cartridge into the system.

The cartridge smoothly slid into the game slot, which gave a hefty chunk

as it engaged the game reader that lay at the bottom of the system. Then

after a quick wiggle, as to see if the game cartridge was properly seated,

you moved onto unwinding the controllers and, once they were loose and

the console was turned on, handed one to Luna, who, with a expression of

slight confusion, gazed at the strange, object that now rested in her hooves

as you made your way back to your couch.

"What is it daddy?" Luna questioned as she gazed at the, gray, rounded

ended rectangle.

"That's a controller Luna, remember, you watched me use one to play that

game last night."

"Oh, umm you did this wight?" Luna questioned as she pressed one of the

buttons with her free hoof. "Wike that?"

"Yep just like that." You smile as you patted her head.

Luna grew quiet after this, which, at first, caused a sense of worry to quickly

fill your chest. But, quickly, the feeling dissolved as Luna began to laugh and

point at your tv screen as the sound of synthesized guitar riff started to play.

You had watched this opening perhaps a hundred times, yet it still brought a

smile to your face every time. You had missed most of the entrance but what

you did see made a smile come across your face. Tree's filled the background

and made up what appeared to be a jungle stage which a large brown figure

was dancing, his big black boombox pumping out the opening theme to the

game. But as his dancing continued another figure appeared just bellow the

stage, a large barrel held high above his head, fuse sparking with life. Then

with a mighty heave the wizened figure hurled the TNT barrel up onto the stage

and, after a mild freak out by the larger figure, the barrel detonated, destroying

the boombox along with the stage as the scene faded and main menu took its


"Ok Luna let just set this up for two player real quick and we we'll be ready to go."

"Ok daddy, but can I be the wittle one?"

"Well I don't know, Diddy is my favorite."


"Oh.....all right." You chuckled as the screen shifted once more and a new scene

came into view and, after another quick explosion, you and Luna came into view.

"Yay! I'm Diddy!" Luna shouted with glee. "But how do I move?"

"Use the D-pad."

"The what?"

"You see the plus sign on the left end of the controller?"


"That lets you move, you can jump with the B button and the Y button lets you

roll, run, pick up barrels, and climb vines." You explain to Luna, pointing at each

surface as you mention them.

"B for jumpy, plus thingy for moving, and Y for's evewthing else?"

"Yep that's the jest of it."

"But what about the..... Sewect and start button?"

"Well we won't be using the select button and the start button just stops the

game." You mumbled as the game play got underway.

A few minutes in and, after few moments of milling about so Luna could get use

to the controls, you found that Luna, even though lacking fingers and, to your

knowledge, any previous gaming experience, was doing pretty good for her first

time as you to went on to complete the first level and moved onto two, then to

level three with only one causality on the process due to the little filly holding an

explosive barrel for a little too long.

"Am I doing good daddy?" Luna asked as diddy came down hard from a jump,

sending a crocodile tumbling off screen.

"Well there's room for improvement." You quickly mumble as other level came to

a close. "But for your first time, Your almost an expert."


"But we're going to have to pause the game in a little bit though."

"Wha! Why?"

"Um your waffles will burn if we don't silly."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Luna mumbled as red bathed her indigo muzzle as you

held back a sigh.

"Hey with as cute as you are I think your allowed to forget some little things."

You smile giving Luna's mane a pat as a new stage came into focus on your

Tv and a faint ding echoed in your ear.