Hanging by a Stem

by The Dark Ghost

First published

Applejack. She is considered to be the most level headed pony. But this is a lie.

Unicorns have always considered themselves to be superior to Earth Ponies. They are much better at their jobs, they can preform magic, and are overall smarter than Earth ponies. But there's no HATE between Unicorns and Earth Ponies, right?
And that HATE would never cause a pony to kill another pony, right? Especially if those ponies are best friends...

(warning may be offensive to some viewers)

Hanging by a Stem

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Hanging by a Stem

It was a beautiful autumn day in Equestria. The green leaves had long turned turn to their yellow and orange colors and there was a chill in the air. It was a perfect day for apple bucking.

Applejack had invited Twilight and Rarity to come down to Sweet Apple Aces; even though both were busy, it would be rude to reject the invitation. So the two Unicorns came down to Sweet Apple Aces and had a wonderful time bucking apples, although truth be told they mostly used their unicorn magic to gather the apples, rather than actually bucking the trees. At last they were ready to go home. Twilight was just finishing packing the remainder of the apples into her saddlebag. As she packed the apples, she listened in of Applejack and Rarity’s conversation.

“My my, Applejack this year’s harvest had the most juicy, tender, and dare I say it, fabulous apples yet.” Declared Rarity taking a big bite out of an apple.

“Ah shucks Rarity, it ain’t us ponies that does all the work, it’s the trees.” Said Applejack who was tying up a barrel of apples so that she could lift it into the loft of the barn using a rope and a pulley.

“Still though it must be a lot of hard work to harvest so many apples without magic.”

“Well that there is what we Earth Ponies do best. Hard work is our middle name.” Applejack pulled on the rope making the barrel rise into the air.

“But still, think of how much easier it would be if you could use magic like us.” Said Rarity. “Why you could probably finish the whole field in a day.”

“Yep it certainly would be easier.” Said Applejack, her teeth biting down on the rope and pulling the apples up into the upper part of the barn.

Twilight finished packing the apples.

“Come on Rarity, it’s time to get going.” Said Twilight. “Thank you Applejack for all the delicious apples.”

“No problem Twi, just doin my job. You girls have a safe journey back to Ponyville.”

“Why wouldn’t it be safe?” Asked Twilight.

“Ah, ya never know, there’s been some strange ponies around as of late.” Said Applejack.

Strange ponies like who?” Asked Twilight.

“Ah, nopony I’m just worried over nothin is all.”

“Applejack your such a silly pony.” Said Rarity

“Yep, I sure am.” She said quietly.

“See you next time.”

“See ya.”

The two Unicorns set out on their way back to Ponyville. It was beginning to get dark and there was a slight chill in the air although the wind was unusually still. They settled into a slow trot weighed down by their cargo of apples. Rarity gabbed endlessly with Twilight occasionally adding a small comment, but her mind was in another place. Why had Applejack said to be careful and what had she meant by strange ponies? Finally she decided to say something about it.

“Is it just me or did it seem like Applejack was acting…strangely?” Questioned Twilight.

“Oh she’s just being Applejack, worrying over nothing. Earth Ponies tend to worry about such silly things.”

“What do you mean?” Asked Twilight. An uncomfortable look came across Rarity’s face.

“Well you know…Earth Ponies don’t tend to…I don’t know…be the brightest.” Said Rarity.

Twilight was appalled.

“Rarity you can’t say stuff like that! It’s it’s…”

“But it’s true!” Said Rarity. “Why do think that they do stuff like work in bakeries or on the farms? They can’t handle complex things like dress making or whatever it is that you do.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was implying.

“Rarity you know the only reason why they can’t do things like that is because they can’t use magic. It’s not their fault for them to be born without horns.”

“No, no I guess your right Twilight.” Admitted Rarity. “That was rude of me.”

The two kept walking in silence. Except for the sound of their hooves crushing the leaves. No, wait. That wasn’t the only sound. There was also the sound of hoof steps behind them.

Twilight turned her head to see in the distance a group of ponies wearing white hoods, about six or eight of them. A chill went up her spine. They looked…well…evil…

No she shouldn’t judge them based off their appetence. She had to remember when she first saw Zecora. Zecora wore a hood too and she turned out to be really nice pony. Still these ponies made her feel…uncomfortable.

The ponies were gaining on them now. Their faces were completely covered in their white hoods covered their whole face and were round on the top. Twilight was getting a unsettled feeling in her stomach Twilight thought about saying something to Rarity. But she still thought she was probably overeating,

It turned out to be a fatal mistake.

The ponies were only a few steps behind the two Unicorns now.

So close that they could here them breathing.

It was at this point that Rarity noticed them.

She turned around and marched right up to those hooded ponies. Full of her trademark confidence.

“Those outfits are simply retched darling, where in the name of Celestia did get such unstylish gar—“

It was then that Rarity recognized the outfits.

“Oh God. You’re from the CCC! Twilight run! Run!”

“The who!” Asked Twilight.

Rarity didn’t answer instead she tried to run for it, but before she got ten feet she was grabbed by the ponies, she tried to use magic, but one of the hooded ponies flicked her horn.

“Twilight Run! Run for—” One of the hooded ponies put a bag over her head drowning out what ever else she wanted to say.

Twilight ran for it.

Twilight galloped off the path and across the field. She wasn’t much of a runner and the hooded ponies were rapidly gaining on her. She saw up ahead a field of corn. If she could just get in there she would be able to escape. The hooded ponies were right behind her, and she wasn’t close enough to the cornfield to escape. Just when they were about to catch her Twilight focused and cast her teleportation spell teleporting her into the cornfield. When the white robed ponies got to the field their long outfits got caught on the cornstalks and they had difficulty following them. She had escaped. But now she was stuck in a cornfield.

She took a few seconds to catch her breath and think. Questions floated around in her mind. Who were these hooded ponies and why were they after her and Rarity? They hadn’t done anything to upset them had they? Was Rarity ok? All these questions buzzed around in Twilights head like a handful of horseflies. She tried to calm herself down. Rarity was probably fine. After all she had been kidnaped before. She probably had those hooded ponies doing all her work. Twilight giggled at the thought.

Now wasn’t the time for joking around though. She needed to rescue Rarity

Twilight peeked through the cornstalks to get a better look at the hooded ponies. It was almost as if they were wearing white bed sheets over their heads. It was as if they were wearing white ghost costumes. Whoever they were they meant business. She wouldn’t be able to rescue Rarity by herself. She would need help. She was still closest to Sweet Apple Aces. Big Mac and Applejack were two of the toughest ponies in Ponyville; with their help she was sure that together could take the white hooded ponies.

She carefully navigated the cornfield. Careful to avoid the clumsy hooded ponies, the lavender Unicorn made her way back to Sweet Apple Aces. At last she made it back to the farm. It was very dark by now. Celestia had long since set the sun, but it wasn’t dark. Luna’s beautiful eerie moon illuminated the darkness. Twilight spotted Applejack working on a knot on her lasso.

“Applejack! Applejack! Something terrible has happened!” At the sound of Twilight’s voice Applejack jumped in surprise. She immediately kicked the rope behind her. But Twilight didn’t notice this.

“H-howdy Twilight what are you doing back so soon?” Asked Applejack.

“Applejack something terrible has happened!"

"I beg yer pardon?"

Rarity has been kidnapped by some ponies wearing white hoods! What did she call them? Oh yeah the CCC.”

“The CCC?” Repeated Applejack

“Yes, They ambushed on the way back from apple bucking. I managed to get away, but they got Rarity. Please have you seen your brother around? We could use his help."

Applejack absorbed the information.

“Don’t worry Twi, go rest in the barn and I’ll go get some…help.”

“Ok sounds like a plan.” Said Twilight. She walked into the barn and settled down on the hey.

Everything would be alright. Together with Applejack and Big Mac they would go rescue Rarity and be all set. Twilight spent a total of five minutes. Just sitting around waiting for Applejack to come back with Big Mac. What was taking her so long? She tried to keep her mind off of what the CCC might do to Rarity. What did the CCC Stand for anyway? Cowardly Civil Chickens? Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound Applejack returning.

“Did you find Big Mac?” Asked Twilight.

“He’ll be right in.” Said Applejack.

Applejack walked right over to Twilight and put her hoof around Twilight to comfort her.

“I’m so sorry.” Said Applejack softy.

“About what?” Said Twilight.

“About this.”

“All clear!” Shouted Applejack. At Applejack’s signal the ponies with the white hoods busted into the farm.

“They’re here!” Yelled Twilight. She tried to teleport away, but Applejack moved her hoof up to Twilights horn preventing her from using any magic.

“Applejack? Why?” Gasped Twilight as she kicked and struggled to get away

Applejack said nothing.

Soon the hooded ponies were upon her they put their hooves over Twilights mouth to prevent her from screaming.

“I can’t believe it we actually caught the Princess’s student!”
Said one of the white hooded ponies. She sounded a lot like Bon-bon, but it couldn’t be her could it?

“It would have been a lot easier if you hadn’t lost her in he first place.” Said another pony.

“Tie up her legs Applejack, and cover her horn and gag her Big Macintosh.” Said another one of the hooded ponies.

“Yes Imperial Cludd.” Said Applejack tying up Twilights legs she could no longer walk.

“Eeyep.” Said Big Mac covering Twilight’s horn with duck tape and covering Twilight's mouth with it as well. Twilight could no longer yell for help or use magic.

“Get the bag.”

“Yes sir.” One of the hooded ponies produced a large bag and slipped Twilight inside.

It was completely dark inside of the sack. But Twilight could still hear what was going on outside.

“Excellent work Applejack. The clan will reward you for your services today.”

“I’m just doing my duty Imperial Cludd.” Said Applejack.

Hearing Applejacks voice filled Twilight with rage. How dare she do this to her. They were friends weren’t they? And last time Twilight checked, friends didn’t foalnap friends.

I think you have gone far above your duty Applejack.” Said the Imperial Cludd. “After all, you’re the one who volunteered to lure them away from town so that we could foalnap them. And it was you who called us in when they arrived at your barn. Who knows, we might consider promoting you to Vice Cludd."

So that’s how they knew that Twilight and Rarity were coming. Applejack was part of the CCC. Now there were only two questions left on Twilight's mind. Why had the CCC targeted her and Rarity? And what were they going to do with them now that they had them?

Twilight was carried for about a half hour in complete darkness. And then she started to hear the voices. The voices of many different ponies in a mob. It was impossible to tell how many of them there were. Twilight thought about trying to yell, but with the tape over her mouth it was unlikely that she would be heard. As she approached her she heard the sounds of boos.

“Down with the Unicorns!”

“Canterlot snob!”

“You’re getting what’s coming to ya!”

“Who’s an dumb Earth Pony now? Slime!”

The insults emotionally bruised Twilight not because they were bad, but because she knew some of the voices. Some of them she considered her friends.

At last the pony carrying her, who turned out to be Applejack, let her out of the bag, dropping Twilight face first onto some sort of wooden platform. Twilight was looking at an apple tree, one of the biggest ones in Applejack’s Orchard. A rope hung from one of the branches.

But for some reason Twilight didn’t seem to process this, instead she focused on one of the apples in the tree caught her attention. A rotten apple. One that should have been picked a long time ago. Rotted to core. Twilight could see a worm sticking out the side of it. The rest of the apples on the tree were also rotten too, but not as badly. Only one was still fresh a tiny green one.

Wait why was Twilight focusing on the apples? Shouldn’t she focus on her life or death situation? She turned her head to the left towards the apple tree. There was Rarity tied up and gaged just like Twilight. Unlike Twilight she seemed to have more bruises as if someone had beaten her. Twilight felt herself getting angry again. How dare they do that to her friend!

Twilight turned her head to the right and her eyes widened to see Hundreds of ponies dressed in the white robes. There must have been about a thousand of them. It looked like there was about a forth of Ponyville's adult population. It was like an army of ghost ponies. But this wasn’t nightmare night. This was crowd was angry. And the anger was directed at Twilight and Rarity. Twilight saw Applejack in the crowd wearing the white robes. Twilight tired to make eye contact with her, but she just looked away.

One of the hooded ponies stood up on the platform and called for silence. She then cleared her voice.

“I call this meeting of the Cu Clux Clan into order.” Said the hooded pony.

“All hail the Imperial Cludd.” Shouted the crowd.

“You may now remove my hood so that the ceremony may begin.” Said the Cludd. She removed her hood revealing her face. Twilight would have gasped if she hadn’t been gagged. The Mayor of Ponyville was the leader of the CCC. The rest of the ponies in the crowd. Also removed their hoods. And Twilight recognized most of them as ponies around. Some of them she didn’t know personally and some she did. However there was one thing they had in common…

They were all Earth Ponies.

The Mayor continued her speech.

“Thousands of years ago, before Equestia was founded, the three tribes of ponies, the Unicorns ponies, the Pegasus ponies, and the Earth Ponies all live separately and they were fine with it. Each tribe went about their separate business, completely independent from each other. But one day the lazy Unicorns that had once grown their own crops discovered that they could control the rising and setting of the sun. They held the Earth Ponies hostage saying that if they did not provide them with food they would no longer bring forth the sun. The Earth Ponies had no choice, but to grow the Unicorn’s food for them. As Chancellor Puddinghead said, “Unicorns are snobs, who do nothing all day and expected others to do the work for them.”

There was the sound of many ponies stomping their hoofs in approval.

“Yeah Unicorns are snobs!”

“Down with Unicorns and down with Celestia!”

Twilight recognized that bit from the Hearts Warming Eve story. Although their was no mention of the Unicorns holding the Earth Ponies hostage. Could that possibly be true?

“When we Earth Ponies founded Ponyville hundreds of years ago. We worked by the sweat of our brow and our sweat alone. There was no magic. Nor were there fancy electronic devices, from the unicorn scientists. No. We worked the fields proudly. But then one-day princess Celestia came to power. And at first she was a good leader, though perhaps a little bit of an idealist. But then one thousand years ago she decreed that the tribes be integrated into each other. She wanted to integrate the tribes. So that we could live in so called ‘harmony’.”

“Booooo down with Celestia!” Screamed somepony in the crowd.

“Her sister Luna tried to stand up to her, knowing well that mixing the tribes was a bad idea, but Celestia banished her sister to the moon.”

“Long live the Lunar republic!”

“Even today the Unicorns threaten out very way of lives. They take all the high-class jobs in town because they can do them much quicker with magic. While Earth Ponies are stuck doing all of the low paying jobs, such as working in the bakery or on the farm. And now they threaten to take that away from us. Remember when Flim and Flam came to Ponyville with their machine? Two Unicorns could do what the entire apple family and their friends could not. Their quality might be bad now, but just you wait. They will be back with an improved machine that runs the apples out of business. What then? The entire Apple Family family will jobless! Are we going to stand for this injustice?”


“Will we let them look down on us?”


“Will we let them take our jobs?”


“Alright then! Then let’s send the princess a message about what we think of her ‘integration’ policy!”


“Bring the first one out here.” Commanded the Mayor.

Applejack pulled Rarity up and stood her up at the front of the platform.

Applejack read the crimes this one has committed against Earth Ponies.

This here unicorn, Rarity, has been accused of putting the old local dressmaker out of business. Her magic gives her an unfair advantage when making dress. She is also accused of thinking that she is better than the common Earth Pony.

Rarity looked to Applejack her eyes begging her to stop this. Applejack ignored it and kept reading.

“She has referred to us as uncouth on many occasions. She sees herself as better than the common pony for this she will answer to the justice of the CCC.

She leaned down and removed the duck tape from Rarity’s mouth.

“You may say something in your defense before we pass our verdict.” Said Applejack without emotion.

“I never meant to offend anypony.” Said Rarity. “Or take anyponies job. I swear I didn’t mean to! If you like, you can let me go and I’ll head out of town and never come back. What do you say? Can you forgive me?”

“Well let’s hear the verdict.” Said Applejack.

“HANG HER!” Shouted one pony Twilight new worked a maid’s service.

“HANG HER TIL SHE’S DEAD!” Shouted another.

“HANG HER, HANG HER, HANG HER, HANG HER.” Chanted the crowd.

Twilight’s heart fell.

“You must now accept judgment.” Applejack said she took the rope that was hanging from the tree and began to move towards Rarity.

Twilight mind couldn’t take it anymore her mind trying to cope with the fact that Rarity was being hung by Applejack ran through all that I knew about accidental hanging from books she had read in her library.

A hanging may cause one or more of the following medical conditions:

• Close the carotid arteries

• Close the jugular veins

• Induce carotid reflex, which reduces heartbeat when the pressure in the carotid arteries is high, causing cardiac arrest

• Break the neck (cervical fracture) causing traumatic spinal cord injury

• Close the airway causing cerebral ischemia

• Decapitation

The cause of death in hanging depends on the conditions related to the event. When the body is released from a relatively high position, death is usually caused by severing the spinal cord between C1 and C2, which may be functional decapitation. High cervical fracture frequently occurs in judicial hangings, and in fact the C1-C2 fracture has been called the "Hangpony's fracture" in medicine, even when it occurs in other circumstances. Usually, accidental C1-C2 fracture victims do not immediately become unconscious; instead death occurs after some minutes, from asphyxia

“NO! You can’t do this to me! You’re all a bunch of filthy animals! Ruffians I say. Ruffians!

In the absence of fracture and dislocation, occlusion of blood vessels becomes the major cause of death. Obstruction of venous drainage of the brain via occlusion of the internal jugular veins leads to cerebral oedema and then cerebral ischemia. Other processes that have been suggested to contribute are vagal collapse (via mechanical stimulation of the carotid sinus), and compromise of the cerebral blood flow by obstruction of the carotid arteries, even though their obstruction requires far more force than the obstruction of jugular veins, since they are seated deeper and they contain blood in much higher pressure compared to the jugular veins. Only 31 newtons (7 lbf or 3.2 kgf) of pressure may be enough to constrict the carotid arteries to the point of rapid unconsciousness (this varies from individual to individual).

Applejack was fixing the rope was fixed around Rarity’s neck now.

“Please Applejack we’re Friends right? You don’t have to do this. Please Applejack please. Please.”

Applejack just looked at her sadly and continued the adjust the knot.

Where death has been caused by blocking the veins, the face will typically have become engorged and cyanotic (turned blue through lack of oxygen). There will be the classic sign of strangulation - petechiae - little blood marks on the face and in the eyes from burst blood capillaries. The tongue may protrude. Where death has occurred through carotid artery obstruction or cervical fracture, the face will typically be pale in color and not show petechiae. There exist many reports and pictures of actual short drop hangings, which seem to show that the person died quickly and fairly peacefully, while others indicate a slow and agonizing death by strangulation.

Applejack went over to the lever that when released would cause Rarity to plummet to the ground if she wasn’t attached to a rope. But because she was attached to a rope she would never make it to the ground.

Rarity was sobbing now. A final word came to her lips. “Sweetie Belle.”

Applejack stopped for a second and looked Rarity in the eyes.

A mad smile came to her face.

“Don’t worry we’ll get to her latter.” And then she pulled the lever.

Twilight didn’t look. She closed her eyes, but she could hear the sound of the Clan members rejoicing.

“That will show Celestia!”

“Serves her right!”

“Yeah, serves her right.”

Twilights mind had shut down. She didn’t know what to think anymore. She had just seen one that she thought was her friend kill another one of her friends. It was like a nightmare.

A few minutes passed. In which Twilight could her the sound of a rope swinging back and forth until it eventfully stopped

“Bring up the next one.” Said the Mayor. Twilight felt herself dragged to her feet and brought to the front of the platform. She looked up and saw Rarity’s corpse hanging there, just swaying back in forth in the wind like a child on a swing set. She thought she saw one of her legs twitch. But it wasn’t Rarity’s body that captured Twilights attention it was that darned rotten apple again.

It was looking even more rotten before. Even the worm that had been living inside it had died. White mold had begun to spread across the apple causing it to look like a fuzzy ball suspended in the air.

Applejack read the charges.

“Twilight Sparkle is guilty of being the personal student of Princess Celestia. Than she does nothing, but study all day. She expects everyone to be as smart as she is. And worst of all she’s a Canterlot snob. Twilight Sparkle how do you plead?” Asked Applejack.

Twilight looked into the eyes of the CCC ponies. Their eyes burned with hate. Twilight knew that what ever she said it wouldn’t save her. So she did what Twilight did best. She lectured them.

“You all should be ashamed of yourself. Holding grudges from so long ago. Everypony knows that love is the only thing that can allow us to live in harmony. But mostly I’m disappointed in you Applejack you’re supposed to be the element of honestly and yet you lied to us. You killed Rarity and you’re going to kill me you're…you’re not my friend anymore.”

The crowd booed Twilight.


“Yeah hang the Princess’s’ student send her a message!” Shouted another.

“Let it be so.” said Applejack showing no sign that Twilight's words had reached her. She went to tie up Twilights neck to a new rope.

Twilight’s life rolled like an old film before her eyes. From her first memories of walking up the stairs in her house. To her days at magic kindergarten casting simple spells. She also had many fond memories playing with her big brother Shining Armor.

She wondered how long it would take him to find out that she was dead. Not long, she decided, after all this was a terrorist group and they would leave her body somewhere they would be easily found.

Twilight’s memory film continued to roll.

Her life in Canterlot wasn’t that interesting, just her burying herself in her books. But everything had changed when Twilight came to Ponyville. Five best friends that she shared the happiest and craziest years of her life. She wouldn’t take a single second back. Even though her five friends had decreased to three still alive. Unless, Oh Celestia what if Pinkie was in the crowd then she would only have two friends left.

Twilight scanned the angry crowd for Pinkie Pie, but had no luck. And then she remembered that Pinkie Pie had other plans today so it was impossible. When Twilight had asked Rainbow Dash to come apple bucking with them she had told them that she’d love too but she was meeting up at sugar cube corner to do…something. She couldn’t remember exactly what it was they were going to do at sugar cube corner, but as long as she wasn’t here it didn’t matter.

Twilight looked at the progress Applejack was still adjusting the noose around Twilight’s neck. Why was it taking so long? Couldn’t they just get it over with the wait was going to drive Twilight up the wall!

“Hey, Twilight.” Whispered Applejack so quietly that Twilight wasn’t sure heard her.

“I’m so sorry Twi, I’m so so sorry.”

What did she expect Twilight to accept her apology just because she said ‘I'm sorry I'm killing you and Rarity?' Twilight decided to give her the silent treatment.

“I don’t got no other choice Twi. The Apple family has been part of the Clan for generations. When I heard they were going after you and Rarity they wanted me to help. I said no at first told them I’d quit the Clan there and then, but then they implied that if I didn’t corporate, somthin would happen to Applebloom and I can’t let that happen.”

“Yeah, you seemed real regretful of that when you threatened Rarity’s sister.” Said Twilight full of sarcasm. “I saw you smile.”

“I have to keep my appearance in the Clan.”

“Tell me one thing then. Was Rarity the first pony you hung or have there been others?”

Applejack was silent.

“I thought so, you could’ve quit doing this at any time and yet you didn’t. I’m disgusted at you.” Said Twilight.

“Hey get on with it!” Yelled one of the bloodthirsty ponies in the crowd.”

“What’s taking so long?”

“Yeah get on with it.”

Applejack went over to the lever…

But she was interrupted by the sound of a siren.

Suddenly there was the wail of a fire siren going off filling the air. It wasn’t a police. However most of the clan ponies could not tell the difference.

“It’s the police! Everypony run!” Said one.

This started a panic among the hooded ponies. They scrambled to get away, some of them tripped over each other in their attempts to escape from the cops they left Twilight alone and tied to the apple tree. The alarm was getting closer and closer to Twilight. A small pony wearing a white hockey mask and carrying a siren. She was neither a police officer nor firefighter. It was just a little kid.

“Hey, who are you?” Asked Twilight.

The masked pony removed her facemask revealing a yellow filly with a red bow.

“It’s me, Applebloom.” Said the masked pony.

“Applebloom?…but…why are you helping me?

“Not everypony agrees with the Clan. Some of my best friends are Unicorns and I would never ever want anything bad to happen to them.

This made Twilight smile. Perhaps there was hope for the world yet.

“Come on let’s get this here rope off ya.” Said Applebloom. She started to untie the rope around Twilights neck. And then she stopped.

“You have to promise me that you won’t tell on Applejack.”

Twilight was quite.

“Please, I know she’s been doing bad things. But she’s still my sis. You can’t tell on her Twilight.”

Twilight has hesitant to respond. She didn’t want to make a promise that she couldn’t keep, but she knew that she would have to tell the police ponies everything.

“Of course won’t tell a soul.”

“Ya Pinkie promise?”

“Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight would have done the motions but she was still tied up.

Satisfied with her answer Applebloom finished untying Twilight.

“Come on Twilight, we gotta get out of here. Before they figure out that it wasn’t. A police siren and actually just a—”

Just then there was a loud bang. Twilight looked around for the source of the noise. The only fresh apple on the apple tree fell to the ground.

“Hey Applebloom what was—” Twilight stopped when she saw that Appleboom had collapsed on the ground.

“A-applebloom?” Said Twilight.

“Heehaw! That will teach ya to mess with the Clan!” Said a familiar voice. Applejack had returned with an object that Twilight had only seen in books. An object designed for one thing in one thing only, killing ponies. Applejack had a rifle.

Applejack walked down to Twilight. Not realizing who she had just shot.

“Hey Twi.” She said. Can you believe the nerve of this pony? She thought that she could fool me with her, ‘fake police pony’ siren. Only an idiot would fall for something like that. Can you believe the nerve of her?”

Twilight looked at her former friend.

“Applejack…do you have any idea what you just did?” Said Twilight.

“Yeah I shot down an enemy of the clan.”

“Look closer.” Said Twilight.

She looked down at Applebloom’s tiny filly body. At first there was no expression on her face and than a look of horror came over her.

“A-applebloom?" She said softly. "Applebloom is that you? Applebloom speak to me!”

Twilight could only watch the Earth Pony began to sob over her sister’s corpse.

“Applebloom no! WHY! You’re my only sis! Stop playing around and open you’re eyes!” She went into a steam of sobs.

“Look at what your hatred has done.” Said Twilight.

Just than that rotten apple, the one that was covered with the white mold, dropped from the apple tree and smashed into ground. Smooshing into a mushy mess. And Applejack’s sanity left her.

“You.” Said Applejack rising from her fallen sister. “This is all YOUR fault! YOU AND YOUR KIND! You always make Earth Ponies to do your dirty work. You had her under some kind of spell. DIDN’T YOU! Well I’m not going to stand for it!” Any drop of sanity that Applejack may have possessed was gone now. All that remained was her hate.

“I’LL KILL YOU!” She pointed the rifle at Twilight and pulled the trigger. A bullet ripped though Twilight’s calf muscle, causing more pain than she had ever experienced in her life.

Twilight tried to limp away from Applejack. But to no avail. Applejack, who had run out of bullets, jumped on her beating her with the gun madly, bruising and breaking bones. At first Twilight tried to throw her off, but soon due to broken bones she was to unable to resist Applejack who continued to beat her.

Finally breathing heavy Applejack stopped hitting her.

“Oh don’t start thinkin I’m done with you yet.” Said Applejack. She dragged Twilight back towards the hanging platform. She tied the noose around Twilights neck. Twilight tried to slowly crawl way, but Applejack kicked her sending a world of pain through her body causing Twilight to give up for good. Finally the rig was set up for her execution. Applejack moved over to the lever. And pulled it.

As Twilight fell she continued to draw breath, which her heart pumped from her lungs to her brain.

As she fell her hair continued to grow at a slow rate and her wounds were slowly healing in vain.

As she fell, her stomach continued to digest the apples that she had eaten at Sweet Apple Aces earlier that day. The nutrition from those apples would be absorbed though her intestines which worked to separate the waste products from the nutrients. The nutrients where also carried through the pumping bloodstream to the brain.

As she fellthe brain itself was busy registering the great pain her body was in as well as the emotional pain of being killed by somepony she thought was her friend. But mostly it longed for all of this to be over.

And so it was so. There was a tightening around her neck and the blood ceased to flow to her brain though her heat beat on, in a few minutes Twilight would be dead… she would never experience true love she would never have fowls like she wanted too. She would never do anything again.

But that wasn’t enough for Applejack she went up to the swinging pony and started to use her as a punching bag. She kicked her as hard as she possibly could sending Twilight swinging like a swing set. Again and again.

Even after ten minutes of this and Twilight was indeed dead, nothing more than a piece of raw meat on a string Applejack didn’t stop. She just kept kicking was used to be Twilights body like a punching bag.

After about thirty minutes of this Applejack finally stopped. She was breathing heavily. She looked at all that she had done and began to cry…

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a real important lesson about friendship. You should never go along with what the crowd wants you to do. Especially if it hurts your friends. Make your own decisions about what’s right and what’s wrong and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I learned this lesson the hard way.

One more thing.

Three little ponies hanging from a tree.

Who is the third?

Well it might be me.

Faithful and Strong,
