just my little pink pony

by mineturtle

First published

an almost normal guy finds pinkie pie locked in a box he decides to take care of her why not.

A normal guy who lives by himself finds young pinkie pie in a locked box that his neighbor dropped when he was moving. The guy eventually decides to raise the little filly, but the guy isn't much of a star roll model.

(this is my first fic so be all grammar nazi and harsh on this)

the find

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I live a happy life, dull most of the times, but happy anyways. I have never been a subject of ridicule by the general media mainly because I keep to myself, Like a ghost to the public I walk alone the beaten path which is my life. No one truly loved me, physically maybe but not mentally not with their heart, the only people who ever loved me where my family. They would always help me with my problems with all the power they had in their body, whether it small or big, but alas like every happy thing in my life they too have left, when my mother and father died my sister’s and I were devastated, mainly me because they were what kept me going but my sister’s just dealt with it and moved on.

I still live in my parents house now don’t think its a bad place, it maybe old but it ain’t too shabby. The house lays in a decent neighbourhood where people keep to themselves just how I like it. My sister told me not to wallow in the past they told me to be happy and live life to the fullest because life is a party, I tried to act happy but it never felt right not until my friend told me about “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. I have never seen such a happier place with my eyes, all the bright colors and and all the magic. I got hooked to the show faster then a drug addict can get hooked on crack.

Out of the main six my favorite was pinkie pie, she was always happy and ready to make new friends it always reminded me how I used to act when I was a child, I wanted to be like her I wanted to be happy like she was but I knew that would never happen. I was a broke down shell of a man who doesn't even have the courage to make his own life better. I worked at a decent job with alright pay and okay coworkers they would leave me alone when I told them too and they respected it. I walked down the street to my house like always but I felt that today something was going to happen I didn't know why but I did when I got home i saw that one of my neighbor’s was moving I said my goodbyes them and went back to my house and stayed looking out the window watching the only neighbor I talked to leave. When they left I saw that one of their boxes fell of the moving truck I decided to go get the box because, hey free stuff is free stuff. I noticed that the box had a lock when I brought back inside my house.

I wanted to know what was in the box badly I kept thinking about the possible things that could be in the locked box. I couldn't wait any longer I wanted what was in the box but I was too tired I decided to break the lock with a hammer and call it a night. When I got to bed I only slept for a few minutes till I started to hear crying, I got out of bed trying to find where the noise was coming from, it took me about two seconds to find where the noise was coming from, it was coming from the box that my neighbor dropped. The cry it self sounded like that of a small child, I thought that maybe in the box there was a child's toy making the noise boy was I wrong. What was in the box was what looked like a small pink horse,my mind went blank. I did not have time to think or say anything, instantly I remember reading the story my little dashie Written by ROBCakeran53 and how he raised his little pony, I thought to myself “have I finally went insane or am I drunk” I ended up just thinking both where the problem.

first of many new days

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I was too in shock to think logically, the only thing that came out of my mouth was “uh”.

I felt stupid, “really brain you have an interdimensional creature, pony, thing and all you could think of is uh”. after a few more minutes of my bickering on how stupid I was, I had not noticed that the little pink horse was still crying. I could not believe it the pink pony was non other than pinkie pie but something was off she did not look like her normal self, she looked less colorful but what got my attention was her hair, that’s what caught me off guard it was not its normal puffy curly hair like in the cartoon it was flat like in that one episode what was it called... oh yeah it was like in party of one.

I was just looking probably staring even, at the little pink pony with thoughts and questions coursing through my brain like “why is she here, why did my neighbor have pinkie locked in a box, why can’t I believe its not butter” the last thought made me jump back to reality and the reality is there is a small pony in my house and by small I mean smaller than the show depicts her. Pinkie look like she could be two or three years of old, the crying stopped and I was glad my reaction to having a small helpless animal in front of me no not just any animal it was a pony a pony from a cartoon for kids. I could not find a way to make sense of the whole scenario, I was too tired and too stressed to care anymore so I decided to sleep on the couch that was right next to me.

As I slept I dreamt that I had found my self my own pinkie pie and how I had to give up my life to raise it, well some of the life I still had any ways. I was awoken by the crying again and with that I realized it was not a dream. I got up to go tend to the crying filly, it felt like hours just trying to get her to stop crying and another few hours just trying to get her to eat. I eventually gave up trying to tend to her needs so I turned on the television to see if she would shut the hell up and what do yah know it worked, but I did not know what channel she was watching but as long she stayed quiet I was happy. I decided to take another nap before I had start working, luckily I am an architect so I can work at home so leaving pinkie alone was no problem, food on the other hand was going to be difficult the only fruit and vegetables I had where some carrotes and apples with a few rotten pears but I did not really care for the moment I was to damn tired.

I was going to lay my head down when I heard screams and a chainsaw noise come from the living room, I got up faster then a guy who ate ten viagra pills. I fell down the stairs trying to get down and check what the noise was, luckily I didnt break my neck but I did fuck up my arm though still hurts when I think about it but I did not care I wanted to know where that screaming was coming from. When I got to the living room all I saw was pinkie way to close to the tv watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I have completely forgot I left the dvd in last night and forgot to take it off I just hope pinkie didnt get any ideas from watching that movie.

I decided to make some consomé which is spicy soup with lamb Im glad my mom showed me how to cook If it wasnt for her I would be living of top romin and hot pockets. I of course took all the meat out of pinkies dish and all she had was the broth with some vegetables, I was dying from laughter when I saw her react to the spicyness of the soup but when she started to cry was when I decided not to give her anymore spicy food for a while.

When we where done eating I wanted to check pinkie out... no not like a pervert or anything but to check if she had all her stuff from the show. She did look like pinkie but her hair it was still flat and not all puffy It was when I realized she didnt have her cutie mark, I remembered that she got her mark and hair when rainbowdash did her sonic rainboom. I knew that the closest thing to that was a regular sonic boom and Im pretty sure pinkie would be more scared by the sound then by how it looks.

I tried talking to pinkie a few times but all she did was sigh, It made me feel bad knowing that she was probably sad or bored being here with me but I kept trying and trying to talk to her. The only time she talked to me was when she wanted to watch the tv I'd turn it on and get work on a few house designs but I would always get distracted by the constent screams of pain and sorrow from the movies she watched it started to freak me out a bit but I shrugged it off and let her do her things, I would occasionaly watch a few movies with her but I would always freak out when the blood stuff started to happen I would be squeezing pinkie pie hard enough to cut off curculation if it was a normal person she wasn't normal she was a pony a pony from a cartoon who was apparently into horror movies.

I have been living with pinkie for about three years and let me tell you she isnt the small little filly any more she has grown quite a bit not to her original height but shes a bit close to it. she talks more, mainly about the movies we watch, it scares quite a bit how she remembers all the gruesome parts but like always I shrugg it off. Today is her birthday well not her real one anyways it is the day I found her I wanted to throw her a surprise party to make her smile, when I told her that she could come down to see what I made her. I remember like it was yesterday probably because it was but thats besides the point this how it happend

"Hey pinkie can you come down for a sec"

"Why" she asked

"Because I said so now come down here before I woop you"

"No you wont your to soft like a marshmello *she giggles*". Man I hate it when she says Im soft it pisses me off but back to the flashback


"alright alright you dont have to get all but hurt about it gosh now what do you want" her face man her face it was a kodak moment right then and there she was stunned when she saw the balloons and streamers. She was so happy that day it was the first time I saw her happy without having to use the tv or a movie. She hugged me saying thank you like a thousand times I felt good that day she ate all the food, the desserts, and the candy kept me wondering where she kept it all.

"Like all good things there is always the bad" I would tell pinkie she would just look at me and think Im crazy she wanted the party to keep going but I was too tired to keep partying plus some neighbours sent me a noise complaint so i stopped the party when they said they would call the cops. Pinkie started to cry when I told her the party was over, her crying was getting me annoyed to a point where I would chop my own ears off just to not hear her. I told her that she could help make my party when it was my birthday she smiled and went to go to bed thank goodness I wouldnt have to chop my ears off today.

I went to go tuck in pinkie I decided to give her her own room mainly because she's to big to sleep in the bed with me and pluss her hair would always get in my mouth making me wake up caughing up hair balls like a cat. I got to her room and told her good night she looked at me and gave me one last hug I couldnt help but smile.

"I love you pinkie now and forever" I gave her a kiss on her forehead and and got up to leave her room.

"I love you to daddy" she said I couldnt believe what she said it felt good knowing that someone or atleast something loved me. I left her room with a few tears rolling down my face. I went to my room and too take a nice long deserved nap.

a party to remember

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So far my life with pinkie has made me a pretty decent guy more or less then when I was living by my self but everything is good in the hood.

Pinkie still remembered the promise I told her on her birthday that she could make me a surprise party, every time I looked at her she would smile and walk to another room as if she was hiding something, now Im not the kind of person to be snooping around in other peop....er I mean other ponies business but when you got an interdimentional daughter you kind of start looking around to make sure nothing is wrong.

Pinkie would always find me snooping around to see what she was doing but damn she was good at hiding stuff, i have lived in this here house for my whole life and I still havent found all the hiding places pinkie goes to when she wants to be alone.

Well today was my birthday how did I know well because pinkie pie woke me up by jumping on top of me to wake me up. I was pretty damn pissed to even remember that it was my birth day untill i went to the kitchen to get some coffee. I couldnt believe my eyes pinkie had made my living room and kitchen look like a carnival, there were balloons, streamers, cake, and other party favers it made my party for pinkie look like a piece a of horse crap with a candle on it.

I couldn't help but smile a big smile, my smile made jeff the killers and jokers smile look like a frown compared to my face. I quickly noticed that pinkie got some frosting on her flank so I decided to clean it off with some napkins, the frosting didn't come off it took me about 3 minutes to realize it was her cutie mark I jumped up and down in pride that my little pink pony has gotten her cutie mark.

Pinkie was confused about what was on her butt, she kept asking me what a cutie mark was so I told her its like an ass tattoo that tells what your special talent was.

After I told her that her special talent was throwing party she started to jump around with me everything was good till I heard a nock on the door, now let me tell you something the only people who come to my house are my sisters who by the way are my psychiatrist but it wasn't monday it it was friday so they where crossed out and the other people who would come over where uhm actually the only people who came where my sisters wow im lonely "I thought to myself"

The knocking on the door was getting louder like if someone wanted to get in eather with force or with tools. I told pinkie to wait in the top room so she wont be seen. she went upstairs and I went to open the door, the person who was out side was for some strange reason my neighbor who left about 4 years ago why he was in my front porch was weird to me, so i kept it cool and tried to act casual

"Hi Tom" "nailed it man nailed it now he won't think anything is wrong" I thaught to myself smiling on the inside.

"I know you have her" he said in a monotone voice. I honestly couldnt understand why he was sounding like he did last time I remembered he was always a happy go lucky guy he was like a human version of pinkie pie. I quickly jumped back to my current situation on how Tom knew that pinkie was here with me.

"I don't know what your talking about Tom so if you would gladly get the fuck off my property I would like to go back inside my house and watch tv" with that I quickly tried to close the door but Tom was a big mutherhubbered who for his size was pretty fast he pushed open the door causing me to fall on my ass.

"I KNOW YOU FUCKING HAVE HER NOW I WANT HER BACK!!" he said with fury in his tone. The only time I heard a man talk like that was when I used to work as a bartender back when I was in college the man in the bar said that a man took the love of his life and that he was going to kill him and her for making him act the way he was. I knew that Tom was pissed no not even pissed he was furios. I could see in his enraged eyes wrath was inside this man the only sin that kills and this man here he wanted to kill me for taking his pinkie.

I quickly stood up and backed away not wanting to be in his range, like any survival moment my instincts kicked in I could eather fight or flight this thing but both had their disadvantages if I faught with tom I would surely lose because of my fucked up arm from when I fell from the stair's trying to see what pinkie was watching and if I ran away from the fight he would surely take pinkie away from me.

"T..t..t.tom look their is n..n..no need for violence here w..w..we could work this out" I was to damn nervous to talk with out studdering. sweat was sliping through my face I nearly pissed my self when I saw Tom take out a big hunting knife

"Look man we could do this the easy way or the hard way" said Tom waving the knife in my direction "eather way Im getting pinkie back wether you like it or not" He didn't even let me make a choice not like i was going to make one eather but still he could have waited for me to talk back at least.

Tom came charging at my with the terrifying knife over his head all I could do was was jump out the way causing him to miss me barely. I wasn't lucky the second time he swung the knife cutting my arm not fataly but deep enough to hurt like a big B. Pinkie was watching the whole thing from the stairs she didn't even listen to me to go upstairs man if i survive this.. *I thought to my self*..if i survive this im going give pinkie pie a pretty stern talking to. When I noticed she was watching she didnt have terror in her eyes she had a huge smile over her face creeped the hell out of me but what she yelled out was the icing on the cake.

"RIP HIS BUCKING HEART OUT AND MAKE HIM SWALLOW IT DAD!!" I quickly went to the kitchen when Tom got distracted by pinkie. funny Tom thaught pinkie was talking to him he was slowly walking to pinkie with a wide crazy grin. I quickly got a cleaver from my knife rack and ran to the completely distracted Tom. Sad for him he never even got close enough to touch pinkie, I quickly swung the cleaver as hard as I could on his skull not instanly killing him but still enough for him to realize he was going to die. He started to yell out how he was the one who was supposed to raise pinkie pie not me he started screaming in pain when more and more blood started pouring out his head. I was cringeing everytime the blood would spurt out or when he let out a horrid scream, Pinkie on the other hand somewhat enjoying this I really had to make her stop watching scary movies 24/7.

As Tom lay on the floor convulsing I just stood in shock as in pinkie lay just humming a creepy tune (it sounded like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l08b6wofyA0 it always freaks me out). I didn't know what to do I have just killed a man well more like protected my self but killed a man anyways. I wanted to hide the body but pinkie quickly told me thats no use the police would find the body she told me to use sodium hydroxide to fully corrode his body to leave no traces.

"Pinkie what the hell I am not going to do that, i may be a bit bitter and mean to people at times but I have morals"

"Dad Dad call me pinkamena, pinkie is such a childish name now do as I say so we both don't get in trouble by the law' she said with little emotion on her face.

I couldnt believe my eyes and ears my own daughter being completely fine with manslaughter and hiding a body was telling me to call her, her full name which in my opinian was pretty damn creepy itself sounding like a name from children of the corn, she wanted me to kill Tom the thrill of actualy seeing something die infront of her giving her a rush of adrenalin I couldn't think straight I told pinkie....er pinkamena that she was grounded.

"Why?" she said in a surprised tone as she went back to her normal self.

"Because your loco in the coco right now, so just let daddy think for a few seconds"

"I HATE YOU!!!" yelled out normal pinkie as she left crying up stairs. I decided to do what pinkie told me it took about the whole night to get rid of the body and clean the whole decoration. I was tired, hurt, and overall scared from how the day turned out to be. Honestly this will be a party for me to remember always.

and they call me crazy

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I cant take it anymore I thought taking care of my own little pinkie pie would be fun and inspiring but no, the only thing she does that we do is fun is when we play the XBOX how she play's it I dont know but she sure as hell is good at it. she still likes making cupcakes but when I saw her kill a bird and took it back home I decided to stop eating her cupcakes after I witnessed that.

She still calls me dad at times but she only does it to annoy me now, ever since I killed Tom last year, pinkie has become more and more strange she stay's in her room all day talking to herself and watches gory movies, I over heard her one day laughing when she was watching the collecters addition to the movie Saw, i fear no man but that thing she has become scares me. She even comes into my room when Im asleep, she thinks I haven't noticed but I know she's been watching me, I now sleep with a hammer under my pillow, its very uncomfertable but I rather sleep like I am now then let myself be open for any attacks.

I asked my sister if she could come to check if there is anything wrong with pinkies mind, she said ok but why, she also asked who the hell pinkie was, I told her pinkie was my adopted "child" and that she has been acting quite strange. She agreed to come over, Her reaction of her face when she found out pinkie was a talking pony was strange she thought it was a toy at first, but after I told her that pinkie was from another dimension and that I found her in a locked box she quickly thaught that there has been a gas leak causing us to hallucinate. My sister knowing how much of a random and paranoid person I am, made her quickly change her mind and decided to help no matter how weird it was.

When my sister was asking pinkie some question's they told me to leave the room because it was personal female stuff that they were going to talk about, I was mad that my sister and "daughter" about how they don't think Im mature enough to keep seriose in there conversation. They didn't care what I thaught and quickly kicked me out of pinkies room.

After a few minutes of talking my sister walked out with a frightend look on her face, she told me to watch myself when Im around pinkie. I asked her why she told me that pinkie was very unstaible and that if not treated correctly she may "harm" some one. I look at my sister and then I looked at pinkie, if looks could kill I'd be strapped to a chair and would have been cut to peices.

I quickly told my sister thanks for the help sorta and told her to leave because I wanted to talk to pinkie alone. she left quickly well more like ran but she left.

"Pinkie come down here now!" I ask with a bit of anger in my voice.

"Why daddy did little ol me do something wrong ?" she said with a hint of mockery.

"You damn well know what you did now come down here...please"

"NO dad why dont you....come up here"

I knew I shouldn't of gone up to pinkies room but I really wanted to talk to her maybe it was the "father" in me to want to help pinkie but it just didnt feel right.

As i entered pinkies room I swore I felt death himself tap me on the shoulder "SURPRISE!!" , when I turned around the last thing I say was the flat side of a frying pan. When I regained conciosness I was lying on the floor with pinkie standing infront of me with a scared look "sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry dad *tears forming* I didn't want to do it. No we are not sorry and we did want to hurt you "dad" no we didn't yes we did noyesnoyesnoyesnoyes."

I lay on the floor just watching pinkie argue with herself for about half an hour untill I had enough of her. I stood up and grabbed pinkie by the hair "WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled loud enough it would have made dovhakin proud. "NOW THAT YOUR QUIET WILL YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING"

After a long and boring story of how pinkie was raised by tom how he would "play" with her, she told me of the strange things tom did to people and how he would make her eat donutes with people baked in them. She was scared and alone when she was living with tom, she didnt want to see all the horrible things he did but he forced her to watch he even showed her how to use the knives and how to cut the meat in the correct places.

I felt terrible after I heard pinkie talk about how tom was some kind of psychokiller who liked to eat people, I let pinkie cry on my shoulder for what felt like hours, I didn't cry for I am a man instead I weeped I cryed....er I mean I weeped for a nice long moment. When we both where done we decided to let the whole crazyness pass over us.

hey you is there anybody in there?

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After pinkie and I got more closer to being a happier family, we decided to move from my parents house *you know because we have to leave the crime scene after my little incident with Tom*. My sister told me about some cabin in the woods that was secluded from society that will let me be able to let Pinkie play outside I quickly told her that that would be fucking boring so I baught a house next to the beach. Best decision in my life.

After getting settled in our new house pinkie decided to throw a beach party, I quickly told her that we can do that when it gets dark. We wouldnt want some people to see a tall guy with an overreacted pink pony dancing to music eating cake in the middle of the beach in the hot sun, she only pouted and said ok. I decided to take a nap to pass the time as for pinkie she went to go make invitations for my sister to come to pinkies totaly awsome celebration operation or the TACO party for short.

The only reason I woke up from my nap is the reason why I always wake up, and it always involves PinkiePie whether its involving one of her shananagins that always end up with her breaking something of mine or when she does her creepy self talking thing in the mirror, and let me tell you something boys and girls I swear when I see pinkie talking to her reflection I literally see two different ponys one that is all happy with puffy hair and the other with flat hair and creepy smile ...no lie bro no lie.

This time it was actualy not pinkie's fault for waking me up, but my sisters and nephew they wanted to surprise me and surprise me they did. I fell off my bed and hit my head on the table thats next to me and passed out.

The mind bends and twist's to face the harsh realitys of life, but sometimes it bends and twist so much it snaps"

"Hello, Is there anybody in there?"

"come closer"

"who was that *turns to all sides but the rooms to dark to see things that are small* Is there anyone here? Show yourself." *the small body of a little girl.. no its the body of a pony and she's crying*

"are you ok Just nod if you can hear me *the pony nodds* good now, I hear you're feeling down well I can ease your pain *gets closer* dont worry I could Get you on your feet...er hooves again, *she whimpers and moves slightly away showing blood on her* just relax I wont hurt you, I'll need some information first just the basic facts can you show me where it hurts?" *the little horse looks up showing blood dripping from her eyes*

"WHAT THE HELL!!" "please help me daddy it hurts, why does it hurt so much daddy why?why?why? please make the pain go away daddy please." "Pinkie how...what...when...why are you bleeding?" I quickly face palmed for asking her why she was bleeding when she herself told me she didn't know. " is it your time of the month" I said as a joke with a hint of hope that it really is the occasion.*Pinkie sniffles and lets out a smile* " oh dad your style of humor is so funny" "get away from her thats not me thats pinkamena!" I turned around to see yet another Pinkie,

"Pinkie why are their two of you?" one of the pinkies then changed her expression and tone of voice "what do you mean dad, don't you know who your real daughter is what kind of dad are you to not know, shame on you" "don't listen to her dad you are the bestest best dad ever in the whole wide world! "shut up you good for nothing wench. Now dad you choose who do you want to raise me the smart and incredibly talented pinkamena or that dimwitt" "NOW DAD WAKE UP!"

"abbsbdbjbasdhbad" "what the hell *caughs some water out* who just poured a bucket of water over my face" every body points at Pinkie. I just kept looking at Pinkie " Is it really my choice to pick her emotions" she just looked back at me smiling. Then I heard her say what I never thaught she would say in her whole intire life

"Maybe we should cancel the party" every body in the room gasped at what pinkie said.

"Thanks Pinkie for calling off the party" I said whispering to her as my sisters where leaving still eating the cake Pinkie baked.

"No problem daddy but remember"

"Remember what Pinkie?"

"You still have to choose"

and with that she left to her room and locked the door.

say it ain't so

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After the whole ordeal of the beach incident I decided to tell pinkie she was from a cartoon for little girls so I went to her room where she has locked herself all day.

"Pinkie open up I want to tell you something well more like show you something"

"just go away dad I want to stay in my room alone"

"PINKIE I said open the door now!" I said a little bit louder then before. I quickly heard Pinkie unlocking the door. the door creeked open letting the light from the hallway enter the dark room where Pinkie dwelled. Remembering last times incident I put on a football helmet not that I was scared or anything but because I wanted to not get knocked outt again by one of my own frying pans. When I walked into her room It smelled odd it was a mixture of cottencandy and a hint of iron from penny's I couldn't understand why but I just decided to not get to into the whole reason why it smelled like it did.

"Pinkie! what are you watching?" like always Pinkie was way to close to the tv so I just lifted her up and looked at what she was watching. Surprisingly she was watching My Little Pony: FriendShip Is Magic, Pinkie didnt seem to mad about her being from a cartoon it atleast made it alot easier to explain to her what is currently happening.

"So uh... Pinkie how do you feel knowing your uhm from a cartoon"

"how come they have all the happiness we deserve? Why is it that in their happy days we have horror and pain, wars and deaths? WHY DAD WHY?"

"Pinkie now calm down we can call my sister if you want to talk there is no need to go all crazy" after I said the word crazy to her I knew I said a nono. To think a interdimensional creature that was first raised by a psycho and then be raised by some one who killed the psycho and the things that cracked her psychy was just the word "crazy"

"Me crazy? HA you haven't even seen crazy dad just wait dad just wait and watch your back when you sleep." with those words I decided to leave... and attach an alarm to my door. I did what Pinkie told me I watched my back and when I did I would see Pinkie just looking at me not sad or happy just numb as if she was just a machine being controlled by to drivers.

I have attached a camera to pinkie room when she was playing on the beach one day and after three days I took it down. What I saw pinkie do was horrible she would stare into the camera for hours with out blinking or she would just take a knife out of no where and start cutting the wall saying who she would kill if she had the chance but the last video oh god the last video on the camera made me all most shit myself she was talking to the camera no she was talking to me it said: "Dad I know you have been spying on me don't you know that's a nono now choose what I should be a mare or a monster". Since then I have locked my self in my room. Pinkie just waits on the other side of the door just sitting there waiting till I make a mistake.

"Please daddy let me in. Why won't you let me in daddy Daaadyyy are you in there I promise i won't hurt you.....much. DADDY LET ME IN! I SAID LET ME NOW DADDY I JUST WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU!! Dont you want to know the game's Tom showed me I know you will like them." Pinkie would say these things day and night I would toss and turn because of all the stress Pinkie has put on me,I look for peace but see I don't attain every time I try to sleep Pinkie is there, everytime Im awake she is there, every time I look in my mirror Pinkie is what do you know THERE. I had to choose now, her fractured psychological state has been starting to affect me I ended up not eating at all I was deprived from sleep and I couldn't even work properly. I couldn't think clearly and I did what I had to do I chose what pinkie should be I didn't care what pinkie did to me now I was happy and satisfied with what I chose I opened the door to see what Pinkie would do to me the only thing that came to me was a hug from a crying pink pony.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou, you picked what I should be now Im happy and i hope you will be too "

"Don't worry Pinkie I feel happeir then ever" with those last words I heard a loud knock on the door and an elegent voice. I knew who was behind the door but I didnt open the door I just wanted to lay down and sleep, Pinkie was equally as tired as i was we just layed on my bed and slept like when she was a little filly.

when I awoke I felt as good as new but what I awoke to was kinda killing my new feel. What I saw infront of me where six ponies. The first pony I saw was a tall winged unicorn that looked like she has lived and seen a good amount of shit to know that things happen, the second pony I saw was a smaller pony but she was only a unicorn she was lavender with a indigo mane and tail with a streak of light purple, the other ponys where just looking around the house not letting me see how they looked. I tried to get out of bed but it felt like something was holding me down.

"What should we do with this...this thing princess"


"But princess he did not open the door when we knocked and he had Pinkie next to him with tear stains on her eyes. How do we know he is not dangerous"


"Hey um if i may interupt but um.. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE AND WHERE IS PINKIE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER... thank you now can you let me go please"

"See princess this animal is dangerous I say we leave him here tied up so he wont hurt anypony"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE I SAID TO RELEASE THIS MORTAL NOW DO AS I SAY!!" and with those words the indigo pony let me go from my magical chains. I quickly put on some pants and went down stairs to see pinkie watching oe of her favorite movies with the other ponys who when told where Applyjack some kind of hick by the looks of her, Rarity some kind of fancy bitch maybe just another hoe like in the movie pretty women, Fluttershy some hippie by the smell of her, and lastly Rainbowdash the one and only other pony other than pinkie that I liked she looked like she was a bit antsy and desperet like she wanted to go already. When I got next to pinkie to watch the movie with her the other ponys just looked at me and Pinkie watching the movie as if it where a cartoon. After a few minutes of watching the movie i decided to speak up.

"So you guys....er I mean gals are here to take pinkie arn't you? The ponys where quite shocked by the statement i put out but they nodded that my time with Pinkie has ended. I quickly wiped a tear away from my face and proceeded to pack a few things for Pinkie I didn't want to let Pinkie go but I knew my opinian ment nothing to the ponys.

"wait what?" said rainbowdash "Pinkie has been with you for 15 years and you are going to let her go with out a fight didn't you bond or anything" she said trying to hold back tears "Dont you love her[/colordon'tdon't......don't you love me daddy". she starts to cry on the floor talking about how she misses her father and how she hates having to come back here everytime twilight does some experimant that always goes wrong.

"Well pinkie its time to say good bye I love you I hope you know that"

"I know dad I know can you sing me my bed night song one last time"

"um ok"

"good night sleepy head lay your head down and go to bed"

"No not that one the one you would sing to pinkamena"

"oh that song well ok... (cllcklckclk clears throat)"

Tick tock goes the clock,
And what now shall we play?
Tick tock goes the clock,
Now summer's gone away.
Tick tock goes the clock,
And what then shall we see?
Tick tock, until the day,
That thou shalt marry me.
Tick tock goes the clock,
And all the years they fly.
Tick tock and all too soon,
You and I must die.
Tick tock goes the clock,
We laughed at fate and mourned her.
Tick tock goes the clock,
He gave all he could give her.
Tick tock goes the clock,
Now prison waits for River.
Tick tock goes the clock,
And all the years they fly.
Tick tock, and all too soon,
You and I, will surely, DIE.

"There pinkie are you happy now just...just..just leave don't make this harder then it already is" tears where forming around my eyes all I saw was a blurr caused by my tears I just hugged pinkie with the biggest and warmest bear hug i could give. The other ponys were looking at Pinkie and me, the only ones that seemed moved by our last hug where fluttershy and rainbowdash: who was still crying. Nothing could have broken this moment but like I said to pinkie all good things come to an end, and the pony who endid it was non other then twilight... fucking bitch

"I don't see why you two are crying its not like you have raised her like if she were your daughter." I swore if I wasn't holding pinkie I would have been holding twilight with a death grip around her throat. Luckily rainbowdash smacked her behind the head for me.

"It is true darlin you did not raise Pinkie she is not your real daughter"


"Oh dear such faul laungege how dare you use infront of a lady

"Yeah rarity shut the fuck up" said pinkie with out hesitating what she said

"Pinkie watch whatcha say yer to suffistimacated to know whatcha saying" said the hick in her steriotypical accent.

"now now ladys please stop yelling If thats alright of course."


"yes princess but may I ask you of one thing"

"SURE MY LITTLE PONY WHAT SHALL IT BE." *pinkie then leaned close to princess celestia and whispered her something Celestia just nodded and opened a window to the pony dimension* pinkie just trotted to me one last time and hugged me she then whispered to me some last words.

"Daddy even though you are not my real dad im glad you took care of me but I must go and thanks for choosing who I am going to be, you chose the right thing and don't worry I will show those ponys the kind of fun I had while I was here I will make them suffer for the pain they have caused us but for now I must bid you adue " and with those last words Pinkie was gone... she was gone forever.. gone from my life but she did leave me a dvd thaugh I decided to play it what it said made me happy.

"Dad I loved you I wanted to make you happy even though you thaught it was wrong by the ways I showed my love for you but all in all I loved you. i will make those stuck up ponies that if they make my daddy cry they will feel pain worse then death that I promise you dad now good bye forever or maybe we will meet tomorrow we will never know "Pinkie we have to go the princess is waiting" "don't worry dad I will start with her first good by hugs and kiss's tell your sister that I love them too so peace in the middle yeast infection Im out"

I watched the video and thaught to myself was it really a good idea to choose pinkamena over pinkie i just shrugged it off and went to sleep, I was then awakend by a text sent by an unknown number giving the url for Cupcakes I just smiled.

"Thats just my little pink pony for yah."