Echo of Loss

by UnitedSanctuary

First published

On one cold night, Sweetie Belle’s world is shattered by the sudden and heartbreaking loss of Rarity. Finding it impossible to navigate a world without her sister, she becomes a shadow of her former self.

On one cold night, Sweetie Belle’s world is shattered by the sudden and heartbreaking loss of Rarity. Finding it impossible to navigate a world without her sister, she becomes a shadow of her former self, convinced that nothing else can fill the void.

That is until one name starts repeating in her mind: Scootaloo.

Chapter 1: Chilling catastrophe

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The final bell of the school year tolls, its sound echoing through the halls of the Ponyville Schoolhouse like a triumphant fanfare for the children. Students began bursting through the doors, their laughter and cheers combining with the whisper of falling snow.

"Stay safe on your way home," called Cheerilee with a warm smile as she waved goodbye to her students.

Amongst the cluster of fillies and colts, three girls stood out with their excitement practically bubbling over. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.

"Winter break is finally here!" exclaimed Apple Bloom with her pink bow bobbing as she bounced up an down her hooves.

"We should have a snowball fight," Scootaloo Grinned. "I bet I can dodge anything you throw at me!"

Sweetie Belle giggled, linking arms with her friends as they made their way down the street. "But first, let’s get to my house. Rarity’s waiting with hot cocoa, and we can plan all our winter adventures there."

The three friends trotted down the snow-covered path, admiring the festive decorations that adorned the town. Strings of lights twinkled from rooftops, and wreaths hung on almost every door. Even the sound of carols could be heard drifting from open windows.

"Do ya think we'll get any Hearth's Warming presents early?" Apple Bloom asked, her eyes sparkling at the thought.

They turned the corner, and Sweetie Belle’s house came into view. A cozy sight with warm light spilling out of the windows. The three fillies rushed inside and stomped their hooves on the mat to shake off the snow.

"I'm home!" Sweetie Belle called out.

Rarity lean out from the kitchen, too preoccupied with something in the oven at the moment to leave her post. "Welcome, darlings, I have a special treat for you all. Come in, come in!"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom followed Sweetie to the kitchen, where multiple trays of steaming mugs awaited, each topped with a generous helpings of whipped cream. The fillies’ eyes widened in delight as they grabbed their mugs and took their first sips.

"—Mmm!" Scootaloo hummed, her wings buzzing in pure bliss.

Rarity replied with a smile. "Now, how about some cookies to go with it?"

Apple Bloom’s eyes lit up. "Yes, please!"

Scootaloo dived for the tray first and secured much as she could for herself, and Apple Bloom tached. Sweetie Bell was less ambitious, only taking a select few that she thought looked best. Rarity forced a smile while the girls devoured the treats reckless abandon. Crumbs were flying everywhere, landing on the pristine carpet and elegant furniture. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her cool.

“You’re... welcome, darlings,” she said, her voice strained but kind. “Just... try not to make too much of a mess, alright?”

The girls nodded, but their enthusiasm didn’t wane. Chocolate and crumbs were sent flying and stuck to the surrounding area.

Rarity’s eye twitched as she forced a wider smile. “Oh dear,” she whispered to herself “I-it’s just cookies. It’s just a small mess. I can clean it up later. Moments like these are worth every crumb— NOT THE CASHMERE!!

The snow outside had thickened and Ponyville soon found itself covered by a heavy blanket of frost. Rarity peeked out the window wither her brows knitting together in concern.

"Goodness, it’s really coming down out there... I'm not so sure it’s safe for you girls to go home with the weather like that," she said.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged glances.

"Does that mean we can stay the night?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes, darling, it's probably best you do," Rarity replied. "I'll phone your families and let them know you won't be coming home. Sweetie, be a dear and show them where the guest room is and get some extra blankets."

Sweetie Belle gave a happy squeak and lead her friends up the stairs.

In the bathroom upstairs, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom found themselves confronted with an array of colorful soaps and the like. They would bed they were Rarity's if they were betting ponies. Amidst the assortment of items, a single shimmering toothbrush stood out in a shiny holder on the counter.

"I call this one," Scootaloo exclaimed, grabbing it.

"Ah saw it first!" Apple Bloom protested, reaching for it as well.

"Nu-uh— I did!" Scootaloo insisted whilst holding it high above her head.

"Girls, that's my toothbrush," Sweetie Belle intervened. "You can't use it. There's some in the drawer."

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom blushed, muttering apologies as Sweetie Belle opened the drawer to reveal an organized collection of (relatively average) looking toothbrushes. She handed one to each of her friends.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turned their attention to the mirror, not trying to claim the same spot in front of it.

"Move over—!" Apple Bloom grumbled, nudging her friend with her shoulder.

"You move over—!" Scootaloo retorted, giving a shove of her own.

The two fillies continued to jostle for space, their laughter turning into playful grunts as they tried to squeeze each other out.

"Girls, there's plenty of room for both of you," Sweetie Belle sighed, rolling her eyes. She squeezed herself between them, letting them take the sides. "There, happy now?"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged sheepish grins. They all began brushing their teeth. Every now and then, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom would nudge Sweetie, but it was more out of habit than any real annoyance at this point. After they were done, they rinsed their faces and wiped them with the soft towels Sweetie Belle had laid out.

"See? We managed to get through that without anypony losing an eye."

"Just barely," Scootaloo said with a chuckle, swatting Apple Bloom playfully.

The trio entered Sweetie Belle's room, where the warmth of the blankets awaited them. They each climbed into their makeshift beds. The excitement of the day had finally, finally giving way to drowsiness.

"Goodnight, everypony," Sweetie Belle yawned, snuggling into her pillow. But Scootaloo and Apple Bloom already dozed off.

Sweetie Belle was just about to join them when she heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening downstairs. Her ears perked up, and she lifted her head to listen again. A faint clicking noise reverberated through the air.

"Scootaloo..." Scootaloo didn't respond, so she gave her a nudge. "Scootaloo? You up—?"

"Mmh...?" Scootaloo groaned and rolled over, cracking one eye open.

"I heard something downstairs," Sweetie Belle said in a trembling manner. "Can you go check what it is?"

Scootaloo rubbed her eyes and sat up, her wings stretching lazily as she does. "Sweetie... Go to sleep..."

Sweetie Belle frowned.

Seeing the genuine worry now in Sweetie's eyes, the pegasus through her hooves up. "...Okay, okay. Stay here. —But you owe me one."

The filly slipped out from under the covers, careful not to wake their third friend in the room, and tiptoed towards the bedroom door. Sweetie Belle watched with bated breath as her Scootaloo disappeared into the hallway, wondering if she should go, too. But that idea was quickly dashed when she heard the eerie creaking sound of the floorboards below.

Down the hallway and past Rarity's room, Scootaloo reached the top of the stairwell. Her ears pricked for any unusual sounds. The house was quiet... save for the occasional gust of wind that battered the oval windows. She squinted in the dark, trying to make out any shapes or movements on the first floor.

Just as she took a one cautious step forward for a closer look...


Scootaloo's ears stopped working and whole body went cold. After a few seconds, sound returned to the world and she recognized Sweetie Belle's terrified cry from the bedroom, and another scream, filled with agonizing pain, was unmistakably Rarity's.

"Rarity?!" A voice called growing louder with matching footsteps.

Before Scootaloo could even make a move herself, Sweetie Belle bolted past with Apple Bloom in tow. "Rarity!" Sweetie cried again, her voice on the verge of breaking as she flew down the stairs.

Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom froze in horror as they took in the scene before them. There Rarity laid on the floor, her pristine white coat marred by a dark, spreading stain of red. Two masked shapes were sprinting out into the snowy night, with what Scootaloo saw as wads of high-priced fabrics. Sweetie Belle was unable to process what exactly was happening and dropped down beside her sister. Her hooves were quivering as she tried to staunch the bleeding as best she could.

Scootaloo still stood at the top of the stairs frozen in pure shock. The sight of Rarity lying there, hurt and vulnerable, snapped her back to reality. She had to do something. She didn't know what exactly what, but something. She made a mad dash out the door .

"Stop!" she shouted at the intruders that were barely visible to her.

Scootaloo's heart pounded in her chest. Each beat echoing the urgency of the chase. She had to catch them. She had to make them pay. Scootaloo growled, her voice low and dangerous now.

Ahead, the figured turned a corner, disappearing from sight. Scootaloo skidded around bend, but struggled for traction on the slippery surface. She hit a wall head on and her head was thrown back from the impact.

Everything went dark.

Chapter 2: A Sunday Morning

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The sun shone through the window of a small apartment in Manehattan. Sweetie Belle who had just woken up from a deep sleep, reached out instinctively, expecting the touch of Apple Bloom, but the bed was empty. Sweetie Belle pushed herself upright with a sigh. Her gaze drifted around the unkept room for her partner, who was nowhere to be found.

Apple Bloom's constant presence had been somewhat of a lifeline for her these dark days. She provided her with emotional and financial stability when everything else around her seemed to be falling apart. As of right now, Apple Bloom was the only on working, and even extra shifts that that Sweetie Belle could keep lazing around the house.

The half-asleep mare stumbled out of bed and made her way to the kitchen, getting herself some water from the sink. She didn't even notice the table had been set, nor did she see her partner scarfing down breakfast at the end.

"Mornin', sweetheart," said Apple Bloom bloom through tired bites.

Sweetie Belle wasn't feeling all that into, yes forced a smile regardless.

"Ah made breakfast. Thought we could start the day off right."

Sweetie Belle didn't say anything. She simply nodded and headed for the bathroom instead to splash some cold water in her face. After, she looked up, her reflection staring back at her from the Dirty mirror. She struck by how much she resembled her sister. The same elegant features graced her face. Sweetie Belle's heart clenched.

"I'm sorry, Rarity—" she whispered, her voice trembling. "Gosh, I'm... I'm such a loser..."

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision.

"You always had a plan... You always knew how to make things right. I can't even take care of myself—"

On the other side of the bathroom door, Apple Bloom paused as she heard Sweetie Belle talking to herself. Concern and sadness filled her eyes as she listened to her girlfriend's anguish. She wanted to burst in and comfort her right now, but it was almost becoming an everyday recurrence for them.

"I'm falling apart, Rarity," she choked out. "I don't know how to go on without you. I don't know how to be... me, without you." As she spoke, something shifted in her mind. The reality of what she's crashed down on her. She was talking to a mirror, expecting comfort from a reflection that could never respond.

There was a knock at the door. After a few seconds of silence, it cracked open. Sweetie Belle saw Apple Bloom in the corner of her eye. Her presence was like a grounding force, and Sweetie Belle's frantic thoughts began to settle. She turned to face her with tears still streaming down her face.

"Sweetie," Apple Bloom said softly, moving closer, "You're not a loser..."

Sweetie Belle buried her face in Apple Bloom's shoulder. After she calmed back down to normal, Apple Bloom pulled away, wishing she could stay longer, but she knew she couldn't shirk her duties, even if it was for her.

"Ah don’t want to leave you, Sweetie Belle..." Apple Bloom said, "But Ah gotta go to work..."

"...I know..."

"...Think you'll be fine on your own for a bit?"

"I-I’ll be okay," Sweetie murmured while wiping the tears away.

With one last hug for reassurance, Apple Bloom made her way out the door and down the stairs. As the door closed softly behind Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle breathed in, trying to summon up the strength to face the rest of the day.

The night Rarity lost her life in a break-in had left a scar on Sweetie Belle's heart. A wound that never truly healed. She and Apple Bloom had clung to each other shortly after the aftermath, their shared grief drawing them into a relationship that never felt quite right. Recently, that bond had been fraying. The weight of Sweetie Belle's emotional instability bore heavily on them, manifesting in frequent arguments and misunderstandings between the two.

Today a drizzle fell from sky as Sweetie Belle knelt down under a rusty awning, a cigarette dangling from her lips. The unicorn exhaled a cloud of smoke, watching it dissipate into the afternoon air. Scootaloo was on her mind, as she so often was. Sweetie Belle never understood why Scootaloo had left them. Or in Sweetie's mind, abandoned like a pair of sick cats.

"Sweetie Belle, what're ya doin' out here?"

Sweetie turned to see Apple Bloom approaching, her eyes filled with concern. Sweetie Belle shrugged, flicking ash from her cigarette. "Just needed some to think... ...How was work?"

Apple Bloom frowned at the drug. "Where did you even get that," she demanded.

"Does it matter where I got it?"

"It matters to me!" Apple Bloom shot back, knowing full well where sweetie had gotten the money to buy that from. Sweetie wasn't, for all intensive purposes, the breadwinner of this fellowship. Apple Bloom was a few hushed curses away from whipping out her wallet right here to confirm, but she wasn't about to shame her companion in the middle of the sidewalk. That's what the apartment was for.

In a sudden motion, Sweetie threw it to the ground and stomped it out, grinding the smoldering remains into the the dampened concrete. "Fine! It taste gross anyway."

Apple Bloom stepped closer. "Look, ah know we’ve both been hurtin', Sweetie. But we can't keep goin' on like this."

Sweetie Belle looked into Apple Bloom’s eyes, seeing betrayal. "I don’t want to lose you too..."

Apple Bloom reached out, taking Sweetie Belle's hoof in hers.

"An' ya won't. That's why I got somethin' ah want ya to hear. Sweetie,” Apple Bloom began, her voice steady but tinged with uncertainty. "Ah’ve been lookin’ at apartments... In... In Ponyville."

Sweetie Belle blinked.

"Now ah know we moved to Manehattan to get away from it all, but... Ah’ve been thinkin’—"

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “B-but this place was supposed to be our fresh start."

They stood in silence for a moment, the sound of the rain drumming softly on the awning above.

“Ah understand, Sweetie. Ah do. But—"

“I appreciate what you're doing, Apple Bloom. I really do. But I’m not going back there.”

Apple Bloom nodded, her expression cold.

“Although, Scootaloo may be—” Sweetie Belle started, pressed her hooves together.

Apple Bloom clenched her jaw and rubbed her temples. "Ugh... Sweetie, can we please not talk about her right now? It's not fair to bring her up every time we have a disagreement."

Sweetie Belle tensed up, her eyes flashing with defiance. Clearly they've been through this song & dance before. "But she's part of this too, Apple Bloom! How can you just ignore that?"

Apple Bloom ran a hoof through her mane. "Consarnit! Ah'm not ignoring it, Sweetie! Ah just don't wanna to dwell on it! We've enough problems as it is, and rehashing the past ain't gonna help!"

"But she—," Sweetie Belle's voice cracking with emotion. "You stayed. You comforted me. I just don't get why she didn't."

Apple Bloom’s patience snapped, her frustration boiling over.

"Maybe she knew she couldn't handle it, Sweetie! Maybe she was scared or somethin', just like the rest of us were! —But at least she ain't off somewhere pretending to be something she's not!"

Sweetie Belle recoiled. "Wh-what's that supposed to mean?!"

Apple Bloom halted in her tracts upon realizing the words she just let out. “Sweetie Belle, a-ah didn’t mean it like that,” Apple Bloom said quickly, “Ah’m so sorry. Ah’m just so irritated with work right now. Ah didn’t mean it.”

Apple Bloom reached out, pulling Sweetie Belle into a gentle hug.

Sweetie Belle leaned into it, but the spark she felt before from Apple Bloom now tinged with doubt. Inside, she couldn’t shake the feeling that the crossed version of the mare she just witnessed was the real her scratching to get out. The one apologizing to her now, felt like a mask.

Chapter 3: Scootaloo

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The bell above a quaint little cafe jingled softly as Sweetie Belle stepped inside, slumping down in the nearest empty seat by the window. Apple Bloom was currently away in another town for work right now, Sweetie Belle felt extra depressed because of it. The days that she was forced to endure alone felt like an eternity to her. She was so lost in thought, that she couldn't have picked up on the approaching footsteps, until they stopped beside her table.

"Can I get you something," the waitress asked.

Sweetie Belle recognized the voice and her head shot up, where she was greeted by a pony with a familiar disheveled mane.

"S-Scoots?" she panted, a rush of conflicting emotions flooding over her. Scootaloo, the friend who had left without a word all those years ago, stood before her, holding a notepad and pen. She looked different. More mature, but there was no mistaking her.

Sweetie Belle's eyes were drawn to the bruise and slight cut around Scootaloo's right eye.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said, "It's been a while."

"That—" Sweetie Belle began, eyeing the mark again.

"It's nothing. Just a little accident. —Hey, um, what can I get for you?"

"Coffee..." Was all Sweetie Belle could think to say.

Scootaloo scribbling down the order and retreated to the back.

That's all? Sweetie thought to herself.

When Scootaloo returned with the drink, shut set it down on the table without making eye contact. Sweetie opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She really wasn't prepared for this. It's not as if she prepared some grand speech or anything, but often expected their reunion, if it were going to happen, to be under more extreme circumstances. One to where she wouldn't wouldn't have to do most of the talking.

"I... I hope you're doing okay," Scootaloo said shifting away and serving tables again. Only this time her movements were stiff and mechanical. Thanks in no small part to Sweetie Belle's watchful stare.

As the day unfolded, the cafe buzzed with activity as patrons came and gone in droves. Eventual the crowds died out, and only a few and Sweetie Belle remained rooted in their seats seat. Hours went by, and she was pretend to drink from a mug that had long been empty by this point. How long had Scootaloo been working there? Surely not long. Sweetie Belle had been through almost all of the shops in the district and not once had she seen a single sign of that pegasus anywhere.

Upon hearing Scootaloo clock out for the day, Sweetie Belle rose from her seat and made her way over ever so quietly.

"Hey, Scoots."

The pegasus jolted. She hadn’t even realized Sweetie Belle got so close. “Oh! Uh...”

"Wanna go for a walk," Sweetie said cutely, tilting her head.

The two of them stepped outside.

“It’s a nice day, don’t you think?” Sweetie belle said looking up at the sky.

Scootaloo frowned and shook her head. “Sure, I suppose. If you like feeling muggy... And... the color gray.”

Sweetie Belle glanced at her friend with a smile. “You get used to it after a while.”

Scootaloo bit her lip, unsure how to change the subject away from the stifling city. "Hey, how's Apple Bloom doing? You two still dating?"

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened and she quickly shook her head. "Dating? What?! No! We’ve never dated. Who told you that?"

"Come on, Sweetie. Ponies talk. Words get around, you know?"

Sweetie Belle's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and she gave a strong "HMPH," and crossed her hooves. "W-well, they're wrong! I’ve never dated anyone, and I don’t know why anyone would make up something like that!"

"Okay—" Scootaloo stopped her. "It’s just... you know how Manehattan can be. All the gossip and all."

"Yeah, I know. But you shouldn’t believe everything you hear, Scoots. People love to make up stories."

Scootaloo nodded, feeling a bit unsure. "Sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have assumed."

Sweetie Belle gave a smile. "It's okay."

Almost out of nowhere, a strong gust of wind swept through the street, sending papers flying by and a shiver down Sweetie Belle's spine. "H-hey, uh, Scoots?" Sweetie Belle's voice was hesitant, her eyes darting away and then back to Scootaloo's face. "Do you mind if I, uh, stand a little closer? For warmth, of course."

"For warmth, huh? Sure, whatever you say." She and took a small step closer to the shorter mare. Her wings fluttering slightly as she made room for Sweetie Belle by her side.

Sweetie Belle didn't waste a single second and slid right next to Scootaloo. "Th-thanks. It's reeeeally cold out here."

"Yeah, it is," Scootaloo agreed.

As they walked, Sweetie Belle found herself inching even closer, her side pressed against Scootaloo's. Scootaloo glanced at Sweetie Belle out of the corner of her eye. "You know, if you keep scooting closer, we might as well be hugging."

Sweetie Belle's blush deepened as she took what Scootaloo said as an open invitation. She looked into Scootaloo's eyes with a shy smile. "Well, hugs are warmer," she coo'd, gently nuzzled up against the pegasi's side whilst taking in her scent. But before she could fully lose herself, Scootaloo pushed her gently away.

"I think that's enough hugging," she said.

"I just missed you, that's all~"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, could you find a less sappy way to show it?"

Sweetie Belle chuckled and gave a naughty smirk. "Alright, how about this?" She gave Scootaloo a light punch on the shoulder.

"Much better," Scootaloo laughed.

As they continued their walk to who knows where, Sweetie Belle's plan to maintain normalcy faltered as she found herself once again nuzzling Scootaloo's side. This time, Scootaloo's reaction was a bit different, pushing her away with substantially more force, Although, not enough to harm her.

"Seriously, you've gotta stop."

At this point, Scootaloo was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, as she noticed they were starting to receiving looks from strangers. Sweetie Belle tried playing it off with a giggle, plainly ignoring the boundaries that were just set moments prior. "I guess old habits die hard."

"Yah, but, just... give me some space, alright?"


As Sweetie Belle kept on rubbing against acquaintance multiple times in under a minute, Scootaloo felt her patience wearing thin. And then Sweetie Belle's touch moved to her right eye, massaging gently. Scootaloo's anger flared at the continued invasion of her own personal space.

"What happened here?" Sweetie Belle asked, oblivious to Scootaloo's growing frustration.

Scootaloo's jaw clenched. "Sweetie Belle, that's enough!" she barked, pushing her away again.

"I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" she stammered.

But Scootaloo had had enough. Without another word, she turned on her heel and moving again. Sweetie Belle desperately tried to call her back, but Scootaloo ignored her pleas. Sweetie Belle's chest tightened with panic. The desperation turned into fear and Sweetie Belle's voice cracked with emotion. "Please, Scootaloo, don't go!"

Scootaloo could hear the snickers and whispers of the ponies around them now, and she couldn't help but wince in embarrassment. She could feel the weight of the stares, the judgmental gazes boring into her. She wanted to disappear into the pavement. Just what was this girl doing in broad daylight?

" I need you!"

The pegasus looked back with a pained expression to see the mare groveling on the ground. "Sweetie, I... I can't." Her voice seeping with regret as she turned and hurried away, desperate to escape the prying eyes

Sweetie Belle's heart sank, and she gave chase.

"I just—! I want to—! Make things right between us!" Sweetie Belle hollered between steps.

But Scootaloo's expression hardened. "They are right!"

After only a few seconds, Sweetie Belle's head was already beginning to spin. She had given up physical activities and wasn't used to exerting herself this much. Her panting came and went in short, shallow gasps as she followed Scootaloo like a shadow all the way to a hotel on the corner of town. Upon reaching the door, Scootaloo pulled a keycard from the saddlebag tied around her waist and scrambled to get the darn thing to actually work. 3 or 4 negative readings were enough to give ample time for her pursuer to squeeze her way in before the door was slammed shut.

Before Sweetie could even realize what was happening, she felt herself being grabbed roughly and got thrown down hard onto a nearby spring mattress, instantly becoming trapped a speeding blur of orange. She looked up to be met with by Scootaloo's violet eyes burning with an with electric fury. Her chest heaving with exertion and her hair stuck to her forehead from sweat. The adrenaline was still coursing through her veins. There was something primal and raw about her in that moment. Sweetie Belle swallowed hard, taking it all in. There was an undeniable allure to Scootaloo's fierceness.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she roared. Her voice was laced in venom.

Feeling the intensity of Scootaloo's emotions, Sweetie Belle's body reacted in an unexpected way. She couldn't help but feel this strange sense of arousal building within her. It was like a jolt to the system, like a slap tothe face. Certainly a stark contrast to Apple Bloom's gentle approach . In the midst of the heat and intensity, she understood something profound. No other pony could ever make her feel the way Scootaloo did. There was a complexity to her. In Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle saw kindness and compassion. Traits that endeared her to others. But there was also a ferocity that could transform her into a force to be reckoned with at the drop of a hat. It was this duality that made Scootaloo so utterly unique in her eyes.

Sweetie Belle began thrashed her legs, almost in a playful manner in an attempt to get out from under her captor, but it was no use. Scootaloo just gripped harder, effortlessly keeping her still. Was this all just a game to her? Scootaloo wondered bitterly as she did the best she could to contain the multitude of flailing limbs. Acting on pure instinct, Scootaloo raised a hoof and was ready to strike.

But then, just stopped. Sweetie Belle’s movements also ceased. That's right, she knew Scootaloo better than anyone, and if there's one thing she, it's that that Scoots would never physically harm her. It was the one thing she had over her in a fight.

"You can't do it," she mocked. "You're won't hurt me. You're not that kind of pony."

"Get... Out..." Scootaloo growled,

"No," She said firmly.

In that instance, Scootalo wrapped herself around the unicorn and tried pulling her off the bed, only to be met with loud wailing. Their argument was interrupted by a sharp knock on the wall. Likely it was a reprimand from the neighbors, who also just finishing up their day. Scootaloo ground her teeth in frustration. The last thing she needed was to get kicked out. As Sweetie Belle’s wailing steadily growing louder, Scootaloo felt a sense of urgency, expecting another knock from the corner of the room any second now. She needed to silence this girl before they attracted any more unwanted attention. With a futile attempt to cover Sweetie Belle’s mouth using her hoof, Scootaloo found herself thwarted by the relentless struggling.

With the clock ticking, Scootaloo made a split-second decision and pplanted her lips against Sweetie Belle’s, effectively silencing her. Then, just as things started to settle down, Sweeties demeanor shifted, and she began tracing her tongue along Scootaloo's lips. Scootaloo tightened them, refusing to allow Sweetie Belle access.

Scootaloo mentally beat herself down. This isn't what she wanted, it's not what she wanted at all. She had only wanted the noises to stop, to avoid being thrown out. But now, she had only succeeded in adding another layer of chaos to this already crazy situation.

Sweetie Belle for one seemed to interpret the kiss as something more genuine. Her mouth curled into a playful little smile as she continued to tease, persistently trying to part Scootaloo's lips with her tongue. As Sweetie Belle's arms wrapped around her in a tight grip, Scootaloo felt a surge of panic rise within. She released her grip and tried to raise herself from the bed, trying to pull away, but Sweetie Belle only held on even more.

"S-stop it," Scootaloo grunted through gritted teeth.

But Sweetie ignored Scootaloo's distress. Her actions were running on pure euphoria and nothing Scootaloo could say would have gotten through to her. Sweetie moved to explore Scootaloo's body further and received and an extremely powerful shove in return that sent the unicorn spiraling off the bed and onto the ground below. Scootaloo zipped from the bed and grabbed Sweetie at the base of her neck wither her teeth, lunging her out the door before slamming it back shut. She pressed her back o the door and locked it twice.

Furious pounding of hooves against the wood echoed. Scootaloo squeezed her eyes shut and plugged her ears with her hooves, trying to drown out the sound. She couldn't deal with this right now. Not after everything that had happened. The sound of other doors opening in the hall barely registered with Scootaloo at first. She was too focused on blocking out Sweetie Belle's voice. But soon, the murmur of other ponies' voices cut through.

"What's all this racket?"

"Hey, keep it down out there!"

"Some of us are trying to sleep!"

Scootaloo could hear Sweetie Belle's voice half-heartedly trying to explain herself to the irritated ponies in the hallway.

"Well, take it somewhere else, will ya?" a gruff voice said. "Some of us got work in the morning."

"Yeah, beat it, kid," said another mare.

The chorus of complaints and arguments slowly drowned out Sweetie Belle's timid voice. Scootaloo could feel the weight of the tension in the hallway through the door. She pressed her hooves harder against her ears, willing it all to go away. Gradually, the noise in the hallway began to subside. The other ponies, satisfied that the commotion was over, returned to their rooms, and the hallway fell silent once more. Scootaloo cautiously lowered her hooves from her ears, straining to hear any sign of Sweetie Belle.


As she sat there, leaning against the door, Scootaloo couldn't shake the image of Sweetie Belle's hurt and confused face from her mind.